Bishop O'Dowd Freshmen Reg Book

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Bishop O’Dowd High School CLASS OF 2019


Finding God in All Things

WELCOME TO BISHOP O’DOWD HIGH SCHOOL! We’re excited to have you join our vibrant community and be part of our proud tradition of academic and extracurricular excellence since 1961. The joy and challenge of an O’Dowd education is a priceless gift that will prepare every student to succeed in college and build a strong foundation for the future. We believe that our students thrive intellectually, morally and spiritually during their four years as Dragons. Our outstanding faculty, counselors, coaches and administrators focus on the success of each and every student. As they explore and engage in new classes and different activities, our students forge their individual paths that lead them to self-discovery as well as the college of their choice. We look forward to assisting you on your journey of discovery. Sincerely, Pam Shay, M.S.A. Principal

Stephen Phelps, Ed.D. P res ide n t

Enroll online to be a member of the Class of 2019 The online registration process only takes 30-40 minutes. Go to to begin. Complete the online Enrollment Contract and submit the non-refundable $1,100 Registration Fee by Friday, March 20, 2015. (Note: your child’s class space will be offered to a student on our waitlist if we have not received your completed registration and fee.)

Questions? Please contact our Admissions office at (510) 553-8631.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Freshman Requirements Academic Course Information The Math Assessments Placement Test Dates 1:1 Laptop Program Academic Support and LD/ADHD Services Tuition Information Parent Pledge Student Life What You Need to Know

3 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 19

Have in Hand Course Registration and Placement Worksheet (green sheet) Health Insurance Information Family Calendar Personal Checking Information

Send in the enclosed forms no later than Friday, May 1, 2015: California School Immunization Record (with current TB test information; please keep a copy of TB test results for your records) Student Physical Evaluation Emergency Contact Release Form Documents pertaining to court-ordered parental access Final transcript from current school (due June 26, 2015)

The O’Dowd Academic Experience


FRESHMEN REQUIREMENTS Freshmen take seven courses each semester. Reference your green Course Registration and Placement Worksheet along with the online Course Catalog before registering. These resources will guide you in making thoughtful decisions about your core class schedule and your fine arts electives. Ninth and tenth grade students follow a core academic curriculum enhanced by courses in visual and performing arts. In addition to their required courses, juniors and seniors choose from more elective offerings including Advanced Placement (AP), honors course options and independent study. All students must enroll in a minimum of 30 units per semester. Explore a variety of required courses and a wide selection of electives. Read through our online 2015-2016 Course Catalog on the Academics Overview page of our website.



Academic Course Information ENGLISH English 1 This course combines the study of fundamentals of speech, grammar and vocabulary with an introduction to literary analysis through the study of the novel, plays (one Shakespearean) and short fiction. Students in this course study writing as a process from paragraphs to essays. Students who would like to be considered for placement in Honors English 1 may take the challenge test. Register for this test during online enrollment.

Honors English 1 Initial placement is determined by HSPT scores, school recommendations and grades. Honors English 1 includes the content of English 1 as well as substantial additional work that includes reading and annotating additional novels and plays each semester. More extensive and demanding writing assignments are required. Students placed in Honors English 1 who would like to take English 1 instead may request that change by contacting Kathy Soller at or (510) 553-8605.

SOCIAL STUDIES Geo-History Geo-History is a survey course covering the most important aspects of the development of humans from the Enlightenment to the modern world. Additionally, students study both physical and political world geography. There is a strong emphasis placed on concept development and skills mastery. Students who would like to be considered for placement in Honors Geo-History may take the challenge test. Register for this test during online enrollment.

Honors Geo-History

Placement is determined by HSPT scores. Please reference your green Course Registration and Placement Worksheet.

This honors course requires additional reading and writing, uses of primary sources and explores world history with more depth and analysis. Students with strong reading and language skills demonstrated by their HSPT scores, school recommendations and grades are placed in Honors Geo-History.

This course will improve student reading comprehension, writing and study skills. Students take this course in conjunction with English 1 in the fall. They begin their study with a College Prep Language Skills (CPLS)

Students placed in Honors Geo-History who would like to take the standard college-prep Geo-History course should contact Kathy Soller at or (510) 553-8605.

College Prep Language Skills


summer course (June 18 – July 10). There are two sessions: 8:25-10:25 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.). Tuition for this course is $330. Summer Academy information is available at and clicking on the High School Preparatory Program link. Students enrolled in College Prep Language Skills begin World Language in their sophomore year.



