Drypool Echo Feb 2017

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ISSN 2058-9778 (Print) ISSN 2058-9786 (Online)

February 2017


Drypool Echo Welcome to Hull City Of Culture

The Editor Writes... Final Editorial “No man is an island, entire of itself / every man is a piece of the

continent, a part of the main” so wrote John Donne in his meditation XVII of 1624. And I like to think that we have heeded this advice over the last 31 years of the magazine. For it is now time to put pen to paper to advise you that this will be the last edition of the Drypool Echo as a church magazine. Not even Donne’s continent shall prove permanent, so it is perhaps time to move on. Now there are too many people to thank for their contributions over the last 31 years, and too many achievements to note as well. But I would single out Christine Brain (who sadly left us last May). We live in a world that we fill with barriers, boundaries and facades. But Christine saw none of these. She simply looked to the people behind them and made every effort to reach out unconditionally. Her life spoke of peace, hope and of the potential for unexpected collaborations. And this allied to her natural enthusiasm provided such qualities, I hope, that drove the Echo’s development during our tenure of it. For Drypool parish itself, even on a localized stage, is by no means a large player. But, by the attribute of its magazine, it has been able to reach out to, and connect with, a wider world. Such has allowed it to speak its words to men and women, even on continents different from our own. Perhaps we have even touched a life or two along the way. And who knows what good may have come of such? Who knows what seed may have been planted in a hopeful heart? But I reserve a special gratitude for you dear reader. For without your interest and support, such a seed would not even have been shaken from its packet, let alone have been planted. Our thanks for walking partway with us. That journey is now ended for us. The lights are being doused across the stage, and the players are beginning to leave it. We do not need an encore. We have read our lines and played our parts as well as we are able. The curtain has fallen…….but not fully. I now give you a sneak preview. The Echo’s name will continue but as a community magazine. It will highlight Drypool and also Hull’s amazing year of culture and we very much hope that you will feel able to make that walk alongside us. But for now, farewell

Views expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and are not necessarily shared by the editorial team or the parish staff. July 2016© The Drypool Parish MMXVI


Guest Letter It is 2017 and we are ‘in with a bang’ as fireworks lit up the sky over the Humber and heralded our time as City of Culture. When you love a place or a person you know how much there is to celebrate – the stories, the quirks, the things that give character and make them themselves. One of the things that gives me real delight is introducing people I love to each other so that they can enjoy getting to know one another. Or taking someone to one of the places that makes my heart sing and sharing the beauty together. We have special opportunities this year to celebrate all that is good here and all that could be even better, to invite friends to enjoy life with us and help make it even fuller.

If that is true for us then how much more so for God who loves us and our place so much that he gives us his Son to share in it all with us, and help us discover our true worth in his eyes. Let’s pray for each other and ‘our place’ as God invites us all to discover more of what he knows we can become. With prayers that we will know Jesus’ blessing of life in its fullness in 2017

Bishop Alison

A member of


Echo Music This month by Geoff Howlett

KIRAN YOUNG WIMBERLY & THE MCGRATHS : Celtic Psalms. Here’s an album that is a little different from the usual releases. It contains 12 authentic, traditional Irish and Scottish airs and melodies set to a selection of psalms. Recorded in Belfast, ancient words and traditional music combine to lead the listener into the presence of God. Acoustic instruments are used throughout and there’s some really nice violin playing on the opening “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.” Kiran’s voice is pure and bright, and is joined on numerous occasions by Ellen, Chloe, Kelly and Declan McGrath. The result, on the whole, is very pleasant. There’s some peaceful guitar playing on “I Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills,” and I found this track particularly charming. “You Have Turned My Sorrow” features harp and cello, as well as flute sounds. It’s a lovely rendition and one of my favourite tracks. “Make a noise to God”, sings Kiran on the acappella song “Sing to the Lord,” a haunting melody. A minor moan was that I found the songs to be of very similar tempo. However, “Hear My Cry O God” bucks that trend and is a delightful little ditty. For those who like quieter music for relaxation of meditational purposes, this album is delightful.






