Forward Thinking: EdTech Insights - 1st Edition

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Table of Contents

Welcome Message ..........................................................................................04 What’s Trending ...............................................................................................05 Industry News


Tech Tool Box …………………………………………………………................................07 Connie Steele ..………..…………………………………………………….........................08 Connie Steele’s Article …..………......................................................................09

Come Run With Us ..………………….....................................................................10 Transitions ………....………………….....................................................................11 Forward Thinking ..………………….....................................................................12 EdTech Speaks Podcast ………….....................................................................14 Insights From Experts ….………….....................................................................15 What We’re Following ….………….....................................................................16 Coming Soon ………………………..........................................................................17

Welcome Message Editor’s Note

Welcome to the Inaugural Edition of "Forward Thinking: EdTech Insights" We're thrilled to consolidate all our resources in one convenient place to keep you abreast of the most current trends.

Dr. Sher Downing

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you're not going to stay where you are.” - J.P. Morgan.

Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights and knowledge shared by our in-house experts and esteemed guest contributors. We aim to shed light on the latest industry developments, emerging technologies, and strategies that can enhance your success in both the business and EdTech sectors. Dive in, and don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us! If you, or someone you know, would make a fantastic guest expert, please get in touch. Watch our Year in Review Video here:

What’s Trending It’s 2024 and we always ask, what’s trending in the new year? We’ve gathered some early articles to get you thinking about what’s next in the industry. Avixa discusses what will impact education: • Artificial Intelligence • Virtual and Augmented Reality • Gamification • Online and Blended Learning • Big Data

An overview of trends that will be impacting education: A look at forecasting in 15 industries: How we will continue to expand use of technology and the impact to EdTech: Together, let’s face 2024 with interest and an adoptive attitude as we learn more about what is trending towards us.

Industry News Here’s a snapshot of some of the latest in industry news. •

The EdTech market looks to continue to be focused on growth and innovation: dtech-market-2023-positiveoutlook-upcoming-years/

JobDuck talks about the latest technologies that will impact how you live and work.

EdTech Digest discusses emerging trends:

As we move into 2024, it is time to reflect upon our reactions and become proactive in recognizing AI is not going away and can actually be helpful and expand our capabilities with some consideration and planning. /09/26/the-future-of-edtech-keytrends-shaping-the-landscape-in2023-andbeyond/#:~:text=The%20Increasing %20Importance%20of%20Commun ity%20in%20EdTech&text=A%20str ong%20online%20community%20c an,media%20integrations%2C%20 and%20group%20projects.

Tech Tool Box As technology continues to grow and expand, we find the space between our professional and personal usage merging. is sharing 100 cool gadgets for both home and office. Take a look, create your wish list and start shopping! omm_org_us_g864&gclid=Cj0KCQiAy9msBhD0ARIsANbk0A9CT62VN9c3XMJu2vn Ursw-Kh5-md85Jrs_qRNBJYTGCiAHHJGlWucaArS3EALw_wcB

A System to Align Passion and Growth Potential Get the first book to help professionals and entrepreneurs navigate the uncertain post-pandemic world of work while aligning personal purpose and professional advancement.

Building the Business of You shares the trends of tomorrow so professionals, entrepreneurs, freelancers, founders, and side hustlers can “skate where the puck will be” and make their own career mashup. Connie has seen firsthand that business is no longer binary, hierarchical, or absolute. It’s non-linear, collaborative, and fluid. You don’t have to start at the bottom and earn your way up; you can start at the top, as CEO of you.

Fluidity: The Future of Work (Part I) We are in the midst of a technology and social revolution that is fundamentally changing both our mindset and our execution. As a result, work and life are being transformed by a concept that a lot of people talk about but few people understand: Fluidity.

doesn’t look the same as it did just a few years ago - or even day to day. From project management software, video conferencing platforms, communication and collaboration tools, this fluidity is now essential to meet the evolving demands of work and education.

Fluidity is characterized by the overall mental, physical, and emotional divergence from a world that is rigid, binary, and compartmentalized to one that is flexible, dynamic, and integrated. It is both a description of the unprecedented rate of change in the world around us and how the world is demanding we react.

Fluidity of Organizations

The world is already fluid. It's a sensation that everyone feels. And if we don’t understand how every part of our life is more dynamic, it is impossible to understand the demands of our students, clients, and employees. In this series, we’ll cover some examples of how fluidity is influencing the future of work, life, and education. Fluidity of Toolsets The daily toolset is changing radically. We now have a multitude of technology tools and platforms that we can dynamically switch between — and need to switch between. Where and how people work, teach and learn

Today's organizations are not just comprised of full-time and part-time employees. They are composed of a wide variety of constituents, such as full-timers, part-timers, contractors, consultants, and project-oriented gig workers. There is an ever-changing composition of workers that can be scaled up, down, and sideways to help accomplish whatever project is at hand. We can also see educational institutions leveraging a flexible workforce of educators, adjunct professors, and online instructors to meet the diverse needs of students. Fluidity is now inherent in how we operate and in our organizational structure. Embracing these fluid elements will be vital for setting ourselves, our clients, our educators, and our students up to thrive in this ever-changing world.

Look for Part II in our next issue.

