Downend Voice January 2023

Page 1

Dave's back on stage

'Throughabouts' scheme dropped

Plans to create three more throughabouts on the Avon Ring Road like the one at the Wraxall Road junction have been scrapped.


Car crashes into woman's home

A Downend woman says she is lucky to be alive after a car left Badminton Road and ploughed through a wall of her bungalow.

Downend to lose last bank

DOWNEND is set to lose its last 'big four' high street bank after HSBC announced plans to close its Badminton Road branch.

The bank will close on April 25 and is one of 114 HSBC is shutting across the country - more than a quarter of its current branch network.

The closure will leave the high street area with a Post Office counter and an agency for the Yorkshire Building Society for people who want to bank in person, plus two cash machines, at the post office

and Sainsbury's Local.

About a decade ago three banks and four building societies had a presence in the area.

NatWest and Lloyds had branches next to HSBC, while the Halifax, Britannia and Stroud & Swindon building societies have also shut. The Co-op Bank and Coventry Building Society have also come and gone over the same time. Turn to Page 6

Craig Anthonys


Here at Craig Anthonys we pride ourselves not only on the styles but also the advice that we can provide. Our award winning team with years of experience in colouring and cutting can provide a style unique to suite you.

To arrange a no obligation consultation pop in or give us a call.

PAGES 4 & 5

Bright start for

Jake's lights

Downend teenager Jake Skinner's annual Christmas lights display has already raised more than £1,000 this year for cancer charity Macmillan.


Mangotsfield BS16
St James Place
9JB 0117 910 9002
Tel: 01179 571551 1 Willow Centre, Downend Road, Downend
A Downend musician who was left with only half lung capacity after a ten-month Covid infection has fulfilled his dream of singing on stage again - thanks to the English National Opera. Full story: Page 3 Dave Smith with wife Lyn and Dr Ed Moran


SUTTON Chiropractic in Downend helps you and your family get back to doing the things you love. As such, we love New Year’s resolutions. It’s a time when new hobbies emerge or you commit further to something you love. This could be walking those extra few steps a day, training for a race later in the year or taking up that dance class you have always been tempted by.

Whatever it is, we want you to excel at what you do, and enjoy it. So we thought we’d put together a few tips that can help you get the most out of your newfound hobby or achieve that long-standing goal.

1. Address the whole picture

The different aspects of your health support and strengthen each other when given equal attention. If one area is neglected whilst another is vigorously pursued, the whole picture can unravel. Simplicity and balance are the key. Here

love New Year resolutions

are the five cornerstones of optimal health, address these and you’ll be able to make changes that last:

• Healthy spine and nerves

• Regular exercise and movement

• Joints and muscles in good alignment

• A varied diet of fresh natural foods

• Relaxation/mindfulness

2. Start with a good foundation

In an effort to get healthier our exercise levels increase throughout January/February, however many people develop injuries from this as they have missed one of the fundamental components listed above. The most common issue is when the spine, neck or pelvis are out of alignment at the start of the get fit phase and injuries start to develop. It’s not uncommon for these to spread to the knees, elbows and shoulders too. This is why the body must be assessed and helped back to proper alignment. Ensuring that you can carry your fitness regime further into the year. A sound body can produce wonderful results in your overall health, especially when linked with the other parts of the optimal health approach.

3. Consistency is key

We are creatures of habit and the quality of our habits determines the results. Essentially this means what you do today, sets you up for tomorrow. This could be preparing food for the week ahead, getting to bed earlier or planning an exercise slot

into your schedule. Keep consistent in the pursuit of your health goals and the changes will come. Getting support can really help keep you on track, and this could be in the form of a gym partner, running/walking groups or a local slimming world.

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you

get back to doing the things you love, or setting the best foundation for activities you’re taking up, we’d love to help. We want you at your best and would love to see how we can help for 2023. Remember, keep it simple, start with a good foundation and be consistent.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 2 downendvoice Other Specialties at Sutton Chiropractic Contact us for: Headaches Posture Women's Health Athletic performance & recovery Paediatric care Christchurch Family Medical Centre, North Street, Bristol BS16 5SG T: 0117 214 1636 W: FB: @suttonchiro E:
Matt Sutton

Opera expert helps Dave to sing again

WHEN Dave Smith caught Covid-19 during the first wave of the pandemic, it was the start of an ordeal which almost claimed his life.

The retired driving instructor from Downend had been given the all-clear from leukaemia only a week before and, with an immune system weakened by chemotherapy drugs, he came close to death several times. He even arranged the music for his funeral service.

After ten months with the disease - the longest recorded case in the world at the time - he was finally given the all-clear after being given experimental antibody treatment, and began a long road to recovery in 2021.

Dave had suffered chest infections and pneumonia, and was left with pulmonary fibrosis, a form of lung disease which meant he had only half his previous lung capacity.

But he never gave up hope of going back to singing and playing guitar, having performed for 57 years, including a long stint in the house band at Bristol's Locarno club in the 1970s.

In December Dave fulfilled his dream of taking to the stage again, strapping on his red Fender Stratocaster guitar and singing in front of a capacity crowd at the Langley Arms pub in Emersons Green, where he has been hosting a weekly quiz for 23 years.

It was made possible thanks to a ground-breaking course called ENO Breathe, devised by the English National Opera in conjunction with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust to tackle post-Covid breathlessness

and anxiety.

The six-week remote course was carried out over Zoom, with Dave joining a group of 20 people, including some opera singers.

It included a series of breathing and vocalising exercises, led by singing specialist and creative director Suzi Zumpe.

Dave said: "Suzy has been a very good teacher and explained the science behind it.

"If I'd known her exercises 60 years ago, I might have had a better singing career!"

Suzy came to the gig at the Langley Arms and performed a duet with Dave of a song from the ENO Breathe course, Gershwin's Summertime, from the opera Porgy and Bess.

Dave and fellow musicians Tony Ogden and Mike Cashley performed two sets of hits by bands including Dire Straits, The Eagles and Status Quo, before

Budget cuts proposed

SOUTH Gloucestershire Council’s cabinet has agreed a raft of proposed cuts to go forward for next year's budget.

Green waste collections will nearly double in price from £30 to £55 a year, street lights will be dimmed and staffed library hours reduced if the plans to plug a £29.3 million shortfall are approved by the full council in February.

Among the raft of planned savings, which are now open for a public consultation, are premiums on council tax bills for second and empty homes, fewer guided escorts for home-to-school transport, scrapping taxi marshals in night-time economy hotspots and higher fees and charges across the board.

The council has also launched a consultation into a Clean Air Action Plan, to look at ways to tackle air pollution in areas including Staple Hill High Street, which can be found online at Council column: Page 55

finishing with Slade's Merry Xmas Everybody.

Dave said: "The gig was absolutely brilliant - the place was full and it was a magical night."

The band played two setsthe first of 45 minutes but the second was shorter, as Dave felt the effects of performing.

He said: "I could hardly stand at the end - they had to help me into my car.

"I felt like I'd been hit by a bus the next day."

Suzi said: "It was an honour to get to share the stage with Dave.

"His transformation through the six weeks of ENO Breathe was incredible.

"Getting to see Dave's first performance after covid was just spectacular, and I found it so touching to see Dave doing what he loves most again."

Another special guest at the gig was Dr Ed Moran of

The whole event was filmed by the BBC, whose presenter Jon Kay found out about the ENO Breathe programme and also arranged a surprise video meet-up for Dave before the gig with one of his musical heroes, Status Quo's Francis Rossi, who was preparing for his own show at Wembley Arena.

Dave said: "I didn't recognise him at first, without the pony tail!

"We had a 15-minute chat, talking about the old days - back in the 70s we used to play lots of Status Quo." But having fulfilled his ambition, Dave is not looking start gigging regularly again.

He said: "If Status Quo asked me to do a world tour, I might have to decline!"

For more information on the course visit breathe.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email:

News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 3 downendvoice January, 2023 n NEWS
Southmead Hospital, who had treated Dave during his battle with Covid. Dave Smith performs at the Langley Arms


'Like a bomb went off'

A DOWNEND woman believes she is lucky to be alive after a car crashed into her home in the middle of the night.

Charlotte Potter was asleep in her bungalow in Badminton Road when the car left the road, travelled over a verge, across a side turning and through her garden wall, before crashing into the corner of her home, damaging the external wall and the kitchen.

Her home has been declared unsafe, and until it can be repaired she is living with her friend and next-door neighbour, Sam Merrett.

Avon and Somerset police arrested the driver of the car on suspicion of drink-driving after the incident, which happened at around 2.30am on December 3.

"I just dived out of bed, looked out and saw bricks in Charlotte's front garden."

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Our February edition deadline is January 11.


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Downend Voice is independent. We cannot take responsibility for content or accuracy of adverts, and it is advertisers’ responsibility to conform to all relevant legislation. We cannot vouch for any services offered. Opinions are not necessarily those of the editor. Downend Voice is distributed each month to local residents. If for some reason you do not get a copy, please get in touch or collect one from local pickup points. Feedback is welcomed, call Gary Brindle on 0117 907 8585 or news@


Despite our best efforts, we sometimes get things wrong. We always try to resolve issues informally at first but we also have a formal complaints procedure. If you have a complaint about anything in the Downend Voice, contact the publisher using the details below. We aspire to follow the Code of Conduct of the NUJ (National Union of Journalists), which holds journalists to a high standard of behaviour.

Further details of the complaints process can be found on the Voice website here, or can be obtained by contacting the Publisher.

Charlotte has a disability from a spinal injury and on the night of the crash she had taken a pill to help her sleep, but was awoken by the noise of the impact.

She said: "Luckily I was in bed at the time. If I struggle to sleep I will usually find myself in the kitchen baking a cake.

"If the car had gone a couple of inches to the right, it could have gone into my bedroom."

Charlotte said she was in "pure shock" when she woke up, adding: "For something to wake me up on sleeping tablets, it's got to be loud."

She called the police, at first thinking there had been a crash on the road, then looked out of her window to see the back of a car in her garden.

Sam said: "It was like a bomb went off - I've never heard a sound like it.

Sam went outside and found one of the car's passengers in the garden, the driver by the road and the car lodged in the wall of Charlotte's home.

Charlotte is grateful to the emergency services for their help on the night - firefighters installed an emergency frame to stop her roof and walls from collapsing.

Charlotte and Sam were waiting to give police a full statement when they spoke to the Voice, and have offered doorbell video footage to officers.

Police have appealed for anyone with information about the circumstances of the crash, which involved a grey Volkswagen Golf, or dashcam or doorbell video footage, to call 101 and quote the incident reference number 5222 289 708.

A spokesperson said: "Officers attended within 10 minutes. Despite damage to the property, thankfully no one inside was injured.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377

January, 2023 4
downendvoice n NEWS
Publisher Gary Brindle 0117 907 8585 07799 461169 Follow us on Twitter @downendvoice Find us on Facebook downendvoice Journalist Linda Tanner 0777 0700579 Journalist Ken MCormick 07715 770377 A member of the
The car embedded in the bungalow's wall

– car hits home as woman sleeps inside

"The driver of the car went to hospital with injuries not believed to be life-threatening or life-changing.

"They were arrested on suspicion of drink driving and released under investigation pending further enquiries."

Charlotte understands it could take two or three months to repair her home. It has been declared unsafe by housing association Bromford, which has cut off the gas and electricity, and fenced off the entrance to stop anyone getting in.

Charlotte said: "Bromford did say I could stay in a hotel but the nearest one with a wet room, which I need, was in Brislington - I would have been isolated and my carers would have stopped visiting me, as it's in a different area."

While Charlotte is living next door she and Sam are taking it in turns to sleep on the sofa and bed. She said: "I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Sam living next door."

Sam said: "We're rotating sleeping on the sofa one night and bed the other.

"I'm disabled too but I wouldn't have it any other way. We see each other as family - the bond we have is amazing."

Bromford associate director of localities Natalie Colfer said: “After making an initial visit to the property on the day of the incident we have since returned to fence off the area and to carry out a full assessment of the damage caused. We are reviewing that information so we can plan the repairs to the property as soon as possible to allow Miss Potter to return to her home."

Charlotte's bungalow is on a bend in the road, and a van ended up in Sam's garden about 10 years ago after also coming off the road.

They both want to see something done to improve safety: Charlotte believes bollards between the road and houses may have stopped the car from hitting her home.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 5 downendvoice January, 2023 n NEWS BRISTOL DOWNEND CHRISTADELPHIANS The entrance of thy words giveth light Sunday BiBle TalkS in January @ 2pm 1st Why I Follow Jesus 8th Baptism - a New Start to a New Life 15th Evidence for Faith in the Bible 22nd Signs that the Return of Jesus is Near 29th The Character of God Visit for more details Come along to the Christadelphian Hall on Hill House Road, Downend or watch live on YouTube.
Charlotte Potter (left) and neighbour Sam Merrett outside her damaged home


providing free tablet devices to selected branch customers who do not already have a device to bank digitally, alongside oneto-one coaching to help them migrate to digital banking."

From page 1

HSBC said the closures followed a 65% drop in use of its branch network over the past five years, with the "vast majority" of those closing seeing footfall drop by more than half.

But the bank also released figures which show that more than a third of its Downend customers rely on the branch for all of their banking.

HSBC's managing director of UK distribution, Jackie Uhi, said: “People are changing the way they bank and footfall in many branches is at an all-time low, with no signs of it returning.

"The decision to close a branch is never easy or taken lightly, especially if we are the last branch in an area, so we’ve invested heavily in our ‘post closure’ strategy, including

HSBC declined to reveal how many people work at the Downend branch or whether any would be made redundant.

A spokesperson said: "We will be working with all colleagues in the impacted branches to understand their current situation, with a view to redeploying them to other branches or into another role in the bank."

HSBC's closure impact analysis report said 181 personal and 173 business customers had used the branch in 10 out of the last 12 months.

The report said 94% of customers were registered for telephone banking - although only 38% of those are "active users".

The report said 64% of branch customers were registered for internet and mobile banking, with 30% of registered mobile and 31% of registered internet

banking customers classed as active users.

Numbers were far lower for customers classed as 'vulnerable', with only 6% actively using internet banking, 4% actively using mobile banking and 12% using phone banking.

The report said: "35% of customers rely on branch-only banking and no other methods."

It said the 19% of vulnerable customers who do not use alternative banking methods "will be given additional support up to the closure".

HSBC is advising customers who still want a counter service to use the post office across the road or visit the nearest HSBC branch in Regent Street,


The decision to close the branch was described as "extremely disappointing" by Frenchay and Downend ward South Gloucestershire councillors Liz Brennan, Ben Burton and James Griffiths, who said the branch was a "lifeline" for people who don’t have access to online services.

Cllr Brennan said: "High streets across the country are struggling due to changing consumer behaviour but, in this case, it’s local people who prefer to do their banking in person who stand to lose out.

"We will be writing to HSBC to seek more details on how this closure will affect residents in Frenchay and Downend and express our concern about the level of support available for people who can’t use online services."

Metro Mayor Dan Norris said the announcement "particularly grates when the company has just announced bumper quarterly profits" and called for regulators to be given powers to ensure communities have regular access to in-person services.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 6 downendvoice SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANCY AND TRAINING FOR ALL YOUR CDM, SITE AUDITS, RISK ASSESSMENTS, ASBESTOS SURVEYS, FIRE RISK ASSESSMENTS, TRAINING NEEDS AND MORE. Discounted training if booked online SITE MANAGERS SAFETY TRAINING SCHEME (SMSTS) / SMSTS REFRESHER / SITE SUPERVISOR SAFETY TRAINING SCHEME (SSSTS) / SSSTS REFRESHER / H&S AWARENESS / DIRECTORS ROLE FOR HEALTH & SAFETY LEVEL 3 AWARD IN EMERGENCY FIRST AID, LEVEL 3 FIRST AID AT WORK, LEVEL 2 AWARD FIRE SAFETY ASBESTOS AWARENESS MANAGING SAFELY / WORKING SAFELY / SAFETY, HEALTH & ENV. FOR CONSTRUCTION Contact us: 01179 575154 Email us: Visit us: Sophia House, 9 Soundwell Road, Staple Hill, BS16 4QG Website: n NEWS NEED A NEW BOILER ? 10 YEAR GUARANTEE CALL JULIAN ON 07831 718509 Over 30 years experience JK Morgan plumbing & heating Accredited Installer Check us out on Email: JK MORGAN Plumbing, Heating & Gas Engineer
the high street

Staple Hill man sold 'vast quantities' of drugs

A STAPLE Hill man who was part of a gang selling what police described as "vast quantities of drugs" has been jailed.

James Marshall, of Seymour Road, and Kingswood man Scott Ryan were part of a gang caught with packages of ketamine worth an estimated £168,000 on the street.

They used encrypted phone messaging service EncroChat to communicate with three men from Sussex, making deals and transporting ketamine and cannabis - both Class B drugsbetween Brighton and Bristol.

But the EncroChat service had been hacked by an international law enforcement operation.

Police said intercepted messages between the men "included discussions about multiple six-figure drug deals," made over several months in 2020.

Avon and Somerset Police started an investigation, carrying out surveillance as Ryan, of Albany Street, drove across the

country transporting drugs.

In March this year police stopped Ryan in a van in Bristol, searching it and finding several packages of ketamine, with an estimated street value of £168,000.

They also seized mobile phones and around £6,000 in cash.

Marshall was arrested at a Bristol pub and searches were carried out at Ryan’s home and a lock-up in Warmley, where almost £8,000 in cash and more ketamine was seized.

Two months later police arrested the three men from Sussex.

Marshall, aged 33, and 37-year-old Ryan pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply ketamine, possessing ketamine with intent to supply and conspiracy to transfer criminal property.

Ryan also admitted possessing an offensive weapon in a public place and two counts of possessing criminal property.

Marshall was jailed for six

years and nine months, while Ryan was given a four-year sentence at Bristol Crown Court.

Sentencing them on November 25, Recorder Adam Vaitilingam said: “You were both involved in an organised crime group directing and supplying ketamine on a commercial scale.”

At Lewes Crown Court in October, the Sussex men34-year-old Daniel Newman of Brambletyne in Saltdean, Harrison Beesley, also 34, of Kings Drive in Eastbourne and Ryan Caplin, 26, of Kingsway in Brighton, were given prison sentences of between three years, four months and eight years, eight months after admitting charges relating to the conspiracy.

A confiscation hearing to seize their profits is due to take place in 2023.

Afterwards Detective Sergeant Jason Chidgey said: “We welcome the strong sentences handed out to these five men and hope it sends a loud

message to anyone involved in the supply of illegal drugs.

“These results come off the back of a complex and lengthy investigation and show that police and other law-enforcement agencies are steadfast in their determination to bring down organised crime groups, who cause misery in local communities.”

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 7 downendvoice January, 2023 n NEWS Please ask one of our experienced team for details Chapel Lane, Fishponds Trading Estate, Bristol BS5 7EY Tel: (0117) 951 7717 email: web: facebook: @BristolCarpets One of the largest stockists of Carpet, Vinyl, Laminate and LVT in the South West A family run business for over 85 years, supplying and fitting quality flooring in the Bristol and surrounding areas Massive choice of quality carpets and remnants Fitting service available with expert fitters Removal & Disposal of existing carpets Delivery service available FREE large car park FREE measuring & planning service FREE NO obligation estimates FREE sample service (Charges apply) Opening hours: Mon - Sat 9am - 5pm Sunday / Bank Holidays 10 am - 4pm
James Marshall

At the start of the New Year it’s the time we can feel refreshed and take the opportunity to look ahead to the coming New Year. It’s a long standing tradition, a necessity maybe, to make New Year's resolutions.

Where do New Year’s resolutions come from?

New Year’s resolutions are reported to have started as far back as Babylonian times. That’s around 4,000 years ago! Back then, the start of the new year was in March, when the crops were planted. People would reaffirm loyalty to the King and make promises to their gods to return borrowed items and pay their debts. In Roman times, just over 2,000 years ago, Julius Caesar changed the calendar and set the 1st of January as the start of the new year. The Roman people made promises to their gods of good conduct for the coming year. For early Christians the 1st day of the year became the time they traditionally thought about their past mistakes and resolved to do better in the future.

Who makes New Year’s resolutions now?

Well actually around half of us continue this traditional practice. These days we tend to make promises to ourselves - which often focus on self improvement (or self-efficacy - our belief in our ability to act in ways necessary to reach specific goals!). However surveys continue to show that despite 50% of us making these promises to ourselves only 10% of us actually manage to keep these.

What are our New Year’s resolutions at Turners Opticians?

For us as a practice we’re committed year in year out to looking after the eyecare and vision needs of our patients. We’ve also been quietly working towards becoming a more sustainable Optometry practice too. This year we’re making the resolution as a team to commit to sustainable optometryour new look website will have full detail on this very soon!

What else are we committed to at Turners Opticians?

Well, no New Year blog would be complete without mentioning glasses and our key focus - making sure you look & feel great in your glasses. One of our favourite frame collections for everyday luxury is Tom Davis. Time and time again our patient’s tell us that they love not only the look and feel of their new glasses but also just how comfortable they are to wear - all day.

Whether you make New year’s resolutions or not, we’re aiming to be in the 10% who actually manage to keep them! We’ll keep you posted on our progress.

