Vertigo Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or whirling. It can be caused by problems in the inner ear, brain, or other parts of the body. Vertigo can be very disabling and can make it difficult to walk, stand, or even sit still.

Causes of Vertigo:

The most common cause of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BPPV is caused by a problem with the vestibular system, which is located in the inner ear. The vestibular system helps us maintain our balance and sense of equilibrium.

Other causes of vertigo include:

● Meniere's disease

● Labyrinthitis

● Migraine

● Head injury

● Stroke

● Depression

Symptoms of Vertigo:

The most common symptom of vertigo is a sensation of spinning or whirling. Other symptoms may include:

● Nausea

● vomiting

● sweating

● pallor

● nystagmus (rapid, involuntary eye movements)

● imbalance

● difficulty walking

● dizziness

Treatment for Vertigo:

The treatment for vertigo depends on the underlying cause. For BPPV, the most common treatment is the Epley maneuver. The Epley maneuver is a series of head movements that help to reposition the otoliths, which are calcium carbonate crystals that can cause BPPV. Other treatments for vertigo may include:

● Medications, such as anti-vertigo medications or motion sickness medications

● Physical therapy

● Surgery


Vertigo is a common and disabling condition. There are a number of causes of vertigo, and the treatment depends on the underlying cause. If you are experiencing vertigo, it is important to see ENT doctor near you doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment.


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