Transitions Are you in the midst of a career transition or contemplating a shift in your professional focus, uncertain about how to redefine your path? We've got you covered! We're assembling individuals interested in exploring transitions from education to EdTech or business, those considering solopreneurship or entrepreneurship, and individuals in pursuit of fractional opportunities. Our objective is to connect you with experts who can share their experiences and guide you in formulating an effective plan. If this resonates with you, express your interest: EMAIL US

Forward Thinking Introduction Introducing forward thinking part mastermind part resources, all about the community. This is our newest engagement project designed to bring the best of all of our services together. Since 2018, we’ve been all about the relationship and providing products and services that fit your needs. Now, we’re excited to bring a wealth of new products to you focused on innovation and growth. From a catalog of learning opportunities to bringing even more experts to you through the podcast and webinars to a subscription service, and the launching of a think tank community. We’ll culminate it with an upcoming Mastermind series later this year. Our goal is to take on 2024 and help others with the concept of Forward Thinking. We hope you’ll join us for all or parts of gaining a different kind of network, gaining access to people from the very crossroads we’re known for - business, education, and technology. Become a Forward Thinker and help lead the focus for 2024!

We are excited to bring you: • Research Services & Resources

• Guest Experts • eMagazine

And coming soon: • Micro-training Online Courses

• Subscription Services Community Network • Mastermind Learning Groups • Think Tank

EdTech Speaks Podcast Welcome to the EdTech Speaks podcast where our guest, Xenia Muether, shares her journey as the founder of Pink Orange, an agency with a mission to revolutionize education marketing. Xenia is the Founder, CEO and Startup mentor who focuses on targeted and customized strategies for clients. Xenia, a digital native, draws from her extensive experience in the education marketing space, having collaborated with over 100 countries across 6 continents. Tune in to discover how Xenia and her London-based, globally remote team create culturally aware and innovative education marketing campaigns, helping companies establish a strong global presence. Learn why Xenia is passionate about helping educational institutions find their unique voice in the marketplace and use it to their advantage. During our interview, she discusses the shift towards a conscious, valuesbased approach in the industry. Her recommendation is to automate everything you can. Xenia cleverly says, "Resilience is key! There have been plenty of times in my entrepreneurial journey when I was really close to giving up. Building a business is hard but if it's something you love doing, it's worth pushing through those hard times." Listen in here:

Insights from our Experts Each month we’ll have our experts provide answers to industry questions. We welcome you to submit a question – EMAIL US HERE This month we’re featuring Jeremy Hopper, Sr Director of Learning Solutions.

We asked Jeremy “What tools can be implemented to bring about three improvements in online training?” Online training is a cornerstone of establishing a well-oiled machine for daily business operations. It helps us make sure our employees are adhering to organizational standards and procedures and that they are fully optimized for performance. But not all trainings are created equal. So, let’s break down the ways in which we can approach improvement in online trainings by asking three distinct questions: Question 1: How Can We Improve Effectiveness and Establish Clear Focus for Trainings? To ensure the effectiveness of our trainings, we need to make sure we are providing the necessary content and assessing users appropriately. To do this, we need to identify what our end goals are for the training and establish measurable learning objectives. To do this, we can turn to a number of resources and tools that utilize Bloom’s Taxonomy to establish appropriate terms for the varying levels of cognitive functioning. Question 2: How Can We Optimize Engaging Content Creation?

We want to make sure that the content we create is capturing our users’ attention. For online trainings in particular, we typically rely on two primary formats - videos and written guides. For videos, we want to ensure quality and entertainment to maintain engagement. Fortunately, there are a number of tools available that can help us elevate our videos’ look and feel in-house without a bank-breaking investment.

For written guides, we really want to focus on optimizing the process. Creating these documents can be tedious and we all know it. Fortunately, tech companies out there know this and are working to create tools to help automate and streamline this process. Question 3: How Can We Deliver Content Effectively? When delivering a training, it’s important to consider a Learning Management System (LMS) for a number of reasons. An LMS will allow companies to establish a sort of templated, standardized approach to the user learning experience and operate as a single place to house, deliver, and track all trainings and professional development opportunities. Choosing an LMS can be tricky. Ultimately, it comes down to the organization’s needs and budgetary allowance. Different systems will work better for different institutions, so make sure to shop around for what works best for you and your company. Go Forth and Train Better Be sure to check out the Recommended Tools Guide to get some ideas on what tools may work for you. Don’t just take our word for it though make sure you keep an open mind and choose the tool that’s right for you.

What We’re Following

Pick My Brain. A terrific directory to find professionals for assistance and to learn from others! Check them out at rowse-our-brains

New Tech on the horizon - Check out Deloitte’s look at Ethical Technology: Principles for Emerging Tech s/about-deloitte/articles/technologytrust-ethics-annualreport.html?id=us:2ps:3gl:tteanrt23:a wa:abt:112923:emerging%20technolo gy:b:c:kwd14879816&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0 KCQiAy9msBhD0ARIsANbk0APrI30115UXaVyWE0LSuLt7pVxnT0ecfUye6FrLzYipnEKLb0 VuQaApEcEALw_wcB

Community - We’re starting a community to provide you the chance to network, learn and grow with other industry members. Interested? Sign up for more information: https://downingedtech.getlearnw

Investors - This is a great guide for learning about how to become an investor in EdTech. The-Edtech-Angel-Investor--HowThey-Work-and-What-You-Needto-Know.html

Wired has an expansive look at all things tech that impact our lives and business.

Coming Soon…

Downing EdTech Wants You! Do you possess an article or valuable information to share? Eager to contribute your expertise to a broader audience? Reach out to us to become a part of our community and showcase your content in this section. Thank you for reading our inaugural edition. Should you have any preferred tools or companies you'd like us to spotlight, don't hesitate to inform us! Enroll as a Forward Thinking Member to stay abreast of the newest opportunities. And, if you know someone who would appreciate our eMag, give a referral and receive a special gift!

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