Department SEF 2011

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Departmental Self Evaluation Department Completed by Date

Physical Education APR September 2011

Self Evaluation Judgement Form Grades: 1 is outstanding; 2 is good; 3 is satisfactory; 4 is inadequate

Please consider in the following order… Where there are ‘Taking into account’ bullet points these should be judged first. The text is from OFSTED and italic text is added by the school Please use the guidance for judging the grades We suggest that brief, evaluative comments are typed in below each statement to support each judgement. These comments should direct the reader to further evidence held elsewhere (E.g. Scheme of work, results analysis2008, Dept plan…)

Core PE Outcomes How well are pupils doing? Pupils’ achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning

2 2

Taking into account:  Pupils’ attainment (2.1)


 The quality of pupils’ learning and their progress (2.2)  The quality of learning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their progress. (2.3)


Please complete one page for each course Briefly list your major reasons for these grades. If you judge that you are close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade.

Pupils enjoy their PE experience – 77% of students took part in at least 3 hours of PE and Sport in an average week. 53% of students chose to take part in extra curricular sporting activities. (see dept hand book/analysis) Pupil attainment – high % of pupils taking part and few non doers this year. Logged behaviour events for PE and dept detentions at an all time low for 2010/2011. Pupil progress – information gathered from tracking students is not used as well as it could be. Personalised learning for students not reaching potential could be further developed. The range of opportunities available to students with disabilities is restricted due to facilities. Our disabled students last year were given access to progression through Boccia and Athletics, competing at regional and national level.

GCSE / Btec Outcomes How well are pupils doing? Pupils’ achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning 3

Taking into account:  Pupils’ attainment (2.1)


 The quality of pupils’ learning and their progress (2.2)  The quality of learning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their progress. (2.3)


Please complete one page for each course Briefly list your major reasons for these grades. If you judge that you are close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade.

GCSE results A*-C 61% is below National average for the subject (further info regarding local schools would be useful). Students continue to under perform as a cohort on the written exam. (see dept hand book/analysis) Btec students will be entered for their 1st assessment summer 2012

DCHS Departmental Self Evaluation 2011


A Level / post 16 Outcomes How well are pupils doing? Pupils’ achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning

3 3

Taking into account:  Pupils’ attainment (2.1)


 The quality of pupils’ learning and their progress (2.2)  The quality of learning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their progress. (2.3)


Please complete one page for each course Briefly list your major reasons for these grades. If you judge that you are close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade.

100% pass rate at A2 which is above the national average of 96%. The figure of 62% A*-C is in line with national average. For 7 of our 13 students, their A2 PE grade is their highest or equal highest grade. Disappointing AS results highlight the work needing to be done in providing a more suitable pathway for some students wishing to follow PE post 16. Pupils identified as underperforming continued to under perform in the exam – greater intervention required using the data we gather. A greater range of more suitable options need to be made available to students (see dept plan)

DCHS Departmental Self Evaluation 2011


Outcomes: Other ‘Every Child Matters Outcomes’ & SMSC The extent to which pupils feel safe (2.5) Pupils’ behaviour (2.6) The extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyles (2.7) The extent to which pupils contribute to the Department and wider community (2.8) The extent to which pupils develop work-place and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well-being (2.10)

Taking into account:  pupils’ attendance (2.9) The extent of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (2.11) No grades are required here but comments on what is developed in the department in these areas please

Behaviour in PE is generally good which stems from clear expectations and reinforcement of standards throughout the relevant courses. Many links were forged or strengthened within the community to provide pathways for pupils to adopt healthy lifestyles and take part in community activities (57% took part last year) The selection of units followed at Btec, have allowed leadership skills to be developed, helping students to gain work related skills and enhancing social development. DCHS sports students are regularly used to assist at events within the sporting community.

DCHS Departmental Self Evaluation 2011


Core PE Effectiveness of Provision How effective is the provision? 2

The quality of teaching (3.1)


Taking into account:  The use of assessment to support learning (3.2) The extent to which the curriculum meets pupils’ needs, including, where relevant, through partnerships (3.3)


E.g middle school, TVC, agencies, business, universities


The effectiveness of care, guidance and support (3.4) E.g Pastoral, Academic, Career

Briefly list your major reasons for these grades. If you judge that you are close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade

The quality of teaching was graded at least good in all observations last year. Experience of staff allows for effective manipulation / presentation of curriculum in order for students to access the learning. Communication with federation middle schools meant that an over view of curriculum content was established for our students from yr5-11. Greater variety of activity choices were available this year and pupils experienced a number of activities for the first time. Losing facilities for long periods means that curriculum provision suffers – last year, on 4 occasions, a core PE group was left without a teaching space and had to spend the lesson in the changing room. GCSE/ Btec Effectiveness of Provision How effective is the provision? 2

