DBC Digest Issue #3: Social Media On The Move For The Future Of Marketing

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May 16, 2022

DBC DIGEST Social Media On The Move For The Future of Marketing

Have you ever faced this dilemma? You took a five minute break after studying for your Calculus class. You scroll through your social media, and you see your favorite sticker store selling limited edition stickers of your favorite show, and they are offering a five percent discount to the first ten buyers. You need to save up this month, but you think to yourself, this is a great deal and it will be a missed opportunity if you do not buy one of those stickers! So you thought. Want to find out the significance of social media to your marketing strategy, sit tight, read, and learn more though DBC Digest!


Get to know the people behind this article! (p.7)

SUPPRORT LOCAL! Get to know local businesses of DBC members! (p. 8)



May 16, 2022

"Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.” – Seth Godin, Bestselling Author and Blogger Marketing is an essential component in managing a successful business. It is a way to give information about one's product or service to a target market, how they will benefit when buying your products or services, and it can educate people. Marketing is also a great way to build brand awareness and identity. Nowadays, businesses have taken the time to create a personal brand online that will help their customers see their unique value versus their competitors.

A very effective way to market your business to your target demographics is by adapting social media marketing to your business strategy. Social Media Marketing helps businesses engage with their customers on multiple platforms and at the same time, reach numerous potential customers.

Due to the fact that social media has made it easier for everyone to access and connect with various people. Many social media networks provide professional or creator accounts for business owners to efficiently market their brands. Marketers may track the insights of their promotional materials using these accounts, which feature purpose-built data analytics tools. As a result of social media marketing, it's now easy to learn more about your target audience and increase it.



May 16, 2022

As said before, Social Media Marketing is an effective way to market your business. But why exactly? Here are the top three reasons why we think social media marketing is effective and beneficial to your business growth:

Everyone is Using Social Media Let's be honest: even before the pandemic, many people used to pass the time by checking their social media profiles. You can be sure that a potential consumer is just around the corner, they have access to instant information that allows everyone to stay up to date on the newest trends. As a result, having a strong personal brand on social media will assist your company in reaching a larger audience. According to Cogent Analytics, 81 percent of people believe that social media posts from their friends now have a greater influence on their shopping decisions than traditional word-ofmouth marketing.

made it possible for businesses to reach their exact customer demographics because of the advancement of these network's insight features. Also, using hashtags is one of the best free ways to gain traffic to a business promotional material without even spending a single centavo. Furthermore, their paid promotional services have an effective system for businesses to reach their specific target audience that will land more effectively with the right consumers than a physical advertisement.

Social Media Marketing Made Managing a Business Cheaper Social media marketing is incredibly cost-effective. Due to social media platforms becoming more businessfriendly, numerous small businesses are on the rise. Nowadays, anyone can become a business owner despite not having a physical store, thanks to social media.

Social Media Marketing: An Efficient Way to Reach Your Audience Due to the advancement of technology, an efficient and effective way to reach your target audience has become possible due to these social media platforms. Utilizing ad platforms available on various networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter,

Online stores are one of the cheapest ways to start a business because not only do you use your social media account to market your business, but your account can also be your actual store.



May 16, 2022

the content that you will post and arrange the needed captions, images, links, etc.

Hence, you don’t need to blow a huge budget to create and market your business. Social Media platforms are free to use, you can make numerous accounts, and posting your promotional material requires no money. Therefore, you can focus the business' budget on other things like buying more supplies and paying for the delivery fee if necessary.

Some Tips To BOOST your Business Through Social Media 1.Choose the appropriate platforms for your business Numerous sites are being opened in the world, and it is too much to enumerate! Therefore, be sure to pick the ones that you think will help boost brand awareness. Determine what your target market usually uses. Finally, research and connect with them by making an account. 2. Create a social media marketing calendar Have a marketing calendar to plan and constantly remind you to post on your social media accounts. Going back to brand awareness, being consistent in posting, and having a specific time to post will make regular users of social media recognize the brand. The calendar is a great help in organizing

3. Don’t over-promote your business It may be good to be consistent in posting, but one needs to remember that there is a certain level of using social media as a marketing tool that can lead to saturation and boredom of the netizens. One cannot use it as a regular advertising instrument because it is a trap to your downfall. Again, research and observe the days and times your target market is active and is on social media.

4. Connect to the customers Social media is an area where everyone has the purpose of socializing or relating to each other. Signing up for social media accounts means that you and your business will interact with people and ask them to encourage others to patronize them through interactive posts. Being active on these sites and engaging with the target market can make them feel valued and taken care of by the brand.



