Stress Management...

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Stress Management Kaili Chen is originally from Singapore and has lived in various countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, China, and the United States. (National Sleep Foundation)Regular exercise. This time is used for body maintenance and repair from the stress it has endured for the day. The finger-pointing behavior is taken away and your partner will be more willing to listen. Have you recently wanted to tell your partner something but decided not to because you were too afraid that it would hurt your partners feelings? Try this activity next time you want to express your needs:. For example, I feel _______. This is extremely crucial to having a conversation about what you want to discuss so that your partner understands that he/she needs to become an active listener. Kaili Chen (see all) Stress is the bodys physical, emotional, and physiological automated response to any situation. Honey, lately Ive been feeling really overwhelmed and worried about family, work and life balance. (angry, upset, lost, overwhelmed, insecure, etc.) Here is an example of what that conversation might look like: A healthy relationship starts by being able to express yourself to your partner without feeling criticized, blamed or judged. This leads to a disconnection in knowing more about each others inner worlds and a missed opportunity for the other partner to listen and be supportive. If the item does not have a deadline, it does not need to be done today. Positive stress is associated with being short term, motivational, improves performance and productivity, and enhances concentration. Read more about Kaili here. With some help and time, the stress can subside and it will be important to continue understanding and managing your own stress over time. What are your needs? What do you need from your partner today?

Oftentimes, couples are afraid to open up to their partners and say what they really need because they are worried about hurting their partners feelings and rocking the boat while simultaneously suppressing their own voice and their true inner needs. I appreciate your support and time given to me but I also need some space and time alone to re-balance myself. Identify what it is that you feel and what it is that you need. Try avoiding processed foods and

choose to eat fresh ingredients when possible.Relax. Latest posts by Dr. Enjoy that time away from the chair.Eat well. Answer the following questions with yes or no. Are you feeling sad and no longer finding activities pleasurable?Are you easily agitated, restless, or have a sense of unworthiness?Do you find yourself being defensive, irritable, or argumentative?Are you mentally exhausted and have difficulty concentrating at work?Do you find yourself overcompensating, avoiding, or denying there are any issues?Are you participating in compulsive behaviors such as gambling, substance, and/or sex?Are you encountering legal problems because of potential anger impulses or have become indebted?Are you experiencing insomnia, headaches, sore muscles, stomach problems, and/or a low sex drive?Do you find yourself getting sick more often than usual? If you answered yes to more than 4 of the 9 questions, you are probably exhibiting the early warning signs of stress. Ways to Handle Stress Stress can definitely be alleviated. If you continue to feel overwhelmed, consider seeking help from a psychologist or a mental health professional who can assist in managing stress effectively. Everyone deals with stress differently and it is important to remember this. Kaili ChenDr. On the other hand, negative stress is associated with being harmful, especially when experienced for

extended periods of time. Early Warning Signs Of Stress Stress can present itself in multiple ways and each person is different. The psychology hong kong goal is to have at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, even if its just a walk. It may not seem plausible in the beginning but small changes in your life can help you achieve your goals. Getting enough sleep. Thus, for healthy adults, the amount of sleep may vary but the recommended amount of sleep time ranges between 7-9 hours. Make sure you and your partner refrain from any judgment, blame, contempt or criticisms and to just become all ears for you while you express your needs. I need _________. When this occurs consistently overtime, one partners will feel that his/her needs are not met ending up in arguments and conflicts. By using I-statements, your partner will feel less confronted/attacked. Consider creating a to-do list and prioritizing what needs to be done versus what you would like to get done on that particular day. She has worked in the field of psychology for six years in several non-profit organizations and community mental health centers providing therapy to individuals, conducting group therapy sessions, and psycho-educational seminars. Prehistorically, stress has been linked to the flight or fight response in dangerous situations, however, in modern times, it is associated with being overwhelmed with having: Too many changesToo high expectationsToo much responsibilitiesInformation overload Nevertheless, not all stress is bad for ones health. By finding activities or hobbies which are pleasant and enjoyable can help significantly reduce your stress.Develop a support system

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