Forward Thinking: EdTech Insights - 2nd Edition

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March 2024 | 2nd Edition

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Table of Contents Welcome Message ..........................................................................................04 What’s Trending ...............................................................................................05 Industry News ................................................................................................06 Tech Tool Box …………………………………………………………................................07 Connie Steele ..………..……………………………………………………..........................08 Connie Steele’s Article …..………......................................................................09 Build a Lead Generation Machine ....................................................................10 Behind the Screen ..………………….....................................................................11 Forward Thinking Courses .……….....................................................................12 March Madness Workshop Dates .....................................................................13 EdTech Speaks Podcast ………….....................................................................14 Insights From Experts ….…………................................................................15-17 CactusWren Photography ….…………................................................................18 Course Library Video ….………………....................................…….......................19 What We’re Following ….………….....................................................................20 Effective Leadership Lessons We Can Learn....................................................21 Pi Day – The Intersection of Math and Pop Culture .........................................22 Coming Soon ………………………..........................................................................23 Reach out to Downing EdTech ………………………..............................................24

Welcome Message

Welcome to the 2nd Edition of "Forward Thinking: EdTech Insights"

Welcome to March Madness! While we may not have the same intensity as the NCAA, we're just as passionate about discovering the champions of the EdTech industry! And what better way to draw inspiration than from the world of basketball? Let's dive into a comparison:

• In both basketball and the EdTech industry, building relationships is crucial at every level and position. Just as coaches collaborate with other coaches, teams, trainers, and vendors to stay ahead of the game, EdTech professionals must also cultivate connections across the industry. Nurturing these relationships is key to unlocking opportunities and achieving success.

• In both basketball and the realm of business, education, or technology, having a strong leader at the helm is essential. Just as a coach guides and directs their team towards victory on the court, a visionary leader sets the mission and inspires their team to achieve greatness in their respective field.

Editor’s Note

Dr. Sher Downing

• In both basketball and professional endeavors, success hinges on teamwork. Just as players on the court collaborate to achieve a common goal, individuals in organizations must work together harmoniously to accomplish their mission.

• Having a well-defined strategy is essential for success in both basketball and business. Just as a basketball team develops a game plan to guide their actions on the court, businesses need strategies to plan their steps, align efforts, and learn from mistakes. A robust strategy provides direction, ensures alignment with goals, and enables continuous improvement by analyzing and adapting based on past experiences.

• Innovation is paramount for achieving excellence, regardless of the circumstances. Just as top basketball teams consistently innovate their plays and strategies to stay ahead, individuals and businesses must continually strive to bring the best of the best to the table. Just as in a live basketball game where strategies evolve to adapt to the opponent's moves, we must continually innovate to stay ahead and reach our goals.

This month, we're excited to equip you with tools to navigate the madness! Get ready for curated conference lists, guiding you to the must-attend events to stay ahead of the curve. Explore emerging trends shaping the landscape this spring and discover insights on how to elevate your coaching game to the next level. Just like a winning team, we're dedicated to introducing you to our network of experts, who will share their invaluable knowledge and expertise. Together, let's strategize, plan, and set our sights on achieving your goals!

If there's a specific topic you'd like us to explore in future issues or if you're interested in becoming a contributor or sponsored vendor, we'd love to hear from you! Reach out to us at and let's collaborate to bring valuable insights and resources to our readers. Your input and partnership are essential as we strive to deliver content that meets your needs and helps you thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of EdTech.

What’s Trending

We’ve gathered some early articles to get you thinking about what’s next in the industry.

50 Top Edtech Startups Transforming the Learning Experience 2024

5 K–12 Ed Tech Trends to Follow in 2024

2024 Trends For EdTech Organizations

Gartner Forecasts Security and Risk Management Spending in MENA to Grow 12% in

2024 agement-spending-in-mena-to-grow-12-percent-in-2024

Security and risk management spending in India to grow 12% in 2024: Gartner

2024 Predictions: The Trends That Will Shape The Industry In The Coming Year -industry-in-the-coming-year/?sh=2669d7134dda

Industry News Here’s a snapshot of some of the latest in industry news.  Tech Job Interviews Are Out of Control  The Edtech Icarus: BYJU's Crashes and Burns  Google Prepares for a Future Where Search Isn’t King  Driving K-12 Innovation: 2024 Hurdles, Accelerators, Tech Enablers Read the Article Read the Article Read the Article Read the Article

Tech Tool Box

As technology continues to grow and expand, we find the space between our professional and personal usage merging.