Happy New Year everyone! I am excited to see what God will do this year! Along with others in the Welcome Centre we are busy drawing up our strategy for 2017. This will not be finalized until the end of January but the following points are what are emerging at present: 1. Deepen Church Life - through 'Start' Course, building friendships and inviting others to join us, have some fun socials, develop Messy Church, visit other churches, hold major outreach services at Easter, Summer, Harvest and Christmas .2. Engage with Hull City of Culture 2017 - our theme is 'Rivers of Life' and we want to develop this on Longhill beyond just ourselves 3. Network with other organizations and places where people meet on Longhill 4. Find more funding and increase the number of people renting rooms 5. Find someone who can assist me in the building - Caretaker/Assistant Manager/Administrator etc.

If you have any comments or suggestions to add to the above do let me know what God is saying to you. We were encouraged by how God helped us with our Christmas programme. Our 'Christmas Chaos' was our main event and included an adult Nativity play in which 21 people took part. We put out 40 chairs to seat those who came and God blessed us with a total of 78 people who attended - many new faces. Our Christmas Dinner was a sell-out and the food cooked by Jill Lister and her team was superb. We sang carols together afterwards. We also had a performance on another day of 'The Fourth King' which was arranged by the Credo Arts Group. It was brilliant as it was an interactive journey through the nativity story so people journeyed through the downstairs of the building involving themselves in various scenes they encountered.


PRAYER REQUESTS 1. Please pray through the strategy for 2017 as mentioned above 2. Pray for God to provide volunteers to help Martin who will come and develop high level vegetable beds in our courtyard 3. Pray for protection for the building and safety for all those who enter 4. Pray as we promote Messy Church that new families will come. Pray for Barbara and Karen and their team who organize it 5. Pray for a meeting on Wednesday 1st February when some of our Diocesan leaders will come to Longhill to assess the last year and make plans for the future 6. Pray for funding needed (ÂŁ1,200) for new chairs for our Chapel 7. Pray for our 'START' course which begins on January 11th8. Pray for Jill and her Cafe team as they plan to develop the Cafe this year Many thanks for your prayers. May God Bless you all in 2017

Tricia Wick


St Columba Quiz Night

What better way to ward off the winter blues than an evening spent in the company of knowledgeable and likeminded people? It is amazing what useful snippets of information come to the fore at a St Columba Quiz Night. Once again our sincere thanks go to our hosts Dave and John and everyone else who helped in any way. Not forgetting all who supported us on the night of January 14th. A good supper and a host of gifts to win added to the enjoyment. £440.00 was raised towards making improvements to our church facilities. ————————————————————— The next quiz night is at St Johns Rosmead Street Hull Donations for Prizes welcome

Details below Feel free to bring a bottle of wine with you



Join us

11th February



Meet & share

With the


Archbishop of York 9

Hull City of Culture 2017


Take a walk around Hull...

All roads lead to Hull. I was listening to Chris Rea's "Road to Hell" on the radio. When I first turned up in the city 15 years ago that song could have easily depicted the state of the city. The city centre littered with abandoned buildings and brick fields. It felt like stepping back in time. I fell in love with the place in an instant. In a little less than 10 years a re-birthing has transformed the city. Now in the first week of 2017 the city of Hull is buzzing with activity, a month ago it was the road to nowhere. Now the roads are jammed up with Culture vultures. Thousands of them, people everywhere. They've come to see the History and heritage of Hull. Gathering around the installations and projections, they aren't just spectators of this grand event. They themselves become the event. The story of the city captured for all to see. It is the people who live and work in the city that take the story forward. We're on the road to Hull. Dave Chapman 2017 Š


Even though this is the last Drypool Echo Parish Magazine, we are relaunching in the spring as an East Hull Community Magazine so if you’re part of a school, community centre, Church or a group and would like to share your story or event with us please drop us a line at Drypoolecho@gmail.com