If you’re looking for fab new glasses that not only look amazing but are also super comfortable then why not pop in and see our friendly team for a frame styling consultation?

You can contact our Henleaze or Fishponds practices online, by email or by calling 0117 962 2474 or 0117 965 4434. Have an amazing New Year everyone!

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 8 downendvoice New Year New Look “WHEN IT COMES TO EYEWEAR, WHY COMPROMISE, STYLE & COMFORT COME AS A PAIR” TOM DAVIES, BRITISH DESIGNER 57 Henleaze Road 768 Fishponds Road Bristol BS9 4JT Bristol BS16 3UA 0117 962 2474 0117 965 4434 Turners Eye Care Ltd T/A Turners Opticians Incorporated in England & Wales Reg No. 8201460 Subject to availability, T&C’s apply.
n TURNERS VISION Peter Turner of Turners Opticians 0117 962 2474 0117 965 4434
New Year!
Peter Turner is a Senior Optometrist at Turners Opticians in Bristol and also works part-time as a Senior Medical Optometrist at the Bristol Eye Hospital..

Roundabouts revamp is scrapped

PLANS to spend £30 million on changes to five roundabouts on the Avon Ring Road have been scrapped.

South Gloucestershire Council unveiled plans to build three more 'throughabouts' on the A4174 in summer 2021.

Roundabouts at Siston Hill near Mangotsfield, Deanery Road near Warmley, and Kingsfield, at Longwell Green, would all have been converted, with six new lanes built to take through ring road traffic across the middle.

The Lyde Green roundabout near the Bristol and Bath Science Park and the Rosary roundabout, next to Emersons Green shopping centre, would have had extra lanes added, with more traffic lights and entry lanes.

But the council paused the proposals a year ago, shortly after the opening of the first throughabout at the Wraxall Road junction, near Kingswood, amid overwhelming opposition and fears the new layouts were


At the time the council said it was postponing a bid for government money to fund the plans, and would review the situation after a year.

Now it has decided to abandon the plans, insisting there has been a “significant reduction” in delays on the ring road since they were first drawn up in 2018.

The council says the Wraxall Road throughabout, which cost £6.9m, has had a “positive impact”. But it said further changes were no longer needed, because ring road traffic at

morning and afternoon peak times had dropped by up to 14 per cent since 2018, when the proposals were initially drawn up, as travel patterns had changed following the pandemic.

Cabinet member for regeneration, environment and strategic infrastructure, Steve Reade, said: “We have made the decision not to submit a funding bid and to withdraw the proposals.

“We monitored the ring road and have the evidence that traffic patterns have changed.

“Our data for the Wraxall Road junction improvement

indicates that many of the congestion issues on the ring road between Siston Hill and Kingsfield have now been reduced.”

Land at the edges of the ring road would have been developed to provide space for extra lanes on and around the roundabouts.

But 84 per cent of the 880 respondents disapproved of the plans during a 12-week public consultation.

Residents asked for the performance of the Wraxall Road junction to be better understood before more throughabouts were built and raised concerns about the impact of three years of roadworks needed.

The scheme was also criticised by West of England metro mayor Dan Norris and the Green Party, who said no dedicated bus lanes had been proposed, and argued road-building generated more vehicles.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 9 downendvoice n NEWS • Electrical installation, maintenance, and testing • Painting/decorating • Carpentry • Kitchen installations • Fire door installation, upgrades and repairs • Fencing installation and repairs • Pitched roof improvements, felt and battening • Plastering and patch plastering Servicing properties across Bristol, the South of England, Wales and beyond www bns co uk 0117 957 0809 info@bns co uk 18 Badminton Road Downend, Bristol, BS16 6BQ • Brickwork repairs • Repointing works • Paving slab installations and upgrades • Fascia and guttering repairs and replacements • Rubbish removal • Skirting repairs and replacements • Studwork installations • Landlord services Expert Maintenance Services Bespoke & Independent
The Siston Hill roundabout near Mangotsfield would have become a 'throughabout' under the plans

High expectations and positive attitudes at Pathways

THE education watchdog has praised a school in Downend which provides many children with their "first positive experiences" of education.

Pathways Learning Centre in Overndale Road is a pupil referral unit, teaching children who have been permanently excluded from one or sometimes two other schools, who are at risk of exclusion or who have significant medical and mental health needs.

It takes children from across South Gloucestershire on either short or long-term placements, and had 138 pupils, aged from five to 16, on its roll when a team of inspectors from Ofsted visited in September.

Their report awarded Pathways an overall 'good' rating, and said pupils' personal development, behaviour and attitudes were 'outstanding' - the highest possible rating.

The inspectors said: "Pupils describe Pathways Learning Centre as ‘a family’.

"Pupils start at different points in their education and throughout the school year. Despite this, they agree that everyone is welcoming. They quickly feel part of the school.

"For many, this is one of the first positive experiences of education that they can

Take a fresh look at caring with Home Instead


"The impact of this is evident in pupils’ highly positive attitudes to their learning and the strong relationships between staff and pupils.

"Everyone has high expectations of behaviour. Pupils respond and behave exceptionally well.

"Staff are calm, empathetic and unintrusive when supporting pupils who may be experiencing challenges."

The inspectors said school leaders and staff had high ambitions for all pupils, and used an effective induction process to provide a "bespoke and engaging education", covering the breadth of the national curriculum.

They praised the school's work on reading and achieving qualifications relevant to the next stage of pupils' education.

The report said staff prioritised children's social, emotional and mental health needs.

The inspectors said: "Parents are positive about the impact the school has.

"They appreciate how staff treat pupils as individuals with specific needs."

Inspectors said the personal development of pupils was a

"strength" of the school and also praised help for children who were struggling with work, safeguarding arrangements and understanding of neurodiversity, which "empowers everyone to recognise and respect the uniqueness of each individual".

They recommended that the school improve the structure of its curriculum, understand pupils' prior learning better and more clearly identify what they want individual pupils to learn.

Head teacher Louise Leader said the school was "absolutely delighted" with the report.

She said: "To achieve a good rating is a great achievement for everyone in PLC, but to secure outstanding judgements in ‘personal development’ and also in ‘behaviour and attitudes’ is remarkable.

"I am so proud of the fabulous and dedicated team at PLC, who work tirelessly to support our students.

"Pathways' mission is ‘changing lives’, and we try to do that every single day, in some small way, to help our students persevere, overcome the challenges they face and go on to have happy and successful futures when they leave us.

"We are so pleased that Ofsted has recognised the work we do and the excellent progress our students make; but we are most proud that they recognised that Pathways Learning Centre is ‘a family’ and that for many of our students this is 'one of the first positive experiences of education that they can remember’.

"Our efforts are reflected in the relentless hard work and dedication that goes on in many PRUs and Alternative Provisions across the country.

"We will continue to work tirelessly to support our students and help to drive the crucial work of the PRUsAP sector nationally."

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 10 downendvoice Unrushed, relationship focused care 1 hour visits Matched to clients in your own area Competitive payup to £14 per hour Variety of work patterns available First class training & career development 12% Holiday pay & a pension scheme Interested? Call us now on 0117 435 0063 or visit
Staff and pupils celebrating on GCSE results day. Pupils at Pathways Learning Centre learn about computer algorithms using a bicycle

Praise for nursery's 'kind and nurturing' staff

A MANGOTSFIELD nursery which opened during the pandemic has been praised by Ofsted in its first ever inspection.

The education watchdog visited Play Station @ Barley Close in October and found it to be good in all areas: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.

Inspector Holly Smith praised the nursery's wide variety of toys and resources, opportunities for children to be physically active and "positive partnerships" with parents.

The inspector said: "Children form strong relationships with the kind and nurturing staff who care for them. They are eager to begin their play, and separate from their parents and carers with ease.

"Children become completely absorbed in their imaginative play."

The report said staff also gave children "lots of opportunities" to be active in the outdoor play space at the nursery, which stands in the grounds of Barley Close Primary School.

The inspector said: "Children learn to manage risk safely and display very good coordination as they skilfully climb steps on

the setting's new play frame. Staff support young children to take turns."

Opportunities for children to create crafts, pick and learn how to prepare apples from a tree in the grounds and learn to swim in the school's pool were also highlighted.

The inspector said: "Managers and staff develop positive partnerships with parents. They gather a wide range of information about children's interests and care needs when they first begin to attend."

She said as well as talking to parents at

drop-off and collection times parents were invited in to see and discuss children's learning journals and attend some group sessions, including an organised yoga session.

Staff also helped children learn about similarities and differences in people's lives, including where they live and their appearance, and "acknowledge and celebrate these differences".

The inspector recommended that the nursery looks at further ways to enhance children's awareness of healthy lifestyles, and review assessment procedures.

Play Station opened at Barley Close in May 2020, shortly after the school's own nursery class closed.

It has 16 children aged between two and four on its roll, with places available for up to 30.

Manager Bernadette Braund said: "It took a long time for us to get to opening point, what with government changes and then Covid.

"We opened up during the pandemic, and it’s been a roller-coaster ride ever since.

"I am really proud of our team and what we have accomplished here so far, and we really look forward to continuing on our journey."

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 11 downendvoice Melanie’s Kitchen Delicatessen, Gift & Refill Shop 2 Downend Road, Downend, Bristol BS16 5UJ Tel: 0117 957 2662 Follow us on Facebook/Instagram: Melanie’s Kitchen, Downend Hampers available all year round to suit any budget Wide range of quality cheeses, chutneys and crackers Check out our range of mugs, greetings cards and textiles designed by local artists Thank You for shopping locally this year - We really value your support of our small business Don’t forget we have loose chocolates all year round , Frozen meals from Lodge Farm Kitchen and curries from Bini’s, a refill service for Faith in Nature and Bio D plus a range of dog treats from Green and Wilds. n NEWS
Staff and children at Play Station @ Barley Close

School celebrates nativity return

MANY schools in the Downend area have been staging their first nativity plays with a live audience since the lockdown.

At St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School, children from Reception, Year 1 and 2 classes performed in front of two packed audiences of parents, grandparents, relatives and other members of the community.

Headteacher Mark Hilliam said: "It was a joy to finally perform in front of families again after two years of online nativities due to the pandemic.

"The audience loved the singing, dancing and acting.

"They were two brilliant shows, and a great success.

"We have a buddy system where Year 6 pupils support Reception starters, and it was great to see some of our past pupils return to watch their old buddies!"

The school's parents, teachers and friends association laid on teas and coffees and held a raffle to raise funds for the school.

Crowds join switch-on

A LARGE crowd gathered outside the Horseshoe pub as Downend's Christmas lights were switched on.

A festive singsong from the Great Day Choir and an appearance by Father Christmas at Craig Anthonys hair salon kicked off the festive shopping season exactly a month before Christmas Day.

The Downend Christmas lights are switched on

The 9,000 computer-controlled, colour changing LEDs on the main tree on the corner of Badminton Road and Westerleigh Road, and 1,500 more on a second tree at the North Street/Downend Road roundabout were first used a year ago, and this year Downend and Bromley Heath Parish Council has funded a third tree at Cleeve Wood Road shops, as well as extra lighting for the Willow Shopping Centre and the trunks of trees in the high street area.

The parish council said the turnout for the event had been "wonderful" and added: "To all of the shops on the high street that went to so much effort with their festive windows, you are all just brilliant!"

The council thanked Downend & Bromley Heath In Bloom, Chris Boulton, South Gloucestershire Council StreetCare, TJB Electricals, CT Electrical and Rygol Electrical Services for their work in setting up the display.

12 downendvoice January, 2023 To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 n NEWS We are Collegiate STARTING SCHOOL IN 2023? VISIT OUR RECEPTION INFORMATION MORNING THURSDAY 12TH JANUARY 8.45AM - 10AM Visit to register 88074_COLLEGIATE - RECEPTION ADVERTS_Voice Series_180x120.indd 1 14/11/2022 07:50

Jake's lights are better than ever

A DOWNEND teenager who started his own Christmas lights display in memory of his sister has made it bigger than ever.

Jake Skinner has expanded the display on his home at 26 Sutherland Avenue so it stretches from the garden gate all the way up to the eaves.

The 15-year-old Mangotsfield School pupil needed to borrow a cherry-picker and operators to help fix his new lights to the outside of the house.

Jake has been raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support over the past five years in memory of his sister Stacie, who died aged 17 of anaphylactic shock on Christmas Day 2015.

Stacie used to decorate her work desk with Christmas lights, and when her colleagues returned them to the family, Jake decided to remember her by illuminating the family home.

Over the years the displays have expanded and Jake has raised thousands for charity

Float visits

FATHER Christmas has been touring the area to raise money for the Southmead Hospital Charity.

Donations are collected from visitors during the display's opening hours of 4.30-8pm each day, with chocolates and Macmillan pin badges available every night and hot drinks

This year's fundraising total had already passed £1,000 as the Voice went to print, with Jake aiming to beat last year's total of


Donations are also being collected online at JakesChristmasLights - a page which has raised more than £5,300 since it was set up three years ago.

Jake, who won a Radio 1 Teen heroes award for his work in 2021, said: "This is the first year we've had stuff on top of the house - I've spent a lot of money on new things."

Jake has lost count of the number of lights now in the display, which has thousands of individual LEDs but still includes Stacie's lights.

The display took around 48 hours of work to set up and was unveiled to a crowd of around 200 people at the end of November, with music from members of the Staple Hill Salvation Army band.

Jake said: "I was very pleased with the turnout - it was more than I was expecting."

Fundraising team the Float Group have made several visits across Bristol and south Gloucestershire, including to Downend, Staple Hill, Mangotsfield, Frenchay, Emersons Green and Lyde Green on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from late November into December.

The Christmas carnival float has been running for more than 35 years.

Anyone who missed the float's street collectors can donate online at

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 13 downendvoice n NEWS Would you like to start a business? 12 hours of free training & advice Universal Business Support can provide: c o o l v e n t u r e s . c o . u k access to a range of practical workshops to help start & grow a business 08000 418293 a great opportunity to learn new business skills. Receive
Macmillan Cancer Care. served on Friday and Saturday nights through the festive season. Jake Skinner at the switch-on event

MP to stand down as constituency vanishes

KINGSWOOD MP Chris Skidmore has announced that he will stand down at the next general election.

The Conservative politician, who has held the seat since 2010, made his announcement days after proposed Parliamentary boundary changes, which would see his constituency abolished, were opened to a final public consultation.

Mr Skidmore had not commented on the shake-up when it was first announced in 2021.

But after the commission's latest version of the plans was published in November, he announced his intention to stand down in an interview with the Telegraph.

Mr Skidmore then released a statement, which said: "I was born and grew up in the constituency, as have generations of my family.

"There has been no greater honour in my life than to have represented my home area in Parliament.

"I have loved every moment of serving as Kingswood’s local MP for the past twelve years and look forward to serving my community for the rest of my term of office.

"Parliamentary boundary changes will result in the Kingswood constituency ceasing

to exist.

"With no alternative seat, I have decided that I do not wish to fight another constituency elsewhere in the region or country, especially with a very young family who deserve to see more of their father in their lives."

Mr Skidmore thanked constituents for "putting their trust and faith in me" and said he had had a "wonderful opportunity to serve widely in government".

He said that as Energy and Clean Growth Minister he had been responsible for signing the UK’s commitment to Net Zero carbon

dioxide emissions by 2050 into law, adding: "It is the delivery of this commitment that I now wish to focus my career upon after leaving Parliament."

Mr Skidmore has been leading an independent review into Net Zero for the government in recent months.

He said: "It is clear to me that Net Zero and tackling climate change will be the greatest challenge, yet also the greatest opportunity, of our generation.

"Rather than step aside, I hope that in the future I can step up to continue to play my own small part in helping to deliver on the energy transition that the world needs."

Under the proposed boundary changes, the parts of the Kingswood constituency in Downend, Emersons Green and Lyde Green will join neighbouring Filton & Bradley Stoke, Mangotsfield will join Staple Hill and the New Cheltenham, Kingswood and Woodstock council wards in the new Bristol North East seat. The remainder of the constituency would become part of a new North East Somerset and Hanham seat.

The final consultation closed on December 5, with the Boundary Commission due to send its recommendations to Parliament by next July.

14 downendvoice January, 2023 To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 n NEWS In 2023, we can make an even bigger difference to people in the community we love - together. Service provided by Flexible working to fit around you Receive full NHS benefits (including generous holiday allowance and pension) Take advantage of fantastic training and progression opportunities. Apply today. Your career. Our services. /SironaCIC /sirona-care-&-health /SironaCIC @SironaCIC ✓ ✓ ✓ Use the QR code to apply

A massive thank you to everyone who played a part in the Downend Christmas Lighting Switch On Event this year. Once again, a hugely successful event with The Great Day Choir singing carols around the tree, a visit by Father Christmas and of course the wonderful Christmas lights. Many congratulations to Bride at Home for winning the Best Dressed Christmas Window Competition. The photo shows Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor Jon Hunt, presenting the award to Jan.

Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very happy 2023.


Another thank you … this time to all those at Wales & West Utilities who, together with officers from South Gloucestershire Council, have been busy planting trees at the playing fields. It is hoped that early in the new year a contractor will be appointed to undertake the new pavilion project and the Parish Council will keep you updated via regular articles in Downend Voice.

DOWNEND & BROMLEY HEATH PARISH COUNCIL YOUR Community NEWS Brought to you by DOWNEND & BROMLEY HEATH PARISH COUNCILLORS Downend Ward CLLR MIKE BAKER Tel: 07789 393 681 CLLR JANET BIGGIN Tel: 0117 956 3566 or 07966 204 260 CLLR ISABELLA BROWNE Tel. 07803 051 684 CLLR BEN BURTON Tel: 07870 639 486 CLLR JAMES GRIFFITHS Tel: 07742 400 474 CLLR JON HUNT Tel. 07525 150 103 CLLR SHEILA OTTEWELL Tel: 0117 957 2724 CLLR RAJ KUMAR SOOD Tel: 07901 621 632 CLLR ALVIS WEST 07767 216 412 Staple Hill Ward CLLR PHILLIP ABBOTT Tel. 0117 957 0075 CLLR MATT PITTS Tel. 07837 870 039 Clerk to the Council Mrs Angela Hocking Tel. 0117 9567001 E-mail.

£11.5m for beds crisis

HEALTHCARE services have received £11.5 million to try to crack a hospital 'bed-blocking' winter crisis in the Bristol region.

The cash, split between the new local health authority Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Integrated Care Board and the three local councils, is from a £500 million Department of Health and Social Care emergency fund.

'Bed blocking' is where a patient is medically well enough to leave hospital but cannot be discharged because there no place or support available for them to be looked after in the community.

The 'adult social care discharge fund' aims to speed up the process of getting people into the most appropriate setting, as well as relieving the knock-on effects of packed A&Es and long ambulance queues.

It can be used to pay for more adult social care staff during the current crisis and other ways of freeing up hospital beds, such as home care and a programme called 'discharge to assess' where patients continue to have their care and assessment out of hospital.

BNSSG ICB chief executive Shane Devlin told a meeting of the board in December that many of its longer-term priorities had been suspended until April, with all focus now on getting as many people out of hospital safely when they have ‘no criteria to reside’.

He said keeping people who don’t need to be in hospital on wards “causes a massive amount of harm, not only to people in bed, both cognitively and physically, but also in flow with regard to ambulances”.

A report to the board said the ICB had been allocated £8.3million, Bristol City Council £1.7million, South Gloucestershire Council £780,000 and North Somerset Council £770,000 for its social care departments, with all money pooled.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 16 downendvoice January, 2023 n NEWS Thursdays 10.30-11.30am Lyde Green Community Centre £5.50 per session 07531009371 FOR ANYONE WITH A HEART CONDITION

'We’ve waited 20 years for better healthcare'

PEOPLE in South Gloucestershire are being let down by the continuing failure to deliver health services promised nearly two decades ago.

That’s the view of councillors who have now agreed to a new review of the impact of the reduction in hospital beds and shortage of minor injuries treatment provision across the district.

South Gloucestershire’s Health Scrutiny Committee heard that the Bristol Health Services Plan, drawn up in the early 2000s, had envisaged acute services at a rebuilt Southmead Hospital in Bristol with intermediate care beds at new community hospitals in Frenchay and Thornbury, as well as minor injuries units (MIUs) around the district.

But the Frenchay facility has not been built and South Gloucestershire has just one MIU at Yate, which cannot meet the demand, while efforts to secure a second MIU at Cossham

Hospital in Kingswood have been unsuccessful.

Campaigner Barbara Harris - a former member of Frenchay Community Hospital Group which campaigned for hospital facilities on the site - said a total of 348 hospital beds were lost through Frenchay and Thornbury hospital closures, while many of the beds at Southmead Hospital were currently occupied by patients who could not be discharged because follow-up community care was not available.

She and fellow campaigner Daphne Havercroft told the meeting that the problem would only get worse as South Gloucestershire’s population continued to increase, having already grown from 250,000 in 2005 to 296,000 now.

Mrs Harris called on MPs Jack Lopresti, Chris Skidmore and Luke Hall to take action, describing the healthcare situation as “the biggest scandal” in their constituencies.

Opposition councillors successfully called for a working group to be set up to scrutinise the failure to deliver the BHSP and find out why plans for community hospitals were abandoned so that a case can be made to the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board for improved provision.

