Winter 2014

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D UK E U N I VER SI TY, B OX 90572 D UR H AM, N O RTH CA R O LI NA 27 70 8-0572






What can you do in one day at Duke? p.36

Administrators and students confront sexual assault p.20 Sean Lilly Wilson ’00 and his search for a Southern brew p.26 Fighting corruption with Zephyr Teachout ’99 p.42


Winter 2014 | Vol. 100 | No. 5

Breaking Out Project images by Antoinette Hayford, Julia Dunn, Naa Adoley



4 Forum D E P A r T M E N T S


THEQuad roommates, a bionic eye, a chat with the new provost

18 Sports A lineman and a scholar

No More Bystanders How administrators and students are working to confront sexual assault by Bridget Booher


Evidence of Things Unseen A student documents scars as she grapples with pain by Elizabeth Van Brocklin

S T Ay


47 Forever Duke DAA activities and connections

53 Class Notes 70 retro The one-of-a-kind, first Trinity Law School dean

72 Devil’s Own Foraging on campus Donn Young

Home Brew Alumnus Sean Lilly Wilson’s search for a Southern beer by Elizabeth Van Brocklin Lauren Henschel





Photo by Megan Morr

42 Challenging the Establishment Alumna Zephyr Teachout’s anti-corruption campaign

Associated Press

Taking in the life of a busy university by Robert J. Bliwise


One Day at Duke

FULLFRAME Creative soul: Senior Nick Chilson performs impromptu songs at the West Campus bus stop as part of a pop-up event hosted by the Artstigators, a new student-driven project. A community made of students, faculty, sta, and alumni, the Artstigators aim to unify Duke’s diverse arts culture around the mission of celebrating art for the sake of art. Follow the Artstigators on Twitter or Instagram. Photo by Megan Morr




UST AFTER THIS FALL’S ELECTION, The New York Times suggested, in an editorial, that this year’s money flow into campaigns was “just a dress rehearsal for 2016.” Given big money’s influence—a great wave of “secret, special-interest money,” as The Times saw it—“the chances for limiting it are more distant than ever.” The editorial could have been plucked from the stump speech of one of this past political season’s most interesting campaigners—and most celebrated scholars. That’s Zephyr Teachout A.M., J.D. ’99, a Fordham law professor who competed for the Democratic Party’s gubernatorial nomination in New York. She ran a campaign that, in a sense, was as backward-looking as it was forward-looking: She was feeding off a reformist tradition that dated back to the founders of American democracy. Much of Teachout’s platform was built on her research for a new book, provocatively titled Corruption in America. It’s a historical survey, but it’s also a lament for a great democratic experiment that has veered off-course. In these pages, we excerpt a chapter from the book. And we chart out her ultimately unsuccessful, though much-commented-on, run for the nomination. If our politics has, in Teachout’s view, become debased, the symbol of—and propelling force behind—the descent is the 2010 Citizens United case. There the Supreme Court struck down all limits on corporate expenditures in political campaigns. The court found that the First Amendment protects political speech regardless of the identity of the speaker. It also found that no sufficiently important countervailing governmental or constitutional goal was served by limiting corporate political advertising. The opinion, Teachout writes, “comprehensively redefined corruption, and in so doing, redefined the rules governing political life in the United States.” As a matter of constitutional law, corruption now means only “quid pro quo corruption.” And quid pro quo exists only when there are “direct examples of votes being exchanged for...expenditures,” according to the Supreme Court. That’s quite a departure point from a much different, much more restrictive view of corruption. Corruption, in its new legal definition, doesn’t include undue influence; it cannot flow from donors trying to influence policy through campaign contributions, “unless these donors are utterly crass,” as Teachout puts it. Citizens United ignores a history (a peculiarly American history), then, of considering it a responsibility of the government to temper corruption in the public sphere. In her book’s conclusion, Teachout calls American democracy one of the greatest achievements in history. “But democracy, without constant vigilance against corruption, is an unstable, unmoored thing, subject to great gusts of whimsy, and likely to collapse.” —Robert J. Bliwise, editor




“Check out the story about senior Lauren Henschel. She looks just like her mother did when she was here.” - S.W.

WiNTEr 2014 | Vol. 100 | No. 5

EDITOR: Robert J. Bliwise A.M. ’88 MANAGING EDITOR: Adrienne Johnson Martin ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Bridget Booher ’82, A.M. ’92 CLAY FELKER MAGAZINE FELLOW: Elizabeth Van Brocklin ’11 STAFF ASSISTANT: Delecia Hatcher • PUBLISHER: Sterly L. Wilder ’83, Associate Vice President, Alumni Affairs INTERNS: Ryan Hoerger ’16, Tim Lerow ’15, Maddie Taylor ’18 SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR: Louise Flynn DESIGN CONSULTANT: Lacey Chylack, phase5creative inc. PRINTER: Progress Printing • OFFICERS, DUKE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: N. Shepard Moyle ’84, president, Sterly L. Wilder ’83, secretarytreasurer • EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD: Lesley Jane Seymour ’78, chair, Peter Applebome ’71, Sarah Ball ’08, James Cannon Boyce ’87, Sarah Hardesty Bray ’72, James Burnett ’98, Jerrold K. Footlick, Robbyn Footlick ’85, Devin Gordon ’98, Kerry E. Hannon ’82, John Harwood ’78, Mangesh Hattikudur ’01, Sara Lipka ’01, Valerie A. May ’77, Michael Moore ’08, Will Pearson ’01, Steven Petrow ’78, Shaun Raviv ’01, Dan Riley ’08, Jim Rosenfield ’81, Jon Scher ’84, John Seigenthaler ’78, Elizabeth Spiers ’99, Fiona Spruill ’99, Greg Veis ’03, James O. Wilson ’74, Robert J. Bliwise A.M. ’88, secretary, Clay Felker ’51, founding chair DUKE MAGAZINE Box 90572, Durham, N.C. 27708 PHONE: (919) 684-5114; FAX: (919) 681-1659 E-MAIL: ADDRESS CHANGES: Alumni Records, Box 90581, Durham, N.C. 27708 or • © 2014 Duke University, Published five times a year by the Duke Alumni Association 4

“Boss Tweed, Thomas Nast” by Thomas Nast. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

LETTERS & COMMENTS Basketball manager memories I enjoyed this article about the student manager [“The Swing Man,” Fall 2014]. Back in 1950, I started my three years as basketball manager for Duke. The first year I was an assistant for the varsity, the second year, manager for the freshman team, and my third year, head manager for the varsity. The head coach was Coach Gerry Gerard. The best player on the team was Dick Groat ’52. A lesson learned was that the best player on the team practiced more than all the other players put together. I probably fed Groat thousands of balls for him to use in his jump shot. When the gym was empty, I tried to copy his form on my own. A highlight was that we were invited to play in the NIT in New York. The details mentioned by

Retta Speaks 22

Ms. Van Brocklin covered the multitude of tasks that the managers dealt with every day; handling those responsibilities was great training for my adult life in the in the U.S. Navy and in my career in the data-processing world.

The American Way 24

How to Be a Teacher 28


FALL 2014


VOLUME 100 . NO 3





HOME Stories of refuge, reconnection, and residences, on campus and off

Born or bred? A researcher explores whether biology is destiny


David D. Johnson ’52 Ashburn, Virginia

Aycock name change I’m writing in response to a letter in the Fall 2014 issue from Martha Ray Joyner, who wrote that she was sad to see Duke “turn against its history because of pressure from discontented students” in renaming Aycock Residence Hall. There is

no history to turn against: Aycock had no institutional affiliation with Duke University. She also writes that Aycock was “a product of his time, which was a time of slavery in North Carolina.” Aycock was born in 1859 and was less than six years old when the Civil War ended. His cam-


Zephyr Teachout A.M., J.D. ’99 may have lost her bid for elective office in New York (see page 42), but other alumni fared better. Six Duke graduates will be serving in the 114th Congress.

In the Senate: Rand Paul M.D. ’88 (R-KY) and Shelley Moore Capito ’75 (R-WV), West Virginia’s first female senator

In the House: Dan Lipinski ’98 (D-IL), Mo Brooks ’75 (R-AL), Bradley Byrne ’77 (R-AL), Scott Peters ’80 (D-CA) DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014


paigns of white supremacy, violence, and voter disenfranchisement in 1898 and 1900, more than thirty years after slavery was abolished in the U.S., cannot be explained, overlooked, or defended as historical circumstance. Elizabeth Selbst M.E.M., M.P.P. ’12 Washington

Being Human Terrie Moffitt, Nannerl O. Keohane University Professor and the subject of the cover story in the Fall 2014 issue (“What Does It Mean to Be Human?”), offers a high-flying reflection: “I had one amusing experience around the story. In early November, I was flying business class from London to Dulles

Airport on a United Airlines flight. One of the flight attendants had a copy of Duke Magazine and recognized me from the photo inside. Soon everyone in the business-class section was looking at the magazine. I felt like quite a celebrity!”

“In the Gardens Beside a Library”


In your very special “Home” issue, the reflections of Jim Applewhite and his magnificent poem describing his connection to an ancient willow oak literally leapt off the page—the gnarled branches of the tree reaching out and transporting me back to my time at Duke. Whether explicating Wordsworth or Wallace Stevens, Jim Applewhite brought his poet’s soul and vision to the text before us and took us along for the ride. He created something that is all too rare in the college classroom—pure magic. Looking back at that time, those of us who were fortunate enough to discover a Jim Applewhite poetry class can only use the esteemed emeritus’ own words to describe the experience: “gratitude” for the ideas we shared; “mourning” that our time together was so brief; and, most important, finding a sense of “belonging” to Duke and to the world. John T. Harding Jr. ’79 Westwood, Massachusetts

Les Todd

In our Fall 2014 issue, Bill Ackerman ’67 wrote a letter suggesting that the Chinese wisteria on the Duke gardens pergola be replaced with “something more environmentally friendly” because of its renown as an invasive species and its propensity to choke the native forest. We included a response from the gardens’ executive director, Bill LeFevre, in which he explained that Duke gardens horticulturists would cut back hard on the plant and were “committed to keeping this plant within its bounds.” But shortly after we went to press, LeFevre sent us a note explaining a change in his thoughts. “…[i]n light of our recent strategic planning process, which includes the goal to embody environmental sustainability throughout Duke gardens operations, we have reversed our course and will replace the Chinese Wisteria with the non-invasive native species.” He added: “The Pergola restoration is complete and we will replant the vines this fall.”


SEND LETTERS TO: Box 90572, Durham, N.C. 27708 or e-mail Please limit letters to 300 words and include your full name, address, and class year or Duke affiliation. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity. Owing to space constraints, we are unable to print all letters received. Published letters represent the range of responses received. For additional letters:

Les Todd




Zoom, zoom: During the annual School Days event, Kevin Shenk (in Duke sweatshirt), a senior in mechanical engineering, watches a visiting middle-school student enjoy the open-wheel race car built by Duke University Motorsports for the world's largest intercollegiate engineering competition. More than 120 international teams compete in the annual event, and Duke Motorsports consistently places within the top 20 percent of teams. Photo by Les Todd



time in which the race cars can accelerate from 0-60 mph

of the car is built on campus. The team doesn’t make the shocks, tires, and engine.


3-5 20-25 undergraduate students graduate students

work on the car



[ the ChAtteR ]

“What we know now is that when dogs are actually looking at you, they’re essentially hugging you with their eyes.” —Brian Hare, evolutionary anthropology professor, explaining dogs’ feelings and intelligence, during a 60 Minutes interview


is not bad, but seeing this list makes me want to get to

A Question of Inclusion University adds a chance to talk about gender identity.



An example of the negative effects of competition?” A tweet by Dan Ariely Ph.D. ’98, a professor of psychology and behavioral economics, in response to Science magazine ranking him number 16 on a list of “The top 50 science stars of Twitter”

“I look and try to get a sense of what fraction of things that I’m trying to do are being successful. If that number gets too high—like 50 percent would be way too high—then I really question what we’re doing. I’m pleased to report we’re nowhere near that high.”


With the addition of a short-essay question, Duke joined the small group of colleges that include optional questions about sexual orientation and gender identity on admissions application. The prompt reads, in part, “If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experience you’ve had to help us understand you better—perhaps related to a community you belong to, your sexual orientation or gender identity, or your family or cultural background—we encourage you to do so.” Dean of undergraduate admissions Christoph Guttentag told Inside Higher Ed that Duke students and others had encouraged the adoption of the new question, and he’d decided an openended question was better than a checkbox. “In general, I prefer to think of diversity within the contexts of values, interests, backgrounds, experience, and perspectives, rather than discrete attributes, and asking the question in this way moves us in that direction.” Duke is also the first Common Application institution to add such a question.

—Robert Lefkowitz, Nobel Laureate in chemistry; professor of biochemistry, immunology, and medicine; and researcher at Duke University Medical Center


the number of food trucks on campus (including trucks that specialize in serving dumplings, BBQ, crepes, mac and cheese, and more)



the number of tiny cameras inside a new gigapixel camera at Duke that detects the beginning signs of melanoma

20 the number of books written by Maya Ajmera ’93 her books, which educate children about global cultures, include Be My Neighbor, Children From Australia to Zimbabwe, What We Wear: Dressing Up Around the World, and To Be a Kid.


Why Alumni Matter ome alumni stay connected to Duke from the moment they graduate. But others find a way to reconnect later in their lives. What happens when Duke moves back into your life and you become actively engaged? And how does Duke benefit? Certainly, one form this re-engagement takes is financial. Support from alumni provides the means by which we sustain an ever-expanding, ever-enriching experience for our students. Duke is a growing, deepening place, with many opportunities available today that weren’t here fifteen years ago. Generous alumni are the creators of this enrichment, and we are grateful. But financial support isn’t the only way alumni give back. To my mind, the most valuable thing graduates can give when they reconnect to the university is the gift of experience. This takes hundreds of forms. Duke has developed a way of extending classroom education out into real-world set-

And we get such help in many places and ways. Alumni who work in the world of finance are willing to open up their unanswered analytical questions as case studies for students in the Duke Financial Economics Center. When Duke announced the Innovation and Entrepreneurship program four years ago, we immediately heard from entrepreneurs among our alumni who were eager to be involved. Melissa Bernstein ’87, cofounder of the Melissa and Doug toy company, established a program whereby she takes twelve Duke students under her wing for mentoring and leadership development. Still another way alumni give back is by sharing their stories of how their lives came together. Each year I address our graduates at the Baccalaureate service in Duke Chapel. The seniors are full of excitement, apprehension, uncertainty—and, these days, massive pressure to know what it is they want to do. To give them courage, I tell them about Duke alumni who are now leading lives in a thousand interesting forms Great exchange: who had no idea of the goal they’d Board of trustees reach when they were starting out. All chair David M. these alumni could do is make a start, Rubenstein ’70, learn from it, then jump when new left, chats with opportunities came in sight. President BrodThis year, I spoke about Beth Stevens head during a ’81, who came back to Duke for the Duke Student Women’s Weekend last winter. Beth Governmentmajored in zoology at Duke and then hosted Town Hall got a Ph.D. in biology from UNC. forum. After that, she might have become an academic or worked in a pharmaceutical company. Instead, Beth went to work in a zoo— which led to her being sought out by Disney to help develop its new park, Animal Kingdom. From there she rose to her current post as Disney’s senior vice president for environmental affairs—a job she couldn’t have envisioned when she was starting out. Chris Hildreth In olden times, alumni relations were largely an exercise in nostalgia. Thanks to To my mind, the most valuable thing graduates can give when they new tools of connectivity, Duke and its graduates can have an ongoing, ever-deepreconnect to the university is the ening relation, with education continuing to flow out, and wisdom and help flowing tings—so that students learn not only how to solve problem back to current students that their predecessors have sets as homework but also how to help solve problems in learned in their post-Duke lives. We’re still tapping the full potential of this cross-genthe world. In DukeEngage in Seattle, for instance, local alumni serve as hosts and mentors for undergraduates over erational exchange, but already it has given us an inspiring the summer, helping our students learn about hunger, new vision. It reveals a prospect of lifelong, reciprocal exhomelessness, or the challenges of remedial education by change, in which every alumnus could become a potential resource for any current student, repaid by sharing the giving their time and experience as involved citizens. Universities are based on the principle of inter-genera- self-discovery taking place among students today. A unitional generosity. The sharing of our Seattle alumni is a per- versity is an extended family, and the Duke family is drawing steadily closer—with benefits for every part. fect example of this generosity.


gift of experience.

Adapted from President Brodhead’s remarks to the DAA Board in October. DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014




Campus construction Beneath the 150-foot high crane with a 210-foot long jib, construction on the renewed West Union building continues with the rebuilding of the building’s core—concrete beams, columns, and structural floor slabs. Window and roof restoration, utilities, and selective demolition are also on the roster. e aim is for the project to be completed in January 2016.

Courtesy Will Senner, Skanska

99 $7,000,000,000



The growth comes after a second consecutive year of record-breaking fundraising. Duke Forward received $441.8 million in cash contributions in 2014; as of June 30, the campaign had raised $2.17 billion of the $3.25 billion goal, with three years left to go.

’14 ’13

It’s Got a Mouth Like Jagger Naming a nymph Say you’re a researcher and you get the chance to name the fossil of a swampdwelling, hippo-like creature with large, sensitive lips. Who do you name it after? If you’re Duke paleontologist Gregg Gunnell, you go with a classic: The Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger. And so Jaggermeryx naiad, or Jagger’s water nymph, was born. (In the process, poutymouthed Angelina Jolie was passed over.) Gunnell published the discovery in September’s Journal of Paleontology with Wake Forest University’s Ellen Miller, a professor of physical anthropology. He says Exile on Main Street and Let It Bleed are his favorite Stones albums.

KEY FACTS: Fiscal year 2014 saw a 20.1 percent rate of return on Duke’s endowment assets The endowment’s value represents a $1 billion increase from 2013

The previous peak came before the 2008 economic downturn, when the endowment reached $6.1 billion before dropping almost 25 percent



A Bionic Eye A new way of seeing

In September, eye surgeon and assistant professor of ophthalmology Paul Hahn cut a slit into a patient’s eyeball, slipped in a panel of electrodes, and began the internal part of implanting the first robotic eye implanted in North Carolina. Argus II, a $145,000 retinal prosthesis system, was approved last year by the Food and Drug Administration. It works by wirelessly transmitting images sent by a tiny video camera through a small computer, which processes the images into electronic signals. The implant emits pulses of electricity that are transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain, allowing for a rudimentary form of vision. The wearer would get about 60 pixels of imagery from the device compared to a few million that a typical cellphone camera receives. Duke hopes to fit four or five patients with the device over the next year or so.