Your student’s initial placement is listed on the green Course Registration and Placement Worksheet.

The minimum requirement for graduation is one year-long course (10 credits) in any of the arts classes (visual arts, drama or music). During online enrollment, choose your three top preferences from a wide variety of courses.

Since algebra and geometry form the basis of a student’s future study in math, it is important to build a firm foundation with the basics. If your student has been placed in Algebra 1 or Algebra 1-Intensified, be assured that this placement will be challenging. High school math is more difficult than middle school math and a strong mathematical foundation secures future success. Despite your student’s middle school math experience, consider long-term goals before seeking placement in Honors Math or a more advanced level. (See page 7 for more information.) If you seek an alternative level of math, confirm that your student: • has completed a year of middle school algebra and/or geometry. • will take one or more math readiness assessments at O’Dowd in March.

SCIENCE All 9th grade students take Science and the Environment, an interdisciplinary lab science course. Students use environmental science as the context for exploring how science is conducted and for practicing the skills used by scientists while learning, connecting and applying concepts of biology, chemistry, earth science and physics. This course is currently undergoing review as part of the University of California A-G process.

If you choose a music course that requires an audition, please arrange with Mr. Fred Randolph at

RELIGION All freshmen take one semester each of Hebrew Scriptures and Christian Sexuality.

WORLD LANGUAGE World Language study begins in either the ninth or tenth grade, depending on the student’s course schedule. Generally, students enrolled in College Prep Language Skills will start their language requirement in their sophomore year. All students should rank their language choices (French, Mandarin or Spanish) during the online enrollment. Students may take a placement test to place into a more advanced level.

“O’Dowd is an environment that makes you feel welcomed, primes you for success and helps you develop into a great person.” — Bryce ’15


The Math Assessments Algebra Readiness

Algebra 2 Readiness

This exam tests students on seventh grade math skills tied to California state standards. Topics include probability, statistics, integers, fractions, decimals, percentages, exponents, square roots, scientific notation, simple equations and operations, graphs and geometric objects.

This exam will assess a student’s understanding of algebraic and geometric methods as covered by material in both of O’Dowd’s Algebra 1 and Geometry courses.

Geometry Readiness This exam assesses a student’s understanding of material covered in O’Dowd’s Algebra 1 course.


Math placement for those students who take any assessment test will be made after considering the assessment and HSPT scores. Students will receive placement information by mail and/or email in May.

MATH ASSESSMENT FAQ’S My student has successfully completed a full year of high school algebra in middle school and is seeking placement in geometry. What should he/she do? Your student must take the Geometry Readiness Assessment. The score on this assessment may place your student into Geometry w/ Advanced Algebra 1 or Honors Geometry.

My student has completed both high school level algebra and geometry in seventh and eighth grades. He/she is seeking placement in Honors Algebra 2/Trigonometry. What should he/she do? Your student must take the Geometry Readiness Assessment and the Algebra 2 Readiness Assessment. The results of these along with HSPT scores will determine readiness for Algebra 2/Trigonometry.

My student has been placed in Algebra 1Intensified and must attend the Algebra 1-Intensified Summer Academy program. Could you explain this placement? Can my student take a placement test to be in regular Algebra 1? Algebra 1 – Intensified is a yearlong course that covers the same material as Algebra 1, but includes a summer component and two blocks of algebra in the student schedule that provide for an algebra class every day of the school year. It combines additional time, a challenging curriculum, and cohesive, targeted supports and interventions to help students who have struggled in mathematics. Successful completion of this course prepares students for geometry in their sophomore year. The course begins with a required Algebra 1-Intensified Summer Academy program from June 18-July 10. Your student has the option of taking the Algebra Readiness Assessment. The score on this assessment may place the student into regular Algebra 1 rather than Algebra 1-Intensified. Wait for test results before registering for this class.

See page 8 for all placement test dates. 7

PLACEMENT TESTS DATES ALGEBRA READINESS TEST MONDAY, MARCH 23, 4–5:30 p.m. (seeking Algebra 1 placement without attending summer school)

HONORS ENGLISH AND HONORS GEO-HISTORY TEST TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 4–5:30 p.m. (seeking placement in these classes)

WORLD LANGUAGES TEST FRENCH, MANDARIN, SPANISH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 4–5:30 p.m. (seeking placement in 2nd or 3rd year of study)

GEOMETRY READINESS TEST THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 4–5:30 p.m. (seeking placement in Honors Geometry or Geometry with Advanced Algebra and Algebra 2)

ALGEBRA 2 READINESS TEST MONDAY, MARCH, 30, 4–5:30 p.m. (seeking placement above Honors Geometry) NOTE: students must take the Geometry Readiness Test before taking the Algebra 2 Readiness Test.