• Humane’s AI pin: Sam Altman backs world’s first wearable AI computer, launching in March 2024

• 8 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2024

• Trendy Tech Tools: Revolutionizing Our World In 2024 rld-in-2024

• 6 new tech tools to upgrade your home office in 2024 de-home-office-2024-ces

• 20 Tech Experts On The Tools And Trends That Will Dominate 2024 ch-experts-on-the-tools-and-trends-that-will-dominate-2024/?sh= 6caea26a1eef

A System to Align Passion and Growth Potential

Get the first book to help professionals and entrepreneurs navigate the uncertain post-pandemic world of work while aligning personal purpose and professional advancement.

Building the Business of You shares the trends of tomorrow so professionals, entrepreneurs, freelancers, founders, and side hustlers can “skate where the puck will be” and make their own career mashup.

Connie has seen firsthand that business is no longer binary, hierarchical, or absolute. It’s non-linear, collaborative, and fluid. You don’t have to start at the bottom and earn your way up; you can start at the top, as CEO of you.

(Fluidity: The Future of Work (Part II)

In the last issue, we discussed how the present and future are characterized by greater fluidity than at any previous point in history. The tools we use, the organizations we work within, the way we learn — it’s all increasingly flexible, dynamic, and integrated.

In part two of this series, we’re focusing on the fluidity of where and how we learn.


We live in a world with unprecedented access to information. Anyone with an internet connection can access information on just about any topic or skill. As a result, there are increasingly more paths for growth and progression. You can’t take for granted how someone achieves their education or expertise anymore.

Workers and learners in previous generations had their lives predicated upon ”or.” They were specialists in one thing. It was this or that. And there were formal paths most people took to get this or that.

This is not the case for this new generation of learners. Today, the focus has shifted to “and.” Younger professionals can more easily develop skills and build knowledge that span multiple disciplines — and they do! People don’t want to conform to just one thing. Both work and education are now about this AND that.

The result is transformative. We can now sample and try different areas simultaneously to see what we like. We can then parallel path our pursuit of unique and even eclectic interests. But that also means our organizations need to be able to accommodate people on all of these different paths; the freedom is empowering and

creates new opportunities, but also presents a strategic challenge for educators and employers.


Fluidity doesn’t just change what and how we learn. It also affects where we learn it. The requirement to be co-located in one place to accomplish the work is no longer the norm. What a classroom, school, or workplace looks like is becoming increasingly blurred. And, especially after the pandemic, people expect this kind of location flexibility.

Employees now have more flexibility in whether they work from the office, from the comfort of their homes, or adopt a hybrid model that melds the two. This new-found location fluidity not only empowers individuals to tailor their work environments to their needs but also challenges organizations to reconfigure their strategies to accommodate this diversity.

Students no longer need physical access to an educator to learn from them. And with the numerous ways we have to distribute information asynchronously, learners don’t even need to be learning at the same time someone is teaching. This flexibility in education can empower individuals to balance their learning with other life commitments.

In essence, location fluidity represents a fundamental shift in our perception of work and education, blurring the lines between physical and virtual spaces. It’s a testament to the adaptability of the modern world. The where and how of learning and working are evolving to better suit our dynamic lives.

Look for Part III in our next issue.

3 Secrets To Building A Lead Generation Engine that books 3-5 sales calls in your calendar each week…

If there’s one CRITICAL skill you need to set your business up for success; it’s LEAD GENERATION.

And in this masterclass, I’m going to walk you through the exact blueprint I’ve been using with other education companies and EdTech founders to get more high-quality, high-converting leads on repeat, to grow their business!

