D-E Today 2023-2024 VOLUME II

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Supporting Holistic Learning

2023-2024 VOLUME II A Dwight-Englewood School Publication + BEYOND

In This Issue....

The photos here and feature articles on the following pages offer a glimpse at life @ DwightEnglewood School over the past winter and early spring months of this current 2023-’24 school year. We hope you enjoy this latest issue of D-E Today, showing how our students and their families, our alumni, faculty/staff and friends have been engaged, busy, and clearly growing as a ‘community of learners’ — both right here at D-E and places near and far. Happy reading!

Table of Contents

Supporting a Holistic Learning Environment

of Dwight-Englewood

“Meet-Up”: Alumni Visit D-E, Create New Connections

Starting on Page 26.

Find the latest news from alumni of the Dwight School, the Englewood School for Boys (ESB) and Dwight-Englewood School! Read more starting on Page 26 or scan the QR code below to learn more.

New in this Issue:

Celebrating 50 Years of Dwight-Englewood... and Wonderful Relationships! This latest issue of D-E Today also includes a new section starting on Page 34, focused on the relationships that our alumni, faculty and staff have forged. We asked alumni for their story submissions in honor of how this current 2023-2024 school year is also the 50th anniversary of the merger of Dwight School and ESB, to create Dwight-Englewood School! Find these stories on Page 36 or scan the QR code below to learn more.


On our front cover:

Middle Schoolers finished an intensive but inspiring DEIB-hosted Diversity Day earlier this year, with a vibrant Holi color throwing activity on Graham Field. To learn more about DEIB initiatives, go to Page 23.

You can find all the latest alumni Class Notes updates and “Celebrating 50 Years of Dwight-Englewood... and Wonderful Relationships” online in the ’private’ section of our D-E Today website: Scan the QR Code below, and use this password: connect

Head of School Message ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Beyond Academics:
at D-E ����������������� 5 Arts Highlights ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 Athletics Highlights 15 D-E 360° Program Highlights 18 School Life Highlights �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 DEIB Highlights�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Alumni Connect in Englewood Cliffs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Class Notes �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Celebrating 50
Wonderful Relationships! 34 A Legacy Families
38 In Memoriam ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 Bulldog Bookshelf ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40

Head of School Message

You may be familiar with the ancient parable of the group of blind men and the elephant. In this story, the earliest versions of which appear in Buddhist texts dating to around 500 BCE, a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant find themselves in a position to learn about the animal when one visits their village. “Come,” say the blind men, “let us inspect the elephant and learn of it by touch.” Each blind man approaches the elephant to learn what he can. The man who approaches the elephant’s trunk believes the elephant must look like a thick snake. The man alongside the elephant is certain that the animal resembles a broad wall. The man who feels the elephant’s leg understands the elephant to look like a stout tree trunk, the man near the ear feels it looks like a fan, and the man inspecting the tail thinks the elephant resembles a rope. The message of this parable is about the limits of human understanding, that no individual can have a complete knowledge of objective reality based on their own limited experience.

I’ve been thinking, however, that the parable can also be applied to the multiple facets of schools like Dwight-Englewood School. Schools like ours are of course about far more than just exams, quizzes, grades, and

transcripts. A school experience, depending on one’s perspective at any given moment, is about learning to make a difference in one’s community, how to be a better friend, how to balance work with extracurriculars, how to manage one’s emotions and conflicts, and how to grow as a human being with a unique identity beyond the classroom. Just as every blind man in the parable was correct in their personal perception of the elephant, every individual perception of what school “is” and what school is “for” is a correct and necessary part of what it means to be D-E. And like with the elephant, no individual experience of the school is complete without stepping back to take a look at the broader picture, and without taking into account the personal experiences of each of our over 1,000 students.

In many ways, this issue of D-E Today underscores this point. In the following pages, you will have the chance to read about some of the facets of our school that go beyond the traditional academic classroom. I hope you enjoy a look at our Social/Emotional Learning program, our Human Development Department, and our Health and Wellness programming. Moreover, you’ll have the chance to hear from some alumni about relationships forged at D-E, learn about some of our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives, and keep up with the past season’s co-curricular activities.

In reading this issue, I hope that you’ll agree that while academic pursuits will always be the centerpiece of our efforts, so much of what we do to change the lives of our students for the better happens alongside–and in support of–traditional academic experiences. Thank you in advance for taking the time to experience D-E Today.


D-E Today is published by Dwight-Englewood School Communications & Publications, in partnership with the Advancement Office.

Comments are always welcome. Please address them to:

Editor: Liz Tausner, Director of Communications & Publications

315 E. Palisade Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631

Phone: 210-227-3117

Email: webmaster@d-e.org

Contributors: Nicole Bellmay, Linda Binder, Dr. Sherronda Brown, Dr. Danny Carragher, Michelle Carstens-Potts, Marisol Diaz, Jonathan Egan, Chris Fleischl, Liz Iannaconi ’04, Dr. Marcus Ingram, Colleen Larionoff, Dawn Lazada, Bev Mac Keen, Dat Phan, Maria Sanchez Gardner ’78, JD Sands, Paul Tines, Lisa Wittner.

Layout: Bartosz Klemensowski

Features: Joel Lee ’17

Photography: Defne Eskichakit ’27 , Liz Iannaconi ’04, Joe Iwanski, Bartosz Klemensowski, Colleen Larionoff, Dawn Lazada, Joel Lee ’17, Maria Sanchez Gardner ’78, Ayden Shapiro ’25, and Quinn Weinger

’26. Additional photography supplied by D-E alumni, student and parent, faculty/ staff submissions.

Visit Us Online at: detoday.org

Dear D-E Community,

How does D-E provide a holistic learning environment that supports the physical and mental health, wellbeing, and human development of our students? D-E Today explores that topic in this two-part series.

Beyond Academics: Supporting a Holistic Learning Environment at D-E

In this issue, Michelle Carstens-Potts, Chair of the Health and Wellness Department; Dr. Danny Carragher, Chair of the Human Development Department; and Lisa Wittner, Director of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), discuss their roles and the programs they implement.

In our next issue, Part II of this series will feature conversations with members of our Student Support Leadership Team, including Dr. Deirdre O’Malley, Director of Counseling Services, and Marc Gladstone, Lead Learning Specialist. Interviews have been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Michelle Carstens-Potts, Chair of the Health and Wellness Department

Tell us a bit about yourself, your background, and your journey here at D-E.

During undergrad at Michigan State University I was initially a music education major and I had also received a scholarship for field hockey. I later transferred to be a kinesiology major and then received my master’s degree in physical education, sports administration, and coaching from Montclair State University, which is how I landed in New Jersey. When I started at D-E in 2008, I was hired right out of grad school. I began as a Health and Wellness teacher and also coached field hockey, strength and conditioning, and softball, and have continued to be a 3 season coach for the past 16 years.

At the time, physical education (now health and wellness) teachers weren’t expected to be advisors, or go to the morning meetings and assemblies. We’ve become a lot more involved in school life and programming throughout the school. Additionally, we all coach an after school sports team. So over time, we’ve been immersed more in the community and have been involved in a lot more of the day-today lives of the students, not just as health and wellness educators but being able to educate the whole student and having more of an impact.

What has your experience been as a department chair?

This is my seventh year as chair. Being chair during COVID was really a creative leadership opportunity. We had to create a whole new curriculum that could be delivered in a safe way. It was a challenge to think about ways to use equipment, on top of the fact that gyms were being used to house students for lunch. But we envisioned a whole new curriculum, and when we returned for hybrid we continued to figure out ways to keep kids moving and also teach them important skills they needed to have.

When I became chair, there was a shift of graduation requirements from 8 semesters to 4 semesters. We removed the “athletic option” for students and created an elective program. I did a lot of research when evaluating the curriculum to come to find out that most students who participate in team sports in high school do not participate in team sports once they graduate. So what else can they latch on to that’s going to keep them physically active for the rest of their lives? That was kind of the focus of creating our elective program, so we can expose them to other activities that they can continue in college and beyond.

While they are here, student athletes might participate in one, two, or three sports, so we want to support their growth as athletes. So, in collaboration with the Athletics Department we are looking to grow the human performance program. I’ve run the strength and conditioning program in the winter, which is an after school program, but we are hoping to expand this opportunity in the Fall and Spring. We want

to provide a space for our in season and out of season athletes to strength train and program conditioning into their workouts under the supervision of a certified strength and conditioning coach. The goal is to provide an additional tool to help enhance athletic performance, reduce injury, and teach the importance of recovery, sleep, and nutrition habits.

What are the goals of the Health and Wellness Department?

The most important goal is making each class an inclusive and safe learning environment for every student, with an understanding that students come into our classes with many different athletic and non-athletic experiences and backgrounds.

We have to meet students where they are and help them develop the skills necessary in order to participate in the class. We’re trying to go from a traditional PE model into one that is more inclusive. Instead of just teaching athletic skills in sports such as basketball, soccer, football and volleyball, we are also trying to support the values and the HumanEd skills within our school. We are now offering more activities that support lifelong activity for all our students, such as yoga and mindfulness, spinning, creative and cooperative games, fitness foundations, global sports, cardio kickboxing, and human performance training.

Starting in the Middle School we introduce students to a variety of activities. We’re trying to plant the seed for something that they really like to do. We have a health unit where


students explore more wellness related topics in a classroom. Students learn about nutrition, substance abuse, sleep hygiene, reproductive anatomy and other topics related to growth and development. And if students don’t enjoy competitive sports, we introduce them to more fitness related activities such as yoga, mindfulness, cardio machines, spinning and weight training.

When they get to 9th grade, there is a foundational skills program in the health and wellness curriculum, and they get to see where their interests are, where their passions are. We want to prepare them to choose an elective course after 9th grade from a variety of activities both competitive and non competitive that they can further engage in at a deeper level.

What would you like to expand upon in the program?

Right now we are brainstorming ways we can integrate human performance into the Lower School and how that aligns into the skill building of movements. We want to introduce vocabulary at a young age, so when they get to Middle School, the vocabulary will be familiar along with the movements. We’d focus on body-weight movements first before we go on to anything more than that. Then we’d progress into building human performance in the Middle School to move better and to be a better athlete.

Facilities-wise, I dream of having more space to incorporate larger groups. Currently our weight room can only safely have about 18 to 20 students in there. So if we’re focusing more on human performance, having a larger space with more equipment and an indoor turf facility would create a more dynamic learning environment, but would also support more students and large teams to be trained at once.

Playing fields are important too. I’d love to have a turf field for field hockey, as we’re the only school in northern New Jersey that plays on grass. And I’d like to continue to evaluate our curriculum, making sure that it’s meeting our students’ needs, along with taking a look at other independent schools in the area and

what they’re able to offer and seeing how can we continue to be at the cutting edge of health and wellness.

For example, with regard to the human performance piece, if we’re able to collect data from a student in 4th grade and assess certain areas of fitness—like speed or strength—and then track it through middle school and high school, we can keep students more engaged in the process of becoming the best athlete or the best health and wellness student they can be. It just helps you develop a sense of who you are and helps you to be a physically “literate” person. And that requires a lot of time, technology, and foresight.

How do you collaborate with your faculty and coaching staff?

Each of them brings a different experience, whether it’s through their athletic experience or their teaching experience. And they have expertise in certain areas. What makes us so great is that when we get together, everyone participates in the conversation. We share out a lot of what we’re doing within our classes. We’re working together to write curriculum. And although there’s not a lot of time, we like to visit each other’s classes. We’ve been able to do some co-teaching this year. So we’re learning from each other at the same time. I feel like each person in our department is extremely important to the work that we do, and their voice is valued.

What does coaching mean to you?

For me, it’s about creating an experience for our students where they can take a break from the academic pressures and have a sense of support and community around them where they can thrive. They can share a common bond over a sport and form these wonderful friendships and memories over the course of the season. It’s not really about the sport; it’s about the relationships they’ve built and the camaraderie they share with one another.

In Middle School, we see kids playing a sport for the very first time. The stakes are lower in the Middle School and maturity level is also

different, but there are both technical and social skills that they learn. This is also a very influential time in their lives, and this is where the passion for a sport can be ignited if they have a great experience. Upper School sports involve a lot more time and commitment, but you get to have much more of an impact in students’ lives, especially when you see them in a setting outside of the traditional classroom.

