DT Product Book Face to Face

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Unleash Your Artificial Intelligence Potential!

Participants are immersed in a wide range of AI activities from A to Z, learning in an engaging and enjoyable manner, and breaking free from conventional learning methods. By taking on AI-themed challenges, they are tested on teamwork and encouraged to strive for continuous improvement. Each challenge ends with insightful summaries that spark numerous "aha" moments. Even those who are well-versed in AI will walk away with new knowledge about the significant transformation taking place in the modern workplace. While the event fosters healthy competition, it also cultivates a collective sense of unity and collaboration.

The challenges aren’t just educational; they require real teamwork to be successful. The variety of challenges plays to the team's strengths, allowing different team members to shine when their skill sets are required. Good communication, understanding, and analysis of the situation are vital throughout the challenges. With each challenge being tight on time, leadership, delegation, and working calmly under pressure are essential.


Explore your chosen city or conference destination with this fun, memorable team bonding experience

Teams are sent out into the streets of your chosen city or conference venue armed with a race kit & resources which may include a GPS navigation system, portable MP3 player, digital camera or iPad to guide them to their first location and challenge. The tasks and activities featured in the Amazing Race are guaranteed to appeal to all tastes. The event will reward teamwork, leadership skills, creativity, out-of-the-box thinking and taking calculated risks.

Amazing Race is a fun, journey of exploration that encourages team bonding with a shared experience. Participants discover the chosen city in a fun memorable way. Teams must think on their feet and move like lightning to work through the challenges and get back to base before time runs out. A highly inclusive activity, Amazing Race draws on the individual strengths of all team members highlighting the value that every person adds to the overall team effort.

Improve Negotiation Skills

Improve Negotiation Skills

Promote Problem Solving

Consider Risk Management


Bring your team’s ideas and messages to life as teams create a digital stop motion animation sequence.

Groups are challenged to create a unique digital stop motion animation sequence based around a theme. Animate commences with teams creating a 'storyboard' of the final desired outcome of their stop motion animation.

The teams then, in their animation studio, take the objects of their animation and digitally record them moving through a series of small sequential steps. Once complete, the team play back their video to see their stop motion animation story come to life, with rewarding and often hilarious results.

Animate can be used purely in a fun creative fashion or to help bring business objectives, product launches and key messages to life in a fun and thoughtprovoking way

6- Unlimited Indoors

Decision Making

1 hour

Competitive - Collaborative

Creative Thinking Communication Problem Solving Collaboration

Competitive Spirit


Augmented Reality ‘Tomb Raiding’ at your team table

Teams watch in amazement as an ancient Pyramid seemingly builds from the middle of their table The pyramid is, of course, augmented reality, the overlayering of 3D models on immediate surrounds, viewed from all angles through a tablet or smartphone.

Team members combine skills to crack an ancient Egyptian riddle. Pop up touch screen features, sliding stones and coded hieroglyphics in high- definition graphics add to the sense of adventure in this otherworldly quest.

The captivating theme and creative gameplay boost team involvement Members tackle puzzles, listen keenly, consider viewpoints, and decide quickly. Amid socializing, they discover strengths, improve teamwork, and aim for common goals. Friendly table competition adds excitement and builds camaraderie.


Work against the clock to find a solution that enables people to live and work on a new planet.

The teams are welcomed through an intriguing video where they learn that the atmosphere on Mars needs immediate improvement to make it healthy and sustainable, and that they are on a spaceship headed there right now!

Currently, the atmosphere on Mars is survivable, but for a good atmosphere where you can live and work together, the teams will need more. If the teams don’t solve the quests, the atmosphere there will be ruined, and their mission will have failed

Can the teams discover the perfect recipe for their new atmosphere?

The playful framework offers a platform to conclude with a discussion about which ingredients are particularly important for your team’s working atmosphere.

15 - 200 Indoors - Outdoors

0.5 - 1 Hour


Music unites people in a special way! This fast, fun and inclusive musical activity will surely energise and unify your team.

BamBooms are sustainable single note professional instruments created to allow non-musicians to have fun at every stage of music apprenticing.

We teach the absolute basics of music to participants by stripping music theory to the fundamentals, starting with understanding why and how an instrument produces a given note, and how the length of a soundboard impacts pitch and tone After assembling the instruments, the group will learn to play their BamBooms and finally play music culminating in a full group performance.

The created instruments can be given to a chosen charity or school so the joy can continue with the gift of making music accessible to less fortunate groups.

20 - Unlimited

Indoors - Outdoors


Teams assemble a decorate a doghouse to auction with proceeds going donate to pets in need.

Working with a set tool kit and building materials, each team must utilise time and resources effectively to design and build a unique doghouse Teams then participate in a series of competitions to win decorative extras like paint & patios.

Once complete the dog houses are put on show. A dog from a local animal rescue association sniffing out a winner! Additional prizes can be awarded for most creative doghouse’, ‘most team spirit’ and more.

Teams must identify the skills of each individual and apply project management skills so that design, decoration, planning and construction are completed within a given time frame & with limited resources. The dog houses your team produce can become a giveaway incentive for dog adoption agencies or, can be auctioned with the proceeds going to the animal shelter.

1.5 – 2.5 Hours


Team Bonding Communication Giving Back


Time Management


A business simulation game where teams explore issues of short-term productivity vs long-term strategy, in a highly charged trading environment.

In Bean Around the World teams play the part of coffee traders in providing the supply chain from producer to outlet and finally to consumer. Teams make money by buying coffee from the suppliers, trading with the other syndicates and then selling coffee blends to the customer at a profit! The game is played over a period of 3 years with the winners being the syndicate with the most cash at the end of the third year.

A dynamic and thought-provoking trading game that will stimulate and energise any conference programme and generate fresh ideas and approaches to business It captures the essence of new economy teams and focuses on such issues as, short-term success versus long-term strategy, risk management, winwin negotiation, managing supplier and customer needs within a complex supply chain and the power of good information.


Teams utilise everyone's skills to uncover a series of mysteries and collaborate with other teams to crack a code and stop the countdown clock.

Beat the Box is a teambuilding exercise where teams must solve a variety of escape room puzzles and challenges in a limited time frame.

It all starts with a mysterious video message in which a taunting hacker challenges the participants to a game. Each team is faced with a metal box. Inside is a series of locked cases each containing a mystery to be unravelled. In the room the clock ticks counting down the minutes

Teams set about to solve the problems, join the dots and crack the combinations to advance from one case to the next. The end goal is to discover a 16-digit code and punch it into the console keypad before the timer reaches 0:00. The tension is off the scale Could your team Beat the Box?


Rescue Santa and save the Festive Season!

Beat the Box Rescue Santa is a holiday twist on the original Beat the Box game, featuring festive puzzles! Teams must crack a special code within a time limit to stop the countdown. Just like in the original game, teams must use their locked aluminum boxes as their primary tools. The first task is to unlock these boxes, where they'll discover cases holding codes and mysteries to solve. Inside the final case are letters; arranging them correctly reveals a predefined slogan and the code to stop the countdown, concluding the game.

Rescue Santa, like Beat the Box, is an inclusive game that requires full engagement from all team members. It offers diverse challenges that demand various skills and creative solutions Just as in the original "Beat the Box," teamwork is crucial as teams must collaborate to piece together all clues and uncover the correct abort code. Inject your Christmas party, meeting, or event with fun and engaging team bonding through Beat the Box Rescue Santa!


An energising, speed-training vocal percussion workshop that unites teams in a lively and invigorating way.

Beat Box Rox begins with an energizing performance by a talented artist, creating amusing sounds and recognizable tunes. Participants then engage in unusual vocal exercises to loosen up and shed inhibitions. In smaller groups, they practice vocal percussion sections before reuniting for an exhilarating grand finale team performance.

Beat Box Rox is a clever and effective conference opener, infusing high energy and exhilaration into the group. Its shared experience fosters a positive attitude and unifies participants, ensuring everyone is energized and receptive for upcoming presentations. Its versatility allows for a 30-minute icebreaker for larger groups or a 45-minute workshop for more intimate meetings.

Hilarious Energising Fun

Unifies the Group Shared Experience Speed Training


Using the infectious rhythms of samba, BeatsWork transforms a group of individuals into a giant percussion band.

Firstly, the analogies between the individual instruments and rhythms are introduced, explaining that we can only make music if everyone learns to appreciate their role in relation to others. After which, delegates choose an instrument, and all players must contribute as a team and work together playing in time and on cue as the room fills with the rhythms of samba.

This impactful program demonstrates the importance of standard operating procedures in consistently achieving excellence. When each participant and team fulfils their role and works in synergy, the whole group succeeds. This creates a result greater than the sum of individual effort and a memorable example of the power of focused common purpose

High Energy

Unifies the Group Shared Experience Celebrates Success Creates Positive Attitudes


Something BIG is happening at your company. It’s time to create some hype and tell the world!

Blockbusters challenges participants to translate the company’s conference or business messages in to dynamic, attention-grabbing movie trailers that cut through the clutter and capture the essence of the issue at hand.

Blockbusters mirrors the real world of film-making with tight deadlines, high expectations and pressure to produce. The challenge is to make it both entertaining, high quality and great to watch but it also must be relevant

Teams discover that this takes forethought, planning and expert execution as well as supreme self-belief! Each team receives a different theme, and this ensures plenty of variety at the end of event screenings.


This is group rhythm in its simplest and quirkiest form. There comes a moment in every conference where participants need to be re-focused and re-energised.

The energy starts to build when our charismatic conductor warms up the participants with some body sound exercises. He then asks them to ‘glove-up’.

Brightly coloured rubber gloves are provided so everyone can participate. As soon as your team have the gloves on, they will be stomping, body slapping and vocalizing as one to create a colourful and ridiculous musical spectacle.

Quick, quirky and incredibly effective, Body Rap is an off-the-wall musical conference pick-me-up guaranteed to liven up the most challenging audience. It will inject life and vigour into your meeting. Ensuring participants are ready once again to focus on conference messages. Body Rap uses the power of humour, rhythm and shared experience to energise and unify teams with positive memorable results.


Teams get creative as they design, build and decorate a bookshelf that becomes an important educational resource.

After a team brainstorming session, roles are assigned and teams begin to design, create and build a bookcase Half the team are responsible for producing the elaborately themed mural that forms the backdrop of the bookshelf while the other half turn the shelves into a work of art by attending a decoupage workshop and then applying the techniques Once complete each team does a short presentation explaining the meaning behind their artwork before donating them to a local organisation in need.

BookWorx creates awareness of the importance of resources in education and how all of us can do simple yet powerful things to help alleviate the dire shortage of books, the building blocks of success, in underprivileged communities and their institutions. Groups can also collect books to ensure that the bookshelves are full at the time of donation and can continue to keep them updated over time, creating

& connections.


Music unites people in a special way! This fast, fun and inclusive musical activity will surely energize and unify your team.

Surprise participants in office or during a conference with a fun musical energizer.

Participants create unified music with our Boom whackers to a fun upbeat song, lead by our main facilitator. Boom whackers are ‘Tuned Percussion Tubes’. They are lightweight and tuned to musical pitches by lengths

Boom Time has proven success worldwide in igniting conferences and office environments and generating a sense of excitement and unity in a team Requiring involvement from all individuals and collaboration as a group, this team building activity nurtures openness and teamwork. Its simply a great way for people to destress and have fun with their colleagues.

Breaks the Ice Unites Teams Shared Experience Stimulates Creativity


Ideate, innovate and create a robot for purpose.

Teams are presented with a mix of competitive and collaborative tasks that their robot must accomplish. These challenges serve as a blueprint for designing the robot and selecting materials. Teams match available components with desired skills, choosing appropriate engines, chassis, covers, and electronic parts Some members gather necessary parts through challenges while others begin building. After construction, teams test the robot's capabilities and make modifications for optimal performance. They then gather to observe and celebrate each other's successful robot designs.

Bot Creators cultivates discussion, planning, and decision-making skills as teams begin ideating their robots. Creative thinking and resource management are essential as teams tailor their robots for specific tasks By creating and testing, teams apply design thinking logic to enhance their robot's attributes. The final product showcases successful innovation, creativity, and effective team dynamics.


Explore team dynamics using a series of problem-solving challenges. A fun, high-energy challenge with novel activities that engage and inspire.

Following an introductory icebreaker, the group breaks into teams. Participants grasp the desired outcomes of each challenge, quickly evaluate the resources at hand, set realistic goals and reach a consensus on how these will be achieved with tight timeframes. After completing each activity, teams are encouraged to review their performance and take learning forward to the next task.

Breakthrough enables teams to learn about the basics of teamwork while individuals appreciate how their interpersonal styles may affect their team’s success in a relatively short time. Evidence shows that the learning outcomes speak for themselves; however, it is the ideal practical exercise for any popular team profiling techniques to create a solid platform for in-depth review Flexible in its format, Breakthrough can be tailored to venue, participant numbers and desired learning outcomes.


Bridging The Divide is a hands-on design and construction teambuilding exercise with limited resources and a collaborative edge.

In Bridging the Divide, teams build a section of a bridge to required customer specifications while overcoming limited resources, communication barriers and strict timelines.

Bridges are creatively designed, decorated and branded by each team, with awards being given for the most creative engineering design, best branding, and most efficient use of resources.

The final construction component of the event sees each teams’ bridge being installed as part of the huge, extended company bridge. The exciting grand finale involves driving a remote-controlled vehicle over the total length of the extended bridge. This fun, hands-on event has very powerful metaphors. It highlights the importance of deep cross-functional cooperation on achieving big picture goals.


Everyone participates in correctly assembling brand new bicycles to donate to children in need.

Teams solve challenges to “earn” tools and bicycle parts. When they have enough resources, they create an assembly process to produce a variety of different bicycles in a limited time. Strict quality standards are imposed with formal quality control inspections conducted. As the final deadline approaches, teams wheel their creations to a “start” line and prepare to present their products and a short commercial to the other teams who represent their customers.

An extraordinary team event that creates learning and lasting shared memories. Teams learn to move from competing with other teams to collaborating – sharing equipment, tools, best practice, expertise and resources - developing a collective goal of producing the maximum number of bicycles from available resources. Completed bicycles are donated to a chosen children’s home bringing joy to the recipients and satisfaction to the creators.


Utilising innovation and creativity teams design and decorate a company-themed cake.

Teams are provided with basic ingredients and resources to custom design and decorate a pre-baked cake. Teams employ all aspects of Cake Decorating from drawing and concept design, through to cutting, stacking, shaping, and most importantly layering and decorating A range of bonus challenges are completed to gain additional decorations. Once complete teams line up their cakes and present the inspiration behind their decorations.

Cake-off provides a range of innovative and tailored team activities for all participants. It highlights the benefits of individual participation and team collaboration while incorporating business specific objectives and organisational values. Cake-off is a fun, memorable way to create value through inspiring togetherness

Innovation & Creativity

Effectively Managing Resources Team Dynamics Promotes Problem Solving


A fun and energetic competitive team building exercise introducing you to the world of wine tasting.

After an introduction to the world of wine teams get to sample everything from top class to budget wines. Blindfolded, the teams are then asked to guess the country of origin, grape variety, vintage and price band of a selection of wines With their new skills, the participants will be amazed at their powers of identification. They are then introduced to the art of blending and will create their own unique blend from fine wines. They then present their blend using the language of wine. The winning team is rewarded with a guide to wine.

Calling the Shots, a rousing, ideal pre-dinner activity, giving delegates a chance to bond as a team, amidst a mellow atmosphere along with an underlying element of competition. Teams learn to work together solving problems while having fun. Calling the Shots gives opportunities to assess information retention, explore


Energises a Conference Decision Making Skills Listening to Others Persuasive Language


Where individual creativity meets shared inspiration

Canvas Collective is designed to ignite your team's creative potential while offering a refreshing break from technology Each participant receives a personalised art kit and a pre-drawn canvas that holds personal significance. After completing their artwork, they join a lively, interactive art-themed event, featuring team colour creations, trivia, and the much-anticipated show & tell finale. The finished paintings can be displayed individually or combined to create a striking group exhibit in the office, reminiscent of Andy Warhol's iconic “Campbell Soup Cans” series

Canvas Collective offers teams and individuals the opportunity to reconnect, whether they've been working remotely or simply feel disconnected. This experience fosters self-awareness and provides valuable insights into the perspectives of others within the team. The show and tell exercise, in particular, reveals shared experiences and can spark meaningful, lasting conversations.



Kickstart conversations over dinner, build relationships.

Centre of the World is more than a quiz; it’s a strategy game with questions about trivia from around the world A competitive trivia game with a twist; teams must trade information with each other to progress and build their score. Each team has an eyecatching table centre, a transparent globe, that holds the keys to unlocking the game.

Using a tablet, teams scan the QR codes embedded in their centrepiece At the end of each round, participants can negotiate with other teams to fill the gaps in the information they have gained in that round to boost their team's score. Establishing win-win relationships and building trust is imperative. Ultimately, it's a competitive activity where the team with the highest score at the end of the game wins!

