Christian Life in London

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Together, Sharing our Christian Community


April 2010 -May 2010

Presented by the Christian Churches Network of London (CCNL)

Serving and Sharing at the Heart of Life

The STA Mission Program (STAMP) is reving up for their trip to Monte Christi in the Dominican Republic, to help at the school and orphanage. The 26 students and 6 leaders include teacher Mark Duffy (on the left in the checked shirt), St. George’s youth pastor Marjorie Braatz (in the scarf) and students Bryanna Nyhof and Jordan Campbell (front and centre). In its second year,

this St. Thomas Aquinas outreach program also helps locally, including at the London Food Bank, Ark Aid and the Men’s Mission. Says Mark Duffy: “We’re putting our faith into action, serving others, and planting the seeds for continued efforts.” Continued on page 2

Helping Bring Water to Haiti The recent earthquake in Haiti showed how quickly people’s lives can change and how eagerly help can be provided on a global scale. The images of destruction and struggles touched the hearts of people here in London – all determined to provide comfort, humanitarian aid and support to those in need. One of the churches reaching out with prayer and assistance is Village Green Community Church (, under the leadership of pastor Jon Korkidakis. Ernest Yanful, an elder at Village Green and an Engineering professor at UWO, has expertise and a spe- Ernest Yanful, Susan Gowan and pastor Jon Korkidakis are among the helpers participating in the water project at cial interest in providing drinkable water. Along with Susan Gowan and the Village Green Community Church ( leadership team at Village Green, a commuscles beyond the focus on our own needs and mitment was made to raise money to buy water propels us into a better understanding of the purification equipment from Trojan Technologies broader world perspective – of God’s bigger (, a London firm specializing in picture. Our focus is to be part of projects that this essential area of human well-being. permit the people in their own country to have Says Ernest: “Helping in developing counnot only clean water but opportunities for job tries and at-need communities in Canada gives skills, ownership and dignity. We are committed us the opportunity to be the hands and feet of to improving the lives of other people, whenJesus – building capacity and developing techever we can, however we can.” nologies to improve livelihoods. Humanitarian work moves the attention from ourselves to others. In helping and participating in such projRob Hueniken is the ects, we demonstrate God's love.” Managing Editor of Adds Susan Gowan: “We are genuinely exChristian Life in London. cited that we can help. It stretches our servant

Taking Steps to Help Those in Need - The Sud Academy

Thursday, May 27th 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. at the Hilton Hotel, 300 King St. London, Ontario

By Esther Schuurman

London District Christian Secondary School ( is sending four students and two teachers to Nairobi, Kenya, to visit the Sud Academy ( The school has 300 students, mostly Sudanese refugees who fled from the war in Sudan. With the refugee camps in northern Kenya offering little security or food, many refugees head to Nairobi looking for a better life. But because these refugees are foreigners, they cannot attend the Kenyan schools or get a job. The principal of Sud Academy, Ojok Bosco says: “The school is providing a lot of help to its students by allowing them to get an education while at the same time maintaining their distinct culture. Being able to study at Sud Academy also gives these orphans something more than an education and a hope – it gives them a sense of belonging.” LDCSS has been a supporting, financial partner of Sud Academy since 2005, gathering monthly collections from the students. It was suggested that

we make a trip to visit the school and deepen our relationship, so the theme of our trip is “Let’s Get to Know Each Other”. By making this trip we hope to encourage and support the staff and students at Sud, and establish a strong relationship with them. We also hope to learn and become more Mrs. Christine Boer, Avery Kelly, Wil Schmor, Marijke Visser, Esther culturally aware of the Schuurman and Mr. Peter Minnesma will be helping Sudanese refugees at the Sud Academy in Nairobi, Kenya. story in Africa. By going on this trip, we “Despite their poverty, the Sudan students are so hope to become more globally aware of God’s people and to love as Jesus loved. very determined to become educated. They want Says Peter Minnesma: “Jesus came from to return to Sudan to help develop their communities. It is both a great privilege and an awesome heaven to be with us. He is relational. Jesus tells us to ‘go’, in person – to meet responsibility working with others here in London to raise the funds to keep the doors open for them, to get to know them and to love them. We are going on this trip, following them.” ~ Trisa Haak, Volunteer Co-ordinator for Sud Academy. Jesus’ example.”

A professional football player in the NFL and CFL, Brian Warren was a winner of 2 Grey cups. In 1994 he turned his focus towards God, and in 1997, Canada in Prayer was born. Guest Speaker: Brian Warren Founder and CEO of Canada in Prayer

Mark your schedules for the annual London Christian Prayer Breakfast. It is always a memorable and uplifting event!

Tickets are $20 and available starting April 6th through: CCNL (519.455.7381), Compassion Canada, First Christian Reformed Church, Metropolitan United, North Park Community, Oakridge Presbyterian, Royal View Pentecostal, Stoney Creek Baptist, Summerside Community, West London Alliance, as well as Canadian Bible Society, Creation Christian Book Store, Mustard Seed, Upper Room Book Store


Christian Life in London - April 2010

In This Issue...


Efforts Old and New

Presented by the Christian Churches Network of London (CCNL).

