Social-bookmarking:Free social-bookmarking guide

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The DSM Publishing Ultimate Fast Track Tutorials Giving you HONEST step by step instructions so that YOU can make money online without falling for the scams

Social Bookmarking You Have Full Master Resale & Giveaway Rights To This Product! Basically You Can Do Whatever You Like With It As Long As It Is Not Altered. If You Would Like Premium Master Resale Rights On This Product Please Click Here By DSM Publishing Limited

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FOREWORD Welcome to the latest issue of our monthly Fast Track Tutorials. Were really glad that you gave us the chance to show you our way of doing things within Internet Marketing and we are really looking forward to helping you with your online business. Our ultimate goal is to see money floating into your bank account and if it is already improving on the current amounts. We are going to start on some of the basic principles that even some experts fail to get to grips with so even if you do have a degree of experience I am sure that there will be content that you will not have thought about. We find that even after four years we come across methods from time to time that we had never even considered had tried out and thoroughly impressed us when it worked. Most importantly we will include these methods to you in our tutorials so that you can implement them into your business! All the monthly tutorials will be between 12-15 pages in length so that you can get to grips with all the information, take action on it and be ready for the next months work. Where appropriate I will include screenshots so that it is even easier to follow. We will always keep you up to date – so if we find something new that works better than an earlier method we will tell you all about it. We will also give you an overview with what it is all about so the experienced marketers can move on to the next bit if they wish. Within three months I can’t see a marketer on this course not making money. Obviously I’ll start with the basics with the idea of getting you up and running as quickly as possible. We have had a wealth of experience online and we will provide you with all the information that you possibly need so that you can make a living online. Everyday I come across internet marketers that have been around for over a year and still haven’t broken even after letting me put you through your paces you will not be one of them. Let’s get started

SOCIAL BOOKMARKING Today I will be chatting to you about using social bookmarking sites to create amazing traffic back to your Blogs or websites. In fact what I want to show you today is how to get a page rank on Google of two within 90 days of starting your site as social bookmarking is really this powerful. When I first started online social bookmarking didn’t even exist (I’ve been around that long) when it did – it didn’t take off at first and then people weren’t too sure about its presence. Just like with Twitter until people join a craze internet marketers simply won’t use them. I am going to talk you through my own social bookmarking system that I have been using for the past twelve months and have given me amazing backlinks back to my products and services. To maintain it once you have started bookmarking isn’t a great hassle either. Approximately an hour a week depending on how many Blog posts you write or articles you publish. This morning as I type this I have passed over my social bookmarking for the week to my husband Dominic and he only has 26 to do. So firstly here are the sites that you need to get registered with:

Getting registered with them can take about an hour and make sure that you set up a profile as you can get a lot of profile views from people that have common interests with you. It doesn’t need to be a really long profile just long enough not to look spammy and include a link back to your main website. These sites have a very high page rank so make good use of it. This is the one I currently use at Digg:

As you can see I have only included two different links but you can include more than this if you want. Once you have your accounts all set up you need to go through all your work and bookmark it all. For this I will be using the example of as it is very easy to use and it’s a great site to practice on whilst you get your head around it. Before we start you need to remember that you can literally bookmark anything that you want the internet to know about. So if you have never bookmarked before start with your Blog. Bookmark every single page that you have on it. Even including your contact us page. If you have a lot of content though don’t submit more than 50 bookmarks in one day otherwise you will be suspended. If you are starting with one of your websites include all the links on the sub-domains as they all can add to your status for the main site.

When you head over to you will see a home page like this:

You will automatically see what the latest bookmarks are and I advise that you have a look at this for a few moments. This is where your own bookmarks will appear so it’s vital that you understand the kind of information that you will be publishing. Once you have an understanding for it head over to your account and log in:

Now you need to hit the “submit� tab to submit your own bookmark:

Now you will see a page like this:

This is when you enter your web address that you want to Bookmark for this example I am using: You can manually type it though I find it easier to do a quick copy and paste direct from the web.

Then once you hit submit you need to tell people a little more about this link:

It will automatically bring up certain details to make it easier for you. For example it has already given me a title and a short description based on the content on my Blog. You can add or alter this as you wish. I advise sticking a couple of keywords into it as this will then appear in a better position of people are searching for certain words. For example if it’s about making money use “make money online” or “work from home”.

Now you also need to plan which section to place it in based on the content of your webpage. You can also add a photo if you want to. But for just doing basic Blog posts there is no need. Once you are happy with it on the next page you will be given the chance to preview it and then submit.

Now once it has been submitted you will be taken to the following page:

The good bit is now to come – you now have the opportunity to post your link to FaceBook and Twitter. I advise doing this now as doing it separately can really add to your time. A lot of these sites offer a similar service so make sure you only share with one of them otherwise you will be sending out the same link several times to your Twitter following. Now for my favourite bit…. Many of the social bookmarking sites are actually linked to one another so you post a bookmark to more than one at once saving you a lot of time and energy. I would advise that you do these first as it will get many of them out of the way before you start on the other sites. The linked sites are all controlled through Clipmarks who are linked to delicious. So basically when you have done your Clipmarks work you can link the following to it saving you doing the task again they are: *Delicious *Folkd *Faves *Diigo *FriendFeed So as you can see from doing just Clipmarks you are able to do another five at the same time meaning you are half way through your social bookmarking. Now a note about Reddit – They have a system in place so that it puts off spammers and it can be rather irritating. Though Reddit is a top ranking site so you can’t leave it alone. The system means that you can only post on there every 8 minutes so you need to spread it over the day. If you have a laptop I advise that you do it whilst you are watching TV and then it won’t seem as bad. Just like many other tasks you do online the more practice you get the better you will become. You can also outsource this task for as little as $2 an hour through


Create a plan of action for your social bookmarking campaign


Set up your accounts with the social bookmarking sites including adding a profile.


Decide on the links that you would like to bookmark and get all your social bookmarking up to date.

4. Bookmark all your links combining accounts with Clipmarks when possible 5.

Look into hiring an outsourcer to do all your future bookmarking for you!

And last but not least‌.. 6. Go and implement it! See you next month

Samantha Milner Author – The Ultimate Fast Track Tutorials Sign up at and receive the new fast track tutorials direct to your inbox.

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