"Centre of the World transforms the quiz experience with interactive table centers, fostering engagement and networking. Beyond questions, tables negotiate, fostering trust and strategic collaboration, making it more than just a quiz—it's a dynamic social event."


Teams get creative and strategic in building a series of simple machines that are ultimately be joined together as a collaborative chain reaction.

Teams are supplied with a game board and a set of detailed idea cards which they discuss with their group. They share these ideas with other teams to develop a strategy for their giant Chain Reaction.

Each team designs, builds and tests several simple machines. They then join them together and retest. Next, they join their series of simple machines to the next team's simple machines and work together to ensure it flows seamlessly between stages. Once the contraption is complete and tested, in a grand finale the device is triggered and cascades through each of the team's creations.

Much like A Rube Goldberg machine intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and over-complicated fashion the final action triggers a simple but memorable effect.


Reflecting the true challenges of architects and town planners, It is a realistic simulation of designing and building a model city from scratch!

Teams are given a zone of a model city to build. The teams collaborate to develop a plan for the city ensuring there is uniformity of design across the zones and that roads and rivers flow coherently with the other teams’ sections next to theirs and in the city Using a wide range of materials, they build an imaginative and creative city that is functional and aesthetically pleasing and can incorporate company values and mission in an innovative way. When the time is up, teams join the sections of the city together and celebrate their success

Teams work to develop a common vision and a shared strategy they put into place applying creativity and excellent project management skills. Planning and strategy through effective cross team communication and collaboration are essential to ensure the zones of the city interconnect and flow Resource and time management are also essential to completing the project on time.

Supports Strategic Thinking Develops Networking Skills Stimulates Creativity Project Management Promotes Collaboration


Experience the fascinating world of advertising, creating an award-winning advertisement from initial brief to final screening.

Delegates are split into agencies and must develop a strategy, storyboard and script before moving on to production. As with the real advertising world, they will have cameras, props and costumes and will need to carefully plan their storyboard and marketing strategy before shooting their advertisement live and dangerous! A challenging exercise in high-performance teamwork, where an effective strategy, supported by clear lines of communication will be critical to success.

Commercial Break lets your delegates experience the fascinating world of TV advertising, as they create an award-winning advertisement from the initial brief to final screening. Challenge your creativity whilst integrating your brand values or product messages through a fun marketing medium.

Encourages Creativity

Reinforces Time Management


Individuals collaborate to create a company name or logo with their bodies.

Each participant is assigned to a segment of the logo. They are issued with a colour- coded suit. They then link with 20, or perhaps 200 others depending on total numbers to complete their section Then they work with all the other segments to correctly position themselves to create the overall logo. Once everyone is finally positioned, the living logo is photographed from above becoming a lasting record of the learning from the event

Human capital is vital to the makeup of an organisation. Every individual plays a vital role in how a company operates, how it is perceived, and how successful it can ultimately become Through this practical fun team building experience, individuals are reminded of their unique role within the big picture of a company’s structure and the importance of everyone.

Develop Brand Awareness Energises a Conference Shared Experience Unifies the Group


Emulate the celebrity chefs on The Food Channel as you prepare a gastronomic delight for you colleagues.

Each team selects an envelope which holds the type of potjie they will be creating.

A host of activities are completed in exchange for "cash" which is used to buy ingredients, equipment and materials. The cooking then begins, and the teams learn that they are not simply creating an appetising dish but that they must build a restaurant - Apprentice style! Once complete, teams present their creation to the judges. After the meal, the judges can award the overall winning team their trophies and titles

Creative Culinary Challenge provides a range of innovative and tailored team activities for all participants. It highlights the benefits of individual participation and team collaboration while incorporating business specific objectives and organisational values Creative Culinary Challenge is a fun, memorable way to create value through inspiring togetherness.

Effectively Managing Resources Team Dynamics Promotes Problem Solving


A fun and fresh interactive business simulation game with an emphasis on marketing and communication.

All teams represent divisions of a global smoothie company facing logistical issues, setting up international deliveries and planning under tight deadlines. Over 5 game days teams engage in designing and planning a smoothie range and then sourcing all their ingredients. Once teams have blended and tasted their smoothies, they develop a marketing campaign and strategy to sell their product The teams present their marketing campaigns to the group and then a winning team is announced.

This high-paced business challenge tests networking and communication skills while offering plenty of fun Teams collaborate with a 'common goal' approach to ensure each division gets the right ingredients for their smoothies. They tackle complex distribution issues and showcase their ability to reduce the carbon footprint together


Imagine the power of your whole company achieving the seemingly impossible task of playing classical music together!

Crescendo has been specifically designed to fit into a busy conference schedule, taking place in one room in a short time frame with very little disruption. In fact, delegates don’t even need to leave their seats! Once familiar with their violin or viola, a tutor guides the whole group through a very clever composition Players come together as confidence grows along with the intensity of a backing track that binds this uplifting experience.

Not many individuals can learn to play classical music in under an hour, but a team of people working in synergy can. In changing markets, it is vital that team members can quickly adapt their skills and roles to maintain the effectiveness of the team to both act and react with optimal speed and efficiency. Crescendo achieves this and more, with participants being amazed by what they can achieve in a limited amount of time before they go live.

Enhances Team Communication Aligns Organizations Stimulates Imagination Creates Emotional Bonds


Hone your teamwork skills by solving a complex crime.

Crime Solvers presents teams with a realistic crime scenario Their task is to solve the crime by sifting through a massive amount of information delivered in various methods. Taped 999 calls, crime scene videos, filmed suspect interviews, photographs, autopsy reports, transcripts, forensic evidence, and more all confuse and mislead the detectives. Some information is vital, and some is misleading!

Teams piece together the evidence by combing the scene for clues using genuine techniques, including fingerprint analysis, chromatography and ultra-violet lighting.

Armed with an information file and an iPad, they attempt to identify the killer and the motive, producing the evidence to prove their accusation

Crime Solvers is an enjoyable and engaging team-bonding experience, but it's much more than a fun 'murder mystery'! Teamwork, resourcefulness, and excellent communication skills are required to unravel the mystery of the murder of Madame Livingstone.


A powerful suite of interactive audience engagement tools that make will have everyone captivated!

Crowd Sauce is an interactive cloud-based system that integrates with any meeting platform using smart gamification techniques to ensure full participation and engagement of remote, hybrid or face to face meeting attendees.

The various activities are delivered by our award-winning software and can be accessed on any tablet, smartphone or laptop in any location and are sure to spice up any occasion.

You’ll soon get bored with even the best gourmet food if you eat it without condiments. Sauce isn’t the main element of a meal, but most diners would agree it is an indispensable accompaniment. We think the same applies to meetings. With Crowd Sauce we add tasty extra ingredients that enhance your messaging, get your audiences licking their lips and asking for more!


Teams create a massive artistic collaborative installation from bottle caps.

Teams receive crowns and instructions but have no idea what the final artwork will look like. They must collaborate to conceptualise, design and create a mosaic artwork with bottle tops. Once complete, the panels are arranged in sequence. A dramatic reveal of the installation is the highlight of the event, which will be accompanied with thunderous applause and cheering. The completed masterpiece can be displayed back in the office as a lasting reminder of the importance of teamwork, trust and collaboration

Crowning Glory is a practical way of enhancing people skills, appreciating others, managing boundaries and developing a positive mindset. Success requires teams to work together to ensure there is symmetry and congruity between the sections of artwork to create a truly cohesive masterpiece. Active listening and effective communication create a supportive ecosystem where team members develop trust and interact to help each other accomplish the task and promote one another’s success.


Teams solve a complex crime using problem solving skills under pressure with tight time frames.

Teams attempt to solve the mystery of the death of Roberto Gonzalez at his hacienda. With the help of very well-prepared detective briefcase, live evidence and helpful web-based 360 virtual touring platform teams explore the Hacienda looking to solve the mystery in the hacienda of the Gonzalez Family The game app presents teams with riddles and challenges.

Teams input their answers into the game app Their solutions unlock hints that will help them solve the mystery. As they move through each room of the hacienda, they find items that will also help them in their quest. As their journey unfolds teams use deductive reasoning and team consensus to eliminate suspects. The team who accurately answer the riddles and challenges the fastest will discover the truth and be ultimately crowned the winner

CycleForce Circuit

Where collaboration meets competition on the fast track to sustainable success!

CycleForce Circuit merges teamwork with exhilarating competition. Participants embark on a thrilling journey, pedalling stationary bikes to control car speeds on a customizable track. Effective communication and coordination are key as teams navigate challenges together. Specialized software tracks performance, fuelling the competitive spirit. Through shared challenges and victories, colleagues build stronger bonds and develop vital skills. With its dynamic format, CycleForce Circuit offers an unforgettable team-building experience that boosts team cohesion.

CycleForce Circuit fosters teamwork, communication, problem-solving, resilience, and strategic thinking in an exciting, adrenaline-fueled setting. Participants develop communication and coordination skills by controlling car speed through pedalling and tackle dynamic track challenges to enhance problem-solving abilities. The competitive aspect promotes resilience and perseverance, while customizable options encourage creativity and strategic planning to meet specific goals.


Unite, Negotiate and Win!

Step into our exclusive corporate event, inspired by "Deal or No Deal," where suspense, strategy, and big wins await. Any venue transforms into a pulsating game show set, complete with captivating music and flashing lights Hosted by a charismatic emcee, guests select mystery boxes, hoping to uncover thrilling cash prizes. With nerve-wracking decisions and surprises at every turn, the event promises non-stop excitement. Beyond the game, network and bond with colleagues, fostering connections and camaraderie. As the final briefcase reveals its grand prize, celebrate triumph and forge unforgettable memories Don't miss an evening of unforgettable fun and excitement!

Participating in "Deal or No Deal" offers not just gameplay thrills but also valuable networking and bonding opportunities. Attendees engage in strategic negotiations and thrilling challenges while forging meaningful connections with colleagues and others. Through collaborative decision-making and shared experiences, stronger relationships and camaraderie are cultivated. Whether striking deals or sharing excitement, the event catalyses valuable networks and fosters a cohesive team dynamic


Teams utilise creativity and innovation to design and construct a dragon then perform a uniquely choreographed dragon dance.

In Dragon Squad teams must use creativity, innovation and project management skills to design and construct a dragon. Then, work together to perform their own unique musical score and choreographed dragon dance. The winning team is announced And, as a testament to their commitment, teams display their dragon heads back in the office as a reminder of the activity and its key learning.

Dragon Squad is a creative, innovative exercise that evokes team spirit, laughter and happiness with dance and music. Teams work together utilising project management and creativity to construct and build their dragon. Teams must allocate roles effectively and utilise individuals' performance and coordination skills to develop rhythmic drumming and dance choreography


Our unique Dream Team Challenge creates an atmosphere to inspire delegates to do their very best and to learn as much as they can, while having a memorable time and a positive experience.

The delegates are engaged in team activities ranging from classic "physical" team building exercises, to consensus and logic problems. Experiential team development activities are undertaken utilising specially designed props that are brought in on the day as well as an impressive array of permanent activities that are located at selected venues around the country.

Our Dream Team Challenge offers a unique environment and innovative tools for effective team training, fostering inspiration and maximum learning while ensuring a memorable and positive experience tailored to each team's needs. Delegates not only gain valuable workplace lessons but also have fun, ensuring a unique and enjoyable experience every time


Escape the Blizzard Live is an immersive and engaging in person team building winter wilderness survival challenge!

Escape the Blizzard Live begins with teams at a training centre, learning survival skills vital for today's severe weather Using our app-based technology, teams compete in challenges covering Navigation, Shelter, Knots, Fire, and more. As an incoming storm approaches, teams must collaborate to unlock a box containing real survival tools. The final test includes accuracy, first aid, Morse code, and shelter building. Success means survival in the blizzard. The team that plays together, survives together

Compels Collaboration Encourages Information Sharing Explore Role Delegation Enhance Listening Skills Promotes Agile Thinking

Escape the Blizzard Live is crafted to foster face-to-face collaboration among team members With an escape room-style finale, participants navigate role delegation and discuss skill strengths and weaknesses. Teams' problem-solve and succeed in a time-pressured environment, focusing on real-life survival skills. The immersive theme and engaging challenges spark discussion, allowing for storytelling and genuine connections among team members.


Teams fly a drone through a slalom of man-made obstacles perfecting their choreographed moves together to become the winning team!

Drone Control is a fun and creative way to develop teams with technology. Throughout the exercise, teams must search for physical efficiencies to shave seconds off their final time.

Choreographing and reforming new obstacles requires innovative thinking and often provides enlightening results. The challenge requires individuals to continually adapt to changing roles and is the perfect metaphor for agile teamwork

Drone Control is fun but also a complex strategic planning exercise that demands total involvement and focus.

The added time pressure maintains a competitive but safe context to explore team dynamics and reinforce positive team culture and values


Action packed; A GPS triggered “escape trail” that challenges teams to puzzle their way back to reality.

Teams navigate a ‘real world’ adventure trail to escape a ‘virtual world’ mirrored on their tablet interface. Armed with an ‘Action Pack’ full of vital gadgets and gizmos, participants must cipher their way through several game sectors and virtual checkpoints

Each sector is deviously designed to test team dynamics and challenge participants ability to communicate effectively on the run As teams race towards GPS triggered checkpoints further puzzles, conundrums and hidden checkpoints are gradually revealed to exit and Escape the Maze.

The answers and choices that teams make open secret alternative routes with ‘short cuts’ for the astute and ‘dastardly diversions’ for those not so lucky!


Teams race to complete a variety of escape room style challenges In this captivating tablet-based game.

Escape the Mob begins with a mysterious video telling teams that they are incriminated in the perfect heist. Teams have a limited amount of time to develop an alibi. Guided by an app teams set out on a journey, completing challenges that will gain them points and help them determine the exact time they were at each place on the night of the robbery. And in a final twist if teams can collaborate successfully, they may work out the whereabouts of the stolen diamonds!

Escape the Mob is a totally inclusive and highly engaging team bonding activity. A competitive theme and a variety of challenges including photo, video, cryptic questions, ciphers, symbol swapping alpha puzzles, pattern identification, strange smells, mysterious sounds and theatrical performances, each individuals different skills and creativity comes into play. Collaboration comes into play in the final moments to ultimately find the jewels and Escape the Mob!


Signature ‘scents’ are big business. But behind the glossy ads are teams of professional alchemists experimenting with all manners of exotic extracts to capture the essence of their celebrity endorsers

Having learned the basic techniques of perfumery, teams blend base, mid and top ‘notes’ to create a ready-to-wear fragrance. Essence of Excellence is by no means restricted to female fragrances; some teams will be working with unisex and male customer profiles. Positioned as a breakout session or evening entertainment, Essence of Excellence provides a fun context to explore company branding and customer satisfaction as well as improve team communication

Exploring Excellence Brand Awareness Inspires Creativity and Fun Insights into your Team’s Point of Views

The customer is always at the core in this challenging activity. Teams are required to understand the emotions and motivations of their target market to capture its essence with a tailor-made scent and a creative brand. During the process participants’ own perceptions are also explored, building relationships within each team while demonstrating that we each operate from our own unique and valid model.


A real racing experience!

Experience the thrill of horse racing from the comfort of your dining room seats with our guaranteed unforgettable racing experience, ensuring no risk of losing money. Guests receive 2000 units of custom fictitious currency, possibly featuring the boss's image, and between dinner courses, they bet on horses named after and owned by guests The guest with the most money after five races wins a prize

Racing personality Francois Wolfaardt, alongside Gerry Skerritt and Theo de Villiers from Dream Team, are your hosts for the evening, serving as announcer, bookmaker, and compere. They'll keep guests entertained with laughs and suspense until the finish line! Guests study the form, pick their favourite horse(s), and cheer them on via a big screen while Francois provides live racecourse commentary, adding to the excitement. Winners are announced and awarded prizes during a prizegiving ceremony following the final race payout.


Our Family Fun Day shenanigans are the perfect chance to bond and make memories that will last a lifetime!

Experience an unforgettable Family Fun Day filled with laughter, bonding, and adventure! Designed for families to strengthen relationships through team-building activities, where every moment offers opportunities to build trust and collaboration From thrilling challenges to engaging games, create cherished memories while reinforcing teamwork and unity.

As families embark on this fun-filled journey, they'll not only share laughter and joy but also take away valuable lessons that transcend the event itself Learning outcomes include improved communication skills, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and a deeper understanding of the importance of working together towards common goals Through experiential learning and shared experiences, families will leave the Family Fun Day with strengthened bonds, lasting memories, and a renewed sense of connection that will continue to enrich their relationships long after the event concludes. Don’t miss out for a day of fun, growth, and togetherness!


Teams compete in a soccer chant play off

Create sound effects and soccer cheers to accompany the montage of a big soccer match action. Teams warm up with a Mambo chant and physical movements Then, led by an energetic event host, teams watch a World Cup Soccer match and, following the onscreen guide, cheer their team. The challenge builds as teams cheer a final penalty shootout. The event wraps up with a singalong to a popular football anthem as inflated beach soccer balls bounce around above their heads, kept aloft by their energy and enthusiasm.