Coaching is just an opportunity to inspire and impact students in a different way. There’s nothing like being part of a team. My hope is that they have a wonderful experience and that it’s a transformative experience for them, such that when they look back on their experience, they’ll remember fondly how their team made them feel and how it changed them and how it has developed them into a better person and teammate.

Dr. Danny Carragher, Chair, Human Development Department

Tell us about yourself and your journey here at Dwight-Englewood.

This is my 13th year at D-E. I am a licensed clinical and school psychologist. Before working here, my first job after getting my doctorate was conducting LGBTQ+ diversity trainings for medical professionals all around New York State. And then I was hired by New York University, where I worked for many years. I ran a longitudinal study for the CDC looking at club drug use in the gay community and its relationship to HIV transmission. I looked at barriers to HIV testing for Black men in Harlem, and I also taught at New York University in the Steinhardt School of Education. I’ve also had a private practice. In the city, the life of psychologists is often this: research, teaching, and private practice.

My first year here I was part-time, and I taught two sections of psychology. I was in the history department until the principal at the time


wanted to create a department that covered many courses and programs that were already in place but didn’t have their own overarching umbrella. So with that, I became the chair of the Human Development Department that oversees courses like SAGE (Supporting Adolescent Group Experiences), 9th Grade Seminar, 10th Grade Seminar, Peer Mentoring, AP Psychology, and more. We cover topics like social identities, mental health, and leadership, and the department is made up of myself, Lisa Wittner, Director of Social-Emotional Learning, Dr. Deirdre O’Malley Psy.D, Vanessa Vitiello Psy.D, and Katie Cannito.

What are the foundational courses of the Human Development Department?

So all 9th graders are required to take the year-long 9th Grade Seminar. The seminar, in its current iteration, serves two purposes. We cover social identity because here in the Upper School kids are reading books about issues around race, religion, sex, and gender, among other things, and they often don’t have practice talking about things like racism, sexism, and homophobia. So we build the curriculum to expose students to different issues as well as different celebrations like Eid, Lunar New Year, and Passover. It’s been rewarding to hear from English and history teachers that students come into class knowing what intersectionality means. We want to give students windows and mirrors within the curriculum. Another big part of the seminar is sex ed.

Our goal is that students leave D-E not just knowing math and science but leave being well-rounded citizens and people. We’re not going to solve racism, but we are going to expose students to different viewpoints, experiences, and opportunities for discussions.

The 10th Grade Seminar is a one-semester course that is paired with one semester of Ethics with Joseph Murphy (Ethics Department Chair). It’s currently taught by three clinical psychologists, and that’s pretty cool! It’s one day a week and it’s all about mental health. The 10th grade is an apt time to talk about mental health as they prepare to have more responsibilities, challenges, and choices, and that can be scary. College comes knocking and

Upper School Club Brings Therapy Dogs to D-EStress

During the week before “PAW” (Projects & Assessments Week) in early March, the Upper School club called My Mind Matters (MMM) hosted a therapy dogs event for Upper School students. The two furry visitors, Oscar and Thor, made themselves comfortable in Hulst House, while students enjoyed their company. Students also learned about the process of therapy-dog certification through organizations like Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, and the benefits of dogs and pets to one’s mental health. Thank you to Jill and Jill, Oscar and Thor’s owners, and MMM for the lovely afternoon!

standardized testing is a big stressor too. So it’s just a basic introduction to things like: What’s the difference between normal anxiety taking a test and an anxiety disorder? Why is it normal to be sad if you break up with someone—and here is how depression is different.

We also focus on topics like gratitude and positive psychology. We teach them about cognitive restructuring. I want to create seniors who say, “If I don’t get into this college, I’m going to be really upset.” Of course, you want to get into college, but saying, “My life is over. I’ll never be happy. I’ll never get married. I’ll never have children…” isn’t helpful. So in the seminar, we clarify what normal anxiety and realistic expectations are versus disorders and catastrophizing.

How would you like to expand upon the program?

Students come up to me every year wanting to create new clubs or delve deeper into niche topics in psychology, and I’m all for it. However, someone’s bandwidth is only so much. I would love to be able to offer electives like Abnormal Psychology or Social Psychology, which are all chapters in the AP Psychology course, but you can really do a deeper dive. AP Psychology as an AP course is really changing in the next year in that there’s more of an emphasis on empirical research in each chapter. There are so many things we can expand upon.

In a sentence, what would you say the Human Development Department is about?

I say our classes are about planting seeds. We’re planting seeds about social identity and in the 10th Grade Seminar we’re planting seeds about mental health.

A lot of what my generation was taught included not to talk about race, gender, and socioeconomic status, so I think it’s a breath of fresh air for them to see that it’s not only possible but encouraged. Students often come up to me after class to further the conversation, and my office—and Lisa Wittner’s office—is never not with students. Teaching and education really go beyond the classroom in our department.

Our classes set good ground to talk and review our diversity statement. And we tell students that people are allowed to make mistakes. We like to say that we “speak in first drafts,” meaning that what we say in a moment may not be exactly what we mean, but we will try to give each other grace. At the same time, we take violations against our diversity statement very seriously. We won’t allow offensive statements to take hold in a dialogue, and we also don’t want students to feel like they’re the spokesperson of a particular group if they’re the only one that identifies as such in the room.

It’s important to talk about our own blind spots, and our own naivete about things and different experiences, and the fact that things we talk about are not just feelings but topics


that adults spend their careers researching.

So it’s challenging but important work, and I’m so grateful to my department to do this work together.

Lisa Wittner, Director of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

When did you begin at D-E, and how have you come into the role you currently hold?

I started in 2015 as an Upper School Dean for the Class of 2019. After the Class of 2019 graduated, I spoke to administrators about some needs the School had, and that led to the creation of the Human Development Department. It felt like a really great fit. My first year was the first year of the 9th Grade Seminar, and there was a real focus on supporting students beyond their academic lives. We need to support them as the whole people that they are. Now, as the Director of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), I am thrilled to get to work with all the grades in the Upper School in these areas. I’m really excited about how the program has expanded, from adding the 10th Grade Seminar to creating an 8th Grade mentor program in addition to the 7th Grade SAGE (Supporting Adolescent Group Experiences) program led by Vicky Frankel from D-E’s English Department faculty.

There’s so much research on the benefits of peer mentoring, and I see it happen in real time with SAGE and our Peer Mentoring Program. Not only are the mentees getting to talk to older kids, but the mentors foster a sense of empowerment and leadership which, I think, creates a stronger school culture.

Additionally, I meet regularly with the USAT (Upper School Administrative Team) and SST (Student Support Team) to advocate for students’ wellbeing and collaborate on our priorities for serving our Upper School students. I work closely with the grade-level deans to figure out their grade needs and what would be good solutions to serve those needs. That

Girl-to-Girl Class Hosts a “Galentine’s Day Big Phat Playdate”

In February, the Girl-to-Girl Across Continents class celebrated “Galentine’s Day” with a Big Phat Playdate—an event featuring crafts, cookie decorating, and camaraderie. The gathering offered the chance to celebrate the meaningful discussions students have had so far this year about what it’s like to be a girl both in and outside of our school community. What better way to bond with the other girls of D-E?

Girl-to-Girl is an Upper School minor course offered by the Human Development Department and led by Lisa Wittner. See next page for details.

student-administration connection feels really important to me, and there’s opportunity for more progress on a systems level.

What is the structure of SAGE and Peer Mentoring? How are they different?

SAGE is a weekly mentoring program for selected juniors and seniors who work with an advisory of 7th graders in groups of two or three. SAGE leaders see the 7th grade advisories weekly for 40 minutes, and it’s a bit more structured to meet the 7th graders’ stage of development. Our peer mentors meet with their 9th grade advisories every other week for 20 minutes.

For both SAGE and peer mentoring classes, we focus on what it means to facilitate a group. So whatever activity we do with the 7th graders or 9th graders, we first model it ourselves. We always do a reflection on how the activity went and what ways we can adjust, and our curricular model gives a lot of agency to our student leaders.

Both programs focus on breaking the ice in group dynamics, conflict resolution, restorative practices, and so on. A lot of what we talk about has to do with navigating relationships, whether peer-to-peer or student-to-teacher. Even writing emails can be challenging! Our Peer Mentoring Program is a great way for 9th graders to get advice on getting through the Upper School, and it’s wonderful to see new relationships blossom from these programs.

Always up for an adventure, Lisa Wittner will use a Fulbright grant to share social-emotional learning insights with educators in Nepal. Here she is shown performing with Batalá New York, a premier all-women, Black-led percussion ensemble.

Describe how the “Girl-to-Girl” course came about and how you create programming that is responsive to students’ feedback and needs.

Our Girl to Girl, Across Continents minor course came about because I was talking a lot with students about what it’s like to be a girl on campus here at D-E and more broadly about issues that girls and women face. The course is open to everyone, but so far it has been mostly girls who take it. In the beginning of the year, we discuss what we want to focus on and then figure out the research we’d like to do and how we might make it a culminating project. I had some connections with women from Afghanistan, and in the first year we focused on learning about our similarities and differences. We interviewed a lot of women from Afghanistan, and they shared their experiences about what it’s like to be a girl or woman in their country, specifically related to access to education. We’ve also met with Danish students, and we plan to speak with girls from other countries in the future.

Last year’s group wanted to initiate conversations with the broader community about what issues and experiences were happening on campus, so they held four or five luncheons and had some really thoughtful conversations. They ended the conversations with how they could have more solidarity and better support each other when there are opportunities to do so. They’ve been hosting what they call Big Phat Playdates, which serve as informal spaces to chat, watch movies, and make crafts. It’s been really refreshing, and the students are responding well to it.

On our extracurricular side, we have clubs like My Mind Matters, One Love, and Generation SOS that deal with mental health, healthy relationships, and substance abuse prevention, respectively. They’re all student-driven, and it’s all topics that relate to the work we do.

I’m really interested in creating more scaffolding within the institution where we can have more of these conversations about DEI work and social-emotional learning and receive feedback from students about what we could be doing better.

Congratulations Lisa Wittner, Fulbright Awardee: Sharing SEL Expertise in Nepal

Congratulations to Lisa Wittner, who received a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Short-Term Program. This grant will enable D-E’s Director of Social and Emotional Learning to travel to Nepal this summer and work with a local school and NGO, sharing knowledge about social-emotional learning (SEL) and fostering meaningful connections across communities in the US and Nepal. Out of hundreds of applicants to the grant program, Wittner was one of only 20 award recipients.

“I’m very excited for the program, and it’s already been such a wonderful correspondence with the local organization that is specifically designed for students who wouldn’t have access to an excellent education,” she said.

“I’ll be collaborating with them to create social-emotional programming. The students there partake in very intense exams, and it’s very high stakes emotionally, as students feel like if they don’t pass, they won’t be able to get their families out of poverty. It’s a lot of pressure. So I’m excited to learn and support the school in the ways that I can, and I’m excited to be the first Fulbrighter in Nepal!”

Fulbrighters expand their professional networks, often continuing collaborations started abroad and laying the groundwork for forging future partnerships between schools and institutions. Upon returning to their classrooms in the US, they share their stories and often become active supporters of international exchange, encouraging colleagues and students to go abroad. Fulbright alumni include 62 Nobel Prize laureates, 89 Pulitzer Prize recipients, 78 MacArthur Fellows, and 41 who have served as a head of state or government.

Congratulations Marisol Diaz, Fulbright Awardee in Art and Design for Summer 2024

Due to her interest in the 17 United Nations SDGs (sustainability and development goals), out of a competitive application process and rigorous point system, Marisol Diaz, Chair of the Art & Design Department, has joined Lisa Wittner as a fellow Fulbright awardee! Marisol won a four-week Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad award to Thailand for this upcoming summer. Marisol will be one of 16 selected educators coming from secondary schools around the US and its territories, from subjects that range from history, math, science, psychology, English, principalships, and art (she is the only Art & Design participant).