TEST DAY INFORMATION: • Students should report to the lobby of Hurley Hall at least 10 minutes prior to the test time. If you have any questions about the placement tests, please contact Candy Promes at (510) 577-9100, ext. 122 or at


• Bring two #2 pencils . • Calculators are not allowed. Please note: There is no charge for these placement tests. However, if your student is unable to take one of these scheduled tests for any reason, there may be a $25 fee per test to administer them subsequently. Placement changes as a result of test scores will be sent to you by mail and/or email in early May.

1:1 Laptop Program at O’Dowd At O’Dowd, personalized learning begins with the option for students to choose their own laptop. Students may: • purchase a school-provided and supported laptop. • bring a school-approved Windows or Mac laptop. All students are required to have an approved laptop to complement the educational experience at O’Dowd. Please note: When you purchase the schoolprovided laptop or AppleCare for your Mac, your student will have immediate, on-site hardware support. Software support is provided only for O’Dowd course-specific software programs. It is highly recommended that student/families acquire an extended warranty (e.g. AppleCare, GeekSquad, etc.)

All new students must: • sign the O’Dowd New Student Laptop Contract (available during the online enrollment process). • attend Tech Check, an introduction to our 1:1 Laptop program and technical configuration of your device to work in our environment. Sign up for Tech Check is available during the online registration. Students who purchase an O’Dowd laptop will receive it at Tech Check. Students who have their own laptop must bring it for use during Tech Check.

If you have questions about our 1:1 Laptop program or our technology infrastructure, please visit Technology on our website or contact Romeo Baldeviso at (510) 577-9100, ext. 137 or

“O’Dowd has prepared me for the new and changing world. I believe that because of O’Dowd, I have the ability to impact change, too.” — Sam ’15


Academic Support The Academic Support Center at Bishop O’Dowd High School includes a network of distinct programs. These programs augment the help available from teachers before school, during Meeting Period (MP) and after school.



Staffed by adult and peer tutors.

A study skills and mentoring program for freshmen. Students work closely with an adult mentor to develop self-advocacy skills and academic responsibility.

Drop-in tutoring available for all subjects. Tutoring Center hours: Monday through Friday before and after school from 7-8:15 a.m. and 3-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday from 1-3 p.m.

BOLT (BLACKBOARD ONLINE LIVE) Online tutoring (BOLT) available Monday - Wednesday, 8–9 p.m.

Daily tutored study halls for student-athletes. Academic mentor for in-season athletes: Schoology and PowerSchool support and instruction on organizational techniques.


Year-long meetings with and adult mentor focusing on PowerSchool and Schoology organizational techniques.

Students have access to a mentor to help with organizational support, time-management and student advocacy.


SMART SESSIONS Content area specific, teacher-led study groups. Sessions held before and after school. Students commit to a fixed schedule.

For more information, visit the Counseling section of our website or contact: Jase Turner, Director of Academic Support, Sarah Durantini, Academic Support Liaison, Patrice Wakeley, Academic Support Liaison,



Concussion, medical leave or other extended absences.

CORE Begins in summer sessions and continues through freshmen year. Strengthens a student’s good academic potential with additional academic preparation. • Targeted summer work before starting at O’Dowd • A designated counselor • A modified schedule • An assigned mentor who provides weekly check-ins and small group study skills sessions • Experienced faculty who share their experiences and best practices with fellow teachers

LD/ADHD Services At Bishop O’Dowd High School, we believe that intellectual and cognitive diversity enriches our campus community. We welcome students from a broad spectrum of learning profiles and provide resources that allow students to contribute fully to our school. The LD/ADHD services at O’Dowd are designed to support students with documented learning disabilities and/or attention deficit through a team-based approach. The LD/ADHD supports are coordinated by a full-time specialized counselor. Prior to the start of ninth grade, the counselor meets with each student and family to create an Educational Care Plan outlining student strengths, relative weaknesses and accommodations to the educational environment.

