Pulse Autumn 2024 - English

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Back to School Dental Tips (5-12 years)

Check out these simple tips for good oral health for primary school children

New Sexual Health Hub

Our experienced team of nurses and doctors will deliver a range of services aimed to improve the sexual and reproductive health of women in our community

Have you ever wondered whether you should see an Exercise Physiologist or a Physiotherapist? Find out the difference between the two!

Pulse Newsletter | Autumn 2024
Get your finger on the Pulse with Health & Wellness News Physiotherapy or Exercise Physiology?
WINNER 2023 VictorianPublic HealthcareAwards

Who We Are

DPV Health is a not-for-profit organisation that offers exceptional health care services to people of all ages. We are the largest community health provider in Melbourne’s North, operating across five Local Government areas (LGAs): Whittlesea, Hume, Mitchell, Melton, and Banyule

Our Purpose

To support you to live a happy and healthy life, through the provision of inclusive, locally based health and wellbeing services.

Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians and Country

DPV Health acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands and waters on which our services and sites are located We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and extend our deepest regards to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Welcome to the Autumn 2024 Edition of “PULSE”

Exploring this edition of the Pulse newsletter, you’ll find information on supporting your children’s health and wellbeing, dental tips for back to school, and simple tips on how to raise happy eaters

DPV Health continues to respond to community need In March, the organisation launched our Women’s Sexual & Reproductive Health Hub at our Mill Park Clinic. Over the last year we have launched a range of new programs to support children, women, seniors, people living with chronic disease and people at risk in our community

Engaging with our community continues to be a high priority. Over the last three months, DPV Health has participated in a range of events including the Midsumma Carnival, Pride March, Craigieburn and Whittlesea Festivals It was wonderful to see so many of our clients, community members and employees out and about to start off another big year for the organisation!

We would love to receive your feedback on this issue of PULSE, as well as suggestions for topics that may be included in future editions Please send an email to marketing@dpvhealth org au Wishing you good health!

Back to School Dental Tips 1. Easy Access to Allied Health 2 Simple Tips to help raise Happy Eaters 3. Supporting your Child's Health & Wellbeing 4. Sexual & Reproductive Health Hub at Mill Park 5. Diabetes Connect Pilot Program 6. Physiotherapy or Exercise Physiology? 7 Bibimbap Korean Rice Recipe 8 NDIS & Disability Support 9. Recent Events 10
InthisIssue Welcome



Dental Health

How should you brush your child's teeth? How often should your child have a dental check-up? How can tooth decay in children be prevented? Read these simple tips for good oral health for primary school children

Top oral health tips for primary school children (5–12 years)

1. Brush teeth and along the gum line twice a day

Brushing teeth removes plaque (the build-up on teeth) that causes tooth decay.

Brush all surfaces of the teeth and gums twice a day (after breakfast and before bed)

Choose a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles

Always brush in a circular motion, cleaning a few teeth at a time

2. Drink plenty of tap water

Water should be the main drink and children should drink plenty of tap water throughout the day

Most of Victoria’s tap water supply has fluoride in it. Fluoride protects teeth from decay.

3. Healthy meals and snacks are important for healthy teeth

Enjoy a wide variety of healthy foods from the five groups every day

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of healthy eating

Milk, yoghurt, cheese (and their alternatives) are an excellent source of calcium.

Eating foods with high levels of sugar causes tooth decay

4. Talk with your oral health professional about how often you should visit

Your oral health professional will discuss your child’s needs and plan how often your child should have their teeth checked.

Your child might not always see a dentist – many other ‘oral health professionals’ such as oral health therapists are fully qualified to work on your child’s teeth.