By Mike Wilkins In this part of the world, at this time of the year, the approach of Spring commands our attention. By now, we refer to the passing season as Old Man Winter – and a cold, unappealing old man he now seems to almost all of us. But it doesn’t really matter now. Spring is in the air and so we focus our attention on what’s ahead and what’s new and what new things are about to begin. For this reason, many of the articles and features in this issue of Christian Life in London highlight efforts of Christian groups and individuals addressing urgent new needs in the name of Jesus. On the other hand, in this part of the world and elsewhere, now and at all other times, there are ongoing needs that always deserve attention. Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you.” Plainly, this sad fact is as true now as ever. For this reason, you’ll

Sharing and Serving Continued from page 1

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also find articles about continuing efforts of Christians in London to address long term needs here in our city and elsewhere. The theme of this issue is “Efforts Old and New.” It is our hope that this focus on some very good work going on these days will both encourage and inspire you. Happy reading, and Happy Springtime!

Mike Wilkins is the pastor of West London Alliance Church on Wonderland Road North.

The STA Mission Program encourages the students to step out from their comfort zone and to connect with others. Says Mark Duffy: “We don’t have to go across the world to help others.” Marjorie Braatz, the youth pastor at St. George’s Parish, says: “It’s about giving back, and recognizing God’s call for us to help others. Many of us live a privileged life and have more than most. It’s important to recognize the opportunities we have to serve others. It can start with a smile.” Student Bryanna Nyhof agrees: “This program builds a sense of community and brings together students with the common interest of helping people less fortunate then ourselves.” The students and leaders meet regularly, and attendence is always excellent. “These are mature, responsible people,” says Mark Duffy. “We are a team, and together we are looking for activities where we can inter-relate with others. We want to do more than serve, we want to share life. That is at the heart of our personal growth.” Student Jordan Campbell was encouraged to join STAMP by his friend. “Graham participated last year and said it was a great experience – and it is. It’s exciting, and I’m looking forward to our trip to help in the Dominican Republic.” Orphanage Outreach has been operating since 1994, and benefited from the participation of 7000 volunteers( Teams help provide opportunities to orphaned, abandoned, and disadvantaged children. The students will be teaching English in a local grade school and interacting with the children of Hope of a Child Orphange in Monte Christi. As many high school students have experienced, the time spent on a mission trip can really impact their life. These are young people with a heart to help, and it shows. Said Bryanna Nyhof: “I have been so blessed and rewarded from the volunteer work I have been doing. Being a part of this has not only helped me, but everyone in the program, to live with an open mind and a generous heart.”

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EDITORIAL TEAM: Rob Hueniken (Managing Editor) Mary Adams (Upper Room Book Store) Jim Kirkland Mike Wilkins (West London Alliance Church)

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Children’s Aid Society By Rob Hueniken Caring for children is one of life’s most important activities. Unfortunately, not every child has the care and environment that we know they need. The Children’s Aid Society of London ( protects and cares for children at risk and promotes the healthy development of children, families and communities. With the help of Patti Forrington, the Resource Supervisor for Recruitment, Training and Home Study, I was introduced to two Christian families who take care of children. “I am impressed and inspired by these wonderful families,” says Patti. Darlene and Chris have been helping CAS for five years, and focus on newborn care. During that time they have helped five babies, usually right from the hospital, and usually only until the baby is about three months old. After that, the children have usually been returned to their family or birth mother. Sometimes the child becomes available for adoption. “It is very rewarding,” says Darlene, “knowing we are helping families in times of crisis. We see ourselves as a resource, to help the birth families – to empower them, and encourage them.” While not every birth family is open to contact with the foster parents, such contact can be part of the positive changes that allow the birth mother to take on the parenting role. One of the young moms Darlene has helped said to Darlene: “I want to be a mom like you.” “I could see how love had helped her,” says Darlene. “This young woman had missed something growing up, and we had helped her gain it.” The Samson Christian Slo-Pitch League holds its 2010 Pre-season Event at Calvary Pentecostal in Strathroy, on Saturday May 1st 7:00 to 10:00 pm. 301 Pannell Lane, Strathroy. $10 at the door. Tommy John, former Yankee great, is the special guest speaker. Come and hear John’s inspirational story.

Darlene’s husband, Chris, plays a vital and active role: helping with the babies at night and taking time off from work to help. “We are a real team,” says Darlene, “and we’ve experienced real appreciation from the families.” Marie and Sam Vanderwyngaard are caring for their second foster child, a little girl with special needs who has been with them for 8 1/2 years. As for how they got started, Marie said: “Sam had fostered children before I met him, and he suggested that since I was home, perhaps I would enjoy fostering. I turned and looked behind me to see who he was talking to. In all honestly I laughed out loud and thought he was joking. When I realized he was serious, it gave me pause. I told him I'd need to pray about it. Well, you know the answer we recieved to that prayer, so we signed up for the training and application process, and the rest is history.” “We feel led by the Lord,” says Marie. “There have been many challenges in this journey, yet the blessings have been countless.” Struggling with a learning difficulty? We can offer a solution. Check out to learn about an amazing program that deals with the root causes of the learning disability rather than managing its symtoms. Immanuel Christian School in Aylmer is an elementary school that is trying to start this program. Call 519-773-8476.


