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CEO’s Report

Rather than proposing pragmatic course adjustments or improvements, these laments are too often used as a platform for new ‘white elephant’ structures that would conservatively take years to mature, and are not necessarily guaranteed to deliver better outcomes.

At DMTC we know that ‘overnight successes’ take years to achieve, and that careful, deliberate action to build robust, scalable innovation management capabilities for the defence and national security sector involves stitching together myriad specialist skills and is a unique capability in and of itself.

In a strategic environment that is as complex as it is uncertain, and in a budgetary environment where the focus simply must be on extracting best value from a finite resource allocation, my strong belief is that DMTC can make a significant difference through its proven and established operating model and its deep networks.

Incumbency aside, the company has a great deal to offer in achieving capability through collaboration, for the benefit of our frontline operators across Australia’s defence and national security agencies, and for the benefit of the nation.

The information assembled in this Report is only illustrative of many, many successes achieved across the reporting period, and I wholeheartedly commend the Report to you.

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