Staple Hill & Mangotsfield Labour councillor Ian Boulton said the original BHSP had been a good plan, but it had not been delivered, and it was time new measures were put in place to address changing needs.

Yate Liberal Democrat councillor Ruth Davis said the Yate MIU often had to turn away patients because of high demand from across the district.

People then had to travel to already over-subscribed emergency departments at Southmead Hospital, Bristol Children’s Hospital or the Royal United Hospital in Bath, which was especially difficult for those

who did not have cars.

She said: "We have got a system that is just broken. People are travelling all over the place. But the bus services that join up various places don’t exist any more."

A BNSSG Integrated Care Board spokesperson said: “We understand the committee is drawing up terms of reference for this working group and we look forward to receiving further details.”

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 17 downendvoice n NEWS WWW.RDAVIESFUNERALS.CO.UK Pricing is correct at time of print and is subject to change. Price stated is for an Unattended Funeral. Unattended Funerals Attended Funerals Bristol Funeral FUNERALS FROM £975 9 Chessel Street BEDMINSTER 0117 963 7848 143 Church Road BISHOPSWORTH 0117 964 1133 The Poplars HAMBROOK 0117 956 6774 381 Gloucester Road HORFIELD 0117 942 4039 49 High Street KINGSWOOD 0117 944 6051 2 Pembroke Road SHIREHAMPTON 0117 982 3188 63 Westbury Hill WESTBURY ON TRYM 0117 962 8954 10 Gilda Parade WHITCHURCH 01275 833 441 CONTACT US AT: Whatever your funeral wishes or budget, we can provide a funeral to suit you. Prepaid funeral plans also available. TALK TO US ANYTIME
Cllr Ian Boulton


TShirts 4 You

As well as T-shirt & vinyl printing we have a huge stock of workwear with a large selection of industrial shoes and boots available with high vis jackets, gloves, trousers and tops — why waste time looking anywhere else for your quality named workwear?

The T-shirt printing and embroidery service with a full range of leisure wear including tees, polos, hoodies and

sweatshirts. Attached to this section is also the signmaking set up where all shopfronts and general signage is catered for with van livery a speciality. Ask Paul about the latest trend of bespoke wall art for your home decor, with a top quality canvas printer now available.

are impossible to list.

The shop itself is classed as a traditional ironmongers which has served the locals for the last 20 years.

The stock ranges from, plants, seeds through to creosote, lightbulbs (over 250 different types), wild bird food and feeders as well as lots of loose traditional hardware items.

All the flower and vegetable plants are purchased locally from independent small nurseries.

Our hay and straw is grown on a farm near Pucklechurch.


We are a well-established, friendly firm of Chartered Accountants, on Staple Hill High Street. We provide a full range of accounting and tax services to local businesses and individuals.

Our goal is to provide an outstanding tailored and personal service to our clients: helping our business clients to achieve greater profitability, and our individual clients to enjoy greater wealth.

Staple Hill Stores

Known locally by many people as ‘Arkwrights’, quite simply this store has so many different items they

Our wooden furniture is made out of drift wood from the river Severn and other woodwork is all made locally by craftsmen.

A sharpening service for tools is also available.

Whether you are an individual looking for help with your tax return, a business needing assistance with VAT or payroll, or a new start-up seeking experienced advice, Lloydbottoms are here to help you.

To discuss how we can help you, please contact us for a free

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 18 downendvoice
FARLEYS 40 Broad Street, Staple Hill Tel: 0117 9566787 Stockists of James Wellbeloved and Burns Dog Food • Arden Grange Dog & Cat food • All pet supplies • Seasonal Plants & Seeds PET FOODS & GARDEN SUPPLIES Sheen Studios Instant Passport Photos ID, OCI Visa Bella Silver 925 Jewellery Figurines - dogs horses etc Limited Edition Bristol Prints Vast range of photo and picture frames Ladies and Gents Watches Watch batteries and straps fitted free Bristol Blue Glass Tel: 0117 956 0967 110 High Street, Staple Hill, BS16 5HH L LLOYDBOTTOMS chartered accountants 118 High Street, Staple Hill, BS16 5HH Local accountants, offering a friendly and personal accountancy and taxation service to individuals and businesses. Contact us now! — Free initial consultation Freephone 0800 781 8783 STAPLE HILL STORES TRADITIONAL IRONMONGERS 88-90 High Street, Staple Hill 0117 956 8318 SPECIAL OFFERS THIS MONTH WILD BIRD FOOD SPECIAL OFFERS ON SELECTED LED LAMPS
Staple Hill

initial consultation. We look forward to working with you.


Farley’s Pet Foods & Supplies has been on Broad Street in Staple Hill for nine years.

It is a family run shop selling pet foods and garden supplies and have grown the garden supplies part of the business.

The garden supplies section includes weed killer, fertilizers, treatments, hoses, hose fittings, spades, forks, hoes and we have just started supplying trellis and

picket fencing made locally.

Within the pet foods section we have Royal Canin, James Wellbeloved, Burn’s, Chudley’s and Altarky and Forthglade wet dog and cat, Nature’s Diet wet foods as well as a wide range of dog treats natural or pre-packed, frozen dog and cat foods, reptile frozen foods, live insects and bedding. Our hay, straw and woodshavings are sourced locally.We offer a wide range of wild bird food, rabbit food, small animal foods, chick foods, budgies, parrot and canary food.

Our range of frozen reptile food and live insects is a good asset as there aren’t many shops that sell that any more.

Spectrum Accountancy Solutions

Spectrum Accountancy Solutions

is an established practice based in Staple Hill. We provide professional advice to all businesses and individuals. The practice is supported by a team of friendly, skilled and experienced staff who will ensure you meet all compliance requirements.We offer a full range of accountancy services from personal taxation, VAT and year end compliance to business advice and Cloud accountancy.

If you are affected by the new Making Tax Digital requirement you might want to get in touch with us to discuss your approach further. For an initial, free consultation, call us on 0117 902218.

Sheen Studios

This father and son business has been running now for 45 years with Michael Sheen the 4th generation of picture framers. Terry, Michael’s father, was one of the founder members of the Chamber of Trade

and is still striving to improve the local area.

Expert picture framing has been the mainstay of the business for the local area and beyond, where they are able to offer framing advice and ideas as well as picture restoration and renovation.

A wide range of jewellery, watches, limited edition prints, gifts and Bristol Blue glass are also available with a watch battery and strap fitting service.

If you need passport/visa photos just pop in for their instant photography service.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 19 downendvoice
TSHIRTS4YOU, 108 High Street, Staple Hill Tel: 0117 956 8606 EMBROIDERED WORKWEAR PLEASE CHECK OPENING HOURS BIRTHDAY BANNERS LATEST TECHNOLOGY PRINTING PRINTED HOODIES & T-SHIRTS 99 High St, Staple Hill, Bristol BS16 5HF 0117 329 2332 • All makes • All models • Covers • Chargers • Accessories HUGE SELECTION OF REFURBSIHED IPHONES • SAMSUNG • SONY PHONES AT GREAT PRICES SENATOR MOBILE MOBILE PHONE REPAIR To advertise in the Staple Hill feature Contact Gary sales@downend

Crackdown planned

SOUTH Gloucestershire Council is planning to seek new powers to crack down on antisocial behaviour in part of Mangotsfield.

The council wants to apply for a public spaces protection order (PSPO) to give it the power to ban the storing, dismantling and repairing of unroadworthy vehicles in the area of land behind Northcote Road, Rodway Road and Long Road.

Under the PSPO anyone who kept a vehicle in the area without a valid MOT, tax or insurance could face a fine or prosecution.

A four-week consultation on the order was running until Dec 21 online at

A council spokesperson said the plan had been drawn up following complaints about "incidents of perceived antisocial behaviour that have been having a detrimental impact on the quality of lives of people in the area".

Housing plan for removals site

PLANS to build nine new homes on the site of a former removals business have been lodged with South Gloucestershire Council.

The development in Dial Lane would see the Ablemove/Wottons warehouse, next door bungalow and an outbuilding containing a swimming pool demolished to make way for two pairs of semidetached houses fronting Dial Lane, with a further two semi-detached houses and a terrace of three houses to the rear of the site.

Five of the houses would have two bedrooms, two would have three and two would have four bedrooms.

Agents Stokes Morgan Planning, for applicant Dial Lane (Bristol) Developments Ltd, said 17 parking spaces were proposed, along with secure, covered cycle stores and a communal refuse and recycling store.

Three trees would be removed, with replacements planted.

The agents said the narrow road "placed significant restrictions" on the ability of the former removals business to operate and redevelopment as a residential scheme was "justified".

A site next to the removal warehouse was granted permission for conversion to a three-

storey combined commercial building and house in multiple occupation (HMO) development in 2021, although it is currently in use by an electrical business.

Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council has objected to the plans on several grounds, including of "overdevelopment", poor design and excessive traffic in a "small busy road".

A neighbour has also objected on grounds of privacy, overshadowing their home and potential traffic problems from an increased flow of cars.

The neighbour said the application was "even worse than the previous one" approved for the HMOs.

The plans can be viewed and comments made on the South Gloucestershire Council planing website by searching for application P22/06457/F.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 20 downendvoice January, 2023 n NEWS Starting school in September 2023? Come and see what we have to offer School tour on: Thursday 5th January 2023 at 9:30am Please call or email to book: 01454 867400 “Ifeelproud to belong to Team Mango. ” Learner comment, 2022
bungalow next door

Tributes to 'very special' former teacher

A MUCH-loved former deputy head teacher of a Downend school has died.

Jane Allinson first taught at Stanbridge Primary School in 1968 and was deputy head from 1992-2002.

The school announced the news of her death "with a heavy heart" in November, saying: "There are many members in our school community who were taught by Jane and she holds a very special place in our collective hearts.

"Our condolences go to Jane's husband Roger, who was also a former teacher at Stanbridge, and her two sons."

Former colleagues, pupils and parents whose children had been taught by Mrs Allinson added their tributes on the school's Facebook page.

Current teacher James Baker said: "The teacher that took a risk on me and offered me a job at Stanbridge. My mentor. Rest in peace."

Another former colleague, Jan Fishlock, said: "The world has lost a very special lady who inspired so many people.

"I have so many happy memories of my time working with Jane. My boys were privileged to have been taught by her and she leaves behind a legacy of wealth and knowledge to many - a truly beautiful soul who will be greatly missed."

During Stanbridge's 60th anniversary celebrations in 2013, Mrs Allinson told the Voice how she met Roger at the school in 1968, when she did her teaching practice in his class, during training. They became engaged in 1971 and married the following year.

She joked: "Stanbridge gave me a love of teaching and a husband!"

Mrs Allinson, who lived in North Common, was a former South Gloucestershire councillor, representing Oldland Common ward for the Liberal Democrats,

and was still serving on Bitton Parish Council at the time of her death, from a brain tumour diagnosed in the summer.

The council issued a statement, which said: "Jane was a cornerstone of Bitton Parish Council and a pillar of the community who was never afraid to get involved in any task for the benefit of our residents. Her dedication to the council was exemplary and will be a huge loss."

'20 deaths' from blunder

A BLUNDER at a Covid testing lab that resulted in 40,000 being given false negative results may have caused more than 20 deaths, a report has found.

People using the NHS Test and Trace facility in Mangotsfield between September and October 2021 were among those whose PCR test results falsely said they did not have coronavirus.

An investigation by the UK Health Security Agency into "errors" at the private Immensa laboratory in Wolverhampton found threshold levels for reporting positive and negative results were incorrectly set. Around 10% of people who were tested were told they did not have Covid-19 when they did.

Experts on the investigation estimated the mistakes caused an extra 55,000 infections, 680 hospitalisations and 20 deaths.

Dante Labs, which owns Immensa, did not respond to our request for a comment.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 21 downendvoice n NEWS The Grapevine Brasserie 0117 957 0614 The Grapevine Brasserie, St James Place, Mangotsfield BS16 9JB SPECIAL OFFERS & EVENTS LUNCH MENU MONDAY & TUESDAY 20% off food after 5pm MONDAY - FRIDAY 2 Cocktails for £12 - between 3pm-6pm Kids meals only £1 between 3-6pm* *With every adults meal purchased - Orders must be before 6pm WEDNESDAY Steak Night - 2 Steaks and 2 large glasses of house wine for £35 THURSDAY Burger night - mix any 2 of our burgers for £22 OR 2 of our GVB Burgers for £27 SATURDAY Bottomless Processco lunch the 1st Saturday of each month* £30pp - Deposits/Pre orders required *Jan-Nov 1st of each month | December every Saturday SUNDAY Roast Dinners served 12-6pm We recommend booking for our Sunday Roast MONDAY - SATURDAY 12-5PM Ciabatta Roll/Wrap/GF Sandwich All served with skin on fries & garnish COD GOUJONS, GHERKINS & TARTARE SAUCE £8.75 CHICKEN, BACON & CHIPOTLE £8.75 BACON, BRIE & CARAMELISED ONION £8.75 FALAFAEL, MED VEG & HUMMUS £8.75 PRAWN, CUCUMBER, ROCKET, MARIE SAUCE £8.75 Jacket Potatoes All gluten free & served with a side salad TUNA, MAYO & SWEETCORN £7.50 BAKED BEANS & CHEDDAR CHEESE £7.50 PRAWN, CUCUMBER, ROCKET, MARIE SAUCE £8.50 Soup of the Day SERVED WITH RUSTIC BREAD £6.50 Lunch Mains - ALL £10 HAM, EGG & CHIPS (GF) TRIO OF SAUSAGE, PEAS, MASH, GRAVY (GF) BEEF PIE, MASH, SEASONAL VEG, GRAVY RED PEPPER & STILTON PIE, MASH, SEASONAL VEG, GRAVY (V) WHOLE TAIL SCAMPI, CHIPS & PEAS Fancy adding a tea or coffee for just £2? - Just ask your server BRING THIS VOUCHER IN FOR 25% OFF YOUR FOOD BILL MONDAY-FRIDAY IN JANUARY (NOT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS)
Jane Allinson

Santa in his grotto.

Residents' switch-on

RESIDENTS of a street in Bromley Heath followed up a Platinum Jubilee party earlier in the year with their own switch-on event for their Christmas lights.

People living in Oakdale Road served mulled wine, mince pies and hot chocolate, and even set up their own grotto for Santa to give children gifts and read them stories at the event which took place on December 3.

Resident Fiona Konteh said: "It was a brilliant turn-out and there were requests for it to become and annual event.

"We are very grateful to Santa Visits Bristol, who really did complete the whole evening.”

Cleeve Wood shops raise £2,500

ORGANISERS of an event to kick off Christmas say it was an "overwhelming success" as it returned after the pandemic.

Christmas at Cleeve Wood Road Shops took place at the end of November at the shops by the bottom of Cleeve Hill, for the first time since 2019.

Organised entirely by a committee of just five people - Mel Wiltshire and Alison Workman from Style Collection, Michelle Cipolla from Cleeve Wood Pharmacy, Adam Jones from West 70 Photography and local resident Louise Chapman - the event attracted crowds of visitors.

As well as stalls selling handmade and locally-produced goods the event included a new outdoor Santa's grotto, fairground rides, a hog roast and rides on a traction engine, as well as a new Christmas tree provided by the parish council.

Adam said: "On the day the weather was on our side and we had a huge turnout of visitors who came and supported the


"It was certainly our busiest Christmas event to date, and we’re so thankful to everyone who came along.

"The best part is we have raised over £2,500 for our chosen charities, Bristol Outreach Services for the Homeless, Charlton Farm Hospice and Help Dave Battle Brain Cancer."

Donations will be given to the causes once all of the money raised has been collected and

counted. Adam said: "These are three fantastic causes and we know money is tight for so many households at the moment, so we are thankful and overwhelmed by the kindness and support shown by everyone who came along and helped make the event so wonderful.

"Feedback from visitors has been great and we are looking forward to next year's event, which we will begin planning in a few months' time."

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 22 downendvoice January, 2023 n NEWS dury & tippett 2 THE SQUARE, STAPLE HILL, BRISTOL BS16 5LR TELEPHONE: 0117 957 3542 www.dury& NEW ZEISS PhotoFusion X Photochromic lenses perfected. • Sunglass-level darkness outdoors • Faster to clear* • Blue light filtering & full UV protection - outside & indoors. *Compared to previous generation ZEISS PhotoFusion. Performance perfected. Faster clear. Faster dark.*
Crowds at the Christmas at Cleeve Wood Road Shops event

Festival triumph

STAPLE Hill's expanded Christmas on the Hill festival has been declared a hit.

Organisers the Staple Hill Chamber of Trade put on extra attractions to include the whole of the shopping area in this year's event, which was held on December 3.

From story reading on the High Street by the Page Road junction to crafts at Staple Hill library on Broad Street, there were stalls, activities and a fairground ride to help visitors make a day of shopping locally.

Some traders set up their own stalls outside their stores, including a tombola and free hot chocolate.

The Fountain Square stage, surrounded by food and gift stalls, played host to choirs from the Tynings and Mangotsfield primary schools, the Great Day Choir, solo singers and musicians.

It was also the scene of the event's finale, with the traditional carols around the Christmas tree led by the Salvation Army band and joint minister Major Colin HyltonJones.

A choir from the Tynings Primary School sang Christmas favourites in Fountain Square

The tree has been entirely funded by traders and features solar-powered Christmas lights. After the festive season is over the tree will be recycled for the animals at the Empowering Futures care farm at Moorend, near Hambrook.

Chamber of trade secretary Tina Lewis said: "It was a really busy day and shoppers seemed to really enjoy themselves.

"We wanted to make sure there were lots of free things to do. There was something going on from one end to the other.

"It definitely did what we wanted it to do -

ever want to feel happier, calmer or more in control?

HYPNOTHERAPY is a safe yet powerful psychotherapeutic tool which can be used to break the negative cycle of low moods and anxiety. It can help with anger, bad habits, blood pressure, weight control, lack of confidence, insomnia, IBS, relationship/marital difficulties, migraine, nail biting, nightmares, obsessions, panic attacks, struggling to leave the house, fears, phobias, stress and many more. Hypnotherapy uses the application of hypnotic techniques to bring about therapeutic change and is a very pleasant and relaxing experience.

Solution focused hypnotherapy was initially recommended to me by my Mum. Although I was happy with my life, my job and my friends, there were certain aspects of my life that I was unable to find contentment. I found myself becoming moody and snapping at loved ones unnecessarily. I could also feel my anxiety levels getting increasingly worse. The first time I met with my hypnotherapist it certainly surprised me, there was an immediate understanding of my issues and it was almost as if the hypnotherapist could read my mind, and this was just our first session!

The first time I realised the hypnotherapy was having a positive impact on my life was following a few sessions; I was on my way to the gym (something that I always intend to do but never found the energy or time to do so), I began singing along to my favourite song, something I had not done in so long! It felt fantastic! Hypnotherapy had given me the confidence and the motivation to change the parts of my life I was not happy with and to want to grow as a person. It made me realise just how many people could be helped with Hypnotherapy and I wanted to be the one to do just that! Since I started the course with Clifton Hypnotherapy practice in September 2017 I have not looked back and I have received so many fantastic positive comments

Hypnotherapy can help you see the good in each day and find the positives to live happier.

Don’t let anxiety, stress, self doubt, lack of confidence or bad habits hold you back!

I offer a free no obligation consultation where you can find out how hypnotherapy can help you!

Father Christmas appeared to switch on the lights on the Christmas tree

to bring trade back to the High Street. People came to see what Staple Hill has to offer.

"The traders got involved all around. All the traders were really happy and we're already thinking about next year.

"We want to move it forward next year and are constantly looking for new ideas of what the community wants, and help from people who want to get involved in organising it."

Anyone who is interested should email for more information.

January, 2023 23 downendvoice To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 n NEWS n ADVERTISING FEATURE FREE CONSULTATION Polly Evans Hypnotherapy 07736 244 059 KEEP GOING KEEP GROWING
Whatever the change is, let me explain how hypnotherapy can help you

Bowls club helps out

MEMBERS of Page Park Bowls Club have given the Salvation Army a boost for its work helping the community.

The club held a Christmas coffee morning, which included a carol service led by Staple Hill Salvation Army joint minister Major Colin Hylton-Jones.

At the end of the event bowls club captain Mike Conlon presented Colin with a donation for £282, which will be used to help fund some of many services the Salvation Army provides.

They include Warm Welcome sessions every Tuesday and Friday between noon and 6pm, until Easter.

People are invited to come to the Salvation Army in Broad Street for a cup of tea or coffee and a hot meal such as soup, a baked potato or spaghetti, internet access, company and conversation.

Credit where it's due

IT'S likely that a majority of residents would freely admit, now and again, to criticising South Gloucestershire Council for their inability to maintain the services they are responsible for. However, recently there was an exceptionand it's not very often you get to sing the praise of one department.

The StreetCare grounds work teams have done marvellous work, not only trimming but cutting right back a lot of overgrown grass, bushes, hedges, trees along the pathways and dramways from Hanham to Staple Hill and beyond.

It makes so much difference, not only being tidy but the feedback from users has been one of positivity.

I believe this work has been made possible by a few new toys the team has!

Now SGC, you've set the benchmark high - long may it continue.