May 2010 - Christian Life in London Visit for upcoming Christian events and to find helpful resources and links.

A Big “Thank you” to Fred Hagglund We all know someone whose heart is big, and who not only cares about others, but who reaches out with determination to help life be better. Fred Hagglund is just such a person. So in this “Efforts Old and New” issue of Christian Life, I would like to send Fred a very big “Thank you” for helping as executive director of Mission Services of London.

Christian Churches Network of London

Help us clean up London after the winter!

An encourager of relationship building and cooperation, Fred’s commitment to community and shared efforts is summed up in his metaphor of a sandbox. It’s a humble yet excellent image of the childhood understanding we all have, to be considerate, to share, and to help.

Be part of the team, Saturday, April 17th, as we help keep London Clean and Green! All supplies are provided. Please ask your group and church to take part, and contact us at

Thanks, Fred, for being such an awesome role model !

For more information about the 2010 edition: Contact us by August 31 to have a presence in the 2010 edition!


Building relationships within the Christian Community


Christian Life in London - April 2010

An Effort that is Old and New and Everlasting

Ark Aid a Refuge for Change

By Herman Goodden Meditating on this issue's theme of 'efforts old and new', I was reminded of one of my earliest encounters with the writings of the great Catholic man of letters, G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936), who was himself such a huge influence on the most widely read Christian apologist of the last century, C.S. Lewis (1898-1963). Then on the cusp of parenthood for the first time and suddenly unsatisfied with all of my easily assumed, liberal-agnostic assumptions about the way that life and the universe worked, I was casting about for a church and a tradition that I could belong to; something larger, deeper and more sustaining than that ever-shifting, up-to-the minute secular life that I had hitherto enjoyed well enough but which suddenly appeared to me as shallow and unmoored and utterly unworthy of handing on to the next generation. Reading Chesterton's Orthodoxy, first published in 1908, I was thrilled to happen upon this passage which articulated what this new search of mine seemed to be about. "Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about. All democrats object to men being disqualified by the accident of birth; tradition objects to their being disqualified by the accident of death." I was beginning to understand that what cynics called, "the dead hand of history," was in fact a force that was profoundly alive and could be wonderfully consoling and instructive for those who paid it heed and learned what it had to tell us. In joining the Catholic Church in 1984 I had indeed found myself a Church and a tradition I could belong to but was this decision to align myself with this most tradition-bound of all earthly institutions simultaneously an act of contemporary defection that would serve to somehow take me out of the life that was mine to live here and now? 'One cannot live in the past,' we are always being told. And chronologically, historically, that is true enough. But I soon discovered that in the religious or spiritual realm we are not bound to an either/or choice. Pope Benedict XVI makes this abundantly clear in a 1997 interview that he gave when he was still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

"The Church lives not only synchronically but diachronically as well. This means that it is always all - even the dead - who live and are the whole Church, that it is always all who must be considered in any majority in the Church . . . The Church lives her life precisely from the identity of all the generations, from their identity that overarches time, and her real majority is made up of the saints. Every generation tries to join the ranks of the saints, and each makes its contribution. But it can do that only by accepting this great continuity and entering into it in a living way." The theology of the Body of Christ is wasted on those who insist that Christ's passion, if it ever happened at all, only happened once and was finished with a long time ago. When Catholics and other Christians proclaim the mystery of faith each week - that 'Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again' - we refute any such historical limitations absolutely. Our faith is not pegged to a 2,000 year old event that is done with but to an act of redemption that continues to operate, to a supernatural effort that is both old and new and everlasting, and that all of us are invited to partake of regardless of when we were born. Herman Goodden is a columnist for the London Free Press, Christian Life in London, The Canada Post and Catholic Insight. He is a member of Saint Peter’s Basilica here in London.

You can read more great articles at

Just east of Adelaide at 696 Dundas is the Ark Aid Street Mission ( Headed up by Doug Whitelaw, Ark Aid is a refuge for those less fortunate – dedicated to helping people get back on their feet and starting more productive and more joyful lives. Founded in 1984, the Ark, as it is popularly known, is a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, supported by a wide variety of local people, churches and businesses. Says Doug: “We appreciate them all.” The motivating factor of the Board, staff, volunteers and donors is to practically express Christian faith and love where they are needed most. One of the groups helping at the Ark is the UWO Asian Christian Fellowship. Says Doug: “We are having a great time with the Asian Christian Fellowship. They are great kids! They help serve meals and in the fall, raised $1400 for us. We have been wanting to start a prayer ministry during the evenings, so that while one team

serves food another prays. The ACF has agreed to be that pioneering team, and they are excited about it. It’s great to have young people serving, praying and giving, as well as helping us launch our prayer ministry. Our dream would be to see the prayer ministry develop into a broad swath of the city's churches coming to pray in the heart of the city.” At Ark Aid, people are treated with dignity and compassion – they are given a sense of belonging and worth, and helped to have new levels of competence and hope. In addition to providing meals, the Ark provides clothing and computer skills training. There is also counselling, lifeskill coaching, and job placement support. The Ark a unique and wonderful London service group. It is the kind of place that can really use your help and your donations, particularly food, clothes and help to keep it running. There is Good work being done here.

