Trade Secrets July

Page 10


Work Hard, Play Hard! How To Make Every Day Feel Like a Vacation - When It’s Definitely Not. on time, sorry, because waking up with the sun and feeling well-rested is the best way to start the day. Train yourself to go to bed earlier so you can wake up without an alarm - it’s well worth it.

By Rachel DeCavage


Whether it’s a pint of raspberries when they’re not on sale or a new pair of shoes, treating yourself to something nice is vital to your happiness.

It’s mind over matter.

Even though I was back at work that week, I kept telling myself I was still on vacation and was only at work because it’s where I really wanted to be. Turns out, I was way more productive and a whole lot happier to plow through that inbox. The power of self-persuasion can be pretty impressive.

Wake up naturally.

If you’re one of those people who needs an alarm to make it to work 10 | Trade Secrets | 2013 Volume 1, Issue 3| | 401.353.4940

Model: Christina Babcock

inding myself stressed out, forever connected to technology and completely exhausted all the time, last summer I planned my first vacation in three years; a visit to Maine to catch up with friends. Everything pretty much fell apart within the first 24 hours, so I decided to just drive back home and get back to work. That’s when I realized, since vacations are often few and far between, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start pretending I’m on vacation, pretty much, every day. Below are 10 easy ways I switch gears mentally, yet still stay on track at work.

Buy yourself something nice.

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