Winter Edition 2018- The Gallery Durham School of the Arts

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The Gallery

THE GALLERY DSA’s newsmagazine 400 N. Duke Street Durham, NC 27701

STAFF EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Eleanor Dilworth Izzy Salazar LEAD REPORTERS Oyinda Ajasa, Caroline Batten, Ira Ilagan, Kyle Lewis, Diego Moncada, Anna Neal, Elise Roth, and Lezi Truesdale REPORTERS Stella Domec, N’Saun Gentry, Stephany Guzman, Ella Nuñez, Ayesha Sanchez, Mary Wang, and Oliver Weaver STAFF ADVISER Patrick Ritchie COVER ART Kyle Lewis




The loss of Net Neutrality: what that means for millions of Americans BY ANNA NEAL Millions of Americans rely on the fast, the Republican majority FCC repealed free internet for work, research, and as a Obama-era net neutrality rules,” Malkia platform to express themselves. With the Cyril, executive director of the Center for repeal of net neutrality, these Americans Media Justice, stated when net neutrality could be subject to pay for the same inter- was repealed. net services and speeds they previously Another argument against the repeal of received free of charge. net neutrality is that it infringes on AmerOn Deicans’ First cember 14th, Amendment 2017, Ajit rights. Pai’s pro“If composal to get panies like rid of net Verizon are neutraliable to block ty was apcertain choproved. Ajit sen content, Pai is an athow is that torney who not preventserves as the ing freedom Chairman of of speech? the United They have States Fedthat system eral Complaces PHOTO COURTEST OF FCC.GOV in munications The Federal Communications Commision and like China, Commission. Chairman Ajit Pai (center), voted in December to where the This means repeal the Obama-era net neutrality regulations. internet is that comcontrolled panies like AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon by the government. I would think that could potentially block content, slow America is above that,” Sam Bloodworth, down, and even charge for public inter- senior, said. net. While home internet services are Bloodworth isn’t the only student who something we pay for, the price could in- is against the repeal of net neutrality. crease, and free internet at places like the “How is it okay for people to be charged library may no longer be available. Net for a service that has been free and accesneutrality was established to ensure that sible for years? There are already cable all Americans had access to internet and services, phone fees, and apps that cost information, something that is in jeopar- money. In schools these days we cannot dy now that net neutrality was repealed. do homework without internet, so with“Personally, I feel that companies will out net neutrality, certain students will be responsible and make sure that most not have access to the internet,” Katie of the internet is free and accessible for Rains, senior, said. everyone. However, I see no problem The man who proposed this repeal, with people willing to pay more money to Ajit Pai, is a former Version lawyer and have better access and more bandwidth Trump appointee, who has recently beusage,” Ethan Barber, senior, said. come a public target for outrage against While some agree that paying for better the appeal. access to internet is a suitable solution, “Taking away #NetNeutrality is the auothers believe it will create racial dispari- thoritarian dream. Consolidating inforty for low income areas. mation into the hands of a few controlled “Today, communities of color, women, by a few. Dangerous territory,” Mark Rufrural communities, low income people falo, actor, tweeted. and all those who rely on an open internet After being the subject of many attacks to seek opportunity and participate in de- by liberal members of Hollywood, Pai mocracy were dealt a serious blow when took to Twitter to defend himself.

“These comments are absurd, getting rid of government authority over the Internet is the exact opposite of authoritarianism. Government control is the defining feature of authoritarians, including the one in North Korea,” Pai stated.

EDITORIAL POLICY The Gallery is an open forum for the free expression of student thought that fairly represents the voice of the students. Our mission is to inform the student body by exposing issues to the majority, allowing the minority a voice to be heard, and helping to connect to DSA’s community through the paper. The Gallery staff will determine the stories and material to be covered in an issue and reserve the right to accept or decline material for each issue. The decision for advertising relies on the discretion of the editorial staff of The Gallery. The Gallery staff will hold itself to the highest professional journalistic standard of honesty and integrity as guided by the Student Press Law Center. It is not the policy of this newsmagazine to downgrade or tarnish the reputation of an individual or group. The Gallery is a student edited and managed publication. The school assumes no responsibility for the content of The Gallery. The news magazine editorial staff urges all journalists to recognize that with student editorial control comes responsibility to follow journalism standards and ethics each school year. As a forum of free expression, The Gallery will welcome all letters submitted to the editor, provided they contain the writer’s name and grade. The Gallery does not accept anonymous letters, but will print letters using “name withheld,” provided the editor knows the author’s identity.