For more information on this service contact:

1300 234 263

(select option 2)

or download the brochure here

Pulse Newsletter | Autumn 24
These tips are based on the Oral health messages for the Australian public: Findings of a national consensus workshop (2010), the Australian Dietary Guidelines (2013) and the Evidence-based oral health promotion resource (2011)
more: wwwdhsvorgau/oral-health-advice/dental-health-advice/children



Home Care Packages

Recognising the need for extra support can be a big step, both for people who need care and/ or their carers DPV Health is an approved provider of Home Care Packages We offer the highest quality Home Care Package services, delivered by our experienced, caring, quality staff

Use our Allied Health Services through your Home Care Package to keep you feeling fit and healthy this Autumn:



Exercise Physiology

Occupational Therapy Speech Pathology Dietetics & Nutrition

Our Home Care Packages are specifically designed for you, to meet your unique needs and preferences Our range of health and wellbeing services will support you to continue living comfortably and independently in your own home.

If you don’t currently have a Home Care Package call us on 1300 234 263 (select option 3)

For more information, visit:

www dpvhealth org au/home-care-packages

Pulse Newsletter | Autumn 24
Download the brochure here


Nutrition & Dietetics

Eating a wide variety of nutritious foods is important in the growth and development of young children Fussy eating behaviours in young children can be quite common and normal, however this can also mean that mealtimes may become a very stressful experience for the family

The Dietitians at DPV Health work with children and their families to make mealtimes enjoyable again

Here are five simple tips to help raise happy eaters:

1. Reduce distractions:

Turn off the TV/iPads during mealtimes and if possible, put pets away in another room during eating time Eat together as a family and talk about your favourite parts of the day with each other

2. Avoid force feeding or pressure to eat:

As a parent, your role is to define the meal times and offer food choices You should allow your child to decide if they want to eat and how much to eat. Children are more likely to eat and drink how much their body needs if they are not pressured to eat.

3. Have a gap in between main meals and snacks:

Typically, a 2-3 hour gap allows enough time for a child to become hungry for the next meal or snack

4 Include at least one ‘safe’ food each meal:

Include at least one ‘safe’ food that the child does eat (such as bread) with each main meal The child may be more likely to try a new food in their meal, if they also have their ‘safe’ food close by

5. Let your child help:

Let your child help you prepare a part of the meal (such as washing the vegetables or setting the table) and go food shopping together when possible Young children learn through play, so don’t be afraid if your child just touches or smells a food – it is a part of their learning!

Above all – have fun with food and enjoy mealtimes as a family!

If you are worried about how your child is eating book an appointment with a dietitian:

1300 234 264

(select option 4)

or download the brochure here

Pulse Newsletter | Autumn 24



Children’s Services

DPV Health offer an extensive range of specialised services for children's health We use a family-centred approach to offer quality, evidence-based interventions and strategies to maintain and improve the health, development and wellbeing of your child.

We offer a variety of groups to support your child's health:

Social Sprites

Swim Skills Group

This neurodiversity-affirming group has been designed for autistic girls and those on the journey to diagnosis The group uses a supportive and strengths-based approach to helping participants develop an understanding of self and to tune into others within a safe and fun environment

This group involves water therapy and aims to help children learn and develop fine and gross motor skills in a social setting It will assist in building a child’s strength and balance while incorporating social communication skills through meaningful interactions and dialogue

Skills For Learning & Play

This group aims at supporting children to be kinder/school ready by assisting them in improving their communication, social, cognitive, motor and resilience skills through meaningful interactions and dialogue They will develop the skills necessary to get along with others, work together in a team, follow verbal instructions and most of all, have fun!

Several groups will be available across our sites throughout 2024 including Lego Therapy Group, We Like to Move It group

For more information about our individual and group programs, visit: www dpvhealth org au/allservices/child-services

For more information on these services contact:

1300 234 263

(select option 3)

for more information visit our website here

Pulse Newsletter | Autumn 24


Sexual & Reproductive Health Hub at Mill Park

Through our Sexual and Reproductive Health clinic, DPV Health offers information and supports to all women, girls and gender diverse people in the community regarding contraception, pregnancy options, termination and sexual health testing and treatment.

Our specialised and experienced team of practice nurses and doctors deliver a range of services that assist in managing all matters related to women’s sexual and reproductive health The service is delivered in a non-judgemental and respectful way, with client choice and privacy at the centre of everything we do

What services do we offer?

