Nothing is Impossible

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Replication and Expansion of the Program’s Impact

Any changes would of course be more meaningful to people’s life when done by many people and occurring on a massive scale. Therefore, to achieve such changes will require a strategy for replication and the expansion of the program’s impact. Replication is how to duplicate the results of an existing program to other sites in accordance with the local context. While the expansion of impact is a way for parties who are not directly participating in the program to also gain benefits from the program, either directly or indirectly.

Replication Strategy As mentioned in Section Three, Building Trust, World Neighbors’ approach is always to start on a small scale with a limited number of program participants. At that time, assistance is focused on those in the communities who show a meaningful response and are interested to be involved in the program. This strategy was developed to build trust and at the same time to show proof to the people who did not show any response or are still skeptical about the benefits to be gained from the program. In this phase, the program is challenged to prove that people can actually improve and build their own lives through the processes of humancentered learning. When there are successes in some areas, those successes are then used as a medium of learning for families, groups, even people from other areas to be replicated. Replication aims to encourage more people to do the same. Several replication strategies have been developed by the World Neighbors with its partner NGOs , those include: 1. To encourage families who have succeeded and are currently feeling the benefits of the program to promote their success and the benefits they have felt to their extended family, their neighbors, and their friends, either in their own aldeia or in the area of other aldeia in the region.

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