Winter Edition 2018

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DSA awaits long desired renovations BY IZZY SALAZAR Peeling paint, oddly colored stains, and on a new cafeteria on the backside of the moved to the front of the New Building as side,” Mr. Hawks said. Mr. Hawks explained that renovating dripping pipes. Mismatched tiles, doors [Main] Building,” Mr. Hawks explained. part of the fourth stage. “Above [the new office] would be some the Main Building is necessary for health that mysteriously open and close, and “They would also connect the gym, the malfunctioning thermostats. new Academy Building, and the Main other classrooms and other things like and safety reasons. “[The Main The Main Building] will Building and soon be 97 the Academy years old, so Building are this building not in good needs a rencondition. In ovation bad. the 1990s, new Unless you’ve windows and got a window new air condiunit, and luckitioning units ly, almost every were put in, but room on the otherwise no second floor changes have does, there’s been made to no outside air the buildings in, you’re just in a long time. breathing recirPlans have culated air that been made to everybody else renovate every is breathing,” single buildMr. Hawks ing on campus said. “There’s except for the a need to do Middle School some moderbuilding, which ate things like was remodeled that, and also six years ago. it would be Construction nice before this would have building turns begun in 2016, 100 years old but the bond if it was actuDPS received ally renovatfor building ed. It needs to that year was PHOTO COURTESY OF DAVID HAWKS for reasons that not enough to The darkest grey is for major renovations, light grey is for new additions, and medium grey is for existing buildings that could scare peocover it. ple.” “The school won’t be changed. The plan to redo DSA’s campus will take eight years and will happen in four stages. Students are system wanted that. And, when they finish that, you’d be excited to see what a newly redone cama larger bond issue from the county, and Building all together.” the county wasn’t willing to put before the The next two stages would focus on the able to go from the second floor across pus will look like. that walkway through the lobby of the “It’d be cool to see what architecture public a bond issue that would have fund- Main Building and Weaver Auditorium. ed all the needs, so the only thing we got “Then [the Main Building] gets shut balcony of that auditorium straight into they come up with,” Kristin Keeler, sefunded was basically a renovation of Eno down, they would gut it like they did the the second floor of the new New Build- nior, stated. Mr. Hawks believes that DSA deserves Valley and Northern High School,” David Middle School Building and redo the in- ing part, which would also connect to the Hawks, principal, said. side. While they’re doing that, the area existing New Building part,” Mr. Hawks the proposed renovations. “This is a wonderful school, full of wonBecause the legislature has altered the between the Weaver Auditorium and the explained. A primary benefit of the renovation will derful students, and wonderful teachers rules for issuing bonds, DSA will not re- Main Building would become a new band and we deserve to have facilities that ceive the needed funding until 2018 or room [or] music facility,” Mr. Hawks be accessibility. “If you were in a wheelchair, on crutch- serve our needs. We need a building 2020. When it does happen, the renova- said. “Phase three; renovation of weaver, es, whatever, you wouldn’t have to climb that’s healthy,” Mr. Hawks said. “We’re tion will take eight years and take place upstairs and downstairs.” in four stages. Stage one would start with The renovation of the Main Building so many stairs around here...Except the most popular school in Durham, we demolishing the Academy Building. will entail creating a two story media for going to the Black Box, or the Mid- do great, we need performing arts facili“At the same time they’re building [a center and two atriums on either side of dle School Building, you’d be able to go ties that match not a high school that was new Academy Building], they would build it. The office and student services will be around campus without ever going out- built in 1922, but a school of the arts.”

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The Gallery

Reeves-ing a narrative: Meet DSA’s new English teacher


The bell rings and students rush out of the room ready to leave school, but the teachers stay behind. Conjuring up lesson plans and dealing with students is no easy task, especially when those students are teenagers. DSA’s new English teacher, Abigail Reeves, is taking her first crack at teaching high school. Ms. Reeves is no stranger to DSA and knows how things work here. She has been teaching for five years, and besides working at DSA, has taught at Githens Middle School and Southwest Middle in Charlotte. High school is a new ballpark for Ms. Reeves, and she is adjusting to the world of teaching high school students. However, teaching is not something Ms. Reeves always planned to do. “Teaching was not something I always wanted to do. At first, I chose to pursue a career in publishing, but quickly realized it wasn’t for me. It was a desk job and I just had to move around more. I also greatly missed working with children, so I decided to utilize my English degree and pursue a Master’s degree in teaching,” Ms. Reeves, English II and III teacher, stated. After teaching at DSA for many years, Ms. Reeves left to work at a middle school in Durham and one in Charlotte. This was a great experience, but DSA is her home. “The community at DSA is what so-