When you join LIVE, you will discover:

• How EdTech Founders and Education Companies are getting hundreds of high-quality leads (without paying for expensive ads or burning out creating social media content that no one sees).

• How to book calls with decision makers who want to buy your product (instead of tire-kickers and time-wasters!).

• One little used tool to get immediate responses and book more sales calls this week.

• One thing most people skip - that will 10x your conversions… and help you clearly communicate the value of your service or product.

• And how to create a lead generation system that brings in leads on repeat

This is a FREE LIVE Masterclass and seats will be limited. Save Your Seat NOW and Register for the next date!

Behind the Screen

As technology continues to grow and expand, Downing EdTech showcases entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and small businesses that are offering valuable services utilized in the EdTech industry. In this edition, we are featuring Rachel Porter, Voice Actor. Check out her work in the video below!

Rachel Porter Voice Actor
Ph# 913-832-0494

EdTech Speaks Podcast

In the most recent episode of the EdTech Speaks podcast, Dr. Sher Downing interviews one of our own team members, Jeremy Hopper, Senior Director of Learning Solutions at Downing EdTech.

Throughout the conversation, Jeremy shares about his journey in the field of instructional design and its evolution over the years, as the challenges arose from moving to virtual content and the importance of the user experience in online courses.

Jeremy shares his experience working in both higher education and the private sector, highlighting the different roles and responsibilities of instructional designers in different contexts. Discussions lead to the transition and impact of the pandemic on the shift to hybrid learning and the use of technology in instructional design. They conclude with a discussion on the future of learning experience and the importance of continuous learning and intentional design.

Listen in here:

Insights from our Experts

Each month we’ll have our experts provide answers to industry questions.

We welcome you to submit a question – EMAIL US HERE

This month we’re featuring Summer Zifko, Innovation Officer.

We asked Summer “What do you do when ‘March Madness’ sets in and you realize you can’t do it all?”

In the ever-evolving landscape of EdTech, virtual work presents both opportunities and challenges. Navigating this dynamic environment requires constant adaptation to new platforms and technologies that seem to emerge daily. While the independence afforded by virtual work is empowering, it comes with the responsibility of managing multiple tasks and staying ahead of new tech, all while keeping your sanity.

What happens when you realize you can't do everything by yourself? I'm virtual, I’ve been there. Occasionally, it feels like I'm an army of one working in a vacuum. That doesn't necessarily lend itself to success. If you are feeling the "March Madness" all year round, here are three suggestions I can offer:

1) Always Adapt and Stay Ready to Learn:

The independence of virtual work demands constant adaptation to new platforms and technologies. Embracing a mindset of continuous learning is essential to stay ahead in this rapidly changing landscape.

2) Effectively Manage Time and Tasks: Balancing diverse client demands requires meticulous attention to task lists and priorities. Delegating tasks can be a gamechanger, ensuring that responsibilities are handled with precision and efficiency.

3) Stay Resilient in Setbacks: The dynamic nature of virtual work means that occasional setbacks are inevitable. Acknowledging these detours is crucial, but equally important is the ability to promptly return to standard operating procedures. Viewing disruptions as strategic opportunities for learning and growth reinforces resilience and adaptability.

If you still feel “March Madness” creeping in, check on your prioritization of tasks. Not everyone is fluent in "prioritization" but it can be a learned skill. Frequent reassessment of priorities helps distinguish urgent from important tasks, allowing for a more efficient approach with a clearer mind. Saying "no" when necessary is also a powerful skill to maintain focus on critical objectives. Personally, I use an archaic approach for prioritizing - a pen and paper for list tracking. Find what works for you.

In the virtual realm of EdTech, achieving longterm success involves realizing you can't do it alone. Don't be dissuaded. Consistent effort, a flexible mindset, and strategically engaging a team of trusted advisors is essential for navigating the complexities the EdTech space.

Our team of experts is here to help!

