Best IVF Clinic in India | Dr. Malpani

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IVF in India – Are you in the Wrong Clinic?

IVF in India – Are you in the Wrong Clinic? • IVF has become a popular choice with infertile couples who have been trying to have their own baby without success. Often couples become so desperate, that they reach out to the first IVF clinic they hear about. Every IVF clinic in India claims to be the best! Sadly, many couples are not sophisticated enough to check the veracity of these claims. They unwillingly become victims to marketing gimmicks and tall claims. This can be very costly, both emotionally and financially. Therefore, before choosing an IVF clinic in India, it is always a good practice to first check the clinic out thoroughly. This is especially true for couples who are travelling to India from overseas for their treatment.

IVF in India – Are you in the Wrong Clinic? • It is not always easy to identify if an IVF clinic is good or bad. They all seem to look the same – and many of them even go so far as to copy the content on our website at ! While imitation is the best form of flattery, just copying our content does not allow them to copy our high success rates, because they cannot replicate our expertise and experience!

IVF in India – Are you in the Wrong Clinic?

• Here are some tell-tale signs which can give you some indication of the clinic's quality. When you need to find out more about the clinic, it is best to keep the following points in mind. There’s nothing wrong with doctor-shopping if it helps you maximise your chances of success!

What are the Signs of a Bad IVF Clinic in India?

What are the Signs of a Bad IVF Clinic in India?

A bad IVF clinic makes many claims on their website and in their printed advertisements, but when it comes to showing you around the clinic, they are not willing to do. A refusal to give you a guided tour of the facilities and equipment used should be a cause for alarm.

• You should ideally have a single doctor to take care of you throughout your treatment. You don’t want to be treated as just another number or “the case with blocked tubes”! The same doctor who does your consultation should take care of you through the entire IVF treatment cycle – from history taking to formulating the treatment plan; from scans to embryo transfer. You should worry a lot if you are asked to see a new doctor every time you come to the clinic. You should get a dedicated doctor, and should not have to consult with assistants or nurses every time you visit.

What are the Signs of a Bad IVF Clinic in India?

• A bad IVF clinic makes many claims on their website and in their printed advertisements, but when it comes to showing you around the clinic, they are not willing to do. A refusal to give you a guided tour of the facilities and equipment used should be a cause for alarm.

What are the Signs of a Bad IVF Clinic in India?

• You should ideally have a single doctor to take care of you throughout your treatment. You don’t want to be treated as just another number or “the case with blocked tubes”! The same doctor who does your consultation should take care of you through the entire IVF treatment cycle – from history taking to formulating the treatment plan; from scans to embryo transfer. You should worry a lot if you are asked to see a new doctor every time you come to the clinic. You should get a dedicated doctor, and should not have to consult with assistants or nurses every time you visit.

What are the Signs of a Bad IVF Clinic in India?

• Do they store your records properly? Or is the doctor completely clueless about what they did for you during your last visit? Or in the last treatment cycle? If they do not have easy access to your records, your doctors would end up wasting a lot of time in determining how your cycle is progressing and what they need to tweak. In many cases, they are completely blank and it appears they do not remember anything about you – even your name. Often they have to rely on the information you relay to them in order to take the next step.

What are the Signs of a Bad IVF Clinic in India?

Interview the other patients in the reception area, as to what their experiences with the clinic are. Experienced and senior patients can provide a very frank and forthright perspective! Dothey offer comprehensive services? Blood tests? Scans? A full-service embryology lab? Or do they make you run around from pillar to post for your tests and medications?

What are the Signs of a Bad IVF Clinic in India?

• Check the qualifications of the doctor! Is the clinic registered with the ICMR of the Govt. of India? If not, you should worry a lot, because this means they have not been able to satisfy even the basic requirements which the ICMR demands.

What are the Signs of a Bad IVF Clinic in India? • Do they have to batch patients because they do not have all the required expertise in house? This can cause serious problems because the doctor will need to manipulate your cycle, and this can reduce your ovarian response in the IVF cycle. Undergoing IVF is not easy and you should spend a lot of energy in finding a good IVF clinic .Need help? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at so I can guide you sensibly!

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