ing sports (especially Duke basketball), lidified my decision to return. The staff sophomore, stated. and students are motivated, creative, and There is a lot more to Ms. Reeves than reading in coffee shops, coaching softball, inclusive, and I could not ask for a more being a teacher. She has unique passions and hiking in the mountains. I investigated the Stanley Howelcoming envitel (the inspiration ronment. Everyone for Stephen King’s looks out for everynovel, The Shinone else, and seems ing, and where he genuinely happy to started writing it) be at DSA,” Reeves with the cast of an exclaimed. older Syfy show, Most of the stuGhosthunters, and dents that had had multiple paraMs.Reeves in midnormal experiences dle school have a while I was there,” lot of respect for Reeves commenther because of the ed. way she conducts After leaving her class and the DSA in the past, bonds she creates Ms. Reeves plans to with students. The never do that again. students that she She hopes to finhas now, are excitish strengthening ed for what the rest her teaching career of the year holds. PHOTO BY OYINDA AJASA here. “Ms. Reeves is “Teaching is the such an amazing Ms. Reeves leads her class in a discussion. Ms. Reeves has been teaching career that I want teacher! The dis- for five years, and besides working at DSA, she has taught at Githens Middle to retire from, becussions we have School and Southwest Middle in Charlotte. cause I know this is in her class are informative and entertaining. She radiates and interests. These interests are un- what I am meant to do. I couldn’t think of a positive vibe in the classroom. I am very known to her students, and not visible a job that is more rewarding and fun, and one that always keeps me on my toes,” excited for what we have in store for the from a first glance. rest of the year,” Angel Cruz-Salvador, “I absolutely love playing and watch- Ms. Reeves concluded.

Book Review

Chasing the Scream: drug reform through one eye BY KYLE LEWIS

Newspapers drop into bins, articles flood devices, and talk about the war on drugs streams through the streets as legislators fight back and forth. Drug reform has been a prevalent topic in America especially as Vermont’s legalization of recreational and medicinal cannabis will take effect on July 1, 2018 along with many other states. Johann Hari’s Chasing the Scream: The First and the Last Days of the War on Drugs details why this is the right move for the future. In a time of fight and rebuttal on the war on drugs, Hari examines the history of drug criminalisation and how it has impacted people for the past century. The novel takes readers to nine different countries he traveled to in search of ‘the first and the last days of the war on drugs.’ His eloquent storytelling strings togeth-

er all of his evidence, creating an image readers can share of the change that he thinks is necessary. Hari begins the story by finding three historical figures he believes are the archetypes of the war on drugs: Billie Holiday, the renowned Jazz musician; Arnold Rothstein, a Jewish gangster; and Harry Anslinger, former commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Hari uses these as setups for the way he describes the people that make up the issue. Cops are portrayed as descendents of Anslinger, drug dealers are described as those of Rothstein, and normal people affected are compared to Billie Holiday. Through tales of teenagers dressing up as angels to protest the gang related violence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, to Marcia Powell who was described to be inten-

tionally left to die in the Arizona desert by prison guards, Hari exposes a new perspective on current issues in America by telling these people’s stories. Hari scrapes together all of these stories to create his thesis: the criminalization of drugs has led to the oppression of the not so disparate individuals that are affected. A call for social and political reform, Chasing the Scream pleads readers to lead a society in which drug users psychological and physiological health is supported. Although his humanitarian-based argument is one that will likely move readers, his passion for the subject leads his argument short in places. Filled with rebuttals and varying viewpoints, Hari makes some generalizations that create a shallow viewpoint. By as-

suming that his audience has a rigid depiction of addiction as a physical disease, he doesn’t allow room for the logistics of reform in the book. If instead he allowed readers to make assumptions for themselves and form their own path to his thesis, Chasing the Scream would be a much more cohesive and powerful work. Hari’s storytelling stands unmatched throughout his argument. Simply presenting his evidence and taking readers along for the ride would be more than enough to move his audience in the most impactful way possible. Despite the quality of his argument, Chasing the Scream: The First and the Last Days of the War on Drugs will entrance readers from the first page, leading the audience through a series of cinematic tales that can not be put down.

Winter Edition 2018

What the heck: dealing with profanity BY IRA ILAGAN The crowd erupted in laughter and loud whispers in the auditorium as the dropping of a curse word hung in the air. This is the aftermath of accidental cursing during school. Students are taught that cursing, even when they’re in pain, is inappropriate, betrays a limited vocabulary, and is unacceptable for many situations. On December 21st, DSA held the 2017 Winter Assembly. However, the assembly got off to a rocky start when an uncensored video played on the big screen for the entire high school. Advanced Digital Media students, Aidan Halpin and Ben Esterling, both seniors, were asked to collaborate with Durham based rapper Defacto Thezpian to create a music video. “I made a music video specifically for the assembly that was censored. Me and my classmate Ben Esterling made a clean version with nothing inappropriate in it,” Halpin said. Students are not allowed to use profanity at school. Following this incident, many administrators were unhappy and addressed the issue.

“At first I thought it wasn’t that big of a curse during officially sanctioned athletic deal, everyone who was there had to have events,” Coach Green said. been in high school so Students that they had all heard the play rough and words in some consuddenly get eltext. It wasn’t until Mr. bowed in the chest Smith walked up to me may accidentally during the display and curse out loud as a looked very angry. I unreaction. This can derstood the severity,” lead to harsh penHalpin added. alties such as a red Consequences recard and suspension. garding profanity can also happen on “High school the soccer field. Amy soccer holds a twogame suspension Green, varsity soccer policy if the official coach, said the obdeems the player vious answer to stuguilty. Athletics dents cursing is disciare an extension of plinary action. the school,” Coach “In the high school PHOTO BY IRA ILAGAN Green explained. athletic world, the Under the Code NCHSAA (the gov- Chelsea Rose, freshman, says, of Student Conduct erning body for high “Profanity is a use of expression, school athletics) but often very overdone and gra- in Durham Public School’s rulebook, has given officials the tuitous.” Rule I.C - 9 prohibgreen light to exact harsh penalties on student athletes who its students’ use of inappropriate lan-

Juuls: are they for fools?

