Clearly from My Heart

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Voting for Any Candidate Authorizes Mass Murder There is not a dime’s worth of difference between most Republicans and Democrat politicians, including Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, on robbing and murdering multitudes of people worldwide for the U.S. empire. The most powerful submarine was built at a cost of $3.5 billion and was named the USS Jimmy Carter. At the commissioning ceremony three years ago, former President Jimmy Carter said, “The most deeply appreciated and emotional honor I’ve ever had is to have this great ship bear my name.” Carter is a professed follower of Jesus, a Baptist Sunday school teacher, a long-time volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, an acclaimed human rights advocate and a liberal Democrat. How can he celebrate having submarine named after him, a submarine prepared to murder multitudes of moms, dads and children? I would be ashamed as hell to have any weapon named after me. I wrote a strong letter to Carter about this but received no reply. Gandhi said, “The only people who do not realize Jesus was non-violent are Christians.” The author Leo Tolstoy was a spiritual father to Gandhi. After Gandhi read Tolstoy’s “The Kingdom of God is Within You,” Gandhi said, “I am shattered.” Tolstoy damned the Russian Orthodox Church’s approval of war as the worst betrayal of Jesus’ message. I urge everyone to read the book’s first and last chapters especially. I oppose all wars and all weapons of war. So, I shall vote for no candidate for president or Congress because they all support war and the weapons of war. I refuse to authorize to authorize any candidate to commit mass murder in my name. I vote my conscience every day by living simply below half the federal taxable income level to boycott this empire’s insatiable and constant wars.

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