New year poem As we look forwards and put away a year gone by. We look with hope of better days and make our resolution with good intentions That we rarely keep till the month is out and we are on our way and slip back into old ways. We are on our way to another year older and wiser then the last. What will we do different? Will it be lasting? These question’s you may ask. Will it be of eternal value or lost forever. Meditate on these and ask yourself. Why am I here right now in the place? What is your purpose on this earth? Life is for living to the full, not for worrying and striving to make a living. To live in peace with one another, to acept our differences and forgive one another. Lyn Chapman 2017 © ——————————————————————————

Friendship Day If our friendships are what decide and define us, then it is through them that we are able to view the world more intensely. And with greater coloration. All experiences are heightened in such company. So friendship is the lens by which we should view the world. For it brings all that is good into a sharper focus. Enabling us to see the uniqueness of each other with a clarity that comes by no other means. Happy friendship day.

Shane Blades 2017 ©

Men's group Hi Guys


A Knitwit Christmas Christmas comes but once a year…. But for some it lasts almost the whole year. Last January the Knitwits embarked on their project of knitting the complete 12 days of Christmas. We blame Irene’s daughter really… Her mother has now spoken to her severely about her choice of Christmas presents. There were a few hiccups along the way but the project was ably managed by Knitwits Irene S and Elaine C and we had our gloriously decorated tree in place for our Christmas afternoon tea. We even featured on Radio Humberside’s Facebook page. Our 12 days of Christmas tree was also the focus for the joint Mothers’ Union / Flower Guild and Knitwits’ carol service. Readings included a humorous take on that very familiar song and a thoughtful and spiritual interpretation. December also saw our shoebox day. Over 50 boxes were filled (many of them taken away by elves and wrapped before the day) and whisked off to the Real Aid warehouse for the next stage of their journey. A very worthwhile enterprise. Last but not least was our annual Christmas outing. 24 of us met up at the Kingstown in Hedon and enjoyed a hearty Christmas meal. Coincidentally the day fell on the silver wedding anniversary of the chief Knitwit. She and her consort wish to say a very heartfelt thank you not only for the beautiful bouquet they were presented with on the day but also for all the ongoing love and support they receive from the Knitwits. It is appreciated so much. Liz Pacey 2017 ©


Images by BBC Radio Humberside


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From advice on how to register a death to making all the arrangements, We’re here 24 hours a day. Part of Dignity plc. A British company 15


Enjoy the Echo? Don’t forget to share the good news of what God is doing in our parish. #readme #love me #shareme www.facebook.com/drypoolecho www.twitter.com/drypoolecho 17

Your guide to what’s on and who to contact within the parish... Weekly Worship Whether you’re looking for a traditional communion or prayer service or a lively and family friendly approach, there’s a variety of choice within the parish every week... St Columba (Corner of Holderness Road/Laburnum Avenue) Traditional Sunday Worship or Communion with Sunday School at 10.30am

Victoria Dock Church (Within the Village Hall) Sunday Worship, Communion or Cafe Church at 10.45am

St John the Evangelist (Rosmead Street) Sunday worship 10.30 am every Sunday Family service 5pm Friday evenings Mid-week Communion or Prayer on Wednesdays at 9.30am Parish-wide Prayer and Praise every second Sunday at 7.30pm

Parent and Toddler Groups Alphabet Mondays offers play, craft and singing activities. There is no need to book during term time but booking is essential during school holidays. Cost £1.50 per family includes fruit, toast and drink for children and hot drinks for parents. Every Monday 9.30am—11.15am at St John’s. Contact Lynsey/Steve 07891 368434 Starting Blocks is a popular group offering play, crafts, songs, bible stories, prayer and spirituality for toddlers and their parents. Admission free but donations and participation welcome. Healthy snack included. Tuesdays 10—11.30am (term time and half term holidays) at St Columba’s. Sure Start Soft Play activities at St John’s Wednesdays 1.30—2.30 pm

Youth Activities Child Dynamix Youth Group meets every Monday 5.30 until 8pm at St John’s Youth Cell offers Christian fellowship and teaching for Year 7 upwards every Monday from 5 until 7pm. Contact Rev. Aian Macpherson on 07929 733555 for details) Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meet on Wednesday evenings at St John’s. Beavers 5.15pm, Cubs 6.15pm, Scouts 7pm.

