A Call for Authentic Christianity in the Presentation of the Whole Gospel

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i. God’s Moral Character is in Love + Truth + Righteousness = HOLINESS (wholeness and uniqueness that makes God to be different from all else). a. His holiness is a love that will not let you go. b. His holiness is thought in terms of the fire that warms is also the fire that burns (love-wrath and the anger of God). ii. When Moses understood the real moral nature of God, he bowed down and worshipped before such infinite beauty. iii. God is righteous-love in faithfulness to His moral being and engages the unfit to make them into being whole and unique from all else. 2). The New Testament. A). In the incarnation of Christ, Jesus reveals all three aspects of God’s moral character that was given to Moses in Exodus 34:67 but adds some additional insights that were unknown in the Old Testament. B). Jesus reveals His moral character to be the exact duplicate of His Father who is in Heaven. i. Jesus Christ’s moral nature is in the harmonious blend of righteous-love, faithfulness to His moral being, the uniqueness that belongs to God the Father and the Spirit in each one’s moral character through the Son, servanthood, utter-self-giving, and other-centeredness. a. What Jesus added to the revelation of God’s moral being of righteous-love is in the unconditional nature with which it is given. b. God’s righteous-love is unconditionally given through his love for others, His forgiveness of sin and acceptance of all who cross His path. c. His love is unconditionally given like a refining fire.

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