Its A Book

Page 5

Classic Phone

This week, we were tasked with drawing 5 iconic objects using only 20 parallel lines. The iconic objects of choice, in my case, were all phones. Telephones, smart phones, microphones, megaphones, even flip phones are displayed in the above artwork. I can personally see some improvement in my artwork compared to last week’s bottles. I’ve practiced drawing based on proportions, taking Adobe Illustrator’s brush tool (B) horizontally for a specific length in order to form shapes and silhouettes of various phones and having exactly twenty lines to ration out made that a bit easier.

For most drawings I used the shift key to straighten out my lines drawn using the wacom tablet and stylus. And I said most, because the last image is a bit different, however. I liked this particular raw classic phone attempt better than my previous classic phone attempts, which is why the lines aren’t as perfect as the others. The speakers on the phone had a 2:1 ratio with the body of the phone. The iPhone was quite easy to draw, it’s simply a rounded rectangle. The flip phone, megaphone, and microphone have distinct enough lines and shapes to be recognizable as their iconic originals. Image and text by Majed Sweis

It’s A Book Page 5

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