October Newsletter

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“On Satuday, October 13th, I attended our monthly project called WADY. It stands for "We Ain't Dead Yet". It was a bit cold in the morning, and my hands were icy cold. Some of the members cared so much about Key Club that they were able to wake up early and attend this event. At the event, our job was to distribute food boxes to the elderly at a retirement home. First, the food truck came, and members helped unload the boxes of food. We then got into groups of four or five people. I was with Milo Nguyen, Julie Nguyen, Gianhu Nguyen, and Khanh Tran. Milo and I offered to help the freshmen because it was their first time at this kind of event. The elders were very happy to see that we came to deliver their food. This event is a great opportunity to reach with the older ages of our community and interact with a retirement home.” JENNY NGUYEN | GRADE 10

OC WALK TO REMEMBER “Unlike other “big” Key Club events, such as the Walk for Alzheimer’s, this particular event was actually very touching and depressing in contrast to the usual cheering, since emotional music was being played throughout the whole event. Upon our arrival, it was still fairly dark outside since it was early in the morning around 5-6 A.M. For the remainder of the morning, other KC volunteers and I helped pass out t-shirts to the participants of the event. Participants had their own teams with special t-shirts designed to honor their remembered child/children; it was interesting to see various teams come together. Once this shift was over, a few other fellow Key Clubbers and I were transferred over to help out in the District at the booths. I was assigned to help pass out free lemonade samples for Native Foods Café. It was fun interacting with the participants as they came to chat with the other KC volunteers and I at our booth. We kept telling everyone to take as many cups of free lemonade as they desired since a gallon of the lemonade was $18! I was later taken to another booth to help pass out free pizza slices, which was a really big hit. Altogether, the restaurant ended up passing out a shocking total of 22 FREE pizzas; how ridiculous. Overall, I found that I got more experience with volunteering out of this event!” JOLYNE DANG | GRADE 10


“On Saturday, October 13th, I went to RTC, also known as Region Training Conference. This year's Region 3's Training Conference was held at my own school, Bolsa Grande High School, instead of Orange Coast College. Before opening session, we learned and went over cheers with our division and were served pizza for lunch. It was an honor to have our district treasurer come to our RTC. There were four sessions for workshops this time, instead of two. I personally attended Running for Office Workshop, Presidents' Workshop, Scholarship Workshop, and Ice Breakers. Overall, I learned the responsibilities of being certain kinds of officers, opportunities to earn a scholarship, and new ice breakers. During the closing session, we were tied 41 South Lions until they beat us in the faceoff. It was okay, but I hope that we would win a spirit session sometime! After it was over, members helped clean our campus, helping it look like how we found it.” JENNY NGUYEN | GRADE 10 BOLSA GRANDE | OTTADOR OUR WAY

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