1983-02, Dulcimer Players News Vol. 9 No. 2

Page 26


Dulcimer festivals are as unique as the types of people who play dulcimers . Bob Evans Farm, in Rio Grande, Ohio , believes that the popularity of thia type oC Qusic stems iroQ the diversity which people bring to the muaic. The Farm is the birthplace oi the well-known sausage and r estsurant company which bears the name of its founder. The weekend Jul y festival (Jrd weekend each yea r ) ia actually in Bob Evans ' backya rd, to the rear of the historic brick Homestead built in 1824. A large covered stage and attached "big top" tent provide the performance area while 1100 acrea of scenic southern Ohio countryside allow the featival goer to st r etch out under a tree to enjoy the event . Each Sunner, the Bob Evans Farms CcJapan)" sponsors about 19 special weekend events which are open to the public and are free of char ge . The Dulc i mer Festival. like their Homeateading Da)"a c rafts weekend and the Country Kusic Convention , highlights the arts of the Appalachian region. The Dulcimer Festival is based on a two-fold approach: providing a highly o rganl%ed compet ition snd offering everyone the opportunity to play on the "Open Concert" atage, under the shade trees, or within a planned workshop. There really is something for everyone , even ch ildr en ' s events sod separate competitions for traditional and progressive styles. Falllilies who play together can be honored as "The Best Dulcimer Playing Family". The Farm has also removed all registration fees while , for 1983, increasing pri%e monies to over $500. Open concerts are expanded in 1983 to include an evening progralll lascinR until 9 P.M. Individuals ro groups are given the chance to shar e their music on the stage without the structure of judging . Special guests are invited each year to highlight the event. They change each year as the festival actelllpts t o expose the audience t o a va riety of styles and background s. In the co~pe titi on , three competent jud8eR Rvaluate 8ach con tes t ant ' s playing via a very atandardhed set of rules. Any "bugs" of the early coarpetition judging have been worked out so that for the laat three years no reCOllllllended changea have been offered by the public or the planning committee . Yea, the Bob Evana Farm in Rio Grande, Ohio can be a pleaaant weekend vacation even during the reat of the SUDl:ller . FaI'lll staff maintain a horseback riding atable , cnaoe livery, hiking traila, and even free tours. They have griat mills, S8W1ills, aorghum mills , windmills , and of cour se plenty of faI'lll animals. If you 're hungry . there is even one of their restaurants nearby the conce rt stagel For information or a festival Clyet, contact Bob Evans Farm ' s DulCimer Festival, P.O. Box 330, Rio Grande, OR 45674.

An album of .ountain dulci1ller music shared by good frienda. SUSIE PETERSEN Hammered dulc~r . guitar. harmonica, 5-atring banjo CAROL REICHENBACH and vocaili.


Selections include: Old Joe Clark. June Apple, Over The Waterfsll. An Untloudy Day , Scotland the Brave ••• $8 Post-paid



Kitty Paw Recordll 7214 Blatier Court Louillville, KY 40228 -M ____________________

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