DU Clarion 4/28/2009

Page 9

AUSA Election Guide

Off-Campus Senator candidates

April 28, 2009





Hometown: Houston Class: Sophomore Major: Intercultural Communications & Marketing

Hometown: Colorado Springs, Colo. Class: Sophomore Major: Biology

Hometown: Victoria, Minn. Class: Sophomore Major: Marketing



Hometown: The vast wastelands of Chicago (Suburbia) Class: Junior Major: International Studies

Dining services- Make improvements, particularly to “To-Go” and late-night options Commuting/Parking-- Implement “Per-park” passes. Students could purchase a pass based on a number of entrances into parking garages.

Make efforts to continue the new pilot Bike Sharing program Resume talks for returning DU SafeRide to its original accessibility to students Help to create a community for off-campus students, providing a better connection back to university events, programs, and other organizations

goals Increase support for Internationalization on campus A more approachable and open Senate so you know what we are doing for you! Increase in accessibility of DU Shuttle for off-campus students during winter months and more consistent and dependable route for day and evening use. Fill in the blank: “If you want someone who will do what she says and is always available to best represent you, vote for me!”

Fill in the blank: “If you want to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, vote for me!”

On-Campus Senators

Fill in the blank: “If you want anarchy, vote for me!”

Senior class Senators


Home town: Clearwater, Fla. Class: Freshman Major: Sociology

Hometown: Saint Paul, Minn. Class: Junior Major: International Business & Spanish

Hometown: Westminster, Colo. Class: Junior Major: International Business




To be a comprehensive voice for on-campus residents To bring together the residence halls through combined programming To continue the work of my predecessors To bring in diverse and inclusive food options as well as more meal plan options and hours of the dining facilities More accessibility for people who are non-able bodied

Inform seniors of what the Departures program offers and expand the program Support small organizations through senate committees and specifically work to publicize the financial support that is offered through Board of Contingency Work to create open communication between AUSA and other campus organizations to allow for more input from other students regarding senate affairs

Bring together the class of 2010 through different celebrations/events to create a more cohesive class Work to provide a senior class gift that is significant, symbolic, and remarkable Host a memorable Senior farewell party Work with administration to increase the number of graduation tickets, or even eliminate them as a whole

Fill in the blank: “If you want a voice, vote for me!”

Fill in the blank: “If you want to have a wonderful senior year, vote for me!”


Hometime: Minneapolis Class: Junior Major: Music


Fill in the blank: “If you want a socially just candidate that will promote plurality ideals of democracy sustainability and diversity, a candidate who isn’t afraid to publicly voice concerns and problems, and a candidate who represents all no matter how different one’s ideals may be, vote for me!”

I led the DU community garden project which is off to a great first season. Next year I would like to create another community garden specifically for organizations on campus (i.e. students orgs, faculty departments, greek houses, etc). A garden serving these diverse groups has the potential to strengthen the DU community and unite our campus. I could list a whole bunch of other crap, but I won’t waste your time. Screw campaign promises.



Ecology Diversity Democracy

Fill in the blank: “If you want someone to make efforts to improve your school FOR YOU, vote for me!”


Fill in the blank: “If you want progression, vote for me!”

Junior class Senators

Sophomore class Senators





Hometown: Blaine, Minn. Class: Sophomore Major: Management

Hometown: Rye, N.Y. Class: Sophomore Major: Business (Accounting)

Hometown: Las Vegas Class: Freshman Major: Political Science

Hometown: Boston Class: Freshman *No response



More career placement opportunities Larger alumni base On-campus events for returning Juniors Easier access to DU resources while abroad

Enhance AUSA Transparency with the undergraduate student body Improve the DU financial aid system Increase student participation in AUSA Senate

goals Move forward the process of finding a third year coordinator Make the Crimson & Gold Global Gala a more well known event for juniors coming back from abroad Having more programming when juniors come back from abroad to re-orientate them with DU For juniors not going abroad, doing programming while everyone else is abroad Fill in the blank: “If you want a senator who is going to work for you, then, vote for me!”

Fill in the blank: “If you want change, vote for me!”

Fill in the blank: “If you want solid experience, and a strong advocate for your ideas and needs, please, vote for me!”

This candidate supports Denver Boone, but the Boone revival is not a part of the candidate’s platform. PHOTOS BY DAVID LORISH

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