Everything You Need To Know About Umbilical Hernia Treatment

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Everything You Need To Know About UmbilicalHerniaTreatment

An umbilical hernia occurs when a portion of the intestine protrudes through the abdominal muscles near the navel. This condition is relativelycommon, especiallyin newborns and young children. In most cases, an umbilical hernia will close on its own as the child grows. However, if the hernia persists into adulthood, it may require treatment to avoid complications. In this blog, we will discuss the various options for umbilical hernia treatment.

Observation and Monitoring

If an umbilical hernia is small and not causing any discomfort, a doctor may recommend observation and monitoring rather than immediate treatment. This is especially true for infants and young children, as umbilical hernias often resolve on their own bythe age of 4 or 5. During this period of observation, the doctor will monitor the hernia to ensure that it is not growing larger or causing any complications.


If an umbilical hernia does not close on its own or is causing discomfort, surgery may be necessary. There are two types of surgery for umbilical hernias: open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. Open surgery involves making a larger incision near the navel to access the hernia. Laparoscopic surgery, on the other hand, involves making several small incisions and using a laparoscope (a small camera) to guide the surgeon during the procedure. Laparoscopic surgery is less invasive than open surgery and typically results in a faster recovery time.

After surgery, the patient will need to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks to allow the incision to heal. The doctor will provide instructions for caring for the incision site and monitoring for any signs of infection.

Non-Surgical Options

In some cases, non-surgical options maybe used to manage an umbilical hernia. These options include wearing a supportive garment or truss to hold the hernia in place, losing weight to reduce pressure on the abdominal muscles, and avoiding activities that may exacerbate the hernia.

If you are looking for a positive umbilical hernia treatment in HSR Layout or in Sarjapur Road, then you can choose Dr Srinivas Cancer care. It is the most prominent hospital where you will get all kind of the services which can expect in a hospital.

Remmeber umbilical hernias are a relatively common condition that typically resolves on its own in infants and young children. Open surgery and laparoscopic surgery are the two options for surgical treatment, and non-surgical options may be used to manage the hernia in some cases. If you have an umbilical hernia, it is important to consult with a doctor to determine the best course of treatment.

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