Fever Pitch is a fun, motivating icebreaker that energises a conference and creates an instant rapport among the group through a fun shared experience. Fast, physical, and highly entertaining, taking on the role of a passionate football fan engages participants, gets them up and moving and puts a smile on their faces.

Participants focus on process improvement with the repetition of the Mambo actions. Full participation is encouraged in this wonderfully uplifting and memorable shared experience.


Teams juggle with egos and control airtime as they light up the screen with their Hollywood classic.

Teams are challenged to make their own version of a famous Hollywood all-time classic movie. Each team’s studio is stocked with everything they need to turn the supplied detailed synopsis of their allotted film into movie magic. Planning, scripting and rehearsing soon give way to on-location shooting. As all editing takes place in-camera, every shot must be meticulously planned and shot in sequence It ends with a premiere showing of all the films and an awards ceremony.

In this fun, laughter filled team challenge, participants lose their inhibitions and get creative. They are challenged to step out of their comfort zone and take on roles of acting, script writing and filming with hilarious results. Time is tight, so teamwork, strategy and efficient allocation and implementation of roles and tasks is critical to success. Through filming and re-filming, teams learn to work towards excellence within a challenging time frame


Experience all the excitement, intrigue and fun of racing without leaving the dining room.

The program will be introduced by your ‘Bookies’ and they will give each table their starting “Be Challenged cash”. From here each team will have a chance to bet on the outcomes of different races; horses, trots, greyhounds and maybe even camels ensuring everyone is kept entertained for the entire time Final Furlong is a chance for your team to bond outside of the work environment while also enjoying the great atmosphere that comes with the races.

Breaking the ice can often be the hardest thing to do when meeting new people or working within a new team. Final Furlong gets people talking, thinking and working together quickly and has been tried and tested to accelerate through the awkward phase of getting people comfortable in their new environment, therefore ensuring an increased participation rate and greater outcomes achieved


A scrap heap challenge that requires teams to construct and control powerful rocket ships.

Can your team save the universe, or launch a rocket? You and your comrades are stranded on an unstable planet in the Galaxy. You must design and build a safe ‘Rocket Docking System’ using limited resources available to you. Controlling the speed and flight of the rocket will ensure successful docking If your rocket falls short of the Station, your team will be destined to float aimlessly in the Universe. Docking too quickly may cause your rocket to explode. Be inventive, creative, original

The teams that survive will be the ones that work together, draw on individual strengths and skills, and listen to the little ideas that make a big difference. Designed to get your teams thinking out of the box, working together under pressure, and creating success in the face of disaster, Flash Master tests all the skills required for working as a winning team here on Earth.

Supports Strategic Planning Time Management Encourages Creativity Team Dynamics


From blueprint to boat, teams construct a cardboard vessel that floats and races in a regatta gala!

Teams are provided with limited resources of cardboard, plastic, tape and cutting tools, and the all-important design blueprints.

Their challenge is to build a seaworthy vessel – initially perceived as an impossible mission. Teams quickly realize that with coordination, commitment and energy, they can succeed. The activity has a high energy finish - a hilarious competitive race to the finish line

An analogy can be drawn to the workplace where everyone has a rewarding role to play in keeping the team sailing to new frontiers; whether they want to build, design, decorate or crew the vessel, each team member has a valuable contribution to make


Teams construct a plane and then race it just like a Red Bull air race combining speed, precision and skill.

Using detailed plans and a flat pack kit of materials, teams construct a 1:4 scale life-size plane. Once complete they decorate the plane with specially designed decals. Then teams formulate a strategy to navigate the plane successfully through a series of obstacles At race time, teams line up their planes on the runway. Just like a Red Bull Air Race, teams must combine speed, precision and skill to navigate the obstacles in record time. The winning team is celebrated!

Teamwork, resourcefulness and excellent communication skills are required to turn a flat pack of materials into a plane. Allocation of tasks to sub-teams and effective cross team communication with a clear understanding of how one subteam’s components fit into those of other and the overall project, will lead to a wellconstructed plane Effective strategic planning, accurate role allocation and effective teamwork will lead to success in the air race!


Participants construct full size cardboard chariots in preparation for a Roman style race.

Teams construct a Chariot from a flat pack following a set of detailed instructions. Once construction is complete teams then make a statement decorating their chariots incorporating messages or values. The challenge concludes with a race, where the teams pit their chariots against each other in a test of speed and skill, or a gladiator-theme parade.

Chariot Challenge tests the communication skills, collaboration and creativity to build the ultimate model kit against the clock and against each other. Teams need to plan carefully and work as one to succeed in reaching their goal. Simultaneously, the teams will be faced with extra challenges and tasks before the chariot is finally constructed. Flat Our Chariot inspires creativity and is a wonderfully fun shared experience that will be reflected on long after the event


Teamwork is put to the test in building and racing a life-size cardboard Formula 1 racing car as a team.

Teams construct an almost full-size Formula 1 racing car from a flat pack kit within a tight time frame.

Teams must effectively allocate roles and tasks and use close cross -functional cooperation to ensure the construction goes according to plan and is delivered on time. Once constructed, teams brand their cars so that they will stand out on the track Finally, the Grand Prix moment arrives

Teams line their cars up on the grid. Then it’s “lights out” and the cars are off and racing with one team member at the wheel as it is pushed down the track. The chequered flag ends the race and in a spectacular awards ceremony, the top 3 teams take to the podium


Teams construct, decorate & race a bus

Using detailed construction plans; each team must manage time and resources effectively to turn a ‘flat-pack’ kit into a giant cardboard bus! Once constructed teams decorate their bus with “advertising” which can be aligned to reinforce your brand message or conference theme

Buses can be paraded, and the best themed bus awarded a prize for creativity. The challenge concludes when teams get “on the buses” and race against each other using speed and control to the next bus stop.

Teams need to understand the overall objective and divide this complex project into time effective, clearly defined sub-tasks. Individuals aspire to a common goal and effectively collaborate and co-ordinate their efforts as a team Being such big, broad forms of transport, fun and laughter accompanies good-nature competitiveness during the race.


Use the power of the team work to transform a flat pack into one of the wonders of the ancient world!

Teams are provided with the plans and tools to create individual 3D shapes which fit together to form a team pyramid. Once constructed teams decorate their pyramid with slogans and colour, which can be aligned to reinforce your brand message or conference theme or perhaps a charity of your choice Then teams collaborate to join their pyramids together to create one giant pyramid ensuring the decorative design is uniform and matching when joined together.

Time management, resource management and problem-solving skills are required to construct a series of shapes and then form them into a pyramid - it's like a giant 3D puzzle! Progressing from a team activity to a whole group challenge, Flat Out Pyramids illustrates the value of each individual working to a common goal, a lesson that will stand the test of time


Teams construct, design & race a rickshaw

In Flat Out Rickshaw Rally teams build their own rickshaw within a tight time frame. Working from supplied plans, each team turns a ‘flat-pack’ kit of materials into the ultimate cardboard racing vehicle. Once constructed they decorate their rickshaw so that it stands out.

The challenge concludes with a race, where the teams pit their rickshaws against each other in a test of speed and control.

Teamwork, resourcefulness and excellent communication skills are required to turn a flat pack of materials into a rickshaw. With a good understanding of the end goal and by forming sub-teams and working in parallel, this complex project can be broken down to keep the whole team working effectively to complete the project.

There is also plenty of creativity required to decorate the rickshaw.


Teams construct, decorate & race a Santa's sleigh.

Unwrap a fresh approach to your Christmas party with a festive team challenge that combines creativity with communication. In Flat Out: Sleigh Ride teams build their own Santa's sleigh within a tight time frame. Working from supplied plans, each team turns a ‘flat-pack’ kit of materials into the ultimate Christmas vehicle. Once construction is complete, teams adorn their sleighs with Christmas decorations.

The challenge concludes with a race, where the teams dress up as Santa and his Elves and guide their sleighs toward the finish line, in a test of reindeer speed, control and quick costume change pit stops.

Flat Out Sleigh Ride tests communication skills, collaboration and creativity to build the ultimate Sleigh for Santa With a good understanding of the end goal and by forming sub-teams and working in parallel, this complex project can be broken down to keep the whole team working effectively to complete the project. A fantastic way of uniting teams at a Christmas party or end of year event


Teams construct a flat pack F18 jet plane and choreograph a formation fly-by alongside other teams

Using detailed plans and a flat pack kit of materials, teams construct a 1:4 scale F18 jet plane. Once complete, they decorate the plane with decals and decide who will be the pilot and who will be the engines! All teams then teams collaborate on the display for the final air show After lining up on the runway, teams must combine speed, precision and communication skills to navigate their aircraft and choreograph the action. This incredible shared experience can be made even more memorable with a drone filming the fly-by and edited to ‘highway to the ‘danger zone’.

To build a plane from a flat pack, teamwork, resourcefulness, and communication are vital. Understanding the end goal is crucial. Tasks should be divided among sub-teams, with clear communication on how each component contributes to the project. Strategic planning, role allocation, and seamless teamwork ensure success at the air show.


Teams create a food truck business from the ground up –design, build, pricing, food design and preparation!

Each team is told the core ingredient, the location, type of clientele and time of operation. They are required to consider every aspect of the business, including, the brand, signature dish, side dishes, food presentation and pricing. Planning time commences, teams strategise, ideate and allocate responsibilities They then get to action creating their real live Food Truck. Times up! Teams present their signature dish to the Master Chef.

Food Truck Challenge is a collaborative activity that assists employees in learning and improving their ability to work as a team, effective communication and time management. The number and variety of tasks that must be completed, encourages participants to realise the importance of planning and organisation. It helps individuals to recognise their strengths and be responsible for tasks assigned to them, knowing the importance of their role in the overall mission.


Develop entrepreneurial thinking and smart business skills in the new shared economy.

As in life, this is a time-based game where everyone can win and achieve success if they play the right way. Learn how creativity with money is more important than the amount of money itself and how entrepreneurial thinking unlocks resources, collaboration, and optimal results. In FreshBiz you can build businesses, take loans, trade stocks, negotiate and do deals, play action cards, leverage business opportunities and more, making this a truly multidimensional workout!

Participants claim that the game and its insights impact them for the rest of their lives. Learning about the new skills, tools, and mind-set of the New Shared Economy where “Access Trumps Ownership” shifts your paradigm completely and offers you the opportunity to play business, relationships, and life in a whole new way. Watch your team turn into a community, your managers into leaders, and your organization experience a quantum leap through this shared new language and perspective


Fast-paced poker-themed energiser, which demands networking and win-win negotiations

Full House is engaging and enjoyable networking activity. Each person has a giant poker card. They must find other people with appropriate cards to create the poker hand that's shown on the screen. Successful people are given a chip in round 2. In round 2 the teamwork begins as the team formed in round 1 sticks together and negotiates with other teams to swap cards in a quest to create the required poker hand. The winning team is the one with the most chips at the end of the game. Cards can be re-themed to reflect the company, conference or topical themes like Christmas.

Full House is a rollercoaster of fun and frenetic activity as participants maximise their own return by constantly moving around the room networking to uncover the needs of others. Participants need to memorise or associate a person with their card to increase their speed of response. In round 2, participants are required to work as a team, polishing their negotiation skills and learning the law of reciprocity - if we help others get what they want, they will help us get what we want Fast decision making and knowing when to walk away from a negotiation is also critical.


A superbly entertaining and highly interactive game show featuring a variety of stimulating media for a quiz with a difference.

GameShow Live is a superbly entertaining and highly interactive game show.

Using our advanced browser-based platform that runs effortlessly on participant's smartphones or iPads provided by us we guarantee a memorable experience filled with fun and energy. You can use any of our 500+ off the shelf packages or we can design a unique experience especially for you. We have individual, team & elimination modes to ensure both variety and excitement

GameShow Live gets people talking, thinking and working together quickly and meaningfully. We can gamify presentations to ensure that engagement, real participation and amazing energy are maintained at a high level for the entire conference or meeting


A challenging yet fun program that will test the creative and communication skills of your team while providing to a good cause.

Teams will endure a fun yet challenging array of activities culminating into the finale of building out a backpack full of non-perishable food and toiletries to be donated to a local shelter for the homeless. With the tablet provided teams are taken through a set of fun challenging activities, where they will earn the goods needed to fill their backpack. Once backpacks are complete attention is drawn to the leader board to determine. Give Backpack is an opportunity to unite your team by helping those less fortunate This program encourages creative thinking and problem solving. Through the act of giving, individual morale is boosted and a sense of pride and ownership is developed in the team. Our Giving Back to the Community Programs are all based around helping those in need whilst ensuring the group enjoy a brilliant, shared experience that is sure to stay with them long after the program has finished.


Do you miss going to festivals? Prove your team are the ultimate festival fans and score as many festival points as you discover 7 music stages.

Teams represent a group of friends going to a summer music festival. The game app guides teams towards GPS located ‘stages’ positioned around their grounds of their meeting venue The Global Festival ground has 7 different music stages each themed to a different music genre. On arrival at each location the app triggers a variety of challenges, they solve riddles, create photos and videos of ‘festival moments and research facts on the supporting festival website. The team with the most points at the end, wins.

The Global Festival Game fosters team bonding through shared memories and conversations. Participants enhance problem-solving skills and processes through various game stages. Effective information gathering and communication yield points and industry knowledge. Time and resource constraints test team dynamics, fostering creativity and opportunity-seeking. Task allocation in each zone maximizes team strengths for overall success.


Celebration of world rhythms, costume and dance

In Global Grooves, teams are introduced to a multi-cultural cocktail of percussion, costume and dance. Each team are guided through a variety of world drum and dance styles. They practise learning to play well together as a team. They then choreograph a performance and practise it working towards excellence. Then it's time for team performances! Each team heads to the stage to showcase their performance in front of the other teams.

Global Grooves is an energetic, rewarding and hugely entertaining team bonding experience celebrating multiculturalism. It is a powerful way of demonstrating the amazing results that can be achieved when teams achieve true synergy This memorable shared experience demands participation from all individuals. Participants are encouraged to add their own personalised creative expression to their performance, leaving them feeling truly energised and invigorated in body, mind and soul, as well as, unified as a group.

Stimulates Creative Expression Unifies the Group Energises and Exhilarates Fun Shared Experience


Teams generate brilliant new ideas, pitch and invest in this fun, Dragon’s Den style game.

Organise: Cards are dealt to each team, ensuring an even mix of Objects, Tech &

Data cards. Innovate: Team members choose a card of each color & create a Smart Object or Service or Tool. Validate: Each team picks the idea they think is the best, they validate the chosen team idea and then create a two-minute pitch

Pitch: All Teams pitch their idea to the room. Invest: Teams invest game money on the idea they like most.

Global Innovation Game has been developed out of a need to step away from everyday tech devices. Our millennial generation have inspired its creation. GIG brings it back to basics, gets everyone openly talking, innovating & creating ideas without the aid of search engines, PowerPoints & screens. It is a fun and rewarding event that encourages creativity & rewards those who are most innovative.


Gamify your staff induction process, surveys, network and more! The ultimate tool for engaging people.

Using the Go Team platform Go Engage is a versatile tool to share content, gather information and stimulate creative thinking. Go Engage has a variety of applications which can be adapted and applied to your desired outcomes. It can be used either directly with individuals or within groups allowing dialogue and feedback. Go Engage has the versatility to be engaging to all through gamification or just simply a more user-friendly way of engaging people in learning and sharing.

Whether you are using it to gather information, present information or encourage networking, Go Engages familiar gamified platform, promotes collaboration, open communication and discussion in an inviting and engaging way. It increases knowledge, improves relationships and in turn positively effects the workplace environment

Improves Communication Stimulates Innovative Thinking Increases Shared Knowledge Improves Workplace


Combining the treasure hunt fun of Go Team with the joy of giving through B1G1.

B1G1, businesses for good, is a worldwide network which gives impacts to carefully selected projects around the globe. Using a tablet and the Go Team app teams view checkpoints to select a B1G1 giving project. The follow arrow guides teams to their chosen way point On arrival participants work together to complete GPS triggered challenges including questions, cryptic clues, photographic criteria and timed tasks Success leads to B1G1 impacts. They then move onto another destination & another challenge

Prior to the event we assist you in selecting B1G1 projects for your team to give to and, based on your desired learning outcomes develop a trail and a series of challenges to suit your group. See more of your conference location, explore specific learning outcomes, have fun & energise your team while impacting lives around the planet.

Energises & Motivates

Encourages Strategic Thinking

Feel Good Giving Together

Memorable Destination Activity


Cultivate Impact, Unleash Team Potential – Your Urban Quest for Community Growth and Planetary Sustainability!

Go Grow offers a unique chance for your team to contribute to the community and the planet's future. It's more than just a community project; it's an Urban Quest testing teamwork through an eco-treasure hunt with tangible outcomes. Addressing food security and promoting self-sufficiency, teams use the Go Team app to find tools and materials for building planters, guided by facilitators Agriculture experts then teach planting techniques. This experience not only imparts gardening skills but also emphasizes the benefits of homegrown produce. Initially competitive, teams soon realise their collective impact benefits the community A thank-you ceremony and press coverage can celebrate your team's genuine contribution.

