How to Create High-Quality Content

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How to Create High-Quality Content In 2021, we at Domainnetworks, and by we, we mean a carefully calibrated algorithm and AI, analyzed over a million articles and created thousands of data points. Data points, that well, pointed to what drives trends, what insights you should be on the lookout for, and what ultimately makes an article a hit. First of all, let’s define what our goals should be when it comes to Highly Marketable Content — what Google and its predacious little bots like. Content should be: ●



Easy to understand.

Answer a query.



Once you have those cornerstones in place you just need to extrapolate them and sync them up with your marketing goals. For example, is your primary goal to increase customer awareness of your company? Or your product? Or lead folks to your social media? To promote shares? To initiate a conversation? Etc.

Your content should be focused on a goal. It should lead to a measurable result. Once you have what your main objective is, once you have that cleared with your marketing team, only then do you begin to produce it.

Get A Writer Delegate and go out, into the ether that is the net, and get yourself a good writer. One that knows the tricks to SEO and creating content that sells. Why is this so important? For multiple reasons. ●

Chances are that you’re up to your eyeballs, swamped in other minutia related to your company, can you really take on the stress of producing content?

A writer, with the right experience in creating marketable content, will instinctually adhere to certain rules when it comes to SEO. Length, formatting, bullet points, links, keyword dissemination, CTA, etc.

How long does it take you to write a 1500 word blog piece? A well-groomed writer? Less than an hour and a half, on a slow day.

Also, writers that have been in the thick of it for some time, down in the fox-hole that is content creation, are full of crafty nuggets that can really help. They’ll give you all manner of tips, workarounds, and ways to improve your business and your content output for free. Most of the time they won’t notice they are running their mouth off and giving you valuable nuggets of wisdom for free.

Know your intent Before you start writing content, you need to understand how folks are going to find it, how they are going to use it, why they are searching for it, and what the outcome of it will be once they read it. You must take into account all those critical points. Only then can you approach writing a piece and sprinkling it with CTAs.

Formating Search engines work with Spiders — sounds a bit creepy, right? Spiders are what Yahoo, Google, and other search engines call their bots, their algorithms. They are a useful tool for the gatekeepers. They crawl over the web and snatch data. What data? How your website is operating and how it interacts with the viewer. They take into account your security measures, your upload speed, whether you’re responsive or not, and a thousand other data points, amongst them how your blogs are formatted. Do they use the right headings, are they easy to read, etc. They then take all that data back to their hive and another program rates your website according to all that info and gives you a SER result — a rating on where you will appear on a search result. Google already has a formula in place on what a good format is — one that is easy on the eyes and optimized for reading. Small blocks of text broken up with white space, articles people can skim through, articles with a lot of headings, bullet points, lists, etc.

Research, research, and more research Another big thing, not just for the Search Engines but for consumer trust is research. Today, fake news is taking a bat to the kneecaps of a once holy institution — journalism. People simply don’t know who to trust, and Google along with its peers is taking a stance. They want you to research your data. Your finding has to be backed up with links, authoritative peer-reviewed studies, and facts. Cite current and up-to-date studies, unearth stats’ on your predicament or industry, and find authoritative sites that back up your claims. Tip of the day, from us at Domainnetworks stats’, that works. There’s always a stat you can dig out that will give your writing an air of credibility. For example, here’s one, according to a study performed in March 2020 by the Federal Government, 67% of Americans believe fake news causes a great deal of confusion. Nearly one-third say they see fake political news daily. And 39% believe that most stories haven’t been duly researched. That is why Google is working to fight Fake News and deploying, as of 2021, new tools to combat the issue. See, a whole paragraph lined to the gills with research, based on stats’ that lends the whole entry an air of credibility. It might seem disingenuous but that’s why our staff writers are paid the big bucks, they know how to tweak an entry so it attracts the spiders.

Target a niche Almost everything has been written to death. In the words of South Park, when it comes to topics, “the Simpsons already did it.” It’s important to target a niche, not the overall topic. For example, we have a client that sells ghost tours — instead of creating a blog piece on the Most Haunted Spots in Miami, we switch and tweaked the piece to the Most Haunted Spots in South Beach, and then made another for Calle Ocho - Little Havana - and yet another for Downtown Miami. Those 3 articles started to rank high. Why? Cause aside from pricing them up with all the necessary SEO tricks, we also targeted a niche. A GPS-centric niche — something Google, which constantly pings your location, takes into account.

Give it your own take

Finally, as parting words, give it your own POV. Make your blogs different from the rest. understand that everyone wants a bit of entertainment when it comes to their news and how they digest them. Take into account that your sensibilities, and your viewpoints, are important. Capitalize on your experience and your opinions.

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