Marisol, who was profiled in the last issue of D-E Today, will be addressing Transformational Thailand: Toward a Sustainable and Inclusive Economy and Society, with a focus on the Bio-Circular Green Economy which centers on environmental awareness and biodiversity. Marisol’s project will be on Thai-inspired Eco-Poetic/ Social Dialectic Art curriculum. She provided this additional context for us:

“Upon completion of the program, participants will have a deeper understanding of Thailand in its current transformational period. Through their curriculum projects, educators will be able to share their insights with their home education institutions and local communities to bring them a deeper understanding of social, economic, and environmental development in Thailand and Southeast Asia.”

In the photo, Marisol (middle) together with Upper School Principal Kim Lalli (far right) met with Ambrose Proctor ’21 during their Swartley Gallery Alumni Artist Exhibit. See Page 11 for details.

From the Upper School’s Winter Musical The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee to the incredible showcases by our music ensembles and visual artists in all divisions, take a look back at this season so far...

First, from our Art & Design department, we kicked-off December with artist Ambrose Proctor ’21 and her exhibit, “Three of Hearts: On Nature, Friendship, & Art”. The exhibit explored the history of playing cards and visualizes how relationships with others can change. Proctor employed a variety of mediums from embroidery and painting to printmaking and sculpture. It was incredible to explore themes of intimacy, attachment, and their relationship to nature through their work. Cheers Ambrose!

In January, the department held their annual “AP Art Gallery Wall”! The exhibit was a showcase of the work our AP Art students have created so far, and it’s a wonderful opportunity for the D-E community to get to know student-artists and understand the

process. Students are required to create a line of inquiry (LOI), a theme that runs throughout the pieces they will submit for the AP Exam. Students will submit over 15 pieces for the exam in May. Best of luck to our AP Art Students!

And throughout the whole winter season, we’ve had a plethora of concerts from our music ensembles in all divisions! The holiday season was bolstered by performances by our Middle & Upper School Orchestras, our Choral and Handbells students, and of course,

Jazz Rock! When we returned from Winter Break, our Lower and Middle School students took us back through time with their “Jukebox Time Machine” Choral Concert. Our Stage Band, Upper School Chorus, and Jazz Workshop gave us a snazzy performance with their own Winter Concert.

And we can’t forget about our Kindergarteners and 1st Graders and the annual Valentine’s Day Concerts that melted our hearts! Lower School students in Grades 2-4 continued to shine for their Spring Concert this past March, performing songs from countries and cultures ranging from Germany and West Africa to Scotland and Latin America.

Finally, a huge congratulations to the cast and crew of D-E’s rendition of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee! It was laugh-outloud hilarious, and you just had to be there!

See next page for more photos, and cheers to all our visual, music, and performing arts students and faculty! Head to d-e.org/arts or scan the QR code to learn more!


For upcoming Art & Design and Performing Arts Department programming, visit us online! You’ll find upcoming concert and performance schedules, online ticket links, and more! Spring 2024 events include the Middle School musical, The Wizard of Oz Youth Edition (May 10-11) and the annual Swartley Gallery Senior Spotlight Exhibit! Go online to d-e.org/arts or scan the QR Code below!


Performing Arts

Spring 2024

Friday, May 10

Middle School Musical 4:30 PM

The Wizard of Oz, Youth Edition

Schenck Auditorium

*Note: Online tickets for sale are coming soon! Scan the QR code for information!

Monday, May 20

Cabaret Night 7:00 PM Hajjar Auditorium

Saturday, May 11

Middle School Musical 3 & 7 PM

The Wizard of Oz, Youth Edition

Schenck Auditorium

*Note: Online tickets for sale are coming soon! Scan the QR code for information!

Tuesday, May 21

All-School Chorus and 7:00 PM

African Drumming Ensembles

Spring Concert

Schenck Auditorium

Thursday, May 30 SAVE

Thursday, May 24

Student-Directed 4:00 PM



Private Music 6:00 PM

Lessons Recital


111 Leggett Hall
Plan to join us on the D-E campus for these
performing arts events! Dwight-Englewood
d-e.org/arts 315 E Palisade Ave Englewood, NJ 07631
All performances are subject to change. Please head to d-e.org/arts for showtimes, locations, tickets, and more. FREE ADMISSION FREE

Our Middle and Upper School teams showed great D-Etermination, sportsmanship, and promise for the future as they competed both home and away.

From exciting, close wins to some losses that served to bring our athletes closer together, highlights from most of our Winter teams (including many of our teams’ final records and their coaches’ season summaries), are provided in the following pages. You’ll also find news about our athletes’ individual accolades and awards, including those who earned prestigious All-League and All-County nods.*

Boys Varsity Basketball All-County

Girls Varsity Basketball All-League

Winter Track All-League

NOAH THOMAS ’24 UMA RAJAN ’24 EMMA HSU ’25 2nd JACKSON BURKE ’24 1st JENENE HALL ’25 2nd SYDNEY ADEKANBI ’25 HM RHEA SHAH ’25 Awards* *All Upper School Winter Teams’ individual Coaches’ Awards, including MVP and MIP, were still being confirmed at press time. Scan the QR code at tright to see the latest updates online. CS A N M E FORADDITIONAL CONTENTONDETOD A Y . O GR

Athletics Winter 2023-’24

Season Highlights

MS Boys Basketball Blue Team

Overall Record Wins Losses 8 3

Rich Muller, Bobby Lubin

“If I could put this season into one word, it would be “WOW!” What a terrific season! Despite the fact that we really had no “big man”, the team played with a tenacious and exciting defense which was apparent to everyone who saw them play. MS Principal Mr. Davis once stated that the team played defense like “fire ants”...they swarmed and annoyed their opponents with their constant “in your face” style of play. This was so apparent when our team played Wallington. In one of the most exciting games of the year, the team showed their determination and grit, and came away with a huge victory!

Owen Lee ’29, Harry York ’29, Brandon Geller ’30, and the “K-Train” Kyle Swaby ’29 had the daunting task of covering the bigger players

on the opposing teams, playing physical and tough under the boards. Austin Sorkin ’30 and Zeke Horowitz ’30 were magicians with their ball handling skills. T.J. Rose ’29 led our large group of guards with his strong drives to the hoop. Hudson Machuca ’29 and Ben Bahrampour ’29 were terrific shooters from outside the arc with Jalen Jeter-Martin ’29, Mateo Kartheiser ’30, Max Strashnov ’29, Greyson Alvarez ’29, and Ryan Shapiro ’29 letting their light shine on defense. Last but not least, Lucas Morales ’29 with his big smile and love for the game, was a big reason why our squad had such great team spirit! Like I said in the beginning, “WOW!” What a terrific and fun season! To all of our “Fire Ants”, thank you for a special season!”

Spring has sprung! Our D-E Spring 2024 Middle and Upper School teams began their seasons in earnest in March! For the latest in all D-E Athletics scheduled games, team rosters, and more, be sure to d-e.org/athletics and follow us on our D-E Athletics Instagram: d_eathletics

MS Boys Basketball White Team

Overall Record Wins Losses 12 2

Jon Egan, Matt Schade

“The MS Boys Basketball White Team had a great season! The team played fantastic half court defense to generate tons of turnovers and easy points. Offensively, the team was led by Dylan Stone ’28 and Corey Burnett ’29, both new students at D-E this year. Eli Cain ’28, Jake Kennedy ’28, and Rocky Rosenberg ’28 provided consistent rebounding, ball movement, and a physical inside presence that most of the Bulldogs’ opponents could not contend with. The team also shared the ball well; there were several games where the Bulldogs saw up to ten players or more in the scoring column. Highlighting the season were two victories over an athletic Montclair Kimberley Academy team, and the winning season finale at home against Alpine. Go Bulldogs!”

MS Girls Basketball

Overall Record Wins Losses 9 3

Kiersten Hovan, Jeremy Meserole

“The MS Girls Basketball Team had a great, 9-3 season overall! Our team had larger margins of victory over some opponents we’ve played close in the past. This allowed a lot of opportunities for more athletes on the bench! We also improved our defense and worked on better sharing of the basketball. While we don’t keep stats for assists or steals, I’d feel confident guessing that most of our points this season were off assists or steals. Neither of those can happen without teamwork and a together mindset. Here’s to our MS Girls Basketball Team! Go Bulldogs!”

Winter Track

Orestes Medina, Richie Fortunat, Summer Roberts

“Our season was one for the record books, literally! The meets we competed in this season included the NJSIAA Relays, at which we earned a DRM Relay Record; the NJIC Championships, where Emma Hsu ’25 had Long Jump and Noah Thomas ’24 had Triple Jump player milestones; the Bergen Meet of Champions (BMOC), at which Uma Rajan ’24 and Noah Thomas ’24 both had 600M player milestones and Sydney Mallow ’25 had a Pentathlon player milestone; and the County Relays, at which Emma Hsu ’25, Uma Rajan ’24, Sydney Mallow ’24, Noah Thomas ’24, Jack Park ’25, and Sebastian Chang ’27 all achieved Long Jump and Triple Jump player milestones. As a team, we broke 13 Winter Track records overall! This success is significant in particular since we had only 19 total athletes on the team roster! Way to go Winter Track!”

*Editor’s Note: At press time, results from the D-E Ski Racing Team and all our Winter Teams’ individual Coaches’ Awards, including MVP and MIP, were still being confirmed. Scan the QR Code at right to see additional online-only content with the latest in these awards!

Boys JV Basketball

Overall Record Wins Losses

14 6

Sean Pena

“The season for Boys JV Basketball went well even though we played some very tough teams, including Rutherford (Win: 54-38); Glen Rock (Loss: 40-46); Bergen Catholic (Loss: 66-51); and Lyndhurst (Win: 62-57). The team was led by a core group of players including Elijah Smith ’27, LJ Johnson ’27, Jack Meserole ’26, Conrad Diaz ’26, and Dylan Dennis ’26. What made this team special was depth with contributions also from Tade Adeyeri ’26, Pranav Ganatra ’26, and Bobby Park ’26. The JV team was consistently “defense first” and incredibly unselfish leading to widespread success and a strong, 14-6 overall season. Go Bulldogs!”


Boys Varsity Basketball

Overall Record Wins Losses

15 12

Alex Kuchar, Ryan Vettoso, Sean Pena, Sean Naylor “This season our Boys Varsity Bulldogs finished 15-12 overall. 15 wins is an impressive number considering the level of competition the team faced. Of the 24 teams that made the Bergen County Tournament, the Bulldogs matched up with 11 of them during the season. Six (6) of the Bulldogs’ opponents finished the ’23-24 season as League Champions, two (2) opponents finished as County Champions, and one (1) of our opponents was ranked as the #5 team in the entire country. To say the least, the DwightEnglewood Bulldogs did not shy away from competition. In a season that saw the team qualify for the Bergen County Tournament, then the Bergen Invitational Tournament, and the NJSIAA State tournament, their greatest accomplishment was winning a state home game for the first time in five years against Montclair Kimberley Academy in front of a packed Myrna B. Sherman Gymnasium. The Bulldogs were led by a Second Team AllCounty season from Jackson Burke ’24 who averaged 17 points and 12 rebounds a game this season. The guard play from Christian Garrett ’24, River Smith ’24, and Addison Leak ’ 25 (all who stepped into larger roles from last season) steadied the team when games were challenging. Varsity newcomer, Leo Colosimo ’26, demonstrated his ability to score and defend against strong competition. This was a tremendous season for the Bulldogs and they look to build on this momentum going into a long off-season. Graduating five seniors will provide new opportunities for the next group of Bulldogs to step up.”

Girls Varsity Basketball

Overall Record Wins Losses 3 13

Byron Flores, Elmer Hernandez

“The team went on a 2-game win streak, first defeating rival Palisades Park 25-24 and then beating Ridgefield 28-27. In the team’s wins Jenene Hall ’25 averaged 16.3 points and 15.6 rebounds. Sydney Adekanbi ’25 finished the year with over 100 total points and 122 rebounds. Freshman leader in minutes played Krithi Mitta ’27 (who also had the game-winning basket against Ridgefield) and Freshman leader in 3 point field goals made, Asha Harker ’27, provided a spark in games. If this season is any indication, we look forward to a strong future for this stillyoung team. Way to go Bulldogs!”