Well done, and thank you team. Resident Rob

Poppy appeal raised £45,000

I WANT to thank all of the volunteers and supporters of the 2022 Poppy Appeal.

We always have a great deal of support from businesses, schools, and the rest of the community, and this year has been no exception.

Overall we are looking to have raised around £45,000, and this money goes to supporting the Armed Forces and veteran community.

Thank you again to my amazing volunteers - if you would like to help us in 2023, please let me know by emailing staplehillrbl@, calling 07950 104450 or heading to

Happy New Year

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 24 downendvoice January, 2023 n
Ian Campbell Poppy Appeal Organiser, Staple Hill & District Royal British Legion

entertainment before the headliners start, with Bristol Morris Men dancing for the gathered musiclovers. Cliff was also an enthusiastic member of the Morris side, so it’s a very fitting way to start and end the evening.




DOWNEND’S folk music fans will gather for the monthly concert on the third Friday of January as usual, but this will be a concert with a difference as they pay tribute to a man who typified exactly what Downend Folk & Roots is all about.

Cliff was a passionate music lover and could most often be found, with his wife Gaynor, at many concerts around Bristol and beyond, at loads of festivals. And if he wasn't singing, dancing or listening to music, he was usually talking about it (or about his other passion, Aston Villa FC (hence the colour scheme!). His musical tastes were very diverse; from Jethro Tull and Neil Young through to Jackie Oates and Martin Carthy. He served Downend Folk & Roots as part of the organising team, former membership secretary as well as pitching in and helping on the bar, as stand-in MC and much, much more.

The concert will be headlined


by Chris Elliott & Caitlin Jones, who were the winners of the inaugural Cliff Woolley Memorial Award. The scheme saw all of the support artists automatically entered, and Chris & Caitlin came out on top after a public vote and input from the organising team and Cliff’s wife Gaynor. As well as headlining this concert, they also receive a small bursary to be spent on their career.

Described by Bright Young Folk as "experienced storytellers" who bring "timeless quality" to their music, award-winning duo Chris and Caitlin have been playing music together since they met in 2014.

In 2019, they released their debut album Carry Me Home, which takes listeners to "an area of diverse landscapes, history and traditions,


a patchwork of Staffordshire and beyond." Since then, they have become well-known faces on the folk circuit, and have won several accolades, including the Shrewsbury Folk Festival open mic competition in 2018. They were a featured artist at the 2021 Folk Expo in Manchester, and are currently working on their second album Game of Halves, which will be released in Spring 2023.

Joining Chris and Caitlin on the bill will be The Magnificent AKs, a men’s folk choir of which Cliff was such a key part. In a switch to the usual running order, The Magnificent AKs will take to the stage for their short set after Chris and Caitlin, to sing the audience out for the night. But there will still be

Tickets for the event, which takes place at Christ Church Downend on Friday 20 January 2023, are available online at and from Melanie’s Kitchen in Downend (cash only). They are priced at £14 each in advance or £16 on the door. Doors open 7.30pm and the entertainment starts 7.45pm.

There will be a bar, stocking cider, soft drinks, wine, hot drinks and locally-brewed real ale from locally-based Hop Union Brewery. Audience members are encouraged to bring their own glass/mug/ tankard, as well as reusable bottles for water, as part of the drive to be more environmentally aware. There is a 50p discount for those that do. There will also be sweet treats available at the bar courtesy of the Radstock-based Great Cake Company, as well as a prize draw, which helps to fund the support artists for each concert.

For further information, please email info@downendfolkandroots. com or visit the website

church, and the two seem to have an almost telepathic sense of what is required instrumentally. They fill the gaps that the other leaves with such a precision that it must have taken hours of planning and practising, but you’d never know, such is the natural delivery.

There’s been a growing sense of excitement about Janice Burns & Jon Doran over the last couple of years. Since they met while studying on the folk music degree at Newcastle University, their names have been on the lips of those “in the know”. Since they released their self-titled EP during lockdown, more and more people have been whispering about them. Tonight, the music-lovers of Downend gathered to find out what all the excitement was about.

Janice & Jon lived up to the hype, and then some. Continuing a long tour in support of their debut album No More the Green Hills, the pair delivered a performance that confirmed what everyone has been whispering… that this is a top-quality young duo destined for great things

Just down the road in Bath tonight, folk giants Bellowhead had people jumping around

and shaking the rafters. This was a different sort of evening altogether, though, as Janice & Jon’s close harmonies and intricate instrumental arrangements filled the beautiful surroundings of Christ Church Downend and had the audience mesmerised from the very first notes of their opening song, The Black Fox.

Englishman Jon Doran, originally from not too far from here in the Cotswolds but now based in the North East, is as talented as he is tall. A fine bouzouki and guitar player, Jon also possesses a rich, deep voice that oozes quality. Janice Burns,

from Glasgow but also based in Newcastle, is the perfect foil. She plays the mandolin, the instrument for which she is primarily known, with such a delicacy that you could almost cry, and turns out to be a rather good tenor guitar player too. As a singer, her voice is as close to perfection as you’ll hear, whether singing melody, harmony or in Scots, as on Song of the Fishgutters.

Two brilliant musicians, but it’s when they come together that the magic happens. There’s no need for an 11-strong juggernaut here; two is more than enough. Their voices intertwine and swirl around the

There’s no better example of this than on As I Roved Out, a massive highlight in an evening packed with highlights, while the latest single, The Corncrake, also stands out.

Opening the evening was Bristol-based singer/songwriter Dan Weltman. Perhaps best known locally from his indie-rock band Snails, or as one third of old-time string band The Ninetree Stumblers, Dan has recently released his first solo album Rivers In My Mind, and he takes the audience on a whistle-stop tour of his material, which is surprisingly sensitive, almost introspective and beautifully delivered. Another name to watch.

But it’s Janice & Jon’s evening, and the audience rightly demand an encore, the duo choosing Up and Awa’ for their final number. And there can be absolutely no doubting that that’s the direction their career is heading. More please.

January, 2023 25 downendvoice To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377

Strike action

AMBULANCE workers in the NHS trust covering the Downend area were set to take part in two strikes at the end of December.

UNISON, Unite and the GMB announced that members who work for South Western Ambulance Service were among 3,500 who would strike on December 21 and 28 in a dispute over an imposed 4% pay award pay and staffing levels.

The dispute involves paramedics, emergency care assistants, call handlers and other staff.

GMB National Secretary Rachel Harrison said: "This is as much about unsafe staffing levels and patient safety as it is about pay. A third of GMB ambulance workers think delays they’ve been involved with have led to the death of a patient."

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust said it had "robust plans in place" for the strike days.

Clean sweep for cheerleaders

MEMBERS of a Downend-based 'pom dance' squad secured a triple triumph in a regional contest.

Bristol Starlight Cheer Squad's Teenies, Junior A and Junior B teams, representing different age groups, all took first place in their categories when they competed at the Gloucester Cheer competition 2022 at Hartpury College on December 11.

Head coach Deb Denny and her daughter, Ally, set up the squad, which is a member of the UK Cheerleading Association, 12 years ago and it includes children aged from four to 15, mainly from the BS16 postcode area.

There are competition and recreational teams, all learning how to dance and jump, chant and shake pom poms.

Deb said: "There is even an adults group that, rumour has it, will be taking part in their first competition next year!"

The competition came the day after the group performed at Emersons Green Village Hall Christmas fair.

For more details of the group visit its Facebook page.

Francis, 85,

FRANCIS Sheppard is one of a rare breed.

For more than 70 years the Mangotsfield pensioner has kept, bred and raced pigeonsand is still going strong at the age of 85.

Francis's passion for racing his birds has brought him triumphs, trophies and solace after losing his wife.

He said: "I've kept pigeons from when I was a boy, still going to school. My dad kept racing pigeons, which is how I got into it."

Francis lived in Hillfields, Staple Hill and Downend before moving to Mangotsfield 46 years ago.

The birds live in lofts in his garden and over the years Francis has bred and raced thousands of them, usually having around 35 at any one time - and with so many, he doesn't have favourites or give them names.

He is a member of the Oldland & District Homing

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 26 downendvoice n NEWS

85, has a passion for racing pigeons

linked to a chip in a tag on their leg, with the winner not the first to reach home - as some lofts are closer to the start than othersbut the bird which records the fastest flight.

Francis Sheppard with one of his birds, a male blue bar pigeon which raced 500 miles from Thurso in northern Scotland.

Each race series starts from a location in the Midlands, such as Stratford-upon-Avon, which is about 60 miles away as the crow - or pigeon - flies.

The distances raced get progressively longer, with the starts moving further north until the final race, which can start as far away as Lerwick in Shetland, around 600 miles from Bristol.

Pigeons in a loft

Pigeon racing as a sport goes back hundreds of years. The first regulated race in Britain was held in 1881, and members of the royal family, including the late Queen Elizabeth II, have raced birds.

on the 'North Road' - south from northern locations - as part of the South West of England Lerwick Club, under the Royal Pigeon Racing Association.

Society, who

bred the previous year, and later races involving 'young birds' bred during the season.

During the course of a season the number of birds Francis has can vary from 40 youngsters down to 14 or so, as some of them get lost while racing and don't return to the loft.

The season runs from April to September each year, with the early races involving 'old birds'

A race starts with the birds being taken by truck to a location and released to fly back to their home loft.

Their return is recorded by an electronic timing system

Francis has recently won trophies for races from Stratford and Newbold in Derbyshire.

He said: "You can't beat the satisfaction of seeing them come home after being released, and going up to the club with the winning pigeon."

There are also separate 'South Road' clubs and races, starting from locations around southern England.

But the sport is now on the decline, with few younger people involved.

Francis said: "There are not many flyers left at all now - just two in Mangotsfield.

"We're all getting older and nobody's taking it up now."

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 27 downendvoice ENGINE DIAGNOSTICS DIESEL SPECIALIST CLEANING AIRCON REGAS AND REPAIRS ELECTRICAL REPAIRS FREE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY FREE COURTESY VEHICLES WOMEN & PENSIONER FRIENDLY FLEETWORK Unit 1 Stoke View Road, Fishponds Road, BS16 3AE Tel: 0117 9395 555 Email: OPEN: Monday - Friday: 08.30 - 17.30 Saturday: 08.30 - 12.30 | Sunday: Closed National Award winners of the Good Garage Scheme *10% OFF labour when you mention this advert 0117 939 5555 *must be mentioned at time of booking OPENAS NORMAL
race pigeons

Family quiz

A FAMILY-friendly quiz is being held at Christ Church Downend in January.

All the familiar topics will put in an appearance at the event, which takes place on Saturday January 14 from 7pm.

You can get together a team of up to six people, or just come as an individual and we will find you a team.

To book a team or individual places, please contact the church office on 0117 908 9867 or email office@christchurchdownend. com.

Tickets cost £5 per adult, or £2 for children aged 11 and under. You can pay in advance or on the door.

Bring your own snacks and drinks.

A way out of debt

CHRISTIANS Against Poverty is a charity that helps thousands of people to get debt free and manage their finances every year.

Mark Tanner is one of two new debt coaches who will be working with clients at the CAP centre at Christ Church Downend this year.

Mark had first hand experience of being in debt, so he was keen to give something back.

He first heard about CAP when he was welcomed into Christ Church last year.

Mark said: "As soon as I heard about it, I wanted to get involved because I lived through a very distressing financial situation of my own, back in 2006.

"This resulted in bankruptcy, a broken marriage and, albeit brief, temporary homelessness.

"It was a horrible time of intense stress, sleepless nights and immense panic, and after the whole experience, I felt dreadful

guilt and shame that led to a huge breakdown of self-confidence and had a very negative effect on my life.

"This is an experience I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy and I have always wanted to somehow be able to help others who find themselves tied down with debt and poverty.

"Through CAP, I have this opportunity to help people through these horrific times and help them to see that there is a light of hope at the end of their tunnel of despair."

Mark is training to be a debt coach, working with people in debt to find a practical solution to turn their lives around, and should be fully qualified when he starts in January.

A debt coach takes time to understand each person's situation, helping them to put together the necessary information CAP can use to devise the best route out of debt for that person.

The coach then presents CAP's findings and, if the person is in agreement, they can start on their journey out of debt.

Mark said: "I’m most looking forward to being able to connect people with CAP, supporting them through the process and to show them that they can look forward to a better future than they feel they are in now."

Anyone who is struggling with debt and would like to get in touch can call Rosie, the Christ Church Downend CAP Centre Manager, on 07483 410 403 or visit www.capuk. org online for local, friendly, nonjudgemental advice and support.

The CAP service is available for people of all faiths or none.

What’s it all about?

CHASE away the winter blues with a friendly relaxed group course called Alpha.

Over coffee and cake, hear more about the Christian faith and ask those questions you’ve always wondered, about life, the universe and everything.

Meetings take place on Mondays from January 23 at 7.45pm, at the Youth Hub at the Christ Church Downend Parish Hall in North Street. The first session is a taster, so you can see if this course is for you.

To book, get in touch with Paul Peterson by email at paul.

n CHURCH NEWS To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 28 downendvoice Daves Garden Services Call Dave on 07901 554068 for a free quotation SPECIAL OFFER 25% OFF OAP’s 30% with this ad HURRY BOOKINGS GOING FAST n Low maintenance specialist n Patio, Walling, Gravels and Sleeper work n Fencing, Decking, Turfing, Planting and more! n 28 years experience, locally based n We aim to beat any similar quote n References/Photos available n Artificial grass available Government guidelines strictly followed with social distancing


Hope . . .

WE had hoped it might be our year for reaching and even winning the world cup – but again those hopes have been dashed! More importantly though, as you think about the coming months and year, I expect you have hopes that more directly affect you. ‘I hope food and fuel prices will come down soon.’ ‘I hope my benefits or pay will increase.’ What else are you hoping for in 2023?

We use the word with different degrees of certainty. The diligent pupil working hard towards exams hopes with some confidence to get good grades, whilst the hope of winning the National Lottery jackpot is wishful thinking that is very unlikely to come true. The Bible uses the word not in the cross-your-fingers kind of way but in the sense of an assured outcome. Christian hope is solid and sure because it is grounded upon what God has already

done through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All of God’s promises are fulfilled in Jesus so we can wholeheartedly believe him and trust him for the present and the future.

We cannot tell what will happen with international relationships or in our own relationships, but because of Jesus we can have the complete hope of having an eternally secure relationship with God. We may hope for good health this year but only by trusting in Jesus can we know the reality of God’s love in sickness and in health, and the assured confidence of life with God beyond the grave. We do not know if world economies or our own finances will improve or become even more stretched, but if our trust is in God, we can know his faithfulness and care.

At Good News Church we sing a song that includes these words:

Hope that lifts me from despair, Love that casts out every fear, As I stand on every promise of Your word 1

Despite even the best efforts of politicians, employers, doctors, or even friends and family, we cannot always rely upon their promises or hopes for us being fulfilled. Sometimes things are outside of their power and sadly at other times people are unreliable or dishonest. However, the Christian’s assured hope is that we can stand on the solid rock of God’s promises that all find their fulfilment in Jesus Christ. True to God’s word he came into the world to give his life for us. He rose from the grave and returned to reign with the Father and the Bible tells us he will come again. At that time all will be made new. For those who have found their hope in Jesus there will be nothing more to cause worry, fear, or pain. No

more disappointments. These truths can give us great hope today and always. I pray they will for you.

1 From the Breaking of the Dawn [Every Promise] by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend

Quarry House in Fishponds offers safe and nurturing care

We are now enabling close contact visits in the home, every resident is able to have an essential care giver, and there is no isolation required for new residents from the community. We still have a varied activity schedule which keeps life interesting and happy.

Care staff wear PPE at all times and we have ensured a high volume of supply

• Skilled nurses are on site 24/7 and respiratory equipment is at hand

• Safe face-to-face visits where possible

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 29 downendvoice A WARM WELCOME AWAITS AT QUARRY HOUSE NURSING HOME We’d love to hear from you and we’d be very happy to give you a virtual tour of the home... Give us a call on 0117 969 0990 or visit our website at Providing top quality, best value, holistic care BEST FOR IN CLASS CARE PLANS BEST FOR IN CLASS CATERING BEST FOR IN CLASS ACTIVITIES BEST FOR IN CLASS CATERING BEST FOR IN CLASS CARE PLANS BEST FOR IN CLASS CARE PLANS BEST FOR IN CLASS CATERING BEST FOR IN CLASS ACTIVITIES BEST FOR IN CLASS CATERING BEST FOR IN CLASS CARE PLANS BEST FOR IN CLASS CARE PLANS BEST FOR IN CLASS CATERING BEST FOR IN CLASS ACTIVITIES BEST FOR IN CLASS CATERING BEST FOR IN CLASS CARE PLANS
• Strict
also ensure:
Infection Control measures approved by Public Health England are fully implemented
With Pastor Paul Donovan Pendennis Good News Church

Census reveals picture of population

MORE than nine out of ten South Gloucestershire residents are white - about 10% above the average for England and Wales.

Figures from the 2021 Census on ethnic groups and national identity have been released as part of a programme by the Office for National Statistics to provide a detailed picture of the population.

Nationally, 81.7% of usual residents in England and Wales said their ethnic group was white, with 74.4% of the total population saying their ethnic group was 'White English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British'.

In South Gloucestershire 91.3% of residents said their ethnicity was white: 85.8% ticking the White English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British box, with the other white options on the census form being Irish (0.5%), Gypsy or Irish Traveller (0.2%), Roma (0.1%) or 'other White' (4.7%).

A total of 3.4% of residents

identified as Asian: the only option selected by more than 1% of respondents was 'Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Indian', which was picked by 1.7% of residents.

Another 1.6% of South Gloucestershire residents were 'Black, Black British, Black welsh, Caribbean or African', more than half of whom were African.

Another 2.5% of residents said their ethnicity was 'mixed or multiple ethnic groups': within that category the biggest group was 'white and black Caribbean' (0.9%) followed by 'white and Asian' (0.7%).

In neighbouring Bristol 81.1% of residents were white - close to the national average - with 71.6% describing their ethnicity as 'White English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British'.

The 2021 Census also asked people to describe their national identity - a more subjective question as it allowed people to choose between English or Welsh

only, English and British, Welsh and British or British only, as well as other combinations of UK and non-UK identities.

The ONS has not provided a breakdown of how people in South Gloucestershire and other areas of the country chose to identify within the various UK identities: its published figures say only that 92.1% of residents had a UK identity, 1.6% had a mixed UK and non-UK national identity and 6.3% had a non-UK identity.

However nationally the most striking change was a reversal in the numbers of people saying their identity was 'English' versus 'British'.

In 2011, 57.7% of people had only said their identity was English, with 19.1% saying British, 8.7% saying 'English and British' and the rest either saying Welsh, non-UK or another combination of identities.

But in 2021 54.8% of people ticked the 'British' box, with only 14.9% choosing 'English' and

13.6% choosing 'English and British'.

Numbers identifying only as 'non-UK' rose from 8% to 9.7%.

Census Deputy Director Jon Wroth-Smith said: "Today’s data highlights the increasingly multicultural society we live in.

"The percentage of people identifying their ethnic group as ‘White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British’, continues to decrease.

“But despite the ethnically diverse nature of society, 9 in 10 people across England and Wales still identify with a UK national identity."

In London just under twothirds of people identify with an ethnic minority group, he said.

n NEWS To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email:
Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 30 downendvoice BRISTOL NORTH - 0117 373 8367 23 Badminton Road, Downend, Bristol BS16 6BB

Losing our religion

LESS than half of South Gloucestershire residents consider themselves to be Christian - and more people in the district say they have no religion at all.

The decline in religious observance is one of the trends in the UK population highlighted in results of the 2021 Census published by the Office for National Statistics.

The ONS said that for the first time in a census of England and Wales, less than half of the population (46.2%) described themselves as “Christian”, a 13.1% decrease from 2011, when the figure was 59.3%. In South Gloucestershire the number of people identifying as Christian was even lower, at 44.1%, with 'no religion' the most common response, given by 46.1% of residents.

Muslims made up 1.6% of the South Gloucestershire population, followed by Hindus (1%), Buddhists (0.4%), Sikhs (0.3%), Jews (0.1%), with 0.5% of respondents ticking 'any other religion' and 6% not answering the question.

In Bristol the majority of residents (51.4%) said they were nonreligious - a huge increase on the 37% who gave the same answer in 2011.

Analysis of local areas showed that the percentage of people identifying as Christian in Downend was higher than in Mangotsfield, Staple Hill, Emersons Green or Frenchay.

The number of people in the region describing themselves as nonreligious is ahead of the national average, which was 37.2% - up from 25.2% in 2011.

Andrew Copson of non-religious group Humanists UK, said: "These results confirm that the biggest demographic change in England and Wales of the last ten years has been the dramatic growth of the non-religious. They mean the UK is almost certainly one of the least religious countries on Earth."

To see more details visit online.

News from Downend, Emersons

Green & Staple Hill libraries

It's the perfect weather for snuggling up with a book and the Gadgeteers are back for the Winter Mini Challenge!

The Winter Mini Challenge is an online challenge which runs from 1 December until 20 February 2023.

To take part in the Winter Mini Challenge, children join online at www. and read three books of their choice to unlock a limited-edition virtual badge and a special Winter Mini Challenge certificate to print off and keep.