Teams collaborate on fun challenges and quizzes to reach preset locations, fostering bonds. Planting vegetables in familiar areas creates lasting memories and positive environmental changes Go Grow promotes health, outdoor activity, and mindfulness about food security, emphasizing the impact of small actions on significant projects.


A high-tech treasure hunt that turns any area into an exhilarating journey of interaction and adventure.

Go Team is a treasure hunt app that runs on provided iPads. The interface is a satellite map of the area showing checkpoints where challenges await

On arrival at a checkpoint, GPS-triggered challenges are issued to the teams in the form of questions, clues, photos and videos that they will work on together to complete. Updates, feedback and scores are kept in real-time as teams progress through their adventure Back at home base, each team is monitored and can receive bonus missions at key points in their trail. The creative platform caters to all abilities and terrain types.

Go Team is so flexible. Activities can be designed to meet your desired outcomes while you explore any destination including bustling cities, theme parks, rough paths, your conference venue or even your office.


Explore your chosen city or conference destination with this fun, memorable team bonding experience

Embark on a high-tech Amazing Race adventure that promises an exhilarating journey of interaction and adventure, all while reigniting the fire and passion within your team. Armed with a race kit including GPS navigation systems and iPads, teams will navigate through the streets of your chosen city or conference venue, tackling challenges that cater to all tastes and skills From fostering teamwork and leadership to encouraging creativity and calculated risk-taking, this event is designed to escape the stresses of everyday work and foster a renewed sense of camaraderie and achievement.

Amazing Race is a fun journey of exploration that encourages team bonding through a shared experience. Participants discover the chosen city in a memorable and enjoyable way. Teams must think on their feet and move quickly to work through the challenges and return to base before time runs out A highly inclusive activity, Amazing Race draws on the individual strengths of all team members, highlighting the value that each person adds to the overall team effort.


GOALL! A shout that is universally associated with the passion and excitement of football is now the name of an incredibly high-energy team building activity

The world’s most popular sport becomes one of the best and most useful corporate activities, challenging your teams to work together to manage and develop their very own football club Teams complete a variety of challenges including building a model stadium, showing off their kicking skills, meeting with possible promoters, ball agility and even trying their hand at sport commentating. There can only be one winning team at the end of all this hard work Sound leadership and communication skills are key in the planning stages where you assign responsibilities and get the most from the talent within your team. Discuss objectives and allocate the best people to each task, then the challenge begins!

From the more creative roles such as marketing, sponsorship and stadium design to the more action-oriented tasks like training players and penalty shootouts, GOALL! demands a variety of skills to succeed. Every member of your team is a valuable resource, so use them wisely.


A strategic and feverish rush in the dramatic search to discover gold!

Mirroring the challenges and rewards of real business, teams work to accumulate wealth and ultimately win the game. Teams must collaborate and multi-task on 8 different levels to have a chance to go for gold. Teams must retrieve a secret code and swap it for cash following a certain procedure. Here, planning and execution are vital Along the way teams can earn extra rewards by completing various tasks. Press releases given every 30 minutes, give teams who respond quickly the opportunity to increase their wealth.

Show your team the value of business intelligence, planning and communication through this practical hands-on application. All participants are on level playing field creating a compelling cross functional and top-to-bottom whole organisation team building activity. Gold Rush has been widely used in CRM, Knowledge Management, Sales and Customer Service, Cultural Diversity and Strategic Planning.

Project Management

Negotiating and Decision Making Promotes Problem Solving Managing Change


Harnessing the power of the Māori dance, Haka Action is an uplifting and invigorating teambuilding activity.

The Haka is the mighty war cry of Māori warriors, a unified display of strength and prowess certain to intimidate even the bravest opposition. Beyond a challenge or war cry, this ancient sacred dance is performed to celebrate special occasions or welcome important guests Just as delegates are getting settled for their conference day ahead, they hear the famous New Zealand war cry. Your group will learn words, meanings and actions of the Haka before co-ordinating their actions in a spinetingling group performance

Create a Positive Attitude Promotes Creative Thinking Energises and Invigorates Focuses the Mind

Haka Action is great leveller allowing all participants to physically engage at their own level without feeling uncomfortable. In Haka Action participants are encouraged to release their inhibitions and have an open-minded attitude. In this supportive, shared environment participants can unleash their creative and emotive expression Haka Action leaves participants feeling fresh and invigorated, united together through shared experience and motivated to face their challenges head-on.


A quick and fun physical statement of individuality and interconnection.

On arrival participants are invited to roll up their sleeves, pick a colour of choice and paint one hand with a thin layer of water-based paint Instantly relaxed and primed with pigment, everybody is encouraged to put their handprints anywhere on a huge blank canvas. After a quick clean up people grab a marker to sign off their creation. The finished canvas can be displayed throughout the meeting as a unique talking point and returned to your offices as a lasting statement of oneness.

Shared experience cements relationships. The practical ‘get dirty’ nature of the experience sets a level playing field, encourages the natural flow of conversation and supportive behaviour. By opening their palms, all participants ‘sign in’ to the day with a dramatic statement of collaboration.


A high energy musical experience, that literally blows away perceived limitations.

Following a harmonica demonstration from facilitators, participants are guided through breathing exercises and the basic techniques for playing the harmonica. The exercise picks up speed participants become more familiar with their instrument and increasingly proficient Soon they are playing together as one and are chugging away with the infectious rhythms of harmonica tunes. By the time they hit the buffers the team will be energised, exhilarated and united in their collective achievement.

Create a Positive Attitude Promotes Creative Thinking Challenges Personal Limits Focuses the Mind

Blow the Blues Away is a fun and motivating highly engaging and rewarding team exercise. It stretches individual’s personal limits, opening their minds to positivity and possibility. The collective achievement of jamming music together unites teams, enhancing team dynamics in a unique and compelling way The use of music is a proven way of opening brain pathways for developing creative thinking, innovation and lateral problem solving.


Teams create and choreograph their own catwalk collections with a limited budget.

Teams are provided with blank paper, bolts of cloth, safety pins, scissors and a production budget, together with everything required to create a fashion sensation. The team members must work together on messages, costumes, choreography, and music choice while letting their imagination run wild as they release their hidden design skills. The climax is a memorable and entertaining fashion show where all the completed creations are paraded by the teams’ super models.

Teamwork, effective management, and a common vision and goal are essential ingredients for this mixture of fashion and design catwalk frenzy that promises to bring the house down! Haute Couture is a challenging yet hilarious activity that will leave teams with lasting memories and a greater understanding of the importance of creativity and innovation


Energise, relax and refocus with specially designed sequence of stretches. Connect Mind to Body as you energise from Head to Toe.

The unique sequence of the exercises in Head to Toe has been developed by a well-respected health practitioner as an instant ‘pick me up’ easily performed in any environment. In addition, due to its modular design, the exercises can then be reintroduced and practised in smaller time slots throughout your conference, at points when you would like your delegates to be refocused and energised. Each participant receives a high-quality flipbook a reminder to add the activities into their day-to-day routine

Head to Toe is an informal, non-threatening energiser which educates delegates on how to achieve personal health and mindfulness during their working day. When they periodically focus on breath and stretching, they are better able to manage their time and stress levels, improving productivity and staff retention while decreasing absenteeism.

Corporate Responsibility

Energises and Brings Focus

Enhances Group Connection

Increased Capacity to Learn


Put your hands up to build prosthetic hands for amputees while building a better team, better business and better world.

Hands Up is is about changing lives. This program is a charitable, CSR team building activity focused on perspective, inspiration, collaboration, and giving back You will become a part of a growing movement to connect your team to the “WHY” of their work, each other, and the world. This program will have your team thinking and feeling deeply while they build prosthetic hands that will be donated around the world. An extraordinary team event that creates learning and lasting shared memories. Once the hands have been built, enclosed with your personal message to the recipient, they are distributed to people across the developing world changing their lives by giving them back the independence we take for granted. It allows them to feed themselves, write for themselves and transforms their ability to live a normal life all because your team have had the generosity, the commitment and the ambition to change the life of someone they haven’t even met yet.


Team challenges are linked with proven methodologies in this high impact training game.

The High Performing Teams' workshop combines cutting-edge research with over a quarter-century of hands-on experience working with teams. This dynamic session aims to empower participants to transform into high-performing teams themselves. Through engaging activities and impactful sessions, attendees delve into various aspects of teamwork, from communication and collaboration to trustbuilding and competition. Each activity serves as a platform for the group to explore and adopt best practices in team dynamics, fostering growth and development

Based on the principles of Patrick Lencioni, the program illuminates the five dysfunctions of a team that can lead to failure. Understanding these dysfunctions is crucial for identifying the traits of high-performing teams. This insight directly applies to the participating team, enabling them to assess their current performance and strategize ways to enhance teamwork and effectiveness.

Insightful Learning Promotes Problem Solving Unifies the Group Offers Share Experience Encourages Successful Habits


Thrilling competitions where only one team emerges victorious through skill, strength, and strategy.

Highland Games works by blending the excitement of traditional highland games with the dynamics of team bonding Participants engage in a series of fun and challenging activities such as caber tossing, tug-of-war, welly throwing and axe throwing fostering camaraderie and collaboration. Through these shared experiences, teams learn to communicate effectively, strategise together, and support one another, ultimately strengthening bonds and enhancing teamwork. Whether it's the thrill of competition or the joy of cheering on teammates, Highland Games Team Building creates memorable experiences that unite and energise groups, leaving lasting positive impacts on both individuals and teams.

Highland Games fosters stronger teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability among participants. It cultivates camaraderie, trust, and a positive team culture while providing insights into leadership dynamics and effective collaboration. Ultimately, it offers a dynamic platform for experiential learning, equipping participants with practical skills and a deeper appreciation for team synergy


Golf has always been a popular sport for networking, be it on the green or in the conference room

Hole in One uses canned goods and non-perishable packaged food items as part of the materials to build each course segment. After the event, the food will be donated to a local charity which will distribute the foods to those in need Nonperishable food items can be provided by the client or purchased on their behalf. Alternatively, you could have the teams go on a charity shopping spree with a predetermined budget prior to the event.

We've turned this venerable sport into a fun and engaging mini version that allows everyone to get involved in a meaningful way. With Hole in One, participants work in teams to design and build a challenging mini golf course which they will eventually play in a competitive and fun tournament


A fun and engaging energizer to get to know your team better.

Human Bingo works through our digital operated iPad App, Go Team. Teams must use this app to answer questions and discover information about their colleagues and other team members in the room. It’s a race to see who can finish with the most correct answers in the time allowed and in doing so they get to know their colleagues in a fun and engaging way.

Go Team Human Bingo takes teams outside their normal work environment and encourages them to move around and mingle in a fun way. Working with others and having to engage to get information breaks down barriers and builds a level of trust between employees.

Break Down Silos

Encourages Engagement Supports teamwork Supports Collaboration


Applying human skills in a real-world environment.

During Human Skills team-building activity, teams utilize GPS-enabled iPads to navigate various checkpoints Teams have the flexibility to select destinations and routes based on their desired skill exploration and learning depth. With basic, advanced, and expert levels available for each skill, teams can choose to either specialize in one skill or broaden their knowledge across multiple skills Checkpoints prompt teams to apply skills to real-life situations, requiring them to find examples or devise creative solutions. Throughout the activity, the team's progress is continuously sent to the facilitator in real-time for feedback, enabling them to prepare a meaningful debrief upon the team's return.

Teams in the activity explore skills like empathy, decision-making, and trust by stepping out of the meeting room to gain a broader, more creative perspective. They use the world as their resource Time constraints force teams to prioritise: specialise in a few skills or gain a broader but shallower understanding of all. This presents a daily challenge for managers.

Developing Skills

Thinking Outside the Box

Fun and Motivational

Exploring Team Dynamics

Shared Positive Experience



A dynamic and highly engaging activity where each team needs to build an exact replica of a model without looking at it!

In this highly engaging activity, the focus falls on interdepartmental communication and collaboration. Every single participant plays a vital role for the success of their team. Participants are split into small groups and assigned a specific role in the communication chain. The goal is to build a model from very simple elements, following the chosen strategy within a limited amount of time It’s a unifying experience with strong outcomes focusing on the importance of language, feedback and creating a step-by-step project strategy.

i-build is a great way of enhancing internal communication skills between different company teams or departments as well as, customer communication


Ignite team communication

Participants are split into groups and told that they aim to create a replica of a model without looking at it. Teams allocate roles and develop a communication strategy to complete the task. Teams start to recreate the original model by following game rules and guidelines. The necessary information is communicated down a chain of people to the “Elves”. At half-time, team members switch roles and continue the build process When time is up, teams come together to view their achievements, celebrate, and discuss their successes.

ibuild Festive is a unifying experience with strong outcomes focusing on the importance of language, feedback and creating a step-by-step project strategy. The strict rules are designed specifically to emphasize the main principles of accurately conveying information. ibuild Festive is a great way of enhancing internal communication skills between different company teams or departments, as well as customer communication ibuild Festive is a fun way to lift the team spirit and sense of success at your end-of-year meeting based on the principles of gamification.


Take action towards a sustainable future with your team.

IMPACT is an app-based team building activity that can be played by teams who are face-to-face, working remotely or in a multi-locational hybrid situation. Focusing on the giving, Impact truly leaves a mark on the world as it directly impacts the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is a highly engaging team building game designed to gain an understanding of the blueprint to achieve a better future

Participants are firstly briefed about the SDGs and then they receive a tablet to start making actual impacts. Teams climb levels as they complete a series of challenges, every single one related to the SDGs. The app guides teams through the tasks as they submit their attempts to gain points and climb up the leader board, all while becoming aware of the SDGs and creating a more sustainable future for all.


A fun and dynamic reveal of the company logo composed of individual head shots.

Each participant has their photograph taken During the conference all the imagery is processed to create a spectacular closing programme. Set to music participants images are gradually revealed on the big screen. First, a fast-moving sequence of individual faces then a montage of four faces, then sixteen, then sixty-four. As the view pans back, more faces appear. The camera pans back to reveal that the photos have together created the company logo or conference theme message

In the Picture is a spectacular three-minute conference climax that celebrates what makes your company special and recognises the contribution your people make to its success. It emphasises that each individual matters and that together the individuals make up the company culture and are a living representation of the brand

Cross Functional Cooperation Energises a Conference Fun & Inspirational Unifies the Group


An iterative problem-solving exercise that focuses on managing relationships.

Working smartly to a deadline, teams of 5-8 people pit their wits around a circuit of tricky 3-dimensional tasks. With only 20 minutes to solve each task, communication, leadership and teamwork are all tested to the max. Unlike ordinary ‘run of the mill’ problem-solving exercises,

Integrity breaks new ground by introducing a revolutionary new game dynamic where both the team, and their ‘referee’ are scored on their performance! At the start of each task, a volunteer referee drops back from the outbound team to monitor the inbound team.

Once time is up, that referee scores the team according to seven performance criteria and the referee is in turn scored by the team Each team also holds five ‘Integrity Stones’ to award to the referee at their discretion.


Teams join pipes to construct an almost full- sized 4x4 vehicle

Each sub team races against the clock to build, clad and decal a 4x4. Roles are switched, quality audits and strength tests executed. Everybody has a blast in this team building activity. Individuals take ownership of their roles. The 4x4 can only be completed when everyone has done their part It’s like a pit stop of team building execution that comes together in parts but moves as a solid singular unit –both the 4x4 and the Team.

Division of roles, communication clarity, project management, time management and common goals are just some of the takeaways here The 4x4 portrays toughness, a go-wherever-you-want attitude and simplicity. Teamwork and team bonding on account of larger teams, help to make this a real winner for networking.


Unleash Creativity and Team Spirit in Our Thrilling Skateboard Build Challenge!

Join an engaging session where teams assemble and decorate vibrant skateboards and helmets for a local children’s charity. Skateboarding is more than a sport; it’s a culture of freedom and expression, and you can empower kids with their own set of wheels. Showcase your creativity by personalizing each skateboard and helmet. Use our inspiration playbook or let your imagination run wild. For those less confident in their artistic skills, team-building challenges will keep everyone's enthusiasm high

The clock is ticking as you dive into the thrilling task of assembling skateboards. Teams will design and showcase their fingerboarding skills, sharing knowledge through a series of fun activities. Blending camaraderie, competition, and community impact, Just Roll With It Skateboard Build promises an electrifying corporate adventure that will keep you riding high on excitement long after the event ends.

Bringing out the creative side

Making a positive difference Shared Purpose

Impacting older kids with a gift that will change their lives


A fun ice-breaker in a race to discover commonalities between themselves and others in the game to win points for their team.

Each delegate will have a “Game Card” which asks them to disclose 3 Personal characteristics and 3 Professional characteristics about themselves. Each delegate has a specific goal to achieve within each 5-minute period. The first period consists of each person finding as many people in the room as possible who have just 1 characteristic in common with them. There will be points available for each person they find with 1 common characteristic. As the game progresses it get slowly tougher as delegates must find multiple things in common with those around them. At the end of three rounds teams will be brought back into their original teams and asked to tally up their points.