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The team from Compassion Canada is sharing their love of children and helping to find sponsors for children and communities in need. Sharing their smiles in this photo are Kevin Bax, Kristin Phinnemore and Karmen Vail. Close to 100 Bolivian children were sponsored at Forest City Community Church ( Please visit to learn about helping children, including those in Haiti.


May 2010 - Christian Life in London

Feeding Hungry Children of by the Christian churches there. By Dave Snihur I am privileged, through Assists Projects Canada (, to know and support the If I were given a thousand dollars I would use it work of Pastor Tim who has lived and worked in this to feed hungry children in northern India. In April of area of India for the past 40 years. He, along with oth2009 I had the opportunity to go to there and see for ers, have taken it upon themselves to feed these hunmyself what is happening. In the foothills of the Higry children and to help them get the education they malayas there are a number of huge tea plantations need to not only survive, but to also step out of covering thousands of acres. Those who are working poverty. Presently they help to feed and school over there are paid about a dollar a day which hardly 600 of these hungry children six days a week. In fact, enough to live on. Those who are not working are right behind Pastor Tim’s own house they give a hot starving to death. The people who live in that area are meal after school to over 250 children six days a indigenous native Indians. Outside of the caste sysweek. After the meal adult helpers sit down with tem which govern much of society and lower than groups of the children to help them with their homeeven the lowest ‘untouchable’ these people of northwork. This may be the only meal these children get ern India are literally the ‘out-castes.’ Because of that day. their low status the Indian government has done little Because of the extreme poverty of this area and to help them. Some of the plantation owners, faced the social isolation of the people who live in this area with workers who demand more income have rethere is little likelihood that either the Indian governsponded by simply closing and moving away. This ment will take action or that the Indians themselves has thrown many people out of work and put everywill have the resources to provide what these children one in the area in a precarious situation. They are need. This is why I appeal for money from Canadians trapped between a rock and a hard place. . Some have who have a heart and a desire to care. We can make a continued to pick the tea leaves at the closed plantahuge difference in the lives of these children. The tions even thought the plants are no longer sprayed or buying power of a thousand dollars there is like sevtrimmed. Instead of the tea being dried and sold to eral thousand dollars here. And the best part is, becommercial buyers it is picked by the individual cause the caring is being done by trusted Indian workers and sold raw to whoever will pay anything leaders all the money given is used for the purpose it for it. It is a very meagre existence and the money was intended. they earn doing this isn’t anywhere near enough to This amazing program is making a very practical live on. In a few cases both adults and children have difference in the lives of hundred’s of children. I instarved to death. The situation is so desperate that tend to go back to this area of India again (at my own some of the adults have moved away leaving their expense) in order to encourage the workers and once children behind. These children have been taken care again see for myself what can be done there to make a difference in the lives of hungry children.

Dave Snihur is a London area writer. Box 102 Burgessville, Ont NOJ 1C0 519-424-2446

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6 Christian Life - April 2010

May the Spirit of Easter be with you always.

Love your Neighbour By Nancy McSloy "If you fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, You shall love your neighbour as yourself, you do well. [James 2:8]" Whenever I ponder on what I am going to write about I feel that God takes over and takes me to that “right” place. This issue is no exception. I was exploring ideas and possibilities, checking websites and coming up empty. I am not a television viewer however I turned the TV on to the local cable channel. Although it is the Easter issue I was writing my story in February. With February being Black History Month there was a program about the local events. One of the guests was Reverend Delta McNeish, the pastor at Beth Emmanuel British Methodist Episcopal Church on Grey Street in London. As I listened to Rev. McNeish speaking, I knew what I was going to write about. Later that week I had the opportunity to meet this amazing woman and to visit the beautiful little church that has a great deal of history. Although the church is small it has a very strong presence in the community, reaching out to help those in need. Originally the African Episcopal Methodist Church was located on Thames Street and was built in 1849. It was the first church of the black community in London, which at that time was still Upper Canada. In 1869 the congregation built a new church at 430 Grey Street, where it remains today. The name was then changed to Beth Emmanuel. Reverend McNeish has been the pastor since July 2008, living in the manse next door to the church. Reverend McNeish spoke about the state of disarray that the church was in when she arrived. She spoke fondly of how a wonderful group of people from Byron United Church arrived to help with renovating and restoring the church and manse. Today when you walk into the church hall the feeling of welcome, warmth and peace resonates. The feeling is the same in the sanctuary. Every Sunday after the service a hot meal is served in the church hall. This is open to anyone in the community. An open house is held on Thursday afternoon, open to everyone. This is a time for prayer and fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee. The third Sunday of every month there is an evening “hot dog” meal for the community. A food bank is available for those in need. Loving the neighbour is very evident here. Reverend McNeish is also planning a service for either Saturday or Sunday evening to help meet the needs of the

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Reverend Delta McNeish shares the joy of faith, warmth and peace at Beth Emmanuel.