Community Activities St John’s Community Drop in Day offers a warm welcome every Tuesday from 9.30am until 2.30pm. Access spiritual support, debt advice , information from the council and local PCSOs, learn new IT skills, attend the exercise class, help in the community garden or just relax in friendly surroundings while enjoying food and drink from the cafe. .The Hull Regency Dancers meet at St Columba every Friday from 7—9pm for dancing Jane Austen would have enjoyed. Everyone is welcome and previous knowledge is not necessary. St John’s are hosting a range of Health and Wellbeing activities 18

on a six week rotation to include sewing, gardening, employment support and much more. Monthly programmes available soon!

Community Activities (cont.) Total Praise Choir Meets at St Columba's on a Tuesday evening, during term time. We are currently expanding and making plans for events in 2016 and 2017. Singers for all sections, together with musicians are most welcome regardless of level of ability, as are those who can assist for events as front of house, prayer partners or crèche assistants. Email: totalpraisehull@gmail.com or find us at www.facebook.com/totalpraisehull for further details. Company and A Cuppa! All welcome at St Columba, 10am - 12pm every Wednesday. Contact Sandie Thompson or Liz Harrison for further details.

Contacts... Rev. Dave GriffithJones Team Rector

Rev. Martyn Westby, Team Vicar

Rev. Aian MacPherson Curate

The Rectory, 139 Lanburnam Avenue, Hull HU8 8PA

383 Southcoates Lane, Hull Tel. 781090

2 Harcourt Drive, Hull Tel. 07929 733555

Readers: Margaret Liversedge Tel. 588537 Liz Pacey Tel. 705723 Graham Wragg Tel. 223050 Dave Norton Tel. 803736 Church Wardens: St Columba: John Saunderson Tel. 784774 Liz Harrison Tel. 797110 St John: Lorraine Iveson 07842 975446 Angie Longbone 07403 188713 Victoria Dock: Richard Boniface

Magazine Team: Editor: Shane Blades Tel. 07949 040495 Email. drypoolecho@gmail.com Assistant Editor Allyson Brain Email: ally.drypoolecho@gmail.com Reporters: Elaine Galloway (Victoria Dock) Tel. 224959 Email: drypoolpcc@drypoolpcc.karoo.co.uk Wendi Clark Email: wendiclark16@gmail.com Sue Beacock & Liz pacey (St Columba) Illustrations: Mike Foottit Creative Design: Christine Brain

Parish Office: Drypool Rectory, 139 Laburnum Avenue, Hull, HU8 8PA Open Tuesday 7.00—8.00pm & Friday 10.30am—12.00noon Email: drypoolpcc@drypoolpcc.karoo.co.uk Website: www.drypoolparish.org.uk Community Centre: St John’s Church and Community Centre, Rosmead Street, Hull, HU9 2TA www.facebook.com/stjohncommunitychurch available for party bookings, details on request.


The Drypool Echo 1986Christmas 2017 Services St Columba Sunday 18th December Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Sunday 25th

4pm 6.30pm 11.30pm 10am

Carols by Candlelight Christingle Midnight Communion All Age Service & Communion

St Johns Friday 9th December


Friday 16th Sunday 18th Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Sunday 25th

4.30-6.30pm 7pm 4.30-5.15 10pm 10am

Credo perform the 4th King & Family Service Christingle & Family service Community Folk Carol Crib Service Christmas Eve Communion Christmas Celebration Communion

Victoria Dock Saturday 10th


Sunday 11th Saturday 24th Sunday

4pm-5.30pm 7pm 10am

Credo The 4th king, (family adventure) Messy Church Carol Service All Age communion


Thankyou for being part of our magazine


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