At the Mill Park Sexual and Reproductive Health Hub, we provide information and support for the following:

Information, advice, and administration of all forms of contraception, including oral, injectables, and longacting reversable contraception, such as IUDs and Implanon

Pregnancy support, advice, and guidance, including fertility advice, antenatal care, and terminations

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing, treatment and support

HPV and Mpox vaccinations

Access to health screening including cervical, breast and bowel screening

Referrals to other allied health services, as appropriate

The initial point of contact for all clients accessing the service will be through an appointment with a sexual health trained Practice Nurse During this appointment, the nurse will conduct a comprehensive Sexual Health Assessment (Sexual Health history taking and initial support). Depending on the presenting medical conditions, the nurse will organise with the Doctor for any pre-appointment examinations, such as blood tests

After completion of the assessment, the nurse will book an appointment for the client with the most suitable Doctor

For more information on the program visit: www.dpvhealth.org.au/sexual-and-reproductive-health-hub

To book an appointment call

1300 234 263

(select option 1)

or book online here

Pulse Newsletter | Autumn 24


WELCOME Diabetes Connect Pilot Program

Have you recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes or are you someone with Type 2 Diabetes who struggles to manage their blood glucose levels?

DPV Health is one of 6 providers across the state of Victoria offering a unique program as part of a 12-month pilot project Diabetes Connect seeks to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes, reduce avoidable disease progression and hospitalisation, and improve integration and coordination between primary, community and acute care services

Diabetes Connect offers a unique experience into community health services by offering:

1. Care Coordinators:

Care Coordinators will act as your primary point of contact, providing holistic care and supporting you to access services and assistance you may need.

2. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensor: The opportunity to be fitted with a continuous glucose monitoring sensor during the 12-month period

3. Access to other Allied Health & Support Services: Free access to allied health and social support services provided by DPV Health

Our Diabetes Connect Program is tailored to you, to best support your health needs and preferences All referrals to the program must be made through a participating medical clinic or general practitioner.

1300 234 263 (select option 4) or email: diabetesconnect@dpvhealth.org.au


Allied Health

Have you ever wondered whether you should see an Exercise Physiologist versus a Physiotherapist or vice-versa? Both seem to help you with similar exercises and advice. So, what are the main similarities and difference? The following article should help you answer these questions.

What do Physiotherapist’s specialise in?

Physiotherapists (PTs) are trained to diagnose and manage conditions at first contact This means that a Physio does not always need a referral from a doctor or other referrer for your first appointment, however this information is very helpful in managing your condition PT treatments involve education to self-manage your injury or condition, exercises, manual therapy (hands-on treatment), as well as other modalities such as electrotherapy or dry needling Physios also specialise other areas such as gait aid (walking aids) prescription, falls prevention strategies, pain conditions, neurological conditions, dizziness conditions, and women’s health to name a few

What do Exercise Physiologist’s specialise in?

Exercise Physiologists (EPs) specialise in the prescription and delivery of exercises for the management and prevention of diagnosed chronic diseases and injuries As for PTs, EPs can also see clients without referrals although having a referral with your medical history and medications would be beneficial

Correctly prescribed exercises have been shown to assist management of chronic conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, heart/lung disease, and mental health conditions. This can lead to significant help with chronic disease prevention, improve strength and balance, increase cardiovascular fitness, and improve mental health and wellbeing EP treatments involve education on self-management of conditions, together with a tailored progressive exercise program to improve your overall health

What are the main similarities?

Both disciplines provide exercise management for a variety of similar injuries and conditions The exercises provided by both disciplines will help improve your joint range of motion, flexibility, strength, and balance, as well as improve your overall wellbeing and health Both provide individualised exercise programs or exercises in group settings

How to decide whether to request a Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologists at DPV Health?

