The Villager

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Why The Villager is red RED continued from p. 1

your accountant to get your taxes done without being prepared with your financial numbers, and the truth is you should never go to your doctor without knowing your five important hearthealth numbers.â€? Those five numbers, she explained, are your: • Total cholesterol: “This can be measured with a simple blood test.â€? • HDL (good) cholesterol: “You want that number to be higher, rather than lower.â€? • Blood sugar: “Even mild elevations in blood sugar — a condition sometimes called pre-diabetes — can impact your risk for heart disease.â€? • Blood pressure: “There are new guidelines on how to measure blood pressure. Have a home blood-pressure monitoring device and know how to use it.â€? • Body-mass index: “A measure of your height, in relation to your weight.â€? In connection with the launch of Heart Smart for Women, the authors have also launched the Get Heart Smart for Women campaign. “Heart Smart For Women provides a practical step-by-step program to help women of all ages put the research and physician’s guidance into action,â€?

Mieres said. “The book is a lifestyle tool stocked with effective guidance on diet, sleep, stress, strength and flexibly exercises, physician partnership and other critical factors for a heart-healthy life.� Rosen said that in February the Get Heart Smart for Women campaign will focus on blanketing communities with education programs and a variety of events about healthy heart care. “People get scared that their options are limited,� she added. “The truth is, anything you do will help. You don’t have to be a marathon runner, just try walking more. Maybe your diet’s not perfect, but try oatmeal some mornings for breakfast and try sprinkling some blueberries on top.� The American Heart Association is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. Go Red For Women is nationally sponsored by Macy’s and CVS Health; and locally by New York City Goes Red Sponsors, Northwell Health and the Elizabeth Elting Foundation. For more information on National Wear Red Day or to register your company or organization to participate, visit the American Heart Association at

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For more information, please call New York University, 631-268-6931 or email

Terrible exchange rate. Good blood pressure reading. Certain numbers you can’t take at face value: knowing the numbers related to your health, including ideal blood pressure (<120/80 mm Hg), can be a matter of life or death. 1 in 3 women die of heart disease and stroke, yet about 80% of these deaths are preventable with simple lifestyle changes. Visit for more information. Talk to your doctor in order to

Go RedTM AHA, Red DressTM DHHS


Februar y 1, 2018


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