Knowing Me Knowing You helps to build common ground between individuals, smoothing the path of sharing information and best practice that will inevitably lead to improved bottom line results.


Fun and interactive sporting games

”Krazy Sports Day" offers a dynamic and engaging team-building experience designed to foster camaraderie and collaboration among participants. This actionpacked day features a diverse range of activities that challenge both physical abilities and strategic thinking. From Blind Soccer, where teams navigate a condensed field while blindfolded, to Warp Speed, where communication and coordination are tested in ball-tossing challenges, every activity pushes teams to work together towards a common goal. Volleyball adds a classic competitive element, requiring teamwork and skill to out manoeuvre opponents, while LazerKlay introduces an exhilarating twist with deactivated shotguns firing harmless infrared beams at reusable clays. With a mix of adrenaline-fueled challenges and opportunities for teamwork, Crazy Sports Day promises not only an unforgettable experience but also lasting bonds and strengthened relationships among participants.


Get on target!

Introducing laser technology for clay shooting, allowing up to five participants to shoot simultaneously for leisure or competition, individually or in teams. Using deactivated 12-bore shotguns, the system emits harmless infrared beams at reusable clays, ensuring safety even for children. Trigger pulls activate a control module linked to a scoreboard, simulating shotgun sounds and tallying points electronically based on speed and accuracy. This fast-paced sport offers excitement without prior experience, perfect for all participants and spectators.

Dozens of game scenarios can be played with the versatile LazerKlay system, which can be easily set up at most hotels and conference venues. With a simple modification, the clays become luminous, allowing for night time play Requiring just 10 minutes for setup and minimal space to operate, LazerKlay is a hit at golf days, fun days, and conference breaks, accommodating 50 players or more per hour.


Explore leadership skills in a highly engaging and safe environment

Leadership Stories is an engaging learning tool where players enhance their leadership skills through various business scenarios. Teams embark on a journey with assigned Game Characters, encountering up to 12 different challenges Participants aim to make optimal decisions in each scenario to earn points. They analyse each story, considering context, nuances, and their own experience to take the most suitable action.

Participants will engage in realistic workplace challenges to discover their leadership style's impact on team dynamics and outcomes. They'll learn to adapt their approach to inspire and motivate others, honing skills like communication and collaboration through interactive gameplay This game is beneficial for anyone in or aspiring to leadership roles, offering insights into their current abilities and opportunities for skill enhancement.


Teams take on the role of a news team reporting the day’s news and publishing their own front page.

Make “front-page news” with a teambuilding challenge that goes beyond the headlines and gets to the real story of your conference messages. This fun, fastpaced and energetic teambuilding challenge will take your team out of their comfort zone and drop them into the world of newspaper publishing. Focusing on a predetermined theme, each team names their newspaper, completes several articles, creates a cartoon, designs an advertisement and even writes a business forecast.

An engaging solution to consolidate conference content or explore key business issues such as managing change, visualising the future, reaffirming company values or intelligently questioning policy and practice. Good project management is required to meet tight deadlines throughout the program. Each team’s creation is displayed at the activity venue and can be taken back to the workplace to form a road map or reflection


Interactive, audio-visual relaxation experience using multisensory meditation techniques.

Participants are guided through the experience by a relaxing voice and restful onscreen imagery. The group democratically select the type of meditation experience they would like by waving their multi- coloured glowing wands. With their eyes closed, participants are escorted by voice, music and sound effects on an imaginary journey. At the conclusion, participants will slowly be brought back to full awareness. They will now be focused and ready for the day ahead.

Delegates often arrive at a conference with their heads filled with clutter from their working and personal lives - not to mention the endless bombardment of other information, news and advertising messages. Before your audience can focus, think clearly and be receptive to your key conference messages they need to relax and de-clutter their minds Meditainment is the answer

De Clutters the Mind

Promotes Relaxation and Focus Stimulates a Receptive Mind

Unifies the Group


The power of a Mexican wave but instead of arms waving, you have a lightweight railway track held above your heads that transports cargo.

We bring this railway track to your meeting or conference in small parts and your team must first construct it, before connecting each part to the people either side of them. As the group raise and lower their arms in sync, they are then able to transport brightly coloured balls around the room The activity is rich in analogy, enabling you to reinforce key conference messages in a meaningful way.

This terrific ice breaker translates cooperative thinking into a spirited breakout session of competition and creative craftsmanship. To succeed, teams draw on their time management, ingenuity and communication skills. It’s a game that enhances an array of important skills and introduces quick thinking at both the individual and group level.


We’ll get you rocking, singing and dancing in a fun filled atmosphere. Just like regular bingo, but with a musical twist, our game ditches the numbers for popular songs. Each player receives a unique digital playing card featuring 25 well-known songs randomly selected from a playlist of 75 smash hits, tailored to their favourite artists identified during event preparation. Our DJ will play 10-15 seconds of various tunes, and if it matches a song on your card, simply click to mark it. Claim when you have a line of five, but beware of false claims, as they'll result in a forfeit perhaps singing along to "Oops I Did It Again.”

We create a high-energy, fun-filled atmosphere where participants are guaranteed a lively occasion with non-stop laughs, banter, and great memories. From pop quizzes to karaoke competitions or "Open Mic" sessions, we'll uncover the stars in your organization. Rest assured, everyone will depart with raised spirits, new connections, and perhaps even bragging rights and prizes. Winners are determined by being the first to successfully claim an agreed number of lines of 5, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, with the added excitement of dress-up and spot prizes enhancing the experience


Need 4 Speed is a frenetic table-based intervention that actively encourages participants to find the balance between speed and efficiency.

Optimising flow is critical to success as teams are challenged to form ultra efficient assembly lines and shave seconds off successive build times. Speed is rewarded but small mistakes can see teams slipping down the leader board. As the learning progresses and each stage is reviewed, the focus moves from individual team times to sharing best practice between teams to achieve the best possible aggregate production time. Never has there been a more important time to explore process improvement, Need 4 Speed is a great platform to ignite discussion within a context of practical fun.

Need 4 Speed clearly shows how processes can be improved if consistent methodology is applied and all team members take ownership of the changes and put them into action

Supports Strategic Planning Promotes Problem Solving Considers Risk Management Reinforces Process Improvement


Create an art masterpiece by connecting your ideas on the NET– WORK wall.

Net-work is a fun way of getting everyone interacting and freely expressing their opinion. Given a specific topic and a list of words that relate to that topic, participants are invited to select the words that mean the most to them in relation to that topic They connect their words on the art board and discuss their thoughts and opinions with other in the group. The interwoven results offer a colourful visual reference for facilitator´s debriefing and reflection. Counting the number of nodes with the most (or least) connections reveals natural data that can be used to measure the popularity of conference topics, shared values or gaps in understanding. The activity helps ‘break the ice’ and encourage a natural flow of conversation. By connecting the string with the statements, all participants ‘sign in’ to the collaborative creation of an art masterpiece which represents a powerful message.


Discover LIMIITLESS as you develop a growth mindset and the ingredients that deliver a culture of continuous improvement.

Teams work their way around several fun, interesting and different challenges. At each one they might compete against the clock or directly against another team and they win points according to how well they complete the challenge. There are several activities to choose from, but each one will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, with a short break between activities. The team at the end of the day with the most points wins!

Teams compete in several different sporting and mental challenges, winning points as they progress through the event, either on a beach or large grass area like a football pitch. You don’t have to be an expert and you don’t even have to be that physically fit to take part. Planning and resource management is key as you decide who takes part in which activity, making the best use of the skill set within your team to succeed.


Themed team negotiation & trading game by taking on the roles of deities.

Olympian Gods is a corporate team-building trading game that explores negotiation, information gathering, and networking. Each team plays as one of the 12 Olympian Gods, residing in a magnificent palace on Mount Olympus. The gods gather precious metals and divine fruits by forging friendships and using their wit and charm The game unfolds in four cycles, each representing a year Teams exchange treasures at the start of each year and receive special rewards for their collected items at year's end. As the game progresses, teams cultivate bonds and share their acquired wisdom

This quick and clever activity involves teams in lively negotiation and trading to maximize returns. While competitive, the best-performing teams are those that collaborate seamlessly and build mutual relationships. They discover the priceless value of information and the magic of building relationships for true success


The One Voice experience that creates team harmony through the power of song to benefit your workforce – short, sharp and hugely energising.

Delegates are first led through a series of fun exercises that stretch the body and voice. As confidence builds delegates are challenged to achieve more and more until, finally, the whole team comes together. In One Voice they show what can be achieved when they really open their hearts, minds and mouths.

Creating team harmony through the power of song. One Voice nurtures the power of song that is in all of us and, by combining all the voices in a team, demonstrates how the power of self-realisation and combined effort can create something truly wonderful We believe that once a team has found its 'voice' it can go on to achieve almost anything.


A powerful and emotional musical challenge with delegates coming under the conductor’s baton as a symphony orchestra.

A symphony orchestra is one of the best examples of a team working as one.

Emotionally and creatively the players must be tuned-in to each other, and people doing different tasks have to work together towards a common goal.

In Orchestrate a group of people with no musical ability learn to play like a real symphony orchestra in just 90 minutes. They play real instruments including strings, woodwind, brass and percussion Once the instruments have been chosen, they work in separate sections under the guidance of expert musicians.

When proficient they come together as one mighty symphony orchestra under the baton of the conductor for a rousing performance. The effect is electrifying!


Teams take on the role of a news team reporting the day’s news and publishing their own front page.

Out of the Box kicks off with participants being invited into the conference room to discover that the space is empty apart from several large wooden crates. The crate folds out into a large display stand and inside they find details on their issue, together with supporting material and props. Each team’s task is to create a display on the stand that addresses the issue and presents their analysis, findings and recommendations. Once completed, each display is brought to life with a presentation.

Challenging and lots of fun, Out of the Box has proved to be incredibly effective at harnessing the thinking power, creativity and knowledge of participants for a wide range of organisations In this experiential exercise participants learn to collaborate and work together as a team. Whatever your outcomes, Out of the Box can get your people thinking creatively about them in a fun relaxed environment that can be reflected on back in the office.


Peak Performance is a tablet based interactive business game where teams take the role of Expedition Leader on a 20-day expedition to summit Mount Everest.

Teams manage resources and monitor conditions, instructing their guides up Mount Everest to the summit over a 20-day expedition. Due to the complexity of the game and the number of variables involved, team members must take on individual roles, effectively , communicating information to the group and successfully completing physical challenges. They decide on how they will move each day and enter it into the game tablet. The team with the most points is declared the winner.

An experiential learning tool where participants learn using an engaging theme with tactile components, fun and relevant links to their business environment. Following the experience, participants use reflective observation to identify what occurred during the exercise, what decisions they made and the consequences of these decisions. Participants can make effective behavioural changes by understanding and accepting the implications of their choices


Uncover a world-renowned Perfume recipe.

Perfume is an escape game where participants must solve clues and puzzles to decrypt the perfume's formula. The game has four stages, and success depends on participants' interaction and sharing of information. Initially, participants are divided into eight teams, but they must connect and collaborate as the game progresses In the final stage, all teams must work together as one to uncover the perfume's formula.

To succeed, teams will need to utilize communication, problem-solving, teamwork, technology, and creative thinking. The game provides a relaxed platform for practicing soft skills, active listening, and understanding how diverse skill sets contribute to an effective team.


Teams remake their own video versions of popular classics.

Pop Factor combines a dynamic and creative team challenge with the chance for everyone to let their hair down and have fun. In Pop Factor teams take the role of a 70’s or 80’s pop band. They select a classic hit and choreograph a music video, dress up and perform! Teams refine and practice their performance and then film it! Once complete, as teams relax and watch each other’s music videos on the big screen, teams sing a long and laugh at the hilarious remakes.

In this fun, laughter filled team challenge participants lose their inhibitions and get creative. They are challenged to step out of their comfort zone and take on roles of acting, performing and filming with hilarious results. Time is tight, so teamwork, strategy and efficient allocation and implementation of roles and tasks are critical to success Through filming and re-filming, teams learn to work towards excellence within a challenging time frame.


Teams use teamwork to create and manipulate gigantic puppets.

Puppet Masters is a fully inclusive team activity where everybody has a clear understanding of their role in the bigger picture. Put your teams’ communication, process improvement and operational excellence skills to the test in Puppet Masters But it’s not all serious teamwork enhancement! Imagine the hilarity as each participant takes control of a different body part and attempts to mimic human actions like walking, waving or blowing a kiss.

In the finale, the laughs continue as teams make their puppet perform a popular dance move like Gangnam Style, bringing the house down. Puppet Masters requires all individuals to be involved in strategy and project planning both when constructing the puppet and manipulating it. It requires keen teamwork and crystalline communication to make the puppet carry out human actions


High energy, interactive, indoor tablet challenge which can be customised to deliver your key messages in a memorable way.

Push It! is a dynamic indoor tablet challenge, fully customizable to deliver your key messages memorably. With multiple tablets per team, all controlled centrally, the MC acts as quiz master, seamlessly managing the activity wirelessly Challenges, including skill tests, physical tasks, and brainteasers, appear simultaneously on each tablet, fostering playful interaction and reinforcing product knowledge. Select from a variety of adaptable, personalized activities to transform your groups into cohesive teams!

Energises a Conference Shared Experience Unifies the Group Breaks the Ice High Energy

Push It! is a meticulously crafted tablet-based quiz with an engaging, user-friendly interface that promotes maximum involvement. Customizable to reinforce product knowledge, brand awareness, or specific learning outcomes, it energizes conferences and unifies groups, leaving a lasting shared experience. This immersive, high-tech tabletop team-building activity is perfect for daytime conference energizers or evening entertainment.


Highly engaging app-based game of mental, physical and creative challenges, focusing on individual differences and risk and reward.

In Quickfire, successful teams work effectively together to weigh up risk and reward. With time ticking, participants must speak up and let the rest of the team know which challenges they can confidently complete.

Trust builds as challenges are completed successfully and individuals learn to appreciate each other’s different abilities. Group challenges require teams to employ innovative thinking They must utilise effective communication skills to arrive at a collective shared strategy and then jump into swift uninhibited action.

Quickfire is a lot of laughs! It leaves teams with a feeling of exhilaration and oneness! Most importantly, individuals have learnt to appreciate their own strengths and the diverse skills of others in their team


Festive, fun filled tablet-driven team challenges.

Santa arrives, delivering teams stockings filled with equipment and tablets loaded with a menu of seasonal games. Teams strategize to complete a variety of Quickfire challenges within a time limit, with tasks ranging from mental puzzles to creative endeavours. Challenges vary in cost and complexity, requiring teams to manage resources and assign talent wisely. As the clock ticks, the festive spirit grows, immersing participants in a competitive yet supportive atmosphere

As time presses on, participants shed inhibitions and trust in their abilities. Teams recognize their collective strength, growing more confident in managing risk and making decisions. Festive Quickfire fosters a can-do attitude and supportive culture, providing a platform for co-workers to bond, learn new skills, and engage on equal footing. It's an ideal way to reward teams, celebrate achievements, and focus on future goals. With flexibility, even in limited venues, it offers ample opportunity to customize key company messages


Motivating & invigorating themed quiz of risk & reward.

Quickfire Halloween is a themed quiz where teams embrace risk and collaboration, dressing up for spooky fun! They invest in challenges of varying difficulty levels to maximize points, from mental and creative tasks to active quests involving other teams. The game offers a range of challenges, including Halloween trivia, pumpkin activities, creative dress-ups, and spooky makeup. On-stage challenges add energy and bonus points, featuring campfire tales and dancing to spice up the excitement!

Quickfire Halloween offers something for everyone, promoting inclusivity and collaboration Teams balance planning and action, weighing risks and rewards to create a collaborative strategy. Effective communication is essential, with members actively assigning challenges based on individual strengths. Trust builds as challenges are completed successfully, fostering appreciation for different abilities. With the energy of a competitive quiz and team challenges, Quickfire Halloween ensures a shared experience for the whole group


Fun Olympic themed tablet-based team challenges.

The Quickfire Olympics begin with the traditional torch lighting ceremony. Each team receives a tablet, equipment box, and Greek game currency to strategically invest and complete challenges within a set time. Challenges range in difficulty and format, from photo and video tasks to logic puzzles. Teams select challenges wisely, considering costs and rewards. As time passes, the pace and risk-taking escalate, fostering an inclusive atmosphere of fun and urgency The winning team receives Olympic medals on the podium. The Quickfire App and activity content are fully customizable to align with your brand and values.

Within time constraints, individuals embrace confidence, shedding inhibitions. Teams acknowledge each member's strengths, fostering trust and a readiness for calculated risks. Pair and group challenges demand innovative thinking, effective communication, and shared strategy, culminating in swift, uninhibited action akin to the Olympic rings Quickfire is laughter-filled, leaving teams exhilarated, fostering sportsmanship and unity. Participants learn to value their strengths and appreciate the diverse skills within their team.


