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E-mail: carlos.valencia@correounivalle.edu.co Phone Number: +57-2 5542469 / 57-25581941 / +57-2 5580759 Name of the Research Group: Biomateriales Dentales Colciencias Number ID: COL0073904 Colciencias Classification 2016: B Name of the Leader’s Group: Herney Garzón Rayo Colciencias Classification: Associate researcher International Experience: (Scientific Events) - VIII Congreso Internacional de Materiales. Type: Congress. Done on: 2015-10-28 at Paipa - Centro de Convenciones Paipa Boyacá. Role of the professor: Keynote Speaker. - XI Simposio Argentino de Polímeros. Type: Symposium. Done on: 2015-10-20 at Santa Fe - Centro de Convenciones Estación Belgrano. Role of the professor: Speaker. - 5th Latin American Region IADR. Type: Congress. Done on: 2015-10-07 at Bogotá - Universidad El Bosque. Role of the professor: Keynote Speaker. - VI Congreso Internacional de Materiales. Type: Congress. Done on: 2011-11-27 at Bogotá. Role of the professor: Keynote Speaker.


- XXI International Materials research Congress. Type: Congress. Done on: 201208-12 at Cancun - Mexico. Role of the professor: Speaker. - VII Congreso Internacional de Materiales. Type: Congress. Done on: 2013-10-29 at Medellín - Colombia. Role of the professor: Keynote Speaker. - VI Congreso Internacional de Materiales. Type: Congress. Done on: 2011-11-27 at Bogotá - Universidad de los Andes. Role of the professor: Speaker. Description of International Offer of Research and Knowledge Production: During the last six years, the professor has developed research in areas of new knowledge with the publication of seventeen articles. Eleven of them were done in Colombia, four in the United States, one in Cuba and one in Switzerland. Research Lines: Biomaterials and bone regeneration, biomaterials design, production and characterization, biological interfaces, biomedical devices design, production and characterization.

Carlos Humberto Valencia Llano


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