Boys’ Freshmen Basketball

Overall Record Wins Losses 6 8

Sean Naylor

“The Boys’ Freshmen Basketball Team, despite a challenging season with a 6-8 record, showed remarkable tenacity by making it to the prestigious Bergen County Freshmen Tournament. Their grit was on full display when they secured a hard-fought victory against Teaneck High School, demonstrating their potential and teamwork. The young squad faced a gauntlet of seasoned adversaries, including perennial powerhouses Bergen Catholic, Don Bosco, and St. Peter’s Prep, experiences that not only tested their abilities but also forged their growth as athletes. These matchups, against some of the top teams in North Jersey, provided invaluable lessons that will undoubtedly serve as a foundation for their future successes on the court.”


D-E 360° Program Highlights

New Sports Clinics Engage, Inspire Young Student Athletes

In partnership with D-E Athletics, D-E 360° has been offering a new series of extremely popular and fun sports clinics this year, for our youngest students! The most exciting aspect of all these clinics has been the opportunity for students to receive coaching guidance directly from our Varsity- and Junior Varsity-level and Middle School Team Coaches, including Boys and Girls Basketball Coaches Alex Kuchar and Hunter DeBellis; Soccer Coach Rich Muller, and Softball and Field Hockey Coaches Michelle Carstens-Potts and Liz Iannaconi ’04. The sessions are designed to help aspiring athletes identify all the ways they can continue to build skills and get mentally prepared for their seasonal competitions and tryouts. Every clinic wrapsup with each student getting a customized, self-assessment scorecard and journal to record their progress. From basketball and soccer to volleyball and lacrosse, D-E 360° sports clinics offer something for every aspiring future student athlete! Best of all, the clinics are FREE and open to friends of D-E families, as well as current students!

For more information about upcoming Spring 2024 sports clinics from D-E 360°, and to register, visit de360.d-e.org!

8th Graders Explore Peru

Climbing to view Peru’s majestic Machu Picchu was just one of many incredible adventures experienced by a small group of D-E 8th graders this spring break, thanks to the D-E 360° Travel to Peru program. At press time, these students’ explorations were still concluding. Be sure to visit us online for snippets from our students’ travel journal entries and photos!

Looking ahead to Summer 2024 - A Summer of WOW!

D-E 360° is offering a Summer Day Camp once again this Summer 2024! Students in Preschool through Grade 5 can enjoy Arts, Athletics, STEM fun and more! Scan the QR Code to learn more about all the offerings available and register today!


It’s been a fantastic school year for clubs (in all divisions!) Students have gone beyond the classroom to not only compete in club sports and academic competitions but also bring incredible programming to the D-E community––there has been something for everyone! Let’s look back at some of the highlights of this past season.

HOPE Fashion Show Raises Over $5,000 for the Billion Oyster Project

Our Upper School Club, HOPE: Fashion with a Purpose, hosted their annual Fashion Show this past February, and it was a roaring success! Adult guests enjoyed an “Oyster Party” with freshly-shucked oysters to pair with the show’s underwater theme.

Audience members enjoyed an amazing showcase of fashion, music, and more! It was incredible to see student-made designs from the new Wearable Art course worn by Upper School students and especially fun to see Lower and Middle School students strutting their stuff! The audience also enjoyed musical performances by student vocalists accompanied by “MODE” (Musicians of D-E) and set design by the Upper School “Art in Action Club”.

Altogether, HOPE raised over $5,000 for the Billion Oyster Project, a local non-profit committed to restoring oyster reefs in the New York Harbor. Congratulations to all students and faculty involved in the show!

It’s Been a STEM-tastic Season!

Congratulations to our Upper School (US) Robotics Teams, Team 207 Critical Mass & Team 13048 Absolute Zero for heading to the State Tournament! In their last League Tournament at Emerson Jr/Sr High School against 18 other Bergen County teams, Critical Mass ranked second while Absolute Zero ranked fourth, and both teams won awards for their work. Congratulations Bulldog Bots!

Meanwhile, our Upper and Lower School Odyssey of the Mind (OM) Teams made their way to their Regional competition this past season. Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving competition that combines STEM and the performing arts. Teams of students choose a problem in categories such as vehicle, balsa structure, or set design, engineer a solution, and present that solution

in a student-written performance, complete with student-designed scenery, props, and costumes. The process requires lots of perseverance through many iterations. Students also participate in a spontaneous problem, in which they have 8 minutes to come up with a creative solution to a verbal or handson problem.

Our US Structure Team took 1st Place in their division with a 15g structure that held over 500 lbs and had the highest spontaneous event score of the competition! And congrats to our rookie US Classics Team, which also earned 1st Place in their division. Both US teams now head to the OM state tournament!

Our Lower School teams are new to the scene as of this year thanks to D-E 360º. While they did not advance to States, they performed incredibly well for their first season! The structure team built an 18g tower that held 75 lbs - very impressive for 4th graders! Our vehicle team composed an original song for their performance and also collaborated exceptionally well under pressure to troubleshoot a technical difficulty. Here’s to all of our D-E creative thinkers!

Finally, D-E Upper School Students Elise Zhu ’24, Alex Sheffield ’26, Brandon Zhu ’26 and Matthew Suh ’26 scored in the top 5 -10 percent of their respective American Mathematics (AMC) competitions in November, which earned each of them an invitation to the American Invitational Mathematics Competition (AIME) on February 1.

Alex scored in the top 1% nationally on the AMC 10 and in the top 25% on the AIME I. His combination of scores earned Alex an invitation to the United States of America Junior Mathematics Olympiad (USAJMO), a competition which invites only 150-250 students nationally! USAJMO is a 6-question, 9-hour proof-based competition held in late March.

We look forward to learning the results from the USAJMO, and a big congratulations to all our D-E mathletes!

To keep up-to-date with all things extracurricular, head to d-e.org/clubs


Model UN Meets Success at NAIMUN

Our US Model UN Team has also had an outstanding season! At NAIMUN (North American Invitational Model United Nations) at Georgetown University in February, over 3000 delegates from the East Coast competed in heated dialogues and events. More than 10 delegates received individual awards, including 6 Outstanding Delegate Awards. Congratulations to our Model UN Team!

Checkmate! D-E’s Thriving Chess Culture

Thanks to D-E 360º and our Upper School Chess Club, chess has been a growing scene on campus! Chess Club held their first tournament on campus this past February, while D-E 360º has

been hosting chess tournaments all throughout the year. The past D-E 360º tournament held in February brought 40 elementary students from 5 schools together. A big highlight was D-E 4th Grader Mack Goldberg ’32 winning 1st Place with a perfect score (all wins and no draws or losses!) Later in the month, our Lower School Chess Team won 4th place in their first state tournament––what a feat for our youngest students! Learn more about D-E 360º Chess Program by heading to de360.d-e.org

D-E’s Club Ice Hockey Team Makes an Incredible Debut!

Our club Ice Hockey Team had its first season this year, and they did incredibly well! They ended their season with a 5-5 record––an applause-worthy feat given their first year against seasoned opponents. Head Alex Linquito, Assistant Coach Mark Cunha P’28, and Assistant Coach (and Math Faculty member) Joseph Iwanski are all extremely proud of the team. In the words of Coach Iwanski, “For a young team that really only practiced together once per week and played against established opponents, this was a resounding success!” Go Bulldogs!

VDAY 2024: A Moving Showcase for a Cause!

VDay is a performance-based fundraiser that aims to raise awareness and provide financial resources for the Women’s Rights Information Center in downtown Englewood. This year’s performance, which included spoken word, music and dance related to the theme of connections, raised over $600 for the Women’s Rights Information Center. Congratulations to our VDay 2024 organizers, featured performers, and crew for a fantastic event in the name of women’s rights and solidarity!

Club Être Brings Women’s History Month Programming to Life!

In honor of Women’s History Month, Club Être, our women’s mentorship club, hosted an informative assembly, featuring Être founder and D-E alumna Ilana Post Raia ’86! After the Upper School learned about statistics around women in the workplace, Ilana spoke about how she founded Être, an organization providing high school girls the opportunity to meet with women in high profile careers. She spoke on the importance of mentorship and dreaming big, and students left with sage advice. After the assembly, Illana was available to talk directly with students and sign her book, The Epic Mentor Guide.

Editor’s Note: For more on Ilana Raia’s activities and accomplishments, check out Class Notes!


Throughout the winter season, there have been wonderful moments of community, reflection, and learning. Our Director of DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging), Dr. Marcus Ingram, introduced to D-E the idea of being a “Knotted Community,” knots representing junctures of identity and closeness within a community. Dr. Ingram writes,

“The best relationships are those that are strong enough to endure challenges, and that is the dual message of the knot -- the strength and challenge of genuine connection. To be a knotted community means having a practice of establishing and maintaining authentic relationships. DwightEnglewood does well to realize that this practice is more difficult here because it is a remarkably diverse community across many identifiers.”

We are proud to be such a diverse community, and we’ve had the pleasure of seeing so many of community members contribute to incredible programming at D-E. See some of the highlights from this past season.

Welcome to the Year of the Dragon!

We celebrated the Year of the Dragon in a big way! We kicked off festivities with an assembly by our Upper School East Asian Student Affinity Group and Mandarin Language students. We learned about the five elements in Eastern philosophy, different seasons, and more. Additionally, our Korean and Chinese Parent Affinity Groups hosted a dumpling making event as well as a Lower School celebration filled with games, activities, and crafts. It was lovely to see our whole community in every division participate and feel the joy of the new year! Cheers!

Happy Black History Month!

For Black History Month (February), our Black Student Affinity Group hosted a fashion show, historicizing Black culture and its significance within global fashion. We also had the pleasure of having the Teaneck High Terpsichoreans come to campus and perform a series of dances and routines for our Lower School students. The energy was high for numbers like “Magic Bird” and their steppe routine! Here’s to our DEIB office and Black Affinity Group for hosting such wonderful programming!

D-E Reflects on the Importance of Dialogue

It’s been a year of challenges and rising up to those challenges in our ever-changing world.

DEIB Director Dr. Marcus Ingram writes on the importance of dialogue:

“Although the language of “diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging” is a contemporary convention that is enjoying public attention and scrutiny, so-called DEIB work is simply the work of building sustainable community. Community is at core about communication, which makes dialogue essential to any group of people becoming meaningfully connected. Therefore, an effective DEIB practice or culture relies deeply on dialogue -- spoken and not.”

In March, the office invited Dr. Elisabeth BeckerTopkara and Dr. Rachel Wahl to help us get better at conversations across difference. Dr. Becker-Topkara is a scholar of Jewish-Muslim relationships who centers story as a method of connecting across differences. Dr. Wahl’s research and practice focus on dialogue in democracy. It was a pleasure having them both to speak with students and adults about their and how we can show better in ours. To learn more about our ongoing programming, please visit d-e.org/diversity or scan this QR code.


Alumni Connect in Englewood Cliffs:

Annual Alumni & Faculty/ Staff Winter Party @ Brownstone Pancake Factory

Alumni from Dwight School, ESB, and D-E came together with D-E faculty and staff and Head of School Jeremy Gregersen for a nostalgic and fun-filled evening at the Brownstone Pancake Factory in Englewood Cliffs, the former site of various local haunts known to decades of our alumni. It was a wonderful winter evening with great food, festive D-E themed milkshakes, and lots of laughter. Thank you to all who attended for making this annual get together so special!

Class Notes


f Debby Dunn Wessells has been living at Waverly Heights, a retirement community, since 2012. Daughters, Reed Nichols and Xander Sadlier, who live in NJ and CA respectively, visited Debby for a long weekend in February. They now own a cottage in Christmas Cove, Maine.

“The property adjoins my sisters’, Andrea Williams D’57 and Alice Martin D’58. 27 of us are there in three cottages when all are present. Doesn't happen very often these days with everyone's work schedules. I stay in touch with Renee Hermos Lincoln and Lindsay Hooper . Seven of us used to get together for a weekend occasionally: Jane Bruce Steinau Ward, Judith Pyke Robertson, Anne Taylor Gushee, Elizabeth “Louise” DeBaun von Arentschildt, all deceased but for us three.”