“O’Dowd has prepared me for college, life and unexpected opportunities.” — Scott ’15

ACCOMMODATIONS INCLUDE: • Preferential seating • Extended time on teacher-designed assessments and assignments • Use of laptop/computer for written output • Text-to-speech resources (e.g., audio files of books)

OUR LD/ADHD SERVICES ENCOMPASS: • An interface for close collaboration between students, their families and the school • Design and documentation of appropriate and feasible accommodations • Referrals and consultation regarding psychoeducational and related evaluations • Facilitation of requests for accommodations on standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT • Support and counseling for the application and transition process to college • Optional participation in Project Eye-to-Eye* as a mentor and role model for middle school students with LD/ADHD • Membership to Parents Education Network, an organization comprised of Bay Area parents and professionals who work with and advocate for students with learning differences Please direct questions to: Juliet Arechiga, LD/ ADHD Counselor 577-9100, ext. 618. * Project Eye-to-Eye is a national coalition of grassroots mentoring programs for students with LD/ADHD. Eye-to-Eye was started in 1998 by a group of Brown University students with learning disabilities who began informally mentoring students at a local high school who had similar disability profiles. Today, Eye-to-Eye has over 50 chapters at K-12 schools and colleges nationwide.


Tuition Information The following is a summary of the cost to attend Bishop O’Dowd High School during the 2015-2016 school year:

$16,080 Tuition $1,100 Registration Deposit (non-refundable) $17,180 Total Additional costs may be incurred for technology, books and for optional student activities such as athletics, cocurricular clubs and student programs. Registration Deposit Payment (due Friday, March 20, 2015) Remit your $1,100 non-refundable registration deposit using one of the payment options provided in the online registration.

TUITION PAYMENT OPTIONS All families are required to register with the school’s new tuition management service, Smart Tuition, and pay the registration deposit online via direct debit (electronic funds transfer) or credit card. There is a link in the online registration to the Smart Tuition secure website to complete this process. • Annual – One single payment of $16,080, via check, due July 1, 2015. Complete annual tuition payment instructions will be mailed to families in June. • Semester – Two equal payments of $8,040, via check, due July 1, 2015, and December 1, 2015. Complete semester tuition payment instructions will be mailed to families in June. • Monthly – Ten monthly payments of $1,608 due each month beginning in July 2015, and continuing through April 2016. Families must register with Smart Tuition (; school code 11912) for monthly tuition processing. A $45 annual fee to Smart Tuition will be combined with the first tuition payment in July.

If you have any questions about our tuition and/or tuition assistance policies, please contact Nancy MacKinnon at (510) 577-9100, ext. 171 or


“I am happy that at O’Dowd I could surround myself with encouraging friends and teachers who have allowed me to discover new things and challenge myself.” — Ros ie ’15


Parent Pledge Program: Making the Difference You make all the difference! Your commitment to O’Dowd’s parent giving program directly supports an enriched high school experience for all students by providing: • excellent teachers. • student programs including the arts, drama, debate, mock trial, athletics and campus ministry. • professional counseling center. • comprehensive academic support.

What is the Parent Pledge Program? Remaining accessible to students of all economic backgrounds is central to our mission. Rather than raising tuition to cover the increasing costs to operate O’Dowd, we depend on the generosity of parents, family and friends. Parents of incoming freshmen are expected to make a four-year tax-deductible pledge on behalf of their child to the Parent Pledge Program. Parent Pledge Program dollars support the retention and development of our talented educators, technology upgrades, facilities enhancements, and cocurricular programs – all the things that make O’Dowd an amazing place for our students to learn and grow.

What am I expected to give to the Parent Pledge Program? Each family participates in the Parent Pledge Program by making a minimum four-year pledge of $1,800 per year on behalf of each child that attends O’Dowd. While we realize that sending multiple children to O’Dowd can be a major financial commitment, the cost to educate each child remains the same no


matter how many of your children are attending O’Dowd. Families who qualify or receive serious consideration for financial aid will be asked to participate at a level commensurate with their particular financial situation.

What are the tax benefits of participating in the Parent Pledge Program? Unlike tuition, your gifts to the Parent Pledge Program are 100 percent tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

If my employer has a matching gift program, does my employer’s contribution count toward the amount I pledged? Matching gifts serve as an additional way to support your child’s education at O’Dowd, and we appreciate your efforts in making gifts to the school go further through these matching gift programs. However, O’Dowd does not credit gifts made from employee matching gift programs toward the expected $1,800 annual pledge amount.

Can my friends and family pay my pledge on our behalf? Yes. Please contact Cathy McFann in the Advancement Office at (510) 553-8632 or to make arrangements.

