The Villager • Sept. 17, 2015

Page 18


A toast for two amid the trees and tomatoes On Sunday, Terri Cude and Dennis Gault celebrated their victory in the district leader election with a toast with Sara Jones (in hat) and other members of the LaGuardia Corner Gardens. The lushly planted open-space strip that the gardens are on was declared not to be parkland by the state’s highest court, which green-lighted the N.Y.U. 2031 project to proceed. Cude is co-chairperson of Community Action Alliance on N.Y.U. 2031, which has been battling the university’s mega-development plan for the two South Village superblocks.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR They listened, so they won To The Editor: The truth of the matter is that Terri Cude and Dennis Gault listened more to the voters and worked harder. I think the voters realize that it’s more important to be responsive to the people in their district. It’s great to be endorsed by people, especially if it’s elected officials. But it’s more important to be endorsed by voters. Scott and

Grillo just forgot that. The voter is the boss! Raymond Cline

Backing Chin did them in To The Editor: I thought Jean Grillo and John Scott were good district leaders. Unfortunately, their undoing was supporting Margaret Chin and, thus, what she stands


for — the giveaway of public parks, historic sites and landmark buildings to profit private corporations. I also received four phoners from elected officials supporting Grillo/Scott. Two of these were so distorted and untruthful that I was shocked and dismayed. This is not a game. We are fighting for that which should be safeguarded and preserved for future generations. Please join us. We need you. A.S. Evans

He even helps dogs! To The Editor: Re “Attorney and police don’t see eye to eye in spy cameras case” (news article, Sept. 10) I am not surprised that Arthur Schwartz risked arrest to help another, since he is moved by his conscience. For instance, without him there might not be any dog runs in the Hudson River Park. He stood up for us, along with Aubrey Lees, to help dog owners — the single largest park-user group — secure a spot in the park when others in community leadership continued to ignore us. Dog owners owe him a debt of gratitude. He is one of my heroes. Lynn Pacifico

Will de Blasio’s bubble burst? 18

September 17, 2015

LETTERS continued on p. 28

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