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guage. Some people consider using profanity rude. It can express many emotions and yield multiple positive or negative outcomes. When students use offensive language during school, it becomes a problem for them and teachers and a basis for censorship in educational settings. “Cursing is disrespectful and often a sign of aggression, both of which contradict our culture of inclusion and peaceful resolution,” Mr. Patrick Smith, assistant principal, stated. Students are more likely to drop casual expletives than the generation before them and have more trouble adjusting their conversations to fit their audience. For the most part, a majority of students know when to turn off the loose language when they encounter teachers. “Depending on the words spoken and other aggravating factors, such as whether the words are used aggressively toward another student or a staff member, the consequences may range from a day or two of in-school suspension to several days of out of school suspension,” Mr. Smith concluded.


Some people choose to exercise, meditate, create art, volunteer, or participate in other activities that help them feel better during stressful times. However, there are also less helpful actions that people do to that achieve the same effect. A very popular hobby for recreation and stress-relief is the use of nicotine. Juuls are an up and coming nicotine vaporizer that have been making their way through the adolescent and young adult population. According to the official website, a Juul vaporizer uses nicotine “pods” which contain the same amount of nicotine as a regular pack of cigarettes. The website explains that their philosophy is to facilitate individuals who are seeking an alternative and “healthier” option to smoking cigarettes. “I turned 18 and got it as a joke,” Eric Manning*, senior, explained. “It relieves my stress when I use it. It’s actually not that harmful so I don’t see any reason to stop, but I understand that being addicted to anything is messed up.” One problem with “juuling”, or participating in the use of a Juul, is that people

who have never tried cigarettes or other something I’m worried about,” Manning ited to: dizziness, depression, irritability, trouble sleeping or concentrating, tirednicotine products don’t understand that admitted. According to, withdrawal ness, and headaches. People find it hard they risk the chance of becoming depento stop using nicotine after dent on the substance. the initial addiction because When an individual is the only thing that can stave stressed, they tend to off those symptoms, besides find an outlet that alcontinuing sobriety, is the lows them to circumvent use of nicotine again. Besides their stress. “Juuling” these negative effects, any tocan serve as this outlet bacco or tobacco-alternative for some individuals. products and paraphernalia “[Juuling] is definiteare not allowed in Durham ly a culture, it’s one of Public schools and can come the most popular things with punishment and conseright now,” Michael quences if one is caught with Preece*, freshman, statsaid items. ed. “Being addicted to anything Exposing one’s self to is something that everyone nicotine at an early age should try to stay away from, can cause problems and PHOTO COURTESY OF ENGADGET you shouldn't depend on anyaddiction especially bething to get you through the cause of the stress that Fitting in the palm of a hand, the Juul is a sleek and popular day,” Preece said. comes with being a high vaping device that can easily be stored in a pocket. schooler. Even worse, *Names in this article have been deciding to quit using nicotine can cause from nicotine can begin a short few hours some negative consequences as well. after use, and peak after two to three changed to maintain the anonymity “I’ve quit cigarettes twice so it’s not days. Symptoms include but aren’t lim- of the sources.

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The Gallery


Jeremiah Griffin reads a book outside during lunch. He has earned a reputation through rapping, and he has made several songs with his group called “The Chosen Ones”.


“DSA has made me grow open to dealing with various kinds of people from different backgrounds. It has made me realize the uniqueness of every individual at DSA. It’s not the arts or the education that’s made my experience like this, it was all the people I’ve encountered on this journey. In life we will come across people who seem different, whether it’s how they look, where they are, or even how they act, but that diversity brings out the best in a person. It allows you to explore your way of thinking, and ultimately change the way you approach various situation. That’s a life lesson that I will forever keep.”


“I really like being at DSA because the art program gives me a lot of freedom in what I can do and a lot of independence that comes along with that. What I would like to do one day is teach art programs in prisons and use that as a way of self expression.”

Winter Edition 2018

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Abigail Schudel, an 8th grader in Ms. Santibanez’ Media and Design II class, studies her reference picture for her self portrait. “I’ve been doing art since I came to DSA, but I think next year I’ll probably do photography, since I’m not so good at 2D art,” Abigail said.

“We had a dress code at my old school where we had to wear khakis and polo shirts all the time. I like it here a lot better. One of the things Mr. Hawks says all the time is that, yeah there’s the art programs and stuff like that, but ultimately it’s really the people. We really do support each other and listen to each other and that’s really helped change me and helped me move forward in my life. Overall one of the most inspiring things is that I feel like I’m allowed to [dress how I want] by the support of my family and the encouragement of people around me.”


