2005 Dragon*Con Program Book

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at www.parentheticalnote.com. His current game project is called Tony DiGerolamo’s Complete Mafia for d20. It will be published through Living Room Games in 2005. Tony is also writing for The Simpsons Books of Wisdom that will be released from Harper Collins in 2005, and he directs the Philadelphia long-form improv group, the Ninjas. Tony is the official biographer for Lambda Sigma Rho and the web strip Super Frat at http://webcomics.silentdevil.com/.

also working on a new game for the graphical multiplayer arena called Hero’s Journey. Along with her other achievements, Elonka is a world-traveler who speaks several languages, and has visited scores of countries around the world. Elonka also has an interest in cryptography, and in 2000 was awarded a prize for being the first person to crack the PhreakNIC Code, an up-until-Elonka unsolved puzzle created by JonnyX, one of the leaders of the hacker group se2600. In 2003, Elonka led a team that cracked the famous Cyrillic Projector cipher which came out to be extracts of classified KGB documents! Elonka is also webmistress of two popular cryptography-related websitesone on the CIA’s mysterious Kryptos sculpture, and another with a list of the world’s “Most Famous Unsolved Codes.” Elonka is one of the world’s foremost experts on the CIA’s Kryptos sculpture, and as of 2005, her elonka.com site has had over 1 million page views, many from people researching the link between Kryptos and the international bestseller The Da Vinci Code.

Elizabeth Donald lizabeth Donald is a horror/science fiction writer and E newspaper reporter from Illinois. Her first novel, Nocturnal Urges, won the 2004 Darrell Award and was a finalist for the Prism Award. The sequel, “A More Perfect Union,” is due out this fall from Ellora’s Cave Publishing. Her short stories and essays have been published by Panorama Magazine, The Murder Hole, Thirteen Stories and others.

Elonka Dunin

Talon Dunning



recurring guest at Dragon*Con since 1998, Elonka Dunin is Executive Producer and General Manager of Online Community at Simutronics Corporation, and a founding member of the International Game Developers Association’s Online Games SIG. Her company, Simutronics, was founded in 1987 in St. Louis, Missouri, and is a leading developer of online multiplayer games. One of the Simutronics games, GemStone, is the longest-running such game in the world, with a history that goes back fifteen years. Simutronics has several games at its www.play.net service, including medieval fantasy games such as GemStone IV and DragonRealms, the modern-day mystery-adventure game Modus Operandi, the award-winning 3-D action game CyberStrike 2, and the Greek mythology game Alliance of Heroes. Simutronics is

alon Dunning is a fantasy illustrator in the great Southern metropolis of Atlanta, Georgia where he was born in 1972. A survivor of both Auburn University’s Fine Art school and White Wolf’s production intern program, he is now the chief illustrator for the Ravenloft 3rd Edition Roleplaying Game as well as a regular in other Sword & Sorcery Studios projects. He’s also done work for West End Games (D6, Star Wars, TORG Revised), Wizards of the Coast (Legend of the 5 Rings CCG), Eden Studios (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Terra Primate), Kenzer&Co. (Kingdoms of Kalamar), and most recently, Green Ronin (Thieves’ World). Talon is also an avid roleplayer, comic book collector, movie buff and all around nice guy. Ask anyone. They’ll tell you. And yes, that IS his real name. Honestly.


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