Beauty Lessons From The Garden

Page 19

Feeling Good September 25, 2012

Zinnias. Yellow, red and pink. 36ʺ″ tall, reliable bloomers from summer into fall. In my opinion there are no summer flowers that command the feel good response as much as zinnias. I have brought zinnias to friends, family and a rehab-facility nurses’ station and all unanimously say, they are such ‘happy’ flowers and they make the gift-ee very happy. My summer garden is incomplete if I don’t grow zinnias. So I make it a point to grow them every year. I’ve always felt a special kinship with zinnias. It dates back to childhood, even though I did not garden outdoors when I was a small child. However the flowers must have imprinted a love early on that I have carried with me since then. Do you feel the same way about zinnias? Is there any other flower that occupies a special place in your heart?

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