Lose Belly Fat

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People are called fat if they have bigger body than anyone else, much more when they have belly fat. As such, losing belly fat is one of the concerns among many today. it doesn't only impose a health risk, but a psychological torture for them seeing themselves not pleasing to look at. Body fat in general is not that all bad to be considered. To some extent, fat is needed by the body for some functions. However, you need to understand the difference between the good and bad fat. Good fat can give you essential vitamins such as A, D, E and K which our body benefits from. On the other note, when fat is accumulated more than what our body requires, then that is already a bad fat, you can be considered obese or overweight. As such is the case, losing some fat is required because fat has the tendency to accumulate in the belly. There are a lot of major factors contributing to belly fat. These are overeating, no exercise, and lack of balanced diet. When you eat often to restaurants serving bigger than required, or you eat even when not hungry, or having midnight snacks over movie marathon, going to parties and celebrating holidays with bunch of foods. All these and more can add to belly fat. Even those that you do daily, like driving instead of walking, or using stairs than the elevator are an added factor. There could have been a lot of fats burnt when you use the stairs or walk instead, but people are busy and becoming lazy these days. Those fast food chains can also increase fats, sugars and carbohydrates in your diets. Your simple disregard of vegetables and fruits is a big factor. Your belly fat can even be more when you have a high calorie intake. Adding more calories than what are only needed by the body, the more fats to be stored. How sedentary your lifestyle can slow down your metabolism. Really, it is tough losing belly fat, you have to make a sacrifice and determination to do it. It will never happen overnight or even a week. The process will take long. However, so long as you set your goals realistically and you have been keeping your eye on the goal, you will see the desired result soon. Here are some tips for everyone to get rid of belly and say hello to a flat and sexy tummy. To get yourself motivated to do necessary ways to lose belly fat, you have to understand what are the risks associated with it, most especially the health risks. Belly fat has always been linked with cardiovascular diseases (heart conditions), diabetes (high sugar) and cancer. This is so because fat cells from the belly fat would produce hormones and other substances that are detrimental to health. On the other note, since belly is close to the liver, fatty liver is also common among fat people. For you to be able to know if you are unhealthy or not, here's how to measure. With the use of tape measure, wrap it around your waist at the level of your navel. A measurement of more than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men is considered to be

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