ESB '54

f From Richard Klinger who is still a judge of discrimination cases for the Los Angeles County workforce. "I've completed my first album, "The Art of Grieving." It consists of songs that helped me deal with my grief and grieving when my dear wife (of 48 years), Janis (Hansen), died. Janis was a wonderful singer (The Look of Love, Sergio Mendes, and Brasil '66) and had a multitude of other talents, many of which benefitted me as her wonder-eyed student. Of course, she learned many things from me as well. In fact, her saying that we were two halves that made a whole was miraculously true.

Anyway, in my grieving, I found that sad songs were good medicine for me. Being able to feel the lyrics and music and to cry gave me relief and release from what I call the

"grief-bomb." And, because this self-induced "sad-song therapy" worked so well for me, I decided to create an album of some of the songs by playing and singing them myself. It's taken me a year and a half to complete the project, and last week it went live on all of the online music apps. The URL for the album on YouTube is: https://www.youtube. com/@ArtofGrieving. I'm now working on my second album, "Here's to Life."

Writing this has reminded me of graduation day from ESB when I was honored to be asked to play something on the piano. I remember thinking very hard about what to play, and then I had it. I played "Autumn in New York" because, I felt quite melodramatically, that I would not be seeing that for the next four years when I'd be up in Cambridge. Always the sentimentalist...”


f Alumni Director Maria Sanchez Gardner '78 caught up with Pat Thomson Russell and Mary Ursillo Holmlund recently at Kyma restaurant in Somerville, NJ. Mary sent Maria this note along with the photo.

“Yesterday was a wonderful sunny spring day in every way! Once I finally walked in Kyma's door and spotted you and Pat smiling to greet me hoping all was well with my 15-minute ride around, just me and my bewildered GPS... forever circling detours on E. Main Street! You both looked great ... I couldn't wait to join you! Our menu was delicious and sharing stories with you and Pat was such fun! I appreciate your thoughtful invitation. I've missed the companionship of dear friends! Your spirit of commitment to D-E means everything to the school! I couldn't believe the amazing results you put forth for triple-class reunions during the

pandemic! A nightmare to schedule! Yet organized beautifully! As winter rolls away and spring flowers bloom, stay well and happy!"



f It's a small world. Jean "JJ" Mueller Tillinghast Sinton shared the photo below from the marriage of her son: Bryson Tillinghast to Annalina Kazickas on December 31, 2023. Annalina is the daughter of Lucy Muhlfeld Kazickas '71 and the niece of Elizabeth "Betsy” Muhlfeld Ingram.

ESB '66

f Michael Kazin was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2020 but due to the COVID pandemic, the induction was held only recently. His first grandchild, Noa Kazin, was born on March 14, 2023.


f Nancy Lieblich Garson's husband Thomas Garson Sr. passed away unexpectedly after a short illness on October 16, 2023. To read Tom's obituary from the New York Times newspaper, please visit https://legcy. co/3T6jrrm. Condolences are extended to Nancy and the entire Lieblich and Garson family.


f Cynthia Foote posted recently on social media "Kudos to Jane Foulkes Strong, who started Equus Effect years ago in Sharon CT, and has helped countless veterans and first


responders and others with therapy through the use of her horses. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit her beautiful facility and meet those wonderful horses. Recognition is deserved (and I bet any donations would be very appreciated). Thanks, Jane, for all your work. To read an article posted in the Millerton News (Sharon CT) about Jane efforts, please visit https://bit.ly/4cdTsY0.


f Roosevelt Cross Incorporated congratulates Manager of Research Susannah Labov Page for her election to the Smith Research Gradings 2023 All-Star Municipal Analysts Team. Susannah was named to the Second Team in the category “Non-Debt: COPs, Lease-Backed, Appropriation Risk”.


f Constance Peters Jones shared this update and reflections with us:

“It was great to come back to the campus recently for an alumni event. I attended Dwight from 4th grade to graduation. I played in 3 sports: Field Hockey, where I was All-State (first team) all four years; Varsity Basketball; and Varsity Tennis. Then [during my junior and senior year I joined the Lacrosse team, which had just started]. I'd play my tennis match, then when finished would run into the gym and change into lacrosse gear and go out and play for lacrosse. Buses were going to the same school for competition of both spring sports. So, I lettered in 4 sports, which had never been done at Dwight or ESB (now

Dwight-Englewood) before.

Since graduating I have been involved in many sports at a National Level.

Tennis: I played Tennis at Rollins College (when it was D1), all 4 years [at the] varsity level. Half the team went pro upon graduation. I also started playing pre-qualifying tournaments, then qualifying for the Virginia Slims tour, got USPTA certified with the famous Dennis Van der Meer, and I have been a tennis pro all around the tristate (NJ, NY and CT) area since 1978. I have won 16 National Championships, traveling all over the US to compete. My first Gold Ball was won on the first grass court at Forest Hills Westside Tennis.

Platform Tennis: [This is a game played on a small tennis court in a cage], invented in 1937 by two guys dying to play tennis during a harsh winter. In 1997 I was one of the 12 to meet to grow the sport to create a certification process, [creating] professional teachers in the sport. I ran preseason 3-hour camps all over the country, creating one of the first instructional videos. I won 18 National titles starting in 1978 to the present day. I have been the Director of Paddle also at many clubs in the tristate area. I interviewed the late great Bowie Kuhn, commissioner of Baseball, on how he got Baseball into the Olympics, hoping to get Platform tennis into the Winter Olympics, Salt Lake City in 2002.

[I have also been involved in coaching]: I was the national coach for the Eastern Tennis Association, traveling all over the US to coach, from Waco, TX in July where it was 103 degrees on the court, [to] the Nike Junior tour at Stanford University, to the Girls’ National 14’s and 16's in Boca Raton, FLA, on the clay court… to name just a few.

I coached Boys Varsity Tennis at Greenwich High School 1997-2010. Many of the top 20 national ranked players were playing in the 3 conferences we were competing in, [for example], James Blake was playing for Fairfield H.S. [We] had 103 boys show up for tryouts in 2002 so made a presentation to the Board of Education, Greenwich, with rea-

son to expand the program, and successfully received the grant to make 4 teams. I was coaching a Varsity A and B together, JV and what prep schools call Thirds so upperclassmen can play. Then had a program with 70 boys participating. Won 11 out of 13 State titles, was inducted into The National Hall Of Fame Of High School Coaches in 2009.

I am now playing and teaching Pickleball. [I] have also competed in what is known as Beach Tennis.

I am so grateful for all my years at Dwight to be able to explore the challenges of learning, getting better, and experiencing what I call the Team Concept – working together to set up goals and then striving to attain them."

ESB '73

f Charles “Chuck” Schuster gave us an update:

"As some of you may know, my family had many close ties with Dwight. My grandmother Alice Coxe worked in the Little School. My mom Adelaide and her sisters Neal and Lal went to Dwight. My sisters Peg, Allie, and Liz all went there. When I went to my 45th reunion and Allie Kissam Delventhal D ’68 was at her 50th, I found mounted on a wall a letter our mom had written when she was a junior describing her youthful joy at finding the hidden teddy bear Geoffrey, before the seniors, apparently an annual tradition in days past. While I was a student my mom worked as a secretary for the Dwight Headmaster.

Since I graduated in 1973, I was part of the last ESB class while my late sister Elizabeth (“Liz”) Woolsey Schuster ’74, who graduated the next year (complete with a streaker!) was part of the 1st joint Dwight-ESB graduating

Dwight and ESB Classes of 1973 gathered outside on Leggett Field for their 50th reunion group photo due to the fire alarm. Chuck is in the middle of the last row.

class. I've been a teacher around the world ever since and remember the teachers at Dwight-Englewood, some very fondly, (and a few as role models of what not to do as a teacher) Going back last October for my 50th was a treat including a fire drill at 7:00 PM for us 68-year-olds. Thanks for the memories.

All the best, Charles (“Chuck”) Schuster from Jakarta, Indonesia.”

D-E '74

f Rose Byron McSween '80 , Director of Advancement at Newark Academy, invited Director of Alumni Relations Maria Sanchez Gardner '78 to an art exhibition featuring artwork by Katherine McKenna at Newark Academy this past September. Nicole Moss Katz was in attendance as well.

D-E '77

f Howie Gordon congratulated KISS on their final live performance at Madison Square Garden on December 2nd. A fan and ardent supporter since 1974, Howie was one of the first to enlist in the KISS Army, and performed with KISS frontman Paul Stanley at BB King’s in NYC in 2007.  To honor KISS, all D-E alumni should continue to rock and roll all night

and party every day.  Rumors circulating that Howie is now a Swiftie are totally unfounded.

D-E ’80

f Ann Jones sent in this update, “After 30 years as the parents of an only child, my husband and I added a son to our family with the wedding of our daughter, Elizabeth, to Alex Rappe on February 24th at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens in Delray Beach, Florida. Since we had previously added a “bonus” daughter to our family when a student from my high school lived with us for her senior year, we had already added a second child, Shiya (Sophia) Gong, so Alex makes five!”

D-E '81

f Ken Tesler shared an update, "I am out West in Napa, CA where I am bringing a ton of live music to wine country. I opened the Blue Note Napa about 8 years ago. Nightly we present outstanding jazz artists from around the world as well as a great mix of rock, R&B, reggae, funk, country, and bluegrass artists. I also opened the JaM Cellars Ballroom, Oxbow RiverStage, and the Blue Note Summer Sessions outdoor series. We have been lucky enough to have artists like Neil Young, Bob Weir, Van Morrison, Brandi Carlisle, and Robert Plant among many others over the past years. Finally, I produce the Blue Note Jazz Festival here in Napa hosted by Dave Chappelle, Robert Glasper and last year featuring headliners Mary J Blige, Nas, and Chance the Rapper. "

f Maria Gray shared this note. We love the D-E re-connection! "Carolyn McEwen and I connected at the 2019 West Coast D-E Reunion gathering and found out we lived close to one another and both of us have dogs that need lots of exercise.

We have been walking our dogs (Poppy on the left with Carolyn) and Davis (my dog on the right) together ever since. The time flies by as we share the details of our busy lives. Carolyn is the Senior Communications Manager for the African NGO mother2mothers and she and her husband Ed have two teenage daughters.

I am a psychotherapist in private practice in Santa Monica where I specialize in group therapy and trauma: I love my work. I spend lots of time outdoors, hiking in the hills and riding my bike at the beach. Above is a photo from our New Year's Eve 2023 walk at the beach in Santa Monica, CA. "

D-E '83

f Craig Dubitsky was featured in People magazine in January in an article entitled, Robert Downey Jr. Launches a Joyful New Coffee Company: 'I Credit Coffee, in Part, for My Sanity',

Craig has partnered with Robert Downey Jr. to create a new company. An excerpt from the article reads as follows:

"Now the star is throwing his hat into the caffeinated ring, launching the new happy coffee company, which runs the gamut of whole

D-E '82

beans, ground, instant coffee and K-cup-compatible pods. Downey Jr. — a “multitasker” at heart — has been developing the company for two years with entrepreneur Craig Dubitsky (of EOS lip balm and Hello dental product fame). Together, they’re hoping to add a jolt of joy to the marketplace. "To read the entire article, visit https://bit.ly/3wQtIAJ

D-E '86

f Illana Post Raia spoke at an assembly at Dwight-Englewood this past February in advance of Women's History Month. Illana was invited by @dwightclubetre (pictured above). It was a thrill for her to speak for the first time about new research from @ etregirls as she shared with students “in the place where I found so many of my first mentors...”

Here is an excerpt from Ilana's LinkedIn profile on her career and passion for women's mentorship:

“Named one of the first 250 entrepreneurs on the Forbes Next 1000 List and recognized twice by Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas, Illana Raia is the founder and CEO of Être – a mentorship platform for girls. Believing that mentors matter as early as middle school, Illana brings girls directly into companies where they choose to meet female leaders face to face.

Illana is chair-elect of the International Space Station U.S. National Lab Education Subcommittee, serves on the National Girls’ Collaborative Project Champions Board, and was recently appointed to the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine Board of Governors. Illana contributes to the Forbes Business Council, has authored 60+ articles for HuffPost, Ms. Magazine, and Thrive Global, and

her award-winning book Être: Girls, Who Do You Want To Be? was released on Day of the Girl 2019. Her second best-selling book, The Epic Mentor Guide, arrived during Women’s History Month 2022, sparking a weekly conversation on LinkedIn with The Epic Mentor Newsletter.

