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On the 26th June an enthusiastic and erudite group of Year 9 students participated in Hurstpierpoint College’s Model United Nations Conference. They acted as delegates for Brazil, India and Jamaica, delivering speeches and participating in debates on the controversial topics of gun-ownership, abortion, the death penalty and the right of citizens to protest.

Mr Sillery would like to congratulate all the students who took part. It was a fantastic event and all the delegates from Stringer demonstrated their mental acuity and impressive public speaking skills with aplomb! Special congratulations to Emma M, who won the Best Delegate award. Well done everyone.

May saw the arrival of our very own Shaun the Sheep at Dorothy Stringer! We welcomed our Shaun into the Art department and set about raising money for the Martlets’ Shaun by the Sea trail, which we achieved with a non-uniform day.

Once our Art department had selected their favourite designs from all of the excellent student submissions, our winning students, Beth and Lucy, began the painting process. Shaun has now been collected and will be in hibernation with the rest of the flock over the summer before being displayed somewhere in Brighton & Hove in September. Check our social media channels in September for more information on where you can find our Shaun!

After the trail, the sheep will then be auctioned off to raise further funds for Martlets.