High energy, tablet driven strategic game with fun inclusive soccer themed team challenges.

Players start the game with a fully loaded iPad, a holdall of soccer equipment and a small amount of currency. The mental, creative and active tasks offered up by the tablet menu come with varied difficulty levels and take various forms! After the official Kick Off teams tackle the challenges, each has a cost of entry and a reward for successful completion Their mission is to invest wisely, out- manoeuvre other teams and complete as many challenges as possible to maximise points before the final whistle.

Individuals must have confidence in their strengths. As time progresses the team realises the strengths of everyone, build trust and confidently take on increasing risk for reward. Pair and group challenges require innovative thinking, effective communication skills and collective shared strategy culminating in swift uninhibited action Soccer Quickfire leaves teams with a feeling of exhilaration and oneness! And, most importantly individuals have learnt to appreciate their own strengths and the diverse skills of others in their team.


Benefit your whole community by creating a novel, imagination and donatable ‘work of art’ with your team.

Rags To Riches is an engaging CSR activity that advocates the belief for participants to give back to their community while simultaneously recycling unwanted items. After identifying a charity that will benefit from your event, we will help you organise the collection of clothing and other recyclable items from the participants. At the session, teams participate in a dynamic networking and communication challenge to create a giant version of a logo in pre-determined marked out areas using all the donated items.

Rags To Riches creates a unique, fulfilling and giving experience for your whole team. Rags To Riches encourages participants to think more about recycling unwanted items that would have otherwise been otherwise discarded. In an event that mobilises the whole team, teams both donate and create, proving that teamwork really can make a difference both to yourselves and to the world around you.

Fun and Motivating

Feel Good from Giving Back Networking Skills Unifies the Group


A series of engaging challenges that invite participants to step up and experience the thrill of setting the pace!

Raise the Bar is all about pushing boundaries. In sport, records are broken regularly. Benchmarks that were achieved yesterday are under threat today from athletes that dedicate themselves to working harder and smarter to find that little bit extra to earn the the right to stand on top of the winner’s podium

This action-packed adventure centres around a series of challenges teams need to apply themselves to Teams earn points based on their performance and compete to be declared the overall winners. There is a thrilling finale as they are informed that can choose 1 of the challenges to tackle again for BIG BONUS points. The aim now is to beat their time or distance from their first attempt! It’s not a “free lunch” however as they will LOSE points if they fail to improve. Should they stick or twist? How much do they believe in themselves? How badly do they want it?


Teams construct a series of contraptions which are joined together and triggered to create a marvelous series of events trapping the rat!

Within a set timeframe, each team builds a large contraption from a specially designed equipment kit. Once complete, teams collaborate to connect each team’s contraption into an amazing sequence of events. Once complete, the device is triggered, culminating in the dropping of a one-ton weight, trapping the rat and delivering success to the teams.

Rat Trap brings teams together to work in a cohesive manner Individuals must work together as a team within a limited amount of time to construct a section of the Rat Trap. Construction draws on logical problem solving, project management and leadership skills. Teams work towards a common goal communicating effectively and sharing ideas to connect the sections of the Rat Trap together. Once complete, they share in the joy of the success of the final collaborative work


A fun context to highlight company topics by dubbing voice over movie clips.

Each team begins with a short movie clip with the original dialogue removed.

Given a specific company related topic, the teams are challenged to script and rehearse logical dialogue that follows the action. The event culminates with a live presentation where each team takes their turn in an ‘on air’ booth Microphones are at the ready and the tension mounts as the countdown clock cues each team in.

Timing and co-ordination are key to perfect synchronisation. Re-dub is a powerful team building tool to explore messaging about communication, values and customer service. Strong leadership is required to complete the challenge to deadline. Role allocation, communication and bold decision making are critical to the success of the event


Use creative thinking and teamwork to stop the computer virus.

Teams receive a chilling video message from a masked Red Alert representative, warning of a hacking threat to their computer systems. To safeguard their data, each team must solve puzzles within a crate within 60 minutes. Clues from the video guide their progress through six puzzles in six draws, with Red Alert androids providing hints at a cost. Upon completing all puzzles, teams receive a single digit of a code Collaboration is key as teams assist each other in solving puzzles. Inputting all codes into the central Red Alert sphere stops the countdown and quarantines the virus.

Collaborative Problem Solving

Decision Making Under Pressure

Team Dynamics

Motivating and Engaging

Creative Thinking

Red Alert is a captivating experiential learning game that boosts teamwork and problem-solving in a dynamic setting. With its engaging theme and time pressure, participants remain fully immersed. Teams employ creative thinking and communication to strategize and solve puzzles. Throughout the game, members learn effective collaboration, celebrating successes to reinforce team bonds They cultivate innovative problem-solving skills, realising the importance of collective success as they collaborate towards the end.


Beat the drum for a common purpose and harmonise the energy and spontaneity of people working together well.

Participants are given a choice of drums and percussion instruments from around the world. Our instructors, who have years of experience in the corporate sector, introduce the participants to the basics of drumming and teach the language of rhythm using nonverbal communication techniques. Once the group can play as one and a group rhythm is established, musical breaks and solos are added to increase complexity and create a breath-taking shared musical experience

Rhythm and percussion empower and stir the emotions while drumming causes people to feel relaxed, rejuvenated and motivated. Revel Music is a quick and invigorating way to focus and unify a team at any conference or company event. It brings a sense of energy, unity and spontaneity to your conference Revel Music is designed to take place in the main conference room or outside, without the need for breakout rooms.


Afun,engaging activitywhereteamsbuildworking robots and program them to complete a series of challenges.

Teams represent a group of research scientists tasked with building and programming a robot that will form the basis for a new standard for collaborative Robots. Teams get creative building their Robots, connecting them with Bluetooth. Then it’s time to discover the “Blocky” coding menu and bring their creation to life!

Teams follow the easy step-by-step 3D, 360° instructions found on the Robot App in the Robot Revolution team kit. Teams select from a variety of robotic actions based on their desired outcomes and the time available

Building the robot is an engaging and enriching learning process. Team members have fun working together in this creative, hands-on process. Decisions on what tasks the robot will perform draws on collaborative decision-making skills and effective communication Individual strengths shine as the fundamentals of team dynamics are challenged while taking part in this experiential learning activity.


Teams have fun creating their own regional sausage delicacy.

Teams are provided with basic ingredients and resources to create a unique regional sausage. There are many types to choose from with even vegetarian options. Teams mix the raw ingredients and then stuff the mixture into casings. Its more challenging that it looks to produce the perfect sausage. Teams design a marketing campaign for their sausage. The sausages are then cooked, and the tasting and judging begins Prizes are awarded for the most popular sausages as the drinks flow.

Sausage sensation provides a range of innovative and tailored team activities for all participants. It highlights the benefits of individual participation and team collaboration while incorporating business specific objectives and organisational values. Sausage Sensation is a fun, memorable way to create value through inspiring togetherness.

Innovation and Creativity

Effectively Managing Resources Team Dynamics Promotes Problem Solving


Use creative thinking and teamwork in a limited timeframe.

Seconds Away is a fast-paced team board game that tests product knowledge and accelerates sales skills. Teams must recall company values under the pressure of a 15-second timer, answering time-based questions tailored to your business. We consult with you to customize the game and its supporting tablet application for your scenario It also serves as an excellent onboarding tool with questions exploring company culture, business procedures, and health and safety protocols. An optional 'Wellness' component boosts energy with timed fitness workouts suitable for all abilities

Training should be fun, relevant, and engaging for maximum impact! Seconds

Away is a flexible platform that gamifies conference content, enhancing team building and information retention. Its interactive gameplay promotes clear communication and quick decision-making under pressure The board game format provides a unique context for testing knowledge and improving learning. The light-hearted rules create a relaxed, inclusive atmosphere where individuals can hone skills and appreciate coworkers' abilities


A highly interactive workshop designed to help people understand how their own individual personality drives how they prefer to communicate.

Individuals complete a personality preference assessment, with supporting materials to help explain the meaning of words and options. The assessment is self-scoring, and the results are recorded and shared with the overall team. The lead facilitator will make a short presentation, describing the basis for each personality shape.

The ‘Shapes’ personality preferences are introduced and explored in an interactive, non-threatening way. This allows delegates to explore their own personality and their team member’s personality preferences in a safe and fun environment. It describes preferences rather than skills or abilities; no type is better than another- all are important to the team.

Understanding your

Improved teamwork

Overcoming Communication


Appreciate Others Preferred

Style of Communication


Team must balance speed with accuracy is assessing real time information to resolve a developing situation.

The event is driven by video briefs delivered at set time points throughout the programme to replicate “real time” updates. A countdown timer provides teams an indication of the time remaining until the next update. A briefcase which contains locked compartments is central to the program Each locked compartment provides the challenges and resources for teams to assess and solve to submit information for “Special Ops” to act upon. A secure device provides a link to “Special Ops” for teams to submit their findings

Teams will be challenged to think strategically and apply agile ways of working to link the right people and information at the right time. As a result, participants will develop an understanding and appreciation of the important role that cross functional communication plays in situational leadership and high performance under pressure.

Situational Leadership Promotes Strategic Thinking Cross Functional Communication Problem Solving


Stand tall in a race to the stars!

A fun, fast-paced activity to build the tallest structure with creative material. Teams of cross-functional units compete against each other to build the tallest building in 20 minutes!

Sky's the Limit requires teams to apply effective communication and cross functional cooperation. An engaging event which your people will draw on as a metaphor for great teamwork in time to come.


Explore the soccer nations of the World in this globe-trotting GPS activity.

In Soccer Nations, teams aim to score "goals" by completing challenges related to World Cup countries. Navigate to a country flag, tackle challenges on cuisine, general knowledge, and soccer trivia. Earn more goals by facing tougher challenges or switch locations for variety Plus, boost your score with bonus photo challenges. The final whistle brings results or an optional penalty shootout.

Soccer Nations is a fun team-building activity that fosters collaboration and trust, motivating participants to focus on shared goals while exploring the world's soccer nations. Limited time and a collective aim promote effective teamwork, decisionmaking, and efficient collaboration, leaving players energized and more connected.


Engage your crowd in the buzz of your event, where messages and photos come alive, keeping the excitement flowing.

Social Wall is a fun and interactive way to allow your crowd to participate in the buzz of your event by posting messages and photos to a centralized "wall" that you display for everyone in your crowd to see. The Social Wall steadily circulates and adds new posts as they are sent to keep the buzz of your event going The more the crowd sees it, the more they'll want to join in on the fun!

This is not a stand-alone activity; rather, it combines with most of our teambuilding activities as an added value to your chosen activity. The social wall can also be shared with you after the event.

▪ Integrate Twitter and Instagram using #hashtags and @handles or create a privatesocial wall that allows posting only through Crowd Sauce.

▪ The Social Wall displays both text & images from Twitter, Instagram, and Crowd Sauce.

▪ Optionally enable Post Approval mode where you can reject, edit, and approve all incoming posts from any source.

Keep up with the social pulse of your event! Allow your entire crowd to experience the social media stream of your event, groupmeeting, or activity The Social Media Wall lets you integrate Twitter, Instagram, or private Crowd Sauce only feeds complete with image-uploading and full moderation of all published posts, all with cool backgrounds.


A lively icebreaker that gets teams acting and dancing with hilarious results.

In *Sound Crowd*, participants wear headphones tuned to a specific frequency, following a voice that guides them to act out scenarios in sync with the music. As the tracks change, each participant receives unique instructions, gradually becoming more confident and expressive, especially with the help of extroverts in the room They soon realize that not everyone is performing the same action—some might be steering husky dogs in the wind, while others are miming reactions to a firework display. As they mingle and identify those doing the same actions, they group together to build balloon towers, all while still dancing and unable to communicate verbally.

Stimulates Creativity

Energises & Brings Focus

Enhanced Group Connectedness

Increased Capacity to Learn

*Sound Crowd* is a lively icebreaker that guarantees 100% engagement, getting everyone moving, grooving, and grinning. It breaks down barriers as participants connect through sounds and actions, with verbal communication replaced by pure body language, enthusiasm, and fun. This unique format fosters interaction and laughter, adding energy to any conference. The flexible design allows tracks to be tailored to suit any group, enhancing or mirroring the event’s theme.


Take ownership of your organisation’s values using this interactive platform to share, align and plan together as a team.

In Speak Up Speak Out participants explore and take ownership of company values and critical success factors. A series of thought-provoking statements are tabled for discussion, for example: “Must be a team player”, “Stop at nothing to win”, or “Not just a trait but a lifestyle”. Participants indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with the statements and express the reasons for their opinions. This generates a discussion which each team member takes a turn at leading, ensuring that everyone has a voice.

A fully customised, focused discussion activity where team members are given a platform to air their views. It fosters assertive communication as participants can both speak and listen as they challenge each other. A variety of application includes mission, vision and values assimilation; customer service strategies, sharing of best practices and exploring company culture.


Highly energising, gamified “get to know you” activity that is fun and valuable

Utilising conference tables or pairs of chairs, we arrange the group into partnerships for introductions, followed by our Event Director's briefing on a simple format and 5 tips for effective networking. Each delegate receives a "Game Card" to share personal and professional traits with partners, followed by a bonus question for deeper connections. After 2 minutes, participants engage in traditional speed networking.

Not all bonuses are traditional; we can add fun challenges like dancing, singing, taking selfies, and short interactive games. Optionally, we can end with a "Game Show" activity where contestants answer questions about people they've met to win spot prizes, encouraging memory retention and closing the event on a high note


A fully customisable, hilarious “Wheel Of Fortune” style game show that’s guaranteed to wow any crowd.

The best part about our Spin and Win game show is that it can be easily tailored by using your very own slogans, catchphrases, movies, and TV shows. The game is just as much fun as it’s shown on television. This game show is the ultimate word puzzle where contestants spin our wheel and attempt to solve a “Toss Up” puzzle. Whoever buzzes in first and solves the puzzle, takes control of the wheel. Teams then get 1 spin and an opportunity to guess a letter. If they guess correctly, they earn points for their team and can try to solve the puzzle If they can’t, the next team takes control of the wheel, and game play continues until the puzzle is solved.

It’s great as pure entertainment but also perfect for learning sessions, a conference brain break or as an engaging way to drive home important business messages. Who ever thought learning about Health & Safety, Customer Service, Ethics & Compliance or Financial Regulations could be so exciting!


Based off the TV series theme, Squad Game is an exciting challenge proving that unity ALWAYS beats division.

Squad Game is an engaging team-based challenge that has all the excitement and intrigue but none of the individualism or physical danger of the hit TV series.

There are no long complicated briefs or confusing instructions The games are simple to understand, and the objective and rules are always clear. However, charting a path to success is a challenge and there is always another team that you must outperform to win

The challenges are varied and get progressively more difficult with each new round meaning you’ll have to dig a little deeper and adapt with agility and intelligence to be successful. The winning team will be the ones that best manage to leverage one another's strengths


Teams are given the opportunity to produce amazing looking and tasting dishes from all over the world.

Street food sensation gives your teams the opportunity to become a part of the phenomenon that is street food as they are given the chance to prepare street food from number countries all over the world. After welcomes, introductions and a fun ice-breaker we brief the delegates on the challenge that we have prepared for them. We then announce the teams and get the ball rolling.

Each team selects an envelope which contains the name of the dish that they will be creating and its potluck as to what they draw. The teams then get to work and begin preparing their chosen dishes. Once the teams are done preparing their dishes, the judges will get the opportunity to taste and rate the team’s efforts. They will then award the overall winning team their trophies and titles. A high impact end to a memorable experience! Delegates will then get the chance to sit down and enjoy a meal made up of the varies dishes prepared by the teams that day.


Fun, interactive, themed activity where teams pull together to climb a virtual mountain.

Guided by the custom-built app, teams play the role of an Expedition Team on a multi-level journey. Fun and engaging challenges earn team's points and move them up the levels different roles including. The ultimate goal is to travel from Base Camp to the Summit successfully - and take a celebratory team photo "on the top," of course. There are options to include varied physical challenges, customised company questions and add a powerful CSR component to the challenge Playing the role of a virtual Expedition team in fun but time-pressured simulation helps teams explore the new rules of engagement and become more effective team players. shared experiences of creativity and a team focus on the final goal –the Summit! is an experiential experience that is directly transferable to work teams.


Only the strong survive but everyone has great fun!

Players access our browser-based platform via QR code, conference app link, or manual URL entry on their mobile or tablet. In Survivor Trivia, answering each question correctly is crucial to progress and win. Incorrect answers or failure to answer in time results in elimination, though players can still participate for fun. Questions start simple with no tricks, allowing educated guesses, including some obscure ones Ready for the pressure? Try this: "Which came first, wheels on luggage or man on the moon?”

After each question, we show the remaining "alive" players on both individual devices and the venue's big screen. We can also highlight those who answered every question correctly as The Ultimate Survivors, but the real fun is in continuing until only one player remains standing.

The Last Ones Standing is fully customizable with logos, colours, and content, offering a fast, enjoyable, and memorable experience led by a charismatic presenter and polished gameplay, ensuring repeat playability.