WiNTEr 2014



Greece Studying Ancient Urbanization n the foothills of eastern Crete, a short trek from the seaside village of kavousi, there are the outlines of an early greek city. Among the remnants are traces of a communal dining hall, an olive press facility, storerooms, a hearth temple, and clusters of small houses, all dating to at least the fifth century B.C. For most of the year, the site, called Azoria, sits dormant. But each summer, a diverse team of archaeologists—including a handful of Duke students and faculty members—are working to build a picture of how that ancient society functioned. The director of the Azoria Project is Donald Haggis, a professor of greek studies and classical archaeology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Although the Azoria site was discovered at the turn of the twentieth century, it was Haggis and a colleague who realized its promise. “For the first time in any place in the greek Aegean, we’re able to see the transition from the early iron Age to the Archaic [periods], and the earliest stages of urbanization,” says Haggis. “it’s a period in which the greek household began to take shape.” Excavation work at Azoria began in 2002—with two Duke students on hand for the inaugural digging season—and continued until 2006. After six seasons of study and site conservation, work resumed in 2013 and is expected to continue for another three summers. To date, twelve Duke students have participated in the project. Much of the support for the Azoria Project has come through the Duke-UNC Con-


15 hectares (of which 3 hectares are being excavated, or approximately 323,000 sq. ft.) Animal specimens collected in 2013:

12,126 (mostly goat and sheep) Universities represented in the 2014 student staff:

20 Weeks allowed to excavate per year (through a permit from the Greek Ministry of Culture):



sortium for Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology. The partnership connects faculty members and graduate students across various disciplines in the materialculture field, including classics, art history, and religion. it also has enabled Duke and UNC to better navigate the current landscape of university-based archaeology, in which excavation permits are limited and grants are becoming ex-

bearing practicum provides intensive training in all phases of archaeology. (Students from universities across the globe also contribute to Azoria on a volunteer basis, as they have done for more than a decade.) Participants become trench assistants, learning excavation techniques as they focus on a specific area of the dig. They also assist in the processing, identification, and

Digging in: Participants in the Azoria Project help to unearth the remnants of an ancient society.

ceedingly competitive. “if you combine the teaching and research strengths of both our institutions, we have more weight and more resources than many much bigger state institutions do,” says Carla Antonaccio, chair of Duke’s classical studies department and a field archaeologist who splits time between Azoria and a site she codirects in Sicily. in 2013, Antonaccio and Haggis introduced the consortium’s latest initiative: the Azoria Field School in Classical Archaeology. Sponsored by Duke’s global Education Office, the credit-

conservation of what they find, gaining exposure to disciplines like paleobotany and zooarchaeology. For senior Amanda Fetter, who plans to attend graduate school in classical studies, working at Azoria was an invaluable exercise in how to think about antiquity. “it was really interesting to see how the professors interacted with the materials and what they believed they might be representative of,” she says. “And we were very much included in that thought process.” –Tim Lerow

The Azoria Project Archive, stored in the Carolina Digital Repository of the University Archives and Records Management Services of Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


gOOD WOrkS Congratulations to the eighteen recent graduates and graduate students who received Fulbright Scholarships and will spend the 2014-15 academic year conducting research, studying, and teaching English abroad.

They touched on a good idea Seemingly frivolous research is honored for life-changing results.


hree Duke researchers were honored for massaging baby rats. Well, not really. In truth, Cynthia Kuhn Ph.D. ’76, Gary Evoniuk ’78, Ph.D. ’84, and the late Saul Schanberg in September received the Golden Goose Award for the resulting impact of what they learned from massaging baby rats. Their observation—that touch led to a rise in enzyme and growth-hormone levels in the rats—led to a landmark study that has aided premature infants. The Golden Goose Award honors scientists whose federally funded research may not have seemed to have significant practical applications at the time it was conducted, but later resulted in major economic and other benefits to society. In this case, in 1979, the trio of researchers was working with rat pups to study factors influencing key growth markers. When they separated the pups from their mothers, the researchers found the pups were failing to thrive. They noticed that rat mothers spend a lot of time grooming and licking their pups. Wondering whether that made a difference, the researchers used a small brush to simulate the mother’s tongue. Enzyme- and growth-hormone levels rose, and the rat pups thrived. Later, Tiffany Martini Field, a psychologist at the University of Miami Medical School who also is included in the Golden Goose Award honor, learned of the researchers’ work and wondered whether it had implications for human infants. Her study, published in 1986, showed that using similar stimulation on preterm infants had immediate positive effects. Infant massage is now used to stimulate growth, increase alertness, and shorten the hospital stays of preemies; it’s estimated to have a nationwide annual health-care savings of $4.7 billion. Kuhn is a professor of pharmacology and cancer biology at Duke’s medical school. Evoniuk is director of publication practices for GlaxoSmithKline. Schanberg, who died in 2009, joined the faculty in 1967, and retired in 2008 as a professor of pharmacology and cancer biology. His daughter, Laura Schanberg M.D.’84, is an associate professor and co-chief of the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology.

Richard Lambert, language and literature AuStRIA Brian Smithson, anthropology BeNIN Richard Gawne, biology DeNMARK Trenita Childers, sociology DoMINICAN RePuBLIC Tricia Ross, history GeRMANY Kemen Austin, environmental studies INDoNeSIA Stephanie Friede, anthropology MexICo Andrew Ruoss, history NetheRLANDS Nina Arutyunyan, history RuSSIA Erika Lampert ’14, medical sciences SPAIN Connor Southard ’12 creative writing tANzANIA ENGLISH TEACHING ASSISTANTS

Michael Pelehach ’10 BuLGARIA Maia Hutt ’14 GeoRGIA Patrick Oathout ’14 GReeCe Sarah Berman ’14 MALAYSIA Jessica Lie ’13 South KoReA Emma Fridel ’14 tAIWAN Olivia Wasteneys ’14 tuRKeY


WiNTEr 2014



e realities of the modern election cycle are that we spend almost two years selecting a president with a well-developed agenda, but then, less than two years after the inauguration, the midterm election cripples that same president’s ability to advance that agenda.” — from an op-ed written by Jay Sullivan, a Sanford junior, and David Schanzer, associate professor of public policy at Sanford and director of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, published in The New York Times. The piece, calling for the eradication of midterm elections, drew 865 comments before the commenting was closed.

BOOkBAG ENG 190: The University, and Why It Matters THE CATAlyST: Thomas Pfau, a professor of English and german, and reinhard Hütter, a professor in the divinity school, proposed this new course “to enable our Duke undergraduates to develop an understanding of the university and how, at various points in time, its purposes and ends have been diversely articulated.” They hope to have students “confront the question, not answered in the negative until a few decades ago, as to whether university education should also include the formation of students’ moral and spiritual persona.” Students will consider, then, what it means to have the modern university treat knowledge as “a marketable commodity”; they’ll also chart the genesis of “the peculiar disciplinary landscape as it characterizes most universities today.”


THE GIST: Among the syllabus topics: “University Charters and Strategic Plans,” “Post-Enlightenment Models of Higher Learning,” “The Debate Over the ‘Elective System,’ ” “Higher Education and Forming a Democratic Citizenry After World War i.” Other sections travel a philosophical avenue, as with “Learning as a Journey Toward the good: Plato,” “The Liberal Arts and the Ultimate End of Learning,” and “The Emergence of a Scientific Culture.” The course ends with an assessment of higher education today—for example, “PreProfessionalism and the Shrinking Scope of Higher Learning” and “After Virtue: Secularism and Hyper-Pluralism in Higher Education.”

ASSIGNMENT lIST: Students will start the course reading some of the earliest charters of American universities, the very earliest being Harvard’s charter (1646). They’ll engage with the work of a wide range of thinkers, including Plato, Erasmus, Cardinal Newman, John Locke, Max Weber, ralph Waldo Emerson, and John Dewey. They’ll also read from more recent observers of academe, such as Allan Bloom (The Closing of the American Mind), Derek Bok (Our Underachieving Colleges), and William Deresiewicz (Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite.)

THE TWIST: Both members of the teaching team have an affiliation with Duke’s divinity school—perhaps appropriate, given the fact that historically, universities were closely tied to religious systems. in his recent work, reinhard Hütter has turned to theological anthropology—the human being created in the image of god—and to the closely related topics of nature and grace, divine and human freedom, faith and reason, theology and metaphysics. He has a special interest in the theology and philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Thomas Pfau’s interests include topics in eighteenthand nineteenth-century literature, philosophy, and intellectual history. He has published on such creative personalities as rousseau, kant, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, goethe, Beethoven, Thomas Mann, and Walter Benjamin.



Drawing that Cole has always had hanging over his bed. Figured he’d continue the tradition at Duke.



A map hangs over Austin’s bunk. He has close friends sign by their hometown or country. “I think over time it will really grow in its importance and what it represents.”

Cole plays the same acoustic guitar his father used in college. He’s been singing in organized groups since he was eight and currently splits his time between The Pitchforks, Duke Chorale, and Hoof ‘n’ Horn. In the case he keeps handwritten lyrics to his father’s original songs.

“A quirk that I really appreciate is whenever he’s stressed, he cleans. And not just his side, the entire room.” —Cole

Austin “I dress like this every day.”



Through jam sessions with Cole and some Bell Tower hallmates, Austin has added improvisation to go with his classsical violn training. “To have a violin that’s harmonizing and more in the background is something I’ve never been taught how to do.” —Austin

“It’s a good distraction.” —Austin

Austin first met Cole at Blue Devil Days, but not before encountering Cole’s twin brother, Emery. Cole, on why he didn’t room with his twin: “eighteen years is plenty.”

Meet Cole Jenson and Austin Wu, a reserved sci-fi fan and a gregarious socializer, a chowhound and a neat freak, two freshmen with a shared love of music. To listen to Cole and Austin’s jam session, visit Interview by Tim Lerow | Photography by Les Todd


Medieval maps

Long, long before there was Google Maps, there was Civitates Orbis Terrarum, or Cities of the World. This collection of the world’s earliest city maps was hand-drawn by George Braun, a topo-geographer, and published between 1572 and 1635. Thanks to a donation from Michael Stone ’84, creator of the Map and Atlas Museum of La Jolla, California, the first volume is now owned by Duke’s Rubenstein Library. Alternating between two- and three-dimensional plans and bird’s-eye views, the hand-colored engravings portray 450 cities all over the world, from Calcutta and Constantinople to Venice and Mexico City. Civitates includes minutiae of daily life, such as costumes, tools, musical instruments, livestock, local leaders, and ships. In the foreground of the Constantinople map, for instance, are Ottoman arches and horsemen, while dozens of seagoing vessels sail in the background.

Cityscape: Braun’s project included short commentaries of varying content on places like Mexico City.


Photos courtesy Duke University Archives

Q&A EMBRACING DIVERSE THINKERS | this past summer, Sally Kornbluth

became Duke’s provost, the university’s chief academic officer. A cell biologist, she was James B. Duke Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology and vice dean for basic science in Duke’s medical school.

One thing that was really noteworthy about Peter in this job is that he projected the sense that he was having all the fun in the world. i have to say that i can understand that now, because it’s just endlessly interesting.

You’re the first Duke provost from the medical school. How has that prepared you? i do think it gives me a helpful perspective in terms of how we do work between the medical school and other areas of the campus. Also, we went through a pretty financially constrained time, and i got used to thinking about what’s involved in the judicious use of resources. We’re in a different financial climate now, but things still need to be prioritized. On a basic level, though, i’m interested in people and programs in every setting, and i developed administrative skills in the medical school that are completely transportable.

What skill do you think is most important? i’d say listening. The most important thing for me is to seek the opinions of my colleagues. Certainly there are many areas in which i don’t have experience or expertise. There would be no reason for me to formulate ideas in a vacuum, given the fact that we’re in such a rich intellectual environment. So right now we’re starting on a new academic plan. i think the final product, the plan, will be

important. But the conversations that go into the plan are equally important. The process itself is going to tease out a lot of new and interesting ideas, and it will be a very faculty-centric process.

How central is interdisciplinary work in your thinking about Duke as a whole? it’s important to think how we could be greater than the sum of our parts. We have many advantages in terms of geographic proximity, but also with the working relationships among the various deans and institute directors. Duke has a great flavor of interdisciplinarity that i want to keep building. We have to be mindful of the disciplinary pipeline as well. you can’t build interdisciplinary efforts if you don’t have a disciplinary base. Over at the medical school, as a basic scientist, i would always make the point that it’s fine to push for translational medicine, but you need the basic discoveries—the core scholarship—in order to have something to translate.

retrospect, from my mature perspective, the same would have been true of any field. But the particular reason i caught onto that in science is that i had fabulous professors. That’s why i’m a big advocate for undergraduate research in all areas—it gets students to think deeply about interesting questions. What i’ve also liked about science, particularly the kind of science i’ve done, is that it’s heavily dependent on teamwork. it’s managing a group of people in a lab, interacting with people all over the world.

Is there a carryover between being a good scientist and being a good provost? Absolutely. What i really like in the lab is taking a complicated scientific problem and talking about it from every

angle with my students and postdocs—teasing out of them the best possible avenues for addressing the problem. in this role, it’s a different set of problems. But it’s still working with a diverse group of thinkers. And then performing an act of synthesis that puts the pieces together and solves the puzzle.

What excites you the most about this role? The thing i really enjoyed in the medical school was enabling the work of my colleagues. The opportunity to do that on a bigger stage was really appealing. The schedule here can be a little crazy, and sometimes issues can be difficult and complicated. But if you’re a curious person who likes to learn about different areas, this is the ideal job. —Robert J. Bliwise

How did you become a medical researcher? i started as a political science major, and i stumbled into a science course to fulfill distribution requirements. That first course was on human biology and social issues; i thought the social-issues part would be the most interesting, but for me it was the science part. What excited me about science was that i found i could ask interesting questions and i could have the tools at hand to answer those questions. in

Jared Lazarus

You’re following a fifteenyear provost, Peter Lange. What kind of example did he set for you as you started in the position?


WiNTEr 2014



Lineman + Scholar After a career in the NFL, Laken Tomlinson wants a medical degree.


starts through November 1


May 2012

career snaps for past three seasons Among active offensive linemen nationally, career snap total ranks second behind only Chris Jasperse of Marshall with 3,032



career games

Joined nine teammates on a mission trip to Langano, Ethiopia, for water well-digging project


By Ryan Hoerger | Photography by Jon Gardiner

aken Tomlinson was angry when he learned his

He played on both sides of the ball at Lane Tech College Prep in Chicago and eventually was sucked into the grandfather had died. inescapable recruiting whirlwind for someone of his size Years earlier, when he was a and potential. Scholarship offers slowly began trickling kid, Tomlinson had called 9-1in, and soon the three-star recruit had an enticing offer 1 to help his grandfather, Ivan from Big Ten powerhouse Ohio State. Wilson, who had collapsed in the bathroom at his Tomlinson, now 330 pounds of strength packed into Chicago home. He recovered in a week. A few years later, a 6-foot-3 frame, was thinking that a school like Ohio while visiting family relatives in his native Jamaica, WilState might provide the preamble to an NFL career. son collapsed again; this time, he died. When Duke head coach David Cutcliffe met with him, In Jamaica, where Tomlinson spent his childhood racTomlinson said, “He was a really honest guy when he ing around playing cricket and soccer, he and his relatives was here, and after he left, I decided I had to see what went to the funeral and agreed on what they saw as a this guy was about. I went home, did some more reharsh reality: This wouldn’t have happened in the U.S. search on Duke, and was like, ‘Wow—this is a really Tomlinson, now Duke’s starting right guard, is conprestigious school for academics.’ ” vinced inadequate medical resources turned his grandAfter consulting with his family, his high-school coach, father’s treatable condition (Wilson died from and his youth mentor, Tomlinson committed to the Blue complications from stomach ulcers) into a fatal one. The Devils. Since then, his performance on the gridiron has loss has become a source of motivation. been impressive—the redshirt senior was named a cap“I actually wrote a paper about the Jamaican healthtain for the 2014 season and has made forty-seven concare system and how bad it was compared to the United secutive starts as of November 1—and his off-field States and Europe. That’s just something I was really pasaccomplishments are equally notable. He will graduate sionate about,” Tomlinson says. “When I came [to Duke], in December with a double-major in psychology and I decided I wanted to be pre-medicine because I wanted evolutionary anthropology, and he was named to the Allto do something about the health-care system in Jamaica.” state AFCA Good Works team for his service in the Tomlinson’s mother, Audrey Wilson, stressed the imDurham community. portance of education, and a scholarship to a college like Last summer, Tomlinson also invested time in his poDuke seemed too good to pass up. They had come to the tential post-football career: He shadowed Carlos Bagley U.S. from Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland, Jamaica, when ’96, M.D. ’00 at Duke Hospital, learning the ins and Tomlinson was ten, joining his grandparents in Chicago’s outs of life as a neurosurgeon, a specialty Tomlinson Rogers Park area. After overcoming the culture shock— could see himself pursuing one day. Bagley played inside and adjusting to the frigid linebacker for the Blue Devtemperatures—he stayed acils before switching out his tive, playing soccer with his helmet and shoulder pads for “It shows that even though you brother and uncle. But Tomscrubs and a stethoscope. play football you can still be a linson began to grow, and his Bagley and Claude Moorweight gain made playing socman III ’83 of Duke Sports doctor. They’re kind of living cer challenging. He spent Medicine—another former proof of my ultimate dream.” more and more time inside, Blue Devil football player— consuming food at a rate that have become role models for frustrated his mother. Tomlinson as he balances his “One day I was inside, eating something, and my football commitments with his premed requirements. “It shows that even though you play football you can mom’s like, ‘You eat so much, you keep eating everything still be a doctor,” Tomlinson says. “They’re kind of living in the house,’” Tomlinson says. “My uncle was like, ‘Let proof of my ultimate dream. Just having those people him eat, let him have whatever he wants. He’ll get big, around me has been a motivator.” and he can play football.’ He’s the one who personally Unlike Moorman and Bagley, though, Tomlinson will brought me out to my first football practice and pretty have a more immediate calling—professional football. much got me playing.” He’s considered a top-10 offensive guard prospect for At nearly six feet tall and around 200 pounds, the prethe 2015 NFL draft by CBS Sports and could be Duke’s teen Tomlinson towered over the other kids at his first highest-drafted selection in years. He wants to enjoy junior-league practice. Defense came easily to him, but playing football as long as he can, while he’s young and playing offense was a struggle at first; with no prior foothealthy, and then pursue other options. ball experience, Tomlinson had to learn the technique He always has medical school as a fallback. ■ and physicality needed to protect the quarterback.


WiNTEr 2014


The images included in this story are part of the Breaking Out Project, a national effort to encourage healing through art, and counter the culture of silence that isolates, blames, and shames survivors of sexual violence. In 2014, thirty Duke student-survivors of sexual violence volunteered to be photographed holding posters with quotations said by their perpetrators, family, friends, and/or themselves. The images have been displayed at the Bryan Center and the chapel.

At the culmination of Duke’s Take Back the Night march in 2005, nearly 150 people gathered on the steps of Duke Chapel to share stories about sexual assault. Such community-wide, public events were important, one participant noted, “because sexual assault is a silent crime.” Nearly a decade later, sexual-assault survivors and their supporters aren’t staying silent about what takes place on their college campuses. Nationally, they have launched grassroots networks and social-media campaigns such as Know Your Ix and end Rape on Campus. the topic has sparked intense interest from both Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and the White house has created a task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault with the charge to help “stop sexual assault, support those who have survived it, and bring perpetrators to justice.” And the Department of education’s office for Civil Rights is investigating dozens of title Ix complaints filed by students against their college or university for allegedly mishandling cases.

No Bystanders More

How administrators and students are working to stop sexual assault

Public perception about campus sexual assaults runs the gamut. there are those who believe addressing the problem is long overdue and that campuses have largely ignored or been hostile toward students who have been assaulted. there are those, too, who question national statistics about the prevalence of sexual assault (one in five women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), who argue that women—because it’s mostly women— report being raped or sexually assaulted because they regret or can’t remember drunken hook-ups, and that innocent men are being swept up in “rape hysteria.” Men accused of rape or sexual assault who are found not responsible are beginning to

Breaking Out Project images by Antoinette Hayford, Julia Dunn, Naa Adoley

By Bridget Booher

countersue universities for depriving them of due-process rights (their ranks include a former Duke student). Many observers also question why, since rape is a crime, universities are conducting investigations that seemingly should be the sole purview of law enforcement. (the short answer? they’re legally obligated to do so.) While some universities have only recently begun to pay attention to the evolving political, legal, and sociocultural implications of campus sexual assault, Duke has been working for years to design and enhance a multifaceted approach to a complex issue. here’s an in-depth look at how the administration and students are taking on the issue.


