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Christmas Food Bank Collection

It’s been a busy term for our Year 11 students as they approached the end of their time with us here at Dorothy Stringer They expertly handled their GCSE exams and we were so proud of their dedication – it was great to see so many of them at our pre-exam revision breakfasts where our staff were on hand to offer last minute advice and encouragement We’ll see our students on results day on Thursday 24 August when we’re confident that all their hard work will pay off.

Once exams were out the way it was time to party at our 2023 prom! It was great to see so many students there and provided an opportunity for them all to have one last evening together before heading their separate ways in September We would like to once again wish all our Year 11 students the best of luck with the future and thank them for an excellent five years – they will certainly be missed by everyone at Stringer.