Insights from our Experts

"March Madness Leadership: How Solopreneurs Score Big in Business"

As March Madness sweeps the nation with its frenzy of basketball excitement, solopreneurs can draw inspiration from the tournament's energy and passion to elevate their leadership game in the business arena. Just like a skilled point guard orchestrates plays on the court, solopreneurs must master the art of leading their organizations single-handedly, navigating challenges and seizing opportunities with agility and finesse. Here's how solopreneurs can channel their inner coach and lead their businesses to victory during March Madness and beyond:

Craft Your Winning Game Plan: Just as a basketball team needs a solid game plan to succeed, solopreneurs must set clear goals and priorities for their business. Define your game strategy, identify key objectives, and map out a playbook to guide your actions both on and off the court.

Master the Full-Court Press of Time Management: With a packed schedule and limited resources, solopreneurs must excel at time management to stay ahead of the competition. Utilize effective time management techniques to prioritize tasks, stay organized, and make the most of every minute of game time.

Drive the Fast Break with Personal Branding: In the fast-paced world of business, your personal brand is your MVP (Most Valuable Player). Build a strong personal brand that showcases your expertise, passion, and unique selling points. Just like a star player electrifies the crowd with their skills, your personal brand should captivate your audience and set you apart from the competition.

Make the Assist: Delegate and Collaborate: While you may be the sole player on your team, there are still opportunities to pass the ball and collaborate with others. Outsource non-core tasks, enlist the support of freelancers or virtual assistants, and team up with fellow solopreneurs to leverage collective strengths and resources.

Stay in the Zone with Continuous Learning: In basketball, as in business, the key to success is continuous improvement. Stay sharp and stay ahead of the game by embracing a mindset of lifelong learning. Seek out new skills, stay abreast of industry trends, and never stop honing your craft.

Rebound from Setbacks with Resilience: Every game has its ups and downs, and solopreneurs must be prepared to rebound from setbacks with resilience and determination. Just like a team rallies after a tough loss, solopreneurs must bounce back from challenges, learn from their mistakes, and come back stronger than ever.

Celebrate the Victory: Network and Share Success: In the spirit of March Madness, celebrate your victories and share your success with others. Network with fellow solopreneurs, join mastermind groups, and participate in industry events to connect with like-minded professionals and celebrate your wins together.

I have always mentored new executives by asking them how they will lead people smarter than themselves. This is as much a reality in business as it is in Basketball. The basketball coach leads players that have much greater talent and physical skills for the game. But, the coach has a plan. They have a strategy. The coach leads intentionally and with focus. They participate in the game persistently. They never sit back and say oh.... number 32 has this under control. The coach maintains a strategic view of the larger game being played. They insert themselves into the game, into the high skills, high stakes plays, into the encouragement and goal setting, play by play.

When everyone else has given up, or struggles knowing what to do. The Coach has a plan. Be purposeful, be prepared, be ready for anything. You aren't just leading your own small team or team of one. You will run up against other competition with their next great idea. Or a customer who challenges your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that you proudly just released. Whether you are a basketball coach, a solopreneur or a CEO of a small new startup with a team of a few, keep your eye on the ball and maintain the strategy. Watch for changes you must adapt to and address them proactively where possible and change your approach. But, always play intentionally and lead with intentionality.


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Women’s Day Inspiration:
Zero Discrimination Day? What is
Celebrate International Pi Day!
Effective Leadership Lessons We Can Learn as Spectators Read the Article Here

Effective Leadership Lessons We Can Learn as Spectators

There are a lot of traits and practices that make leaders more effective with their teams, but two in particular come to light in our spectatorship this month. They are both in relation to how we honor our teams, how we play to their strengths and recognize their successes. As a leader, it’s important to make sure we are acknowledging the assets our teams truly are.

In March Madness, we watch as coaches fuel their players’ spirits and work to harness their skills in ways that can best help the team’s pursuits. We’ve all seen the movies where the locker rooms serve as the stage for inspirational speeches, and perhaps it’s too much to assume that this truly reflects what happens in real life, but it’s nice to assume that there’s some alignment there. Beyond that though, it’s the coach's responsibility to know their players’ strengths and to place players where they have the highest chance of being successful, or where they can be of the most assistance to the team. As leaders, we have the same duties. We should be looking to our players, our employees, and working to know who they are and what they’re good at. By doing so, we can strategically position them to contribute to the team’s success, and we can help them grow to be better and better. By recognizing our teams individual and collective strengths, we have a better path towards success.