Before launching Être in 2016, Illana was a corporate attorney at Skadden Arps in NYC and a guest lecturer at Columbia University. She graduated from Smith College and the University of Chicago Law School, and remains unapologetically nerdy."

D-E '88

f Ravi Munver and former D-E Physics teacher Peter Kahan were recently featured in an article in a Hackensack Meridian Health periodical entitled Retired Science Teacher Relies on Former Student When Faced With Bladder Cancer . Here is an excerpt by Dr. Munver in the article, “As a senior in Peter’s honors physics class, I was so impressed at how passionate and meticulous he was in teaching us. It must have been destiny that brought us back together after so many years,” he says. “It was humbling when Peter reached out to me, and I informed him that there were potential options other than immediately removing the bladder.”

To read the article, please visit https://bit. ly/4a6DpJA

D-E '90

f Congratulations to Jeff Bushell on releasing his movie, Ricky Stanicky, directed by Peter Farrelly and out on Amazon Prime on March.

The feature film stars Zac Efron, Andrew Santino, John Cena, and Jermaine Fowler.

D-E '94

f Siddhartha"Sid" Khosla has been nominated by American Society of Composers, Authors Publishers (ASCAP) for the 2023 Composer Television Score of the Year and Television Theme of the Year awards for his music in the show Only Murders in the Building.

Sid has recently scored Michael Showalter's latest and most beautiful film The Idea Of You, starring Anne Hathaway and Nicholas Galitzine, streaming May 2nd on @primevideo! He also scored the music in the new television show, Elsbeth, which airs weekly on Thursday on CBS. Go Sid!


D-E '98

f Shareef Jackson had a featured essay in the Kobold Guide to Roleplaying publication. It was entitled “Embrace the Embarrassment: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love It When I Bomb.” From Shareef’s website (http://shareefjackson.com/about-me) we have the following summary of his career and interests:

“Shareef has been obsessed with technology since childhood, disassembling remote controls and driving his parents crazy. After getting engineering degrees from Brown and Case Western, Shareef was a data analyst before starting his business in 2016.

As the founder of the math and physics tutoring service Math Looks Good LLC, Shareef’s culturally relevant communication style helps break down science, gaming, and math in a way that the average person can understand and appreciate.In addition to being a business owner, Shareef is a math professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers Newark and a professor of video games and learning at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. His views on science and technology have been featured in sources such as the New York Times, Smithsonian, The Guardian, NPR, Scientific American, and Maclean’s . He is also featured in the YouTube diversity in gaming series Gaming Looks Good and as a player / Dungeon Master of the Dungeons and Dragons show Rivals of Waterdeep. He was previously featured as a co-host on the video game podcast Spawn On Me and a player on the Roll20 show Star Trek Adventures.”

D-E '99

f Kalpana Bains P'28 '31 will join the Englewood Hospital Board of Trustees. Here is an excerpt about Kalpana from the Englewood Hospital announcement, "Kalpana Bains most recently served as the Director of Global Commercial Credit Strategy and Integration at American Express, where, through a variety of roles, she was responsible for risk management, governance, credit strategy, and customer service for over

a decade. Bains is a dedicated volunteer and board member of the Dwight-Englewood School Parents' Association and serves on several committees for the school. Bains has a BA in economics from Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York." Kudos Kalpana!

D-E '02

f Nurse Practitioner, Dr. Tina Sadarangani was recently featured on Spectrum News because she has created an application, Caremobi, to help caregivers collect and manage all the information they need to provide the best care for their loved one. It’s a small, but potentially powerful tool that Tina hopes will offer a growing number of Americans a much-needed hand. She hopes the app becomes part of a larger movement to better support aging baby boomers and the people who care for them. To read the article, visit https://bit.ly/43bUkZ5

D-E '03

f Alison Mariella Désir is the author of Running While Black and the TV host and

producer of the award-winning show, Out Back w/ Alison Mariella Désir (now streaming). Alison is the founder of Harlem Run, an NYC-based running movement, and Run 4 All Women, which has raised over $150,000 for Planned Parenthood and $270,000 for Black Voters Matter. Alison sits on the advisory boards for Strava and and is an Athlete Ambassador for Athlete Ally. She lives outside of Seattle with her partner, Amir Muhammad Figueroa, and their son, Kouri Henri Figueroa.

f Terecille Basa-Ong Badgett and Matthew Badgett were married on September 9, 2023, in their Memphis, Tenn. backyard as she was recovering from Covid. Terecille is a Senior Connections Manager, Experiential, for a marketing agency VML, where she works on recruitment for the U.S. Navy. Also in attendance was Samantha Soto Schwarm ’05, who was a bridesmaid.

D-E '06

f Sara Pullman and Dr. Derek Faktor were married on Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 in New York City. The couple had an intimate ceremony in Central Park officiated by Samantha Pullman '08, followed by a dinner


at Palma in the West Village. Derek is a dentist with practices in New York City and Manalapan, NJ. Sara is Vice President of Operations for Wasserman Music and recently received a Masters in Mental Health and Wellness from NYU. They live in New York City with Derek's 15-year-old daughter, Brooke, and their dog, Oliver.

D-E '07

f Lorraine Boakye was recently honored by the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team and Penn Medicine during a basketball game.

D-E '08

f Michael Bello  is a Cuban-American director with Broadway, off-Broadway, and regional experience. He is currently the Associate Director on Tony Award winner Des McAnuff’s upcoming Broadway revival of The Who’s Tommy, which recently completed a

record-breaking, sold-out run at Chicago’s Goodman Theatre.

As the resident Associate Director for Jersey Boys, he has been responsible for the remounting, setting and supervising of the New York production at New World Stages and both the US and UK tours, as well as an upcoming live capture starring Nick Jonas. Additionally, he currently directs and maintains SUMMER: The Donna Summer Musical aboard Norwegian Cruise Lines.

Michael's work on new musicals has led him to direct world premieres around the country including We Are The Tigers off-Broadway at Theatre 80 St Marks (cast album now available on Broadway Records). He also directed Tigers at The Hudson Backstage Theatre in Los Angeles, which received 3 LA STAGE Alliance Ovation Award nominations including Outstanding Production of a Musical and won Best Music Lyrics. Other projects include Letters to the President, a historical song-cycle he conceived with Jessica Kahkoska, that was performed in concert at The Great Hall at Cooper Union and is currently being developed at Goodspeed Musicals after appearing in their 2023 Festival of New Musicals. Additionally, his work has been recognized by the Ovation Awards, IRNE Awards, NY Innovative Theater Awards and others.

As an Associate Director, Michael has worked with Des McAnuff on SUMMER: The Donna Summer Musical, a position he held on Broadway at the Lunt-Fontanne, for its premiere at the La Jolla Playhouse, and on its first national tour. He has assisted Tony Award nominee Sheryl Kaller on A Little More Alive at the Kansas City Repertory Theater, Bill Fennelly on Fly By Night at the Dallas Theater Center and TheaterWorks Silicon Valley, and Tony Award winner Mary Zimmerman on her acclaimed adaptation of Candide at the Huntington Theater Company, among others.

Michael is a member of the Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab, a past participant in the SDCF Observership Program, an alumni of Interlochen Center for the Arts, and holds a BFA in Musical Theatre from Emerson College.

D-E '11

f Marti Satnick Schwartz and Adam Schwartz '10 and their daughter, Summer Schwartz, welcomed a baby girl, London Rae Schwartz, to the world on November 14, 2023 at 1:18 AM. Marti and Adam live on the Upper East Side with their two daughters. They are overjoyed with the newest addition to their family.

D-E '12

f Misha Inniss-Thompson and her mother Michelle Brown-Grant were featured in an article on Cornell University's website this past February. The article by Joe Wilensky is entitled, Mother-Daughter Alums Share a Vocation—Forging a Special Bond. Both have devoted their careers to helping kids succeed, with a focus on the needs of Black girls and their communities. Both are alumnae of Cornell University.

The following is excerpted from the article:


"Inniss-Thompson, who earned a doctorate from Vanderbilt, is an assistant professor of psychology{at Cornell} who examines how communities, schools, and families shape Black girls’ wellness.....

In 2022, Inniss-Thompson co-founded a working group in Ithaca that encourages self-reflection and community-building for Black women who work with Black girls."

Her most recent research, based on an afterschool program she co-founded while at Vanderbilt, explores how Black girls create spaces alongside Black women that offer psychological safety and the ability to be their authentic selves." To read the whole article visit https://alumni.cornell.edu/cornellians/ mother-daughter-educators/

Photo on prior page: Michelle Brown-Grant (right) and Misha Inniss-Thompson in the Human Ecology Building during Cornell's Homecoming ’23.

D-E '16

f Alexis Fiore married Connor McCarron on September 8, 2023, in Hope, N.J. Friends and family of the bride include alumni from the classes of 2015, 2016, and 2019 and Lower School faculty members.

From left to right:

Teresa Cali Lower School teacher, Jennifer Koteles Lower School teacher, Aleem James '15, Jamie Morales '15, Michael Fiore '19, Alexis Fiore (the bride), Jason Dargan '15, Carrie De Los Reyes, Heather Goldfarb, Madison Farrar Lower School teacher, Tricia Fiore (mother of the bride) Lower School teacher.

f Samantha Lovett saw the Broadway musical The Lion King this past February. She saw longtime D-E Performing Arts faculty member Robert DeBellis, who plays the flute, clarinet, and bass clarinet in the orchestra pit for the show. As many are likely aware, Rob is also the beloved director of Jazz Rock, husband of Amanda Lauricella DeBellis ’76, and proud dad of alumni Tony DeBellis ’18 and Vince DeBellis ’15

f In February, Alexandra Tarsinov performed in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s A Grand Night for Singing with the Gulf Coast Symphony in Fort Myers, Florida.

f Reed Switzer was named by Forbes magazine on the 2024 “30 under 30” finance list. Congratulations!

f Current D-E student Anne Nodelman ’24 interviewed Malachi Samedy ’22 for the December 2023 issue of Spectrum , D-E’s Upper School student newspaper.

The following is excerpted from that article:

“Keeping Up with the Alumni: Malachi Samedy ’22

This week, Spectrum caught up with Malachi Samedy ’22 about his life as a college student at Berklee College of Music, as well as his music career. This year, Malachi Samedy is taking on a new musical identity as Malachi Nasser as his album drops in the new year.

How has your sophomore year been going at Berklee College of Music? Berklee is great! It’s definitely what you make of it. It’s about

D-E '18
D-E '19
D-E '22

meeting people and building a community. Now that I’ve done a year I’m sure it’s not for me but it’s definitely something I’m glad I did.

What was the motivation behind the album you will be releasing this upcoming school year? J.O.Y is a culmination of experiences and feelings that I’ve had over these last few years. Writing is a form of expression for me and a way to release. J.O.Y actually stands for Jokes of Yesterday, and it’s really just me reflecting on life’s past relationships and hardships.

What has it been like leading up to this major milestone in your music career? Life isn’t linear. There are bends and turns and you get taken places you wouldn’t expect to be. This upcoming opportunity is just such a blessing I’m ready to take it by the horns.

What do you hope people will take away from your album? I hope that within the upbeat tracks and infectious melodies they’ll be able to reflect on really how great life can be. J.O.Y is meant to convey its name and show you just how much joy is in the world.

What is one piece of advice you would give a student at Dwight-Englewood who is interested in pursuing music long-term? Be ambitious. And this applies to more than just musicians. Whatever you do, dare to be bold, be willing to look stupid, and be willing to be wrong. Be ambitious, make mistakes, and learn from them. There is nothing bad that could come out of doing your best and reaching for the stars.”

Get Involved!

Class Captains And Reps Needed!

f Become a part of the class leadership team that works in partnership with the Alumni Relations Committee and Alumni Relations team throughout the year to promote class engagement and financial support for the School. Class Captains and Representatives (Reps) work with each other to plan milestone Reunion celebrations, share news and updates about classmates and the School, and inspire gifts to the Annual Fund.

We are looking for multiple members of each class to become a Class Captain or Rep and share the responsibilities!

Learn more at: https://www.d-e.org/ alumni/alumni-class-leadership

Calling For Alumni News!

