Artificial intelligence and transportation

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Artificial Intelligence and transportation: Mixed Reactions

From the popular Siri to Tesla’s automated vehicles, AI is revolutionizing the way information and logistics are perceived. As a constantly evolving field, the digital marketing sector is rubbing against AI integration to understand markets better, transforming clientbusiness relations. The market is ever changing. Artificial Intelligence sparks the way to a new kind of marketing. The applications of integrating AI into various industries is limitless, a true expression of giant leaps taken by the human race. Rapid advancements in technology over the past few years have given us all substantial cause to be perplexed. With Artificial intelligence (AI) taking to social media, causing mixed reactions, where one can only eagerly anticipate the promising applications of AI and automated products reaching the market. With robots that could possibly compete with the human intellect, predicting market trends and changes could become much easier. The supply chain would witness massive reformation as AI incorporation will reduce labour costs and increase productivity. Tech enthusiasts worldwide are salivating over the prospect of an overall evolved lifestyle. For the average gear-head though, the idea of automation and integrating artificial intelligence into motor vehicles has long been approaching. With car manufacturers such as Jaguar, Tesla and Audi joining in on the ‘autonomous car’ race, self-driven vehicles are expected to fuel massive transformation from offices and homes straight to the motorways. Audi has implemented ecstatic AI technology in their latest A8 model released in 2017. Majority of the youth have complimented this shift with Optimus Ride, based out of Boston, USA and headed by Ryan Chin as another infamous MIT spinoff that targets the market with AI-powered vehicles. This college student and his team put their knowledge to the test in crafting a solution to many problems we face today. This means only one thing for current engineering prospects worldwide, the test has just begun. Autonomous mechanisms have been used on a micro-level for large-scale industrial activities for a while now. Slowly seeping into the industry, this upheaval will now become an everyday reality. Tech giants Google and transportation pioneers Uber are already associated with autonomous cars. The media is packed with updates on improvised AI integrated into vehicular transportation.

With the benefits AI brings to public roads, it is evident that information and technology have surpassed its prominence and strengthened its quintessence. Several European nations are purportedly considering automated public transport systems in an attempt to curb economic output and citizen livelihood for the better. For any country, developing or developed, AI challenges labour costs by reducing these prices. It’s only a matter of time before the long hours that bus drivers spend at work become leisure time. Automated transport would help control traffic in densely populated areas and improve time efficacy for the busy traveller. The systematic manner in which goods are transported will soon be at the imposition of the digital makeover that autonomous cars bring. The only question would be how dependable are self-driven vehicles? The virtuoso behind AI is certainty and a set case of outright probability. Sophia, one of the latest flourishes of AI was granted citizenship in one of the most thriving nations, Saudi Arabia. This was an enormous jump for civilization and amazingly incited favourable responses from corners of the globe. The very idea of AI has gone viral all over the internet. The same does not apply to a man who loves motors. It is only fair that motorists would be sceptical about automating the transport sector with the integration of AI. When it comes to cars, AI is a matter of debate. How willingly would you give up control over your car to another person, let alone a robot? The average motorist might be cynical about this long-awaited autonomous alteration as being driven around is never invoking enough as being behind the wheel. After all, humans like to be in control. The thrill of driving your car will not be compromised for as long as automation is a choice when it comes to the way you travel. As long as governments do not impose restrictive regulations on regular cars, the case is not up to much of a riot. Needless to say, automating transport will only further enhance globalization with reformation at the core. The burden of self-sufficiency that artificial intelligence cures should surely take many worries away. With impeccable algorithms and scope to branch through powerful global networks and the support of an ever-growing technological industry, AI assures safety and reliability. The overview of autonomous cars does not hint at AI over-taking humans in every industry but a mere glimpse at the boundless possibilities to sustainable expansion. ‘Back seat driving’ is rather a choice not frowned upon today by the looks of self-driven motor technology. -THE LOUDSPEAKER

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