Wyatt Grose, senior, works on cutting out a piece of wood for his project focused on a social issue. Wyatt chose to make a piece representing the fact that, “a lot of times in war, civilians bear quite a bit of the conflict.”

RELEASE PARTY MAY 24th 5:30 TO 6:30 in the Media Center

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The Gallery

Let’s talk tampons: chemicals, safety, and legislation BY CAROLINE BATTEN Tampon. Diva cup. Light. Tampax. Pad. Always. Maxi. These words and brand names adorn containers, packages, and wrappers of menstrual products that line the shelves of stores across America. Often a sensitive, taboo, or “hushed up” topic, discussions about period products relating to access, ingredients, and tax have become a more talked-about topic on social media and the government when dealing with legislation. “The Food and Drug Administration regulates menstrual hygiene products as medical devices, a category that also includes dental floss and condoms. The agency recommends manufacturers provide general information on the label about the material composition of the product – such as whether the product is made of cotton or rayon — but does not require the individual ingredients,” a New York Times article titled “Period Activists Want Tampon Makers to Disclose Ingredients” from May of last year noted. In 2017, the Menstrual Products Right to Know Act, proposed by New York Dem-

ocratic Congresswoman Grace Meng, would have required manufacturers to list all the ingredients used in menstrual products, including tampons, menstrual cups, pads, and others. The act was not passed. “I feel like it is a good idea because everyone should be allowed to know if what they’re using is safe,” Calior Bestwick, junior, reflected on the basic idea and goal of the act. Senior Lauran Jones resonated with this and agrees that companies should be required to list ingredients, but notes that it is the individual’s decision. “Safety is a big thing. As long as people aren't hurting their bodies, they can do whatever they want. I personally don't like tampons, but someone might not like pads. It's all about what is the best for your body,” Jones said. The act caused a stir when the news quickly picked up the story and it spread through social media. For Congresswoman Meng, the health of the people ranks high in importance.

“There is no reason women should be using menstrual hygiene products that are potentially unsafe, or be struggling to maintain proper hygiene while on their periods. I am grateful to my colleagues for including these provisions in these appropriations bills, and for committing to do more to help promote the public health of women and girls,” Congresswoman Meng stated in a press release from July 24, 2017. However, others feel that advocates should first concentrate on eliminating the “tampon tax”, also called the “pink tax”, a tax placed on menstrual products because they are considered luxury non-necessities. In addition to dissolvement of the tax, making sanitary menstrual products easily available to everyone globally, especially in areas where women might be prevented from going to work or school, ranks as a higher priority for some. “Many of the companies creating a ruckus around chemicals also help those who lack access to period care products,

and that’s a good thing. Sustain Natural, for example, donates a chunk of its proceeds to Girls Helping Girls Period, which provides those in need in the USA with tampons and pads,” Kavin Senapathy said in a Forbes editorial from June of 2017 entitled “Everyone calm down about chemicals in tampons”. “These companies' resources would be better spent expanding these initiatives rather than posturing about pesticide residues and chemicals.” For those concerned about health and safety during periods, gynecologists urge people to not leave tampons in for over eight hours, to use the lowest absorbency that still works sufficiently to handle flow, and to avoid scented items due to possible irritation. Although Meng’s act was not passed, it has raised awareness among consumers and initiated conversations that could help lead to a bill in the future. “I think it's a good idea, if foods have to do it, then tampons should too. Vagainas are more than funny things attached to girls, they are important,” Jones said.

Swim team dives into another successful season BY ELLA NUNEZ

Water splashes as the DSA swim team swims laps in the pool, early in the morning. Swimmers laugh and joke with each other before jumping in to swim another set of laps. Monday to Friday the team has practice at six in the morning where they swim laps and train outside of the pool. The team is currently preparing for important upcoming meets. “At a typical practice, we first do dry land exercises, which are stretches and workouts out of the pool, then we do a swimming warm-up, and after that we just swim normally,” Leel Liberty, freshman, said. The team just completed Champs, a swim meet where all of the high schools in Durham and some in Chapel Hill compete all together in one big meet. “Big meets upcoming are conference, regionals, and states. We are preparing by working extra hard to build up more strength and stamina,” Allison Brown, sophomore, said. The team has a lot of swimmers on the team that are new to both the sport and to DSA.