We want to hear from you! We are already gathering stories and photos for the next issue of D-E Alumni Class Notes. If you would like to submit your news and possibly a digital photo for the Class Notes section, we ask that you e-mail alumninews@d-e.org no later than June 1, 2024. Take a moment and tell us what’s new with you… education, career, travel, marriage, family, D-E friends etc.

Schedule of Upcoming

D-E Alumni and Community


Save the Dates!

April 27, 2024

• Bulldog Bash 2024 A Special Fundraiser Event to Benefit Financial Aid, on D-E’s Leggett Field!

• Featuring the RUBIX KUBE Band!

• See the inside back cover for details!

May 24, 2024

• Young Alumni BBQ for classes of 2021, 2022, 2023 on Leggett Field

• Senior Class Panel with Young Alumni

• Speed Networking with Alumni

October 18 – October 20, 2024

• Reunion Weekend for all alumni and faculty

• With special milestone celebrations for class years ending with 4 and 9.

* Note: All dates and events are subject to change. Scan the QR code or visit d-e.org/alumni for the most current details! *


Celebrating 50 Years of Dwight-Englewood School… and Wonderful Relationships!

In celebration of this current 2023-’24 academic year being the 50th year of DwightEnglewood School (when the Dwight School and Englewood School for Boys merged in 1973), we asked alumni to share their stories of wonderful relationships forged at D-E! We were so thrilled to hear from many of our alumni, whose relationship story submissions are provided here!

Cindy Coren Glick ’74

f I was fortunate enough to make life-long friends at Dwight. They are among my core group of friends who have been there for me in a big way in happy as well as trying times. I feel so lucky to still have them in my life: Susan, Robin, Lesley, Robin L, (and) DebbieI

Patricia (Pat) Thomson Russell Dwight ’61

f I am what has been called a “Lifer”, having started at Dwight at 3-1/2 years old in Pre-primary, (Mrs. van Wyk was our teacher) as did several other graduating classmates of mine. We went all the way through our elementary, middle, and high school years together at Dwight. These little girls were my friends then, and still are, although I don’t see very many of them too often. I think it’s pretty remarkable that I can still count these women as friends after 75+ years, along with many others who joined the Class of 1961 throughout the years. Our reunions, zoom meetings, and sometime lunches have helped to keep these feelings alive and flourishing.

Stefan Bucek ’75

f If I had to choose one faculty member who had the greatest influence in my years at D-E, it would have to be Martha Robinson. She is the one who got me involved in the drama department in my junior year, and that is where I really came alive as a student there. It opened me up to a whole new world socially, and I blossomed there. And the

strange thing is, I couldn’t tell you how or why she reached out to me. The only thing I had ever really done of note was to win the Latin Award in Form I (Grade 7), and I played on the JV Soccer team. Big whoop. For the most part, I was a smallish, wise-ass kid who got beat up in the hallways and probably deserved it. So how did Mrs. Robinson pick me out and nudge me into drama? Did someone recommend me? Did she notice me in the cafeteria or Leggett Field or someplace else? We’ll never know this side of Glory. But she found me, and encouraged me. And getting to express myself on stage, and to be accepted by a new group of students, well, it started the process of becoming who I am now. And I will forever be in debt to Martha Robinson for how she invested in me. That is the strength of Dwight-Englewood, the quality of the faculty and the dedication they display for their students. When I think back on ESB/D-E, my heroes are Rob Carson, Charlie Lender, Malcolm Duffy, Glenn Degener, Joe Erwin, and Martha Robinson. God bless dear Martha.


f When Sommer Thomas ’17, Addie Model ’17, Mariam Abdelhaq ’17 and I decided to spend a weekend at the beach together the summer after graduating college we had no idea how important we were about to become to each other. Although we talked

sporadically after graduating from D-E, we had not been best friends. After that beach trip, adulthood hit each of us in different ways; Sommer moving far away from home for a new job that brought her challenges and great triumphs at the University of Kentucky – Lexington and then Duke University; Addie graduating from Smith, working as a librarian, and ultimately becoming a grant-writer for Greater Bergen Community Action; I failing really epically for the first time in Buffalo, NY, then choosing to pursue my Masters, and finally ending up back where I belong, at D-E; and Mariam fighting for her life and never shying away from what that really means. We grew up in big ways together these past 3 years, and I would not have been able to do it without them. Talking to them every week is my safe place, it is constancy in a world that can be deeply chaotic. I am so lucky that high school was a place that we could have all been together, but I am even more grateful

that we could be best friends to each other out in the adult world – diverse and distant as we may be.

f I recently had the pleasure of returning to campus for my 15th reunion, and was invigorated by seeing three women who were exceptionally formative in my educational journey: Betsey Carson, Carole DeVito, and Abby Kanter. Reflecting on how happy I was to see them at the reunion, even if only for a few short conversations each, I was privileged to reflect on how each of them made me a tougher woman, a more creative and critical thinker, and a better citizen of the world. I have Ms. Carson to thank for seeding in me a love of Asia thanks to her 7th grade history class--one that would lead the early part of my career to Asia--and to engendering a “Tough Cookie” mindset in everything I’ve done in my life, which has long since taken me away from the D-E lacrosse field. Whenever I think of how and from whom I learned to be “a strong woman,” Betsey Carson is the first person who comes to mind. I have Carole DeVito to thank for helping me see the world through her classes in Art History, European History, and her trips to Europe with her husband, Pasquale. With inimitable style and flair, she made every “surface” about which she taught--whether it was a work of art or a piece of history--come alive. When I think of teachers who taught me how to think--by studying the finest details alongside the broader context, then, after intensive study of alternative perspectives, coming to your own conclusions--I think of Carole DeVito,

who was a paragon for clear thinking and even clearer teaching. I have Abby Kanter to thank for teaching me the magic of Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a love for homemade baking, and that “life is many things, but it is never boring” and that “our hold on reality is only tentative, at best!” The power of words and storytelling that I first learned in her classes has carried into my writing work outside of Leggett Hall. Few things evoke stronger memories than going into the Leggett Hall basement on a Friday morning, saying hello to all the language and history teachers, and seeing Sra. Kanter share whatever she had baked that week! To this day, I aspire to Sra. Kanter’s baking skills and generosity of spirit among her colleagues, students, and family.

Jean (JJ) Mueller Tillinghast

f My son, Bryson Tillinghast, graduated from Yale Business School in 2007 and works in Seattle for Amazon. In early 2021, he met Annalina Kazickas who had just moved to Seattle …..on a dating website. Annalina is a niece of Betsy Muhlfeld Ingram Dwight ’63. Betsy and JJ Ingram ESB ’63 knew each other from going to Elisabeth Morrow and Dwight School growing up in Englewood. Bryson and Annalina got married in Cat Cay 12/31/23! What a wonderful coincidence and a great [D-E] Reunion story. Bryson and Annalina soon discovered the connection after they began dating.

Katharine Miller ’90

f Dwight-Englewood has the best teachers and staff, I should know; both my father, Robert Carson, and my Aunt Betsey Carson

devoted many years to their students at [D-E]. My father and Aunt Betsey did not treat teaching as a job, they truly cared about their students that was obvious to me because they were often the topic of conversation at our dinner table. When I became a student at Dwight-Englewood, it soon became apparent to me that this was the norm amongst the teachers and staff. One teacher in particular, Mrs. Harriet Falk, went above and beyond and made a huge impact in my life. It became apparent to Mrs. Falk that I was not confident in my reading and writing ability because of my learning disability. Mrs. Falk was able to help me see beyond my learning disability. She helped me to restore my confidence as a student and reignite by love of reading and writing. I was truly lucky to have Harriet Falk as a teacher and I still think of her often.

f D-E has brought me two of the most important people in my life! I met my two lifelong best friends Bodhi Mathur ’23 and Lexi Trokhan ’23 during high school and even though we go to colleges in three different states now, our friendship continues to be a loving, constant presence as we navigate university. We continue to cheer each other on from afar, and they will always be the two people I call first whether I have good or bad news – – I can’t wait to see the amazing things they do in the coming years. I admire Bodhi and Lexi with my whole heart and will be forever thankful that I met both of them during my time at D-E!

Dwight ’63

Alisa Liskin Clausen ’76

f I love this initiative. There are certainly several [Dwight-Englewood School] relationships I have made and cherish, which include faculty who inspired and challenged me, friendships that have lasted decades, the legacy of my mother Madame Liskin who taught French and my nieces Rebecca (Becca) Bonagura Esq. ’02 and Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bonagura ’02 who were the family’s second generation [D-E] students. During my [D-E] years, the visual arts were not as celebrated, as I am delighted to see that they are today through so many programs. Faculty such as Gene Wojtyla helped this “art student” to collect thoughts and write well; 10th grade Geometry teacher Elmer Kubi unlocked my fear of math. Art teachers Bob Barsamian and Cornel Ferat pushed my talents through different mediums. I thrived on both their critique and praise. The single relationship from [D-E] that made a lifelong impact in my life, is actually a relationship that never blossomed. During 1973, I liked a boy who was a year to two older than me. I was of course, fairly invisible to him. I did notice that he was using the potter’s wheel in the art room. I thought, the only way I am ever going to sit next to him is to start using the wheel next to him. The crush did not last, the boy is long gone into adulthood, like myself. That same summer, ´73, I spent every hot and humid day in the pottery studio at [D-E] alone with one faculty Ann S. Love for clay and glazes has never left me. At [D-E] I learned diligence. Keep trying. Someone, in my case, faculty, helped me to find a method to unlock what traditional methods had made me afraid of (Math and Chemistry I could

not understand from the books). Curiosity and diligence have carried me forward to understanding the alchemy of ceramic glazes, an interest which includes math, science and creative intuition. In 2022 I was invited by NCECA, National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, to participate on the panel of Glaze Doctors, an open forum for questions about ceramic glazes. Today I am actively developing ceramic glazes for both my own studio, students, colleagues and databases. Thank you [Dwight-Englewood School] for giving me the first tools to approach something I don’t understand, but want to learn in order to fulfill my curiosity and achieve my goals. A lifelong interest in clay started by a high school crush.

f My story is in honor of Miss Tsu, 2nd grade teacher at Dwight “Little School”. In addition to academics, Miss Tsu taught us to knit. We each made a cable knit hat which I still have. I also made a jumpsuit for my teddy bear. Miss Tsu taught us to eat with chopsticks. And she was studying to take the test to become a U.S. citizen, so we learned along with her. Having recently seen the test, it was more civics than many students learn today. Miss Tsu had emigrated from Shanghai after the city had fallen to Communist control in 1949. A photograph of our President, Dwight Eisenhower, hung on the wall. I will always remember her and our tight knit class of nine students.

Deborah Sorcher Berman

Dwight ’72

f Debra Rosen Solomon ’72 and I were friends at Knights Day Camp in 5th grade.

When I came to Dwight in high school, we rekindled that friendship, and became closer than ever. We had our escapades--I think we might have flooded the old darkroom once! We were both at Barnard and later, coincidentally, our families were independently on vacation in Canada and we were assigned hotel rooms right across the hall from each other. We’ve been BFFs ever since then. Just like at Dwight, there’s lots of sharing, caring, and the special laughter continues.

f The mid – to late 1960s was a turbulent time, between three assassinations over 18 months and the Vietnam War, battling with our parents about the length of our hair and the style of our clothes (from which the term “unisex” became popular) and using the term “Ms.” instead of “Miss” or “Mrs.” All these changes appeared to make life more complicated on the surface, but they actually made me stronger and wiser. And I was so grateful to have switched from the NYC public school system, where I frankly floundered in the back row in a class of 35 children, to the Elizabeth Morrow School, then the Englewood School for Boys. They changed my life. The classes were small, so I didn’t get lost in the crowd. I felt seen. The teachers were strong, and the expectations were high, but I loved the mixture of competition and encouragement. It was character-building. It gave me a strength I didn’t know I had. And for the record, I will tell you that when my grandfather’s name went up on the Science Hall, I thought I would die. I didn’t want to

Pamela Kraemer Klurfield Dwight ’70 Generoso Pope III ESB ’70

be seen “that much”. There were a lot of assumptions students made that threatened to mislabel who I was. Luckily, my friends stayed my friends, and the bullies stayed as bullies. I learned valuable lessons on how to deal with it all. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I believe that to be true to this day. But of all my great experiences, the trading of actors between ESB and Dwight School (for girls) was one of my best experiences ever, and it laid the foundation for one day becoming a successful director and actor. I’m happy to say that ESB changed my life for the better, and my children’s lives for the better by passing along what I had learned those years ago.