If you have read all of your Christmas books then we have 11000 childrens books across our three libraries - plus you can reserve titles from other libraries too!

The website has lots of games, book reviews, reading activities and content from the best children's authors and illustrators around. (If you cant get On Line ask one of our friendly staff to print of a reading log and other material for you).

Sunday 1st January – Monday 2nd January : Open Access only available 8am – 7.30pm

MONDAY - FISHPONDS 6.30pm at the Beechwood Club, Fishponds BS16 3TR Claire 07791574353

TUESDAY - DOWNEND St Augustines Church Hall Boscombe Crescent BS16 6QU 9.30am and 11.00am Tel.Anna-Marie 07854177308 5.30pm at St Augustine’s Church Hall, Downend BS16 6QR Claire 07791574353

TUESDAY - FISHPONDS 9.30am at the Beechwood Club, Fishponds BS16 3TR Claire 07791574353


The Salvation Army 21 Broad Street BS16 5LN Wednesdays at 5.15pm and 6.45pm Tel. Anna-Marie 07854177308


Lyde Green Community Centre, Thistle Close BS16 7GW 7.30pm Wednesdays. Tel Lesley 07503524459



The Salvation Army, 21 Broad Street BS16 5LN Fridays at 7.30am 9.00am and 10.30am Anna-Marie 07854177308

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 31 downendvoice Tel: 01179 854927 Wild Yeast Bakery 79 High Street, Staple Hill, Bristol, BS16 5HE Traditional high street bakery, specialising in handmade Sourdough bread, Baguettes, Sandwiches and pastries as well as a hub to enjoy freshly brewed coffee and treats Please Follow us Christine English BSc (Hons) Podiatry, M Ch S, HCPC Registered Chiropodist / Podiatrist All aspects of foot care from a degree trained professional 0117 956 5855 Now practicing at: Portland Therapy, Church Court, North View, Soundwell, Bristol, BS16 4NQ FREE PARKING ONSITE slimming-friendly spag bol Contact your local Slimming World Consultant and join a friendly and super-supportive group today! #YesYouCanWithSlimmingWorld slimming-friendly spag bol Contact your local Slimming World Consultant and join a friendly and super-supportive group today!

Delivering expectations - and more

LAST January I made a few predictions for what might happen at the Hub over the course of 2022. Let’s see how accurate they were:

1: ‘There will be ongoing and increasing demand for emergency food parcels.’

It will be no surprise to find that this was spot on. At the time of writing we had provided 30% more parcels than we did in 2021. No doubt, with the squeeze on household income and expected rise in unemployment, this trend will continue. Thanks to the support of many local people and businesses, we are well-placed to meet the demand.

2: ‘The council will renew our Service Level Agreement with them in March.’

The council again recognised the very good value offered by their support of the Hub. As our income from them has remained at the same level for many years, while inflation has made everything more expensive, we have actually been delivering more for less every year, offering even better value. We hope that at some point the council will increase their payments to recognise this.

3: ‘We will find new ways to support our community.’

I said this was more an aspiration than a prediction but it is something we have certainly delivered on. The new Staple Hill Sprouts started in the summer, a free gardening and nature

club for children aged 7 to 11. We added a third weekly session to our Friendship & Exercise Club and started a free weekly coffee morning. We hope they will continue to grow in the new year.

4: ‘We will recruit more volunteers and enable them to have the satisfaction of helping others.’

New volunteers have supported our services during the year, and that has been fantasticalongside our much-valued existing volunteers,

who have continued to make things happen. As new services develop, I’m sure we will need to get even better at enabling our volunteers to help local people.

So I guess my crystal ball did pretty well.

There were, of course, lots of things that I didn’t anticipate:

1: We had a really fantastic community celebration event for the Queen’s Jubilee in June, including graffiti art, a mobile petting zoo, bouncy castles, skate board ramps and fire engines.

2: Our lunch club manager of many years, Rachel, moved on to a new challenge. We have been very pleased to welcome Tanya in her place.

3: We had truly outstanding support over the year, including donations of money, food and other items from local businesses, organisations and people, and a team of runners who raised sponsorship running the virtual London Marathon here in Staple Hill.

What can we expect in 2023? ‘More of the same’ might not sound too exciting, but I think that is how I would put it.

What the Hub does, through the support of so many people, is hugely valued by the people we are able to help, so ‘more of the same’ will do nicely.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 32 downendvoice January, 2023 n STAPLE HILL COMMUNITY HUB TRANSFORM YOUR KITCHEN FOR A FRACTION OF THE COST WITH REPLACEMENT DOORS & WORKTOPS ✓ Replacement made-to-measure doors & worktops ✓ Save £1000s compared to a new kitchen ✓ Door swaps in as little as one day ✓ 100s of designs and colour options 0117 990 2809 BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER SHOWROOM NOW OPEN: Unit 3, Farrington Farm, Farrington Gurney BS39 6UB Bristol Kitchen Makeovers.indd 1 14/07/2022 09:41:46 Visit our showroom at: 41 Victoria Street, Staple Hill, Bristol BS16 5JP SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Visit our website: Or call us on: 0117 956 4797 :: 0117 571 889
William Lee Members of Staple Hill Sprouts working on the flower beds outside the Hub.

Friends clean up and plant for the future

A GROUP dedicated to the upkeep of one of Downend's wildlife havens had a helping hand for a weekend of action.

Friends of Lincombe Barn Park and Woods created a wetland area, picked litter and planted 15 tree saplings as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative for the Platinum Jubilee during a weekend in November.

Members of the volunteer group worked with South Gloucestershire Council tree and StreetCare officers and were helped by a team from Christ Church Downend's youth group, who lent a hand as part of their Serving Sundays programme to support community projects.

The wetland area was created during a Sunday morning in one of the ponds at the woods, which lead down to the river Frome.

In the afternoon the volunteers picked litter, carried out woodland management and planted the new trees.

Friends treasurer Elizabeth Shepherd said: "It looks as if we have planted plastic cones, but watch this space over the next few years to see the trees take over and the plastic cones removed.

"Our thanks to Simon, Tree Officer at South Glos, for getting the area cleared."

The friends have bought three new

benches to install in the area after receiving member-awarded funding from South Gloucestershire ward councillors and support from Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council and have thanked both organisations for their financial help.

Elizabeth said: "If you are in the area, do make time to visit the park and take a walk through the woods. We look forward to

seeing you!"

The friends also held a stargazing event with an indoor planetarium at the barn and time outside to look at the stars and planets.

For more information on the group, visit the Friends of Lincombe Barn Park and Woods Facebook page or email

January, 2023 33 downendvoice To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 n NEWS
Friends of Lincombe Barn Park and Woods and Christ Church Downend Youth worked together to create a wetland and plant new trees.

Thinking about summer while shivering in the frost

IN Bloom were recently invited to a volunteer night at Winterbourne Barn.

Three of us went along and had a very pleasant evening, meeting other volunteers and also finding out about the work of different groups in the area. One did a presentation on their efforts to provide bee corridors in South Gloucestershire and another talked about looking after our river systems. An interesting and enjoyable evening.

We were also very pleased last month to hear from the parish council that In Bloom’s annual grant has been approved. We obviously could not function as a group, providing all of the displays that we do, without the council’s support, so we say a huge thank you to them.

We have now ordered the large floral displays and Blaise plants for next summer –it always seems very strange to be thinking about summer when we are shivering in the frost.

For next year we have gone for a mix of blue salvias, pink geraniums, petunias in pink, blue, yellow, white and deep rose as well as busy Lizzie. We are also trying a new (to us)

variety of petunia called Tumbelina, which looks a bit like an old-fashioned rose. These are trailing, so should look really good.

It is very difficult choosing the plants we use in the summer, as it is so weather dependent – last year we had begonias, which did not flourish well in the heat, but the petunias blossomed!

Let’s hope we have nice warm weather this coming year.

Last, but certainly not least, members of In Bloom’s Woodworking Crew (Dave, Clive, Denis and John) were out helping to put up the Christmas trees recently – one outside of Michael Nicholas and one at Cleevewood.

The one at Cleevewood was so big, they had to enrol help from the staff in the shops to get it upright. Unfortunately they were working on probably two of the wettest days of the year, so they did get rather wet - and all this is voluntary!

Happy New Year to everyone: we look forward to a successful and blooming 2023.

Loving our village.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 34 downendvoice January, 2023 n DOWNEND
Jackie Baker Volunteers putting up the tree in North Street
Everything in Store Reduced All Stock Must Go Biggest SaleEver to make way for new lines — Deals will be done! EDA, 744 FISHPONDS ROAD, FISHPONDS, BRISTOL 0117 958 4769 FREE DELIVERY

Changing how we do things in 2023

THERE are some who neatly put away their Xmas lights every year, so that when they get them out the following year they don’t spend hours untangling them. Oh, how I wish I was one of them! Anyway, 160 metres and 1,600 lights on a tree at St James Church certainly look good.

"Really made me smile seeing this on the way home tonight" and "just got home after a long day, the tree looks amazing…cheered me up" are just two comments we’ve received.

Our Nativity Scene at the Dame School is now a regular Christmas feature and our carol concert on December 16 was well-attended again.

It was enhanced this year by members of the Phoenix Wind Band, who certainly added some depth and richness to the music.

I think the best way to end 2022 is to say a big thank-you to everyone who has helped us over the past year, whether that’s through giving up their time, donating stuff, lending


Jane has a new lease of life

I had wanted to join Vibrocise for the last 3 years as I didn’t like how I looked or the way my clothes weren’t fitting me. I didn’t feel the confidence I once had before. Being a mother to 3 children, caring for my husband and working in a nursing home began to take it's toll on me. I have always been a person devoted to helping others and had forgotten about myself.

During June’22 I was diagnosed with diabetes (TD2M), this had given me the wakeup call that I needed as I didn’t want to lose my life that I cherished so much.

I was provided with different ways to lose weight from the GP but I wanted to try Vibrocise.. With my daughter attending Vibrocise for the last 4 years I was able to see first-hand the amazing results that Vibrocise produces. I was very nervous to attend the trial in which I attended with my daughter - after the 1st one I was buzzing all the way home and I couldn’t stop talking about it. It had given me a new lease of life and it was a chance to give back to myself as well as learning to be happy with myself.

With this, I decided to stop smoking and focus all my strength and stamina into exercise.

Within the 1st week I went out to buy new clothes to work towards my goals. Kara & the Vibrocise team were truly amazing & took everything at my own pace. I had a programme designed to suit me with my old injuries from a motorbike accident. Succeeding with the 10 day trial I noticed my knees felt less painful. 10 weeks on I hit my 1st stone! I felt so proud. Just attending Vibro 20 minutes a day has given me the opportunity to provide myself with self-care and to socialise with other people who empower me.

4 months on I reached my one and a half stone loss and 3% body fat loss.

I couldn’t believe it. I was elated! I have dropped 2 dress sizes and with each lose that I achieve I become more motivated and more determined.

I feel so much better in myself. My breathing and lung capacity has improved. I have more energy and I'm walking and climbing the stairs much faster. All I can say is thank you to Kara and the team - Vibrocise is a family network. You have given me my life back.

us stuff or offering thanks and encouragement for the work we do: you know who you are, and we are very grateful.

It all helps us in our main

objective, to make Mangotsfield a better place to live.

On to 2023. We’ll be changing how we do things, with more focus on our 'Hour A Month' volunteering and making our get-togethers more social, with less focus on formal meetings. Hopefully that will encourage more people to get involved in their community - we can but try. Watch this space for more information in the New Year.

If you want to get in touch then please do so by email at, via the ever-popular Mangotsfield Matters Facebook page, or telephone our Chair, Clive Heath, on 07507 168700 or me on 07918 701881.

I’ll sign off by wishing you all a very happy New Year.

January, 2023 35 downendvoice To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 n MANGOTSFIELD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Vibrocise Studios Bristol Ltd Short workouts, fast results Try Vibration Training • Vibration plate training is the ultimate fitness solution suitable for all ages & abilities • You’ll notice a difference within weeks • No contract Benefits • Change in body shape • Fat reduction & inch loss • Rapid strengthening & toning • Cellulite reduction within weeks • Reduced abdominal fat New customer Special Offer 10 Day Trial for just £12!* *T&Cs apply BOOK NOW 07531 009 371 1E Overnhill Road, Downend, Bristol BS16 5DN Vibrocise Studios Bristol We are re-open and "Covid safe" Following government guidelines
The tree at St James Church. Picture: Andy Bly

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School showcases the creative arts

SCHOOLS teamed up with artists and craftspeople for a showcase of creative talent.

Mangotsfield School's Winter Creative Arts Day featured performances from choirs, musicians, dancers and actors, exhibitions by artists and a market selling goods from local makers.

The secondary school's art department teamed up with King’s Forest Primary, Christ Church Junior and St Stephen’s Junior schools to organise an illustration competition, with artwork produced by the primary pupils displayed alongside Mangotsfield students' work at the event.

Mangotsfield School head of art Dawn Beedle said: "The exhibition was a wonderful visual journey of creativity from primary school into secondary school.

"We were so impressed with the quality of work from the primary schools we awarded four students from each school with certificates and prizes."

Tours Galore

WE are a group of ladies called Tours Galore and have been running for about four years.

At the moment we have just over 150 members.

Since restrictions have been lifted, we have been meeting about once a month for coffee, booking trips and a chat, as well as going on organised coach trips.

Each year we raise money for a charity and for the last two years we have been fundraising for St Peter’s Hospice, which is the only adult Hospice in the area, who have been struggling financially since the first Covid lockdown.

Our target last year was £2,000, but we actually raised just over

The newly-established Mangotsfield Choir and the school's house choirs made their first stage appearances, and musicians including piani9sts and drummers performed a variety of solos.

Mangotsfield School's drama department and drama club members performed short

£5,500. This year we raised just over £6,500, which is truly amazing.

Our organiser, Sue, has worked tirelessly to raise money for the hospice. This is an organisation close to her heart, as her son passed away from cancer.

Sue and her family had a lot of support from the hospice. It was agreed by the group that we would raise money to help them through these difficult times by organising raffles, coffee mornings, bring and buy sales, auctions etc. Donations were given by local people who wanted to help the hospice.

During spring and summer we meet in a field and, come rain or shine, the ladies turn up with their chairs and umbrellas to support the cause, which is truly amazing.

Without the support of the ladies, who have been donating various items for the raffle, baking cakes and even some ladies bringing fruit, veg, plants and flowers from their gardens, we could not have raised so much money.

Our organiser’s husband has also been involved by making chutney and jam, which are delicious.

Next year we are continuing to raise money for the hospice.

monologues and duologues on stage and there were also solo and group dance performances.

Free drumming and ukulele workshops and free craft areas added to the entertainment.

Head of music Leah West also organised a talk by historian and art critic Michael Ohajuru about the black art in Bristol, before,

during and after the slave trade.

Mrs Beedle said: "The talk engaged both adults, including teachers from Mangotsfield, and students, who were left reflecting and wanting more."

Another highlight of the event on November 27 was a market where more than 20 creative makers sold creations including prints, stained and fused glass, cards, woodwork, ceramics and jewellery.

Stall holders donated prizes for a raffle which, along with a refreshment stand, raised money for the school to spend on improving creative opportunities for students: money raised at previous events has been spent on artist workshops, canvases and specialist materials.

Mrs Beedle said the event was a "huge success".

She said: "The day had many creative elements to recognise the wonderful opportunities art, music and drama provide for the students, staff and the community."

The donation is handed over

January, 2023 37 downendvoice To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 n NEWS
The market at the Winter Creative Arts Day
Create the mood for less than you think with Solar Sunshades Shutters Awnings Blinds and Motorisation Conservatories Curtains 0% Finance acrossavailable our range. Bristol Showroom 21 Cleeve Wood Road, Downend, Bristol. BS16 2SF Telephone: 0117 956 4626

Cleeve Singers' Christmas concert

THIS year the Cleeve Singers Christmas Concert at Downend Folk House was an afternoon matinee.

There are so many events at this time of year it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid clashing with other concerts but this year we succeeded in having a full house - even the Staple Hill elves paid a visit.

We were equally delighted to see some former members in the audience.

On the subject of singers, where have they all gone? Adverts keep appearing in various magazines from choirs in different areas, appealing for singers, so we don’t appear to be alone in having a shortage of voices.

We could do with more, so why not give us a try? See our website,, for details.

You can also find us on Facebook or email cleevesingers@

It is good for your health and you get an uplifting feeling

singing, which equally might help to brighten perhaps a lonely person's day.

Each year a charity is chosen to receive money from our efforts and this year Clic Sargent was chosen by the choir. One of our members has had two very sad Christmases but she keeps smiling, in spite of losing two grandchildren, a teenage brother and sister who

had been helped by the charity.

Prior to the Lincombe Barn concert, Cleeve sang at the Lord Mayor’s Chapel on College Green on the last Saturday in November.

Our music is a mixture of Christmas songs and carols, hopefully suiting all tastes at this festive time.

We finished at Dyrham Church on December 10, a venue which

the National Trust like to promote, and a very pleasurable one.

To those in particular who have never sung, why not try a new hobby in 2023? You will be surprised at how rewarding it is.

Every good wish for 2023 from the Cleeve Singers.

Horseshoe locals boost Macmillan

REGULARS at the Horseshoe pub in Downend came together in what is becoming an annual event: to have a Christmas meal and raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Businesses in the area supported the event by donating raffle prizes and, along with generous donations from the locals, the event raised £1,896 - almost double the previous year's total of £1,000.

Thanks must go to everybody who bought raffle tickets and pub landlord Dan for allowing us to have the sole use of the lounge area - and to the staff, who were kept busy all night.

Following a very nice Christmas meal, a raffle and auction were held, then everybody danced the night away to the disco.

Roll on Saturday November 25, 2023!

Andy Hicks

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Patricia Holmes The Cleeve Singers at their Christmas concert Horseshoe locals dance the night away

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My simple New Year’s resolutions

IT’S that time of year.

Waistlines expanded. Bank balances reduced. Christmas trimmings coming down. And people are looking to the future and setting their New Year’s resolutions.

So, what are mine? Well, they’re simple, really - taking Angel, my cocker spaniel, for more walks - even when it’s chilly - and putting our brilliant West of England even more firmly on the national and global map, and ensuring our region thrives.

Hmm, that politician pledge sounds a bit vague, you may say! How are you going to measure that? My response is simple: look at all the progress we’ve made already.

I am proud of everything we’ve achieved - together - in 2022: reducing bus fares; launching the region’s first-ever Good Employment Charter - now supporting over 6,500 workers and counting; supporting buzzing bees through brand-new grants; investing £12 million in the new Bottle Yard Studios, now open for business; unblocking the Temple Quarter scheme to refresh Temple Meads and the surrounding area; investing in green hydrogen at the

Looking for

Bristol and Bath Science Park; winning record levels of cash from government, like the £105 million I secured to begin to improve our buses and start the long road to deliver a public transport network our region can be really proud of.

For me, the New Year also is a chance to reflect on the year ahead politically, like ensuring government understands and learns from the pressures facing working people, with taxes, inflation and energy bills all going up and up.

With local people hungry to see decisions made in their areas, I’ll continue to call for London-style devolution, to ensure I have the powers to make our region even better.

But fundamentally, New Year is a time for hope. And in the West of England, we have much to be hopeful about.

Every day as your Metro Mayor, I’m inspired by the people I meet. The ambition and confidence of our young people; the brilliance of our businesses; the potential of our amazing towns and villages, and our two truly great cities.

But this is also a time of year when we resolve to do better.

So my promise this year to you is to continue to be the strong champion for our region, from backing our world-class creative industries to our amazing local shops - by the way, for those of you looking for a resolution, I urge you all to please ‘Love Local’, as there are so many brilliant places to explore in our great region.

So, whether it’s doing Dry January or throwing yourself full-throttle into (finally) taking up that hobby, I wish you and your friends and family the happiest of Januaries as we enter into 2023. Good luck!


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Find out if Shared Lives could support you:

Have you heard about Shared Lives yet?

It’s a bit like foster care – but for an adult. As a Shared Lives carer, you will be paid to support adults who need a little extra help from your own home.You’ll help them to achieve their goals and support them to live independently, helping them live their life, their way. They could spend the day with you, stay overnight or even move in, it’s flexible to you.

What does it mean to be a Shared Lives carer?

“I’m proud to be a Shared Lives carer because I believe that everyone deserves to be happy and be themselves, regardless of who they are and that’s exactly what Shared Lives does -placing people in homes with families where they are cared for, loved and respected.” -

Kwame, Shared Lives carer

Find out more about becoming a Shared Lives carer on our website: or email us on

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579

January, 2023 41 downendvoice
Metro Mayor Dan Norris writes for the Voice


January 10

n BEREAVEMENT GROUP AT CHRIST CHURCH, Downend Road, 2pm. Friendship, refreshments and a chance to reflect together with others who have lost a loved one.

January 12

n DOWNEND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY meeting at the Assembly Hall, Salisbury Road, 7.30pm. Talk on tree diseases. For more information call Roger Davis on 0117 957 1703.