5. Address the concerns and inquiries of your customers. Besides producing products and interacting with the target customers, having a business means that you will have to monitor the feedback from the customers. Be ready to interact again with them! You may receive positive feedback; therefore, be grateful and appreciate their successful purchase. But through time, there will be unsatisfied or negative comments from the customers. Publicly engage with the user, accept and apologize for the inconvenience, and give options to solve the problem of the consumer privately. You may also ask the customer for specific feedback on where your business could improve. It will show how responsive and quick to action the business is.

May 16, 2022

It will also help the business in the long run by making them special to you and the brand. The course of actions will follow, and people willingly follow your account for the care that you do to the business and the customers.

These tips can be a big step into having a successful business! There are at least 4.65 billion social media users in the world. This instrument is a way into your light in the darkness! Opportunities await in social media. You just have to research and make the most out of the sites.

Social Media: A Warning to People and Businesses

6. Build a community of people that are loyal to the brand and show that you care. Don’t be selfish and just aim for many followers. Instead, move your attention to the people who are interested and will be loyal to your business. Make them feel that you are thankful for their support by giving benefits, such as rewards points, loyalty cards, or discounts.

Research and analytics professionals have said it. Social media is a revolutionary marketing tool to connect with the target market. It is a two-way street where the retailer can build and engage their brand on social media to their target market, and persuade them to purchase products to satisfy their needs. There is no doubt that most people have become reliant on social media, and businesses use it to their advantage. However, brands should be aware of what they post.



May 16, 2022

Being part of social media means that before uploading their content, they will have to think if it is in line with their morals and follow internet etiquette. Truth be told, social media is dangerous where one click can lead to negative outputs. People can have screenshots and use them as evidence in the case of wrongdoing of an account. Nobody is exempted from the online investigators and gossip. Nonetheless, businesses should not only be the ones who practice internet etiquette but also, customers or viewers who should be responsible for what they comment on. Enterprises do their best to produce quality content that the consumers deserve to see.

Almost all of us have social media accounts, and we know that you have one too. You cannot see this article without the use of Instagram or Facebook. Social media is an essential part of our lives and it is both a blessing and a curse. We can always stay on the path of blessing if we choose to be responsible netizens. We can see how many lives changed due to social media. During the start of the pandemic, a lot of people started their online business. They were able to market their products through social media and boost their business. A simple share and like can mean a lot for an owner. The comments of positivity can uplift the spirit of a business owner to continue working hard. The internet and social media is the new way of marketing.



May 16, 2022


"We all know that Social media contains positive and negative aspects. Hence, let us choose to use Social Media responsibly and inspire others. We can now readily connect with anyone, thanks to social media. So let us take this opportunity to influence and learn from one another by sharing our creativity and insights into the digital world."

Mikayla De Guzman

"Social media has revolutionized our world, and we cannot escape it. As human beings who care for each other, let us use it properly to spread inspiration, intelligence, and love. Let us not use social media to trample on other people or share fake news because it will affect you in the long run. We should help one another to make the internet a safe environment for all."

Francesca Ysabelle Sison

"You use it. I use it. Everyone uses it. Social media has become part of our lives and has brought positive and negative effects on this world. Let us not be dragged down by these platforms but instead use them as a tool where we all can grow, learn a lot from each other, share stories that will inspire and motivate others, and encourage everyone to do the same. Always tell yourself this: do not be a victim of social media."

Sophia Ojales

"When surfing the web we are always been told to "think before you click" and this saying applies today especially when we are surfing through Social Media. As part of the users of this media, we must use it wisely because even though there are already various methods that help us to avoid misinformation or threats online, it is impossible to filter everything from the net since everything is available for everyone. Therefore, we must also think before we act in order to be a part of creating a safe space for everyone to appreciate. "

“Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.” - Brian Solis



May 16, 2022


Paper Plane Creation is a local business in Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, established in 2019. They specialize in various handmade jewelry like bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and more! Paper Plane Creation products are made of polymer clay by molding and baking them. It shows how simple materials can become something so beautiful and luxurious by having the creative drive and resourcefulness to build such quality-made products. Paper Plane Creation also utilized its social media marketing to promote its business which was shown in this article how social media marketing benefits the growth of one's business.

Business: Paper Plane Creation Social Media Accounts: Instagram: @paperplanecreationcdo Facebook: Paper Plane Creation


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