Marti (Satnick) Schwartz ’11

f I met Adam Schwartz ’10 during preseason sports when I was a freshman and Adam was a sophomore. We are now married, living in New York City with our two daughters, Summer and London Schwartz. We are so grateful that attending D-E brought us together.

Richard Klinger, Esq. ESB ’54

f In my life, the things I remember at ESB most, with exception to two soul-close friends from Harvard days, were my teachers. At ESB, most were very good, some a little quirky, but good nonetheless. And some were outstanding… people who have left a presence with me to this day (and I’m 87). I will mention two – William Clark (“Bill”) and Fred Hutchins (“Hutch”). Clark was the Latin teacher I learned from through all the high school years. My class (1954) dedicated our yearbook to him I think. He was an unassuming man with a deep love of Latin and the sound, power, and complexity of the language. With him, I felt the beauty of Ovid’s poetry and the adventure of Virgil’s stories. And, I guess, what made him so special was his ability to share his excitement and appreciation to the few of us (I think our senior class was

four). I still remember him taking us into NYC to see the movie “Quo Vadis.” He explained the historical background and made the trip an adventure. And then, there is Hutch. One doesn’t get this kind of teacher very often because there are not that many men like Hutch. On the one hand, he was a strict grammarian (for which I am grateful). He didn’t want a class of sloppy writers. But that is a minor aspect of his abilities. He made everything we read an exploration. In his classes, he was always asking us, “What do you think this means?” And that would lead to discussion. He was pushing us to think. It wasn’t ever enough just to do the assigned reading. You had to come prepared to explain what you had taken away from it. He invited discussion. His criticism could be sharp, but never unkind. He had a wonderful sense of humor that could bring a class of rowdy teenagers to a roar. He knew I had a hungry and curious mind, so for three years he corresponded with me during the summers, suggesting things to read, asking for my thoughts. This was the kind of person that he was. I still miss him. So, [Dwight-Englewood School] … I know that you’ve become a powerhouse institution now. When I went to ESB, my class was no more than 30 students. It was a different time. I am sure that the school is of the highest quality… but long ago, there was also an element of intimacy that I fear may be no longer a part of the education process. Maybe I’m wrong. Certainly, when I went on to Harvard, the nest of ESB was gone, and I was flying on my own… but well prepared.

Remembering Doris Moss

Doris Moss was born in Germany and spent the years of World War II in Belgium, where she learned French and trained as a weaver and textile designer. She emigrated with her family to the United States in 1949. While raising her young children, she started her French teaching career at the Elizabeth Morrow School and subsequently taught at Dwight-Englewood from 1975 to 1996. Her teaching reflected her approach to life: She was disciplined and structured as well as creative and fun loving. After leaving D-E, she remained close with many of her school colleagues until the end of her life. She was greatly loved by her friends and family, including her daughters, Nicole Moss Katz ’74 and Andrea Moss Goldensohn ’76, four grandchildren, and one great grandchild.

Remembering Ernst Schoen-Rene

Ernst Schoen-Rene, a Lower School teacher at the Englewood School for Boys for two years and then a college professor at Cal State-Chico for 35, died last October in Kingston, NY, at age 86. He was a 22-year-old Yale grad with an English degree and an infectious enthusiasm for learning when he arrived at ESB in 1960 to teach the youngest class at school, the 5th grade. A year later, he taught twice as many boys in the 6th grade before heading west. To a man, his former students have long remembered him as the best teacher they ever had.—Michael Meserole ESB ’68

A Legacy Families “Meet-Up”: Alumni Visit D-E, Create New Connections

D-E connections galore! In a recent visit to Dwight-Englewood, Beverly Vahlteich DeLaney ’53 and her granddaughter, Catherine Macleod Daigle ’13 spent an afternoon reconnecting with many community members. After a “catch up” lunch at Giovanni’s Bicycle Club in Englewood Cliffs, they visited the home of Michele and David Opper ’92 in Englewood. It was previously discovered their current residence was the childhood home of Beverly Delaney. In an almost ceremonious way, Beverly passed on one of the original house number plates to the Opper family. With Jake Opper

’27 and Ben Opper ’23 also present, seeing several generations of D-E alumni under one roof was incredible!*

Beverly and Catherine later enjoyed watching the matinee performance of the Upper School musical, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Both Beverly and Catherine are theater lovers, and Catherine spent much of her D-E career in the theater. It was only fitting she watched the same production she had student-directed 10 years earlier, during her senior year at D-E. It was a wonderful

In Memoriam



Jacquette Storm Theis 5/25/22

Wife of the late H. Grant Theis ESB ’37; mother of Gaylen Hicks Bent D ’62; sister-in-law of the late Virginia Theis D ’42


Diana Klemin 7/24/23

opportunity to see old and new faces after the show. Catherine will be going to The Outsiders on Broadway with D-E’s Drama Club in April.

Today, Beverly enjoys spending time with her family and their dogs. She is also an active member in her assisted living community in West Caldwell, NJ. Catherine is currently the Director of Amateur Licensing at Theatrical Rights Worldwide, a full-service theater licensing company based in New York City.

ESB 1945

Rev. Edgar A. Nutt 9/9/23

Brother of the late Dr. Elizabeth Nutt Barnes D ’43; son of the late Elizabeth Welch Nutt D ’16; nephew of the late Madeline Welch D ’08; uncle of James Barnes ’73 and Robert Barnes ESB ’65

ESB 1948

Justin Latona 1/11/24

Brother of Donald Latona ESB ’54

Not pictured: Ava Opper '23


Sally Gilady Chubb 1/29/24


Elizabeth Whitson Thomson 1/11/24

Sister of Henry “Jim” Whitson ESB ’57 and Jean Whitson Lince D ’60


Kathie Johnson Foote 9/6/23

Former wife of Geoffrey Foote ESB ’56; Sister of the late Robert Foote ESB ’50 and the late Michael Foote ESB ’53; Sister-in-law of Melinda Swango Johnson ’55; Aunt of the late PJ Johnson ’86.



Marianne Olmsted 1/28/24

ESB 1962

Edward “Terry” Proctor 10/30/23

Brother of Talley Proctor Wright D ’64


Penelope Walkom 1/7/24


Marie-Elaine Laroche 8/25/19


Verna Bash-Flowers 3/1/2024

D-E 1974

Alan Niederland 4/6/23

Former Faculty and Staff

Perry Cardwell 12/14/23

Former long-time security officer; husband of former employee Rhonda Cardwell

Barbara A. Homer Meyer 3/18/23

Former Spanish teacher and softball coach; former Language Department chair

William Lenskold 1/8/24

Former football head coach for ESB and D-E; father of William “Bill” Lenskold ’78, Kenneth Lenskold ’81, Andrew Lenskold ’82, and Kristan J. Lenskold ’84

Doris Moss


Former French teacher; mother of Dr. Andrea Moss Goldensohn ’76 and Nicole Moss Katz ’74

Ernst Schoen-Rene 10/27/23

Family and Friends

Dr. Asghar Chuback


Father of Dr. John Chuback ’87

Margaret Dea 12/10/23

Wife of the late former Head of School Eugene Dea; mother of Vanessa Dea Dennison ’95 and Francesca Meredith Dea

William K. Mettler


Husband of the late Judith “Judy” Dipaolo Mettler

D ’47; father of Tony Mettler ’77, Elizabeth “Betsy” Mettler Bacon ’79, Melissa “Missy” Mettler Abrams

D ’72, and the late Alison Mettler Wilson D ’73

Dr. Richard Pichel


Father of Jesse Pichel ’87 and Matthew Pichel ’92; grandfather of Alice Pichel ’24

Dr. James P. Smith Jr. 3/25/24

Father of Susan Smith Mitchell ’85, and Patricia Smith Barett ’89

Lois Strauss


Mother of the late Keith Strauss ’85 and the late Steven Strauss ’83

Richard Sussman 12/28/23

Father of Nina Sussman, Rachel Sussman ’77, and the late David Sussman ’82

Gloria Weisinger 12/22/23

Mother of Janet Weisinger Ginsberg ’82, William Weisinger ’78, Roberta Weisinger ’77, and Norman Weisinger ’75

Charles Osgood Wood 1/23/24

Husband of Jean Wood; father of Kathleen Wood Griffis ’92, Kenneth Wood ’94, Anne-Elizabeth Wood ’95, Emily Wood ’97, and James Wood ’01

CS A N M E FORADDITIONAL CONTENTONDETOD A Y O GR Spring @ D-E always brings a myriad of end-of-year special events, celebrations and programs, many of which are free and open to families and friends. For a calendar of all upcoming events, visit us online at d-e.org/calendar or scan the QR code!

Bulldog Bookshelf

If you are a D-E alumna, alumnus, student, parent, or current or former member of the faculty or staff, we welcome your submissions to Bulldog Bookshelf. Please forward press releases, electronic files or cover art, and related materials about your book, music release, or film to: alumninews@d-e.org. Bulldog Bookshelf descriptions are adapted from promotional materials and do not reflect the views or opinions of the School or its staff.

Beyond Resilience to Rootsilience: A Revolutionary Women’s Leadership Framework for Balance, Wellbeing and Success

Unbound Press February 2024

Providing ancient wisdom for modern leadership, Beyond Resilience to Rootsilience empowers women leaders to reclaim balance and wellbeing by decoding the language of our body, behavior, and mind. Our body shows us when we’ve been stretched beyond our limits and knocked out of balance. This book shows how to recognize the signs and what can we do about them.

The authors invented the word Rootsilience (pronounced “root – zeel – ience”), positing that new language is needed to create new consciousness and effect real, transformational change. Inspired by ancient teachings and modern science, the book and combines three key branches: conscious leadership, healing foods, and mind-body integration.

Unseal Your Superpower: Letters to Inspire the Hero Within You

After years of carrying a heavy secret, seventime Emmy-nominated reporter Lauren Brill shared it with the world in an open letter in April of 2017. At 16, she was drugged and abused by two strangers. After her letter went viral, she left her career as a sportscaster in a top-20 market to help others turn their secrets into superpowers. She started a company called The Unsealed (theunsealed.com) as a platform that provides a safe space for people to share their personal stories and empower themselves while inspiring others.

Unseal Your Superpowers includes letters—some ghostwritten by Brill—from everyday people, as well as some with name recognition. They include Gretchen Carlson, who sued Fox News and who addresses her letter to ambitious young women, and Brian Cuban, brother of Mark Cuban, who addresses his letter to those who feel overshadowed by a sibling.

What It Took to Win: A History of the Democratic Party

Since its inception in the early nineteenth century, the Democratic Party has played a central role in defining American society. But what has the party stood for through the centuries, and how has it managed to succeed in elections and govern?

In What It Took to Win, the eminent historian Michael Kazin assesses the party’s long-running commitment to creating “moral capitalism”—a system that mixes entrepreneurial freedom with the welfare of workers and consumers. And yet the same party that championed the rights of the white working man also vigorously protected or advanced the causes of slavery, segregation, and Indian removal. As the party evolved towards a more inclusive egalitarian vision, it won durable victories for Americans of all backgrounds. But it also struggled to hold together a majority coalition and advance a persuasive agenda for the use of government.

Kazin traces the party’s fortunes through vivid character sketches of its key thinkers and doers, and examination of the records of early and more recent Democratic presidents. Throughout, Kazin reveals the rich interplay of personality, belief, strategy, and policy that define the life of the party.

Samantha Langbaum Anderson ’85 and Rimi Chakraborty Lauren Brill ’03

Dwight-Englewood School

315 East Palisade Avenue

Englewood, NJ 07631

Our 1st graders completed their annual “Houses & Homes” project earlier this year, working together in small groups and building models based off of real homes from around the world! Students were able to demonstrate and learn key “HumanEd” traits in the process, including collaboration, communication, and compromise. For more about how recent D-E programs, activities and events all represent our mission in action, see inside!

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