Scope of supply rillr:r:ilr ItEl:rrilGr
Roterijstraat 201-203 8793 WAREGEM Eelgium
This is a multisite certificate. Other sites are listed on the appendix.
Bureau Veritas Certification Betgium N.V./S.A. declares that the Management System of the above organization has been audited and found to be in accordance with the requirements of the management system standards detailed below.
Deveteiprnenl, produclion and sales of siticones, seating cornpout'tds. adlresives. M5 polymers ancl sicle products for construction and industry.
Original Cycte Start Date: [xpiry Date of Previcus Cycte:
Cer titica [icln,' Recer tif ication Auclit Dale:
Cerlificatiorri Recertificatit:n Cycte Star't Date:
SuLlject to the coniinr-recl satisf actoly operatton of tlre orgarrization's Man.rgenrerrl System, lhis certificale expires orr:
Cerlificat-e l.ler: BEO1 3602
Version: 1
23 November 2O"11
22 November 2O23
09 September 2O23
21 February 2O24
22 November 2426
Revision date: 21 February 2024
Scope of supply BUREAU VERITAS
Roterijstraat 201 -203 8793 WAREGEA,I Belgium
This certificate also concerns below mentioned organization(s) and site(s).
DL Chemical.s Detaellenaere. Loosvelt
Roteri jstraat 701 -2A3, 8793 WAREGEM, Belgiunr
Splenterbeekstraat 4, 871 0 WIELSBEKE, Betgium
Developrnerrl, production and sales of siticones, sealing compr:uncls. adhesives, MS potymers arrd side prodLlcts for construction and i ndustry.
Revision date: 21 February 2024