Family Matters September-November 2015

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It requires a lot of patience, perseverance, and abundant love for a family to achieve God’s purpose in sending a child with Down syndrome to them. so much potential that his teachers commended him for his classroom participation. His grades are above average. Just recently, he graduated from preparatory mainstream with a body smart award and third honors in academics. This is proof that children with Down syndrome can be trained and educated.


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Down syndrome is a congenital disorder arising from a chromosome defect, causing intellectual impairment and physical abnormalities like short stature, a small nose with low nasal bridge, slanted eyes, a round face, and a straight crease on the palm. A child with Down syndrome is born in the Philippines every four hours, according to the Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines. Down syndrome is a common genetic disorder that affects one in every 800 Filipino children. Children with this condition have mild to moderate cognitive disability, but with love, support and close monitoring and intervention, they can live normal lives. There is no known cause or cure for the disorder. 80 percent of babies with the condition are born to mothers aged 35 and below, but the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome increases as a woman grows older.

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Raymund's winning moment—he graduated from mainstream preparatory level with third honors in academics.

12 special years

From being with Raymund for 12 years, what my family has learned is that a child with Down syndrome is not a burden but a blessing. Every child who has Down syndrome is unique in his or her own special way, and God has special plans for each of them. It requires a lot of patience, perseverance, and abundant love for the family to achieve God’s purpose in sending a child with Down syndrome to them. For us, Raymund is a constant reminder of the truth that humans have limitations, but that we have God to rely on for the strength to accomplish the seemingly impossible. I strongly believe that I was handpicked to be Raymund’s mother because the Lord knows I can be transformed into the best mother to take care of His little angel. Indeed, I cannot thank the Lord enough for the gift of Raymund, our family’s source of joy, love, and affection.

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