Why is Hair Transplant Considered The Best Treatment For Hair Loss?

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Why is Hair Transplant Considered The Best Treatment?

One can visit Dr Urvashi Chandra at Chandra Clinic, the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi, Pitampura, if looking for a hair transplant. Visit Chandra Clinic today!

Aesthetic concerns can greatly impact one's mental health and reduce one's quality of life. Thus, it's not only the physical look that matters. It would surely erode one's confidence and lead them to question their value. As a result, only a person suffering from hair loss understands the anguish. Yet, they are not alone in this suffering: many others worldwide are also battling similar issues.

According to the hair transplant surgeon in Delhi, Dr Urvashi Chandra, at Chandra Clinic, hair transplants are more effective than over-the-counter hair restoration solutions in most cases. Those who want a permanent cure for hair loss must get a hair transplant. Hair transplant surgery enables a surgeon to transplant healthy hairs from the scalp to thinning hair regions. Due to a significant advancement, it is now feasible to get natural-looking outcomes.

Causes of Hair Loss

● Overwork, sickness, accidents, injuries, childbearing, and mental problems cause physical distress and, eventually, hair loss.

● Sometimes, women who take birth control medications.

● Hormonal abnormalities cause scalp infections like ringworm or fungal infection during pregnancy

● Dietary deficiencies.

● Extreme hair coloring and styling.

● Smoking.

● Anemia and PCOS in women.

● Hereditary disorders.

● Thyroid disease or eating disorders.

● Deficiency of vitamin B in the body

● Natural aging.

● Adults in their 50s or 60s. .

What Makes a Hair Transplant the Best Treatment Option for Hair Loss?

Hair transplantation is the best and one of the permanent methods of regaining hair. It is the most effective therapy for people with severe baldness. However, visiting a clinic that provides the best hair transplant in Delhi at Chandra Clinic is recommended. Nevertheless, the following are some of the advantages of Hair Transplantation Surgery:

Natural Process: Hair transplantation is a completely safe and natural procedure. It contains no chemicals or drugs that might harm hair This method extracts hair from the donor region to replace fallen hair in the recipient area, making it a perfectly natural operation.

Eliminates Balding: Hair transplant surgery relieves people of all hair-related issues. It is one of the most successful hair treatments, and the patients no longer face balding or loss.

Enhanced Looks: One of the most long-lasting and reliable treatments for boosting the appearance of hair and framing the face. The sensation of having undesirable, thin, or non-existent hair will go after the hair transplant. It provides a full scalp of hair, making the patient feel beautiful, confident, and youthful.

Low Maintenance: Transplanted hair looks and functions like natural hair. The patient requires no special shampoos or chemicals to maintain hair density. They need a little care, considering they are the patient's hair and grow properly. It is a one-time treatment that does not require any follow-up visits from the surgeon. However, most patients repeat the procedure after a year to get more thickness and fullness in their hair

Cost Effective: Since it is a permanent treatment and may even seem quite costly to some. However, the cost is based on location, surgeon’s experience and specialization, technique, etc. Because this is a one-time surgery, there is no need for frequent or follow-up visits. Considering all its benefits, it is a rather cost-effective treatment.

Types of Hair Transplant Procedures

There are two most popular hair transplant procedures:

Follicular Unit Transplantation

The surgeon removes a strip of skin from the scalp during FUT ( typically from the back of the scalp). The total number of follicles required to cover bald areas fully determines the precise size of the strip. The width of the strip is typically between 1 and 1.5 cm (0.4 and 0.6 inches). The individual follicles are removed from the strip and placed back into the scalp.

Normally, a hair transplant procedure lasts for some hours. Most patients undergo this procedure while awake with a local anesthetic that numbs their scalp.

This is how your process goes:

● The surgeon will mark the region where hair will be extracted, redraw the hairline, and take pictures for the medical record. One might be given a choice to take a sedative before the operation. Otherwise, a local anesthetic will numb the scalp anyway

● The hair will be extracted from the donor location, where the hair is trimmed to a length of roughly two millimeters.

● The surgeon will use the skin strip with hair follicles as a graft.

● Individual hair follicles will be taken out of the strip by a technician and prepared for transplantation.

● The scalp will be sutured closed by the surgeon.

● The hair follicles will be inserted into a natural-looking pattern on the balding areas of the scalp.

● The scalp will be covered with antibiotics and bandages.

Follicular Unit Extraction

Follicular Unit Extraction is the same as Follicular Unit Transplantation. The difference is no strip of the skin is cut during the procedure. Instead, hair follicles are extracted from the scalp (donor area) and implanted in the balding area.

This is how an FUE hair transplant is performed:

● After cleaning, a local anesthetic is used to numb the patient's scalp.

● The hair in the donor area is cut short, making it simpler for the surgeon to see and retrieve the hair follicles.

● The surgeon removes individual hair follicles from the donor area using a specialized tool called a micro-punch. Each follicle has a little circular incision made by the micro-punch; they are afterwards carefully removed from the scalp.

● For transplantation, the harvested follicles are sorted and processed. Usually, this entails classifying them according to their size and quality.

● The surgeon next uses a fine needle or scalpel to make micro incisions in the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. The transplanted follicles are then placed individually into each incision.

● The scalp is washed and wrapped after every follicle has been transplanted.

Apart from FUE and FUT, Dr Urvashi Chandra also provides the most advanced Bio-IPT FUE Hair Transplant.

What is Bio-IPT FUE Hair Transplant?

Apart from the techniques mentioned above, a new procedure called Bio-IPT FUE Hair Transplant, an exclusive hair transplant technique offered by Chandra Clinic, is getting more popular Instead of the traditional reception hole approach, the Bio-IPT technique employs contemporary implanter pens.

The grafts are extracted from the donor area using sharp, fine punches that Chandra Clinic imports straight from the United States. Also, the entire operation is performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon rather than a technician.

Bottom Line

The full process of FUE and FUT often takes several hours, depending on the technique and how many follicles are transplanted. After the procedure, some patients may have swelling, pain, and scabbing in the donor and recipient locations for a few days, but these symptoms usually go away in a week or two. The transplanted hair follicles will grow new over a few months, gradually filling in balding or thinning regions and restoring a fuller, more youthful-looking head of hair.

One can visit Dr. Urvashi Chandra at Chandra Clinic, the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi, Pitampura, if looking for a hair transplant.

Original Source:

https://www.fuzia.com/article detail/781518/why-is-hair-transplant-considered-the-best-treatmen t


Contact Us Chandra Clinic 12, Rajdhani Enclave, Next to Shiv Mandir, Pitampura, Delhi, 110034
: +91 88 0000 8060
: info@chandrahairclinic.com
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