community. Sunday morning there is a traditional service with new programs often being introduced. The church is also home to a congregation of people from the Congo. This group holds their Sunday services, bible studies and other programs at Beth Emmanuel. Members of the morning service stay during the afternoon to provide a Sunday School program for the children from the Congo. Reverend McNeish also provides a Christian based counselling service at the manse, with group counselling, wellness, caring for the caregiver, individual, family and marriage counselling. Heart 2 Heart Counselling Services is available to all. Reverend McNeish is currently working on providing a Christian based counselling service and program for alcohol and drug abuse. This program will be launched later this year. As I reflect on my visit and look at the history of this wonderful church, I realize that this little church has been a pillar of the community for nearly two centuries. Although the old efforts may have been different to the new efforts, God’s love and word have been present every step of the way. To find out more about Beth Emmanuel please call 519-433-4311. To contact Heart 2 Heart Counselling Services please call 519-679-9402 or visit


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Nancy McSloy is a freelance writer and a church warden at St Mark’s Anglican. She can be reached at nancy.mcsloy@


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May 2010 - Christian Life in London

Too Busy to Hear Him? Too Busy to Help? By Paul Hogendoorn Our careers and businesses are a huge blessing to us, but sometimes they may get in the way of hearing the voice of our Lord. Several times a year, I cross the bridge from Juarez Mexico to El Paso. It’s an interesting hourand-a-half experience, crawling along one car length at a time, passing numerous pan-handlers, beggars and peddlers. Some of them are society’s forgotten: men in wheelchairs (or simply on skateboards) missing limbs or obviously crippled; women with their small children in tow walking precariously between the cars; others clearly weathered by years of living without a decent home. Many seem to have chosen to be there; others, it seems, have no other choice. Having crossed that bridge many times, I know I have become somewhat calloused to the sights and situations I see there. One reason for that may be that they are always there, and some seem no worse off from one trip to the next. For many of them, it looks to be a vocation-like means to a living. From time to time, however, I get ambushed by a situation that I have not yet developed a conscience-saving defense for. Such was the case on one trip when I saw the desperate face of a woman that I estimate to be around 30 years old - and fully nine months pregnant. Her pleas were all in Spanish, and although I understand a bit of the language, I could only understand one word of what she said because of her desperate sobbing – the word “amigo”. I quickly checked my pockets for small bills, but had none. I then checked my wallet, hoping to find something small – but found only a couple of twenties. The car was about to move up a length in the line, so I asked my colleagues in the car if they had any money. The guy driving found some change in the ashtray and dumped it in my hand. I gave it to the woman just before we pulled ahead. The whole event took less than 30 seconds,

but it stuck with me for days. Later, when my trip was over, I went through my wallet to pull out all my receipts and noticed I still had one of the two twenties. Turned out, I had more money in my wallet that day than I needed, and wouldn’t have missed a twenty if I had given it away…. Our businesses and our jobs give us all sorts of opportunities to be a blessing every day. We can ease someone’s pain with a simple, no-questionsasked gift. We can be the coworker that picks up the slack for a burdened colleague. We can make some-one’s day just by stopping long enough to listen. Yes, “the poor will always be with us”, but Jesus also said that “as you have done for the least of these, you have done to me.” As I scurry from one business trip to the next, or from one important task to the next one on a very long list, I sometimes wonder, are we too preoccupied with our success to hear when “He” is calling to us? We get a chance to use a little bit of our bountiful blessings each day to be a big blessing to others. And what a blessing that is! May God bless your business and career this season - and remember, every day you can be a blessing to someone you may not even know.

Paul Hogendoorn is President of OES, Inc. ( and chair of the London Region Manufacturing Council.

On the GO Team with Harvest Bible Chapel The Cross Current (TCC) is a Londonbased local missions ministry and outreach broadcast that helps pastors equip Christians to “go” – to share Christ with the community, while serving the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and material needs. After enjoying several fruitful ministry missions together, TCC and the GO Team of Harvest Bible Chapel London ( partnered together to reach out to the disadvantaged in our community with the Good News, a cup of hot chocolate, and a warm winter coat. GO Team missions leader, Chris Wood, says: "There is something amazing and eternal about stepping into the community and serving, praying and preaching the Gospel. It makes me think: this is the Church the way it should be.” “Since serving with the GO Team, my focus has totally changed! It is now more of Him and less of me”, says Donna Feica, a GO Team member serving in the area of prayer and follow-up ministry. “The teaching and example the GO Team provides continues to encourage me and give me the confidence to actually look for opportunities to share God's love!” Norm Millar, senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel London, candidly shares, “Evangelism tends to leak out of the ministry life of any

church and so we are very thankful to God for the Harvest GO Team and the TCC leaders who help us keep Biblical evangelism front and center in all we do.” It has been said that the mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity. May the Lord continue to build great churches that will “go” for His glory in the city of London. Cory McKenna is founding president of The Cross Current and host of TCC Radio. For more on how TCC can serve your church, visit: .