January 14

n QUIZ NIGHT AT CHRIST CHURCH, Downend Road, from 7pm. Suitable for wide age range, familiar topics. Bring a team of up to six people or join one on the night. For more details call 0117 908 9867 or email.

January 18

n MESSY CHURCH AT CHRIST CHURCH DOWNEND, 4.30pm. Crafts, activities, fun and snacks, worship and a simple meal. Aimed at ages 3-10, children must be accompanied by an adult. Free, donations welcome.

January 24

n VINTAGE ADVENTURE at Church Centre, Quakers Road, 2-3.30pm. Activities, refreshments, friendship and a Christian message for the season, for seniors. All


February 2

n SPEAKER MORNING, Lincombe Barn. Sort It Suez, with Andy Paterson and Hugo Jacobs. Coffee from 10.15am, talk 10.45-11.45am. Talk £2.50. Coffee extra.


n BRISTOL U3A: Have you reached a point in your life where you have fewer responsibilities and more time for yourself? Would you like to take part in activities where you can share skills, abilities or hobbies whilst having fun and making new friends? Go to www. for details.


n MEDITATION SESSIONS IN FRENCHAY Just come along to the sessions that run from 3rd Monday each month at 7pm Frenchay Unitarian Chapel BS16 1ND from 20Sept for the Personcentred Group Meditation and 1st Wednesday at 7pm from 6th Oct for the Kundalini movement meditation. Contact Andrea on 07791119658

n SINGALONG 4 ALL - Mondays 10.30/11.30, Grace court, Dial Lane, Downend BS16 5UP. £4 ...£1 tea n bikkies Tel: Barbara 07816839141.


Monday at Kingswood Leisure Centre from 2-4pm. Intermediate level, all welcome.

n EDDS & TALES Baby & Toddler Group Every Monday, Christchurch Parish Hall, North Street, Downend. 10.00 - 11.30 (term time only) £3 per family (first visit free) including drinks, snacks and craft activity ALL WELCOME - Just turn up Join our Facebook group Edds and Tales

n STAPLE HILL JOB SEEKER SUPPORT GROUP, Staple Hill Community Hub, Berkeley House, 1A Berkeley Rd, every Monday from 1.30-3.30pm. Laptops and Wi-Fi available for job searches, free tea and coffee, welcoming environment. Run by local councillor Katie Cooper and volunteers. Call Julie on 01454 868374 with any questions or to let us know you are coming.

n PUCKLECHURCH SHORT MAT BOWLS CLUB Meet every Monday, Wednesday evening 7.30 - 10.00 and Sunday 2.30 - 5.00. Refreshments inc. All levels really Welcome. For more information ring Kath 07517 1297.

n PILATES CLASS 18:45 – 19:45 at Christ Church Parish Hall, North Street, BS16 5SG. Contact Kerry 07919 051019 or email kerry@

n YOGA CLASS 19:55 – 20:55 at Christ Church Parish Hall, North Street, BS16 5SG. Contact Kerry 07919 051019 or email kerry@ Tuesday

n DOWNEND GARDENING IN RETIREMENT CLUB Meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. Venue as usual: Assembly Hall, Salisbury Road, Downend. Time 10.15am. New members and Visitors welcomed. Varied speakers.

n BROMLEY HEATH GARDENING CLUB Meets at Christ Church Centre, Quakers Road, every third Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm. Talks, day trips and short holidays - everyone welcome. Call May on 0117 957 3695 for details.

n MESSY SPACE AT BADMINTON ROAD METHODIST CHURCH, 10.0011.30am. This is a term-time group for babies and toddlers with their carers: play, crafts, story, refreshments. More information: uk or 0117 956 1106

n BOARD GAMES NIGHT every Tuesday from 7pm. All Welcome

The Wooden Walls Micropub, 30 Broad Street, Staple Hill, BS16 5NU

n LINCOMBE BARN CAMERA CLUB meets every second, fourth and fifth Tuesday of the month at Lincombe Barn, Overndale Road. New members always welcome. For information see website at www. or email

n BODY TONE 9:30 – 10:25 at Christ Church Parish Hall, North Street, BS16 5SG. Contact Kerry 07919 051019 or email kerry@ Wednesday

n DOWNEND FLOWER ARRANGING CLUB We are a friendly group, we meet at 7.30pm on 1st & 3rd Wednesday each month from September to June at Lincombe Barn, Overndale Road, BS16 2RW. Ring Genise on 0777 2451217 for more information.

n DOWNEND BRIDGE CLUBNEW MEMBERS ARE WANTED Come and join us and play duplicate Bridge at Lincombe Barn Downend on Wednesday afternoons 2pm. All levels welcome. Please contact eveforbes77@gmail. com or 0117 9836886 or Yvonne Scoulding or 0117 9568944

n CLEEVESINGERS OF DOWNEND Enjoy singing, then come and join this four part choir who meet on Wednesday evenings at Lincombe Barn, Overndale Road 7.30 p.m. from September until July. For more information contact the Secretary on 0117 9561881.

n DOWNEND SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB Musical entertainment from 2-4pm every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at North Street Church Hall. All are welcome.

n THE WOMEN’S SECTION OF THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION We meet the third Wednesday of every month in the afternoon. We meet at 2pm at the old school hall now known as the YOU Foundation by the car park in Page Road Staple Hill. Speakers, quizzes and handy craft afternoon finishes with tea. Please telephone Madeleine Bills Secretary. 0117 9560805.

n DOWNEND TANG SOO DO meets at Christchurch Parish Hall, North Street on Wednesday evenings from 7.30-9pm. Suitable for beginners and ages 10+. First class free. More details from Ian on 07817 744689 or at the Downend Tang Soo Do Facebook page.

n FRENCHAY PROBUS CLUB We meet at Frenchay Village Hall on the first Wednesday of each month between 10.00 and 12.00 hrs. For further details contact:

n WARMLEY JAZZ CLUB, every Wednesday £5 on the door. Cadbury Heath Social Club. Doors open 7.30pm. More details at

n MEET THE BEAT TEAM, Bean Tree Cafe, Page Park. Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-3pm. If you have any problems or issues you would like to discuss with the police neighbourhood team, please come along.

n BRISTOL SCRABBLE CLUB meets every Wednesday evening at 7pm until 10pm at Filton

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email:
Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 42 downendvoice January, 2023
WE’RE RECRUITING RESERVISTS FIREFIGHTERS / TEAM LEADERS / FIRE APPLIANCE DRIVERS apply now: Applications close: 23 December. Reservists advert tHE vOICE.indd 1 29/11/2022 09:39:11

Community Centre, Elm Park, Filton BS34 7PS. New members welcomefirst visit free so come along and give us a try. For further information contact Sheila on 01179570792 or 07435316458 or email shinett@

n MANGOTSFIELD AND CASTLE GREEN UNITED REFORM CHURCH invite you to their regular twice monthly sessions of Friendly Voices. These are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon. Come along for a sing-along (and coffee) Carers very welcome. For further information contact June Watts on 0117 9566625.

n CROSS STITCH Like to learn this absorbing relaxing hobby and have fun at the same time? Why not join the Club at Lincombe Barn. Beginners and those with all abilities welcome. New term commences beginning of September on Wednesday mornings 10.00 am until noon. Contact Lincombe Barn 9562367.


DANCE CLUB meet fortnightly at Frenchay Village Hall from 7:45 until 10:15pm. All standards of dancer are welcome to enjoy live Bands and experienced Callers. Visit or call 0117 3021543 for more information.

n FRIENDLY VOICES is a dementia friendly singing group. There is no cost and the sessions are led by a qualified music therapist, Sharon, who brings a lot of experience and plenty of instruments to have fun with. The sessions are open to all and if you think that you ,or someone you love, would benefit by them come along or contact June Watts on 0117 9566625

n WEDNESDAY CAFE FOR SENIORS, at Badminton Road Methodist Church (BS16 6NU) every Wednesday 10am to 12 noon. All Welcome – just come along – make new friends over a cuppa and cake. Information: 0117 239 5984


ARRANGING CLUB We are a friendly group, we meet at 7.30pm on 1st & 3rd Wednesday each month from September to June at Lincolne Barn, Overndale Road, BS16 2RW. Ring Genise on 0777 2451217 for more information.

n ST JOHNS BADMINTON CLUB are looking for more players. We meet every Wednesday from 8pm to 10pm at Kingswood Leisure Centre. We are a friendly and sociable club age is no barrier. If you are interested, please ring Sue on 07715 738131 or just turn up.

n STAPLE HILL METHODIST CHURCH Fellowship group 3rd Wednesday of the month, 2.153.45pm Coffee/tea, homemade cake and a chat!

n PILATES 10:15 – 11:15 at Christ Church Parish Hall, North Street, BS16 5SG. Contact Kerry

07919 051019 or email kerry@

n PILATES 19:00 - 20:00 at The Sports Pavilion, Pomphrey Hill, Emersons Green, BS16 9NF. Contact Kerry 07919 051019 or email

n WELCOME WEDNESDAY Friendly and free coffee afternoon on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (14th December), 2-3.30pm at The Grapevine Brasserie, St James Place, Mangotsfield, BS16 9JB. Meet new people, have fun, and find out what’s happening in your local area. Call 0117 435 0063.

n WARM SPACES CAFE at Christ Church, Downend Road, 11am-2.30pm every week. Free Wi-fi; soup and roll lunch at 12; live music from Music Train; space to work or chat; toys for children. Free: donations welcome if able.

n MOTHERS UNION - worship, friendship, supporting charities, refreshments: First Wednesday of the month, 2.15pm at Christ Church Parish Hall, North Street. Non-members welcome. More details from 0117 908 9867.


n BARN BELLS handbell ringers meet at Lincombe Barn, Downend, from 2-4pm weekly. Anyone who can read music is welcome to join.

n IGNITE YOUTH GROUP. Thursdays, term time only, at the Youth Hub & Parish Hall , 57 North Street, Downend. Year 6-8, 6.307.45pm. Year 9-11s, 8-9.15pm. A place to relax and have fun with friends. Free entry. Tuck available. Visit to sign up and see the full programme.

n YOGA 10:15 – 11:15 at Christ Church Parish Hall, North Street, BS16 5SG. Contact Kerry 07919 051019 or email kerry@

n BRISTOL MALE VOICE CHOIR are recruiting new members. 7pm - 9.15pm, St Andrew's Methodist Church, Elm Park, Filton, BS34 7PS. A varied repertoire, no audition. No need to read music - our regular practices will get you in shape to sing at our regular concerts and enjoy the social vibe. email Telephone 07764447699.

n WINTERBOURNE WINDS, a friendly amateur wind band who rehearse at Frenchay Village Hall from 7.40-9.30pm. New members, especially flute, oboe, horn and percussion players, are welcome. For information email

n DEWDROP INN CAFE, Resound church, Blackhorse Road, Mangotsfield. Every fourth

Thursday of the month, 2-4pm. A place for the community to relax and unwind with old & new friends. Tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits £2.

n MANGOTSFIELD AND CASTLE GREEN UNITED REFORMED CHURCH regular coffee mornings, held on the first Thursday of the month, 10.30am-noon n SCRABBLE Downend Folk House Thursdays 10-12noon Info: 0117 9562367 Maureen Walker. Friday

n TAI CHI FOR PARKINSON’S. Weekly beginners Tai Chi & Qi Gong class for people with Parkinson’s disease, their families and carers. Lincombe Barn, Downend. BS16 2RW. Fridays (term times) 10.15 – 12.15 including tea / coffee break. Contact: Claire - Claire@ (07769 857672) or Sarah - buqiworks@ (07815 662844)

n PAGE PARK UKULELE CLUB, Bean Tree café, Fridays at 1pm. All abilities welcomed. Places £4 each. For further details call or text 'Ukulele' to Ben on 07910 668258.

n MANGO JAMS PARENT/ CARER AND TODDLER GROUP meets every Friday at St James Church Hall, Richmond Road, Mangotsfield, 9.15am to 11.15am. n JIGSAW TODDLER GROUP, Fridays in term time at Christ Church Parish Hall, North Street, from 9.45-11.15am.

n LATER LIVE MUSIC, Resound church, Blackhorse Road, Mangotsfield. Every second Friday monthly, except August & December, 8-10pm, £2.50. More details at lateratresound.

n ARTWINGS, Resound church, Blackhorse Road, Mangotsfield. Every fourth Friday, except August & December, 7.30pm. Explore new ways of creating and making, natter over refreshments. £5, includes materials.

n RAINBOW TOTS PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP meets at Emersons Green Village Hall every Friday morning in term time, from 10-11.30am. All welcome - for

more info email church.egbc@



GUILD We are a small friendly group who meet every third Saturday of the month 2pm to 4pm at St Andrews Hall, Elm Park, Filton. If you would like to make sugar flowers and models we hold workshops with instruction. Beginners very welcome. call Jean Kington on 01454 314178.


CHURCH Coffee mornings in our beautiful building every Saturday 10.00-12.00 in aid of church funds or charities. Enjoy Fairtrade coffee, tea and cake, and stalls.



CHURCH services are held every Sunday morning from 10.30am11.30am at Emersons Green Village Hall, Emersons Way. Contact Rev Kevin Donaghy 0117 9575418, e-mail or visit



6NU. All are welcome to worship each Sunday, 10.30am. First Sunday of the month is usually a service of Holy Communion. Information: 0117 239 5984


CHURCH hold regular weekly Sunday morning worship at Cossham Street. Services start at 10.30 a.m.with different speakers each week. New members very welcome. For more details please contact Peter Redding (Ch.Sec.) on 0117 9657075.

n STAPLE HILL METHODIST CHURCH, High Street BS16 5HQ Sunday services 10.30am + Sunday Club for ages 5-17. Holy Communion 2nd Sunday of the month – all invited. Taizé worship 6.00pm 3rd Sunday of the month. Contact Rev Dr Aboseh Ngwana 07482 550888, Philippa Church Liaison at staplehillmethodist@ or www.

January, 2023 43 downendvoice To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 Microsuction and irrigation (syringing) Ear Wax Removal Service Call Sarah Hayward (Ear Wax Removal Specialist) on 07798608859 or visit 92 Westbourne Rd, Downend, BS16 6RF Ear Clear Bristol THE SOLUTION IS HEAR
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Is someone you know a money mule?

I HOPE you all had a very merry Christmas and have a happy New Year. The start of a new year brings sales, and it’s important to remember that fraudsters are unlikely to have made New Year’s resolutions to stop scamming.

It is imperative that we remain vigilant and cautious of fraudulent activity. Fraud causes severe harm to both victims’ finances and mental health, with 74% of fraud victims reporting being emotionally affected.

Please don’t let this happen to you, regularly change your passwords using a capital letter, three random words and number.

I also want to touch on another type of scam I have become aware of, known as money muling. The act of money muling is when a person transfers stolen money on behalf of others, usually through their bank account. Criminals contact people and offer them cash to receive money into their bank account and transfer it into another account.

The money that money mules transfer is usually stolen or profits of crime, and is often used to fund further crimes like drug dealing, sexual exploitation, fraud and human trafficking.

Young people are vulnerable to being targeted as money mules due to pressures on social media and the appeal of ‘quick cash’ opportunities.

Around six in every ten mules are under the age of 30, with many young people unaware of the consequences of being recruited, which include bank accounts being closed, problems applying for credit and even a prison sentence of up to 14 years.

Signs of someone being used as a money mule include possession of luxury or designer goods that they cannot account for, opening new bank accounts or using crypto exchanges with money they cannot explain the origin of. When challenged, they might say they are letting someone else use their account to move


If you know a young person who has been approached to be a money mule, urge them to break off all contact and not receive or move any money.

Please then contact the police or Crimestoppers as, by reporting such crimes, we can help social media companies protect their own users.

The more people we make aware of such awful schemes, the more people we can stop falling victim and becoming complicit in organised crime.

Before Christmas, I launched my annual council tax policing precept survey, asking if you agree or disagree with my proposal to increase the council tax by £10 a year for the average band D household to support local policing.

The survey runs until January 30, so there is still time for you to have your say. You can complete the survey via my website at

I know that times are tough for a lot of households and an increase in bills next year is a big ask from everyone.

Rising costs of living and inflation are impacting us all, including the cost of running the police service.

However, in order to deliver on the priorities and the issues you told me were important to you, I need to ask you for this additional funding.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 45 downendvoice MARBLE SUPREME UNIT 8 BRIDGE ROAD KINGSWOOD BRISTOL BS15 4FW T: 0117 9563030 E: INFO@MARBLESUPREME.COM WWW.MARBLESUPREME.COM OPENING TIMES MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM-5PM SATURDAY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY n MESSAGE FROM AVON & SOMERSET PCC
With Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford


Emersons Green Town Council are pleased to announce their intention to establish a Community Nature Reserve over the whole town council area, including Blackhorse, Lyde Green and parts of Mangotsfield. This is an exciting new development. The nature reserve will include both private gardens and land under local authority control. Everyone who manages a garden with wildlife in mind is invited to say what they are doing and register their patch of land as part of the nature reserve.

Come and join us to launch the Community Nature Reserve and to hear about ways to look after nature in our local area. There will be refreshments and time to meet one another. Thursday 19th January 2023 at 7.30pm Emersons Green Village Hall. All Welcome

A rewarding year for Men in Sheds

OVERALL, 2022 has been a rewarding year.

Our members have been able to return to using our facilities in Bromley Park without restrictions.

As a result, we have been able to replenish stocks of timber, together with other consumable items, all of which had been allowed to dwindle over the covid period.

In this respect we have come to rely heavily on and are very appreciative of support afforded by a number of local companies. Their donations of surplus and unwanted materials provide us with a significant proportion of the raw materials we recycle. If we had to purchase all the timber that we use, our products would end up sold at a loss, which obviously would be unsustainable.

In particular we would like to say a special thank you to Crest Timber for donations of hardwood offcuts and Heritage Fencing for substantial quantities of softwood, which we consume in significant quantities. Kingswood Canvas have provided materials suitable for lining planters and raised beds.

In addition to the above, our members are encouraged to keep an eye on contents of local building skips and, as a result, frequently find ourselves knocking on doors in the hope of being allowed to remove selected items.

Our thanks must also go to the local parish council, who allow us to use the pavilion at Bromley Park, and the container alongside.

This year we have supported stalls at the Frenchay Flower show in July, followed in November with the Lincombe Barn craft fair and most recently the fair at the Cleeve Wood shops.

Finally, in December we supported a fair at the new and recentlyopened Frenchay Primary School.

Our members derive considerable enjoyment from meeting the public at events and this year, having attended four means a significant commitment.

However, this is viewed as a benefit rather than detriment to their well-being.

Anyone who might like to take part in our projects would be most welcome to join us.

We meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the pavilion in Bromley Park. Please feel free to contact us, either in person or by email, to explore ideas, activities and interests.

More recently we have been working to increase our support for the Frenchay Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre, and have introduced some flat pack self-assembly products.

It is understood these have been of considerable help to the patients in their recovery process.

We believe there is scope for expanding this activity to other interested organisations: any operating locally who might be interested in developing these or similar products can contact us at

The year has not been without loss, and it is with considerable sorrow we have to accept that two of our much-respected members have passed away. Both will be remembered and missed by all of our members, and we extend our condolences to both families.

We now look forward to 2023 and wish everyone a healthy and prosperous new year.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 47 downendvoice
With free career coaching from Future Bright, Richard gained the skills and confidence needed to rebuild his life, and begin moving towards finding a job suited to his aspirations. “With regular meetings with the coach, I have always had a positive and proactive route map, as well as feeling in total control of my achievements.” Future Bright offers free, one-to-one career coaching and support to help you take your next step at work. You are eligible if you are: • Aged 18+ • Resident in South Gloucestershire • In paid work (including zero hours and selfemployed) • Receiving benefits/ tax credits OR earning below the Real Living Wage of £10.90 per hour Go to or call all us at 01454 866008 for more information.
impact from engaging with Future Bright,
all aspects
my life,
has been

Students visit the House

OVER the Remembrance period it was a privilege to be invited to participate in several events across our area to honour the sacrifice of those who have fallen in the service of our country.

I participated in four events: the first, on Armistice Day, at Bristol Parkway Station, then DE&S at Abbeywood and the Willow Brook Centre on Sunday in Bradley Stoke, and Patchway the following week.

At the Poppies to Paddington remembrance event, I presented a wreath alongside Metro Mayor, Dan Norris, Lord Lieutenant of Bristol, Peaches Golding, and the Lord Mayor of Bristol, Paula O’Rourke, at Bristol Parkway, which was carried by train to the War Memorial at Paddington station. Later that morning I also participated in the Act of Remembrance service at Defence Equipment and Support at Abbeywood.

On Remembrance Sunday I took part in the Remembrance

Service at the Willow Brook Centre in Bradley Stoke with marching band, speakers, dignitaries and veterans, 1st Bradley Stoke Rainbows, Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides and Scouts, 2nd Stoke Lodge Beavers and 2nd Bradley Stoke Brownies, Trident Explorer Scout Units and St John's Ambulance.

The following Sunday I again took part in the annual Patchway parade and remembrance service.

I would like to say thank you to all those who organised these events and took part. Remembrance events have been held throughout the Commonwealth to commemorate our war dead since the end of the First World War: we must always remember and honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect and preserve our freedoms and our way of life.