Exercise Physiology (EP) Referrals:

Weight Management


Cardiovascular disease


High Blood Pressure

Mental Health

General Deconditioning

Health & Lifestyle Education Osteoporosis

Either EP or PT:

Strength & Balance

Diagnosed injuries/ conditions


Chronic Pain

Physiotherapy (PT) Referrals:


Gait Aid Prescription Falls Prevention Mobility Training


Neurological Condition Condition requiring manual therapy

Vestibular/dizziness Women’s Health

234 264 (select option 4)
To book an appointment with an Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist call: 1300

For more tasty, healthy and easy to make Recipes scan the QR codes or visit: www.goodfoodforgoodhealth.com.au

Bibimbap KoreanRice

Serves: 4 Prep Time: 45 minutes


( 200 grams) Rump Steak

( 2 cloves) Garlic

( 0.5 tbsp) Sesame Oil

( 2 medium) Carrot

( 1 medium) Zucchini

( 2.5 cup) Bean Sprouts

( 1.5 cup) Button Mushroom

( 3 6 large) Egg

( 2 tbsp) Soy Sauce

( 2 1 tsp) Honey

( 1 tsp) Ground Chilli

( 1 cup) Brown Rice

( 2 2 tbsp) Vegetable Oil




Prepare the rice Cook the brown rice as per packet instructions

Marinate the steak in a half teaspoon of the sesame oil, a tablespoon of soy sauce and 1 clove of crushed garlic



Prepare your carrots by finely slicing or using a vegetable peeler

Into a hot pan add half the oil and then the sliced mushrooms, cook for 2-3 minutes until just tender Remove from the pan


Next add the chopped zucchini, you can make batons, or slice, it makes no difference Cook for 2-3 minutes until just soft and set as



Add the bean sprouts and cook for another 2 minutes and set aside.

Allow the pan to heat up before adding the remaining oil and then the steak, cook each side for 2-3 minutes or to your liking, remove and then cook the eggs sunny side up


Combine the remaining soy sauce, chilli powder and honey - use a tablespoon of water to loosen the mix if needed


To assemble, start by placing rice in the bottom of a bowl. Then place all of the topping each in their own section around the outside in a ring, leaving the space in the centre for the egg Add the sauce to your liking and mix to combine before eating

Pulse Newsletter | Autumn 24




DPV Health is a registered and experienced NDIS provider offering a range of services throughout northern suburbs of Melbourne

We offer support that’s flexible to fit your needs, focused on your unique goals and all about achieving positive outcomes for you

Our services can help you achieve your goals and live a healthy and inclusive life!

At DPV Health, we have extensive experience in the area of disability services Our skilled team of experts will tailor a support plan to suit your individual needs and provide ongoing programs and support to achieve your clients goals.

For more information on these services contact:

300 234 263

(select option 3)

for more information visit our website here

Pulse Newsletter | Autumn 24



2024 Misumma Pride March

Early in February we proudly walked in the Midsumma Pride March, championing inclusion and equality for all DPV Health marched with our Pride in the North partners, with over 25 people representing the consortium.

DPV Health CEO Don Tidbury said, "We were delighted to march alongside our “Pride In The North” partners from Melbourne’s outer North as together we promote a more inclusive community and equitable access to services for LGTBIQA+ people"

Celebrating 6 years of marching at The Midsumma Pride Festival, and close on the heels of our recently renewed Rainbow Tick Accreditation status, DPV Health continues to reaffirm our commitment to safe, inclusive and equitable health care services for LGBTIQA+ communities.

DPV Health at Midsumma Canival

DPV Health were excited to attend Midsumma Carnival in January, to provide support to the LBGTIQA+ community and inform people of the inclusive and affirmative health service available "at DPV Health It was fantastic to meet so many Rainbow families and LGBTIQA+ folks from Melbourne's North, who travelled to the CBD to celebrate Midsumma

Health has recently been re-accredited with the Rainbow Tick, reflects our focus on delivering excellent care for every n, every time. We are proud of this accreditation and to offer Q clients a “safe space” to receive healthcare where they will cepted and respected The event concluded with a delightful cultural performance by sisters Ruci and Joanne from Outer n Projects

Pulse Newsletter | Autumn 24
Learn more about the DPV Health LGBTIQA+ Services: www dpvhealth org au/app/uploads/2024/01/18511DPV LGBTIQA Festival Info Bro Digital.pdf

Our Services

dpvhealth.org.au 1300 234 263

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