Revive Summer Issue

Page 111

The #1 Law of Fat Loss from Sir Isaac Newton By Bruce Krahn Sir Isaac Newton (16421727), physicist and mathematician, was arguably one of the most brilliant scientific intellects in recorded history. In addition to inventing a form of calculus, Mr. Newton defined the laws of gravity and motion. His work lives on today and remains the foundation of many scientific discoveries and inventions. But how can this help you with losing body fat? One of the biggest accomplishments of Isaac's career (and a major foundation to our underatanding of the universe) was his creation of three scientific laws of motion, in particular his third law which states: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" Like all laws of the universe, this law applies to everything- including your body composition! As a matter of fact, if you really want to lose pounds and inches of body fat so you can fit into those "skinny jeans" or look good at the beach you better pay careful attention this law and its impact on; How You Eat When you eat any food there is a hormonal response. This ACTION of eating food causes a REACTION of hormonal response inside your body. The hormonal response could be positive and cause an increase in fat burning hormones such as growth hormone, glucagon or testosterone, or it could be negative and lead to an increase in fat storing hormones such as cortisol and insulin. This is a major reason behind why many diets, while being low in calories, still don't cause major fat loss. Once you make the connection between the foods you are eating and their effect on your bodies hormonal balance you begin to understand why certain "health" foods are actually bad for your body composition. The best foods for a positive hormonal response will always be those foods that are as close to

their natural state as possible with minimal to no processing or additives. How You Exercise The type of exercise that you do, the amount of time you spend exercising, and even the number of reps and sets in your program will either cause a good hormonal response (an increase in your bodies testosterone, and growth hormone) or a bad response (too much cortisol). The ACTION of exercise brings about the REACTION of hormonal response in your body. Many people have adopted poor exercise habits. Common mistakes include doing too much cardio, weight training workouts that take too long and lack sufficient intensity, not performing enough compound movements, performing the same routine month after month, and neglecting flexibility training. How You Think It is interesting to note that the most important step to getting into great shape and losing inches of body fat has nothing to do with exercise or nutrition. The first step involves only your mind. The ACTION of thinking and coping with stress imparts the REACTION of hormonal response. The way that you are thinking and how you cope with everyday situations has an immediate impact on the stress hormones cortisol and DHEA. Cortisol, a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands, is a glucocorticoid. This means that it has the ability to raise blood sugar. There is nothing inherently "bad" about cortisol so long as it remains in homeostasis and in balance with its counter-hormone, DHEA. Problems arise when cortisol production becomes continuous and excessive leading to elevated blood sugar levels (great if you need a temporary burst of energy but not so good if your goal is fat loss) and muscle loss. High cortisol can also cause a reduction in DHEA, an important hormone for testosterone production and the building and preservation of lean muscle tissue. Two of the most effective cortisol management techniques are prayer and meditation. Begin spending just a few short minutes each day using either of these techniques and you continued on page114 REVIVE Magazine -


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