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Christian Life in London - April 2010

ARTS & REVIEWS Book Notes By Mary Adams

The Me I Want to Be: Becoming God’s Best Version of You by John Ortberg Pastor and best-selling author John Ortberg has some intriguing answers to the question of why spiritual growth often seems so difficult. He has organized his thoughts and God’s words into a straightforward and timely guide for living in his new release. Ortberg urges readers to recognize their brokenness, understand that God is the project manager and follow His directions. He also helps readers gauge their spiritual health and measure the gap between where they are now and where God intends them to be. Tea with Hezbollah: Sitting at the Enemies’ Table by Ted Dekker & Carl Medearis In 2006 Ted and his friend Carl discussed what it meant to ‘love your enemy’ and how that translates in our day, in our societies. The dialogue changed from a mere discussion into reality when they boarded a plane for the Middle East to meet with muftis, sheikhs, ayatollahs and Osama bin Laden’s brothers. They asked simple questions – what’s your favorite joke, what makes you laugh, what makes you cry and ultimately, what do you think of Jesus’ commandment to love our enemies? What they discovered were real people, struggling with their beliefs in the same way we do. The Hezbollah and Hamas leaders were frank, honest and open about how they

feel about Americans, about Christians and about Jesus. Along the way, Dekker and Medearis discovered surprising answers and even more surprising questions that they could not have anticipated, questions that lead straight to the heart of Middle Eastern conflict. So Long, Insecurity: You’ve Been a Bad Friend to Us by Beth Moore Today’s women become insecure as they deal with unrealistic expectations in all areas of life: from their looks, to their status, to their relationships. Beth Moore, an admired and trusted Christian women’s writer, wants women to be free from the insecurity trap. As Beth speaks truth into the lives of readers they will confront their innermost fears, rediscover their dignity, and develop a new perspective – a whole sense of self. Women of all ages and backgrounds will embrace this message and will discover the truths that will free them emotionally and spiritually for a better life as they walk with God. The Life of Jesus: a Chronological Account from God’s Word Now you can read the Biblical account of Jesus’ life and teachings in one complete, cohesive narrative. Using God’s Word translation, the four gospels are arranged in chronological order. Sidebars illuminate important background information to ground the story within the context of first-century Palestine. Also included are lists of the parables of Jesus, the radical ideas of Jesus, the promises of Jesus, and encounters with Jesus during his ministry. Biographies of each Gospel writer, a map of the main places of Jesus’ life and ministry, and a timeline of Jesus’ life make this book ideal for studying the life of Jesus.

What do we really want when we pray, sing, give or serve? Do we want to hear an answer? Do we want to say the right things? Maybe we want to get noticed or thanked. What if we could see inside others’ thoughts‌better yet‌.their hearts? What would we see? We’d probably see doubts, fear, pride, love, trust‌ the list goes on. What would people see if they looked in your heart? Doubts, fear, pride, love, trust‌ Like it or not, we aren’t able to see the true character of the heart, but God can. He sees it in all its distortion. He sees it in all its authenticity. Our goal is to do our best to be Real when we pray, sing, give or serve. Real, when we do anything. Sanctus Real - Pieces of a Real Heart, is a CD that speaks to the difficulty of being genuine in the everyday things we do. It’s a light rock album, with one or two heavier songs wedged in. The thing that struck me about this album wasn’t the music‌which is terrific, ‌but it was how they have lived up to their name‌Sanctus






GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR MY LIFE, AND THAT’S MY FIRE... Born without limbs – and now a global phenomenon – speaker Nick Vujicic has a compelling message that captures millions, from youth and people with disabilities to world leaders and the media. Nick’s audiences experience special life-defining moments of absolute truth . . . where the relief, the joy and the change just roll through the room. Nick is speaking live for the first time in Canada at the BREAK THRU’ EVENT in May, at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. It’s a one of a kind, multi-generational gathering (everyone ages 8 to 88), also featuring live worship with Joel AugĂŠ and the band, international speaker/authors Shannon Ethridge and Fred Stoeker, and Dr. David Demian from Watchmen for the Nations, Vancouver. For an expanded picture of more, dynamic appearances as well as Nick’s special Children’s Break Out Session on ‘bullying’, check



Ear to the Sound Sanctus: A hymn praising God - In some Christian churches, a hymn praising the power and holiness of God. Real: genuine, authentic, bona fide, valid, true, sincere, truthful, honest.

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Real. Their songs have a heartbeat. One that is pumping desperately to be valid in a world that worships counterfeits. Some of the songs to note on this album are: Forgiven: “ In this life, I know what I’ve been/but here in Your arms, I know what I am/ Forgiven. Lead Me: “Show me the way to lead them/ to lead them with strong hands/to stand up when they can’t/I’ll show them I’m willing to fight/ And give them the best of my life.� The song that sums up the “REAL� in Sanctus Real is: Keep My Heart Alive: “ Jesus, keep my heart alive, Only You can save me from a world that’s breaking right before my eyes/ Take these empty “hallelujahs, and fill my lungs again/’Cause I want to sing, and I want to mean it/ I want to feel again/Keep my heart alive. Looking for something more than just good music? Keep it real with Sanctus Real Pieces of a Real Heart. For more info, go to Sheryl Scott is a Christian drama writer and vocalist here in London, at Forest City Community Church.


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May 2010 - Christian Life in London

and to volunteer in our community. We want to be known as fair, ethical and a place where people enjoy working and coming to do business. I am convinced that with God’s help, KeyContact will serve His purpose within this marketplace, as we continue to offer this community our direct marketing services.