The quality of teaching (3.1)


Taking into account:  The use of assessment to support learning (3.2) The extent to which the curriculum meets pupils’ needs, including, where relevant, through partnerships (3.3)


E.g middle school, TVC, agencies, business, universities

The effectiveness of care, guidance and support (3.4)


E.g Pastoral, Academic, Career Briefly list your major reasons for these grades. If you judge that you are close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade

Quality of teaching was graded as good in lesson observations for KS4 subjects last year. Pupils attain high practical scores in GCSE PE through effective teaching and management of their options. Results from assessment and the over all use of assessment for KS4 students could still be improved to include more personalised action plans. Having 1 option for students at KS4 has become an issue with regards to pupil achievement and progression to post 16. this means that we do not fully meet the needs of a range of pupils. Tracking of pupils throughout the courses is good and provision is provided for failing pupils – greater efforts to get pupils to attend sessions need to be looked at.

DCHS Departmental Self Evaluation 2011


A level / post 16 Effectiveness of Provision How effective is the provision? 2

The quality of teaching (3.1)


Taking into account: ď Ž The use of assessment to support learning (3.2) The extent to which the curriculum meets pupils’ needs, including, where relevant, through partnerships (3.3)


E.g middle school, TVC, agencies, business, universities

The effectiveness of care, guidance and support (3.4)


E.g Pastoral, Academic, Career Briefly list your major reasons for these grades. If you judge that you are close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade

The quality of teaching was graded at least good across observations of A level lessons last year. Pupils felt that the standard of teaching in theory lessons was good (student panel). Tracking data was used to form interventions for students falling below MEG, but interventions were not always fully enforced / taken up by students. The majority of staff non contact time is spent with post 16 students either on 1-1 teaching or whole group revision / exam practice. The overall provision and options available for the range of learners wishing to access PE needs to be better structured. 10 students passed Lv2 sports leader award (although provision for this has stopped for 2011/2012)

DCHS Departmental Self Evaluation 2011


Effectiveness of Leadership and Management How effective are leadership and management? The effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement (4.1)


Taking into account: ď Ž the leadership and management of teaching and learning (4.2)


The effectiveness of the governing body in challenging and supporting the Department so that weaknesses are tackled decisively and statutory responsibilities met (4.3)


The effectiveness of the Department’s engagement with parents and carers (4.4)


The effectiveness of partnerships in promoting learning and well-being (4.5)


The effectiveness with which the Department promotes equal opportunity and tackles discrimination (4.6)


The effectiveness of safeguarding procedures (4.7)


The effectiveness with which the Department promotes community cohesion (4.8)


The effectiveness with which the Department deploys resources to achieve value for money (4.9_


Briefly list your major reasons for these grades. If you judge that you are close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade

Greater cohesion between boys and girls depts has led to a more structured vision for the team with clear goals for improvement. The use of monitoring and evaluating has improved the management of teaching and learning although this area needs to be further developed this year. The staff communicated well with parents last year, keeping them up to date with opportunities available for the students to develop. Issues surrounding facilities provision still exist and some issues that have existed for many years are yet to be resolved. A combined budget for the dept has led to more coast effective spending this year and less duplication of resources. Funding was secured from various sources for development in focus areas. Improved communication with SLT about the structure of the curriculum for our students across all years needs to be an ongoing focus.

DCHS Departmental Self Evaluation 2011


Sixth Form Effectiveness How effective is the sixth form? Overall effectiveness (6.4)

Taking into account:  Outcomes for students in the sixth form (6.1)  The quality of provision in the sixth form (6.2)  The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the sixth form (6.3_ Briefly list your major reasons for these grades. If you judge that you are close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade

DCHS Departmental Self Evaluation 2011


In Summary Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils (8.1) The Department’s capacity for sustained improvement (8.2)


Overall effectiveness: how good is the department? (8.3)


Briefly list your major reasons for these grades. If you judge that you are close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade

All members of the team have shown a willingness to improve all aspects of their teaching. We have a shared vision and are working on establishing some measurable outcomes for short term targets. (see dip) We have reviewed current provision and identified some areas for initial improvement through curriculum planning and group setting. We feel that we are heading towards being a good department but that we are currently limited by our size in relation to the ambitions we have for delivering a range of appropriately pitched option choices to more of our learners. We are looking to establish a greater balance between the time spent with extra curricular commitment and curriculum provision, something that we accept may not have been correctly weighted in the past.

DCHS Departmental Self Evaluation 2011


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