“A word I would use to describe the with them next year,” Schram said. nervous, and chanting songs really gets team would be welcoming, because Coach Before each meet, the team sings their swimmers pumped up and ready to swim, Padgett and everyone and for some, it’s one of the reasons on the team are very why swimmers love to swim. kind and open hearted,” “We have our own personal chant Liberty said. we do before the meet, it’s very unique Freshman Makyia and usually the other team looks at us Edwards, feels like the a little weird,” Edwards said. team is one big family Swimming is a very popular way to in how they treat each exercise, as it works many muscles in other. one’s body, but it also requires a lot of “Family. The swim commitment. team is literally one big “I like swimming because it is fun, family, we argue with and I get to hang out with my friends. each other sometimes, It is also really good exercise which but at the end of the keeps me in shape. It also helps add day if someone needs something interesting into my life,” something from a ride Brown said. to school to sharing an Grace Hight, senior and captain of item of clothing, we are the team, feels that swimming is worth PHOTO COURTESY OF KATHERINE HERVEY all of the time and commitment. there for each other,” Edwards said. “I guess I would say [swimming is] A DSA swimmer (front), catches up to pass a swimmer in a Matt Schram, junior, freestyle race at Champs. Teammates cheered on her as ‘worthwhile’ because sometimes getfeels like the swim team she caught up to the other swimmer and passed her. ting up at five in the morning to get has had a good season. in a pool is super difficult, especially “Our season has gone great, we have special chant to get hyped up before in the winter, but at the same time it’s lots of devoted swimmers on the team swimming and to show their school spirit. fun and it gets you in pretty good shape,” and I am looking forward to swimming Swimming in meets can make swimmers Hight concluded.

Winter Edition 2018

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Online platforms revolutionize modern music BY ELEANOR DILWORTH For many people, listening to CDs or go to a recording studio, but because we sic heard. You can do it independently,” industry is oriented have, in some ways, the radio is a vestige of the past. Cars have wanted people to hear our music, Sound- Stikeleather commented. changed the traditional trajectory of a auxiliary cords and people would rather Cloud was super useful.” However, some of the changes are not successful music career. just listen to music of their For artists today, online choice on apps or streaming platforms can help people services. gain recognition and vault The advent of online platthem into stardom. For exforms for sharing music alample, rapper Post Malone lows artists to share their became an almost overnight music easily, and it has also sensation after posting his changed the traditional landsong “White Iverson” on scape of the music industry. SoundCloud. The song now Many DSA students create has 59.6 million streams on their own music and have the platform. However, Post goals to share that work with Malone is not the only artist others. to follow this trajectory to Aidan Halpin is a senior success. who plays in two bands and “A lot of people I listen to, creates his own music. as well as those that are pop“I just like creating [music] ular on the radio, have come and seeing how my friends from places like this,” Halpin like it. I think it will be cool explained. “People like Surf to look back on in the future,” Curse, Wavves, and even Halpin said. people like Chance the RapFor many of these students, per, have started on free platplatforms like SoundCloud forms like SoundCloud and and Bandcamp are the way Bandcamp. I think it’s really they share their work. cool to see what comes out of “[SoundCloud and Bandthis scene. Especially in the camp] are a huge expansion rap community you can see it of the whole ‘everyone can PHOTO COURTESY OF CLAUDE STIKELEATHER directly influencing pop mumake it’ idea,” Halpin noted. sic.” “They’ve really promoted the Claude Stikeleather, left, plays bass guitar in their band Fish Dad. The advent of online platforms Undoubtedly, the widely DIY scene, that’s really the like Soundcloud and Bandcamp for sharing music allows artists to share their music easily; chang- accessible platforms for sharing the traditional landscape of the music industry. way everyone is making it.” ing music have changed the In addition to the wide auway music is produced and dience—SoundCloud boasted around 175 listened to today. Beyond that, even the While online distribution has made it seen in such a positive light. million users in 2016—these platforms easier for lesser known artists to get their “I think that the bad impact on the mu- goals of those making music has changed. don’t require a big investment or lots of music recognized, it has also been a cata- sic industry is the consumer change. Peo“Being on the radio is cool and you’ll resources. lyst for some changes in the music indus- ple now expect music to be free almost make a lot of money, but I don’t know “Music is so much more accessible, and try as a whole. always,” Halpin said. “Although this is if that’s necessarily the goal anymore,” it’s a lot easier to get your music out there “I definitely see a lot less dependency great for the social aspects of music and Stikeleather said. “That stuff all seems to people,” Claude Stikeleather, senior on labels. It’s exciting to see that people promotes change and variety, it is hugely like a game of chance, I think people who and member of the band Fish Dad, said. don’t have to sign onto a label and give detrimental to the artists who create.” get famous are just lucky, so maybe you “My band didn’t have enough money to their money away just to have their muThese changes to the way the music can get lucky too.”





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The Gallery

Dia de los Muertos Festival: connecting the culture of LA to DSA BY ANNA NEAL Early morning, a group of DSA students can be spotted boarding a plane at RDU. Destination? Los Angeles, California. On October 30th, student representatives, headed by Ms. Casey Myers and Ms. Amber Santibanez, left for LA. These students were part of the Fall Arts Committee. They were the creative minds and diligent hands that made this year’s Fall Arts Festival possible. By traveling to one of the biggest Dia de Los Muertos festival in the country, this group hoped to gain cultural insight to bring back to DSA’s own Fall Arts Festival. These students were able to gain a better understanding and respect for the traditions of Dia de Los Muertos. “We traveled to the festival in LA because of the huge and strong Latin culture that we would not have gotten if we had gone to Tennessee or Nebraska. Going to LA allows us to experience a authentic Dia de los Muertos festival and learn more about it so that we are able to bring more authenticity to our festival,” Luisa Anaya, senior, explained. Because Los Angeles has such a well known Dia de los Muertos festival, these students had high expectations for the festival. “Going into the trip I expected to meet new people people that cared for the Dia