Introducing... Londoners we’d like you to know By Mary Adams

volunteering and donating to our London Food Bank or helping to serve meals at Ronald MacDonald House. Organizations that focus on the well-being of children are a vital component of London. I think of organizations like Youth for Christ and the impact that their street mission has to improve the lives for these young people. As well, I see Compassion Canada lifting up hundreds of thousands of lives all over the world, from right here in London.

What are some good things Christians in London are doing for our city and our world? Because our business works with many non-profit organizations, we are in close contact with many of One piece of scripture that stands out most emphatithe amazing programs in our community. Local cally to me is Philippians 4:13 “ I can do all things Please tell us a bit about yourself. through Christ who strengthens meâ€? Whenever I I am the President of KeyContact and have just cele- Contact moved to its current location at 555 Admiral Christians stand ready to serve in so many ways, some close to home and others that will change the need that little extra boost of determination to move brated my 23rd year with the business.I was born in Drive, a 40,000 square foot facility. When we purworld. We have so many opportunities with initiaforward, this scripture sums up exactly where I need Kitchener, moved to London as a child and have chased the company it was strictly a lettershop and been in the London area my entire life. I attended we had 5 employees. Now KeyContact employs 45 tives that touch our local community like supporting to turn. It always reminds me that I’m not doing this the City of London’s Clean and Green program, on my own. He is right here with me, always. Fanshawe College, Dale Carnegie Leadership and associates and provides complete direct marketing Sales Programs, Willow Creek Christian Leadership services to an international marketplace. Programs, and industry related training programs. I started in the hospitality industry, did retail manage- How do you integrate faith and work? ment and accounting, and now direct marketing. My Over the past number of years we have purposefully husband Gene is enjoying semi-retirement. I am taken gradual steps towards including our faith as an blessed with 3 grown children. Troy and his family integral part of our workplace. Building our business have settled in Kamloops BC, where he operates his on biblical principles of faith, ethics and moral valAlways thorough, consistent and reliable – MOLLY MAID own massage therapy business. Melissa and her ues makes our daily decision making much more offers an affordable, hassle free way to clean your home. family live in London and she works as Developstraightforward‌ never having to skirt difficult isment Officer with the Sunshine Foundation. My sues. It is a place where individuals share their faith Whether you are looking for weekly service or a youngest daughter, Meadow, is an RN at London openly. We have a devotional time offered to all emHealth Science Centre. I am also blessed with 6 ployees. Our staff is offered the option of Christian one time clean, your professionally trained wonderful grand-children. Leadership training programs. Bibles and other MOLLY MAID team will efficiently Christian books and materials are available. HunTell us about your business, KeyContact. dreds of Christmas cards are sent out each year that clean your home, the way you KeyContact offers a combination of direct marketfocuses on the birth of Christ. Blessings are offered want from top to bottom. ing services. It originated in 1972 as a home-based at all of our luncheon meetings. A portion of our operation, manually stuffing envelopes for 3M profits are donated to several local charities. Staff is Contact us today for Canada at the kitchen table. In February 1993, Key encouraged to participate in their chosen churches a no-obligation estimate!

Wanda McKay

You’ll Love Coming Home to a Clean House


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Christian Life in London - April 2010

Take Two By Dean Crawford and Mike H A large part of what I do at Teen Challenge is media and video-related. The following is a true story – Mike’s story. Lights, camera, action - Scene one. The setting: Teen Challenge Graduation, Royal View Church, Feb 26/2010. Center stage is Nick on electric guitar. He will be graduating tonight along with two other young men who have persevered through 12 months of spiritual training and have come to the other side strong, disciplined and ready to face giants. Pan out to the crowd, and focus there, on that man in the second row with his wife and small child. There are tears in his eyes, but they are tears of joy. Mike gazes lovingly into the eyes of his beautiful wife Sarika; his hand on his son’s head. Holding his little boy, he watches the grad ceremony, so happy to be here in this place watching these close friends – brothers – as they complete this step in their journey with God. Now, a wide angle view - Back up, in time - all the way to this time last year. The Title card reads: February 18/2009. In this scene 4 men are seated in the Intake office at Teen Challenge Farm, anxious, nervous and about to embark on a year-long obstacle course. As often happens, 2 of these men will not last the first week. Now, only Nick and Mike remain. For being so very different, they get along very well. Nick is young, impossibly energetic and has had barely any exposure to the Christian faith. Mike is older, has a family and has been saved since 1999. Mike and his wife have been married almost ten years. They have been ministry leaders and have taught Bible studies for many years. Mike fell, and became heavily dependent on prescription narcotics. That is why he is here. To get it back together, for his family. Sarika is standing by her man, faithfully, believing that God will restore her marriage. Mike seems to be doing great in the program. As expected, he follows the rules, does great in his Bible studies and performs well. But as Mike enters his third month, he suddenly leaves the program. He thinks he can do it on his own. He just wants to be with his family. He continues to go to church and even gets involved in a men’s group and mid-week bible study. But there is trouble brewing beneath the surface. Mike is starting to lie, to do things his way and to fall away again. The camera washes over Mike until the image spirals down and away – and fades to black. Fast forward a few months. We find Mike on a dark lonely street. He is worse off than the first time. He is 40 pounds lighter and sick from withdrawal, facing certain homelessness or worse. As

