Mantak chia 1st formula fusion of the five elements

Page 84

Formula VI

Fig. 4.4 Collecting Cruelty, Hastiness,and Impatience in the Heart’s Collection Point

5. Spiral, Blend and Transform the Energy of the Heart and Kidneys at the Front Pakua. Spiral and breathe the negative energies out from the heart’s and kidneys’ collection points to the front pakua. Spiral and blend them at the front pakua. The pure energy trapped in these negative feelings will be freed and released to the center of the pakua. Spiral the heart’s and kidneys’ energies until they become a bright, golden energy. This energy radiates love and gentleness from the center of the pakua and your being.

6. Perceive Anger in the Liver. Move the eyes, connect the eyes with the liver, and be aware of anger or any sensation that you do not like deep within the liver. The anger energy can be sensed as a sharp-edged spear, hot, - 84 -

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