Upskill your teamwork capabilities with our fun, AI bot-driven minigames

Synergyk is a series of "Hall Games" played in a conference room. Participants are assigned to a team table, and the host guides the teams via a series of audiovisual media through a series of minigames. Interactions with the game are done via electronic components such as buttons, joysticks, or LEDs, creating a unique user experience The different minigames, which combine puzzles, coordination, and other skills, give every player a chance to use their abilities and have a great time. The 8-bit music and the minigames' style have a nostalgic 80s feel.

Collaborative Problem Solving

Inclusive Gameplay

Forge New Connections

Celebrate Diversity

Boost Meeting Energy

Evaluate Competencies

This game format fosters shared experiences and a level playing field as players navigate together, relying on teamwork to progress Small group sizes ensure active participation, with the game analysing team scores in each minigame to generate a comprehensive team report. SYNERGYK not only cultivates strong team dynamics but also offers valuable insights to employers and managers on their teams' strengths and weaknesses in teamwork and problem-solving.


Been there, done that, designed the t-shirt. A creative challenge promoting the conference or company message.

In T-Shirt Masterpiece participants put their creative and organisational skills to the test to create powerful, wearable messages that focus on your organisation, its people, shared values and goals. The teams are provided with a plain white t-shirt for each participant. Their challenge is to develop a creative and impactful design for the t-shirt that promotes their team, the company or its products and services. Each team must produce a common approach to their designs with humour, artistic skill and memorable slogans being strongly encouraged.

Time will be of the essence, so it is essential that each team works as one to collaborate on their ideas and utilise the skills and strengths of everyone. When the production stage is reached, a range of printing materials is made available together with advice and assistance from our own team of expert designers. Once all the shirts are completed a fashion show can be staged where teams parade creations and display their messages T-Shirt Masterpiece is a fantastic way to engage your people in your conference themes.


Forge Bonds, Make Deals, Win Together!

Step into our thrilling corporate event, inspired by "Deal or No Deal" but with a twist prizes await! Any venue transforms into a vibrant game show set, complete with music and lights, immersing you in excitement. Guided by an engaging emcee, guests select mystery boxes for exciting surprises, with heart-pounding decisions and unexpected twists. Beyond the game, bond with colleagues, fostering unity and camaraderie. As the final briefcase reveals its prize, celebrate triumph and create lasting memories Don't miss this unforgettable evening of fun and excitement for all involved!

"Take It Or Leave It" isn't just about gameplay it's a chance to learn while bonding. As participants negotiate and tackle challenges, they also forge connections and strengthen relationships. Through shared experiences and collaborative decision-making, individuals build valuable networks and foster a cohesive team dynamic.


Show your creativity and organisational abilities by crafting impactful wearable messages centered on your organisation, its people, shared values, and goals.

The teams are provided with one or two pairs of a plain white takkies dependent on the number of delegates taking part in the activity. Their challenge is to develop a creative and impactful design for the takkies that promotes their team, the company or its products and services. For instance, the takkies design could also be used to reinforce the core messages and themes of the conference, focus on company values or just celebrate success. Importantly, each team must produce a common approach to their designs with humour, artistic skill and memorable slogans being strongly encouraged.

Time will be of the essence, so it is essential that each team works as one to collaborate on their ideas and utilise the skills and strengths of everyone in the team.

When the production stage is reached a range of printing materials is made available, together with advice and assistance from our own team of expert designers. Takkie

Masterpiece is a fantastic way to engage your people in your conference themes and provides a unique and wearable reminder of a successful event.


A self-assessment tool for post events.

The Team Assessment Tool is used to debrief your teams following any team building activity by using a web-based tool on their mobile device - phone or tablet. Individuals can use the tool to reflect on their team's performance by rating and commenting on a series of statements Finally, a graphical representation of their responses is shown to participants.

*Meaningful data can be provided to the company with the permission of the participants. Teams are encouraged to reflect on and share their team's performance, as well as to draw on key outcomes experienced during the team building activity.

Encourages Reflection


Note: This is not a stand-alone activity; rather, it combines with most of our teambuilding activities as an added value to your chosen activity


Inspire, Involve, Innovate: Unleash Your Team's Potential

Survivors, often victims of circumstance, scrape through by the skin of their teeth, their goal solely to "not be eliminated," rendering them one-dimensional figures in bleak, often hopeless surroundings. In contrast, a SUR5OR embodies five crucial values, embracing challenging situations to emerge victorious and stylish, embodying the spirit of successful team players of the 21st century. With high ambitions and a habitat brimming with opportunity, they choose their path, thriving in landscapes full of promise

We've revamped Survivor with the Dream Team approach, keeping the fun and challenge while ditching selfishness and rivalry, creating a motivational program that strengthens your team. Sur5or is all about thriving, and your company is filled with Sur5ors—we're here to help you prove it! This theme sets the scene for an engaging multi-activity event that captivates everyone, giving corporate veterans a chance to showcase valuable instincts beyond the Rambo traits seen in media


Teams compete to correctly identify the aroma profiles of popular gins.

Teams quickly receive the rules and their box of botanicals after a brief introduction, encouraged to banter and boast as they aim to be the first to identify the aroma profiles of popular gin brands worldwide Armed with smelling strips, they embark on the task, sparking entertaining discussions and collaborative efforts to reach a consensus. After submitting their answers, teams enjoy more conversation and boasting as results are calculated, with collaboration rewarded with another round of G&Ts as everyone reflects on their newfound knowledge.

Team Tonic provides an entertaining evening, testing deductive skills in a relaxed, sociable atmosphere a perfect conference finale merging team building with a corporate nightcap Enjoy stimulating conversation, light-hearted competition, and refreshing G&Ts while engaging in quick, informed decision-making and persuasive communication. This enjoyable networking activity fosters relaxation and laughter as teams listen to and discuss diverse opinions, debating their way to collective decisions.


Teams design, construct and decorate a car, then race it in a drag strip finale!

Teams create and construct their cars by participating in a series of team challenges. They design and decorate banners and promotional materials to support and cheer on their team. Then it’s time for the race. The teams line up at the start When the flag flies, mechanics pump air into the rocket forcing the car off the starting grid. The aim is to land a car closest to the middle of a zone at end of the track, accomplished by a combination of weight and drag.

Teams draw on their communication, leadership and project management skills in a series of exercises in order to gain the components to construct their cars and then build them with a limited number of resources within an allotted time.

Creativity and innovation is required to design a team slogan and banner. The race itself is a fun, energising and motivational exercise which enhances team dynamics and unites teams.


Team wellbeing is a journey, not a destination.

Team Wellbeing is a collaborative activity prompting participants to consider their role in team wellness during the game and in the workplace. Through physical, mental, and creative tasks on a team tablet, teams focus on everyday actions and behaviours. The activity unfolds in three stages: first, participants recognize how their actions impact team wellbeing; then, they decide on actions to enhance collective wellness; finally, they understand the need for ongoing efforts for consistent behaviour. Teams create a plan with specific actions and timeframes, recorded on the Tree of Wellbeing, serving as a reminder and catalyst for ongoing wellbeing efforts when displayed in the office.

Team Wellbeing develops skills, an action plan and a commitment to the wellbeing of the team. The game is focused on the primary factors connected to wellbeing. This includes Meaningful Communication, Vitality and Strength, Joy and


Teams collaborate and communicate to create an enormous multi-canvas artwork, reflecting your goals and values.

The Big Picture teambuilding exercise commences with individuals joining into small teams. Teams are issued with brushes, paint, printed information and canvases. They then set about as a team to draw outlines on and then paint their canvases

Teams soon realise that for the overall artwork to be of high quality they need to collaborate with other teams. Once complete, the highlight of The Big Picture is the final reveal where, following a debriefing session, the masterpiece is unveiled to all participants for the first time.

Loud cheers and thunderous applause follow. The final artwork can be displayed at your office to be admired by all who see it whilst acting as a reminder to your entire company as to what can be achieved when everyone works together


Teams employ educated guesswork and bluff as they venture into the intriguing world of antiques.

Teams browse the curios. Simple questions will provoke lively debate as to age, value and intended use of each item. Teams then take it in turns to provide three descriptions of an antique, only one of which is correct. The other teams guess which description is the correct one The truth is revealed, and the winners awarded prizes!

Curio Show is the ideal networking tool, cleverly stimulating discussion, wit and storytelling to create a sociable and positive atmosphere.

Curio Show focuses the mind as it fosters intelligent enquiry and deductive reasoning in a fascinating and intriguing way, leaving participants with lasting skills, memories and connections


Teams create a giant flowing domino masterpiece! When set off, the fastest and most creative domino rally wins!

Each team will be charged with creating their very own giant Domino masterpiece, each with their own intricacies and adaptations. The first part of the activity will require teams to compete for various items

Depending on how teams fare in these early challenges will determine how simple their final task becomes. Once this initial competition has ceased each team will be given their dominos and all materials, they have earned to build a masterpiece, that eventually will pop their balloon.

With the challenge to create the fastest domino rally, collective decisions are important Will they complete all the challenges to reduce the number of parts, or will they concentrate on planning and construction? Teams learn the importance of proto-typing and patience in testing to ensure the final project is successful. The importance of planning and decision making is highlighted in the success of the result.


Bring the thrill of a TV game show to your conference or office with a fully automated experience that stays true to the original.

In "The Feud," your team is divided into rival families, each vying to outsmart and outplay the other, creating tension and excitement. This engaging and interactive game keeps everyone on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next challenge. With fast-paced rounds and brain-teasing questions, "Family Challenge Showdown" tests your team's knowledge, problem-solving, and communication skills, igniting cheers and applause as teams compete to guess top survey-based answers. What sets ”The Feud" apart is its focus on fostering teamwork and collaboration. As your team strategizes, discusses, and makes quick decisions under pressure, they'll develop a stronger bond and build trust among teammates The game is designed to encourage open communication, active listening, and effective problem-solving, making it the perfect teambuilding activity for any group.


Enter the glamorous and exciting world of TV Game Shows!

Working in teams, contestants pitch their wits against each other over a series of quiz rounds, including the Weakest Link, So You Think You Can Dance, X-factor, What Happened Next and many more. The action takes place both on and off the stage, either on an individual or a team basis Performers can get up on stage, but if you are shy, you can do the tasks at your table. Whether you are best at beating the clock or racing to the finish, there is something for everyone to take part in.

The Great Big Game Show is flexible and can be spaced over an event or an evening’s activities with the option of adapting the content to include questions and activities relative to your conference themes. It can be sports related, general knowledge or competitor related. Teams will play against each other in several challenge rounds, lead and organized from the stage by a game show host


Self-build wildlife habitats

Green Game combines social responsibility with team building, tasking teams with constructing sustainable bird boxes, insect hotels, and bat boxes. Teams begin by completing "eco challenges" on iPads to earn materials for their projects, fostering resourceful innovation through fun and varied mental and physical tasks. Decisive leadership, strategy, and effective communication are crucial as teams juggle multiple tasks to gain an advantage. With essential materials stockpiled, teams divide roles and produce eco-friendly wildlife habitats, following three-dimensional blueprints to build and decorate timber structures according to specific criteria.

The Green Game is a fun, reflective, practical, and inclusive activity fostering local impact and positive shared experiences. Participants delve into their local ecology and the impact of human activity on bird, bat, and insect populations, discovering positive actions to restore balance. Serving as a relaxed platform, the game allows coworkers to bond, break the ice, and explore team dynamics. To succeed, teams collaborate effectively, balancing risk and reward as time ticks away Trust grows as challenges are tackled, and individuals appreciate each other's abilities.


A deceptively challenging & fun teamworking ice-breaker and collaborative activity.

Helium stick is a very simple, but powerful activity that helps a group to explore what to do when things don’t go quite as well as intended! It is an excellent icebreaker in teamwork / teambuilding events and can be set-up and run anywhere there is space for a team to stand together

The effect produced is for the Helium Stick to rise into the air when the group is trying to lower it The rich discussions that follow this short task can lead into a wide number of areas including leadership, individual performance, communication, goal setting, project management, culture and compliance.


Exciting teambuilding in the virtual world! Players exchange roles in the real world to save a young man trapped in the virtual world.

A team of white hat hackers are called to a special secret mission. One team member at a time wears the VR headset to describe the virtual world, while the teammates in the real world have the solutions, comprised of a set of locked modules, which open the doors of different rooms

Just when they think they are done, they are pushed to a second level, and must go through the same rooms with more complicated lock systems. The game’s objective is to create competition between teams, with a main screen showcasing the evolution of multiple teams in one game session.

The Infinite Loop is a versatile, and powerful tool for debriefing on complex issues affecting modern businesses working with remote teams, employing agile methodologies.


Only the strong survive but everyone has great fun!

Players access our browser-based platform via QR code, conference app link, or manual URL entry on their mobile or tablet browser. In The Last Ones Standing, participants must answer every question correctly to advance, with incorrect answers or exceeding time leading to elimination. Questions start straightforward with no tricks, though some obscure ones may challenge players to make educated guesses. Are you ready for the pressure: “Which came first, wheels on luggage or man on the moon”?

After each question, we display the surviving players, unveiling "The Last Ones Standing" who answered every question correctly, until only one player remains. Representing their teams, the excitement and tension remain high Completely brandable, this game offers customization with logos, backgrounds, and colours. With a charismatic presenter and slick gameplay, it guarantees a quick, enjoyable, and memorable experience, keeping players coming back for more.


Solve the puzzle!

A bespoke design is created based on your conference themes and corporate messages and then cleverly crafted into a complicated jigsaw puzzle. Each delegate table will be given a selection of pieces, and the entire room will be asked to come up and solve the puzzle at the front of the room Chaos pursues as everyone tries to place their piece in the correct position, using only competitive energy and zero strategy or planning. Delegates are asked to return to their seats unsuccessful and are given a few key teamwork points to assist them to complete the challenge. A plan and strategy is carved out and the delegates successfully solve the puzzle in a short amount of time revealing the pre-designed artwork image. The Perfect Fit engages participants with your conference themes or corporate messages in a fun, light way. Its sure to get everyone thinking and stimulate open discussion. The Perfect Fit is a powerful backdrop for the rest of your conference and can be mounted back at the workplace as a reminder what can be achieved when everyone works together.


An international chase after a suspect wanted for a series of audacious heists.

"The Take Down" is an all-digital escape room playable on any device. Teams of 46 players use evidence in their digital dossier and online to unravel the mystery a notorious art thief's identity and prevent further thefts. Perusing documents on his associates, stolen artwork, past life, and potential targets, players become fully immersed in the story The high-quality website contains their digital dossier, tasks, and videos from a field agent for updates and guidance.

Players sift through various documents and photos, from newspaper clippings passports, immersing themselves in a world of intrigue as they multitask and collaborate. With time ticking away, each breakthrough brings celebration and sense of achievement. In The Take Down, teams must strategically connect puzzle pieces, fostering agile ways of working and highlighting the importance of cross functional communication in situational leadership and high-pressure performance


Teams learn about the basics of colour processes, art and customer profiling then apply these principles to an art masterpiece.

Teams are given a 3D object, which will be their canvas as well as black and white- and primary-coloured paints. They learn about the relationship between colour and our emotions and feelings. Teams decide on a customer profile and then determine how they will represent it in colour. They decide on a relevant artistic style, draw a sketch plan and then paint their artwork Once complete, participants walk around the artworks discussing the characteristics of the profiled client. In Think Art participants learn about the relationship between colour and emotions. Teams discuss customer profiling in a light-hearted and thought-provoking manner.

Creativity is unleashed as they represent a customer profile in art. For teams to be successful, individuals must listen to each other, be respectful of differing opinions and reach a common consensus within a limited time frame


Construct life-size human forms.

Using simple materials, just clear duct tape and plastic wrap, teams create a life size human form of a designated team member. The teams then come together to join their ‘time bound’ human statues into a predetermined installation, which can take on an infinite number of forms enabling it to match a conference theme or key learning. Once created, the installation can be assembled and photographed in a public space or illuminated adding to the fun and creativity

Time Bound is a fun shared experience, which will have participants smiling and laughing. Its informal nature enables participants to let their creative ideas roam. Teams need to collaborate and communicate effectively with each other to achieve a successful result. Teams can consist of staff from all levels transcending company hierarchy enabling them to relax with each other as they join in the hilarity of this tactile event. Just as the name suggests, Time Bound literally binds people together

Unifies the Group High Energy Shared Experience Focuses the Mind


Fun, flexible engagement tool to explore best practices and re-affirm company values

Time to Talk is the perfect tool to ignite spontaneous conversations and energize your meetings, whether online or offline. After a quick onboarding, players enter breakout rooms and join the game on their cell phones or desktops. This browser-based game requires no app download, ensuring instant accessibility. The energy kicks in as the platform randomly selects a speaker to perform a customized challenge within a set time. Speakers can opt to increase the challenge's difficulty for added excitement. After feedback from other players, the game continues with a new speaker until everyone has had their turn in the spotlight!