This month I was delighted to welcome a group of UWE students and Senior Lecturer of Economics Dr Sahand Panah to the House of Commons. I very much enjoyed meeting them all and had a great discussion about national and local politics; if you know or are in a similar group who would like to come to parliament then please contact my office and I will be able to arrange a visit.

Furthermore, I was recently reappointed as Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party by Nadhim Zahawi. In this role I will have a particular focus on engaging with

the armed forces and veterans’ groups and the Minister of State for Veterans Affairs, as well as engaging with serving and former police, legal professional and associated groups.

Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy New Year.

As always, should you need my help with anything, my office is open from Monday to Friday between 9am and 6pm.

Please telephone me on 01454 617783 or email me at jack. if I can be of assistance, or to book a surgery.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 48 downendvoice January, 2023 ® FAMILY RUN BUSINESS MODERN CLASSIC TRADITIONAL CONTEMPORARY > Replacement kitchen doors > Cost effective made to measure solution > Worktops and appliances > Installation in as little as 2-3 days by local professionals 9.8/10 11/12 The Promenade, Gloucester Road, Bristol BS7 8AL Call us now for a free estimate: 0117 944 3223 THE UK’S # 1 KITCHEN MAKEOVER COMPANY BEFORE AFTER UK MANUFACTURED NEW YEAR, NEW KITCHEN. WHY PAY MORE IN 2023? Up to 50% less than a new fully fitted kitchen n NEWS FROM YOUR LOCAL MP


HAPPY New Year from Staple Hill WI.

We hope 2023 brings you good things: you could kick it off by joining us!

Our first meeting of 2023 is WITH Dave Monks, who will talk about the charity ShelterBox.

This meeting is in Christ Church Hall on January 17 - we look forward to seeing you all.

Also, we will be having our annual Christmas gathering at Mezze. We do this each year to brighten up January.

If you are reading this, please don’t forget to come and find out more about us.

You may not be able to commit lots of time but that’s OK - we meet once a month.

As a member, you can participate in as much or as little as you like.

We have a diverse membership and anyone is welcome.

We have ample parking for ladies who need to drive to us at the hall on North Street in Downend and we meet on the third Tuesday of most months.

Our meeting starts at 7.30pm: come and join us, make new friends, learn new skills, enjoy a cuppa and some cake!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

You can drop us an email to find out more at katetarr@avonfwi.

Susan Lewis to talk to us, which we are all very excited about!

March (28th) will be a talk from personal stylist Gail Painter on colours and what suits us.

April will see the fabulous people who keep our High Street looking blooming beautiful, Downend in Bloom.

May is where we welcome one of our members, Debbie Millar, to give us a very interesting talk on fashion through the ages.

At June’s meeting we will be having a bit of a wiggle and a giggle having a go at belly dancing.

July will see us try needle felting and August is our annual 'quiz & fizz', which is always good fun and pretty competitive, too!

In September we will learn how to make jewellery, and October is our AGM, with a speaker from our chosen charity for the year.

Last but by no means least, our final meeting for the year in November will be Christmas craft making, accompanied, of course, by minced pies, mulled wine and who knows what else.

We are also planning to arrange additional trips for our lovely members - nights out at the theatre to Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory – The Musical, as well as other events, so please watch this space.

If you would like to know more about joining us, please contact me via our email address

tonight, hot mince pies.

Bright twinkling Christmas lights adorning nearby houses, a glimpse of a decorated Xmas tree in windows and sparkling frost on the ground had made all of our members' walks to BHWI this evening very special.

President Sue welcomed us all to the meeting and with refreshments in hand, we all took our seats in anticipation of the evening’s performance.

No Cold Turkey for us tonight –we were about to enjoy something Fishy!!

Bromley Heath’s Junior school stage was set up in readiness for their own Xmas Musical Concert and was put to good use when our guest performers, the Red Herring Theatre Group, took their places.

This year they had a traditional country house 'whodunnit' murder mystery for us to solve, or at least try to solve.

A captivating performance ensued, but at the end only about a quarter of our members had successfully identified the murderer and only two completely solved all the facets of the crime.

Congratulations to Sue our “Pitt your wits” president and Julie “Brainy’ Bryant – but no prizes.

Only a short time remained for Sue to thank the performers, to wish us all a very Happy Christmas and let us know that our prospectus for 2023 would be revealed when we resumed in January.


MANGOTSFIELD Ladies came together and had our first meeting in August.

We are a circle of like-minded friends and family, who meet monthly in St James Church Hall, usually on the fourth Monday of the month (depending on the fall of bank holidays).

Our core values are to have fun and laughter, and to support our locality. In addition to our regular meeting in the hall, we also have a monthly pub lunch at the Lamb in Mangotsfield.

Every so often we hold an evening supper, either at the Cinnamon Tree in Burley Grove, the Grapevine in Mangotsfield or Mokka in Downend.

Our recent meetings have included a wine and cheese evening hosted by members, a quiz night and armchair exercises.

The Ladies recently supported St James Church Hall Christmas Bazaar, supplying tea, coffee, hot chocolate, squash and mince pies. We also provided all the stall holders with a hot beverage throughout the day. All monies were donated to the church hall fund to help with the first phase of the hall renovation, which will be a new ceiling.

We booked a mini-coach to go to the Wells Christmas Market, including a lunch at the Swan Hotel opposite the famous Wells Cathedral.


AT our last meeting for the year we were guided on how to make Christmas wreaths – it was a really festive affair, with mince pies, mulled wine and music.

There was a Christmas jumper competition, too, and all of our members really enjoyed it.

We have a very interesting and varied programme planned for 2023, so please do come along and see what we are all about.

We meet at Christ Church Hall in North Street, Downend on the last Tuesday of each month, at 7.30pm.

We start our year with East Bristol Auction House coming to talk to us about any hidden treasures that we may have in our homes, on January 31.

On February 28, we are super lucky to have secured local author

Guests are welcome for a small charge of £4, which includes tea or coffee.

Hoping you have all had a very happy Christmas - and wishing you all a very happy New Year, with lots of lovely things coming your way!


OUR last meeting of 2022 – the years go by more quickly all the time and a decade passes in the blink of an eye.

I confess that the “joys” of driving in the darkness, especially when the thermometer is likely to fall into single figures, or even below zero, have long eluded me.

Well wrapped up against the cold in my coat, scarf, hat and gloves I enjoyed a leisurely walk to Bromley Heath Junior School where I knew that a warm welcome awaited, along with hot drinks and,

Here at BHWI we wish you a Happy New Year and all the best for 2023.

Ladies, maybe your New Year’s resolution should be to give one or more of the local Women’s Institutes a try?

Contact us at bromleyheathwi@ if you would like any further information.

The market covers the central area of Wells and also the grounds of the Bishop's Palace - a great place for those searching for lastminute gifts, and to put all of us in the Christmas spirit.

All of us at Mangotsfield Ladies would like to wish readers a healthy and happy New Year.

Carol Coombs - Mangotsfield Ladies -

January, 2023 49 downendvoice To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 EMERSONS TAXIS Emersons Green, Downend & Surrounding Areas ALL UK AIRPORTS, PORTS & STATIONS COVERED 4, 5 & 6 SEATERS AVAILABLE H Lady Driver available on request H For a Friendly Prompt Service call or e-mail 07960 067 767
Send us your news - Email Linda or Ken at
Downend calendar new year 2022.indd 2 01/12/2022 12:32

Hunters Estate Agents, Downend are pleased to offer for sale with no onward chain this Taywood Homes built detached family home which occupies a position on this sought after development.

The property is positioned conveniently for access onto the Avon ring road, for major commuting routes and for the Bristol cycle path, as well as for the amenities of both Downend and Emersons Green. These amenities include a wide variety of independent shops and supermarkets, restaurants, coffee shops, schools, doctors surgeries and dentists.

The spacious accommodation comprises to the ground floor; entrance hall, cloakroom, a lounge with patio doors leading into the rear garden, a separate dining room, a kitchen/diner and a utility room. The kitchen is fitted with a range of cream coloured high gloss wall and base units incorporating a double electric oven and fridge and is complimented by a granite

work surface and breakfast bar.

To the first floor there are four bedrooms and a family bathroom with a separate shower cubicle. The master bedroom has built in wardrobes and an en suite.

Externally the property has an established rear garden which

is mainly laid to paved patio and artificial lawn and is stocked with a variety of various trees and shrubs. To the front there is a large brick paved area providing ample off street parking spaces and access into an attached double garage with two electric roller shutter


Additional benefits include a Worcester boiler supplying gas central heating, solar panels and uPVC double glazed windows. An internal viewing appointment is highly recommended.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 51 downendvoice January, 2023
H E R E TO G E T y o u T H E R E ��� n HUNTERS PROPERTY OF THE MONTH Emergency Number: 07798 905337 KEEP IT IN YOUR MOBILE Lock Stuck and Barrels The complete door & window specialist Locked Out? Need to replace or change your locks? ■ Swift low cost emergency service to all home and commercial lock-outs ■ Non destructive entry methods gaining entry quickly and efciently from the initial call ■ Keys or handbag stolen? Burgled? Need your locks changed or re-keying on a new home? Call us. Call Dave on 07798 905337 Based locally in South Glos ALSO: Low cost repair/replacement of uPVC ALUMINIUM WINDOW & DOOR: LOCKS, HINGES, HANDLES & MISTED UP/BROKEN DOWN DOUBLE GLAZED UNITS Full explanation and costs given before any works carried out. All work fully guaranteed. No call-out fee Loft Boarding & Insulation USE YOUR LOFT SPACE is the reliable, affordable and trusted local company for all your loft boarding, and loft insulation requirements 0117 2980810 INFO@USEYOURLOFTSPACE.CO.UK

A recently modernised three bedroom semi-detached home located in a quiet cul-de-sac.

As soon as one enters, the welcoming entrance hall gives an immediate impression of the space and the quality of presentation that continues throughout; wood effect herringbone pattern flooring extends through the entirety of the ground floor and lends a charming flow. The lounge area is positioned to the front of the property and has a well-proportioned double glazed window. Patio doors and a double glazed window to the rear elevation open onto and overlook the garden flooding the kitchen dining area with natural light. The kitchen has a range of wall and base units offering a copious storage finished by sleek worktops and doors in a matt grey finish. Integrated appliances include an

induction hob, eye level oven, microwave, extractor and fridge freezer plus space for a wine fridge and dishwasher. A door leads from the dining area to a utility room with space and plumbing for a washing machine and tumble

dryer; further doors lead to the garage and a cloakroom.

Three bedrooms, two being well proportioned doubles. The family bathroom is fully tiled and has a contemporary white three piece suite with a mains plumbed rainfall

style shower over the bath. Fully enclosed by timber-lap fencing the low maintenance garden has a paved patio positioned to maximise the summer sun, an artificial lawn and a BBQ area.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 53 downendvoice January, 2023 n M COLEMAN ESTATE AGENTS PROPERTY OF THE MONTH
Grange Drive, Downend, Bristol, BS16 4QW Asking Price£425,000
19 Cleeve Wood Road Downend Bristol
2SF Tel: ESTATE AGENTS M Coleman NO SOLICITOR SELLING FEES* M.Coleman are offering a fantastic incentive for vendors looking to put their property on the market during the months of March and April 2016. For all properties instructed during this period proceeding to a successful completion M.Coleman Estate Agents will meet your Energy Performance Certificate and Solicitors Selling costs. * Including VAT excluding disbursements. We provide a quality service to all our clients based on traditional values of honesty, integrity and courtesy. Our team benefits experience extending beyond 100 years and this expertise is passed to you to ensure we achieve the best possible price for the sale of your home. We listen to our client’s needs and believe communication is paramount in providing the best level of service throughout the selling process. * Terms & Conditions Apply – Please ask for details ESTATE AGENTS M Coleman Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 01454 740 034 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS From £895* for a fully fitted electric garage door. *O er valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. Quality, convenient and cost-effective repairs with a lifetime guarantee. “Daft place to put a bollard.” We don’t judge, we just fix it. Call Nick Abraham today 0800 145 5118 for a FREE estimate on repairs to bumper scuffs, paint scratches, minor dents and alloy wheels. Find out more at
0117 9566221


Birds strip berries from the holly

ALL of us at Gardening Club trust you have a good year of gardening, and that your garden is now ready for the winter.

The first week of December saw all the berries from my hollies disappear - at least the blackbirds and redwings have had a good treat.

The only evidence I have is the berries are no longer there. The other gardens in the street are all the same - no berries. The trees were loaded, so we can be sure the birds have been well fed!

We have had our first frost, so it's time to cover up the tender plants to protect them, and we will then have our favourite plants for next year.

We have had some interesting speakers: Malcolm Read, with a slide show of his travels, including Singapore and seeing wonderful orchids; Robin Hayward, with a slide show and talk on the plants of the Avon Gorge - so many wonderful plants which only grow there.

We have had various quizzes, some where leaves were displayed and we had to name the plant they came from. It was surprising how many we all knew - all good fun.

We had an outing to Yeo Valley Organic Garden, which was a delight. It was good to see how growing organically can be so successful; we enjoyed coffee and cake and a leisurely walk around.

In 2023 we will welcome Downend in Bloom once again. It will be good to see and hear how they will make the future bloom in Downend, what they have planned and all the hard work it takes to make the area so pleasant a place to live.

We will also have a demonstration on making hanging baskets, with plants we will be able to purchase to make our own baskets a success, so something to look forward to!

Everyone at Gardening Club wishes you a healthy New Year.

THE development of digital photography has made action photography much easier.

The sensitivity of digital sensors in modern cameras allows for fast shutter speeds, even when the light is relatively poor, and then there is automatic focussing and image stabilisation.

They are not guarantees of success, though: the old skills of selection and setting up of equipment, planning and anticipation, and the use of camera technique such as panning, are still fundamental when it comes to achieving quality images.

In terms of action shots, in club photography we see more birds in flight than anything else, but here are three non-avian pictures from recent competitions.

'Using the horsepower' is a classic racing shot - the car airborne, the panning technique following the car blurring the background, and the shutter speed slow enough to blur the wheels, all giving the impression of speed.

'Climbing Viper', by contrast, does not use blurring, and here the impression is less of speed. The vapour drifting back from the wings indicates that the aircraft is hanging after an ascent, perhaps in a stall turn leading into another manoeuvre.

'On a Roll' shows action in the form of the fast-moving water, the movement frozen by a high shutter speed; the viewer’s attention goes straight to the concentration on the face of the surfer. Interestingly, the picture is greatly enhanced by the green in the water, caused by algae. The venue (The Wave at Easter Compton) can surely expect even more keen snappers to visit!

Downend Camera Club is a friendly informal group who meet on Tuesdays at 7.30pm at the Assembly Hall in Salisbury Road, Downend.


The club offers an active and interesting programme including

photographic presentations and competitions.

The club is on both Facebook and Instagram and has a website at www.

770377 54 downendvoice January, 2023 n PHOTOGRAPHY WITH DOWNEND CAMERA CLUB
To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got
On 07715
Climbing Viper by Ben Newby uk with more details of the club, members' galleries, past competition winners and a forum for discussion of all things photographic. Ed Shorney Using the horse power by Adrian Davies On a Roll by Derek Britton
Light! Camera! Action!

Help us to shape future council services

SOUTH Gloucestershire Council has now opened a second stage of public consultation on a range of savings proposals and other options for how we might close an anticipated £29.3 million gap in our budget for 2023/24.

Following the initial consultation that started in October, this second phase will run until January 15 and features up-to-date information on what funding will be available from central government and the options that we have put forward for balancing the council’s budget.

Our priority remains to protect the most vulnerable people in our communities and the services that people need the most.

However, to be able to achieve the required savings, we will need to make some signifi-

cant changes to the way we work and what we do in some service areas.

The budget gap has been caused by a combination of factors – global events, rising inflation and an increasing demand for services which has created an unprecedented financial challenge for the council. However, we are in a relatively strong position compared with other local authorities, due to the council’s prudent financial management in recent years.

The council has a good track record of finding savings and continuing to deliver services at a lower cost.

For example, during the first pandemic lockdown, when energy prices fell to historic lows, we secured a long-term competitive fixed-term deal on energy prices,

saving us £2m in energy costs for this year.

And we’ve also held back underspent money into our reserves, to help meet future rising costs.

It is important that people from the area have a say in how we shape services in the future, and the consultation provides residents with an opportunity to tell us their views on our updated budget proposals.

Residents are able to provide feedback on questions about potential changes to public-facing services and are able to find out more about possible changes to the way the council works internally, which would save money.

Feedback from the consultation will be taken into account before a final decision is taken by the council in the New Year.

We will then work with those who use and deliver services to agree how to best deliver the savings required.

The second phase of the budget consultation is now live and all information and details of how to take part can be found at

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 55 downendvoice 0117 943 4800 20 High Street Louise Boustead Your local Family Law and Divorce legal specialist in Staple Hill n MESSAGE FROM SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNCIL
With Toby Savage, Leader of South Gloucestershire Council

Goodbye to a funny old year

2022 felt a strange, in-between, year as the world began to return to a new normality after the covid epidemic.

It’s still there in the background and won’t go away but, when some club members have caught it, we have been confident that they would be back soon. However, the practices we learned during covid, using Zoom for some meetings and for guest speakers, have remained.

Our big recent event, our exhibition at Christ Church, generated a lot of club activity and, with our efforts at publicising it, must have raised our profile. Congratulations to all those who participated in the effort.

Congratulations also as, yet again, we sparkled in the Kingswood Salver, a competition for all Western Counties camera clubs, gaining second place. We

may be small, but we are big hitters!

The photos this month have no theme other than that they all did well in open competitions in 2022 and have not previously been shared in Downend Voice.

Joy Flood was first in May with a beautifully spotted photo, 'Captivated'. Someone playing a piano placed in a shopping mall totally grabs the attention of a small girl' while the markings on the mall floor frame the whole scene perfectly.

Jackie Worlock has made something of a speciality of photographing butterflies, producing several winning images. The most recent, 'Painted Lady', was taken in a butterfly house in Stratford on Avon where the butterflies are very tame and, as here, have learned to pose beautifully. This was awarded second place in an open competition.

My own photograph, 'The Way to Wales', starring the Prince of Wales Bridge, was taken on the summer solstice as the first colours of the approaching sunset were starting to creep into the sky. Okay, it’s a bit hackneyed - but it was awarded first place in an open competition.


ONE cold sunny New Year's Day my mother had a bright idea: we would go to Ebbor Gorge. How old I was I cannot remember.

My brother had not decided to leave home then, so I must have been a teenager.

When going on one of these occasional events, my mum gave us our orders to rally round and collect enough gear for a trek up the Amazon, while she prepared and packed turkey sandwiches, sausage rolls, Christmas cake, mince pies and a flask of coffee.

After loading up the car, we all clambered in and set off...for somewhere in the Mendips.

Are you interested in photography and want to find out more? Why not join us for the coming year?

If you’re looking for company and new acquaintances, as well as regular activities, we always welcome new members, visitors and guests (£3 if you just want to try us out).

A trek up the Amazon

Now, my mum during part of her life had lived in Wells, so knew the area extremely well.

As you can tell, Mum was a woman who took command and enjoyed being at the helm of our laden Morris 1100.

We left civilization and plunged into the depths of the Amazon - I couldn't resist writing that!

My mum always had an extraordinarily good memory, especially when it came to car

journeys, and, as if she had only gone there the day before, found a convenient place to park the car by a farm gate. This was the place to start our trek.

After retrieving the rucksack with our picnic, which Dad always carried, we climbed over a fivebarred gate and set off.

We did not have to use a machete to clear our way through the undergrowth or cross over a rope bridge over a raging torrent of water, but when we returned

So, if you’re interested and would like to be part of a small, but flourishing, club take a look at our website on www. or contact us on lincombebarn.

Stay safe and have a good new year. Sid

back to our starting point, after negotiating climbing through the gorge, it was obviously milking time - and a herd of cows were waiting by the gate!

You may remark that I have not described our trek in detail on that day, but that is for you to see for yourselves. Just google Ebbor Gorge and Bob's your uncle!

*Our next speaker/coffee morning is on Thursday February 2. The topic is Sort It, Suez with Andy Paterson and Hugo Jacobs. Same time, same place - see you there.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585.
Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 56 downendvoice n PHOTOGRAPHY WITH LINCOMBE BARN CAMERA CLUB
Painted Lady by Jackie Worlock Christine Broadway Captivated by Joy Flood with Christine Broadway The Way to Wales by Sid

CARSONS and Mangotsfield Cricket Club has big plans for the coming year.

After a gap of three years Mark Pitt has returned as chair for the 2023 season and told the club's recent AGM at Pomphrey Hill he is looking forward to building on the foundations that have been set over the last few years, to continue to move the club forward both on and off the pitch.

After a successful league season Sam Brayley, Mike Wallage and John Douglass will continue to take charge of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd teams respectively.

There is a change at 4th team level, with youth coordinator Tim Ravenscroft and Phil Clatworthy leading the 4th Xl, with the club keen to have a link in leadership between the youth and senior teams.

The club would like to thank those local companies who have sponsored us - the support they have provided has been appreciated by the club.

One of the changes the club is looking to develop in 2023 is the commercial side, under treasurer Cam Lippiatt, who is being assisted by Andy King.

The club will also be starting pre-season training in January.