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Planning a strategy This pasT summer, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri introduced the Campus Safety and Accountability Act, bipartisan legislation that would mandate additional resources for survivors, training for on-campus personnel, and the administration of annual student surveys about sexual violence. It would increase campus accountability and coordination with local law enforcement. It also recommends harsher penalties for violations of the Clery Act ($150,000 per violation, up from $35,000). At a press conference announcing the legislation, McCaskill said, “There’s two ways to handle it: You can circle the wagons, deny it, and fight it. Or you can join forces, and say, ‘Thank you for the heads-up; we need help in this area.’ ” Duke’s general counsel, Pamela Bernard, is among a group of highereducation Title IX experts, administrators, and lawyers who have been advising McCaskill’s staff, members of the White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault, and the Department of Education and its Office of Civil Rights. “One of the first things we’ve said is, ‘Kudos to you for tackling this difficult issue,’ ” says Bernard. “We all want to reduce sexual violence and sexual misconduct on our campuses. At the same time, we’re working to help people outside of higher education understand that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Institutions are large and small, public and private, commuter and residential in nature.”

IT’S THE LAW Colleges and universities are legally obligated to follow an evolving set of requirements for reporting and addressing incidents of sexual assault. These include the Clery Act, which requires universities to track and report crime statistics; Title IX, which broadly addresses gender equity, including the right to pursue education in an environment free of harassment; and the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (a provision of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act), which includes stipulations related to reporting, victims’ rights, disciplinary proceedings, and campus-wide prevention education programs. Requirements of these various laws include, but are not limited to: • Crime reporting that occurs on or near campus, including a breakdown of sex crimes into the categories of sexual assault, rape, stalking, domestic violence, and dating violence; • Making accommodations for both the accused and the accuser, including issuing no-contact orders, and/or changing housing, class, and athletic schedules; • Protecting anyone involved in the process, including witnesses, from retaliation, either from school officials or the accused; • Promptly and equitably investigating and resolving sexual-assault complaints.

Student Allegation Process

OSC forwards to Office of Gender Violence Prevention & Intervention (GVPI) in the Women’s Center a copy of the report. GVPI reaches out to the complainant to provide confidential support. A student who declines to meet with OSC may still meet with GVPI staff.

The student complainant or third party reports incident of sexual assault to a) Office of Student Conduct (OSC) or b) a university employee, who informs OSC and provides names of the parties involved, if known. Note: Privileged employees (e.g., medical providers, therapists, clergy) are exempt from reporting to OSC.

OSC sends the student complainant a letter requesting to meet and outlines resources for support, including the option to file a report with the appropriate lawenforcement agency.



She notes that owing to differences in institutional means, some schools are hardpressed to implement and adhere to all these regulations quickly. “Duke has been fortunate that it’s been able to devote the resources to addressing the issue, and it’s had leadership that made this a priority, even before it became a topic of national attention.” Bernard says that she and her higher-education colleagues also encourage government regulators “Duke has been fortunate to recognize the importance of addressing myriad that it’s been able to factors that contribute to the problem. “When sexual assaults occur, we need to have fair systems in devote the resources to place to make sure that students are accountable addressing the issue, for their behaviors,” she says. “Equally important is protecting the rights of those accused of sexual and it’s had leadership misconduct. But far better would be for these bethat made this a priority, haviors not to happen in the first place. Many of even before it became us feel that the greatest return on investment would be in the area of prevention, education, and a topic of national cultural transformation. We’re educators; that’s attention.” what we’re supposed to do.”



The student complainant accepts or declines request to meet with OSC staff. If the student meets with staff, the student is informed of disciplinary option through the university. The student may participate in the disciplinary process or decline to do so. If the student declines to participate but sufficient information is available to investigate or initiate some intervention with an accused student, that will occur, keeping the complainant’s request for confidentiality to the extent possible. The campus environment is evaluated when appropriate.


DEFINING CONSENT In September, California became the first state to pass a law requiring mutual affirmative consent between college students before they have sex. The “Yes Means Yes” approach is the latest evolution effort to help clarify and define what it means to give consent. Duke’s sexual misconduct policy states: Consent must include “clear actions or words” and represent “an informed decision made freely and actively by all parties.” Parties can’t rely solely on nonverbal communication. Consent may not be inferred from silence, passivity, or lack of active resistance. Conduct is considered “without consent” if no clear verbal or nonverbal consent is given. Examples of situations where an individual is incapable of giving consent include (but are not limited to) being “incapacitated due to alcohol or other drugs, scared, physically forced, passed out, asleep, unconscious, intimidated, coerced, mentally or physically impaired, beaten, threatened, isolated, or confined.”

A TEAM APPROACH In the last decade, Duke’s policies to prevent and investigate incidents of sexual misconduct inform—and are informed by—the work of multiple campus offices. These include: Student Affairs, which includes the Women’s Center; Fraternity and Sorority Life; the Wellness Center; Counseling and Psychological Services; and the offices of student conduct, case management, Gender Violence Prevention and Intervention, and housing, dining, and residential life; Institutional Equity, which oversees Title IX program and compliance efforts; The University Counsel and Federal Relations offices, which work closely with politicians and policymakers on legislation and regulations that affect higher education; The Duke University Police Department, which has a criminal-investigations team specially trained to work with both survivors and those accused of sexual assault to make them aware of their legal rights and options and investigates cases when the victim requests it. Duke is also part of a county-wide Sexual Assault Response Team that meets monthly and includes representatives from the Durham police department, sheriff’s office, district attorney’s office, the Durham Crisis Response Center, and SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners), a network of registered nurses specially trained to provide care to sexual-assault survivors.

The student asks OSC to proceed with investigation.


Weighing options in The firsT weeks of the fall semester, the Women’s Center experienced a significant jump in the number of students seeking information about sexual misconduct and assault. Some of these were students who had been following the national discussions about campus sexual assault and wanted to talk about something that had happened to them months or years earlier. Others were students who wanted to learn what their options were for reporting a violation of the sexual-misconduct policy. Amy Cleckler, the Women’s Center’s gender-violence prevention and services coordinator, says the confidential nature of those conversations allows students to understand their options without making an official report. (To encourage reporting, Women’s Center staff, clergy, medical providers, and CAPS therapists are excluded by policy from having to report sexual assaults. All other Duke employees who learn about a sexual assault are expected to report it to the Office of Student Conduct.) “Nearly all of the students who come to us are really struggling with whether or not to report what happened to them,” she says. In 2013-14, 189 students made appointments to talk about an incident of sexual misconduct they’d experienced (some of these happened in high school or

A “no contact” directive may be put into place between the complainant and the accused. Additional interim measures may be considered.


A independent investigation may be conducted and a report of findings submitted.



WiNTEr 2014


away from Duke), but only a handful decided to file an official university or police report. Associate Dean of Students Stephen Bryan, who oversees Duke’s Office of Student Conduct, says his office does receive reports that a student has assaulted more than one person and/or that an assault took place as a result of a premeditated plan to target someone. While such serial predatory behavior is rare, there are individuals on Duke’s campus (and all campuses) who are situational opportunists, taking advantage of someone who is falling-down drunk or passed out. Bryan says that a more typical pattern involves alcohol and casual sex. Students drink before they go out, head to a party or a bar where they continue drinking, get together with someone they know well or in passing, go back to a dorm or apartment. And some kind of sexual encounter takes place. In these situations, the lack of clarity about expectations and boundaries can lead to misunderstandings or worse. In the majority of sexual misconduct cases reported to Bryan’s office, the parties involved generally agree about the particulars of what took place, but disagree about whether everything was consensual. “One student told me he was worried he had done something wrong when the woman told him the next morning that she couldn’t remember what happened,” says Bryan. “There have also been a number of cases where the people involved had had no sexual experience and didn’t know how to negotiate a conversation about intimate activity.” When Bryan’s office receives a report of a sexual-misconduct incident, he conducts a preliminary review of each case and talks to students involved (both accused and accuser). When a case warrants additional investigation, he enlists the services of an independent investigator. (Duke is among a handful of institutions that have started using outside, independent investigators.) This person, who requested anonymity owing to the sensitive nature of the cases she sees, collects information

A determination will be made by OSC whether sufficient information exists to move forward with a hearing.


At the discretion of OSC, an administrative hearing may be conducted to resolve the matter. If both the complainant and the respondent accept resolution, the matter is resolved. If one or both do not, a hearing panel is convened.



from the person filing the complaint, the person accused of misconduct, and any witnesses. “Every case is different, because the nature of the relationship and students’ ability to give consent varies. Most of the cases I see are in that gray area where you have two people who are saying completely different things. And sometimes both of their stories are plausible, and there is no physical evidence. My job is to be impartial in gathering facts. I'm not a human lie-detector, so I have to look for evidence and clues about whether or not someone is telling the truth, such as in discrepancies in their story.” If there’s sufficient evidence to pursue a complaint, the Office of Student Conduct may resolve it administratively if a respondent accepts responsibility and the sanction, or it may go to a disciplinary panel hearing. When considering cases, the panel weighs a “preponderance of evidence” standard. If a student is found responsible, the panel’s decision must be unanimous for sanctions to be considered. If the panel decides that the accused student’s behavior warrants expulsion (the sanction of first consideration) or suspension, the vote for imposing that sanction also must be unanimous. Six cases were investigated last year, and five went to a disciplinary hearing (one is still pending resolution). Three students were found not responsible; of the two found responsible, one was suspended and one was expelled.

At the discretion of OSC, a three-person specially trained panel will consider the case. The respondent and the complainant (if the complainant chooses to participate) participate in the hearing.


Within 2-5 business days after the panel hearing, the outcome will be conveyed individually to the respondent and the complainant at approximately the same time.


Both parties have the right of appeal within grounds of appeal to the Appellate Board.

Intervention education in The wooD-paneleD meeTing room of the Women’s Center, a couple dozen students share some of the misperceptions about rape and sexual assault that they hear. “Did you see what she was wearing? She was asking for it.” “Men can’t control themselves sexually.” “She went back to his room—what did she expect?” “He didn’t mean to; he was just drunk.” “She’s lying.” It’s the first night of a two-part bystander-intervention workshop called P.A.C.T. (Prevent. Act. Challenge. Teach.). The students who have signed up for the training represent a cross-section of the undergraduate population—men and women, Greeks and independents, freshmen and seniors. They are here voluntarily to learn how to handle situations that arise with unfortunate regularity on college campuses. As the trained student facilitators guide the conversation through the interactive, two-anda-half-hour session, participants share personal encounters that caught them off guard. “I overheard this guy talking loudly about how slutty a girl was, and it was just so offensive,” says one. “I was pretty upset, and when I confronted him, I said something like, ‘Do you want to get laid anytime soon, because you won’t with that attitude.’ But I really wish I’d had a better way to handle that.” Based on a curriculum designed at the University of New Hampshire, P.A.C.T. tackles topics ranging from rape, Since it was first offered in 2012, stalking, and intimate-partner more than 750 students have gone through the violence to intervention techtraining, which includes a pre- and post-course niques and supporting a friend survey about attitudes and behaviors, as well as who has been assaulted. “Most a follow-up survey three months later to assess of us will not be perpetrators long-term impact. Among the outcomes: Using or victims, but nearly all of us the pre-training survey and the one at three will witness inappropriate or months post-training, students reported they dangerous behaviors,” says Amy were: Cleckler, the Women’s Center’s gender-violence prevention and services coordinator. “P.A.C.T. more likely to intervene on behalf of strangers approaches these issues as a community problem that requires a community approach more likely to walk an acquaintance to solve.” home from a party During his sophomore year, Kyle Moran, now a senior, and his varsity track-and-field teammore likely to make sure an acquaintance left a mates took part in P.A.C.T. party with the same people he or she came with training. He’s since become a trained facilitator. He says that while P.A.C.T. is primarily a more likely to ask someone who was upset bystander-intervention proif he or she were okay or needed help gram, it also helps encourage students to talk frankly and honestly about sex. more likely to walk an intoxicated stranger “One of the things we talk home from a party

“Most of us will not be perpetrators or victims, but nearly all of us will witness inappropriate or dangerous behaviors.”

56% 35% 35% 23% 32%

about in P.A.C.T. is healthy relationships and the importance of communication. Talking about sex doesn’t have to be this big, awkward thing. We want to challenge people to overcome any discomfort they have talking about it. It seems strange to think that people are engaging in behaviors they aren’t comfortable taking about.” Allie Huttler, also a senior, echoes Moran’s observations about her peers’ discomfort talking about sex. As the daughter of an ob-gyn, she found that many of her friends looked to her for information and advice, “asking questions I didn’t know how to answer.” The wellness advocate for her sorority, Huttler reached out to Sheila Broderick, a clinical social worker and the Women’s Center gender-violence intervention services coordinator, to help facilitate a conversation about sex and sexuality. “One of the things we talked about was the importance of the pre-sex conversation and being clear about what you do or don’t want or what you are or aren’t looking for,” says Huttler. “Some girls said they didn’t feel comfortable asking about STDs or asking the guy to wear a condom, but Sheila helped us realize that we have the power in those situations, and it’s our right and responsibility to ask those questions.” Broderick encourages students to understand what their own values and comfort levels are when it comes to sex and sexuality, whether that’s remaining a virgin (as many Duke students are), practicing celibacy, being in a committed monogamous relationship, or engaging in casual sex. She says miscommunication or lack of communication about sex isn’t surprising, given young people’s limited experience and the mixed messages they receive from parents, peers, and cultural influences.“I understand that it can be very uncomfortable, but I would encourage parents to talk to their children about sex and sexual decision-making before they go off to college. If you’re only communicating that sex is dangerous or off-limits, then they’ll be scared and anxious about sex, which will make them anxious to talk about it. And that’s not healthy.” ■ DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014



By Elizabeth Van Brocklin

4 Read stories about the campus-wide Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative and meet entrepreneurial alumni in Duke Today’s special report:

Donn Young

Alumnus Sean Lilly Wilson goes in search of a distinctly Southern beer.

Garden & Gun magazine’s fifth annual Made in the South named Fullsteam Brewery’s Cack-a-lacky Ginger Pale Ale a winner in the Drinks category.

What’s with the backwards F? The brewery’s name speaks to a deliberate and optimistic forward pace, while the backward F refers to a history of Southern agriculture and trade. This mission reflects Wilson’s idea of the new South: “a region in rapid change that wants to retain a sense of place but that knows it’s moving forward.”

n a September afternoon, the sprawling warehouse of Durham’s Fullsteam tavern and brewery is warm with a rich, smoky aroma. Presently, Fullsteam’s Chief Executive Optimist Sean Lilly Wilson M.B.A., M.P.P. ’00 emerges from a back room with a charming smile and a strong handshake. He reveals the source of the mysterious autumnal scent: hickorysmoked North Carolina-grown barley for Fullsteam’s Hogwash porter. The beer offers a taste of Wilson’s mission to capture the flavor of the South. You may have heard of food that is farm-to-table, but what about beer that is plow-to-pint? For the last four years, Fullsteam has been pioneering plow-to-pint by using ingredients culled from local foragers and farmers. Beer made with persimmons or pawpaws might sound strange, but Wilson says that experimenting with homebrews began long ago. “The working thesis is that civilization began with fermentation,” he says. “Society formed because of farming, but also because of the Sumerian discovery of fermenting grains. It brought people together socially, culturally, and economically. “We hark back to an era when, out of necessity and desire and economy, people fermented what they foraged,” he adds. “Now we can do it as a celebration.” Beer contains four key ingredients: water, yeast, hops, and grains (usually malted barley). Sometimes brewers add fruits or spices, called adjuncts, for a certain flavor or foaminess. Using adjuncts, Fullsteam brewers have created Carver Sweet Potato, a lager made from North Carolina sweet potatoes; Working Man’s Lunch, a chocolatey brown ale that evokes the classic MoonPie and RC Cola meal; and Cack-alacky, a zingy ginger pale ale made with local ginger whenever possible. The brewery even has experimented with local yeast instead of the typical commercial brewer’s yeast. Last summer, one of Fullsteam’s yeast wranglers got permission to capture yeast from a Chinese purple lilac in the Sarah P. Duke Gardens. The yeast was then isolated and stored so Fullsteam can use it in the future. “We don’t do local because it’s trendy,” says Wilson, “but because we want the South to retain a unique sense of place.” Brewing purely local can be tricky, he says, when one out of five people come into Fullsteam thirsty for an India Pale Ale (IPA). IPAs are made from hops that tend to grow best on the West Coast, where there’s more summer daylight and less humidity. Wilson tries to strike a balance between the unknown and the familiar. “You have to be mindful of what the community’s interests are.” Wilson’s love for craft beer grew organically over many years. In 1992, he moved to the Durham area with his wife, Carolyn. Back then, beer was just a casual hobby, a pleasant but ordinary beverage he picked up by the six-pack from Harris Teeter. That changed the night his friend J.P. Cardona M.B.A. ’00 invited him to taste rare beers at the Armadillo Grill in the Bryan Center. Wilson’s wonder at the new flavors was diluted only when Cardona told him that the beers were illegal in North Carolina, owing to a Prohibition-era law that capped malt beverages at 6 percent alcohol. Wilson thought the restriction was senseless and unjust. “When you can get Everclear at the state-run Alcoholic Beverage Control at 90 percent alcohol or you can get Mad Dog 20/20, but you couldn’t get a 7 percent IPA or Belgian ale, it just made no sense,” he recalls. “The culture was here, the people were here, the smarts were here, the passion was here, but we had the leftover law that was handcuffing the brewers’ creativity.” Wilson helped lead a campaign called Pop the Cap, which succeeded in lifting the alcohol cap in 2005. North Carolina brewers now had Donn Young

Memorable failures: At times, employees have had to dump tankfuls of bad beer, and thousands of dollars’ worth of potential profits with it.

Wilson’s advice for young entrepreneurs: Strike a balance between ambitious movement and methodical patience. Also, it’s crucial to have a support network, because starting your own business can be stressful and isolating. “If you have a partner, they have to be along for the ride, too,” Wilson says. “My wife was, and it made all the difference in the world.”

the freedom to brew a third of the world’s beer styles that were previously illegal. After Pop the Cap, Wilson began to think seriously about fashioning a career out of craft beer. Not only did he love the taste and the community, but he also loved the possibility. “Beer is an ever-changing concept,” he says. “It’s not just a fizzy yellow substance.” He adds that unlike wine, beer is relatively affordable. “It’s delicious, it’s great with food, and it’s a builder of community.” At the time, craft beer was a fairly unexplored market in the South, so it was a field ripe for new interpretation. “There’s something here,” he thought, “but I don’t know what.” He started attending beer dinners and tastings across the state, but was not being assertive enough. “I realized to make this work, I need to not be the entrepreneur-in-waiting,” he recalls. “I needed to actually make this happen.” He spent the next three years finessing his business plan, securing funding from a variety of sources, and finding a location—a 1930sera defunct 7-Up bottling plant north of downtown. Fullsteam opened its doors in 2010. Since then, the neighborhood has blossomed with independently owned bars, eateries, and a coffee shop. As both a tavern and a community center, Fullsteam provides a place for all kinds of moments, “from having a blind date, to singing ‘Happy Birthday,’ to coming here after a funeral,” Wilson says. “Anybody should be able to come through those doors and feel like they have a home here.” Wilson pours a dram of Fullsteam’s Saint Basil. The beer tastes refreshing, floral, bright, like Durham in the springtime. Is this what he means by Southern beer? “We don’t know,” he says. “We don’t have the answer. We’re exploring this process, and it’s a gradual thing.” Capturing the taste of place may remain elusive, but Wilson feels that may be the point: “If I never realize that goal, I’ve had what I hope to be a lifetime of exploring what it means. And I’m perfectly fine with that.” ■ DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014


Evidence of Things


A student documents the scars of others as she grapples with a lifetime of pain.

