4th and Long Final submission

Page 48

! To begin our project, we discussed the overall genre that we wanted our short film to be about. We decided that the best approach was to come up with our initial idea first, and see where we took it as we developed the idea. We each came up with an array of ideas about random things we could make a movie about. Many of them were funny, while some were more peculiar and outlandish. We decided to go with a story about two quarterbacks who spent their entire childhood and adult lives competing against one another. At this point we had to make another decision on the style in which we would continue our story. First we considered making it entirely a comedy. Later, we considered making it solely a drama. Ultimately, we settled on an approach that is somewhat of both. We wrote the drama so it’s very real and develop the conflicts between the men and within themselves well. However, we exaggerate scenes and actions for comedic effect. We made one of the main characters Alex all too perfect. He is so non-confrontational with Curtis that Curtis believes he is patronizing him at some points. We constantly remind the audience of his family man persona. Curtis on the other hand we made the polar opposite. He is an exaggerated big time celebrity. From the interaction at the club to his time in jail, we made Curtis similar to what is written in the tabloids in the real world. If our movie were to be filmed, it would be these exaggerations in the main characters that would make the audience laugh.

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