de los Muertos celebration as much as I The chants and dances were not the seniors this year, new positions on the do. I also expected to see different ways to only thing the ambassadors want to bring committee are opening up. celebrate the traditional holiday and dif- back to DSA. “To become an ambassador you fill out ferent artwork that embraced an application, applying for a the culture of Dia de los Muercertain position as an ambastos,” Grace Szigethy, junior, sador, and then depending if said. you qualify, you may be choWhile they had high expecsen,” Mira Sanderson, senior, tations for the festival, many explained. of the ambassadors felt that it If chosen as an ambassador, exceeded anything they could students will also receive the have expected. opportunity to travel to LA for “The trip exceeded my expecthe festival next year. tations because the city of Los “I highly recommend anyone Angeles was filled with tradito go, it’s really eye opening, tional celebrations and modern and it’s nice to see what’s outtakes on the celebration. The side of Durham and different variety showed us how everyperspectives,” Anaya said. one can have their own verWhile the entire trip was a sion of the traditional holiday,” new and exciting experience, PHOTO BY STEPHANY GUZMAN Szigethy stated. each ambassador had a favorThe Dia de los Muertos Festival is and annual event put on As the student ambassadors ite memory they can hold onto by DSA studnet ambassadors with help from local busiexperienced so much culture forever. nesses and organizations. This year student ambassadors and tradition in LA, many of “My favorite memory from travelled to Los Angeles to see one of the biggest Dia de them were able to find things the trip was the last night in los Meurtos Fesitvals in the country. they can incorporate into next Los Angeles when we went to a year’s festival. “The artwork we saw sparked creativity concert at an art museum. We were able “It was really special and heartwarming and millions of ideas for our own festi- to walk through all of the contemporary to see the spiritual dances and the chants val at DSA that I cannot wait to use and photography exhibits. When the exhibits that show another side to el Dia de Los show in the Fall Arts Festival next year,” closed, we all went back outside and lisMuertos. We hope to eventually bring Szigethy exclaimed. tened to a band. It was a great way to end that to our own festival,” Anaya said. Because many of the ambassadors are the trip,” Szigethy said.

Making a change for the New Year BY LEZI TRUESDALE On January first “this year my goal is…” fills the thoughts of people all around the world, flooding a once empty sheet of paper with millions of goals to accomplish during the new year. The end of the old year and beginning of the new is a time when people make decisions in hopes of bettering themselves. Whether a resolution is made or not, the new year offers a fresh start. Initially, goals are made, but as the time passes, keeping up with those plans often turns out being harder than expected. PHOTO BY LEZI TRUESDALE “My New Year’s resolution is to stop procrastinating and While maintaining physical health is a common goal peowork on my attitude. I de- ple across the globe share, mental health is also important. cided to make one because Students in Coach Green’s P.E. class combine the two.

I wanted to make a change within myself as we brought in the new year,” Deja Taylor, junior, said. Resolutions vary from person to person, some relate to wellness, while others can be physical or mental goals. All in all, they’re utilized to improve someone or something. Maintaining resolutions, however, may be the ultimate difficulty as each day is another challenge to keep it. Not only do students create goals that will help them personally, but academically as well. Teachers also take into account the new year and decide what will be best for students in the new year. “The most important thing

a teacher can do is be reflective. Personally, changes for my classes come at the beginning of the school year, as my classes and the curriculum change. I try to adapt my classes based on students learning needs. As the year progresses, teachers (myself included) get student teachers who bring in new and fresh ideas for what our classes can do,” Mrs. Charlene Martin-Klein, history teacher, stated. A common refrain people begin the new year with is “new year, new me,” but coming up with ideas of things to change or work on isn’t always sincere. “I do think new year resolutions are cliché in a way. Personally, I didn’t have a specific goal, I plan on bettering myself and overall maturing. I feel like bettering yourself should be a constant. We shouldn’t use a certain time as an excuse to do so,” Che Armstrong, senior, concluded.

Winter Edition 2018

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What to know when it comes to snow BY STELLA DOMEC The weather outside has been frightful, and much to students’ delight, DPS has already cancelled five days of school this year because of the cold weather. Freezing temperatures, icy roads, and snow blocking school entrances are the main factors in closing or delaying school. According to their website, DPS makes the decision to close schools after “consulting the National Weather Service, local weather forecasters, and area law enforcement.” Additionally, they have staff members drive the bus routes to double check if roads are safe for the busses to drive on. “A primary goal of any school administrator is the preservation of student safety and security,” Marla Bullock, 9th grade assistant principal, said. “Weather related delays and snow days help us to maintain that tenet as a priority.” Students and teachers alike hope for

snow days so that they can enjoy a break from schoolwork and classes. “I think snow days and delayed openings are obviously very necessary for the student and teacher’s safety, but they also help me catch up on sleep and have a break from working,” Emma Weinfurt, freshman, said. Taking a break from school to sleep or hang out with friends is what makes a lot of high school and middle school students hope for snow days during winter. Even teachers, including Biology and AP Biology teacher Brooke Sauer, enjoy the occasional snow day. “I find that often, [snow days] are restorative for both students and teachers,” Ms. Sauer said. According to Psychology Today and Forbes magazine, getting days off from school could have a positive impact a student’s mental health.

