Newsletter Dec 13

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Christmas '13 Newsletter Saving Lives One recent day, a woman, L. came in and thanked Jeaninne for saving her life. Jeaninne is our volunteer who helps people navigate the system, find what they need and provides counsel and support. She must be good at it, because other agencies, who often have paid, professional staff send clients to her. Every week someone tells us they heard, 'Go to the Ark, they help people.' This fall, Jeaninne has helped people find some furniture, apply for Meals on Wheels, tutored a science course for completing high school, set up a home assessment with another agency, made arrangements for a hearing test, coached people in finding help with legal issues, intervened with landlords, encouraged a couple of women struggling to recover from abuse, arranged medical assistance with the Family Health Team nurse, made numerous phone calls on behalf of clients and counseled a number of folks. Other volunteers also counsel and help clients in a number of ways, but Jeannine is here most days and thus carries the bulk of this work. During the summer, L. came in one day, very depressed. She told Jeaninne her story, and it wasn't pretty. She just wanted the pain to stop. Jeaninne talked with her, eventually getting her to promise she would go home, get her health card and go to the hospital. We prayed that she would do so and when we called the hospital a while later, she was there. Eventually she came back to thank Jeaninne and tell her the goals they had talked about during that intense session were coming together and she would be moving in a few days to be close to her family. Jeaninne humbly tried to deflect the thanks, but L. was adamant that without Jeaninne that day, she might have had a very bad outcome. It is not uncommon to hear, 'I don't know where I'd be without the Ark.' Last week, one of our regular clients found a young man in distress, hurting himself. He told him to come to the Ark and walked a considerable distance with him to get here. The young man came back several times and each time there was someone to talk with him. We're praying for him as we attempt to help him sort through his thoughts and feelings. Of course, if he is willing to reach out for other resources we will help him connect with them. We have found that many people are literally crying out for help and if only someone will listen, they can begin their journey toward health and wholeness. It takes considerable effort to serve a nightly meal. The meal is important in assisting most of our clients with food security. Sharing food creates fellowship and community and that is where the core of the Ark's purpose lies. People understand that the Ark is only trying to help. We don't have another agenda. We put a lot of emphasis on respect and trust and in return, people trust us to help them. Some needs can be resolved easily. Others take some digging and coordination. Some needs are critical. Providing regular meals is critical for some, as it was for the young man who came in and said, 'this place saved my life,' explaining that when he was a teenager on the street, knowing he could always have Archie, 1957 - 2013 something to eat, kept him going. Other needs are acute, requiring immediate personal intervention. Some of our friends have passed away this year, including Archie, one of the first people I got to know when I arrived four years ago. We miss him. Noah's ark preserved the human race. This Ark has saved some lives. We may never know how many. Christmas is a time of hope as well as compassion and generosity. This year has reminded us of how vulnerable many of our friends are. Because of committed, skilled volunteers and faithful donors, the Ark has made made a difference to many. Other agencies have noted it. You'll hear it on the street. Thought you should know, too! The Ark Aid Street Mission, Inc

696 Dundas Street E., London, Ontario N5W 2Z4 Tel. 519-667-0322 Fax: 226-289-3045 E-mail: Web:

Thanks to this year's Ride for Refuge team. The day was overcast and eventually it rained but the team persevered and raised over $2800. Jose G., pictured on the left, was the Ark's top fundraiser. Thanks to those who rode and those who sponsored the riders. Over the years the Ark has been involved with the Ride, over $14,000 has been raised to help with the general expenses of providing free evening meals to vulnerable people. This fall, the Ark's dining room tables has had fresh cut flowers each week. Thanks to The Flower Lady and Gentleman in Hyde Park and Elaine B., our volunteer craft program supervisor, the Ark has that extra special touch that says 'we care.' Dorchester Community Church lends us some banners to decorate the walls with inspirational thoughts. The Ark is 'more than a meal.' Along with the best food we can provide, the building is a showcase of the love expressed by each donation, small or large to our friends who might not find much love elsewhere. You are always welcome to come by to see for yourself. We are so proud and thankful for the new pantry, stairs and deck that we have to show the finished product. The old stairs were in poor condition and there was no deck, only a small landing for the upstairs apartment, where Chad, the Ark cook lives. With this arrangement of the stairs, we have gained another parking spot, too. The pantry is insulated, with a ceramic tile floor. It is very handy to the kitchen for storing food. Thanks again to all those who contributed to this great project!

Looking Ahead Over the past four years, we have made major improvements to the facilities. The major remaining project is to renovate the kitchen. We do not have an exhaust fan. We have a commercial electric stove but to cut electrical costs we need a commercial gas stove. Our cooler is at the end of its life and we actually need additional refrigeration to cope with food donations, which are unpredictable. The counter tops are worn out so we need stainless steel. We need a blender and another utensil or two so Chad does not need to use his own. In addition to these projects, it is apparent that there is so much more that we could do to assist people towards healthier, more joyous and productive lives. Virtually everything we do now is done by volunteers. But we are approaching the limits of what can be done with that model. To get to the next level, we require another staff person to lead programs, work with clients and supervise new volunteer activities. The Board is very careful that the Ark lives within its means and taking on additional staff is a big commitment. But, that is where the future lies.

Thanks For Your Support Thanks to all those who have given in any way this year. You have accomplished much! Of course, the Christmas season is when many people give a special gift to help those who need it. To all those who choose to do so through the Ark, thank you! We will use it wisely. If you would like to talk about any of the projects listed above, we would be happy to do so. There are many ways to give: ➢ gifts of food: see the list on the website, turkeys, grocery store gift certificates. ➢ gifts in honour or on behalf of someone: check the box on the response card to receive a special card from the Ark to inform your honoree of the gift. ➢ set up convenient monthly donations: by credit card – visit our website; by bank withdrawal – check the box on the response card. ➢ credit or debit card donations can be done right on our website. ➢ credit card donations and cheques can be mailed in the provided response envelope. The peace and joy expressed at the very first Christmas are lived out by those who care and serve. There is a little more joy and a little more peace – and some lives saved – because the Ark is here. On behalf of my wife, Gloria, the Board, Wayde & staff, volunteers and clients, may you have a blessed Christmas. Doug Whitelaw Executive Director Twitter: @ArkAidMission

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