By Elizabeth Van Brocklin | Photography by Lauren Henschel

It’s early October at midterm week’s end, and the sculpture studio is hushed save for the echoing click of Lauren Henschel’s Canon 5D. Moments earlier, the senior had arrived at the studio with several friends in tow, all chattering animatedly about last weekend’s music festival and their friend’s new car. After duct-taping a black sheet over a tall wooden partition, Henschel positioned senior Cara Peterson in front of the makeshift backdrop. Sitting on the pockmarked concrete floor, she traced two peculiar grooves in the backs of Peterson’s bare legs with a piece of ice, drawing them out in brighter relief. Henschel then trained the camera’s shiny black eye on her subject and began to shoot. Located on Central Campus, the sculpture studio is a vast repurposed garage bearing the marks of large-scale artistic creation: long tables sporting scratch marks of carpentry and metal projects, a stainless-steel sink scabbed over with colorful blobs of dried paint, and air laced with the earthy fragrance of clay and wood. This afternoon, however, Henschel is interested in the miniscule—namely, the S-shaped scars inscribed in the backs of Peterson’s knees. “Cara, can you grab your ankles?” asks Henschel, who’s dressed in ripped jean shorts and a psychedelic grateful Dead T-shirt. Peterson bends toward the ground. She and Henschel have been close friends since they met during pre-orientation. “i feel like i’m doing school pictures here,” jokes Henschel as she snaps more photos. “The weirdest school picture ever,” murmurs Peterson.


WiNTEr 2014


What is psoriatic arthritis? With psoriasis, the skin cells reproduce in overdrive, causing patches of red, raised, and flaky skin. “It’s like ADHD for your skin. Your body thinks it’s a cut or a wound so blood rushes to it, and it turns red,” says Henschel. “My body’s essentially attacking itself.” Up to a third of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis. While Henschel’s psoriasis is mild, her joint stiffness is severe. She knows that a flare-up can result from a change in weather, a stressful week of exams, or lack of sleep. She

knows the cost of injecting herself with a weekly chemo drug, which lessens the pain but weakens her alreadyfragile immune system so that if someone in the room sneezes, she’ll catch a cold. Because sickness is so disruptive to the busy senior’s schedule, she often skips the injection and braves the pain. e condition hasn’t kept her from studying abroad in Denmark, being active in her sorority, traveling the East Coast to make films, and practicing pilates and yoga.

“What’s this project about, Lauren?” asks sophomore kyra Noonan, charged with aiming a brilliant LED light at the scars. The serpentine marks are partially eclipsed by the hollows of Peterson’s knees, making them tricky to illuminate. “it’s about the manifestation of pain,” replies Henschel. This afternoon, she is photographing bodies with scars, a project she began four years ago, in high school. Her past subjects include a teenager born with her heart upside down and backward; a girl once so haunted by self-loathing that she razored the word “HATE” into the pad of her foot; and a young man whose knuckles got infected after he was forced to punch uncooked rice on the ground during a fraternity hazing.

“You look very…marble-esque.” Peterson’s scars are artifacts of her high-school years, when she stopped being able to do the thing she loved above all else: running. She couldn’t jog her favorite trails or climb long flights of stairs without experiencing intense cramps. Doctors performed surgery to remove an overdeveloped muscle, but the procedure did not go as planned. Peterson is still unable to run on uneven terrain.


“Even though it’s been very difficult not being able to do something i love… not being able to run made it so that i had to find other sorts of extracurriculars,” Peterson says. She is now pursuing a double- major in public policy and women’s studies, writing a book about experiencing college as a young woman, and leading the national expansion of a campus-based monologue performance about race and identity to other college campuses. “Come back this way more,” Henschel beckons, orchestrating her friend into a runner’s set position. “Also, let me know if anything is hurting you.” Peterson’s wounds healed years ago, so she’s untroubled by the stretches. Henschel, however, carries pain with her all the time. From the swelling that cocoons her limbs and confines her to bed, to the numbness that cobwebs her hands so she can’t write, to the sharp, shooting claws that tear through her legs during class—pain is a savage creature she will never entirely escape. “Sometimes it feels like someone just poured cement into all my joints and let it dry,” she says. “i’m just stuck.” This unyielding pain has a name: psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune disease that strikes both skin and joints. Henschel’s particular strain of psoriatic arthritis mainly attacks her joints and leaves few visible traces, so the spectral discomfort is hard for outsiders to imagine. While the exact cause is unknown, psoriatic arthritis is often genetic. Henschel is the fourth known generation in her family to suffer from the disease; one of her younger sisters was diagnosed recently. There is no cure.


A Young Philanthropist Growing up, Henschel witnessed her father’s struggle with psoriatic arthritis. With her family, she organized the nation’s first fundraising walk for the disease. e walks eventually spread to more than twenty cities, raising money for genetic research. Henschel also created a nonprofit called Pso for You to help kids deal with the stigma of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

After shifting several times, Peterson lands on a position Henschel likes. The photographer takes a flurry of shots, then jumps up from the floor and inserts the memory card into her laptop. “This is the only way to really know,” she says. Henschel, Noonan, and Peterson huddle around the screen, marveling at the image. “you look very…marble-esque,” notes Noonan. Henschel appears giddy. She explains that she’ll clean up the image a bit, but she prefers to skip color-correction and other fancy Photoshop effects. “Documentary is really about what’s actually there,” she says.

way to stave off the increasing isolation and maybe distract her from the heavy ache in her joints. Photography “gave me freedom again,” Henschel says. “Everyone was always telling me that i couldn’t, and now i had something where i could.” Normally a captive of limitless pain, Henschel found that with a camera she could frame a scene, give it defined boundaries. “There’s just something about being able to see the world and then capture it for someone, or just for yourself, really,” she says. Photography also exposed her to a latent talent. “i’ve always loved telling stories,” she says. “Even if it was just at the kitchen table or in a group of friends.” Henschel began photographing her friends shooting hoops and swimming laps, motions she could no longer perform. Then, in twelfth grade, she got the idea to photograph people’s scars. “A lot more people than you think have really crazy scars and unbelievable stories,” says Henschel, whose amateur photography kit included camping flashlights and black construction paper. Now, using resources provided by Duke’s Center for Documentary Studies, she is recording audio narratives to accompany the photographs. Through the project, she hopes to “humanize illness by putting a face on disease…so those who don’t suffer can begin to understand the pain of those who do.” After Henschel settles on the final image of Peterson’s scars, someone bangs on the studio door. it’s sophomore Anton Saleh, Henschel’s next subject. He removes his shirt to reveal biceps constellated with the marks of cancer biopsies. “His scars are tiny,” says Henschel, “but his story is large.” ■

“Sometimes it feels like someone just poured cement into all my joints and let it dry. I’m just stuck.” Then she grabs her iPhone and sends a text message. “i just sent it to my mom,” she says. “Moms know everything.” it was Henschel’s mother, Nancy Meister ’85, who watched her eldest daughter confront a barrage of medications, doctor visits, and new restrictions when she was diagnosed at fifteen. Born and raised in Miami, Henschel was “the most active child you have ever met,” recalls Meister. “She never stopped moving.” But psoriatic arthritis forced her to be homeschooled and quit track and basketball. “it killed me to not be able to play,” Henschel says. “There wasn’t anything i could do to make it better,” says Meister. “As a mom, that was just the most horrible feeling.” However, Meister remembered something her father had done for her years ago when she was recovering from knee surgery and unable to play tennis: He gave her a camera. Meister offered Henschel her old Canon 7D and suggested she take some pictures at basketball practice—a


WiNTEr 2014


One Day at Duke Tex t


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should have worn my comfortable shoes. I should have layered myself in sunblock. I should have caffeinated myself into a state of hyper-alertness. So it goes. I was committed to sustaining myself, without pause, through a typical day at Duke. What is that? If it’s anything like this first Thursday in October, it means lots of activities to take in, lots of people to interact with, lots of scrambling to get from place to place.

7 a.m.

I’m not sure how a psychiatrist might interpret the significance of ending just where you begin. There I was, on the East Campus wall trail, a big, gravelly circle, trying to keep up with David, a psychiatrist with an impressive stride, an expressive beard, and a long track record as a Durhamite.

7:30 a.m. At the Marketplace, Valacey, a Dining Services worker, was agreeably checking in DukeCard-bearing freshmen. In her eight years on the job, the biggest constant has been early-morning groggy greetings; the biggest change has been accommodations around food allergies. Welcome to the gluten-free toaster. There was Brian,

who told me he was fresh—if that’s the word—from five hours of sleep. He was up early to shape a presentation in his Focus program: Knowledge in Service to Society. His plate overflowing with scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns, Adam, seated nearby, was regenerating after four hours of sleep. (Sleeplessness in service to knowledge?) Adam was wearing a Kenan Ethics T-shirt, earned in a separate setting. A completely ethical transaction: Show up at a student activities fair, and get free stuff.

8:30 a.m. Go West, I told myself, and I hopped on the C-1 Express. Our driver, William, was beginning his shift. It’s a lot of vehicle to maneuver, but William couldn’t recall any unfortunate driving incident beyond a broken exterior mirror. “These are good people,” he said of the students. On board we had a gaggle of divinity students; they were being faithful (of course) in showing up for their morning “Introduction to Ordained Leadership” class. 9:00 a.m. This would be my introduction to sports practice, specifically the men’s soccer team. Players were DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014


looking to a match with Wake Forest, and practice was light, with the hope of avoiding injury. Even so, there was a lot of energy on the field: jogging and stretching to warm the muscles and elevate the heart rate, blasting the ball to mimic a free kick, and trying out formations for various field positions—defense, midfield, forward line.

9:45 a.m. My own heart rate ac-

10:30 a.m. You can’t

celerated at the construction (and destruction) site of the West Union Building—hard hat along with goggles, rubber gloves, and a brilliantyellow vest. Accompanied by John Hyzak, an onsite assistant project engineer, I walked through the once and future Great Hall and Cambridge Inn, all of those spaces stripped bare, right down to the original brickwork. Replacing the clay roof will involve hand-mixing colors and laying down overlapping tiles with precision. At the moment, some fifty workers were on-site, largely shaping the footprint of the new glass-and-steel structure. Above them a crane was moving materials from a staging area. Quite a crane: Its boom extends 201 feet, and it can lift more than three tons at its tip.

construct something without surveying, right? So it seemed perfect to encounter surveying students on a (modest) field trip, in the E-Quad. They were doing something very practical with instruments, appropriately, in “Practical Methods in Civil Engineering,” taught by the helpfully hovering David Schaad Ph.D. ’98. The class was learning to use a theodolite—students struggling to fix a point in space spelled that out for me. Eventually they’ll survey and draw up, through computer-aided design, a quarter-acre on campus.


11 a.m. A favorite point in Duke’s space is the Blomquist Gardens. Curator Stefan Bloodworth was leading a group tour around the timely topic of “The Biochemistry of Fall.” He talked about the processes that contribute to “leafpeeping,” as he referred to it—the colorful, autumnal allure of Southern forests. Using a metaphor rooted in factory production and cost-effectiveness, he explained why trees can “profitably” lose their leaves—profitably because it bolsters their survival.

1:15 p.m. It was time for a

12:00 A program called “Food Utopias” produced ample, if not utopian, offerings of turkey sandwiches. This was in the West Duke Building, reopened following a ceiling collapse. Among the speakers were Ben Barker, of Durham’s famed (and now shuttered) Magnolia Grill, and John Evans of the Nordic Food Lab in Copenhagen. Barker dismissed notions of elitism around eating; as he put it, we’re not troubled by the idea that just a segment of society values the experience of opera. Evans argued for expanding our vision of what’s available and what’s delicious. Could we imagine employing rather than tossing out things like the head, guts, and bones of fish?

different kind of sustenance, a musical interlude. The Biddle Music Building reverberated with practice sessions led by Eric Pritchard, a violinist, and Fred Raimi, a cellist, both with Duke’s in-house Ciompi Quartet. Raimi, who came on board in 1974, is the longest-serving member. Taking on Bach, Raimi played duets with Grace, a senior. He demonstrated bow pressure and speed, left-hand mobility, extension of fingers, shifting from one position to another. At one point he suggested that she play less tentatively, that she should imagine herself playing in Baldwin Auditorium. Pritchard worked with Carolyn, a freshman, on a Sibelius composition; a metronome measured her progress through the piece and kept her to a strict tempo.

2:15 p.m. Perkins and Bostock Libraries. The strict tempo here has someone walk through these doors on average every ten seconds, around the clock, all year long. In the reference department, someone had just inquired about what the weather is like in Paris in the winter. (I guess you can’t look that up.) In the von der Heyden Pavilion, I ran into senior Dan Altman, a former Duke Magazine intern. He was working on an assignment for a creative-writing course. It was a poem about the life cycle of a jellyfish. How far along had he gotten? “I’m still in the larval stage,” he told me.

I recall, I was only, A planula, Gelatin speck... DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014


Courtesy Nicholas Gessler

4:15 p.m. Off for a ren-

3:05 p.m. Jellyfish exist in the sea, so I seamlessly surfed into “Dynamic Oceans,” taught by Alexander Glass in the Social Sciences Building. Today it was all atmospherics, thematically speaking. He bounded up and down the aisle of the lecture room, rather like a dynamic land creature, and it was a whirlwind of ideas: the different layers of the atmosphere, the allure of the aurora borealis, the effects of atmospheric pressure on the body, the quest for altitude records in vehicles ranging from balloons to test planes, the likelihood that the Earth will become another Venus, the influence of America’s space program in inspiring him into a life of science.

3:05p.m. 40

dezvous with the Media Arts + Sciences Rendezvous, a weekly event in Smith Warehouse. Nicholas Gessler, a research associate in Duke’s Information Science & Information Studies group, was giving a lively talk—complete with cool computer graphics—on artificial life. This is the virtuous (and often virtual) ISIS. In Gessler’s courses, students set the initial conditions—maybe some cellular interactions—and watch a computer-driven evolutionary process unfold.

5:45 p.m. My own trajectory took me to another wing of Smith for “The Making and Unmaking of Women’s Intellectual Reputations,” sponsored by Duke’s John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute. A reception for “Kafka, Crusoe, Colonialism, and the Logic of Cannibalism” had just broken up; the cheese and crackers were more casual than Kafkaesque, more banal than colonial, but I foraged eagerly. “Making and Unmaking” kicked off with meatballs, baklava, and other vaguely Greek edibles. Learning can be very satisfying. Among the speakers was Duke philosophy professor Andrew Janiak; he’s researching Émilie Du Châtelet, a French aristocrat who collaborated with Voltaire and published her own philosophyand Newton-inspired thoughts. A paradox, according to Janiak: In her lifetime she showed up in learned journals and corresponded with other philosophers. But she later slipped out of the philosophy canon.

6:00 p.m. Paradoxical or not, and like it or not, accomplished students need social strategies for their job search. In the Social Sciences building, Laura Suchoski ’09, social media manager for McKinney, a Durham advertising agency, was finishing a Career Center-sponsored presentation. Be mindful of your own digital footprint, she advised. And build a “relationship bank” of professionals whose careers interest you— and whose advocacy might help you.

7:00 p.m. Party time. An artful party, at the Nasher Museum of Art. I skipped the $2 ice tea and went for the familiar and free cheese and crackers. The Nasher Student Advisory Board had put together a rather clever scavenger hunt around the Miró exhibition. One example from the hunt: “I have one eye but cannot see. Which work of art am I?” I lingered more than scavenged, particularly in front of Miró’s Caress of a Bird, a sculpture fashioned from an ironing board, a tortoise shell, and a straw hat. With two eyes.

9:30 p.m. My last stop. It was at the faculty apartment of the omnipresent and perpetually energetic Sue Wasiolek ’76, M.H.A. ’78, LL.M. ’93, dean of students, in Gilbert-Addoms. Wasiolek was doing some TV watching with current and former dorm residents—thumbs up for Scandal, thumbs up for the student who, during commercial breaks, outlined her ambitions around social entrepreneurship. But How to Get Away With Murder was as inert as Wasiolek’s collection of ceramic cows.

Outside the dorm, students were headed out to make a late night an even later night. Not for me. After a day (and a night), I was satisfied with my campus immersion. Satisfied, but aware that there was plenty I had missed out on. What did Kafka have to say about cannibalism? I wish I knew. ■ DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014



Establishment Zephyr Teachout A.M., J.D. ’99

in March 2014, decided to join the race to become governor of New york, taking on fellow Democrat Andrew Cuomo, the incumbent. Teachout argued that Cuomo had moved away from traditional Democratic values; a central theme of her campaign was anti-government corruption, meaning that she supports public financing of elections and limits on big corporate donors. it’s an issue she also explores in her book Corruption in America, which was published in September. Here, a media-eye view of her journey.



Associated Press

Teachout joins Facebook and seeks the nomination of the Working Families Party.

She helped create Howard Dean’s Internet campaign in 2004, which shocked and galvanized the Democratic Party and laid the groundwork for Barack Obama’s grassroots victory in 2008. She is a major scholar of campaign-finance law. Her book on political corruption…recovers an old American ideal of self-government and shows what’s wrong with money in politics today. She’s the sort of person who, when she walked down to Zuccotti Park in the fall of 2011 to check out the Occupiers, ended up embedded in the movement—not as a tourist or a bomb-thrower, but helping with the hard work of setting up an institutional structure.

5/31/14 A strong strain of antiCuomo sentiment was evident at the convention. In one area, dubbed by some as the “nonbeliever room,” a group of activists created pro-Teachout signs endorsing the little-known candidate as a supporter of “the 99 percent.” —A report on the Working Families Party convention in The Wall Street Journal

—Duke law professor Jedediah Purdy in a blog posting

Associated Press


Excerpted from CoRRUPTIoN IN AMERICA: FRoM BENJAMIN FRANKlIN’S SNUFF BoX To CITIZENS UNITED by Zephyr Teachout, published by Harvard University Press. Copyright © 2014 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

The Working Families Party decides to endorse Cuomo. Teachout is undeterred. She needs 15,000 signatures to get on the Democratic ballot; her staff garners 45,000. The race begins in earnest.


In two recent cases—Citizens United and McCutcheon v. FEC—Supreme Court justices Anthony Kennedy and John Roberts wrote that campaign contributions—gifts—given with intent to influence policy are not corrupting. As they explained it, corruption requires more than intent on the part of the gift giver; it requires something like an explicit deal between the giver and receiver. When they made these pronouncements, they claimed to be merely following precedent. In fact, they were doing what [Daniel Hays] Lowenstein suggested: identifying and circumscribing a small subset of activities as corrupt. Their circle was particularly small. In the early days of the republic, the new Americans took the opposite approach. They drew a large circle around gifts that they called corrupt. They were committed to treating gifts as political threats, even when such treatment violated the law of nations and complicated vitally important international negotiations, and certainly when the gifts were not accompanied by an explicit deal. During and after the Revolutionary War the new Americans were driven by a fear of being corrupted by foreign powers, and a related fear of adopting the Old World’s corrupt habits. The two national powers that dominated the colonies, France and Britain, represented two different models of corruption. Britain was seen as a failed ideal. It was a corrupted republic, a place where the premise of government was basically sound but civic virtue—that of the public and public officials—was degenerating. On the other hand, France was seen as more essentially corrupt, a nation in which there was no true polity, but instead exchanges of luxury for power; a nation populated by weak subjects and flattering courtiers. Britain was the greater tragedy, because it held the promise of integrity, whereas France was simply something of a civic cesspool. John Adams said of France, “there is everything here too which can seduce, betray, deceive, corrupt, and debauch.” As Thomas Jefferson—who adored Paris—wrote in 1801, the year he became president: We have a perfect horror at everything like connecting ourselves with the politics of Europe. It would indeed be advantageous to us to have neutral rights established on a broad ground; but no dependence can be placed in any European coalition for that. They have so many other bye-interests of greater weight, that someone or other will always be bought off. To be entangled with them would be a much greater evil than a temporary acquiescence in the false principles which have prevailed.

