Trade Secrets Magazine October 2015

Page 51


ith an expertise in Fitness after Forty Five, I have come to understand and to physically know that 10 minutes of exercise doesn’t really do much of anything except make you feel like you did something, that day, for your body. And, that is a good feeling, both for yourself and for your body!! Simply depending on 10 minute workouts will not get you in shape, nor will it help your muscles get too much stronger. To really build muscle tissue in such a short period of time, you need pretty

heavy weights and heavy weights always lead to injury eventually. Keeping a body that has a few more years running in a healthy condition has as much to do with discipline as it does to do with giving back. In other words, exercise and keeping in shape should be focused on giving back to your body as much as what you are doing for your body. Giving back to your body with a good exercise program, demonstrates to your body how much you care and how much you are giving back in gratitude for all your body does for you. Think about it: from the moment your feet hit the

floor in getting out of bed until the moment you take them off the floor at night, pretty much everything you do makes demands on the body. Driving in a car, sitting at a desk, walking anywhere, bending over, using your cell phone – think about your day and all the thousands of tasks your body performs, ideally without complaint. And, for all those demands, what does your body demand of you? And, if it is demanding the right foods or the right exercises, are you listening? Are you diligently giving back each day? This 10 minute “workout” is designed to recognize your body’s need to be acknowledged. It is not intend-

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