Switching metaphors, we can take a couple of notes from the Oscars on how to recognize our teams properly. No, not by giving them little golden statues, but by honoring their contributions and making them feel seen. The Oscars serve as an opportunity to observe and celebrate the efforts of players big and small. Sure, the spotlight may go to the biggest, most public-facing figures, but even the “little guys” get recognition, even if it’s off-screen while the commercials roll. As leaders, we need to make sure that our team members are feeling seen and heard and celebrated. Ideally, we want to celebrate them just as much as the front-facing figures in the company, but what’s important is that everyone feels appreciation for what they are bringing to the table. Big or small, every contribution adds value to the company and paves a path towards success.

So, this month let’s take a cue from what we see on TV. Let’s remember that great leaders make great teams, and great teams manifest our triumphs. Let’s revive passion and inspiration in our workforce and celebrate all of our victories and the players that got us there.

Pi Day – The Intersection of Math and Pop Culture

Come March 14th, there's a unique holiday that captures the hearts of math buffs and foodies alike: Pi Day. It is not just another geek fest, on the contrary, Pi Day is quickly becoming one of the coolest dates on the calendar. And not just because it is the birthday of Albert Einstein, Michael Caine, Simone Biles and Stephen Curry, among many other famous people!

Pi Day is all about celebrating π (pi) - that magical number starting with 3.14 that helps us understand circles. Pi is irrational, infinite, mysterious, and pops up in places one would least expect, from the structure of the universe to the swirl of a creamy latte to the spiral of the DNA double helix. And because March 14th looks like 3/14, it's the perfect excuse to party in pi's honor.

The Celebration

What makes Pi Day stand out is its universal appeal. Sure, it started in the science world— shoutout to physicist Larry Shaw, who kicked things off in 1988—but it has since exploded into a global phenomenon that transcends age, culture, and even math skills.

In schools, Pi Day transforms math class into a theater of activities. Imagine learning about the mysteries of circles through art, baking, sports and storytelling. It's a chance for students to see math in a whole new light and for teachers to connect with kids who might not think they're "math people." But Pi Day is not just about schools. Around the world, communities come together to throw pi-themed events. Pie-eating contests, pi recitation challenges (the record is over 70,000 digits!), and even pi-inspired fashion shows. These gatherings are more than just fun and games; they're about connecting with others and celebrating human curiosity and creativity.

Let's not forget pi's star turn in movies, books, and art. References to pi can be found in works ranging from ancient religious texts to modern-day novels and movies. From the haunting melodies of Darren Aronofsky's film "π" to the whimsical illustrations of children's books like "Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi," pi has inspired creators to explore themes of pattern, symmetry, and infinity in their work. Every year, #PiDay trends worldwide, with people sharing memes, recipes, and even pi-inspired music playlists. It's a testament to how a simple mathematical constant can spark creativity and bring people together.

The Future of Pi Day

As Pi Day continues to advance, it's adapting to our changing world. Virtual Pi Day parties, online math challenges, and digital art contests are making the celebration more accessible than ever. And as we look for ways to connect in an increasingly digital age, Pi Day reminds us of the joy of shared discovery and wonder.

So this March 14th, why not dive into the Pi Day spirit? Whether you're baking a pie, geeking out over math puzzles, contemplating the curvature of a rainbow or simply enjoying a slice while watching the sunset, Pi Day is a reminder of the beauty that emerges when numbers meet imagination. Happy Pi Day, everyone—here's to infinite possibilities and the language of pi!

Coming Soon…

Don’t miss these upcoming conferences:

• C3 AI Announces Fifth Annual AI Conference, C3 Transform 2024: Reshaping the World with Generative AI

• Education conferences: nces-in-2024/

• 12 best EdTech conferences:

• Startup conferences in 2024

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