Associated Press

“The political system is still corrupt and rigged, and Andrew Cuomo is not only part of the broken system, he has made it worse.… It’s going to be a great summer of Democracy—a threemonth summer of Democracy. If this ends up being about people actually voting what they want from New York, we’re going to win.” —Teachout quoted in the New York Daily News

This “hatred” of the European political culture and the fear of entanglement led to a problem. The new Americans wanted to be part of the international community, respect the laws and customs of nations as a matter of principle, and be respected as an autonomous new nation. But they also wanted to reject corrupt European customs. When it came to internal affairs, this was not a major conflict. But when it came to the customs of international diplomacy—like the custom of exempting ambassadors from paying duties—they wanted it both ways. One of the customs of the international community was the giving and receiving of personal presents to ambassadors. Expensive gifts—sometimes called presents du roi or presents du congé—functioned as “tokens of esteem, prestige items, and perhaps petty bribes,” and were embedded in the culture of international relations. Gifts were typically given at the end of diplomatic tours. They were often very expensive, and were understood to be a supplement to salaries. In some cases the value of gifts constituted a substantial part of the income received by diplomats. The value DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014


7/19/14 It’s not just a race about corruption; it’s the first shot of what might be a real revolt in the Democratic Party…. Teachout and [running mate and law professor Tim] Wu are not arguing about whether to redistribute wealth, but about how opportunity is distributed and wealth created in the first place. This represents a significant break from modern party orthodoxy.” —Salon

Associated Press

7/23/14 The New York Times publishes an investigative piece that asserts that an ethics commission Governor Cuomo established a year earlier was hobbled almost from the outset by demands from the governor’s office. Teachout’s campaign gains ground.

8/1/14 If corruption were an issue that really stuck, then ethically questionable candidates in places like New York or Illinois would not keep getting elected and re-elected. We wouldn’t live in a world where Buddy Cianci was able to win a second tenure as mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, after a felony conviction and a prison sentence. (This year, he happens to be running again.) —The New York Times

8/11/14 Cuomo’s effort to kick Teachout off the ballot is unsuccessful. His campaign had filed suit, claiming that although Teachout had moved to New york in 2009 to teach law at Fordham University, she’d spent most of her time out of state.

of a gift might reflect the esteem in which a diplomat was held, or the importance of the relationship with his nation. This practice was hateful to the Americans because it symbolized and embodied part of a particular culture they rejected. Jewels themselves signify luxury. They pointed to an old-world privilege that would not come easily to even the richest Americans. In the founders’ minds, luxury represented a kind of internal corrosion—even in cases where there was no external dependency, a man could be tempted into seeking out things for himself, instead of seeking things for a country—he could, in some ways, self-corrupt. The diamonds of Franklin’s gift would have seemed ostentatious to the founders. [When Benjamin Franklin left Paris in 1785 after several years representing American interests in France, Louis XVI gave him a portrait of King Louis surrounded by 408 diamonds.] The Articles of Confederation included this provision: “Nor shall any person holding any office of profit or trust under the United States, or any of them, accept any present, emolument, office or title of any kind.” This ban on receiving gifts was perceived as severe and not a little eccentric. The provision was a close copy of a 1651 Dutch rule that their foreign ministers were not allowed to take “any presents, directly or indirectly, in any manner or way whatever.” The code was so far outside the normal state of affairs that it was ridiculed for its sanctimony. The Dutch political writer [Abraham de] Wicquefort’s analysis of the Dutch prohibition against receiving gifts was scathing: “The custom of making a so well established that it is of as great an extent as the law of nations itself, there is reason to be surprised at the regulation that has been made on that subject in Holland.” Wicquefort went on to write about how so scrupulously observant they are that they refuse even the most trivial presents. He accused his countrymen of silliness for making a fuss over the smallest gifts, even a plate of fruit. “I cannot tell,” he writes, “whether the authors of this regulation pretended to found a Republick of Plato in their fens and marshes,” but “it cannot be denied” that they “condemn the sentiments of all the other kings and potentates of the universe.” He may have been referring to Plato because Plato had been rather severe about gifts. Not only did he recommend dishonor for judges who were bribed by flattery, but he thought that public servants who accepted gifts should die: Those who serve their country ought to serve without receiving gifts, and there ought to be no excusing or approving the saying, “Men should receive gifts as the reward of good, but not of evil deeds”; for to know which we are doing, and to stand fast by our knowledge, is no easy matter. The safest course is to obey the law which says, “Do no service for a bribe,” and let him who disobeys, if he be convicted, simply die. The American founders did not advocate execution for gift-acceptance, but they might have taken Wicquefort’s ridicule as a compliment— they were interested in establishing their own just republic. But their idealism quickly became difficult in the international context. The Europeans were not interested in complying with this new, self-imposed ban. During the early years of American independence, foreign princes generously loaded American emissaries with expensive gifts, and the Americans receiving the gifts had to figure out how to respond. The first gift problem arose after the Declaration of Independence was signed. That was when American politician Silas Deane was charged with discovering whether France might be willing to aid the Americans with cannons, arms, and military clothing for the Revolution. Deane was a Yale graduate, a lawyer, a merchant, and politician who was known as “TiconAssociated Press


8/15/14 Teachout and Wu…[are] calling for a higher minimum wage, a rollback of Cuomo’s tax cuts for the wealthy, an investment in infrastructure from public transportation to the Internet, and a ban on hydrofracking. On education, they call for a halt to high-stakes testing and for equitable funding in both poor and wealthy school districts; they support returning the right to vote to convicted felons and granting driver’s licenses and tuition assistance for undocumented immigrants. Perhaps most important in this election cycle, when corruption is center stage, they are calling for public financing of elections to cut back the power of wealthy insiders and corporate donors. —The Nation

Associated Press


deroga” by some for his strategic role in the successful Ethan Allen capture of Fort Ticonderoga. His first effort in France was not so much diplomacy as espionage. Under the name “Timothy Jones,” he posed as a merchant trying to buy supplies for the rebels. When it became clear that France was open to trade with the colonies, he abandoned his disguise and established himself as one of the first formally commissioned representatives of the aspiring country. He was soon joined by Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee. The three men grew to hate each other, and the delegation was full of accusations and counteraccusations. Deane accused Lee of disloyalty, Lee thought Franklin was corrupt, and Franklin thought Lee was a lunatic. Deane’s tenure was troubled from the start, as there were rumors about his loyalty. He was accused of using his public position to make a private fortune by manipulating the commissions he received on procured goods. His financial accounting was questioned, and he was generally thought of as ambitious and too tricky by half. Adams found him untrustworthy and distasteful. In 1778 Deane was recalled to Congress, charged with fraudulent account keeping and disloyalty. When he left France, Deane received a jeweled snuff box for his diplomatic service from the French court. King Louis loved these boxes and frequently gave them to foreign ministers. He allegedly called them boîte à portrait instead of snuff boxes: he disliked snuff, but liked the form and frequently adorned them with portraits of himself. Deane apparently thought the gift would help save his reputation: he offered it as proof of the great work he had done for the new country. According to Arthur Lee’s account, Deane “expected, from the effect of a French Fleet, of which he was to claim the sole merit, the brilliancy of a diamond snuff box, and complimentary letter,” that he would return to the United States with sufficient proof of his loyalties. John Adams was dismissive of the use of evidence, remarking that “unthinking men may be amused with a golden snuff box.” Deane’s acceptance of the snuff box led to Lee accusing him of violating one of the core laws of the Confederation. In his papers on the matter, Lee wrote: “Deane knew that it was one of the fundamental laws of our Union that no person in the service of the United States should accept from any king, prince, or minister any present or gratuity whatsoever...yet in the face of this fundamental law, Mr. Deane accepted of a gold snuff, set with diamonds, from the King of France.” The disloyalty and accounting accusations against Deane were never proven, as the French did not disclose their accounting. Deane would eventually return to France, disgraced but not sentenced. But the question of the appropriate relationship to foreign gifts remained. ■

New York’s primary day arrives. Teachout’s book also is released.

9/11/14 Zephyr Teachout took only 34 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s Democratic primary against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, but she succeeded in bringing her old-fashioned populist platform to the attention of the media and a broad audience of voters.… It is true that Teachout’s argument that a genuinely level playing field is only possible with government manning the bulldozer is not one that people are used to hearing, and it might not condense neatly into a sound bite. On the other hand, her arguments could speak to both progressive and conservative instincts.

9/12/14 Ms. Teachout, a legal scholar who campaigned in prim suits and pearls, belying her ferocious energy, proved inspiring enough to cause Governor Cuomo embarrassment. —The New York Times

—The Washington Post


WiNTEr 2014


Alexander Thompson Fort Collins, CO Class of 2018

Maura Schwitter Oradell, NJ Class of 2017

CRAZY SMART They came to Duke to get out of their own skin, to explore unfamiliar ideas, and to immerse themselves in different points of view. That’s what these four years are all about. Here in the library, we never get tired of watching students experience the joy of discovery. You can see it written all over their faces. That’s not just smart. That’s crazy smart. Spread the joy. Support Duke University Libraries.


Duke Alumni Around the World

“I don’t consider myself an activist, but I realize how much I’ve benefited from the sacrifice of others. So if hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then it’s worth the trade-off with my own privacy.” —Tim Cook M.B.A.’88 in an essay in Bloomberg Businessweek

Courtesy Duke Alumni Association

@DukeAlumni How many entrepreneurial alumni does Duke have? Thousands. Meet some of them online via a special Duke Today project featuring alumni who have started companies, launched social ventures, and pursued entrepreneurship in creative ways. Did Duke inspire you to do something with your entrepreneurial spirit? Share your story on Facebook, Twitter, and instagram using #LetsgoDo.


“Being a physician, the fragile nature of life is always foremost in my mind.” —Carl Tandatnick ’78



GO! Honor Duke’s Best Who are the Duke alumni who deserve some extra recognition? Help us honor Duke’s best by nominating alumni who have done extraordinary things for Duke and for the world. go to and fill out the nomination form by February 1.

Use Your Benefits! Park Free on Campus Did you know that as alumni, you have access to several gated parking lots after hours and on weekends? Swipe your Duke Alumni card at the following lots: 751, Allen, Broad Street, Parking garage iV, and Pegram/Carr.


Alumni in D.C. have a tradition of supporting education while cheering on the Blue Devils. During Hoops Watch events this season, they are taking donations for Partners in Education (PiE), a program that works to build school and community partnerships. Every year, Duke alumni accompany local schoolchildren on PiE-sponsored field trips and provide financial support for summer-camp tuition. Want to help? Here’s a Hoops Watch no Beltway alum will want to miss:

Hoops for a Cause

What: Duke

vs. UNC Hoops Watch

When: Feb.

18, 2015, 9 p.m.

Where: Laughing

Man Tavern, 1306 g Street NW

Cost: Drink and food specials are available with the purchase of a $3 stamp. All proceeds benefit PiE.

Get Ready for Reunions: Forever Duke. Forever Friends. if you’re in a class year ending with 0 or 5, it’s time to plan to come back to campus to reconnect with classmates and experience Duke again. reunions Weekend is April 17-19, 2015, and you can start now by making travel plans, booking your hotel, and letting your friends know you’re coming. go to to get started.


Charlotte Number of alumni: 4,162 Young alumni (within ten years of graduating): 736 Local alumni events: 20+/yr Local tradition: Two years ago, Duke alumni in Charlotte began Blue Devil Dinner, an event that brings a prominent Dukie from campus to Charlotte. Last year football coach David Cutcliffe spoke at the dinner; Nobel Prize-winning professor robert Lefkowitz headlines in 2015. Good place to find a Blue Devil: At the Charlotte Motor Speedway, where you’ll find NASCAr driver Paulie Harraka ’12 putting the pedal to the metal. Notable Dukies: Duke sweethearts Jay Bilas ’86, J.D. ’92 and Wendy Johnson Bilas ’85 live in the Queen City, where Jay is a litigation attorney with Moore & Van Allen (when he’s not on ESPN) and Wendy is an artist (see her work at the Alexander Scott gallery). Charlotte is also home to Duke trustees Frank Emory ’79 and Michael Marsicano ’77, M.E. ’78, Ph.D. ’82; trustee emerita Sally Dalton robinson ’55; and her husband, russell LL.B. ’56. Showing the flag: Last year, 151 Charlotte-area alumni volunteered to interview prospective students, an enthusiastic corps with a reputation for helping steer the area’s top talent to Durham.


Share a picture from your city using @DukeAlumni on instagram or Twitter and help us show Duke’s reach around the world.

Board of Directors, 2014–15 President: N. Shepard Moyle ’84 Immediate past president: Jeffrey C. Howard ’76 Secretary-Treasurer: Sterly L. Wilder ’83 Vice Presidents: Jack W. Boyd ’85, Chris D. Brandt ’00, Palmer Peebles Garson ’79, Nikki Hurst Gibson ’80, Winston E. Henderson ’90, Amy Hepburn ’97, Mary Kristin Klein ’82, Joanne O’Connor ’92, Sara K. Oliver ’06, Lee Harris Roberts ’90, Mark E. Stalnecker ’73, Paul S. Teller ’93 Duke Magazine Editorial Advisory Board representative: Steven Petrow ’78 Directors-at-large William A. Bermont II ’97, Jonathan P. Cardona M.B.A. ’00, Pola Ayllon Changnon ’85, Mandeep Singh Dillon ’92, Jason Goode ’97, J.D. ’00, Christine Gosnell ’83, Mychal P. Harrison ’01,


Ana Homayoun ’01, Edwin Howard Jr. ’63, Naakoshie Lamptey Nartey ’02, Judith Wagoner Pahren ’84, Rodney C. Pitts ’68, Eric G. Savage ’92, Aisha J. Taylor ’05, Pamela Stone Schearer ’73, John Tolsma ’95 Professional school representatives: Andrea Barnwell Brownlee A.M. ’99, Ph.D. ’01, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Abigail Williford Kocher ’00, M.Div. ’06, Divinity School Robin ten Kate M.B.A. ’03, Fuqua School of Business Courtney Lorenz M.E.M. ’06, Nicholas School of the Environment William Senner B.S.E. ’06, M.E.M. ’06, Pratt School of Engineering Amy Hepburn ’97, M.P.P. ’01, Sanford School of Public Policy Judith Ann Maness M.H.A.’83, Graduate Program in Health Administration

Jennifer Moody Skeesick D.P.T. ’06, Graduate Program in Physical Therapy Mark W. Scroggs M.D. ’84, School of Medicine Joan M. Stanley B.S.N. ’71, School of Nursing Susan Prosnitz J.D. ’89, School of Law Young alumni representatives: Andrew L. Hanna ’14, Jin-Soo D. Huh ’09, Lara L. Jones ’08, Margaret L. Skoglund ’10 Faculty representatives: Michelle Connolly, Associate Professor of the Practice of Economics Honorary members: Michael Schoenfeld’84, Suzanne J. Wasiolek ’76, M.H.A. ’78, LL.M. ’93, Gerald L. Wilson B.D. ’61, A.M. ’68

Presidents, School and College Alumni Associations: Kristin Whitesides M. Div. ’05, Divinity School Lisabeth Brynn Todd Crute M.B.A.’95, Fuqua School of Business Kristen Cappel M.E.M. ’06, Nicholas School of the Environment Jason Piche B.S.M.E. ’97, Pratt School of Engineering David Esquivel J.D. ’97, School of Law Kurt D. Newman M.D. ’78, School of Medicine Joan M. Stanley B.S.N. ’71, School of Nursing Jennifer Moody Skeesick D.P.T. ’06, Graduate Program in Physical Therapy



or four decades now, William “Mack” O’Barr has taught an advertising course so popular students routinely are turned away. Now they’ll get another crack at it. The digital version of O’Barr’s “Advertising and Society” course debuted October 27 through the Coursera online education platform. He hopes word will reach alums who, years and perhaps even decades later, would still like to hear what he has to say on the topic. “Coursera draws from a very wide range of interested folks, from students to working professionals to retired people who just love learning for its own sake,” says O’Barr, who joined the cultural anthropology faculty in 1969. “i’m sure there are likely to be some Duke alums who’d like a chance at it as well, if they only knew about it.” The class is always full when he teaches it in White Auditorium—which holds about 100 people—or the Bryan Film Theater, where 400 can enroll. in the past, students have tried to negotiate their way in, pleading that they need it for their Markets & Management certificate or other programs. “Many just said they’d like to take it because it sounded fun and had been recommended by a friend,” he says. Duke partnered with Coursera in 2012 to offer free online courses, and dozens of faculty members have subsequently tested the digital waters, some enrolling hundreds of thousands of students. Many students are Duke alumni who have praised their alma mater for making a broad variety of high-quality courses from professors they remember available for free, said Lynne O’Brien, Duke’s associate vice provost for digital and online education initiatives. “i think Professor O’Barr is on to something,” O’Brien says. “We’ve heard


from a number of alums who say they seek out online courses they were sorry to miss out on while students here on campus.” DAA is responding to this desire as well. Plans are under way for a series of small, somewhat less formal online courses created specifically for Duke alums, says Jennifer Chambers ’01, director of alumni education. She, too, hears from plenty of alumni who lament the course they never got to take. “it’s the thing they missed—that one item they weren’t able to cross off

and what effects it has on us.” While the course content is similar, the Coursera delivery will differ greatly, O’Barr says. in many ways, the online course feels more like a television documentary than a classroom lecture, he adds. And of course, advertising itself has changed dramatically, so an alum from the 1970s will get a far different experience taking O’Barr’s class now than he or she would have as an undergraduate. The TV commercial was king back

Continuing education: their list when they were then, O’Barr says. Today, o’Barr’s online course in school here,” says companies aren’t telling gives alumni access to Chambers. “i think the consumers what they learning, something ability to do it later in life need as much as they’re the DAA will contninue is appealing to a lot of building relationships to pursue. people.” with them. O’Barr believes the “you can see this when topic resonates because you go to an Apple store people have such love/hate relationand deal with sales associates—not ships with advertising. ‘clerks’—who are really knowledgeable,” “it can be fun, entertaining, and he says. “you can try everything out memorable, but also extremely inon your own and be a part of the your-face and annoying,” he says. “We whole Apple environment. That’s the rarely treat it seriously and examine new kind of advertising.” —Eric Ferreri what it really is, where it comes from,

WHAT YOU CAN DO More information about the seven-week course is available at


WiNTEr 2014


He took a write turn


ears before he started putting diabolical words in Francis Underwood’s mouth, screenwriter Bill Kennedy ’07 found himself at a crossroads familiar to many Duke undergraduates. It was the fall of 2005, and Kennedy had nabbed a final-round interview for an internship at Bear Stearns. But his heart wasn’t invested in banking. “I was lying to these people, telling them that I loved reading The Wall Street Journal,” Kennedy recalls. “I had never read The Wall Street Journal—I was just faking it.” Kennedy didn’t get the position (which was lucky: Bear Stearns went under three years later), and Kennedy was forced to reconsider his options. Ever since he’d seen Pulp Fiction as a kid, Kennedy had wanted to work in film. He didn’t see a path until he took creative-writing courses at Duke, including Christina Askounis’ personal-essay and short-fiction classes and Elisabeth Benfey’s screenwriting seminar—both women noted Kennedy’s ear for dialogue and encouraged him to

