The Pavilion of Mirrors VOL. 1

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Darling, Yes, Step into the Pavilion of Mirrors


The reflection of All is Pan: the Night of Pan is the Annihilation of the All.42 I am never in a battle with client’s depression or anxieties or strange thoughts. People cannot do anything but influence each other. It is always so, @ some granular or obvious level. Through this awareness or wisdom if you will, I teach them not to be either. Put simply it is sharing the recognition that we are often not responsible for the thoughts that enter our mind and flow out, they are ‘social’ and arbitrated possibilities. We may refer to them on some emotional level but these feelings ebb and flow like the tide as well, they pass like the weather. What we are responsible for though, is our behaviour. I do not think any psychological situation is ever, ever intractable, it is always a bubble that can be burst, if the clients can be shown the pin, It is best they stick it themselves. However, any behaviour no matter how evil, crazy or bizarre it seems is the best choice available to that person @ that instance. This is empowering. But it is often a needle in the haystack. This is where I or others like me can provide assistance. Even to the point of physical death, Thanatos, I have followed clients and ensured that their 42

Crowley, A. (1978). The Book of Lies. New York: Samuel Weise r p.33

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Darling, Yes, Step into the Pavilion of Mirrors

passage is clean, neither pain nor regrets. That is where my professionalism comes in. That’s why people pay me money. I can help them find that pin number, password and key. None of these faze me in the slightest; they are of slight interest to me as they are the common themes and preoccupations of everyday life. They are banal and do not evoke curiosity, everything that makes life and its infinite options not available. They are common, and I am grateful; for them. They give me purpose and provide a good living. I am an adult; a therapist to boot, and so have heard it all, even in the space of a day. Maybe I am, as other therapists have sometimes critically become known, a priest for the new millennium. ………. *** My wrestle is with the metaphorical symbolism of unconscious minds, in particular, its capacity to offer clients, even if they know they need it or not, a gift of learning. This is the timeless gift of finding themselves enabled to cope and learn to adapt, and the inevitable is always an open door. Sexual arousal involves a different part of the brain than that which controls the normal, rational functioning of everyday life. This part of the brain is very powerful, sometimes compellingly so, and is much less mature than our more rational side, often embarrassingly so, and commonly has

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