Task 2-partaking in eight weekly mandatory encounters

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Language learning seems to be easy, but every time there is a topic learned, another equally interesting topic continues but, with more difficulties, responsibility and

consistency, that is why we must keep practicing and learning so that every day we increase our vocabulary and therefore a better level, in this activity we will know

some really interesting experiences and how each meeting leaves you an experience, a memory and at the end an excellent learning


Table of contens




1, Teaching social emotional skill critical in pandemic


September 22

2, Fake news


September 29

3, Dabating about controversial issues


October 6

4, Our brains are no match for our technology


October 13

5, Should more gun control


October 20

6, Big data, small farms and a tale of two tomatoes


October 27

7,Cae speaking overview


November 3

8, Why we all need to practice emotional first aid?


November 11

Presentación Título


In my first meeting I was in expectation, we worked on a current issue and that in one way or another affected us all, because emotionally I was also affected, it was an article that allowed us to know the different emotions ingested in the students and how it influenced in teachers the change in the use of technological tools, change of strategies and methodologies, therefore increased the level of stress. In addition, I was able to share with other classmates to interact, know their point of view and learn from them many things such as pronunciation and expressions that help to improve my level as well. I felt good about the subject and I was able to express my knowledge and my feelings at the same time, a little nervous but it is normal. In conclusion, the topic teaches us how sudden changes, no matter how abrupt they may seem, always have solutions and that is what we must transmit as teachers. 2

Fake news This topic allowed me to know how fake news generates different fear reactions and how people criticize and judge people without knowing the reality, in each answer I gave my best, according to what I read and what I thought, This section was a bit stressful, because there are technical terms that I did not know and I had to try a little more than usual, a little nervous but every time a little more confident. the important thing was to speak and our teacher motivated us to continue all the time. In conclusion, it leaves us with a great experience, it teaches us that we must confirm AGREGAR before UN PIE disclosing DE the information it or sharing it with PÁGINAin order not to generate other people misunderstandings.


A very controversial and interesting topic, each time the topics were deeper and more complex that demanded more effort, the debate was about cannabis and bitcoin, each one defended their point of view and argued very well, some colleagues used technical words that were not easy to understand what they were saying to be able to answer if they agreed or disagree, the teacher helped us a lot and gave us advice to continue improving, using expressions that help maintain and expand a conversation, finally, she explained the structure of how the debate would be for the following week where we could check in at different times and choose different topics. I felt pressured with so much information, but at the same time happy because we worked on real life issues and it made me work harder, this demanded that every time I prepare better, I finally knew that I had to improve my pronunciation and try to be more forceful with my answers, more exact giving a general idea and for that I had to calculate my time. In conclusion, excellent topics that leave you knowledge to be able to maintain a sustainable


REFLEXION A matter for reflection, since social networks influence our brains so much that now with new and advanced technologies we do not have the capacity to store so much information, therefore less capacity to have self-critical thinking. Learning should not be a struggle, it is an acquisition that is perfected over time, so we must take advantage of the use of technology for our learning and respond to it without feeling pressured so that it does not affect us when expressing our opinions , the colleagues agreed in conclusion that technology has many years ahead of us and that we should not DE let ourselves be affected AGREGAR UN PIE by it, onPÁGINA the contrary, we must learn from it and take the greatest advantages in its use to learn.


Should more gun control In Colombia the issue of weapons seems a lie, because there are many illegal weapons that cause social problems, however, compared to the E.EU it is satisfactory since in that country there is freedom to purchase firearms and therefore the high death rate without any control because for them it is a right that the citizens have to defend their country, but the real reason for this death rate is the high level of mental problems that people have, it was controversial since they ask you, What would you do if a member of your family is raped, robbed and mistreated? Would you take a gun to defend it? I believe that situations are only experienced in the moment and only at that moment your reaction could be another, besides in Colombia there is a lot of violence so inadvertently our mind is prepared to make decisions that can change your life and even kill or die . The topic was interesting too, I tried to give my opinions about what was read, each participant gave their opinion, the topic was controversial since there was a policeman in the group and he defended his point of view, the teacher listened, it was a pleasant job, In conclusion, Colombia should have greater control of weapons, and the United States should ban them


Big Data Sixth Enconters 27 de ocubre

REFLECTION It was about the video and the story of Dr. Erin that explains the importance of managing a large amount of information using technological tools or software that generate or produce almost exact analyzes and reports. These data provided information on the great problems of society. So with this experience she creates her own company, called a family dinner where she grows organic products such as tomatoes without insecticides and pesticides, since with this database she can supply her product and schedule what she should produce in the future without having any delivery failures. in your community. The opinions of my colleagues were evident because we all agreed, with taking care of our health, consuming natural products, I can finally conclude that information systems are not only for large companies but can also be used to create their own and small companies with good results, not only for the care of our health but also for the environment.


Cae speaking overview


Initially we applied the structure and guidelines of how the C1 exam could be, then we made a personal presentation answering several personal questions, the idea of ​the exercise was that we should expand our answers further and not limit ourselves to saying things as we were used to, giving ourselves two minutes to talk about the question, this caused us to explain each of the answers further, then he showed us two images in which each one had to describe what they observed in the image and how or what emotions or feelings these characters that were within it could express. In conclusion, we should be able to express the smallest things in our own words, expanding our answers and letting our imagination run wild when describing the photos seen or given by the teacher. 7

An excellent class since the subject was very appropriate, because in one way or another we all feel at some point in the same situation, with mental health problems that do not allow us to be calm and on the contrary if very stressed, then we must be aware of how we should take care of our mental health from a young age and then be able to make sure that our mental health does not affect our physical health. At the meeting, many of the colleagues felt very identified with the issue and even cried for the loss of a loved one and how this affected their physical and mental health. As a conclusion or in some way this topic invites us to reflect as future teachers to teach our students how to strengthen this part and to give solutions to problems that are often not as big as they seem, but that does affect them in a negative way, because to do faced with a difficult situation, we are not prepared. 8


The opportunities that are presented during our learning process will always be welcome because these meetings in many ways left us great experiences, not only in knowledge but in how we can improve and put into practice our skills so that in the end we can obtain the level we want. At the end of our career, I think that somehow the topics were related to each other and were focused on deepening and improving our expressions and communication areas. Within this process I was able to observe that some classmates, even though they are in final semesters, still do not have or do not have a good level, since our learning is practically autonomous and there is no accompaniment of the teachers in each class and therefore, nobody whoever corrects us or helps us with our pronunciation at the right time, otherwise I felt very good in each class and with each learning, regardless of whether I had the level or not. DORA FABIOLA CAMARGO AVARADO.

• Baumgartner, E. (2019). Big data, small farms and a tale of two tomatoes. In TED Ideas worthspreading. • https://www.ted.com/talks/erin_baumgartner_big_data_small_farms_and_a_tale_of_two_tomatoes/transc ript?language=en • Bitcoins

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-3aYnhF6Io • Cannabis • https://www.minjusticia.gov.co/programas-co/cannabis-con-fines-medicinales-y-cientificos • Winch, G. (2014). Why we all need to practice emotional first aid. In TED Ideas worthspreading. https://www.ted.com/talks/guy_winch_why_we_all_need_to_practice_emotional_first_aid/transcript#t182704

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