Osment (known for his starring role in The Sixth Sense) became attached to the project. Kennedy threw himself into his screenwriting aspirations; he’d load up on coffee at the end of the workday so he could write through the night. “I was still thinking to myself, if this doesn’t work out, I’m going to go law school,” he says. “But I didn’t want to be in a situation where I was working in the business for eight years and hadn’t gotten any traction, and it was because I hadn’t been writing or I hadn’t been working hard.” After more than three years at MRC, Kennedy quit his job, but asked his bosses for a meeting with Beau Willimon, the creator of House of Cards, which MRC was producing for Netflix. He was unemployed for a month before getting hired by Willimon as a writer’s assistant, and he used that time to write a crime-thriller called The Fixer. He had to put that screenplay away, however, because the hours on the Baltimore set of House of Cards, starring Kevin Spacey “I was lying to these people, telling them that I loved reading and Robin Wright, were crazier than anything he’d experienced before. For the second pursue writing. In the summer of season, Kennedy was promoted to 2006, he enrolled in the Duke in staff writer, and in December 2013, New York program, where he inThe Fixer was named to the uberterned at The Weinstein Company, prestigious Black List, a survey of working ten hours a day without the buzziest unproduced screenpay and reading all the scripts he plays chosen by Hollywood insidcould. After graduating, he took the ers. (Films like Juno and this year’s money from writing awards he won Oscar contender The Imitation while at Duke—the Louis Sudler Game graced the Black List in prePrize in the Arts and top honors at vious years.) the St. Louis Short Story CompetiNow twenty-nine, Kennedy is a tion—and headed to Los Angeles. fully actualized screenwriter—law Kennedy quickly landed a job at school or investment banking no Media Rights Capital, a top prolonger loom. He’s writing a studio duction company behind the films feature called Firestorm for Fox, The Babel and Ted. Kennedy liked his Fixer is in development, the third bosses, but it was still the archeseason of House of Cards is in proMoviemaker: Kennedy, left, with Sex duction, and on November 7— typal first Hollywood job: soulEd director Isaac Feder. after years of stops and starts—Sex crushingly long hours of answering Ed finally was released in theaters and on demand. phones and scheduling meetings. “I was totally killing Yet as accomplished as Kennedy has become through myself,” he says. “One of my bosses came in early and saw me sleeping on the couch and thought I was living in his own hard work and talent, he still looks back at the sophomore year creative-nonfiction class with Professor the office—that gave me a lot of street cred.” Askounis that opened the floodgates: “That class was the Kennedy was gunning to become a producer, but he’d first time I could actually be a writer.” never stopped writing. On his second day in L.A., he –Stephan Lee ’08 met Isaac Feder, a young director who wanted Kennedy to write the screenplay for his coming-of-age comedy Sex Lee is a staff writer at entertainment Weekly, Ed. Over the next three years, Kennedy turned in covering movies, TV, and books. around thirty rewrites, and in 2010, actor Haley Joel Courtesy Bill Kennedy

The Wall Street Journal.”


PAGETUrNErS As an undergraduate, Judith Lefever Bowles ’55 studied with legendary English and creative-writing professor William Blackburn. She earned an M.F.A. in short fiction, taught creative writing, and published short stories. The Gatherer marks her poetry debut…Critical Inquiry, an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the arts and humanities, explores Comics & Media in an edition co-edited by

Patrick Jagoda

An Artful Approach to AIDS


f you were in New York’s Times Square on the first of December in 1994, you would have seen a massive image of the AIDS virus attacking a white blood cell on the Sony billboard. It was World AIDS Day, and the video installation, “Day Without Art,” was the work of Carl Tandatnick ’78. Via the screen, Tandatnick posed an eerie question: “When is Day Without AIDS?” Now, a decade later, Tandatnick’s exhibition will be featured in the Art/AIDS/America exhibition at the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art opening this spring. The exhibition, curated by Jonathan D. Katz

and Rock Hushka, also will travel to the Brooklyn Museum, the Tacoma Art Museum, and other venues. An artist and anesthesiologist, Tandatnick has created more than ninety large-scale photosilkscreen-on-canvas paintings of the AIDS virus by magnifying red and white blood cells thousands of times by electron microscope. “Being a physician,” he writes, he finds that “the fragile nature of life is always foremost in my mind.” Tandatnick’s work, which focuses primarily on AIDS and mortality, is shown in permanent collections in museums all over the world. (Duke Magazine featured his art in our March-April 1994 cover story.)

Ph.D. ’10. He’s an assistant professor of English at the University of Chicago and cofounder of game Changer Chicago Design Lab, where he leads the design of projects (card games, interactive narratives, alternate-reality games) related to social-justice topics… Clinical psychologist and Columbia University professor of medical psychology Erin Olivo ’93 provides strategies for achieving optimal mind-body balance in Wise Mind Living: Master Your Emotions, Transform Your Life…Fuqua professor Cathy Clark is the co-author of The Impact Investor: Lessons for Leadership and Strategy for Collaborative Capitalism, which offers insights into socially responsible investing for audiences ranging from investors, financial advisers, and foundations to business students, policymakers, and corporate leaders.

Photos courtesy Carl Tandatnick ’78


WiNTEr 2014


Chris Hildreth

how are you ForeverDuke?

Bell’s analytics firm, Brooks Bell Inc., which she founded in Raleigh in 2003, focuses on testing and optimization for companies such as Adobe, American Eagle Outfitters, American Express, AOL, and Brooks Brothers and is the first agency to focus exclusively on digital experimentation. Bell, who majored in psychology at Duke, also cofounded ThinkHouse and HQ Raleigh, two residential entrepreneurial communities in Raleigh that support the growing startup ecosystem.

Sterly Wilder ’83 in conversation with Brooks Bell ’02

What do you love the most about the testing/optimization world? BB: It’s a multidimensional solution to a pretty important problem. What’s so cool about it is that it leverages many psychology principles. You have to understand your consumer and the business of your clients to have any idea about where to start and what to test first. It also requires a deep understanding of analytics and how to make a change to a large enterprise company, but not break it.

Was there a class at Duke that has informed your work today? BB: The main course I still use every day is statistics, which helped give insight into how studies and experiments are constructed. Many studies are flawed. You have to understand the limitations in study design. I still use that insight when evaluating our own experiments. Being a psycholCourtesy Brooks Bell ogy major gave me a broad view into consumer behavior. I really wish Dan Ariely had been there when I was because he’s one of my heroes. The insights that come out of the behavioral economics he teaches are the type we use all the time.


Why did you choose Duke? BB: My dad went to Duke, and so I grew up in Alaska watching a lot of Duke basketball. I remember looking over my shoulder at the TV and seeing “The Shot.” I thought that was so cool. I really thought I was going to be in graphic design. I got accepted to RISD [Rhode Island School of Design]. But I realized graphic design was just too narrow of a field. I thought, “I’m going to start over. I’m going to explore the world. I’m going to explore what I can become.” And that’s why I choose Duke.

At Brooks Bell, you have an interesting approach to the hiring process. Tell us about that process and why it’s important to the success of your company. BB: When I was twentythree, I began my company thinking that if you’re a CEO, you need to act like a boss and tell people what to do. I’m embarrassed to verbalize that now because it’s so wrong. No one was empowered. One of my colleagues insisted we go on a retreat and look deep at what we were doing. At the time, I kind of scoffed at that idea: “We’re in the business of helping AOL! What else is there?” But the retreat opened up a whole new world to me. I realized I had hired many of my employees for their résumés

and not for who they are as people. My core value is to pursue knowledge and to be curious. I decided going forward I needed to hire people who also had those fundamental interests. I started looking for people based on their potential and our shared core values. Today, out of my thirty-two employees, only one went to an Ivy League school. Many of them weren’t even in technology before I hired them. It’s resulted in a superstar team.

What’s your advice to Duke students who are considering an entrepreneurial path? BB: Don’t try to change the world on your first try. Often what is successful is a niche idea. Focus on getting your first paying customer.

Do you come back to campus often? BB: Whenever I’m invited to speak, I make it a priority. I really love staying in touch with the students. The Cube [a selective living dormitory for students passionate about entrepreneurship] is my favorite group of students to hang out with. I’m really grateful that I live here locally and can stay connected to the Duke community. As I get older, being part of a community is more important than it’s ever been.

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Madeleine Evans Silverstein ’62 published Double Take: Portraits Over Time. She is a photographer residing in Miami with her husband, Bernie.

’65 50th Reunion

April 17-19, 2015

Pamela N. Odell Price ’67 was named a Florida Super Lawyer. She is an estate and probate lawyer with GrayRobinson in Orlando, Fla. Patrick D. Coleman ’68 was named a Florida Super Lawyer. He is a shareholder in GrayRobinson, practicing labor and employment law in Jacksonville, Fla.

Joseph P. Carolan III ’72 was named a Super Lawyer. He is a shareholder in Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman in Orlando, Fla., where he focuses his practice on business law, creditor rights, and real-estate transactions.

Marriages & Commitments Johnie L. Joyce Jr. ’60, LL.B. ’62 to Patricia Robbins on July 27, 2013. Residence: Durham.

’70 45th Reunion


April 17-19, 2015

Patrick E. Martin ’71 became special counsel for Jaeckle Fleischmann & Mugel in Buffalo, N.Y. He serves as primary counsel to D’You-


Jonathan C. Kinney ’68 was named a 2014 Virginia Super Lawyer. He works for Bean, Kinney & Korman in Arlington, Va. Joe A. Rudberg ’68 was recognized by The Legal 500 US directory of 2014. He is a partner in Thompson & Knight, practicing in the international tax field in Dallas.

ville College and the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library.

Ralph A. Cohen A.M. ’69, Ph.D. ’73 received the 2014 Sam Wannamaker Award, the most prestigious prize granted by Shakespeare’s Globe. He is cofounder and director of mission at the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton, Va.

Peter E. Broadbent Jr. ’73 was elected board chair for the Library of Virginia. He has held three board terms by gubernatorial appointment and previously served as chair in 2003-04. He is a partner in Christian & Barton in Richmond, Va., where he practices business law, intellectual property law, and government relations law.

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WiNTEr 2014




Lewis Blake III A.M. ’78, an associate professor of the ’75 40th Reunion

April 17-19, 2015

James R. Schroll ’75 was named a 2014 Virginia Super Lawyer. He is a shareholder in Bean, Kinney & Korman in Arlington, Va., and concentrates his practice on commercial litigation. Mark J. Prak ’77, J.D. ’80 was inducted into the North Carolina Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame. He also was listed in The Best Lawyers in America 2015. He is a partner at Brooks Pierce in Raleigh. Greta S. Nettleton ’79 wrote The Quack’s Daughter: A True Story About the Private Life of a Victorian College Girl.

’80 35th Reunion


April 17-19, 2015

Meredith L. Morris Babb ’80 was elected president of the American Association of University Presses. She is director of the University Press of Florida.

practice of mathematics, is the 2014 winner of the Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award (ADUTA), which has recognized Duke’s most outstanding undergraduate teachers for the past forty years. Blake has taught and studied mathematics at Duke since 1975. After earning honors for his teaching as a graduate student assistant, he was offered a temporary appointment as the supervisor of first-year instruction in the mathematics department, a position he retained for twenty-eight years. He won the richard k. Lublin Distinguished Award for Teaching Excellence in 1993 and remains one of the most consistently praised teachers of math at Duke. Blake received the award—which includes a $5,000 Courtesy Lewis Blake stipend and an additional $1,000 to donate to a Duke library of his choice—at the university’s annual Founders’ Day celebration in September. DAA sponsors ADUTA to help undergraduate students recognize professors who deliver creative and clear teaching, foster an environment of intellectual curiosity and personal growth, and know students as individuals.



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James Cannon Boyce ’87 has been at the forefront of new media since 1995, overseeing successful campaigns for Product (Red), the Rainforest Alliance, and human Rights First, among others. Now, he’s using his media expertise and vast network of international contacts to provide targeted management consulting for nonprofits through “even nonprofits that are doing remarkable work sometimes face challenges that prevent them from doing more,” says Boyce. “But if you get the right people to help the right project at the right moment in time, you can make all the difference.” Good2Go’s inaugural projects are in Africa, which Boyce first visited as an undergraduate. In Kenya, he and his organization are working with the Mara Naboisho Conservancy to enhance ecotourism and expand the 55,000-acre Maasai Mara National

Reserve. In Myanmar, they are collaborating with Girl Determined, which offers leadership training and programs for girls twelve to seventeen to end cycles of abuse and poverty. Good2Go is helping Girl Determined gain nonprofit status in the u.S. “our goal is to help successful nonprofits that are doing great things go to that next level,” says Boyce. “our work is very specific and changes depending on the needs of that nonprofit. the idea is to come in and work with them for six months or a year to address a core challenge they’ve identified. that can make a huge difference.”

Courtesy James Boyce

C. Edward Coffey M.D. ’80 was named president and CEO of the Menninger Clinic in Houston. He also has faculty appointments at Baylor College of Medicine in the Menninger psychiatry and behavioral sciences department and in the neurology department. He previously worked at Henry Ford Behavioral Health Services.

She is a radiation oncologist and children’s book author in Lafayette, La.

Paul W. Sperduto ’80, M.D. ’84, A.M. ’87 was named a fellow of the American Society of Radiation Oncology. He practices radiation oncology in Minneapolis and lives with his wife, Jody Laursen Sperduto ’80, Ph.D. ’90, and their three children in Wayzata, Minn. He also serves on the board of visitors for Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy.

Richard G. Minor ’84 cowrote VAT, a guide to electronically supplied services to E.U. consumers.

M. Maitland DeLand HS ’82 wrote The Great Katie Kate, a children’s book about type 1 diabetes.

Robert S. Jacobs ’84 formed Caird Energy with equity partners and will pursue oil and gas development opportunities in onshore U.S. basins. He has served on the alumni council of the Nicholas School of the Environment.

’85 30th Reunion

April 17-19, 2015

Elizabeth E. Ball Concordia ’85 became president and CEO of the University of Colorado Health System. Previously, she was head of the hospital and community services division at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.


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Peter B. Heifetz ’85, M.S. ’87, Ph.D. ’95 was promoted to president and CEO at OrPro Therapeutics Inc., a private biotechnology company in San Diego that is developing a new inhaled therapy for cystic fibrosis and other obstructive pulmonary diseases. Lawrence J. Lang B.S.E. ’86 received a 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award from Duke’s Engineering Alumni Association. He is on the board of directors of Violin Memory, a leading provider of flash storage arrays. Nancy S. Freeman ’88 received her board certification in tax law from The Florida Bar Board. She is a shareholder at Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman in Orlando, Fla., focusing her practice on estates and trusts. Marc L.E. Vincenz ’88 translated Out of the Dust by Swiss poet Klaus Merz. He recently translated Grass Grows Greener by Andreas Nesser, Nightshift/An Area of Shadows by Erika Burkart and Ernst Halter, and Kissing Nests by Werner Lutz. Nelson C. Bellido ’89 became managing partner of Roig Tutan Rosenberg Martin Stoller Zumpano & Bellido in its Miami office. He also was listed in Florida Trend’s 2014 Florida Legal Elite in the area of commercial litigation. DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014


J. Clark Reaves ’89 was appointed a District Court judge in the 12th Judicial District of North Carolina. Previously, he was an assistant district attorney in Fayetteville, N.C. Marriages & Commitments Carolyn Beetham B.S.N. ’84 to Richard Goldhammer on June 7, 2014. Residence: Lexington, Mass. Births & Adoptions Alexis Rose to Daniel J. Doherty ’88 and Sandra Calderon-Doherty on May 11, 2014.

’90 25th Reunion

April 17-19, 2015

Luis Martinez-Fernandez Ph.D. ’90 published Revolutionary Cuba: A History. He is the author of seven books and monographs on various topics pertaining to the history of the Hispanic Caribbean.


Katie A. Gailes M.B.A. ’91 joined the board of directors of Leadership Triangle, a nonprofit that promotes regionalism across the Triangle. Robert E. Gans ’91 became senior associate general counsel of employment at NASDAQ OMX’s corporate legal headquarters in Rockville, Md. Previously, he was senior principal attorney at Computer Sciences Corp. Caroline E. Light ’91 wrote That Pride of Race and Character: The Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South. She is director of undergraduate studies in the women, gender, and sexuality studies program at Harvard College in Harvard University. Andrew S. Dietz M.B.A. ’94 wrote The Opening Playbook: A Professional Guide to Building Relationships That Grow Revenue, the first business development book for Generation Y and millennials.

’95 20th Reunion

April 17-19, 2015

Bobby Sharma ’95, J.D. ’98 received the 50 Outstanding Asian Americans in Business Award from the Asian American Business Development Center. Andrea Caro ’98 was named a 2014 Florida Super Lawyer in the area of personal injury defense. She is a shareholder in Zimmerman Kiser Sutcliffe in Orlando, Fla., focusing on casualty and liability litigation. Russell M. Glass B.S.E. ’98 received a 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award from Duke’s Engineering Alumni Association. He is founder and CEO of Bizo, a business-to-business marketing platform based in San Francisco. Marriages & Commitments Maria E. Verderber ’91 to Thomas J. O’Leary on June 28, 2014. Residence: New Haven, Conn. 56

As Ceo of the Michael J. Fox Foundation, Katie Higgins Hood ’96 used her business acumen, leadership experience, and personal passion to manage what The New York Times called “the most credible voice on Parkinson’s research in the world.” She’s now bringing those talents to bear as Ceo of the one Love Foundation, an organization dedicated to ending relationship vioCourtesy Katie Higgins Hood ’96 lence. the organization was created in 2010 in honor of Yeardley Love, a university of Virginia student who was killed by her ex-boyfriend. “one in three women will be in a violent relationship in her life, and the sixteen to twenty-four demographic is at greatest risk,” says hood. “We want to get information out so that people can recognize the signs—and then help themselves and their friends.” to that end, the foundation has created a social media campaign—“See it. Share it. Shatter the silence.” (—that hood and her colleagues encourage supporters to promote by posting, tweeting (@joinonelove, #be1forchange), and emailing as widely as possible. Building on this campaign, one Love will roll out its first major campus curriculum on relationship violence in early 2015, centered on a film called Escalation. hood says that all of the foundation’s projects are created with the goal of “educating, empowering, and activating young people in a movement for social change around relationship violence.”

 Call for Nominations for Board of Trustees The Duke Alumni Association seeks your help in identifying alumni for nomination to the Board of Trustees of Duke University. This ongoing process relies on the suggestions from all segments of our broad and diverse alumni community. Nominations are reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Duke Alumni Association’s board of directors, which then submits a list of candidates to the Trustee Committee on Trusteeship. For information or to submit names, please contact Sterly L. Wilder ’83, associate vice president, alumni affairs, at

Births & Adoptions William McClure to Preston T. Dodd ’90 and Katie Dodd on May 7, 2014. Declan Bernard to Brian J. Shortt ’99 and Laura Shortt on June 11, 2014.

’00 15th Reunion April 17-19, 2015 Andrew W. Cole Ph.D. ’00 published The Birth of Theory, which details Hegel’s discovery of the dialectic in medieval philosophy. He is an English professor at Princeton University.

