What Are The Biggest Misconceptions About Dental Health?

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What Are The Biggest Misconceptions About Dental Health?

Misconceptions About Dental Care One of the biggest misconceptions about dental health is that going to a dentist can actually cause harm to your teeth and gums. It is important to note that dentists in the UK are one of the most regulated professions. In all of the professions in the UK, they are the most highly regulated and even in comparison to the rest of the world, UK dentists are stringently regulated even compared to America.

The second thing to note is that all dentists in the UK, to stay on the register have to demonstrate that they are carrying out a whole load of continuous professional development in order to keep their knowledge updated. Dentists must carry out 250 hours of courses to update their knowledge every 5 years. Everyone must admit this is a large amount of continuous professional development to carry out. Even if you are not happy with what your dentist is recommending, have a second opinion. A second opinion could be with another dentist at the same practice or an entirely different dental practice all together. You do however have to bear in mind that two opinions can be different but still correct at the same time because dentistry is not an exact science. Dentistry is not an exact science so you may get two separate views and both can be correct. Having said the above, it must be realised that dentistry like any other medical procedure has risks. If you are having a procedure carried out such as a root canal treatment, your dentist will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment. Your dentist will also discuss the disadvantages of not carrying out a treatment. You should also be aware that all dental treatment does not last forever. At some point in the future, all work will need to be replaced or a different treatment will be required. As a rough guideline, fillings have a life span of 10 years. The Larger the filling, the less the lifespan and also there is a difference in the material used for each filling. Crowns in your mouth will last approximately 15 years. This does depend also on you as a patient in looking after your mouth. If you are smoking or have a high sugar diet with poor brushing, the longevity of any treatment will be severely compromised.

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