Anyone who is interested in either playing or sponsoring the club should email Ian Coles

Weather hampers Flyers

DOWNEND Flyers first team started December with a fine victory away at league leaders Frampton Athletic.

Faith Flynn dramatically scored the only goal of the game in the last minute - but equally importantly, Aimee Glover, in goal for the Flyers, made several great saves at the other end to cap a really good team performance.

This could prove to be a springboard moment in what will be a very competitive South West regional league northern division this season.

The team's final game of 2022, a home match against St Vallier Ladies in the league, was postponed due to the weather, denying them the chance of a win that could have seen them climb two places into third place in the table.

The reserves' two remaining fixtures in Gloucestershire County league division 2 were also postponed, frustrating their aim to start 2023 in the top half of the table.

In Division 3 the newly formed A team saw their road trips to Andoversford and Southmead before the Christmas break postponed.

The club is looking forward to receiving a sports camera to analyse their games.

Utilising some of the prize money received from their fine Women’s FA Cup run, Dean Giles and his coaching team are looking forward to the benefits of professional recording of their games to drive the teams forward in the coming months and years.

The teams have also welcomed a new shirt sponsor - so many thanks to Cake Box, Fishponds!

All three teams welcome new prospective players of any age or ability and we are also looking for a new coach for our A team and assistants for both the reserves and A team, so if you are interested please get in touch.

For more information email

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 57 downendvoice CALL JOE FOR A FREE QUOTE Tel: 0117 959 2143 Mob: 07891 253 122 LANDSCAPING Established family firm with 25 years experience H Senior Citizens Special H Garden Clearance — Regular or one-off H Patios H Fencing H Tree Work H Turfing H Hedgecutting H Planting (Shrubs etc) H Organic manure delivered — Also applied H Professional and guarnteed work H Brick & Blocklaying 25% OFF WITHADVERTTHIS Alpine n SPORT Meet with one of our qualified estate planning consultants to discuss your needs. Protect your family's inheritance Single & joint Wills from £99.00 *Including VAT Call us today on 0117 952 0698 or email Home visits or online appointments are available. Moving forward again
Mike Wallage and John Douglass collect the club's league trophies at the annual Bristol and District Dinner.

AT Cleve Chiropractic, we love to showcase the very best talent available to look after our patients – and we have another top quality new arrival for 2023.

I’m delighted to announce that we have recruited superstar physiotherapist Jack Haines from the highly-competitive world of elite rugby union. The sad demise of Premiership side Wasps led to availability of not just world-class players but also staff who found themselves without a job.

The reputation of Cleve Chiropractic as one of the best sports injury clinics in the UK has clearly made waves. Jack had heard about us and asked if we had space for another Premiership-standard physio – and you know we love a star practitioner, so we jumped at the chance!

Jack loved our ethos of providing Premier League quality healthcare to all. Why should high standards of care, experience and

equipment be limited to only the best athletes and players? He even said we had more kit and facilities than most top clubs.

Jack has worked at the highest levels, including with Australia on their recent tour of the Northern Hemisphere. He can’t wait to bring that knowledge and insight to Mangotsfield.

We know he has ambitions to re-join another top-flight rugby club and hope this might be in the South West. Jack loves Bristol and would be delighted to work with us long into the future.

More good news: the British Chiropractic Association has launched its new Patient Charter, continuing its mission to be "the home of chiropractors who put patients first".

As proud members of the BCA, you can see this document displayed in our clinic.

The Patient Charter is a pledge to remind patients of the quality care they’ll receive. It’s laid out

so that any patient can use it to start a conversation – and any chiropractor can easily explain it to them.

The charter provides reassurance, and clearly shows why BCA chiropractors like ourselves are different from others. It is a transparent agreement, ensuring that patientcentred, evidence-informed

ethical care is always provided.

To end misperceptions and myths, the charter highlights that the profession is strongly regulated by law, providing consistency in areas such as education and training requirements.

Chiropractors must adhere to strict codes of practice, like dentists and doctors.

The president of the BCA is our very own Catherine Quinn, who says it is a pledge every one of our chiropractors can be proud of, empowering each patient to make an informed decision about their treatment.

Catherine commented: "This patient-centred approach is at the core of everything we do at the BCA."

As vice-president of the BCA, I am incredibly proud to see the charter come to life and be able to share it with you.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2023!

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 58 downendvoice January, 2023 n SPORT
n ON THE TREATMENT TABLE New year, new talent, new charter Local, family business established for over 20 years n Free, no obligation quotations n All work guaranteed n Backed by Certass certification uPVC Windows Doors & Conservatories MS Systems Based in Bromley Heath, Bristol Tel 07970 793590 Email: BROKEN DOWN AND MISTED GLASS REPLACED Parkway automobile engineering Parnall Road • Fishponds • Bristol • BS16 3JQ 0117 965 6164 Mercedes-Benz specialist with over 35 years experience • Full diagnostic equipment • Factory trained technicians • Collection/delivery service • Courtesy car on request • MOT’s • Servicing • Gearbox repairs • Electrical faults with Tim Button, Doctor of Chiropractic at Cleve Chiropractic and Next Step in

Bater quits Mangos after three games

PHIL Bater’s much-lauded return to Cossham Street as Mangotsfield United manager lasted just three matches, as he sensationally resigned two days after a 5-2 home loss against Worcester Raiders.

The Mangos started life under Bater with a 4-2 win over Tuffley Rovers, but this was followed a week later by a 4-0 thumping at Clevedon Town in the FA Vase.

The next home game should have given the players the chance to put things right. It proved to be a disaster, with Worcester leading 4-1 at the break and running out 5-2 winners, with both Mangos goals netted by Owen Ridler.

Bater’s departure two days later came as a complete shock to supporters and officials, with no apparent public reason given.

The team were due to to play a Gloucestershire Cup tie against Chipping Sodbury Town within 24 hours.

The club opted to concede the tie rather than face the "impossible" task of bringing in a new manager in time.

Later in the week, Glyn Ashton returned to the dug-out as interim manager once more.

His first game back was a 4-1 away loss at Brimscombe & Thrupp, with Jadyn Crosbie getting the Mangos' goal.

However, things improved the following week, with a well-earned 1-0 away win at Fairford Town, Jeffrey Barimah scoring to give Mangotsfield three vital points in their bid to stay clear of the bottom two.

This was followed by a tough midweek Wiseman Lighting Floodlit Cup away trip to Royal Wootton Basset Town, who had already beaten the Mangos twice in the league - but a very determined performance saw Mangotsfield win a penalty shoot-out 4-2, after the match finished 0-0, putting them into the last eight.

The team's new-found confidence brought an excellent 3-1 away win at Hereford Lads Club.

Cleve improve

THE first game of December showed how the Cleve RFC first team are making improvements under the coaching of Nathan Huntley.

The 22-15 away win against Old Bristolians was the first time Cleve have beaten Old Bristolians in the last two years.

Simon Prangley netted after 10 minutes and Jaydn Crosbie doubled the lead on 25 minutes, then made it 3-0 in the second half with a skilfully taken one-on-one around the keeper. The Mangos stood firm after a late goal from the hosts, to claim another well-earned three points.

Upcoming fixtures

December 27: Bradford Town (H)

January 2: Longlevens (H)

January 7: Lydney Town (A)

January 14: Malvern Town (H)

January 31: Thornbury Town (H)

The team are now working well together. The forwards are winning ball and producing the right conditions to allow the backs to thrive.

The result followed a 32-17 win over Cheltenham North and came before a 22-12 home defeat to Burnham-on-Sea on the club's Reunion Day, to encourage old players to come back to the club and socialise with new and old friends.

The last game of 2022, away to Longlevens away, was expected to provide a challenging end to the year.

Cleve are due to start 2023 with a home fixture against Midsomer Norton on January 7 at 2.30pm.

To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 59 downendvoice CLEVE CHIROPRACTIC & PHYSIOTHERAPY CENTRE WE’VE MOVED, BUT NOT TOO FAR... With a Team approach to healthcare. Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Back & Leg Pain, Sciatica l Sports Massage Pilates l Headaches & Migraines Trapped Nerves l Repetitive Strain Injuries Occupational Injuries l Sports Injury Specialist Competitively priced CLEVE CHIROPRACTIC 20A Cossham St, Mangotsfield, Bristol BS16 9EN Contact 0117 957 5388 The practice of pain relief Member of the British Chiropractic Association DAYCLASSTIME Monday Pilates 10:00 – 11:00 Currently online Pilates 11:00 – 12:00 Currently online Pilates18:00 – 19:00Live & online Wednesday Pilates 12:00 – 13:00From 26/08/20 Friday Pilates 10:00 – 11:00Live & online Check details on Facebook & Website for developments Choose a class...more added often Udated on Facebook & Website with offers and discounts PODIATRY WILL BE AVAILABLE IN 2020 Supporting Premiership Football, Rugby, 2012 Olympics and World Athletic Championship 2017 £49 for a block of 6 Pilates sessions. n SPORT
To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 60 downendvoice ELECTRICAL SERVICES Panda Electric Services Call today: 0117 957 5821 We service and repair all types of vacuum cleaners We can help extend the life and performance of your vacuum cleaner with a regular service or if your cleaner needs a repair we can help. • Better for the environment to repair not replace • Saves you money • We can collect and return your cleaner* All makes and models, and a service is from just £30 plus parts * geographical restrictions and small charge apply Call 0117 9575821 Email: CLEANING SERVICES       CAR REPAIRS 100% Mobile - to work or home! Bumper Scuffs • Alloy Wheel Refurbishment • Vandal Scratches Minor Dents • Calliper Painting Headlight Restoration • Motorcycles Repairs 70% cheaper than car body shops Tel: 0117 329 3773 Mob: 07780 713 665 Outside Work = Perfect for Social distancing BURGLAR ALARMS • BURGLAR ALARMS, REPAIRS • MAINTENANCE SERVICE & INSTALLATION • WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF ALARMS FROM AN UPGRADE AND SERVICE TO NEW ALARM SYSTEMS • ALARM SERVICES FROM £55 TEL: 0117 956 0695 MOB: 07770 233 475 EMAIL ENQUIRIES@MARKEVANSELECTRICAL.CO.UK WWW.MARKEVANSELECTRICAL.CO.UK FIND OUR REVIEWS ON THE WHICH TRUSTED TRADERS WEBSITE MARK EVANS BURGLAR ALARMS AERIALS BATHROOMS & KITCHENS All work carried out by us One call is all you need Book now for your makeover OSBORNE & SONS All work guaranteed. Call Tony 0777 6188595 Find us on Facebook osborneandsons Bathroom & Kitchen Specialists AERIALS A.G. AERIALS For Digital TV Ring Round — Then Ring Us We will undercut any quote for quality work Est 1967 • Free Quotes • No VAT TELEPHONE DOWNEND 0117 956 4516 MOBILE 07770 634 804 AERIALS Call Nick on 07970 529787 Email: ● TV Aerials & Satellites ● Extra Points ● Repairs ● Sky Work Undertaken ● Telephone Extensions ● TV Wall Mounting ● CCTV ● Data Points & Wi-Fi Extensions ● TV/DAB/FM Multi Point Systems The Aerial Co. Est.2004 ACUPUNCTURE ACUPUNCTURE Gisela Norman, a highly experienced acupuncturist of 30 years Gisela treats a wide range of conditions from physical complaints, including infertility to emotional and stress related problems. Call her to discuss your health issue on: 07968 855 001 or make an appointment direct at the Willow Surgery, Hill House Road, Downend on: 0117 970 9505 A Member of British Acupuncture Council and Lecturer CARPENTRY PHILIP PERKINS General Carpenter/Kitchen Fitter (Member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen) 0117 9373941 OR 07788 115945 CALL FOR A QUOTE - NO JOB TOO SMALL Carpentry • Kitchens supplied & fitted or supply only • Full kitchen or fronts only • Worktops • Fitted Wardrobes • Door Hanging • Skirting • Stairs & Balustrades • Laminate & Wood Flooring • All aspects of general carpentry work
To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 61 downendvoice Call Nick on 0117 2872392 ELECTRICIANS For an efficient, friendly, reliable, local electrical service... call Oliver on 07747866436 or 01179602974 All types of domestic electrical work undertaken, from changing a light fitting to full rewires. FREE Quotations specialist domestic installers atom electrical ELECTRICIANS ELECTRICIANS ELECTRICIANS FENCING DOWNEND FENCING (ERECTING SERVICE) 45 years experience - All types of fencing, repairs, clearance etc. NO JOB TOO SMALL TEL: 0797 3381663 • SMALL ELECTRICAL JOBS • LED LIGHTING • GARDEN LIGHTING, OUTBUILDINGS & HOME OFFICES • TESTING & INSPECTION OF WIRING • LANDLORD CERTIFICATES • BURGLAR ALARMS, REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE & INSTALLATION TEL: 0117 956 0695 MOB 07770 233 475 EMAIL ENQUIRIES@MARKEVANSELECTRICAL.CO.UK WWW.MARKEVANSELECTRICAL.CO.UK FIND OUR REVIEWS ON THE WHICH TRUSTED TRADERS WEBSITE MARK EVANS ELECTRICAL HOUSE RE-WIRING SPECIALISTS FENCING FRENCHAY FENCING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE all work guaranteed - all quotes free OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE LOCALLY BASED Call Mike on 07962226226 or Andy on 07747148106 Contact us at Facebook: Frenchay fencing GUTTER CLEANING GUTTERING SERVICES Mark’s Gutter Cleaning Gutter Clearing Gutter Cleaning Fascia Cleaning Call or Book online Tel: 0117 3708528 Mob: 07543056558 Based in Downend, Bristol GARDEN MAINTENANCE D. ATTWELL • FULLY INSURED • LICENSED WASTE CARRIER For a FREE quote call 07960 681 921 For All Garden Works Patios – Decking Gravelling – Fencing Wood Chippings – Jetwashing Foliage Removed – Roots Destroyed Garden Walls & General Building LANDSCAPING & TREE SERVICES GARAGE DOORS • Third generation Family Business • World Class Customer Service • Independent Specialists • Free Surveys & Advice • 10 Year Finish & “Safe & Reliable Function” Warranty • Downend Based Call Charlie on 07375 883596 or email All Types of Garage Doors Apricot Electrical DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL FREE ESTIMATES 0117 956 3285 Mobile 07976 665448 Rewires and Repairs PIR Security Lighting Testing Certificates Building Society Wiring Reports 200 Overndale Road, Downend Bristol BS16 2RH FRIENDLY, HONEST AND PROFESSIONAL THE REWIRING SPECIALISTS HOUSE CLEARANCE House, Garden, Office Clearance Plus All Your Other Waste Removal Needs too! On Average cheaper than a skip. 1/4 Load £99 Half Load £149 4 Load £199 Full Load £249 Tel: 07592 506 003 House, Garden, Office Clearance - Plus all other waste removal - On average cheaper than a skip Tel: 07592 506 003 House, Garden, Office Clearance Plus All Your Other Waste Removal Needs too! On Average cheaper than a skip. 1/4 Load £99 Half Load £149 4 Load £199 Full Load £249 Tel: 07592 506 003 House, Garden, Office Clearance - Plus all other waste removal - On average cheaper than a skip Tel: 07592 506 003 House, Garden, Office Clearance Plus All Your Other Waste Removal Needs too! On Average cheaper than a skip. 1/4 Load £99 Half Load £149 3/4 Load £199 Full Load £249 Tel: 07592 506 003 House, Garden, Office Clearance - Plus all other waste removal - On average cheaper than a skip Tel: 07592 506 003
To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 9461169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Ken On 07715 770377 January, 2023 62 downendvoice PAINTING & DECORATING J L Painting & Decorating Jason Lee Qualified Painter & Decorator No Job too small Free No obligation quote Telephone: 07474573780 0117 2792264 e: PAINTING & DECORATING Third generation family business offering professional exterior and interior painting and decorating services locally. Quality workmanship Paperhanging specialist Competitively priced ST E V E PA I NT E R D ECOR AT I N G S E RV I C ES Call Steve Painter on: 01179 565 190 / 07853 250 035 PLUMBING & HEATING Tel: 0117 9676268 Boiler installation, servicing and repairs 10 Year Warranty’s available 518308 PLUMBING & HEATING 07878249260 629179 56746 CREST HEATING & PLUMBING BOILERS, BATHROOMS AND GENERAL PLUMBING TEL: 07765 250816 OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE HONEST & RELIABLE PLUMBING & HEATING PLUMBING & HEATING 10 YEAR PARTS & LABOUR WARRANTY INCLUDED UP TO £400 OFF YOUR NEW BOILER FOR A LIMITED TIME BRISTOL: 0117 9000 986 MOBILE: 07834 633376 3 generations in the plumbing and heating industry and a quality service from a local family business Boiler service and repair, new boilers supplied and installed, full system and design, free 10 year parts and labour warranty on new boilers, general plumbing. We are also Gas Safe registered - OAP DISCOUNTS PAINTING & DECORATING Builder & Interior Decorator Dacrisco Builder E: T: 0117 401 8568 / 07557 335 956 Classic & Natural stone tiles Specialising in Italian showers Contemporary & Provençale kitchens Interior & Exterior Masonry Interior & façade painting High Quality Finish Free Quote Bristol & Surrounding Areas Tiler • Mason • Painter 17 Years Experience Interior & Exterior Masonry Tiling Interior & Facade Painting No Job Too Small Free Quote 17 Years Experience Renovation Painter Tiler Decorator T: 0117 382 7716 / 07557 335 956 E: PAINTING & DECORATING SJM DECORATING Professional Decorating Local Qualified tradesmen Internal & External Decorating Fast, reliable & friendly service Fully insured Free Quotations Call Scott 07515 523 623 0117 3824411 OVEN CLEANING      MACHINE HIRE J AND J CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE & PEST CONTROL LTD Tel 07779242184 Digger Hire Grass Cutter Hire Garden Clearance We can supply the machines manned or unmanned HOME MAINTENANCE • Bathroom & Kitchen Installation • Plumbing • Wall & Floor Tiling • Interior & Exterior Painting & Decorating • Guttering & Fascias • Plastering • Patios, Paving & Timber Decking • Fencing & Walls • Total Refurbishments NO JOB TOO SMALL - CONTACT US FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE HOME & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE tel: 07974 222656 email:
PLUMBING PLUMBING WIGS LOCATED IN DOWNEND We have been supplying all types of wigs and hairpieces for fashion and medical purposes for 45 years. Wigs can be purchased off the peg or made to measure in hair or synthetic fibre. We stock many styles and makes. Please book an appointment on: 0117 956 0805 Wigs Bristol Wigs Bristol WASTE DISPOSAL WINDOW & DOOR SOLUTIONS TREE SURGEONS J.A. Cole & Sons Tree Surgeons • Tree Surgery • Hedge & Shrub work • Precision Felling • Size Reduction • Fully insured • Domestic & Commercial . PROFESSIONAL EXPERT SERVICE - 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE OF TREE WORK Free Quotations & Advice 0117 9567298 07768 973291 RUBBISH CLEARED Registered upper tier waste carrier licence no CBDU225074 We load and clear rubbish/junk from houses Flats, Sheds, Attics, Gardens etc etc No job too small - we even clear single items Cheaper than a skip and we load no VAT Contact Stuart or Sue Freephone 0800 0234 995 Mobile 07770944727 anytime inc. weekends sales@t ellwindows Windows Doors Conservatories 07786730804 0117 279 9409 Call us today for a FREE no-obligation quotation Local business based in Downend • We replace & install Windows, Doors, Bi-Folding doors, Conservatories + much more • uPVC, Aluminium and Timber Windows & Doors • Service & repairs of all types of uPVC, misted double glazing, lock repairs & hinge replacements • Internorm UK specialist for the South West ROOFING LIMITED N. BROWN SLATING • TILING • REPAIRS GUTTERS • FASCIAS FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTES Give Nigel a call he’s local and has a wealth of experience ✆ 07779 786072 ROOFING PROPERTY MAINTENANCE J AND J CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE SERVICES Providing general building, factory facilities work, gardening, pest control Tel 07779242184 PLUMBING To advertise, contact Gary on 0779 946 1169 Or 0117 907 8585. Email: Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579 January, 2023 63 downendvoice SHOWER REPAIRS Apricot Showers Approved Contractor FREE ESTIMATES 0117 956 3285 Mobile 07976 665448 Shower installations All makes supplied Installed, repaired Replacement units Apricot Electrical
200 Overndale Road, Downend Bristol BS16 2RH
41 VICTORIA STREET, STAPLE HILL, BRISTOL BS16 5JP TELEPHONE 0117 956 4797 Email: Website HEATING BRISTOL HOMES FOR OVER 53 YEARS 1835 Gas Central Heating by your Local Heating Company We have been installing Gas Central Heating in Bristol for over 53 years and offer the following services by our fully trained staff at competitive prices and to a very high standard • Full Heating systems - Designed & Installed • Boiler Changes • Replacement Radiators • Gas Cooker and Hob installations • Worcester accredited company and can offer a 10-12 year guarantee on all Worcester boilers • Gas fire and boiler servicing and repairs • Installation of wooden and marble fireplaces gas and electric fires and electric suites and all necessary building and electrical works to allow these fireplaces to be installed PROUD MEMBER OF Accredited Installer
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