00s WE ARE


Jeffrey R. Lam ’00 became associate attorney at Heller Waldman in Coconut Grove, Fla. He resides in Palmetto Bay, Fla., with his wife, Brooke, and their daughter, Kyla. Smita K. Trivedi ’01 became assistant professor of business and society/sustainable business at San Francisco State University College of Business. Nina L. Flax ’02 became a partner in Mayer Brown’s corporate and securities practice in its Palo Alto, Calif., office. Previously, she was with the firm in Chicago. Henderson M. Jones ’02 began medical school at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. Andrew C. Martin ’02 was ordained an elder at the South Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is pastor at Lebanon United Methodist Church near Columbia, S.C. Danielle M. Squires ’02 was promoted to managing director of Wells Fargo’s interest-rate risk-management group in Charlotte. Previously, she was manager of the southeast region for derivatives structuring and marketing with Wells Fargo. Laura E. Howard McHenry ’04 is assistant attorney general in the education/special litigation section of the North Carolina Department of Justice.

’05 10th Reunion

April 17-19, 2015

Luol Deng ’07 partnered with Save the Children to help protect the 2.5 million children affected by the growing crisis in his native South Sudan. A former refugee and current N.B.A. player, he has played for the Chicago Bulls and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Jay Foard M.B.A. ’09 wrote Run Your Body Like a Business, a book of practical advice about healthy living. Marriages & Commitments Smita K. Trivedi ’01 to Akash Jain on Aug. 24, 2013. Residence: Menlo Park, Calif....Dana B. DUKE MAGAZINE

WiNTEr 2014


translation in texas Will Evans A.M. ’12 opens Dallas’ first publishing house. Himmel ’01 to Peter A. Rivizzigno M.S. ’02 on June 7, 2014. Residence: Baldwinsville, N.Y....Jennifer E. Robinson ’02 to Bryan Light on May 17, 2014. Residence: Cary, N.C....Shelley K. Cockrell ’03 to Michael Barry on June 7, 2014. Residence: Pittsburgh...Gail A. Tabak ’04 and Jason S. Paul on Dec. 14, 2013. Residence: New York...Jennifer B. Nelson ’05 to Ryan C. Ray on May 31, 2014. Residence: New York...Kathryn E. Somers ’06 to Matthew Sabo on June 7, 2014. Residence: Rochester, N.Y....Eric A. Tong ’06 to Christina Chiou on June 14, 2014. Residence: San Francisco...Julia Vieira Da Rosa Riley ’07 to Alex Martin on May 26, 2013. Residence: San Francisco...Kim G. McCallum ’08 to Blake W. Adams on June 7, 2014. Residence: Boerne, Texas... Taylor C. Searles ’08 to Erin A. Lewis ’09 on Sept. 21, 2013. Residence: New York. Births & Adoptions Zachary Ethan to Sara E. Bell-Wechsler ’01, J.D. ’04 and Jay Wechsler on June 16, 2014... Mayah Isabel to Philip S. Rotter ’01 and Tracie Henson Rotter ’04 on June 13, 2014... Keegan Peter to Patricia A. Coad ’02 and Chris Coad on June 27, 2014...Susanna Hope to Andrew C. Martin ’02 and Elisabeth Martin on June 22, 2014...Chandler Yvonne to Kia M. Wright Roberts ’02 and Otwane Roberts on Feb. 15, 2014...Jacob Stone to Craig J. Saperstein ’02 and Jennifer Hainsfurther Saperstein ’05 on April 15, 2014...Elias Archer to Philip J. Bezanson J.D. ’04 and Thea Handelman on July 12, 2014...Norah Elizabeth to Samuel D. Fleder ’04 and Sarah Dees Fleder ’04 on July 5, 2014...Ella Anne to Samuel A. Forehand J.D. ’05 and Yasmin Forehand on July 4, 2014...Naomi Livia to Sarah Ribstein Prins M.S. ’05, J.D. ’09 and Andrew D. Prins J.D. ’09 on March 1, 2014...Madeline Victoria to Jeffrey A. Ackermann ’06 and Lauren Kellis Ackermann ’06, J.D. ’12 on May 19, 2014...Gabriel Michael to Vanessa Rodriguez Garvey ’06 and Chris Garvey on May 20, 2014...Quinn Marie to Lauren Troyer Saternus ’06 and Matthew J. Saternus ’06 on July 14, 2014...Laila Corinne to Elissa Marre McClure A.M. ’09, J.D. ’09 and Sean P. McClure J.D. ’10 on Jan. 5, 2014.

’10 5th Reunion

April 17-19, 2015

Patrick P. Jagoda Ph.D. ’10 coedited Comics & Media, a book that addresses the place of comics in both a contemporary and historical context. He is assistant professor of English and cinema and media studies at the University of Chicago, and he has a forthcoming book titled Network Aesthetics.


Corinne P. Merriman ’13 will join PricewaterhouseCoopers in Chicago after receiving a master’s in accountancy from Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University. 58

While Will Evans was pursuing a master’s in russian studies at Duke, he asked his professor, Carol Apollonio, why it seemed so few works of contemporary literature were translated into English. Apollonio’s response: “if you ever want to see a book translated, you have to do it yourself.” Evans took her advice to heart and did just that while studying abroad in St. Petersburg the following summer. in the process, Evans learned about a phenomenon called the “3 percent problem,” which means that only 3 percent of books published in the U.S. are translated from another language. reading world literature “really opens up our mind about the possibility of literature, about the way people read and live and feel and think,” Evans says, but “there are all these amazing books that have never been translated in English.” After graduating in 2012, Evans moved to Dallas and started Deep Vellum, the only literary publishing house in the city. The name is part pun (Deep Ellum is Dallas’ artsy neighborhood) and part historical throwback (early books were printed on vellum, a parchment originally made from calfskin). Through Deep Vellum, Evans wants to promote world literature as well as support the craft of translation. Translated into English from russian, French, Spanish, german, and even icelandic, the books are available in print as well as e-book, and perhaps one day, as audiobooks. Evans isn’t picky about the format. “i just want people to read great literature,” he says. At the moment, Deep Vellum is only translating high literary fiction and creative nonfiction, but poetry, plays, and even children’s books may be on the horizon. Because Duke pointed him toward this path, Evans is returning the favor by publishing the translated work of Duke professors. Next spring, Deep Vellum will publish French literature professor Anne garréta’s Sphinx, followed by Carol Apollonio’s translation of Alisa ganieva’s The Mountain and the Wall.

David M. Short ’13 will join Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Milwaukee after receiving a master’s in accountancy from Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University. Cherry J. Tran ’13 will join Ernst & Young in Washington after receiving a master’s in accountancy from Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University. Marriages & Commitments Michael S. Els A.M. ’10 to Andrea M. Scripa ’12 on May 10, 2014. Residence: Cambridge, Mass....Patrick W. McNamara M.E.M. ’10 to Monica M. Varona M.E.M. ’10 on April 26, 2014. Residence: Kew Gardens, N.Y....Jay K. Patel M.B.A. ’11 to Ariella J. Stawski M.B.A.

’11 on July 6, 2013. Residence: Boca Raton, Fla.... Andrew E. Bentley ’12 to Erica D. Nagi ’12 on May 3, 2014. Residence: Durham...Jennifer L. Shaffer M.D. ’12 to Lawrence Ngo on Dec. 16, 2012. Residence: Durham...Jessica D. Hendin ’13 to Bradley W. Moffitt on March 14, 2013. Residence: Chesterfield, Mo....Allison Lozon D.P.T. ’13 to Andrew D. Wilder on May 24, 2014. Residence: Charlotte...Courtney B. Sanders M.H.S. ’13 to Gavin Phillips on Oct. 12, 2013. Residence: Charlotte...Susan D. Cohen M.P.P. ’14 to Brent Foosness on Jan. 18, 2014. Residence: Durham...Amanda J.R. Griffis ’14 to Alexander E. Haas ’14 on May 5, 2014. Residence: Durham...Meghan K. Hill M.S.N. ’14 to Michael Pattavina on May 31, 2014. Residence: Braintree, Mass.


FEB 22 Joan Miró, Femme, oiseau, étoile (Homenatge a Pablo Picasso) (Woman, Bird and Star [Homage to Pablo Picasso]) (detail), 1966/1973. Oil on canvas, 96 7ų16 x 66 15ų16 inches (245 x 170 cm). Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain. © Successió Miró / Arists Rights Society (ARS), New York, New York / ADAGP, Paris, France.

Miró: The Experience of Seeing is organized by the Seattle Art Museum and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.

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Q&A with Jack Gregory ’18 Alumni Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship Awardee Births & Adoptions Laila Corinne to Sean P. McClure J.D. ’10 and Elissa Marre McClure A.M. ’09, J.D. ’09 on Jan. 5, 2014... Olive Ruth to Jack C. Lowndes M.Div. ’11 and Jennifer Lowndes on June 19, 2014.

iNMEMORIAM Dorothy Z. Barrow Kennedy ’35 of Wilson, N.C., on April 11, 2014. She taught at public schools in Zebulon, Farmville, and Fremont, N. C. She is survived by a son, Kenneth D. Kennedy Jr. B.S.E. ’64; a daughter, five grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. Margaret A. Martin ’37 of New Orleans, on April 22, 2014. She worked in corporate and college administration in New York and New Jersey. Survivors include a daughter, Joan K. Martin Lyles ’70, a son, and a grandson. Edward Cameron B.S.E.E. ’38 of Cameron, N.C., on April 23, 2014. He served in the Philippines during World War II as a pilot and captain in the Army Air Corps. Following his service, he owned and operated a heavy equipment company, and taught Sunday school for more than 60 years as an elder at Cameron Hill Church. Survivors include several nieces and nephews. Dorothy M. Cornwell ’38 of Colfax, N.C., on April 23, 2014. After graduating from Duke, she lived in Lincolnton, N.C., for 63 years, working as a bookkeeper for Cornwell Drugs. She was a longtime volunteer at Christian Ministries and local hospices. She is survived by two daughters, including Susan Cornwell Hill ’65, three grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.

Every year since 1979, the DAA has awarded the Alumni Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship, a full-tuition scholarship for the children or grandchildren of Duke alumni and alumnae. This year’s recipient is Jack Gregory ’18 of Asheville, North Carolina, the son of John Gregory ’91 and Kate Welsh Pyron Gregory ’92. What appeals to you about Duke? i think it’s all about the teachers, the academics, and the students. Everyone here is a scholar in one sense of the word or another. The education really permeates the entire campus. you can have close relationships with your professors. you can stay up late talking about homework problems with your roommate. it’s something i really appreciate about Duke. How did you find out you were the scholarship awardee?

i got an e-mail from Michael gustafston M.E. ’93, Ph.D. ’99 [associate professor of the practice for electrical and computer engineering], who is in charge of the scholarship program. i wasn’t really sure what to make of it. i said, “Mom, come look at this.” And she read it, and she was like, “That’s a scam. That’s not real.” it was this sort of shock at first. As time went by, i realized more and more what the scholarship meant, and i got really excited about it.

What would you like to pursue at Duke? right now i’m looking at mechanical engineering. i decided on engineering because my mom’s friend, who is a Duke alumna and an engineer, invited me to see her work at a hospital. i was really amazed at the things she and her colleagues were able to develop. They created a bendable needle that could curve around the eye for noninvasive drug injections and head surgeries. A doctor had suggested the idea, and they just got on it, and they built it. i thought that’s really something i might like to do—to have that use of my creative ability for other people. Where did your passion for creating and innovation come from?

i’ve always been a huge fan of Legos. That was one of the big parts of my childhood. A really fundamental part of being human is creating things. i think translating an idea in your head through your hands into something physical is really amazing.

Eleanor F. Ruffcorn Montrose ’39 of San Luis Obispo, Calif., on May 9, 2013. Jane E. Horsting Palmer ’39 of Somers, Conn., on Jan. 15, 2014. She worked as a real-estate broker for many years, eventually establishing her own realty business and winning several Realtor of the Year awards. She served on the boards of Baystate Medical Center and Baypath College. She is survived by a daughter, a son, five grandchildren, including Stephanie B. Cameron Corcoran ’90, and 10 great-grandchildren. Arthur M. Alpert B.S.C.E. ’41 of San Diego, on April 1, 2014. He served in the Navy during World War II in the Pacific theater. He later worked as a civil engineer before beginning careers in management and banking with family businesses in Galveston, Texas. He is survived by his wife, Estelle; four sons, six grandchildren, and a great-grandson.

Walter G. Smith B.S.M.E. ’41 of Durham, on April 30, 2014. He was a Navy veteran and a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. In 1952, he was appointed a county squire by North Carolina Governor W. Kerr Scott. Ernest G. Crane Jr. B.S.E. ’42 of North Falmouth, Mass., on April 5, 2014. He served as a lieutenant in the Navy during World War II, and later became an executive in the defense industry. He served on several committees supporting the Navy, for which he received meritorious and distinguished service awards. He is survived by two sons, a daughter, and three grandchildren.

Marjorie Stoothoff Grochola ’42 of Tucson, Ariz., on Oct. 9, 2013. She is survived by a daughter, a son, a sister, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Charles E. Jett ’42 of Knoxville, Tenn., on March 18, 2014. He served in the Army for 28 years, including in the European theater in World War II and during the Korean War. He was a football coach in the Army, as well as at Elizabethton High School (Tenn.) for six years. He was responsible for initiating high-school ROTC in Florida in the 1950s and expanded the Army Reserve program in North Carolina. After retiring from the military


WiNTEr 2014



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in 1966, he became chief financial officer for Knoxville Orthopedic Clinic. He is survived by a son, four grandchildren, and a great-grandchild. Douglas R. Maltby ’42 of Little Rock, Ark., on Nov. 23, 2013. He was a glider pilot in World War II and flew in the Holland and Market Garden Allied invasions. He is survived by his wife, Gloria, and three daughters. Eugene G. Purcell Jr. ’42, M.Div. ’46 of Lenoir, N.C., on April 7, 2014. He served as a Methodist minister for 18 years and on the faculty of Atlantic Christian College in the religion and philosophy department for 27 years. After his retirement, he served interim pastorates in a number of cities. The Purcell Bible Conference was established in his honor. He is survived by his wife, Betty; two sons, four daughters, 11 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. C. Howard Hardesty Jr. ’43 of Vero Beach, Fla., on April 27, 2014. He served as an officer in the Navy during World War II. After attending law school, he cofounded the firm Furbee & Hardesty, served as West Virginia state tax commissioner, and acted as general counsel for Consolidation Coal Co. He then held various executive positions in its parent company, Continental Oil Co. In 1974, he was named president of the Eastern Hemisphere petroleum division; in 1975, he became the company’s vice chair. He later became CEO of several corporations that had entered bankruptcy prior to his arrival, and he was responsible for developing reorganization plans to regain solvency. He was a partner at the Washington law firm Andrews & Kurth until his retirement in the mid-1990s. In addition to serving as director and chair of the West Virginia University Foundation Board, he was director of NCR Corp. and Consolidated Natural Corp., and a trustee of Duke University. He is survived by a daughter, Sarah Hardesty Bray ’72; a son, and five grandchildren, including Elizabeth Hardesty Bray ’14. Audrey O. Bracken Urling ’43 of York, Pa., on April 22, 2014. She worked as a lawyer for the Army Corps of Engineers in Baltimore and later practiced law in several counties in Pennsylvania. She was chair of the building committee for the expansion of Yorkshire United Methodist Church. She is survived by three daughters and two grandchildren. Murray D. Brandt ’44 of Durham, on March 17, 2014. He served in the Marine Corps during World War II. He later owned and operated The Fashion, an apparel store in Durham, for 30 years. He also was employed by the Duke golf course. He is survived by a daughter, a son, two brothers, two grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Evelyn Cline Roach ’44 of Lexington, N.C., on May 5, 2014. She spent her career as a social worker for the Davidson County Department of

Murray D. Brandt ’44 owned and operated the Fashion, an apparel store in downtown Durham, for 30 years.

Social Services, Baptist Children’s Home of Thomasville, and Davidson County Mental Health Center. She also taught in the Adult Basic Education program. William W. Raup ’45, A.M. ’52 of Miami Shores, Fla., on Oct. 15, 2012. He served in the Pacific during World War II as a lieutenant in the Navy. After graduate studies at the University of Texas and Georgetown, he joined the State Department as a Latin American specialist, serving posts in Chile and Nicaragua and later in Mali, Afghanistan, and Morocco. He then settled in Miami and taught at Barry University. He is survived by his wife, Susanne Perrin Raup ’44; a son, and a sister, Margaret “Peg” Raup Frampton ’40.

the Korean War and was later commissioned as a first lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps. He participated in U.S. negotiations with various NATO countries before leaving the Army to work in the law and business sectors. He spent most of his career with Mobil in executive domestic and international positions, including assistant to the president, president and managing director of Mobil Oil Portuguesa, and administrative manager

of the Iranian Oil Consortium. He retired from Mobil after 32 years and returned to Washington to teach at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. He is survived by his wife, Maria; two daughters, and six grandchildren. Thomas A. McClees B.S.C.E. ’48 of Elm City, N.C., on May 8, 2014. He served in the Army Air Corps and was awarded the Distinguished Flying

Arthur R. Thompson ’45 of Morganton, N.C., on April 28, 2014. He served in the Marine Corps during World War II before working for the N.C. Department of Transportation as an engineer for 43 years. He is survived by two sons, three grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Edward A. Jiracek ’46 of Lake View, Iowa, on April 15, 2014. He served in the Marine Corps during World War II and was the retired vice president of Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. He is survived by three daughters, a brother, two sisters, four grandchildren, and a great-grandson. Charlotte E. Thompson Cooley ’47 of Charlotte, on April 29, 2014. She taught math in public schools in Richmond, Va., and was actively involved with the Piedmont Girl Scout Council. She is survived by a daughter, a son, a brother, four grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Harold L. DeHoff B.S.M.E. ’47 of Albuquerque, N.M., on April 20, 2014. He was an ensign in the Navy Reserve and worked for a shipyard in Newport News, Va., for the duration of his career. He is survived by his wife, Betty Joy; two sons, four grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter. William T. Henry B.S.C.E. ’47 of Falls Church, Va., on Dec. 12, 2013. He served in the Navy and the Navy Civil Engineer Corps. He is survived by five sons, four daughters, a brother, and 16 grandchildren.

© Duke University Archives © 2013 Joan Marcus

David K. Taylor Jr. ’47, J.D. ’49 of Washington, on April 25, 2014. He served in the Army during

© Duke University Archives

MOTOWN: THE SOUND OF CHANGE A Duke in Depth Program February 20-22, 2015 JOIN US FOR: Lectures on the music and its contribution to social and cultural change Keynote by Mark Anthony Neal Performance of MOTOWN THE MUSICAL with Cast Q&A NEW ORLEANS: Serve & Learn

Richard J. Holzwarth ’47 of Winter Park, Colo., on Feb. 24, 2014. He served in the Navy during World War II and the Korean War. He later founded Eastern Hills Clinical Laboratories in Cincinnati, Ohio, and served as president of the American Association of Bio-Analysts and as treasurer of East Grand Fire District. He is survived by his wife, Mil; three children, and two grandsons. Margaret R. Lehman McCarthy ’47 of Bellevue, Wash., on May 30, 2012. Survivors include a son.