Time to Talk sparks spontaneous conversations, fostering creativity and inclusivity by giving each player an equal voice. The game nurtures a feedback culture and promotes active listening, fostering bonds between players and enhancing motivation, engagement, and corporate culture.


Where strategy meets teamwork in the ultimate balance of risk and reward!

In the Tipping Point game, teams must carefully balance risk and reward. Each team takes turns collecting as many coins as they want, but they must avoid crossing the critical tipping point, or they face elimination. The game consists of three rounds designed to narrow the field to just two players. By the final round, the player with the most coins is crowned the winner This engaging game tests strategy, nerve, and decision-making skills, making every move crucial. Will you push your luck or play it safe? The ultimate test of balance awaits!

Playing Tipping Point enhances decision-making, strategic thinking, collaboration, and communication. It promotes adaptability and resilience, fostering teamwork, trust, and a shared sense of achievement. This makes Tipping Point a powerful tool for organisational growth and cohesion. It’s also a lot of Fun!


Teams focus on efficiency and creativity as they build a process, build a team and help a child in need.

Provided with a mixed bag of whacky wooden parts, teams are challenged to combine components and produce a range of high-quality children’s toys. Threedimensional blueprints guide participants through the process and detail a whole range of toy designs Once quality checked, the toys are then creatively decorated with brand colours. Teams then design innovative and educational games using the toys. A fun informal finale allows each team to take the stage and show off their game & creations.

Teams experience creating efficient production lines and quality control systems to achieve customer satisfaction in a fun, inspiring way. Team dynamics come into play as all individuals must be involved in a productive way for group success. The toys and any game material are donated to a local children’s charity, school or home of your choice.


Highly immersive pirate-themed game exploring negotiation, information gathering and networking.

Each team plays the crew of a pirate ship that arrives with a hull full of ‘booty’ to trade. Their goal is to accumulate treasure by building relationships with other traders in port, while using their guile to gather vital market information. The game takes place over 4 years Each year commences with teams trading and ends with them returning to port, to collect bounty on certain goods. As the game progresses, teams develop relationships with other teams and share gained knowledge

A quick and clever activity where teams negotiate and trade to maximise their returns. Although this is a competitive exercise, the most successful teams are those that collaborate with others to build win-win outcomes while at the same time focusing on their own bottom-line results During a review process, winning strategies are shared, and pertinent learnings are applied to the workplace.


Fast-moving, immersive business game where information is power, negotiation is a valued skill and trust is paramount.

Set in the lawless Wild West town of Dodge City during the 1860s, Trading Post is centred in a time of great opportunity for the wise and quick-witted but a place of potential disaster for the unwary and ill-informed. The game takes place over 4 years. Each year commences with teams trading and ends with them returning to returning to their respective wagons for a pay-out on certain goods. Here families share knowledge. As the game progresses, teams develop relationships with other teams and share gained knowledge

A quick and clever activity where teams negotiate and trade to maximise their returns. Although this is a competitive exercise, the most successful teams are those that collaborate with others to build win-win outcomes while at the same time focussing on their own bottom-line results. During a review process, winning strategies are shared, and pertinent learnings are applied to the workplace.


Teams race to get all team members to a central island and open a treasure chest.

In Treasure Island, teams work to get all team members to a central island and open a treasure chest. They have 3 beams, a rope and, luckily, there are small rocks in between that work as safe places. They use the beams to make bridges between them and move the whole team toward the island. As teams move closer to the island, the methods they used before no longer work. Teams soon realise that to succeed they must collaborate. Together the teams can work their way to the island and open the chest for a great surprise

Treasure Island has been called the 3 S Island: Synergy, Sharing and Solidarity, because that’s the attitude needed to reach it, like so many real-life challenges. The game demands that agile thinking is rewarded. Just like a real-life scenario, participants must employ innovative thinking and not get stuck in habitual processes. Agile thinking and effective communication assists teams to manage change. It is a challenging experiential learning activity that requires creative problem solving and appreciation of the power of collaboration for success


Teams race to get all team members to a central island and open a treasure chest.

Join Tree Mend Us for a unique Urban Quest that blends community engagement with environmental stewardship Armed with a golden spade, saplings, and the Go Team app, teams embark on an eco-treasure hunt to plant trees in designated locations like schools, parks, and hospitals. This isn't guerrilla planting; we ensure trees are welcomed in these spaces Teams start competitively but soon realize their collective impact. Between plantings, they receive bonus challenges from a kindness generator to benefit the local community. Celebrate success with a thank-you ceremony and press coverage, fostering a genuine sense of making a difference.

Teams collaborate on engaging challenges and quizzes to find designated locations

Research shows that working together for social or environmental causes fosters bonds. Planting trees in familiar areas creates lasting memories and positive environmental change. Tree-Mend-Us promotes health, wellbeing, and environmental mindfulness, illustrating that collective efforts lead to significant impact.


Explore personality and cultural difference.

The ‘True Colours’ personality preferences are introduced and explored in an interactive, non-threatening way. The results describe preferences rather than skills or abilities No type is better than another; each one has its own typical characteristics and represents the differences in the way people prefer to behave. A variety of exercises are then used to link the theory of the personality colours to practical work examples and typical issues faced in communication.

The ‘True Colours’ communication program is a tool that helps employees to:

• Understand themselves and their behaviours

• Appreciate others to make constructive use of different individuals

• Improve leadership and teamwork

• See that approaching challenges in different ways can be healthy and productive for the team.

• Use the insights gained to create new processes and behaviours that will motivate others


Learn trust and rapport building skills in this business game themed on airport customs.

Participants are guided through a series of experiential activities to learn about the role of facial expressions, body language, congruity of speech and eye assessing cues in relation to trust and deception. These skills are put to the test as teams adopt the roles of arriving passengers or the customs officials aiming to detect contra.

The ability to identify both truth and deception allows you to build better business relationships based on trust and confidence in others. It helps in any decisionmaking process which involves other people and leads to a competitive business advantage. This sophisticated business simulation provides the bedrock for understanding trust, fundamental to corporate social responsibility. Encourage your staff towards better communication with Trust or Bust!


Teams give to increase their wealth in a festive themed negotiation game.

Each team plays the role of elves, Santa's little helpers tasked with preparing gifts and decorations in the lead up to Christmas. Their goal is to accumulate goods by building relationships with other groups of Elves, while using their cunning to gather vital information. The game takes place over 4 game days, each day starts with the groups of Elves trading and ends with them returning to Lapland, to be rewarded by Santa. As the game progresses, the groups of elves develop relationships with other groups of elves and share gained knowledge

A quick and clever activity where teams negotiate and trade to maximise their returns. Although this is a competitive exercise, the most successful teams are those that collaborate with others to build win-win outcomes while at the same time focusing on their own bottom-line results. During a review process, winning strategies are shared, and pertinent learnings are applied to the workplace.


An alternative Olympiad providing sport for all. A celebration of indigenous games from all corners of the World.

The group divides into 2 opposing tribes and numerous sub-teams within each. First, team create their own custom-made tribal regalia Dressed to impress, each team then rotates through a circuit of ‘quests’, competing head-to-head with teams from the opposing tribe. Points accumulated by the teams contribute to their tribe’s total score. In the closing ceremony teams face off for a Haka showdown. The team with the highest points is declared the winner!

Participants are introduced to unusual traditional sports in a way that encourages participation, inclusion and mutual respect. Designed to set the pulse racing, this healthy experience develops team dynamics while having fun! Strategy is key to success as the rules enable teams to play to their strengths, resting chosen players during some challenges in order to reserve strength for their preferred quests.


Release inhibitions, bring people together and create Hawaiian-style musical magic as you play the ukulele

In Uke Can Do It participants are tutored by two charismatic Ukulele masters. They learn chords, tricks and routines and are soon mastering well-known tunes

The climax of the experience is a rendition of a Hawaiian song complete with chants, dancing and traditional floral leis. After 30 minutes of this high-energy and rewarding experience, the participants will have proved that they ‘can do it’ and will be hooked on the happiest instrument in the world.

Music is renowned for releasing stress, being uplifting and creating unity. Uke Can Do does just that with a fun and happy instrument, the Ukulele. t’s a fantastic tool to kick-start a meeting or raise energy levels after a break Energiser, icebreaker and team building session all in one. This event creates a strong sense of personal achievement. As an option, participants can take away their very own specially branded Ukulele.


Multi-player virtual reality team activity that boosts pro-social behaviour, team dynamics and communication skills.

CSI Space Odyssey is an immersive murder mystery team-building activity set on a space station. With high-definition graphics and escape room-style challenges, all team members stay engaged throughout. Sharing VR headsets, teams work together to uncover the mystery behind an intergalactic murder, exploring abandoned starships and collecting clues along the way. Interactive features and digital sound effects heighten the experience as teams' piece together evidence to crack the case.

Deduction Determining Belief from Reality Team Dynamics

CSI Space Odyssey is a multiplayer VR game fostering leadership and teamwork skills amid competition and time constraints. Teams discover the importance of active listening and strategic questioning for success. By employing deductive reasoning, teams connect premises to reach logical conclusions. With each player's turn, teams enhance their ability to discern the gap between belief and reality The competitive drive to be the first team with the right answer promotes pro-social behavior, ensuring active engagement and collective effort from all members.


Match the clues in the real world with those in the virtual world to find out the mysteries of the Grange Hotel.

The scene is The Grange, a famous elegant hotel from yesteryear. A place of sojourn for the rich and famous. A murder has taken place. Your team are detectives Can you discover where the murder took place? How were they killed?

The motive and ultimately who was the killer? In this competitive race against the clock all team members take it in turns to enter the virtual world and communicate what they see. Team members in the real world must use the virtual clues and align them with the clues in the real-world using teamwork and clever creative thinking to solve the mystery first ahead of the other teams.

CSI Whodunnit? is a multiplayer VR game emphasizing teamwork and clear communication Players must observe and relay information effectively, while realworld participants practice active listening and strategic questioning. Sorting through data, teams learn to focus on relevant questions and improve collaboration through deductive reasoning. Competition fosters team spirit, driving all participants to strive for excellence and collective success.


A virtual reality, multiplayer bank heist with all the colour and excitement of the real thing!

This highly engaging team building activity captures the tension and drama of La Casa de Papel in a multiplayer VR game Participants 'puzzle' their way through several game levels, swapping headsets between stages to ensure everybody experiences an array of next-level VR environments. During their adventure teams must solve all manner problems; cracking safes, defusing bombs, silencing alarms and finally digging their way out of their virtual world and back to reality.

Success in Casa de Dinero requires teams to assimilate information quickly, communicate effectively and value the individual skills of their colleagues. Participants must be aware of their surroundings and communicate clearly when they take their turn in the virtual world. Identifying which information is relevant to answering the questions is important as time short. Deduction and collaborative problem-solving skills will be sharpened.


Relax, focus and invigorate your team with the ancient Japanese martial art, Karate.

Participants are introduced to Karate by a Karate-ka, Karate practitioner. A form of combat which involves hand techniques and striking body movements. The activity commences with the participants learning to count from 1 to 10 in Japanese and then applying this to controlled breathing. After a warmup, they are then led through basic karate stretching exercises to increase muscle control and flexibility The exercise ends with meditation to cool down.

In We Can Do participants learn breathing techniques and apply them to Karate kata, a series of moves and a final mediation. Research shows that even a brief period of karate focusing on breathing, mediation and body movement stimulates the endorphins for up to 4 hours. Participants attest to improved mood, feeling happier, focused and invigorated ready to take on the next part of their day.


A fun ice-breaker activity that can be played remotely! Getting to really know you was never this much fun!.

WeConnect is a fun way to discover how we all relate with each other at home, at work and at play Who amongst us dreams of climbing Mount Everest or who would prefer to write a bestselling novel? You’ll get to vote on a series of of multiple-choice questions which will be answered and discussed within the group. The “correct” answer is the one that was the most popular. The group themselves decides and its Majority Rules! Of course, the discussion that follows is where the real powerful effect is felt and its never difficult to get people debating the merits of the group decision

Everyday we make choices. Some are down to taste and personal preference, but some are influenced by our upbringing, life experiences and beliefs. These are all shaped by our values and the way that we view the world.

Shared, freely chosen values are the cornerstone of every successful team and you’ll learn when alignment is essential and when its not and diverse viewpoints become the asset. WeConnect is insightful, valuable and fun. What a perfect combination to develop the skill of connection


Make a Difference with Wheels Around the World: Sponsor, Decorate, and Impact Lives!

Wheels Around the World provides a distinctive CSR team-building opportunity that enhances morale and makes a meaningful impact. Teams begin with an informative presentation, then use our custom app to learn about a past wheelchair recipient. They will complete a case study and answer questions to earn and personalize a wheelspoke safety cover, which will be attached to the sponsored wheelchair to help alleviate stigma and fear. Teams will present their case studies to the group, culminating in an inspiring presentation by an expert facilitator.

Wheels Around the World is dedicated to delivering life-changing mobility to its recipients. By participating in this wheelchair-building team activity, your team will enhance recipients' lives and foster empowerment and confidence within them. Together, you'll make a lasting impact and inspire others to follow suit.

Motivating your Team Making a Positive Difference Raising Awareness Working Together Towards a Common

This experience will leave a meaningful and enduring impression long after the event.


Teams compete to correctly identify the aroma profiles of popular whisky's brands.

In Whisky Wisdom, teams start with a brief introduction before diving into the challenge with their box of aroma bottles and rules Encouraged banter adds to the fun as teams aim to be the first to correctly identify aroma profiles of popular whisky brands. Armed with smelling strips, teams analyse each sample in the aroma kit. After tastings and sniffing, teams make deductions, compare answers, and let majority votes guide them to the final round. They submit final answers and continue conversing and boasting as results are tallied

Whisky Wisdom is a fun evening activity that challenges deductive skills in a relaxed, sociable setting Ideal for concluding conferences, it blends team building with the enjoyment of a corporate nightcap. Participants engage in lively conversation, friendly competition, and whiskey tasting. They practice quick decision-making, persuasive communication, and effective use of body language.

This light-hearted networking event encourages teams to relax, laugh, and collaborate towards reaching collective decisions through discussion and debate


Fast, fun and action-packed series of 60-second challenges.

Inspired by the TV game show, Win It in A Minute is full of excitement and nailbiting moments as teams battle it out in various and bizarre 60-second challenges. As facilitators reveal each challenge, teams consult amongst themselves and decide which team member is best suited for the task Throughout the program facilitators update the points board to let teams know their positions. Teams can also pick up extra points by doing bonus challenges, keeping the energy and competition high throughout the entire activity Win It in a Minute is engaging, energetic and lots of fun. It has been proven to boost individual morale as team members get to know each other outside of the usual work environment in a nonthreatening manner. The challenges are all fun and inclusive, and the open format ensures everybody is encouraged to participate.

Energises a Conference Fun & Motivating Develops team Dynamics Unifies the Group Problem Solving


Share local experiences seen in a new and refreshing way.

World Outside Your Window is a technology-based team building activity that encourages players to explore their local environment. Individuals carry out the tasks on their own, then connect with their team either virtually or in person to share their findings. A team’s score is the sum of the team member’s scores, so everyone’s contributions count!

World Outside Your Window is designed to get players out and about and discover their local environment engaging with it in a new way The cleverly designed bonus system encourages collaboration as it positively reinforces teamwork. Through sharing their experiences and listening and reflecting on the encounters of others they bond as a team. Participants become more aware, more present and have a better understanding of how they can play a part towards a common goal. As the team bonds, individual motivation and engagement increases in their ultimate shared quest to be the winning team.


Create your own on-stage masterpieces.

"Skits" are a great way to add some light relief to a conference. But what about "professionalising" them? Scripting and practising them until they are so good that they are entertaining in themselves and not just because the chief accountant has swopped his grey suit for a dress! We provide guidance on all aspects from planning to staging to video production of your masterpiece.

This is a great activity to plan prior to the conference to get your people excited, motivated and anticipating the event.

In this fun, laughter filled team challenge participants lose their inhibitions and get creative. They are challenged to step out of their comfort zone and take on the role of performing. Time is tight, so teamwork, strategy and efficient allocation and implementation of roles and tasks are critical to success.


Teams embark on an urban adventure to "take down" deadly zombies in a compelling test of teamwork and cooperation.

Deadly zombies have escaped from a maximum-security research facility, leaving a trail of destruction as they killed scientists before dispersing Fortunately, each zombie carries a built-in security mechanism for deactivation. The urgent search begins as the party must swiftly prevent a zombie apocalypse! Working together, they embark on a mission to track down the undead, decoding clues to neutralize them. Along the way, teams discover the importance of collaboration, realizing they must share crucial information with other teams to halt the zombies and escape the danger zone

Zombie Rising fosters collaboration and unity among teams, shifting focus away from internal competition towards collective success. Its fun zombie theme facilitates instant connections and relaxation, fostering an engaging atmosphere for team-building. Through quests, puzzles, and challenges, participants develop various skills while embracing their strengths and weaknesses. This flexible activity can be adapted to any indoor or outdoor setting and customized to suit timeframes and business-related content, promoting a culture of productivity and rapport among team members

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