2006 Dragon*Con Program Book

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Metal Locus, Hard Drive is set in the future, one hundred years from tomorrow, where the face of immortality will change. No longer are the limits of the flesh the restrictions for evolution, and survival is no longer of the fittest. It’s a matter of how much evolution can you afford? Metal Locus is the term for the medical process used for replacing organic materiel with robotics. Moving past functionality into fashion and status, cybernetics have quickly become the world’s newest accessory, evolving beyond the ability to mend and heal into a realm of high-tech upgrades. How long can we hold on to our humanity when it becomes easier and cheaper to replace the body than to heal?

Kiran was Blunder in the movie Legend ,and Abu in Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. He has also worked in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, Dark Crystal, Braveheart, Titanic, James Bond, Superman I & II, and many more.

Josepha Sherman osepha Sherman is a fantasy novelist, folklorist, and editor, J who has written everything from Star Trek novels to biographies of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon.com) to titles such as Mythology For Storytellers (from M.E. Sharpe) and Trickster Tales (August House). She is the winner of the prestigious Compton Crook Award for best fantasy novel, and has had many titles on the New York Public Library Books for the Teen Reader list. Most current titles include Star Trek: Vulcan’s Soul: Exodus with Susan Shwartz, the reprint of the Unicorn Queen books from Del Rey, the forthcoming Stoned Souls with Mercedes Lackey, for Baen Books, and Mythology For Storytellers, from M.E. Sharpe. She is also editing The Encyclopedia Of Storytelling for M.E. Sharpe.

ScottC Scott C. is a multi-talented writer and actor who, as far as scientists have been able to determine, has no last name. For the past three years, he has been a member of the Mickee Faust Club, a stage and radio cabaret with a seventeen-year history of subverting the minds of Tallahassee, Florida. With the club, Scott C. has written, performed, and generally embarrassed himself in several of their stage and radio shows, including All That Faust in Fall 2003, and Live Faust or Die in Spring 2005.

Mike Shoemaker resident of the great state of Georgia, Mike has been writing A for the comic book industry since 1990. His first publication was a four-issue mini-series for Malibu Graphics, featuring the

He is also a founding member of Curious Echo Radio Theater, Tallahassee’s first audio performing troupe dedicated to a broad range of aural experiences: comedic, serious, historical, and experimental. Scott’s contributions include performing the title role of Frank Gadsen: Personal Injury Lawyer of the Future as well as writing and performing pieces for Tallahassee’s Shakesparody Festival, an annual tradition since 1584. Or 2001. Whatever. They have also performed tales from the past, present, and future at the eldritch NecronomiCon in 2004 to small but select audiences.

adventures of the sexy android Galaxina. This was followed by an adaptation of a 60’s cult classic film, Bad Girls Go To Hell. He moved on to London Night Studios, where he wrote for several of their most prominent characters, including Razor, Stryke, Tommi Gunn, and most recently Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. He is currently scripting and developing comic properties intended for self-publication, among them the star-spanning adventures of the Space Patrol and Georgia’s very own superheroine, Rebelette.

After witnessing Widgett Walls in all his psychotic glory at Dragon*Con, Scott C. investigated Widge’s Internet home, Needcoffee.com. Stifled by the bureaucratic mendacity at the powerful and evil government agency where he works, Scott found that Needcoffee was the perfect place to perfect his talent of freeform malevolence. He has since become a full-time caustic reviewer of DVDs and other media, and explored his loves of naughty torture and cuddly animals. (Note: Not torturing cuddly animals.)

Orli Shoshan rli Shoshan was born and raised in a small place in Israel called O Moshav Addirim, where she lived until the age of eighteen. As a child, she dreamed of being a model. She served two years of military service in Israel. For two years, Orli was employed by El-Al, the Israeli airline, and was based in Chicago. She worked in airline security, inspecting cargo and passengers in search of bombs.

Kiran Shah iran Shah is a very special actor. At just 4ft 1in (1.24 meters) K tall, he is officially A Guinness World Record holder for being the Shortest Stuntman in Film in the World. He has been

In Australia, Orli worked with modeling agencies, including, most recently, Priscilla’s.

in the movie business for over 30 years, and has acted and done stunt work in some of SciFi’s greatest movies.

Orli appeared on Aerobic Oz Style, and Australian fitness program shown daily in Australia, and viewed weekly by approximately 40 million people worldwide. Orli was a regular on the program for four months, and the Orli fitness fashion line was featured on some episodes. Orli also appeared in an Aerobic Oz Style video.

He was most recently Ginarrbrik, the White Witch‘s sleigh driver in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

Orli can be seen in Star Wars Episodes 2 and 3 as Jedi Master Shak Ti. Check out the Episode 3 DVD for a cool deleted scene where Shak Ti meets her fate at the hands of General Grievous!

Kiran was seen in Lord of the Rings as the scale and stunt double for Elijah Wood‘s Frodo. He also doubled the other hobbits at different times. 96

Dragon*Con 2006

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