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“Coach, lifelong IULHQG DQG VWLç D teacher—my roots DW 'XNH UXQ GĂŚS Ă“ FOREST RESIDENT AL BUEHLER, a Blue Devil icon for more than 50 years

Cross, six Air Medals, and the Presidential Unit Citation. He worked as a construction engineer and managed his family’s farms until his retirement. He also served as commissioner of the town of Elm City, chair of the Elm City Board of Education, and trustee of Wilson County Technical Institute. He was a board member of the Community Chest, the Wilson Memorial Hospital, the American Red Cross, and the BB&T local board. He is survived by a daughter, a son, and a brother. Arthur Miller ’48 of Bronxville, N.Y., on May 4, 2014. He served in the Air Force during World War II and later founded Miller Real Estate. He is survived by two daughters, including Dianne B. Miller ’73; a son, and five grandchildren. Annie Sue Pickard ’48 of Durham, on May 9, 2014. She worked in the insurance department of Duke Hospital and in the investment business before retiring as office manager of Davis and Loehr Medical Offices. Survivors include two brothers. Barbara S. Hunt Carr R.N. ’49 of Houston, on Feb. 3, 2014. She is survived by a daughter, two sons, and five grandchildren. David S. Johnson HS ’55 of Portland, Ore., on April 12, 2014. He served in the Army during the

Korean War and was chief of pathology at Good Samaritan Hospital until his retirement. He is survived by his wife, Shirley; a son, a daughter, 10 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Elaine Elkins Kaufman Ph.D. ’49 of Bethesda, Md., on Dec. 1, 2013. She is survived by a son, two daughters, and three grandchildren. Edwin H. Poulnot III ’49 of Charleston, S.C., on April 9, 2014. After serving in the Navy during World War II, he worked for the family department store Kerrison Dry Goods Co., later becoming its president and CEO. He also served as the president of the Merchants Housing Corp. and the Charleston Industrial Corp. and as director of the Chamber of Commerce, YMCA, Historic Charleston Foundation, National Retail Merchants Association, and Charleston Symphony. He is survived by his wife, Joan; a daughter, Dale C. Poulnot ’77; two sons, including David L. Poulnot ’80; and eight grandchildren. Quentin G. Swiger ’49 of Glenview, Ill., on Feb. 2, 2014. He served in the Army during World War II. He later worked for the IRS and Texaco Corp. as a lawyer and retired as associate foreign tax counsel at Amoco Corp. He is survived


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David K. taylor ’47, J.D. ’49 participated in u.S. negotiations with various NAto countries as a first lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps. by his wife, Elinor; three sons, a grandson, and a nephew, Ernest C. Swiger Jr. ’69, Ph.D. ’75. Kelly J. Wilson Jr. ’49, B.D. ’51 of Henry, Va., on Dec. 18, 2013. He is survived by four children, including Rebecca Wilson Dolch ’74. Edith E. Satchwell Bonfanti ’50 of Newport News, Va., on April 19, 2014. She taught for many years in Fairfax County, Va., before opening a retail shop in Sanibel, Fla. She is survived by a daughter, a son, two sisters, a brother, and two granddaughters.

John H. Foss A.M. ’53 of New Bern, N.C., on May 6, 2014. He served in the Coast Guard Auxiliary and wrote the rules for the intercollegiate Rodeo Association. He is survived by his wife, Jean. Gerard E. D. Kehlor B.S.M.E. ’53 of Noblesville, Ind., on April 10, 2014. In addition to serving in the Army, he was director of contract administration for the Department of Defense for 30

years. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; two daughters, two sons, and 13 grandchildren. Franklin C. Niblock Jr. M.D. ’53 of Concord, N.C., on May 7, 2014. He served in the Army for several years before attending Davidson College and Duke Medical School. After receiving his medical degree, he returned to his hometown of Concord to practice pediatrics for 40 years. In his retirement, he

Margaret G. Walters Carroll A.M. ’50 of Chestertown, Md., on April 25, 2014. She taught at high schools in Maryland for 30 years. Survivors include a brother. Wilbur T. Hooven III B.S.M.E. ’50 of Boston, on June 24, 2013. He served in the Army during World War II. He founded his own company, Hooven Metal Treating, and worked in the aerospace and high-technology fields. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; three sons, a daughter, 12 grandchildren, and a great-grandchild. Joan A. Burns Litty ’50 of Pittsfield, Mass., on April 23, 2014. She was an elementary-school and substitute teacher before working at a department store and travel agency. She served on the board of the Pittsfield Girls’ Club. She is survived by her husband, Bill; three sons, two daughters, and six grandchildren. Dermont J. Reid B.D. ’50 of Richmond, Va., on April 20, 2014. After serving in the Air Force, he served as a Methodist minister in a number of churches in North Carolina, Kansas, and Virginia. He is survived by his wife, Tennie; a daughter, two granddaughters, and three great-grandchildren. Robert G. Bensinger ’51 of Rochester, N.Y., on Dec. 1, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Joan; two sons, a daughter, a brother, and two grandchildren. John E. Enander ’51 of Jacksonville, Fla., on March 30, 2014. Louise Elliot Reed ’51, R.N. ’52 of Lynchburg, Va., on May 6, 2014. She is survived by four daughters, two brothers, six grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Hollis W. Plimpton Jr. ’52 of Peterborough, N.H., on June 18, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Margaret Lucas Plimpton ’54; two daughters, and a son. Fred K. Schwarz ’52 of St. Louis, on April 13, 2014. He served as an executive with General Steel Industries, American Zinc Co., Ralston Purina, and Olin Co. He also volunteered with the St. Louis Hearing and Speech Center, the Boy Scouts of America, and Tower Grove Park. He is survived by his wife, Judith; two daughters, three sons, a sister, six grandchildren, and his former wife, Emily.


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WiNTEr 2014


served a term on the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners. He is survived by his wife, Mary Louise; two sons, including Marc C. Niblock ’82; a daughter, a sister, 15 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. William H. Sperry A.M. ’53 of Spartanburg, S.C., on April 30, 2014. He spent 39 years as an educator, coach, counselor, and adviser at The Governor’s Academy in Byfield, Mass. He is survived by a son, a daughter, and two grandchildren. Mary G. Godard Anderson ’54 of Kennesaw, Ga., on March 26, 2014. She taught English parttime at Georgia State University and music at St. Anne’s Episcopal Day School. She is survived by three sons, a brother, a sister, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Roberta L. Uretsky Daniel ’54 of Augusta, Ga., on May 12, 2013. She worked as a manager for Lane Bryant and as a financial controller for T-Bonz Steak House. She was co-owner of Daniel’s Den along with her husband. Survivors include a daughter and two grandsons. David St. Pierre “Pete” DuBose Jr. B.S.C.E. ’54 of Durham, on April 19, 2014. He taught algebra at San Antonio College and worked for the

Southwest Research Institute. He is survived by three daughters, two sons, a brother, a sister, and 11 grandchildren. Annette V. Willcox Gillespie A.M. ’54 of Debary, Fla., on April 1, 2014. She taught mathematics at Stetson University for over 20 years. She is survived by her husband, Edgar B. Gillespie A.M. ’55, Ph.D. ’66; two daughters, a son, a sister, and five grandchildren. William N. Maddox Jr. ’54 of Stuart, Fla., on April 11, 2014. He was commissioned as a lieutenant junior grade in the Navy and later worked for General Electric for 10 years before starting a construction company. He developed and built Indian River Plantation. He also served on the boards of Martin Memorial Hospital and First National Bank in Stuart. He is survived by his wife, Joan; a son, two daughters, a sister, and four grandchildren. Claude S. Phillips Jr. Ph.D. ’54 of Kalamazoo, Mich., on April 17, 2014. He joined the faculty at Western Michigan University in 1957 and retired in 1988 as professor emeritus in political science. He was the founding director of the university’s Institute of International and Area Studies and helped establish a new degree in political science: the master of development administration. At


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Western Michigan, he also developed programs in African studies and the non-Western world and won the university’s Distinguished Service Award in 1984. During his tenure, he managed a Peace Corps training program for Nigeria, studied in India on a Fulbright scholarship, and conducted research in Nigeria that resulted in several book and journal publications. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; a son, a daughter, a stepdaughter, a stepson, two sisters, nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Lee G. Veasey Jr. ’54 of Durham, on May 17, 2013. Jerry H. Barger ’55 of Salisbury, N.C., on May 3, 2014. A former Duke quarterback, he was the 1954 ACC Player of the Year and leader of the Blue Devil team that won the Orange Bowl the same season. He was named to Duke’s all-time football team and inducted into the Duke Hall of Fame and the Salisbury Rowan Hall of Fame. Drafted by the Chicago Bears in 1955, he passed up a career in the NFL to serve in the Air Force, obtaining the rank of captain. He is survived by his wife, Claudette; two daughters, and seven grandchildren. Amy N. Frye Elam B.S.N. ’55 of Charlotte, on May 7, 2014. She had a long career as a registered

Joan K. Glascock Ph.D. ’80 was a research chemist for 20 years and helped develop multiple patents.

nurse. She is survived by three sons, a daughter, and a grandson. Robert D. Kehoe ’55 of Princeton Junction, N.J., on April 17, 2014. He served in the Army before working as a salesman for CCL Industries until his retirement. He is survived by three daughters, a son, and six grandchildren. Bowden W. Ward Jr. B.S.M.E. ’56 of Seabrook, Md., on March 25, 2014. He retired from NASA in 1996 after a career as an aerospace engineer. He is survived by his wife, Mary; a son, Bowden W. Ward III B.S.E. ’90; a daughter, two sisters, and five grandchildren. John T. Houston ’57 of Boulder Creek, Calif., on April 11, 2014. After early careers as a federal bank examiner and accountant, he became a pilot for United Airlines. Based out of San Francisco, he flew United planes for 32 years, including his last four as a 747-400 captain on international flights across the Pacific. He is survived by his wife, Carol; a son, and a sister. David I. Huffman ’57 of Ravenna, Ohio, on April 7, 2014. He attended Ohio State Medical School in 1962 and completed his residency at the University of Iowa. He relocated to the West Coast to open an ear, nose, and throat practice in California, which he moved to Washington in 1979. He is survived by his wife, Lois L. Petersen Huffman ’58; three daughters, and a brother. Gertie N. Morris M.Ed. ’57 of Euless, Texas, on April 9, 2014. She taught advanced mathematics at Mirabeau B. Lamar High School. Survivors include two cousins.

Alice Bruton Beidler ’58 of Erwin, N.C., on April 5, 2014. She was a founding member of Harnett Regional Theatre in Dunn, N.C., and was involved with her church as choir and musical director. She also worked as secretary and treasurer of several local high schools and was the Student Information Management System coordinator for Harnett County until her retirement. She is survived by a daughter, a son, three sisters, including Morning Bruton Lopp ’61 and Bobbi Bruton Hunter ’62; three grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Richard L. Denison J.D. ’58 of Sarasota, Fla., on April 1, 2014. Survivors include his wife, Frances. Robert G. Hitchings M.F. ’58 of Manassas, Va., on May 5, 2014. After working on the Manhattan Project during World War II, he became a professor at N.C. State University and was a founding member of its pulp and paper science and technology division. He was honored several times as an Alumni Distinguished Professor and a Distinguished Classroom Teacher during his 33-year teaching career. He is survived by a son, a daughter, four grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Alfred S. Holcomb ’58 of Chapel Hill, on April 13, 2014. He served as a lieutenant in the Navy before becoming co-owner and executive vice president of Pine State Knitwear. He is survived by his wife, Dolly; a daughter, a son, two stepdaughters, a brother, Hugh L. Holcomb Jr. ’56; five grandchildren, two stepgrandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. David T. Tierney ’58 of Hampstead, N.C., on April 25, 2014. He spent 22 years in the Ma-

rine Corps and served several tours of duty in Vietnam, flying 225 missions in his A-4 attack aircraft. He is survived by his wife, Pat, and two daughters. Donald D. Abernethy M.Ed. ’59 of Lincolnton, N.C., on May 5, 2014. He served in the Korean War before attending Lenoir-Rhyne University and Duke. He then began a long career in public education, beginning with stints as principal of two high schools. He later served as director of student teaching at Pembroke State University and superintendent of the Hoke County school system. As superintendent, he led one of the first integrations of a public school system in North Carolina. He is survived by his wife, Iris; four sons, a daughter, five sisters, a brother, nine grandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren. John W. Phoenix ’59 of Leesburg, Fla., on March 18, 2013. He was a Marine Corps veteran. George Weber III B.S.M.E. ’59 of St. Louis, on March 21, 2014. He worked for Standard Oil before joining the family business, Weber Chevrolet. He eventually managed a dealership and served in leadership positions at Weber. He is survived by three daughters, a son, two sisters, and 14 grandchildren. Roy H. Blomquist ’60 of Rock Hall, Md., on March 28, 2014. He served as an officer in the U.S. Public Health Service in Mobile, Ala., before reopening his father’s dental practice in Richardson Park, Del. He is survived by his wife, Sally; three daughters, a son, seven grandchildren, and a greatgrandchild.

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WiNTEr 2014



A dean of distinction There was no one quite like Samuel Fox Mordecai, the first leader of the law school. | By Valerie gillispie


ne hundred and ten years ago, Samuel Fox Mordecai was named the first dean of Trinity Law School. Until his death in 1927, he earned a reputation as a brilliant scholar, but also as an eccentric: a man whose language was blushingly colorful and whose love of animals—especially dogs—made him unforgettable. Mordecai was born in 1852. The descendant of one of the first Jewish immigrants to North Carolina (the Mordecai House in Raleigh is a family home), he was raised Episcopalian and attended the University of Virginia. He was admitted to the bar in 1875 and practiced law in Raleigh from 1875 to 1904, while also raising nine children with his wife, Bettie Grimes Mordecai. In 1904, after a successful stint as a lecturer at Wake Forest, Mordecai moved with his family to Durham to become the dean of the nascent law school. Mordecai was astonishingly well read, fluent in numerous languages, and a prolific writer. Many law students had never encountered a figure quite like him. Years later, noted legal scholar Sidney S. Alderman wrote, “His students will unanimously agree that he was the greatest natural teacher under whose influence they have ever come. He had a trenchant quality, an inexorably cutting quality, of mind. It slashed through all superficies, all pedanBest friend: tic veneer, all sophomoric vapidity, all the Mordecai takes accumulated crust of formalism, tradition, some air with preconceived ideas, and cant.” He could be Pompey bracingly sarcastic. P.H. Crawford, a stuDucklegs. dent of Mordecai’s in 1926, recalled that “on one occasion he told a student, ‘Your knowledge of the law has reached that level of ignorance beyond which there is no possibility of further descent.’ ” Despite the cutting words, students must have noticed a twinkle in his eye, for he was universally remembered as a warm figure.

THEN&NOW ANiMAL kiNgDOM Pompey Ducklegs wasn’t the only beloved animal at Duke. Our history is full of dogs, cats, squirrels—and lemurs, of course.


Circa 1910: President kilgo poses with his dog. 70

1927 Old kit, a mule who worked on campus for thirty years, dies. Her death is reported in the local newspapers.


Pee Wee the Squirrel was a frequent visitor of the East Duke Building.

Pompey usually appeared in class photographs, and multiple A visitor to his home noted, “The whole house is unique. pages of the 1921 Chanticleer were devoted to Pompey. A A visit to it is an adventure not comparable to anything in 1926 article in The Durham Morning Herald described “Old the world. At the entrance, one encounters books and strange Pomp” as “high toned a tyke as ever buried a bone. He is collections of riding whips, horseshoes, and other odds and something less than a foot high, and something less than a ends—books! One continues to find books, from the floor yard long, or very nearly that. His color is a deep red, and to the ceiling, throughout the house, and where there is not his walk a cross between a turkey strut and a goose waddle. a picture of some kind, there is a stack of books. The wall itIt is much the same as if a huge, long sausage were given legs self is almost nowhere discernable.” Mordecai’s lavish dinners and a tail and endowed with the ability to trot about. Inand love of entertaining made his house, on the northeast corner of Trinity College (today’s East Campus), a hub of activity. Toward the end of his life, when his “His students will unanimously agree that he was the greatest health made it difficult to move, Mordecai natural teacher under whose influence they have ever come.” taught from home, gathering students on the front porch or in the dining room. deed, his general appearance is not unlike a smooth, longDuring these visits, students would encounter some of the haired alligator, so low is his running gear.” family dogs, many of whom were adopted strays: Madame, The Mordecai dogs, including Pompey, were accustomed Whitey, Trixy, and Pompey Ducklegs (both Senior and Junto the good life and thought nothing of crawling into bed ior). Mordecai loved his animals and would scold any stuwith overnight guests. Once, daughter Margaret Mordecai dents who, crowded into the dining-room “classroom,” Blomquist recalled that, while visiting a neighbor, Pompey might step on a dog’s tail. Crawford remembered hearing a fell asleep in the neighbor’s bed. “ ‘Mr. Mordecai,’ said the dog scratch at the dining-room door during one lesson. alarmed neighbor, ‘you’ll have to call your dog. He’s on my Mordecai asked, in exasperation, bed.’ Papa jumped right up and shouted, ‘Come here, Pom“Will one of you sons of bitches pey! Get out of that bed before you get fleas all over you!’ ” please let that gentleman in?” Remembered by his children for the “candy parties” beThe best known of the bunch, a fore bedtime and by the Trinity and Duke community for dachshund named Pompey Duckhis wit and wisdom, Mordecai’s academic legacy is continlegs Sr., became something of a ued today through the Mordecai Scholars program in the mascot for the law school. (The law school, which provides full scholarships for students of name came from the British novel extraordinary leadership and academic accomplishment. His Westward Ho!, in which Pompey personality has never quite been duplicated, however. This Ducklegs is a buffoonish slave charDecember 10 marks Pompey Ducklegs’ 101st birthday, and acter—evidence that, for all his we will raise a glass to extraordinary Mordecai and his exbrilliance, Mordecai was still a traordinary dog. —Gillispie is the university archivist. product of the Jim Crow South.)


Chicklette, the baby collared lemur, was no bigger than your thumb.

1963 Dr. Watt W. Eagle of the Medical School fed a quad cat for more than six years in the 1960s using an innovative method.


Quad dog Boswell receives a valentine.

Photos courtesy of Duke University Archives


WiNTEr 2014



Trail Mix Can’t make it to the dining hall? There are snacks sprouting all over campus, if you know what to look for.

Kousa dogwood / Cornus kousa this small deciduous tree bears a raspberry-sized berry. Bite through the tough outer skin to eat the inside goo, which tastes like apricot. Where: Bryan Center traffic circle

Queen Anne’s lace / Daucus carota this pretty plant is actually a wild carrot. once the lace-like flowers wilt and turn green, the soft pods taste like juniper or caraway. Where: Behind the chapel

Virginia dayflower / Commelina virginica this herbaceous plant blooms once a year to reveal a flower with two blue petals and one translucent petal. Leaves and seeds taste like green beans and green peas. It’s good raw in salads and superb cooked in soups. Where: outside BioSci

Common wood sorrel / Oxalis montana owing to its heart-shaped leaves, woodsorrel is sometimes confused with clover. the leaves taste like lemonade. Where: All over campus

Beautyberry / Callicarpa this shrub produces clusters of tiny purple berries. Mashed, boiled, and sweetened, the berries make tart jams, puddings, and pie fillings. Where: outside BioSci

Field garlic / Allium vineale unlike regular old grass, field garlic is hollow and cylindrical and smells like onions and garlic. Grows in clumps and imparts a garlicky flavor to meats, soups, spreads, and dips. Where: All over campus

FOILED: On our quest for field garlic, we quickly realized it would take knowing the maintenance schedule if we wanted any of this tasty green at its full height!

Source: Steve Brill, naturalist and forager; compiled by elizabeth Van Brocklin 72

Photo by Jon Gardiner


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What can you do in one day at Duke? p.36

Administrators and students confront sexual assault p.20 Sean Lilly Wilson ’00 and his search for a Southern brew p.26 Fighting corruption with Zephyr Teachout ’99 p.42

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