“I do think that days off are good for a student’s mental health. However, they should be timed correctly, which we can’t count on the weather for,” Heather Chambers, 9th and 10th grade counselor, said. Though snow days are fun while they last, making them up by having the district take away teacher work days and parts of spring break is not so enjoyable to most students and teachers. “I think it is important to have students make up missed days, however, it would be better to have more instructional hours built into the calendar so one to two days would not have to be made up at all for students or staff,” Ms. Chambers said. In addition to having to make up school days, students also have to make up their schoolwork, and teachers are forced to push back deadlines and due dates to make sure their students can finish work on time.

“The biggest issue I see with snow days is that my students seem to forget a lot of previously-learned information,” Ms. Sauer said. “I often have to spend a lot of time reviewing previous material so that we can move forward.” Many students are thankful to have extra time to work on their assignments, but some get worried about unknown dates and deadlines. “Snow days personally throw me off from my school work since you don’t know when your quizzes are anymore and if you should be frantically studying or not,” Weinfurt added. Though snow days can be a fun break from school, missing work and make up days are not always enjoyable. “I think that the district should add more work days to the calendar to account for weather--rather than shorten spring break,” Ms. Sauer concluded.

A breath of fresh air: learning outside of the classroom BY ELEANOR DILWORTH

When thinking of high school most people picture students huddled over their work in rows and rows of desks. Students learning in an environment other than the typical one is not often considered, despite the benefits it can offer. Learning outside provides students with experiential knowledge and a new perspective on subjects. In addition, being outdoors, even for a short amount of time, can positively impact moods, decrease anxiety, and improve attention spans. However, these benefits are rarely utilized in schools. At DSA the majority of time students spend outside is during the class change, at lunch, or in classes like physical education. “I go outside for photo about twice a week. It feels good to walk around and be in the outdoors air, even if it’s around campus,” Audrey Tannous-Taylor, junior, explained. “When I go outside for photo it improves my mood and makes me more willing to pay attention in my other classes. It’s like a little break from sitting down. I find myself getting bored in class too often, and going outside would help me to focus when I am stuck inside.” One of the reasons that people are often opposed to holding class outdoors is because they believe there are too many

distractions. tably found outdoors, a study at the Uni“I think a lot students and teachers versity of Illinois found that being outworry a lot about missing time to learn/ doors reduces the severity of symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) that impact about eleven percent of children ages four to seventeen. Even for those without ADHD, being outside, particularly in green spaces, can improve impulse control and atPHOTO BY ELEANOR DILWORTH tention. “ B e i n g A group of students enjoy lunch together outside in the warm stuck in a weather. Lunch is one of the few times throughout the day small space when students have the opportunity to spend time outside. can be kind of cover information, and a classroom set- rough for me sometimes and I think fresh ting is just the place that it happens, so air is good for everyone once in a while. I it makes sense that we don’t go outside also find myself daydreaming and looking much for fear of distractions and ineffi- out windows all the time in class and it ciency,” Cailin Clarke, senior, said. might help me to just be outside,” Clarke Despite the distractions that are inevi- added.

There are many ways other than going outside to break up the monotony of class. Many of the art classes offer the opportunity to be active and engage in projects that require movement. But in required core classes the routine is pretty rigid. “In my classes and high school experience in general I haven’t seen much of an effort to break that routine. Because of this I appreciate the time I spend walking around, even if it is inside,” Tannous-Taylor added. With so much emphasis on improving test scores and preparing students for the future, activities outdoors and experiential learning opportunities aren’t emphasized. “It seems like a lot of effort and time for the teachers and administration to find more time for us to be outside. We have seven hours to learn, half an hour for lunch, and then we go home. Planning for time outside would be a whole other debacle when it’s not important enough by the people that could happen,” Tannous-Taylor concluded. “I believe it is worth the effort and planning, but it would be difficult to persuade the people with power to do something because the won’t see it as a ‘pressing’ issue. Perhaps it’s not ‘pressing,’ but it is still something to seriously consider.”



CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 2. City Fall Arts Festival ambassadors visited 4. Recently completed swim competition 7. University that conducted outdoor research 8. Spooky hotel Ms. Reeves visited 10. Proposed ending net neutrality 11. Author of Chasing the Scream


12. people DPS consults for snow days 13. Number of years renovations are expected to take.

DOWN 1. DPS rule prohibiting profanity 3. Addictive chemical in Juuls 5. Stikeleather’s band 6. Tampon safety congresswoman 9. Structure below Gallery logo on cover

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