What are the donor appreciation levels? The Black & Gold Society consists of all members of Bishop O’Dowd High School’s giving community who make tax-deductible contributions to the school at a level of $1,800 and above from July–June each year. As a parent participating in the Parent Pledge Program at a level of $1,800 per year, you become a member

PARENT PLEDGE COMMITMENT AND PAYMENT OPTIONS During the online registration process, please select the annual commitment level you prefer: of the Black & Gold Society and are invited to join other members at an annual reception in appreciation of your generosity. The President’s Cabinet honors parents who give $2,500 and above annually. These donors receive the benefits of the Black & Gold Society members plus an O’Dowd Premium Pass that admits two people to any O’Dowd student event (i.e., sporting events, drama performances, etc.) Donors who give $5,000 to the Parent Pledge Program each year join our Silver Circle. They receive all the benefits of the President’s Cabinet. We strongly encourage families with the financial capacity to become members of the Silver Circle and enjoy the increased impact they have on the quality of education at Bishop O’Dowd High School. Direct debit allows you to pay automatically from your banking account. If you have more than one student at O’Dowd, there will be a separate debit transaction for each pledge.

Silver Circle

$417 monthly ($5,000 annually)

President’s Cabinet

$209 monthly ($2,500 annually)

Black & Gold Society

$150 monthly ($1,800 annually)

and the payment option you prefer:

Option A:

Annual direct debit payment in July

Option B:

Semiannual direct debit payments in July and January

Option C:

Twelve direct debit monthly payments

Automatic direct debit deductions will be made on the 5th of the month. If that date falls on a holiday or weekend, the deduction will be processed on the following first business day. If you feel you are unable to participate at any of the above levels, please select the option to attend a one-on-one meeting to discuss your participation commitment. Meetings will be scheduled from May 12 – May 14, 2015. Appointment times and location will be mailed to you. If you have any questions about the Parent Pledge Program, please contact Cathy McFann in the Advancement Office at (510) 553-8632 or


Student Life


Arts Show your creativity! Engage in theater, digital music, in ceramics. Play with our Jazz Band. O’Dowd offers so many ways to express yourself in our fine and performing arts programs.

Athletics O’Dowd Athletics has a long-standing tradition of excellence dating back to the 1950s. We now field 57 teams across 15 competitive sports with over 700 participating student-athletes. Through dedication, commitment and teamwork, O’Dowd students continue to power DRAGON PRIDE!

Clubs Want to learn how to build robots? Think you could be a lawyer in Mock Trial? Proud to be Armenian? Interested in computer


programming? Play Ultimate Frisbee? Hooked on Harry Potter? Committed to freeing political prisoners? We have over 50 student run clubs at O’Dowd.

Debate Award-winning, leadership skill building, nationwide traveling. That’s the debate program at O’Dowd: Public Forum, Parliamentary, Lincoln-Douglas, and Policy. Every student is welcome to learn how to compete in the exciting world of debate. Be part of the team that goes to the top competitions in the country to compete at the highest levels.

NHS/CSF O’Dowd is proud to be a member school of both the National Honor Society (NHS) and the California Scholarship Federation (CSF). NHS recognizes and honors students

throughout the country who exemplify academic excellence, personal character, leadership and service to both school and community. CSF recognizes high standards of scholarship, service and citizenship of students in California. Members of CSF and NHS are recognized at graduation.

Student Government The Associated Student Body is led by an elected Executive Council. Every class also has its own elected leadership team. Working together, these students organize events and activities, dances and environmental action.

leadership in all liturgies and school-wide charity drives. Class Ministry, guided by CMT, is open to all students in each grade so that they can explore their own spirituality, discuss issues relevant to faith and participate in ministering to their peers. The O’Dowd retreat program offers unique age-appropriate opportunities, from learning how to be part of the O’Dowd community to serving the disenfranchised in our local community, to attending and leading Kairos retreats. These experiences expand our students’ understanding of their faith and their place in our faith community.

Campus Ministry The Campus Ministry Team (CMT) is the core group of senior leaders involved in our Campus Ministry. CMT provides



CES/Living Lab Located in the Living Lab, the Center for Environmental Studies (CES) is O’Dowd’s 5,000-square-foot LEED-Platinum-Certified educational facility, dedicated to cultivating the next generation of environmental and sustainability leaders. Together, the Living Lab and CES position O’Dowd as a leader in the Education for Sustainability (EfS) movement. Both serve as an entry point for transitioning to incorporating sustainability into all facets of O’Dowd life: campus and operations, curriculum and education, community engagement and overall culture. The Students for Sustainability Club (S4S) uses the CES and Living Lab as inspiration for greening projects across the entire campus. The Living Lab Club members meet during Meeting Periods (MP) each month to develop their native and edible garden skills with mentoring from our Living Lab team.