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we draw closer we see he is crying out to God in desperation. Fast forward again. The Intake office at Teen Challenge is familiar now to Mike, but this time he’s alone. There is no wife to hold his hand and no son to hug him – no “I love you, Daddy.” Instead, he is just empty, alone and scared. His buddy, Nick, is shocked at the sight of Mike, but is a comfort to Mike and a faithful source of encouragement. Mike can’t believe the change in Nick: he is doing great and has a new vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. There are others as well – men who came in shortly after Mike and are now seniors in the program: strong and full of faith. This time, Mike decides that the easiest way to look up is when he is brought to his knees. He remembers one of his favorite scriptures: “Who have I in heaven but you, oh God?” Mike begins to deal with all the damage he has caused and all the pain inflicted by his selfishness. You hear him say: “The program is 12 months long for a reason.” While the world focuses on “the quick fix” with an “I’ll do it my way” attitude, Mike knows this lie carries a heavy price. Sadly, after so much pain, disappointment and heartache, Mike’s wife has moved on and files for divorce. The camera finds Mike back at the farm, outside, praying, crying and surrendering to God. A week later he is approached by one of the life coaches who informs him that he will be meeting with his wife that afternoon. Mike is shocked. As he walks in to see her, he breaks down at her feet and together they weep. What is it about this program that changes lives, reconciles families and fosters miracles? It is the redemption that comes through Jesus Christ and Him alone. Mike is now in month 6, doing well and serving faithfully. Cut to: The Teen Challenge Choir Outreach. The camera pans slowly across the crowed pews of smiling saints until it comes to rest on a man. He holds his baby boy. His wife Sarika is by his side. Slowly we draw in close enough to see there are tears in Mike’s eyes. They are tears of joy. The camera pulls away from our happy family and finds his friend, Nick, center stage on electric guitar, looking on and smiling.

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Location: We start and finish at St. Mary’s School, 347 Lyle Street in London Please obtain pledges and help us support life. Call Sherry at 519-451-4537

HELP DEFEND LIFE Call Margarida at 519-659-3334

Page 11

May 2010 - Christian Life in London

A Place to Belong By Lora Lee Wood It’s 7:00 p.m. on a Tuesday night at North Park Community Church ( 40 to 50 younger and older adults are gathered in a large room around tables. A leader at the front begins with some announcements and introduces a few new people. Then it’s time to interview Joe. Joe works as a volunteer in a laundry. He likes spaghetti and meatballs, rock ‘n’ roll music, and bowling. His favorite song is “Let the Son Shine In.� But best

of all, Joe likes to tell jokes: “What ship can carry you close to God?� he asks. No one guesses right. “Wor-ship!� he beams. The audience roars and claps.

Welcome to Friendship Club—an international, inter-denominational ministry existing “to share God’s love with people who have intellectual disabilities.� Friendship Ministries is a non-profit organization that has been helping churches “include all of God’s children� for over 25 years. Through the Friendship Club program, those with intellectual disabilities experience the joy of knowing they are valuable to God and to God’s people, truly accepted and loved by the Christian community. Friendship Club is all about—friendships!— building relationships between “friends� and mentors. Most mentors are volunteers. Not many have special training. Some friends require professional caregivers, but most don’t need them. “It’s basically being a friend,� says Heather Miller, co-ordinator. “They’re people with feelings and they have so much love and joy in them. They just let it out.� Throughout the evening, there are plenty of hugs. “It’s a joy to come,� says Miller. “It’s the best night of my week.� Words of songs project on

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the wall: “I Have a Song in my Heart,� “If You’re Thankful and You Know It.� A music team—two on guitars, one on tambourine—leads a rousing worship time with clapping and actions. A storyteller teaches an interactive Bible lesson using drama and visual aids. Heather and Ben Miller at a Friendship Club meeting. “Did God take care of the Israelites?� she asks. “Does God take care of Wyatt, one of the original you, too?� Some respond, “Yes!� founders of the North Park Friendship Club. “They can be Many nod their heads. themselves here. They’re the There are crafts, activities, stars of the program, loved for snacks and Bible memory work. who they are.� A time for prayer requests. And Joe’s last joke rings in the prayers have been answered. air: “Why is God so rich?� he “One of the biggest delights for me,� says Karen Cadman, volun- asks. “Because Jesus saves!� Everyone laughs. “You can’t teer, “is seeing them expressing themselves through their prayers. come here and be in a bad mood,� says Cadman. They have genuine faith.� She’s right. I leave FriendMiller agrees. “They’re eager. ship Club with a smile on my They understand God’s love. face and joy in my heart. And with the challenges they face each week, they can tell you Lora Lee Wood how God has helped them.� is a member of At the end of the evening is a The Word Guild half hour for one-on-one social and The Editors' time—where friendships grow. Association of “This is a place where they know they belong,� says Mary Jo Canada.

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April 2010 - Christian Life in London


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