Snapshots of Love

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Snapshots of Love The greatest obligation, greatest resource Offered by Doug Blair, Kitchener ON, 2022

Owe no man anything, except to love him. God is love. Love never fails.

We come to the discovery that holy living is not a sweaty response to duty. Not a strenuous chore. Rather it is a love response, birthed and matured in the recollection of all of God’s goodness and giving through Jesus His Son. Also assurance of the approachability, power and undergirdings of Heaven.


Straining is Out Do not self-improve. Do not even try. I dispatched my Son And I watched Him die. And I heard His friends Beg the reason why. (That they needn’t die.)

And this holy life That you strive to score Is not bought with sweat. Not to be a chore. Simply probe the depths Of my love’s rich ore. (And I have much more.)

If you must repent Of a single slight, Let it be your coldness Again last night. I was there for you Just to hold you tight. (To make all things right.)


It’s the love you miss In this very hour That will save and cleanse And endue with power. I have plans for you And will see them flower. (Let my mercy shower.)

Respite It's a shaded spot Neath an old oak Still waiting for Its Season of Leaves. I flee from City Its clamour and calamity. Must hear from Him. The Lord Jesus. The process hampered By mind clutter And pointless panic.


Lord, I love you. Start with that. I remember the rescues And reunions. I have many blessings Loved ones and journeys Scintillating. Come to me now If you please. Speak to me of things Strengthening And settling, pathfinding. I will shut my jaw now And wait, here. Perched under the Big Oak. Pacified. Expectant.


Father, I love you. And that is how My prayer should start. Not in problems. Not in needs. Not even in thanksgivings. But in that common Bedrock of Love. You will send


Recollections of up and down. Needs of a friend Within my sphere And to be helped By my speaking your Will Into the earth. Nations in trouble. Leaders so weary. Churches losing the Lodestar. Approximations In my own words Of your Glory, Wisdom Loving-kindness. And then the silent part


Speak now my Father With that whisper of yours. Show me Yourself. Restore the comfort and courage. Compassion of your Christ. Amen.

You must rehearse it all. The ups and downs and rescues in the entire Body of Christ. Different members and purposes. One Family of mutual discovery, rejoicing, loving, giving, interceding response. Get out of your isolated self-absorption. Live as you were meant to live. Ambassadors of the King (2 Corinthians 5). Helpers of the hurting.

Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ.


It is a Gradual, Delightful Release

Seems a big effort The letting go of self The cards put on the table No holding back the Ace. You see the needs so quickly The single Mom, bit dazed. The kids who need the discipline But that’s another day. A homeless Man with quarters His job just to survive And many friends departed The streets, cruel place to live. And weather brings tough challenge To freeze or not to freeze.? But now He has the sun so fresh A pleasant balmy breeze. You’re getting it, now aren’t you? A little cash or time. A settled chat on Park Bench. To touch some souls… Or rhyme. The poet catches most hearts He has to walk their walk Their shoes a suiting classroom Ere ever he might talk Of Love or Hate Or Unbelief. Of friendship’s mighty glue That hears the hurts And knows the hopes And knows just what to do. Yes, Love of various flavours They all bear God’s own mark. 8

You used to be so selfish Near living in the Dark. Now Light of Christ’s own fashioning The Light, great source of Joy. Just listen for His whispering. You’re in the King’s employ.

Queen Street approaching St. Mary’s Hospital, Kitchener ON Heavenly Father…please allow me to see into the situation of others. Makes for a completely different frame of mind, at Day’s start. Makes me an implement in your massive “red tool box”. And I like that prospect. Put me to use. Impart unto me the very compassion and mind of Christ. Amen…DB


Early June morning, Victoria Park

The Runaway by Norman Rockwell.


Assignment Have we seen Its special footprint Do we know how To draw near Have we noticed Some in passing Who are cramped In doubt and fear Can we offer Affirmation Can we lovingly Give ear Can we bring The holy savour That says Jesus Christ is near. They are seeking A connection Not another Shoulder cold They are asking Does He hear and heal As in lakeside Days of old? And you meekly Hold the answer If you simply Dump that pride And a newfound friend Cries “Glory” As he finds The Christ inside.



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