Service Learning Service Learning is an educational method that meets a real need in the community and in the classroom. It integrates hands-on student volunteer service to the community with reflection and classroom connections in order to deepen understanding about social justice and our response to injustice. Every student completes a minimum of 100 hours of service throughout a four-year program. Each project connects students with the marginalized and disenfranchised people they serve by fostering relationships with them.

“Only at O’Dowd could I find the perfect balance of academics, athletics, faith and enriching activities in a loving community.” – Charlotte ’15


What You Need to Know HOW TO GET HERE Carpools The Dragon Parents Group has registered a carpool website at to help parents find carpools. Sign up for an O’Dowd carpool and see who in your neighborhood has signed up to participate. Student Parking Permits are available only to seniors. The cost for the permit is based on car occupancy. The more kids in the carpool, the less the cost of the permit!

Parking To complement our campus-wide sustainability efforts, we encourage students to carpool or take public transportation. We provide on-campus parking spaces reserved for seniors. There are additional free parking spaces near our school entrance and in/ adjacent to our lower lot. We recognize that more students are driving to allow greater flexibility to participate in afterschool performing arts, athletics, tutoring and club activities. We are assessing and developing new and additional student parking solutions for the fall.

AC Transit There are two morning and afternoon chartered bus lines to/from O’Dowd that serve our students: • Route 682 picks up in Rockridge and runs the length of the Highway 13 corridor. • Route 680 runs along MacArthur Blvd. from Lakeshore Avenue.

BART O’Dowd provides free and convenient transportation on an O’Dowd shuttle bus to

and from campus and the San Leandro BART Station for students and staff. Half-price BART tickets ($16 each, valued at $32) are available to our students. The Teenage Student Discount Certification form and instructions are available on our website. For all transportation information, visit Getting Here in the Parent section of our website.

WHAT TO WEAR At O’Dowd, we wear our name proud—on our polos, sweatshirts and club t-shirts. Our dress code emphasizes that the way we look positively impacts the way we feel: proud to be Dragons. And, we make it easy! • Approved O’Dowd polo and O’Dowd outerwear (exclusively available at the Dragon Den) • Clean (no holes) pants or shorts to the knees • Shoes with backs or back straps

WHERE TO EAT Epicurean Group, dedicated to sustainable dining, manages our Cafeteria. This means locally-produced, natural foods for delicious meals! Grass-fed or Niman Ranch beef. Eggs from cage-free raised chickens. Seasonal menus—sometimes with vegetables from our Living Lab! Breakfast and lunch are provided every school day for easy purchase at our Cafeteria via student meal cards. For information and menus, visit Cafeteria in the About section of our website.


Welcome to the Class of 2019! At Bishop O’Dowd High School, we provide every student with the opportunity to succeed. We offer a challenging Catholic college-prep curriculum, rich cultural diversity, and superb athletics, Campus Ministry, and performing and visual arts. The learning experience we offer makes O’Dowd one of the most desirable and unique high schools in California. If you have questions, we have answers! Please visit us at or call us at (510) 577-9100.

SAVE THE DATE! GO DRAGONS! NAVIGATING O’DOWD ALL FRESHMAN Saturday, April 25, 2015 On campus | 9-11 a.m. Meet our teachers, counselors and coaches Learn about student clubs, activities and resources Order O’Dowd polos and outerwear at the Dragon Den Get information about our Service Learning Program


Academic Course Information

Tuition and Tuition Assistance

Kerryn Pincus, Director of Admissions, ext. 603

Kathy Soller (510) 553-8605

Nancy MacKinnon, Business Office, ext. 171

Moire Bruin, ext. 333


Parent Pledge Program

Romeo Baldeviso, CIO, ext. 137

Cathy McFann, Advancement (510) 553-8632

Demond Walker, ext. 253 Administration Pam Shay, M.S.A. Principal, ext. 113

Finding God in All Things

Bishop O’Dowd High School | 9500 Stearns Avenue | Oakland, CA 94605 (510) 577-9100 | Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and by the Western Catholic Education Association

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